June, 2014. Only Those Candidates Who Would Have Given B. Arch Program (Available

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will be in English only. Syllabus for this test is given in APPENDIX-10.

Candidates must register online at the JEE (Advanced) portal for this Aptitude Test between 20 24 June, 2014. nly those candidates who would have given !. Arch program (available at ""T #haragpur and ""T $oor%ee) as one of their choices while filling their choices online& will be eligible to write AAT. They are advised to update themselves from the JEE (Advanced)'()*+ web page. ,o separate admit card will be issued to them. They have to bring the JEE (Advanced)'()*+ original admit card to the E-amination .all. Candidates coming for the AAT are advised to bring their drawing and coloring aids. Candidates securing mar%s above the cut off (to be decided by the Joint "mplementation Committee of JEE (Advanced)'()*+) will be declared as /passed/ the test and put on the JEE (Advanced)'()*+ web page on (0 th June& ()*+.

APPENDIX- 1 SYLLABI FOR JEE (Advanced -2014 !"e#$%&'( P"(%$ca) c"e#$%&'( *ene'a) &+,$c%- Concept of atoms and molecules1 2altons atomic theory1 3ole concept1 Chemical formulae1 !alanced chemical e4uations1 Calculations (based on mole concept) involving common o-idation'reduction& neutralisation& and displacement reactions1 Concentration in terms of mole fraction& molarity& molality and normality. *a%e+u% and )$.u$d %&a&e%- Absolute scale of temperature& ideal gas e4uation1

2eviation from ideality& van der 5aals e4uation1 #inetic theory of gases& average& root mean s4uare and most probable velocities and their relation with temperature1 6aw of partial pressures1 7apour pressure1 2iffusion of gases. A&+#$c %&'uc&u'e and c"e#$ca) /+nd$n0- !ohr model& spectrum of hydrogen atom& 4uantum numbers1 5ave'particle duality& de !roglie hypothesis1 8ncertainty principle1 9ualitative 4uantum mechanical picture of hydrogen atom& shapes of s& p and d orbitals1 Electronic configurations of elements (up to atomic number :;)1 Aufbau principle1 <aulis e-clusion principle and .und s rule1 rbital overlap and covalent bond1 .ybridisation involving s& p and d orbitals only1 rbital energy diagrams for homonuclear diatomic species1 .ydrogen bond1 <olarity in molecules& dipole moment

(4ualitative aspects only)1 7SE<$ model and shapes of molecules (linear& angular& triangular& s4uare planar& pyramidal& s4uare pyramidal& trigonal bipyramidal& tetrahedral and octahedral). Ene'0e&$c%- =irst law of thermodynamics1 "nternal energy& wor% and heat& pressure' volume wor%1 Enthalpy& .esss law1 .eat of reaction& fusion and vapouri>ation1 Second law of thermodynamics1 Entropy1 =ree energy1 Criterion of spontaneity. !"e#$ca) e.u$)$/'$u#- 6aw of mass action1 E4uilibrium constant& 6e Chatelier s principle (effect of concentration& temperature and pressure)1 Significance of ? and ?o in chemical e4uilibrium1 Solubility product& common ion effect& p. and buffer solutions1 Acids and bases (!ronsted and 6ewis concepts)1 .ydrolysis of salts. E)ec&'+c"e#$%&'(- Electrochemical cells and cell reactions1 Standard electrode potentials1 ,ernst e4uation and its relation to ?1 Electrochemical series& emf of galvanic cells1 =aradays laws of electrolysis1 Electrolytic conductance& specific& e4uivalent and molar conductivity& #ohlrausch s law1 Concentration cells. !"e#$ca) 1$ne&$c%- $ates of chemical reactions1 rder of reactions1 $ate constant1 =irst order reactions1 Temperature dependence of rate constant (Arrhenius e4uation). S+)$d %&a&e- Classification of solids& crystalline state& seven crystal systems (cell parameters a& b& c& , , )& close pac%ed structure of solids (cubic)& pac%ing in fcc& bcc and hcp lattices1 ,earest neighbours& ionic radii& simple ionic compounds& point defects. S+)u&$+n%- $aoults law1 3olecular weight determination from lowering of vapour pressure& elevation of boiling point and depression of free>ing point. Su'2ace c"e#$%&'(- Elementary concepts of adsorption (e-cluding adsorption isotherms)1 Colloids@ types& methods of preparation and general properties1 Elementary ideas of emulsions& surfactants and micelles (only definitions and e-amples). Nuc)ea' c"e#$%&'(- $adioactivity@ isotopes and isobars1 <roperties of , rays1 #inetics of radioactive decay (decay series e-cluded)& carbon dating1 Stability of nuclei with respect to proton'neutron ratio1 !rief discussion on fission and fusion reactions. In+'0an$c !"e#$%&'( I%+)a&$+n3,'e,a'a&$+n and ,'+,e'&$e% +2 &"e 2+))+4$n0 n+n-#e&a)%- !oron& silicon& nitrogen& phosphorus& o-ygen& sulphur and halogens1 <roperties of allotropes of carbon (only diamond and graphite)& phosphorus and sulphur. P'e,a'a&$+n and ,'+,e'&$e% +2 &"e 2+))+4$n0 c+#,+und%- -ides& pero-ides& hydro-ides& carbonates& bicarbonates& chlorides and sulphates of sodium& potassium& magnesium and calcium1 !oron@ diborane& boric acid and bora-1 Aluminium@ alumina& aluminium chloride and alums1 Carbon@ o-ides and o-yacid (carbonic acid)1 Silicon@ silicones& silicates and silicon carbide1 ,itrogen@ o-ides& o-yacids and ammonia1 <hosphorus@ o-ides& o-yacids (phosphorus acid& phosphoric acid) and phosphine1 -ygen@ o>one and hydrogen pero-ide1 Sulphur@ hydrogen sulphide& o-ides& sulphurous acid& sulphuric acid and sodium thiosulphate1 .alogens@ hydrohalic acids& o-ides and o-yacids of chlorine& bleaching powder1 Aenon fluorides.
16 and

