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This article is about the person in some South Asian religions. For other uses, see Rishi (disambiguation). This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. Please add a reason or a talk parameter to this template to explain the issue with the article. Consider associating this request with a WikiProject. (February 2014)

The term Rishi (Sanskrit: i, Devanagari: ) originates from the Vedic period. Rishis were the scribes of the large body of nature hymns and spiritual science known as the Vedas. A Rishi (or rishika, when referring to female rishis) is a sage of insight, one who practices self-cultivation as a Yogini or Yogi and attains nirvikalpa Samadhi. Through Yogic concentration a person
A view of the upper Ganges area of Rishikesh in first attains savikalpa samadhi (realisation the Himalaya. Regarded by tradition as the abode of of the independence of soul and body, Vedic rishis. Atma and Prakriti), and with continued effort attains nirvikalpa samadhi (realisation of oneness with all). The Rishi's soul is considered to imbibe wisdom directly from the universal source. Vedic hymns are sermons conceived as delivered by divine inspiration by the rishis. In popular tradition, it is said that a Rishi never contradicts another Rishi because their knowledge is directly revealed by God.
[hide] 1 Etymology 1.1 Other uses 2 "Seer" of the Vedas 3 Other uses 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References[04/16/2014 5:27:22 PM]

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7 External links



According to Indian tradition, the word was derived from the two meanings of the root rsh. Sanskrit grammarians[1] derive this word from the second root which means "to go, to move".[2][3] gives this particular meaning and derivation, and Monier-Williams[4] also gives the same, with some qualification. Another form of this root means (2) "to flow, to move near by flowing". (All the meanings and derivations cited above are based upon Sanskrit English Dictionary of Monier-Williams).[4] Monier-Williams also quotes Trntha who compiled the great (Sanskrit-to-Sanskrit) dictionary named "ati jnena sasra-pram" (i.e., "one who reaches beyond this mundane world by means of spiritual knowledge"). More than a century ago, Monier-Williams tentatively suggested a derivation from dr "to see".[5] Monier-Wiliams also quotes the Hibernian (Irish) form arsan (a sage, a man old in wisdom) and arrach (old, ancient, aged) as related to rishi. In Sanskrit, forms of the root rish become arsh- in many words, (e.g., arsh. Monier-Williams also conjectures that the root drish (to see) might have given rise to an obsolete root rish meaning "to see". However, the root has a close Avestan cognate ri[6] "an ecstatic" (see also Yurodivy, Vates). Yet, the Indo-European dictionary of Julius Pokorny connects the word to a PIE root *h3er-s meaning "rise, protrude", in the sense of "excellent". Modern etymological explanations such as by Manfred Mayrhofer in his Etymological Dictionary[7] leave the case open, and do not prefer a connection to "pour, flow" (PIE *h1ers), rather one with German rasen "to be ecstatic, be in a different state of mind" (and perhaps Lithuanian arus).

Other uses [edit]

In Carnatic Music, "Rishi" is the seventh chakra (group) of Melakarta ragas. The names of chakras are based on the numbers associated with each name. In this case, there are seven rishis and hence the 7th chakra is "Rishi".[8][9] The descendent families of these Rishis, refer to their ancestral lineage through their family "gotra". This is a common practice among the Brahmin sects of the current Hindu society.

"Seer" of the Vedas


In the Vedas, the word denotes an inspired poet of gvedic hymns, who alone or with others invokes the deities with poetry. In particular, i refers to the authors of the hymns of the Rigveda. Post-Vedic tradition regards the Rishis as "sages" or saints, constituting a peculiar class of divine human beings in the early mythical system, as distinct from Asuras, Devas and mortal men. Swami Vivekananda described "Rishi"s as Mantra-drashtas or "the seers of thought". He told "The truth came to the Rishis of India the Mantra-drashts, the seers of thought and will come to all Rishis in the future, not to talkers, not to book-swallowers, not to scholars, not to philologists, but to seers of thought."[10][04/16/2014 5:27:22 PM]

