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The Journal of Published by

the International
Eukaryotic Microbiology Society of

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology ISSN 1066-5234


Stress-related Responses in Alexandrium tamarense Cells

Exposed to Environmental Changes
Cecile Jauzein & Deana L. Erdner
Marine Science Institute, University of Texas, Port Aransas, Texas

Apoptosis; caspase-like enzymes; cell cycle;
dinoflagellate; metacaspases; physico- Organisms tend to be sensitive to drastic changes in environmental conditions.
chemical challenge; reactive oxygen For unicellular microorganisms, variations in physico-chemical conditions are par-
species; temporary cyst. ticularly challenging and may result in acclimation, entrance into quiescence, or
death through necrotic or autocatalytic pathways. This study focuses on the the-
Correspondence cate dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Cellular responses to oxidative, ther-
D.L. Erdner, Marine Science Institute, mal, and nutrient stress were characterized using stress indicators, such as
University of Texas, 750 Channel View pigment content, efficiency of photosystem II or production of reactive oxygen
Drive, Port Aransas, Texas 78373, USA species (ROS), as well as hallmarks of apoptosis including activity of caspase-
Telephone number: +1 361 749 6719; like enzymes and expression of a metacaspase gene homolog. The formation of
FAX number: +1 361 749 6777; temporary cysts, a survival strategy of short-term quiescence, was also moni-
e-mail: tored. Cellular responses appeared to depend on multifactorial influences where
type and intensity of stimulus as well as position in cell cycle may act in combi-
Received: 12 December 2012; revised nation. Sequences of events observed implicate ROS production as a key deter-
4 April 2013; accepted May 2, 2013. minant of stress-related pathways, playing potential roles in intracellular
signaling, formation of temporary cysts, or cellular damage. Variations observed
in caspase-like activities and metacaspase gene expression did not appear to be
associated with programmed cell death pathways; our results suggest a wider
range of functions for these proteases in phytoplankton cells, including roles in
survival pathways and cell cycle progression.

LIVING organisms have been able to exploit a wide diver- programmed cell death (PCD) in unicellular phytoplankton
sity of potential habitats by adapting their metabolism or (Moharikar et al. 2006; Segovia et al. 2003; Thamatrakoln
cellular structures (Cavicchioli et al. 2011). On shorter time- et al. 2012; Vardi et al. 1999; Zuppini et al. 2009, 2010).
scales, organisms tend to be sensitive to drastic changes While genes and molecular pathways leading to cell
in environmental variables, even in a range of conditions death have been extensively characterized in metazoans
suitable for survival. Variations in physico-chemical condi- (Kanduc et al. 2002), PCD in microorganisms, including
tions are particularly challenging for unicellular microorgan- microalgae, is still poorly understood (Franklin et al.
isms, which are in perpetual and direct contact with their 2006). In metazoans, key executioners of PCD are a fam-
surrounding environment. While nutrient depletion can indi- ily of cysteine proteases, named caspases (Nicholson and
rectly affect cellular functions through alteration of metabo- Thornberry 1997). Caspases are essential for apoptosis, a
lism, acute changes in temperature, salinity, pH, or particular type of PCD originally characterized by specific
irradiance can, for their part, directly affect biomolecules alterations in cell morphology (Kerr et al. 1972) and
and cellular integrity, thereby disrupting cell homeostasis. marked by, for instance, DNA fragmentation or inversion
In the face of environmental challenge, stress-related of phosphatidylserine (PS) from the internal to the exter-
responses of unicellular microalgae may result in acclima- nal side of cell membrane (Leist and Nicotera 1997). As
tion, entrance into quiescence, or death (Bidle and Falkow- the identification by Uren et al. (2000) of caspase ortho-
ski 2004; Bravo et al. 2010; Thamatrakoln et al. 2012). At logues (paracaspases and metacaspases) in various king-
the molecular level, stress-related responses involve doms, including fungi and protozoa, characterization of
complex signaling pathways that may overlap under PCD in microorganisms has received increased attention
multi-stress conditions, leading to potential activation of in microbiology and phytoplankton ecology (Franklin et al.
‘cross-tolerance’ mechanisms (Zuppini et al. 2010). 2006).
Environmental stressors, such as nutrient deprivation, Evolutionary reasons for retention, maintenance, and
oxidative stress, heat shock, UV exposure, and excessive activation of cell death-related genes in phytoplankton
salt concentrations, have all been reported to trigger genomes are still matter of intense debate (Bidle and