5'an%$&$+n e)e#en&% (6d %e'$e% - 2efinition& general characteristics& o-idation states and their stabilities& colour (e-cluding the details of electronic transitions) and calculation of spin'only magnetic moment1 Coordination compounds@ nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds& cis-trans and ionisation isomerisms& hybridi>ation and geometries of mononuclear coordination compounds (linear& tetrahedral& s4uare planar and octahedral). P'e,a'a&$+n and ,'+,e'&$e% +2 &"e 2+))+4$n0 c+#,+und%- -ides and chlorides of tin and lead1 -ides& chlorides and sulphates of =e(B& Cu(B and Cn(B1 <otassium permanganate& potassium dichromate& silver o-ide& silver nitrate& silver thiosulphate. O'e% and #$ne'a)%- Commonly occurring ores and minerals of iron& copper& tin& lead& magnesium& aluminium& >inc and silver. E7&'ac&$ve #e&a))u'0(- Chemical principles and reactions only (industrial details e-cluded)1 Carbon reduction method (iron and tin)1 Self reduction method (copper and lead)1 Electrolytic reduction method (magnesium and aluminium)1 Cyanide process (silver and gold). P'$nc$,)e% +2 .ua)$&a&$ve ana)(%$%- ?roups " to 7 (only AgB& .g(B& Cu(B& <b(B& !i:B& =e:B& Cr:B& Al:B& Ca(B& !a(B& Cn(B& 3n(B and 3g(B)1 ,itrate& halides (e-cluding fluoride)& sulphate and sulphide. O'0an$c !"e#$%&'( !+nce,&%- .ybridisation of carbon1 Sigma and pi'bonds1 Shapes of simple organic molecules1 Structural and geometrical isomerism1 ptical isomerism of compounds containing up to two asymmetric centres& (R,S and E,Z nomenclature e-cluded)1 "8<AC nomenclature of simple organic compounds (only hydrocarbons& mono'functional and bi'functional compounds)1 Conformations of ethane and butane (,ewman proDections)1 $esonance and hyperconDugation1 #eto'enol tautomerism1 2etermination of empirical and molecular formulae of simple compounds (only combustion method)1 .ydrogen bonds@ definition and their effects on physical properties of alcohols and carbo-ylic acids1 "nductive and resonance effects on acidity and basicity of organic acids and bases1 <olarity and inductive effects in al%yl halides1 $eactive intermediates produced during homolytic and heterolytic bond cleavage1 =ormation& structure and stability of carbocations& carbanions and free radicals. P'e,a'a&$+n, ,'+,e'&$e% and 'eac&$+n% +2 a)1ane%- .omologous series& physical properties of al%anes (melting points& boiling points and density)1 Combustion and halogenation of al%anes1 <reparation of al%anes by 5urt> reaction and decarbo-ylation reactions. P'e,a'a&$+n, ,'+,e'&$e% and 'eac&$+n% +2 a)1ene% and a)1(ne%- <hysical properties of al%enes and al%ynes (boiling points& density and dipole moments)1 Acidity of al%ynes1 Acid catalysed hydration of al%enes and al%ynes (e-cluding the stereochemistry of addition and elimination)1 $eactions of al%enes with #3n + and o>one1 $eduction of al%enes and al%ynes1 <reparation of al%enes and al%ynes by elimination reactions1 Electrophilic addition reactions of al%enes with A(& .A& . A and .( Addition reactions of al%ynes1 3etal acetylides.


