Body Morphia 04-16-14

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BODY MORPHIA Written by /u/talkingbook

INT. LECTURE HALL - DAY Students populate the massive hall with its high vaulted ceilings. Heads down, pens furiously writing, they earnestly take an exam. INSTRUCTORS DESK PASTOR SLEEP [40s, head shaved] looks up at the multiple rows of students. From his point of view a holographic glyph hovers above each students head. The glyphs modulate colors between lite pastels. An alarm tone BEEPS as one students (RICKY, 19) glyph flashes an angry red. Pastor touches the blinking red glyph and sees a top down birds-eye-view of the students desk. A variety of stats list the students metadata; Biography, vitals, psych evaluation, grade history, etc. Pastor toggles the scene through various spectrums of light; infared, UV, and finally electromagnetic. Upon viewing the EM spectrum a novels worth of notes are illuminated on the students arm. Pastor, with the flick of his wrist, deactivates Rickys test. RICKYS DESK His test screen cuts from an elaborate series of equations to a black screen with the words Unauthorized study aid - Fail flashing on it. He jumps back in surprise. A booming voice from the front of the class room startles the class: PASTOR Cheating will not be tolerated, Ricky.

2. RICKY I wasnt cheating! PASTOR Collect your things and go home, son. Everyone else eyes down. We have ninety seconds till stage two begins. All the students put there heads down and write faster. All but one... We track over to another students desk, STEIN WETZEL (19). STEINS DESK Stein has his own holographic display and sees not only his test, but Pastor Sleeps display. Which means he can see all the students tests. A blinking red glyph flashes the words False Alert over Rickys head as he stands and exits the lecture hall. Steinn grins. STEIN (whispers to self) Sucker. A real time list of student rankings shows Ricky slide from number three to zero. Steinns ranking ticks up. Viewing the hologram Steinn tracks along the other students tests, stopping only occasionally to admire a co-eds cleavage from the birds-eye-view. He copies the answers onto his sheet. LECTURE HALL Pastor Sleep waves his hands dramatically and all the glyphs go dark. PASTOR Pens down. That concludes stage one. We have a fifteen minute recess then back here for stage two. All the students groan, this test kicking their asses. Steinn breezily gets up from his seat and exits.

3. EXT. QUAD - DAY Steinn comes out to see a pissed off Ricky charging at him. Stein freezes. RICKY Howd you do it? STEINN Howd I do what? Set me up. RICKY

STEINN I think the question you really should be asking yourself is why you felt the need to rob yourself of a quality education. RICKY How did you do it? Illegal tech? Ricky grabs Steinns arm and rolls up the sleeve, revealing a blinking implant. STEINN I can explain that. Ricky rips the implant out. Steinn recoils in pain. RICKY Holy shit. Is this a lightning rod? Ive heard it described as a-STEINN Master key. Yes. The ability to hack any school system. That means the answers to every exam, assignment, quiz, you name it. RICKY Is it true these have a morphia switch? Ricky pushes a switch on the lightning rod. RICKY With this on it would be like taking a hundred hits of acid, right? Enough to make any one go completely insane.

4. STEINN Yeah but, dont-The lightning rod cracks in Rickys hand. STEIN that. The switch is delicate. Ricky smiles and tosses the broken lightning rod back to Steinn. RICKY Best of luck on the test. Steinn grits his teeth. INT. LECTURE HALL The students take their seats. Pastor Sleep addresses the class: PASTOR Take your seats. Stage two begins in thirty seconds. STEINS DESK Stein, sweating, fits the implant back in his arm. All he has to do is press a button to turn it back on. PASTOR Pens at the ready. The test starts in three, two, one... Trembling Steinn moves his finger to the button. Go! PASTOR

He touches the button and--

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