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Parker 1

Jordan Parker Professor Raymond English 2 2/28/2014


The main part of the brain is called the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is divided into four sections: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobe. The temporal lobe controls the body's temperature, memory, and speech. It is located on the sides of the brain, above the

ears. The Parietal lobe is mostly associated with movement, and recognition. This lobe is located on the top of the brain. The Occipital lobe is a lobe that a lot of people have problems with, it is in charge of vision. In most cases signals are not sent or received correctly to this part of the brain, it is located at the back of the brain. All of these lobes are important for a person to function normally but the largest and most important lobe is associated with: movement, lobe is the Frontal lobe. The Frontal

emotions, problem solving, reasoning, planning, speech,

and character. It is located on the front part of the brain, hence the name Frontal Lobe (Myers).

My semester long project is based on tricks of the mind. Tricking the mind is easy, it is just directing the sense of touch, sight, hearing and smell toward one thing. Scientist believe "The brain is not able to multitask. Therefore, focusing the senses on one thing can lead to a person not noticing a change in his/ her surrounding~Or fight in public, all attention example, two girls get into a

on them. While the two girls fight no one notices a guy in a monkey people are split up into

suit chasing a guy in a banana suit. In this case of not multitasking



Parker 2

different groups based on what they paid attention to the most. Who hit who? What did they look like? Can you identify them? In this case there will be three different cases. The spectators who can identify what happened, spectators who can identify the two girls in detail, and the most common, the spectators who think they know what happened and can identify them. Multitasking is not a real thing the mind either focuses on one detail of the situation correctly incorrectly.

or think they get all the information

Parker 3

Work Cited

Myers, David G. "Neuroscience 2014. ~/bcs.worthPublish

and Behavior." Psychology. 8th ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag.

eb. 24 Feb.

Parker 4


Haskins, Caryl P. "The Ant and Her World." National Geographic 1984: 775-813. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.


Hawaii, Iceland, Beach, Pool, Home, Wilmington,

Ireland, Jamaica, Brazil


Style, Cars, Sparkly socks, Pony Tails, The messy bun, UNCC Football, Camo


Cats, Cell phones, Ball caps, Airsoft guns


Cell phones, Computers, GoPro Camera


Obama, Me, My friends, Will Smith, Mrs Raymond


NASCAR, Nature vs Nurture, Obama Care, Professional football


Strickland's Surplus, Unemployment,

Teacher, Engineer, Mechanic, Dentist


Biting nails, Popping fingers, Nervous shaking, Brushing teeth, Taking a nap at 3 pm on Tuesdays

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