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
526 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538
Jauzein & Erdner Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense

Falkowski 2004; Franklin et al. 2006). Because PCD

Experimental setup
results in the complete loss of the organism, cell death
machinery seems to provide a mechanism for negative Cultures in mid-log phase, maintained under optimal
selection pressure. During the last decade, hypotheses growth conditions, were submitted to physico-chemical
defining benefits of PCD at the population scale have dri- stresses: oxidative stress, heat shock, and nitrogen limita-
ven most of the research performed on stress and death tion. Cellular responses were characterized using mea-
pathways in phytoplankton. These concepts include sures related to stress and death pathways.
removal of aging and/or damaged cells, limitation of virus Oxidative stress was induced by addition of H2O2
multiplication, or maximization of genetic fitness of coop- (0.4 mM final concentration) to an exponentially growing
erating communities (Bidle and Falkowski 2004; Franklin culture (strain CCMP 1493) split in two 500 ml-replicates.
et al. 2006). In contrast, another hypothesis, put forth by An aliquot of the mother culture (without H2O2 addition)
Bidle and Falkowski (2004), has received much less was used for control. Cellular responses were monitored
attention: the retention of death-related genes because during 6 d. Cell membrane status and caspase-like activi-
of their housekeeping and regulatory functions. Recent ties (caspase 2, 3, 8, and 9) were determined twice a day
studies have brought to light nondeath roles of caspases during the first 48 h after stress induction (day 0 and day
in metazoans and metacaspases in plants, fungi, and pro- 1), then once a day during the next 4 d (days 2–5). Ecdy-
tozoa. As noted by Tsiatsiani et al. (2011), “during the sis (shedding of thecal plates and flagella leading to cyst
last 10 years, the pendulum has shifted from na€ıve hopes formation, Taylor 1987), was assessed at 10 and 30 min
that metacaspases are responsible for cell death events after H2O2 addition, then on the same sampling frequency
and associated caspase-like activities in plants and other as described above. Cell density was determined on a
nonmetazoans to well-grounded view that metacaspases daily basis.
[…] can regulate (similar to caspases) various cell biologi- Temperature stress was applied to the two strains, GTM
cal processes, including PCD.” This idea has just started 253 and CCMP 1493, by transferring two replicates of expo-
to emerge in phytoplankton ecology. Thamatrakoln et al. nentially growing cultures from 16 °C to 28 °C (D = +12 °C)
(2012) very recently reported the first nondeath role of or 32 °C (D = +16 °C). To obtain four cultures in similar
death-related genes in phytoplankton, showing their impli- growth conditions, a 1.2 liter culture in exponential phase
cation in stress acclimation of Thalassiosira pseudonana was used to inoculate four flasks of 3.5 liter at an initial con-
to Fe-limitation. centration of 340 cells/ml. These cultures were grown for