Reac&$+n% +2 /en8ene- Structure and aromaticity1 Electrophilic substitution reactions@ halogenation& nitration& sulphonation& =riedel'Crafts al%ylation and acylation1 Effect of o, m- and p'directing groups in monosubstituted ben>enes. P"en+)%- Acidity& electrophilic substitution reactions (halogenation& nitration and sulphonation)1 $eimer'Tieman reaction& #olbe reaction. !"a'ac&e'$%&$c 'eac&$+n% +2 &"e 2+))+4$n0 ($nc)ud$n0 &"+%e #en&$+ned a/+ve - Al%yl halides@ rearrangement reactions of al%yl carbocation& ?rignard reactions& nucleophilic substitution reactions1 Alcohols@ esterification& dehydration and o-idation& reaction with sodium& phosphorus halides& CnCl(Fconcentrated .Cl& conversion of alcohols into aldehydes and %etones1 Ethers@ <reparation by 5illiamson s Synthesis1 Aldehydes and #etones@ o-idation& reduction& o-ime and hydra>one formation1 aldol condensation& <er%in reaction1 Canni>>aro reaction1 haloform reaction and nucleophilic addition reactions (?rignard addition)1 Carbo-ylic acids@ formation of esters& acid chlorides and amides& ester hydrolysis1 Amines@ basicity of substituted anilines and aliphatic amines& preparation from nitro compounds& reaction with nitrous acid& a>o coupling reaction of dia>oniumsalts of aromatic amines& Sandmeyer and related reactions of dia>onium salts1 carbylamine reaction1 .aloarenes@ nucleophilic aromatic substitution in haloarenes and substituted haloarenes (e-cluding !en>yne mechanism and Cine substitution). !a'/+"(d'a&e%- Classification1 mono' and di'saccharides (glucose and sucrose)1 -idation& reduction& glycoside formation and hydrolysis of sucrose. A#$n+ ac$d% and ,e,&$de%- ?eneral structure (only primary structure for peptides) and physical properties. P'+,e'&$e% and u%e% +2 %+#e $#,+'&an& ,+)(#e'%- ,atural rubber& cellulose& nylon& teflon and <7C. P'ac&$ca) +'0an$c c"e#$%&'(- 2etection of elements (,& S& halogens)1 2etection and identification of the following functional groups@ hydro-yl (alcoholic and phenolic)& carbonyl (aldehyde and %etone)& carbo-yl& amino and nitro1 Chemical methods of separation of mono'functional organic compounds from binary mi-tures.

9a&"e#a&$c% A)0e/'a- Algebra of comple- numbers& addition& multiplication& conDugation& polar representation& properties of modulus and principal argument& triangle ine4uality& cube roots of unity& geometric interpretations. 9uadratic e4uations with real coefficients& relations between roots and coefficients& formation of 4uadratic e4uations with given roots& symmetric functions of roots. Arithmetic& geometric and harmonic progressions& arithmetic& geometric and harmonic means& sums of finite arithmetic and geometric progressions& infinite geometric series& sums of s4uares and cubes of the first n natural numbers. 6ogarithms and their properties.

<ermutations and combinations& !inomial theorem for a positive integral inde-& properties of binomial coefficients. 3atrices as a rectangular array of real numbers& e4uality of matrices& addition& multiplication by a scalar and product of matrices& transpose of a matri-& determinant of a s4uare matri- of order up to three& inverse of a s4uare matri- of order up to three& properties of these matri- operations& diagonal& symmetric and s%ew'symmetric matrices and their properties& solutions of simultaneous linear e4uations in two or three variables. Addition and multiplication rules of probability& conditional probability& !ayes Theorem& independence of events& computation of probability of events using permutations and combinations. 5'$0+n+#e&'(- Trigonometric functions& their periodicity and graphs& addition and subtraction formulae& formulae involving multiple and sub'multiple angles& general solution of trigonometric e4uations. $elations between sides and angles of a triangle& sine rule& cosine rule& half'angle formula and the area of a triangle& inverse trigonometric functions (principal value only). Ana)(&$ca) 0e+#e&'(54+ d$#en%$+n%- Cartesian coordinates& distance between two points& section formulae& shift of origin. E4uation of a straight line in various forms& angle between two lines& distance of a point from a line1 6ines through the point of intersection of two given lines& e4uation of the bisector of the angle between two lines& concurrency of lines1 Centroid& orthocentre& incentre and circumcentre of a triangle. E4uation of a circle in various forms& e4uations of tangent& normal and chord. <arametric e4uations of a circle& intersection of a circle with a straight line or a circle& e4uation of a circle through the points of intersection of two circles and those of a circle and a straight line. E4uations of a parabola& ellipse and hyperbola in standard form& their foci& directrices and eccentricity& parametric e4uations& e4uations of tangent and normal. 6ocus <roblems. 5"'ee d$#en%$+n%- 2irection cosines and direction ratios& e4uation of a straight line in space& e4uation of a plane& distance of a point from a plane. D$22e'en&$a) ca)cu)u%- $eal valued functions of a real variable& into& onto and one'to' one functions& sum& difference& product and 4uotient of two functions& composite functions& absolute value& polynomial& rational& trigonometric& e-ponential and logarithmic functions. 6imit and continuity of a function& limit and continuity of the sum& difference& product and 4uotient of two functions& 6.ospital rule of evaluation of limits of functions. Even and odd functions& inverse of a function& continuity of composite functions& intermediate value property of continuous functions.

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