Force and Motion

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Analyzing of motion

1. Linear motion can be studied in the laboratory using a ticker timer and a ticker tape.
a. Determination of time: (frequency of ticker timer = 50 Hz)

2. Determine the type of motion;

3. Determination of velocity

displacement = time = ..
velocity = ..

4. Determine the acceleration

The equation of motion 1. The important symbols: x :.. u :.. v :.. a :.. t :.. 2. The list of important formula;

Example 1: A car travelling with a velocity of 10 ms-1 accelerates uniformly at a rate of 3 ms-2 for 20 s. Calculate the displacement of the car while it is accelerating.

Example 2:

A van that is travelling with velocity 16 ms-1 decelerates until it comes to rest. If the distance travelled is 8 m, calculate the deceleration of the van.

Example 3:

Figure shows a tape chart consisting of 5-tick strip. Describe the motion represented by AB and BC. In each case, determine the;

(a) Displacement (b) Average velocity (c) Acceleration

Example 4:

A car moving with constant velocity of 40 ms-1. The driver saw and obstacle in front and he immediately stepped on the brake pedal and managed to stop the car in 8 s. The distance of the obstacle from the car when the driver spotted it was 180 m. How far is the obstacle from where the car has stopped?


The displacement-time Graph Graph Graph analysis The object is or is Velocity =

The object move with

The object moves with .. for t seconds. After t seconds, the object returns to origin (reverse) with Total displacement is

Displacement ... with time. The object moves with .. velocity with .. acceleration.

Displacement ... with time.

The object moves with velocity, with . deceleration

OA = AB = BC =

The velocity-time Graph Graph Graph analysis

Zero gradient the object moves with a ____________ velocity or the acceleration is equal to ____________ The area under the graph is equal to the displacement of the moving object Its velocity _____________ The graph has a ____________ gradient The object moves with a uniform ____________ The object moves with increasing ____________ with a uniform ____________ After t1 s, the ____________ of object decreasing or ____________ uniformly ( negative gradient ) until it comes to rest. The shape of the graph is a curve Its velocity ____________ with time. The gradient of the graph ____________. The object moves with increasing ____________. The shape of graph is a curve Its velocity __________ with time. The gradient of the graph ____________ uniformly. The object moves with a ____________ acceleration. Examples Calculate:(i) Velocity over OP, QR and RS (ii) Displacement


Calculate:(i) Acceleration, a over OP, PQ and QR (ii) Displacement

Exercise 1.

Describe and interpret the motion of a body which is represented by the displacement time graphs
(a) (b) (c) 2. Describe and interpret the motion of body which is represented by the velocity-time


(a) (b)

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