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Chapter 30: Conservative Resurgence, Economic Woes, Foreign Challenges 74-8

!" thought #e #ere $one rea$ing% &

Personal Pursuits and Diversions: 'uppies !(oung ur)an pro*essionals& #ere all a)out *itness+consumerism: la)ele$ the ,-e .eneration/ *or sel*ishness Jaws, Rocky, Star Wars, $isco, 0isne( Worl$, 1uper 2o#l, ca)le 34, pun5 roc5 !1E6 7"13891%& 1tu** li5e 1pringsteen:s ,0ar5ness at the E$ge o* 3o#n/, movies Nashville an$ Chinatown sho#e$ pro)lems+corruption Changing Gender Roles and Sexual Behavior: -ore #omen #or5e$, still less #ages an$ gen$er-segregate$ occupations li5e nursing an$ teaching: ,glass ceiling/ Freer se;, smaller )irthrate, ol$er marriage ages< =o#ever, >"01 scare$ man( o* unprotecte$ se; The Persistence of Social Activism: Environmentalism increase$ a*ter 3hree -ile "slan$ plant ha$ a melt$o#n? .reenpeace *oun$e$ in @ 7@ A<8<W< #ante$ )etter #or5 con$itions+pa(? eBual rights amen$ment #as >9-813 passe$- )an se;ual $iscrimination .a(+9es)ian activism gre#: 9a#ma5ers li5e Elaine Ao)le an$ =arve( -il5 came out o* the closet Grass-Roots Conservatism: William F< 2uc5le( *oun$e$ 'oung >mericans *or Free$om in the C0:s? 7h(llis 1chla*l( a$vocate$ conservatism+.ol$#ater Ronal$ Reagan electe$ gov< o* Cali, starte$ 7roposition @3, #hich #oul$ cut propert( ta;es Fun$ing *or a)ortions through -e$icai$ #as cut, EBual Rights amen$ment *aile$? ga( rights su**ere$ !-il5 #as 5ille$%& Evangelical Protestants o!ili"e: Evangelical 7rotestants #ere conservative, emphasiDe$ moralit(, conversions< -etho$ists+Congregationalists lost mem)ers Fal#all:s -oral -aEorit( #as a religious conservative group? Engle v< 4itale )anne$ pra(er in pu)lic schools A Changing Econom#: "n*lation, oil em)argos, $ou)le$ prices, $ein$ustrialiDation !hurting in$ustr(&, less *arms+more *arm pro$uction "mports e;cee$e$ e;ports *or the *irst time !tra$e $e*icit& in @ 7@? unionism #ea5ene$ as in$ustrial Eo)s #ere lost The T$o %orlds of Blac& America: >lthough more )lac5s )ecame mi$$le class, @+3 still live$ in inner-cit( slums, #here $rugs+violence #ere gro#ing pro)lems Comprehensive 0rug >)use >ct maintains securit( o* strong $rugs, sets categories *or each t(pe #ith punishments >**irmative action programs gave contracts *or previousl( $iscriminate$ minorities? 2a55e v< F1 overthre# some programs Brightening Pros'ects for (ative Americans: "n$ian 1el*-0etermination >ct- tri)es get control o* *e$ ai$ programs on their reservations an$ schools (e$ Patterns of )mmigration: -ore immigrants came *rom Central >merica an$ >sia- "mmigration Re*orm an$ Control >ct outla#e$ hiring illegal immigrants, gave legal status to aliens living in >merica *or *ive (ears >sians *rom 1outh Gorea, 4ietnam, 7hilippines came *or economic an$ political reasons The Careta&er Presidenc# of Gerald *ord+ ,-./-..: 7ar$one$ Ai;on, vetoe$ a ton o* $omestic programs !environment, #el*are, etc&, >merica $epen$e$ on *oreign oil, an$ 87EC raise$ the price, causing in*lation For$:s W"A !#hip in*lation no#& program encourage$ voluntar( price restraint< Reserve raise$ rates, creating a recession The 0utsider as )nsider- President 1imm# Carter+ ,-..-2,: Carter, 0emocrat peanut *armer #on, supporte$ )( )lac5s, the poor? #al5 $uring inauguration $a(, F0R-li5e *iresi$e chats >las5a 9an$s >ct gave @00 mil< acres *or par5s? relocate$ an$ cleane$ up 9ove Canal, A' a*ter chem< contamination Wante$ national health insurance, re*orm o* income ta;es, protection o* human rights< 2ut he Eust $i$n:t $o much .ave canal lan$ )ac5 to 7anama? *ull $iplomac( #ith China:s ne# lea$er, 0eng 6ioping? 1>93 H limit nuclear #eapons The

iddle East- Peace Accords and 3ostages: Camp 0avi$ >ccor$s- el-1a$at !Eg(pt& an$ 2egin !"srael& met to give autonom( to 7alestinians, create peace "ranian Crisis- F1 supporte$ 1hah 7ahlavi, )ut the people hate$ him< >(atollah Ghomeini returne$ !anti->merica& 1hah move$ to >merica, so Ghomeini supporters too5 over F1 em)ass( *or 444 $a(s< En$ the $a( Carter le*t o**ice