The aim of this study was to gain insight into ~1 wk in optimal growth conditions. When the cell density
stress-related pathways in the toxic thecate dinoflagellate reached 1,500–3,500 cells/ml, 200 ml were taken for the
Alexandrium tamarense. Cellular responses to different estimation of control values, then two cultures were trans-
physico-chemical stressors were investigated, using ferred to 28 °C and the two others were transferred to
cellular stress indicators as well as classical markers of 32 °C. Cultures were sampled twice during the first 24 h
apoptosis. The formation of temporary cysts, a strategy after stress induction, once during the light phase and once
that allows A. tamarense cells to survive unfavorable con- at the beginning of the dark phase, then once a day during
ditions via short-term quiescence (Bravo et al. 2010), was several days. As GTM 253 cultures reacted strongly to heat
also monitored. In addition to providing new insights on shock, analyses for this strain focused on changes in cell
regulation and transduction of stress-related pathways in membrane status, intracellular production of reactive oxy-
this phytoplankton species, this study widens our knowl- gen species (ROS), formation of temporary cysts, and varia-
edge of the potential nondeath roles of PCD executioners tions in cell density. The response to temperature stress
in protists. was studied in more details in CCMP 1493 cultures: the
same parameters as GTM 253 were monitored, as well as
measurements of caspase 3-like enzyme activity, expres-
sion of metacaspase gene transcripts, cellular chlorophyll a
content, and efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm ratio). The
Cultures maintenance
cell membrane status of CCMP 1493 cells was restricted to
Two strains were used in this study, CCMP 1493 and measurements of membrane integrity as the analysis of
GTM 253, isolated from the China Sea (Bay West of Hong changes in membrane asymmetry in response to heat
Kong Island, China) in 1991 and from the east coast of the shock gave inconclusive results for GTM 253.
USA (Mitchell River, MA, USA) in 1980, respectively. Tem- Nutrient stress consisted of induction of nitrogen starva-
perature at their isolation sites ranges from 14 °C to 30 °C tion in batch cultures of GTM 253. An exponentially grow-
for CCMP 1493 and 1–22 °C for GTM 253. Stock cultures ing stock culture under N-replete conditions was used to
were nonaxenic and maintained in f/2 medium (minus Si) inoculate three 10 liter-flasks filled with 7 liter of modified
(Guillard and Ryther 1962), at 16 °C, under ~100 lmol f/2 medium. For inoculation, A. tamarense cells were col-
photons/m2/s with a 12:12 h light:dark cycle. To avoid any lected by gravity filtration using a 20 lm mesh size net
stress due to turbulence, cultures were maintained with- and were resuspended at an initial concentration of
out bubbling and agitation was limited to a gentle stirring 450 cells/ml. The three 10 liter-flasks allowed the testing
every day when samples were taken to check their health of three nutritive conditions corresponding to initial nitrate
and estimate growth rates. (NO3-) concentrations of 44 lM (f/40), 11 lM (f/160), and