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The main rishis recorded in the Brahmanas and the Rigveda-Anukramanis include Gritsamada, Vishvamitra, Vamadeva, Atri, Bharadvaja, Vashista, Angiras, Kava. Seven Rishis (the Saptarshi) are often mentioned in the Brahmanas and later works as typical representatives of the pre-historic or mythical period; in Shatapatha Brahmana (Brhad Aranyaka Upanisad), their names are Uddlaka runi (also called Gautama), Bharadvaja, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Vashista, Kashyapa, and Atri. Daksha, Bhrigu and Nrada were also added to the saptarshis riis in shvalyana-Shrauta-Sutra, where these ten principals were created by the first Manu (Svyambhuva Manu) for producing everyone else. The notable female rishikas who contributed to the composition of the Vedic scriptures are: The Rig Veda mentions Romasha, Lopamudra, Apala, Kadru, Visvavara, Ghosha, Juhu, Vagambhrini, Paulomi, Yami, Indrani, Savitri, and Devayani. The Sama Veda adds Nodha, Akrishtabhasha, Sikatanivavari and Gaupayana. In Mahabharata 12, on the other hand, there is the post-Vedic list of Marici, Atri, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya and Vashista. The Mahbhrata list explicitly refers to the saptarshis of the first manvantara[4] and not to those of the present manvantara. Each manvantara had a unique set of saptarshi. In Harivamsha 417ff, the names of the Rishis of each manvantara are enumerated. In addition to the Saptari, there are other classifications of sages. In descending order of precedence, they are Brahmarshi, Maharshi, Rajarshi. Devari, Paramri, Shrutari and Kndari are added in Manusmriti iv-94 and xi-236 and in two dramas of Klidasa. The Chaturvarga-Chintmani of Hemdri puts 'rii' at the seventh place in the eightfold division of Brhmanas. Amarakosha[11] (the famous Sanskrit synonym lexicon compiled by Amarasimha) mentions seven types of riis: Shrutarshi, Kndarshi, Paramarshi, Maharshi, Rjarshi, Brahmarshi and Devarshi. Amarakosha strictly distinguishes Rishi from other types of sages, such as sanysi, bhiku, parivrjaka, tapasvi, muni, brahmachri, yati, etc.

Other uses See also



Rishi is also a male given name, and less commonly a Brahmin last name.




1. ^ cf. Commentary on Undi-Sutra, iv, 119 2. ^ Dhtupha of Pnini, xxviii). V. S. Apte 3. ^ V. S. Apte (Sanskrit-Hindi Kosh, 1890, reprint 1997 by Motill Banrasids Publishers, Delhi) 4. ^ a b c Monier-Williams, Monier (1899), A Sanskrit-English Dictionary , Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, p.226 5. ^ 6. ^ Yasna 31.5; cf. 40.4 7. ^ Etymologisches Wrterbuch des Altindoarischen, Heidelberg 1986, I 261 8. ^ South Indian Music Book III, by Prof. P Sambamoorthy, Published 1973, The Indian Music[04/16/2014 5:27:22 PM]

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Publishing House 9. ^ Ragas in Carnatic music by Dr. S. Bhagyalekshmy, Pub. 1990, CBH Publications 10. ^ "Swami Vivekananda on Rishis" . Swami Vivekananda Quotes. Retrieved 12 April 2014. 11. ^ Amarakosha (2.7.4142)



Apte, Vaman Shivram (1965), The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Fourth Revised and Enlarged ed.), New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, ISBN81-208-0567-4 Apte, Vaman Shivram (1966), Sanskrit-Hindi Koa (Reprint 1997 ed.), New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Chopra, Deepak (2006), Life After Death: The Burden of Proof (first ed.), Boston: Harmony Books Kosambi, D. D. (1956), An Introduction to the Study of Indian History (Second ed.), Bombay: Popular Prakashan Pvt Ltd, 35c Tardeo Road, Popular Press Bldg, Bombay-400034 stri, Hargovind (1978), Amarkoa with Hindi commentary, Vrnasi: Chowkhamb Sanskrit Series Office

External links

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