Trou!les and *rustrations as Carter4s Term Ends: "ncrease$ em)argo, raise$ rates: 2usiness stagnation I price in*lationJ stag*lation 1ho#e$ nee$ *or less oil $epen$enc( Carter ma$e 0ept< o* Energ( that coul$ regulate oil+gas ta;es, conservation, an$ alternative *uel Roots of the Reagan Revolution: Reagan #on easil(, Repu)licans got a 1enatorial maEorit( *or the *irst time since @ KK< 1tronghol$s in south an$ #est 7eople li5e$ his ta; cuts, sel*-help, $ismissal o* #el*are programs, $isli5e o* li)eral causes !a)ortions, gun control, se;& Reaganomics: 3hought cutting ta;es an$ pa(ing *or the losses #ith cuts in school lunches, stu$ent loans, an$ ur)an transit #oul$ )e cool 0eregulate$ )usinesses incl< )roa$casting, )an5ing, transport, environmental preservation< Reagan #as anti-Fnion Fse 3a*t-=artle( la# against >ir 3ra**ic Controllers stri5e to *orce them to #or5< 2anne$ those #ho #oul$n:t *rom *e$< Eo)s "ncrease$ rates, povert( !an$ o* course, no more #el*are&, more tra$e $e*icit an$ *e$eral $e*icit !militar(& The 5Evil Em'ire6 and Crises in the iddle East: "n El 1alva$or, >merica helpe$ oppression o* insurgenc( ai$e$ )( Castro? "n Aicaragua, >merica #ent against 1an$inistas When >mericans *oun$ out, the( #ere ma$< =alte$ ai$ to Contras in Aicaragua, )ut )ac5e$ truce )et#een 1a$inistas+contras "nva$e$ .rena$a a*ter a pro-Castro gov< #as starte$? help "ran+1a$$am =ussein as he inva$e$ "ran >*ter a *aile$ peace treat( #ith 7alestine, "srael inva$e$ 9e)anon an$ >merica still stoo$ )( "srael ilitar# Buildu' and Antinuclear Protest: "ncrease$ militar( as not to appear #ea5? 1trategic 0e*ense "nitiative- anti-missile s(stem using high-techLcalle$ 1tar Wars Reagan Reelected: =e helpe$ econom(, ha$ patriotism, pic5e$ 1an$ra 0a( 8:Connor as @ st #oman Eustice 0ems nominate$ >*rican->merican Messe Mac5son, #ho sought support *rom ,rain)o# coalition/ o* )lac5s, =ispanics, etc< Clinton+.ore ma$e 0emocratic 9ea$ership Council to ma5e 0emocrats more mo$erate an$ centrist, not ,)ig gov</ Su'reme Court A''ointments+ Budget Deficits+ the )ran-Contra Scandal: .ave a Ai;on appointee, William RehnBuist, title o* chie* Eustice an$ gave use$ >ntonin 1calia to replace him !conservative& "ran-contra scan$alLF1 gave missiles to "ran, our allege$ enem(< Reagan a$mitte$, encouraging mo$erates an$ en$ing hostage crisis< 7ro*its *rom arms sale #ere given to Aicaraguan contras Reagan4s ission to osco$: .or)achev loosene$ communist control o* F11R? "nterme$iate-range Auclear Forces 3reat( eliminate$ HK00 missiles 1ignale$ en$ing o* the Col$ WarL,tear $o#n this #all%/ speech in Mune @ 87, #all remove$ in Aovem)er @ 8 The

iddle East- Tensions and Terrorism: "ncreasing "sraeli-7alestinian con*lict in .aDa+West 2an5 !religion, e;istence o* Me#ish state, Miha$- hol( #ar& resulte$ in : o -unich 8l(mpics )om)ing o 4ienna+Rome airport )om)ings o =iEac5ing o* cruise ship Achille Lauro o 2om)ing o* 2erlin $isco clu) o 2om)ing in 7an >m *light @03

Assessing the Reagan 7ears: "mprove$ econom(, )ut *e$eral $e*icit increase$? social+environmental+economic issues #ere ignore$ CriticiDe$ a**irmative action an$ #el*are? En$ o* col$ #ar )ut )eginning o* "srael-7alestine con*licts

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