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538 527
Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense Jauzein & Erdner

0 lM. Concentration of other nutrients followed f/2 med- the oxidation of carboxy-H2DCFDA was monitored after
ium composition. Re-suspended cultures were maintained 30 min of incubation in the dark at RT.
during 14–20 d, with slight bubbling to avoid any carbon
limitation. Cultures were regularly sampled, with at least
Metacaspase gene expression
one sampling every 2 d after the NO3- concentration
dropped below 6 lM and until the end of the log phase of Samples of 200 ml to 1 liter were collected, containing
growth. Monitored cytomorphological and physiological 3.5 9 105 to 106 cells per sample. Cells were concentrated
parameters were the same as those analyzed during heat by gravity using a 20 lm mesh size net and resuspended
shock on CCMP 1493 cultures. NO3- concentration in the in 5–10 ml of 0.2 lm filtered seawater. Cells were then
culture medium was also measured. pelleted by centrifugation (2,400 g, 7 min, 7 °C), and each
pellet was resuspended in 1 ml of TRIzol reagent (Invitro-
gen) and kept at 80 °C until analysis. Thecae and cellular
Microscopic observations
membranes were broken by vortexing for 1 min in the
Cell abundances were estimated in replicate, from culture presence of 0.5 mm silica-zirconium beads. Extraction and
samples preserved in Lugol’s iodine. For each sample, a washing of total RNA was performed according to the TRI-
minimum of 600 cells were counted under the microscope zol reagent protocol. mRNA was extracted from total RNA
using a Sedgewick Rafter counting chamber. Cell concen- using the MicroPoly (A) Purist kit (Ambion, Life Techno-
trations were used to calculate net exponential growth logies, Grand Island, NY, USA), and mRNA was quantified
rate (l, d 1) as defined by Guillard (1973). using RiboGreen (Molecular Probes, Life Technologies,
Three cellular parameters were microscopically Grand Island, NY, USA). One lg of mRNA per 20 ll of total
determined by fluorescent labeling: ecdysis, cell mem- reaction volume was used to generate cDNA using Super-
brane status, and ROS production. Results were obtained Script II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) according to the
from observations of more than 400 cells, in replicate, manufacturer’s instructions. Following cDNA synthesis,
using a Sedgewick Rafter chamber under epifluorescent RNA was digested by adding 2 ll of RNAse H per 1 lg of
illumination. mRNA in the reaction and incubating for 20 min at 37 °C.
The cDNA was used as a template for quantitative real-
Ecdysis time PCR of metacaspase transcript levels; reactions con-
One drop of formaldehyde and one drop of Calcofluor tained 4 ll of cDNA and 1.5 ll of each primer in a total vol-
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) were added to 2 ml ume of 25 ll. Reaction conditions included 40 cycles of
samples. The blue labeling of the thecal plates by Calcoflu- primer annealing and DNA replication at 60 °C and 72 °C,
or allowed the enumeration of ecdysal cysts. respectively, with 30 s for each step. Quantification was
performed at the end of the extension step. The PCR prim-
Cell membrane status ers were designed from the EST sequence of an A. tama-
Loss of membrane asymmetry by the externalization of rense metacaspase (AtMC) homolog (GenBank accession
PS was assayed using the phospholipid-binding protein CF947457, A. tamarense cDNA clone UI-D-GC1-aad-n-06-0-
Annexin V. The protocol used was adapted from manu- UI). Threshold cycle (Ct) values were determined by the
facturer recommendations. Alexandrium tamarense cells software.
were pelleted by centrifugation (2,000 g, 5 min, RT, To determine the level of expression of the AtMC gene
room temperature) and resuspended in 100 ll of Annex- in each sample, a stock solution of the target sequence
in V buffer (Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA). Thirty was created from PCR amplicons of A. tamarense cell
minute incubations were performed in dark at RT after lysate using AtMC primers. The AtMC amplicon was
addition of 5 ll of Annexin-V-FITC (Biolegend) and quantified using the Quant-it dsDNA HS kit (Invitrogen)
stopped by the addition of 700 ll of Annexin V buffer. after purification of PCR products (Ultra Clean PCR Clean-
Integrity of the cell membrane was examined using up DNA purification kit; Mo Bio Laboratories, Carlsbad,
SYTOX-orange dye (0.5 lM final concentration; Invitro- CA, USA). Standard solutions covered a concentration gra-
gen, Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA), which is dient ranging from 102 to 106 copies/reaction.
a high-affinity nucleic acid stain that only penetrates cells
with compromised plasma membranes. Observations of
Activity of caspase-like enzymes
SYTOX-stained cells were performed after 15 min of
dark incubation at RT. Algal cells were pelleted by centrifugation (2,400 g, 7 min,
7 °C) and resuspended in PBS . Thecae and cellular mem-
ROS production branes were broken by vortexing for 1 min in the presence
Intracellular ROS production was assayed with of 0.5 mm silica-zirconium beads. Cell debris was removed
carboxy-H2DCFDA (C400, Invitrogen), using a working by centrifugation (14,000 g, 8 min, 6 °C). Measurements of
probe solution prepared in 100% ethanol and according to caspase-like protein activity as well as protein content were
manufacturer’s specifications. Alexandrium tamarense performed using supernatant of cell lysates and commercial
cells were collected by centrifugation (2,000 g, 5 min, RT) kits based on fluorescence measurements. Caspase 3-like
and resuspended in PBS containing the probe at a final protein activity was determined from incubation with
concentration of 5 lM. Green fluorescence coming from DEVD-substrate (Apo-ONEâ Homogeneous Caspase 3/7

