BMS Star Insertion 18.3.2014

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Title: Forgetfulness is Not a Laughing Matter Always joking about misplacing your keys or forgetting where you parked

your car? Are you also often encountered with the below scenario: Where did I last put my car keys? What do I need to buy from the grocery store? What day is that important meeting? I have forgotten what do I need to bring? Did I switch off the stove before I leave home? He looks familiar but I cant remember where Ive met him.

These little slips seem to be minor events to you but it is indeed no laughing matter. A new study from USA suggests that if you think you're losing your memory, you probably will. Are you getting more forgetful? Researchers from Los Angeles found that people over 40 who are aware that they're becoming more forgetful and absent-minded as they aged were more likely to show a decline in brain function years later. According to the study, people who were more aware of their memory loss actually had a significantly greater decline in activities ability and increase in the frequency of using memory aids such as lists and reminders as compared to those who had only minimal memory complaints. Previous research has suggested that decreased brain function leads to future memory decline, says researcher Gary Small, MD, director of the Center on Aging at the University of California, Los Angeles, in a news release. Are your forgetfulness NORMAL? Well, maybe. There are early-onset cases of dementia involving people in their 40s, 50s and 60s. We usually have so much on our plates. As we cope with so much demands and requests and spin faster and faster through our lives, we simply couldnt retrieve the information that we want whenever we need it. This inevitably will trigger us wondering whether: Are these normal forgetfulness problems or is it an early sign of something more serious? When it comes to elder parents, friends, co-workers, spouses or other loved ones, we may be also concerned of certain forgetful behaviors that we noticed? How do we differentiate between the symptoms of dementia and the normal forgetfulness that comes as part of aging? Dont worry, below are seven ways that helps you to differentiate whether your signs of forgetfulness are rather normal caused by aging, or is abnormal and therefore, require early attentions and actions:

1. Remembering again later. Youve forgotten a name, a word, or part of experience. Fifteen minutes later, either spontaneously or after thinking it over it comes back. Thats normal forgetfulness. On the other hand, not able to remember an experience, name or words or a familiar person or place is abnormal forgetfulness. 2. Remember when reminded. Able to reconnect to a name, word or experience after someone or something reminds you, means your forgetfulness is normal. The reminder can be in any form; visual, words or phrase, a story, and etc. In an abnormal forgetfulness situation, even reminding may not help memory recall as the information stored may be missing. 3. Using tools to remember. Able to effectively use tools such as notes or a calendar to remember and recall things and activities denotes that your forgetfulness is normal. Should you find it difficult to use calendar or notes to aid memory, it is a clear sign of abnormal forgetfulness. 4. Forgetting once or twice. In a normal forgetfulness situation, successfully remembered a piece of information, either spontaneously or being reminded will aid the subsequent retrieval of the information. For complex information, the likeliness to forget again is normal and shouldnt be a concern. However, repeatedly forgetting the same thing, or not able to recall the same subject is an obvious indication of abnormal forgetfulness 5. Juggling too many balls at one time. Memory problems or forgetfulness that comes about caused by doing too many things at one time or that happens at times of high stress or fatigue is probably the normal forgetfulness. In an abnormal forgetfulness condition, there are signs of diminished ability to remember how to conduct normal tasks, or unable to figure out the sequence used in normal, daily tasks. 6. Personality and behavior. Feeling frustrated with forgetfulness, but still exhibiting the usual personality and behavior, is a characteristic of normal forgetfulness. Uncharacteristic anger, defensiveness, denial, or changes in personality, reduced problem-solving ability or deteriorating judgment may indicate that the memory problem is abnormal. 7. Self-care. Especially in older folks, being forgetful, but still able to consistently perform basic needs such as bathing, dressing, and eating is normal forgetfulness. Uncharacteristically poor hygiene, unchanged or soiled clothing, weight loss due to forgetting to eat or weight gain due to eating a meal multiple times having forgotten previous one(s) just consumed are indications of abnormal forgetfulness. Do consult your doctors if you are worried about the symptoms that you experienced or if you have a strong feeling that your signs and symptoms are getting more severe and unusual.

8 Tips To help You Fight Forgetfulness & Boost Your Brain Power 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Learn a new skill (eg: painting, cooking, new languages, embrace new technology) Follow a routine Use memory tools such as big calendars, to-do lists & notes to yourself Spend time with friends & family whenever possible Exercise & eat well Make associations to connect things in your mind (such as using landmarks to help) Exercise your memory by playing games (eg: jigsaw puzzles, memory card game, Sudoku) Take EGb761 (40mg 3 times a day)

How EGb761 Helps In Improving Your Memory Firstly, EGb761 improves blood circulation throughout the body especially in the brain. Studies have shown that EGb761 acts on arteries, veins and capillaries, as well as on the formed elements of the blood. Secondly, EGb761 provides neuro-protection for your brain against hazardous effects of freeradicals. EGb761 has specific effects on the hippocampus, an area in the brain for memory processes. Clinical studies prove that you can improve your memory by taking 1 tablet of EGb761 (40mg) 3 times daily, coupled with memory training exercises. EGb761 is sold over 52 countries worldwide, including Malaysia. Improving your Memory with EGb761 and memory training exercises In a study conducted in France, patients taking EGb761 and doing regular exercises to train their memory were the ones that showed the highest improvement in their memory. Patients taking EGb761 were the only ones that showed improvement in their problem solving skills. In another large clinical study, EGb761 has shown to slow down memory deterioration in patients when compared to those not taking EGb761. Ask your doctors or pharmacists today about how EGb761 from France can help YOU to increase your memory and improve your mental performance so that you can always stay sharp, alert and remember. For more information on EGb761, you may call 03-62052728, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5pm. You may also visit to request for the Free memory training card game and find out more about how to improve your memory performance. This educational article is contributed by EP PLUS GROUP SDN. BHD. ~Medical Edutainment Specialist

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