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
528 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538
Jauzein & Erdner Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense

assay kit, Promega, Madison, WI, USA); the SensoLyteâ

AFC caspase sampler kit (Anaspec, Fremont, CA, USA) was
used to estimate cleavage rates of AFC-substrates for casp-
ases 8, 9, and 2; protein content of cell lysates was esti-
mated using the Nano-orangeâ protein quantitation kit
(Molecular Probes). All incubations were performed in the
dark, in microplates, following respective manufacturer kit
protocols. For enzymatic activity measurements, kinetic
analysis of substrate cleavage was performed over a 1 h 20
period at 20 min intervals using a fluorescence microplate
reader. Cleavage rates were normalized to total protein con-

Indicators of photosynthetic health and nutritive

Culture samples (10–20 ml in replicate) for the determina-
tion of cellular chlorophyll a content were filtered onto
Whatman GF/C filters and extracted in 100% methanol for
24 h at 4 °C. The fluorescence of the extracted pigments
was measured with a Turner Designs 10-AU fluorometer
(Turner Designs, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), and chlorophyll a
concentrations were determined using a calibration curve
and correction for phaeopigments.
The fluorescence-based maximum quantum yield of
photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was determined from estimations
of the initial (Fo) and the maximum (Fm) in vivo fluores-
cence of culture samples dark adapted for 30 min. Fo and
Fm corresponded to fluorescence measurements per-
formed before and 30 s after the addition of 3-(3,4-dichlor-
ophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), respectively. These
measurements were performed on 3 ml-samples in tripli-
Figure 1 Stress-related responses in Alexandrium tamarense cells
cates, using a Turner Designs 10-AU fluorometer and a
(strain CCMP 1493) exposed to 0.4 mM H2O2. (A) Variations in total
final DCMU concentration of 20 lM. Fv/Fm ratios were
number of ecdysal cysts and cysts labeled with Calcofluor in particu-
calculated as (Fm Fo)/Fm (Vincent 1980).
lar. (B) Variations in cell density and proportion of cells labeled with
During the nutrient stress experiment, the determination
SYTOX and Annexin-V. Data points show average values from two
of nitrate concentrations in the culture medium was based replicate cultures, and vertical lines indicate the range of the data.
on the method of Jones (1984) where nitrate is reduced to
nitrite using cadmium granules. Nitrate concentrations were
derived from absorbance measurements performed at sampling, reaching 66  14% of the total cell number
543 nm with a spectrophotometer, using a calibration curve. after 5 d of exposure (Fig. 1A).
During the first 24 h of H2O2 exposure, the total cell
density increased by 11.8  3.6% (Fig. 1B). Only vegeta-
tive cells could be responsible for this increase, and they
represented 11.7  3.5% of the whole population at the
Oxidative stress
beginning of the dark phase. Thus, these variations
Addition of 0.4 mM H2O2 to the culture medium of expo- resulted in a cell division rate of vegetative cells higher
nentially growing cells of A. tamarense (strain CCMP than 0.63  0.09 d 1, i.e. more than two times, the
1493, l = 0.30 d 1) caused rapid and acute ecdysis. After growth rate in exponential phase. Cell death started to
less than 2 h of exposure to H2O2, ecdysal cysts already occur after 24 h of H2O2 exposure, as shown by the
represented 60.5  1.4% of the total number of cells, and increase in the proportion of SYTOX-positive cells and a
their proportion reached 94.3  1.4% after 24 h (Fig. 1A). slight decrease in cell density over the next 4 d (Fig. 1B).
These cysts were initially identified by their round shape After 5 d, 75.7  1.6% of A. tamarense cells were con-
and an absence of thecal plates (Fig. 2). They showed a sidered dead: 24.6  3.5% were lysed and 67.7  1.6%
progressive labeling of their pellicle with Calcofluor, easily of the remaining cells showed a permeable membrane
differentiated from labeling of vegetative cell theca where (SYTOX-positive cells, Fig. 1B). A concomitant increase in
sutures between plates appeared bright blue (Fig. 2). The the percentage of Annexin-V positive cells was observed
proportion of blue labeled cysts visible under the epifluo- with time, but this proportion remained lower than and
rescent microscope increased with time from the 24 h subsequent to membrane permeabilization (Fig. 1B).

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
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Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense Jauzein & Erdner

and 48 h for caspases 2- and 3-like enzymes before

decreasing (data not shown).

Temperature stress
Heat shock (increase of 12 °C and 16 °C) tested on two
strains (GTM 253 and CCMP 1493) induced responses
ranging from crash of cultures to recovery over a few
days. Experiments used exponentially growing cultures,
characterized by respective growth rates of 0.20  0.03
and 0.24  0.04 d 1 for the strains GTM 253 and CCMP
For the GTM 253 strain, temperature stress did not
induce ecdysis but resulted in acute oxidative stress
(Fig. 3A, B). Two hours after the heat shock, all the cells
transferred from 16 °C to 32 °C (D = + 16 °C) showed an
intracellular accumulation of ROS (Fig. 3A), while ROS pro-
duction was detected in 30.3  1.3% of the cells trans-
ferred to 28 °C (D = + 12 °C) (Fig. 3B). Oxidative stress
was apparent within the whole population at 28 °C in
28 h. Exposure to 32 °C (D = + 16 °C) induced cata-
strophic mortality. All of the cells displayed permeable
membranes (SYTOX-positive) after 14 h of treatment, and
29.1  6.4% of the cells were lysed in 24 h under these
stressful conditions (Fig. 3C). Exposure to 28 °C
(D = + 12 °C) also induced death pathways: although a
decrease of only 4.3  2.7% of the total cell density was
observed over 2 d, two thirds (66.6  1.3%) of the cells
showed compromised membrane integrity after 28 h
(Fig. 3D). As observed with oxidative stress, a concomi-
tant increase in the percentage of Annexin-V positive cells
was observed (Fig. 3C, D), but it remained lower than and
subsequent to SYTOX staining.
For the strain CCMP 1493, a transfer of cells from
16 °C to 32 °C (D = + 16 °C) resulted in stress and mortal-
ity but over a longer timescale than responses observed
for GTM 253. In contrast to strain GTM 253, heat shock
induced a low level of ecdysis in CCMP 1493 cultures dur-
ing the first 40 h, after which the proportion of ecdysal
cysts stabilized around 10–20% of total cells (Fig. 4A).
Production of ROS increased within the population over
the 4 d following heat shock (Fig. 4A). More than half of
the original cells were still viable 96 h after heat shock,
when one third (31.1  6.2%) of the remaining cells had a
permeable membrane (SYTOX-positive) and 19.1  5.0%
of the initial population had been lysed (Fig. 4C). Negative
impacts on photosynthetic abilities started to be observed
after 48 h under these stressful conditions, as shown by a
Figure 2 Microscopic observations of Alexandrium tamarense cells decrease in both chlorophyll a content per cell and Fv/Fm
(strain CCMP 1493) labeled with Calcofluor. (A) Chain of two vegeta- (Fig. 4E).
tive cells with thecal plates labeled. (B) Figure of excystment where A transfer of CCMP 1493 cells from 16 °C to 28 °C also
the pellicle of the ecdysal cyst was labeled. resulted in low-level ecdysis (Fig. 4B). This heat shock of
12 °C, however, only halted growth of this strain tempo-
rarily and allowed for a recovery after 48 h. Indeed, no
The monitoring of caspase-like activities revealed a increase in the proportion of SYTOX-positive cells was
background activity for each of the four substrates tested. observed and, although cell concentration remained con-
No oxidative stress specific induction of caspase-like activ- stant during 48 h, cell density then increased again at a
ity could be observed. The background activity level was growth rate of 0.22  0.04 d 1 (Fig. 4D). Furthermore,
maintained during 36 h for caspases 8- and 9-like enzymes only a part of the population (up to 33.4  6.1%) showed

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
530 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538
Jauzein & Erdner Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense

Figure 3 Stress-related responses in Alexandrium tamarense cells (strain GTM 253) transferred from 16 °C to 32 °C (A, C) and 28 °C (B, D). (A,
B) Variations in proportion of ecdysal cysts, cysts labeled with Calcofluor and cells showing overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). (C,
D) Variations in cell density and proportion of cells labeled with SYTOX and Annexin-V. Data points show average values obtained from two repli-
cate cultures, and vertical lines indicate the range of the data.

an intracellular accumulation of ROS in response to heat caspase gene expression was measured in the cultures
shock (Fig. 4B). No modification in chlorophyll a content transferred to 28 °C (Fig. 4H).
per cell or Fv/Fm was observed over the course of the
experiment (Fig. 4F).
Nutrient stress
Both heat shock conditions tested (increase of 12 °C or
16 °C) induced a similar pattern of variations of caspase Cellular responses of A. tamarense to nutrient stress were
3-like activity for CCMP 1493 cells (Fig. 4G, H). As studied through time during NO3- depletion. The three cul-
reported above for oxidative stress, a background level of tures monitored simultaneously allowed for successive
caspase 3-like activity can be detected during growth of exhaustion of the initial NO3- pool; the initial concentra-
A. tamarense (Fig. 4H). No activation of caspase 3-like tions obtained after addition of 0, 11 and 44 lM NO3-
activity was observed during cell death processes induced were exhausted in 3, 6, and 8 d, respectively (Fig. 5). In
by heat shock (Fig. 4G). Peak values of enzyme activity all cultures, chlorophyll a concentration per cell declined
were recorded during the 4 d of monitoring, but they sharply from the day NO3- became exhausted in the med-
were likely associated with the diel cycle; peak values cor- ium (Fig. 5), decreasing by half in about 5 d. Fv/Fm did not
responded to samples collected during the dark phase. reflect variations in nutrient conditions as values remained
Metacaspase gene expression was not correlated with high and stable throughout the experiment, averaging 0.64
caspase 3-like enzyme activity (Fig. 4G, H). A slight over- ( 0.03 SD), 0.66 ( 0.03 SD), and 0.65 ( 0.02 SD) for
expression of the metacaspase gene occurred during cell the 0, 11 and 44 lM NO3- cultures, respectively (data not
death processes (Fig. 4G), while a net increase in meta- shown).

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538 531
Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense Jauzein & Erdner

Figure 4 Stress-related responses in Alexandrium tamarense cells (strain CCMP 1493) transferred from 16 °C to 32 °C (A, C, E, G) and 28 °C (B,
D, F, H). (A, B) Variations in the proportion of ecdysal cysts, cysts labeled with Calcofluor and cells showing an overproduction of reactive oxygen
species (ROS). (C, D) Variations in cell density and proportion of cells labeled with SYTOX. (E, F) Variations in chlorophyll a cellular content and in
Fv/Fm ratio. (G, H) Variations in caspase 3-like activity and level of expression of metacaspase gene homolog. Data points show average values
obtained from two replicate cultures, and vertical lines indicate the range of the data.

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
532 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538
Jauzein & Erdner Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense

The graded nutrient conditions tested allowed for sev-

eral cell division cycles, even in the culture where no
NO3- was initially added. The initial N-limitation gradient
was not reflected in the growth rate estimated during
the log phase (average value of 0.27  0.04 d 1 between
the three cultures) but in the maximal cell density
reached at the stationary phase (Fig. 5). Maximal cell
densities were 4.0, 5.5, and 9.0 times higher than the
starting density in the 0, 11 and 44 lM NO3- cultures,
respectively. No induction of mortality was noted over
the course of the experiment as the percentage of
SYTOX-positive cells remained below 2% in the three
conditions tested (data not shown). Only a slight increase
in the proportion of ecdysal cysts was observed with
time, and percentages remained below 7% even when
cultures reached stationary phase (data not shown).
These changes, as well as acute variations in pigment
content, were not driven by a production of ROS; no
trend was noted in the proportion of cells showing an
exacerbated ROS production and average values of 5.8%
( 2.6 SD), 4.8% ( 1.2 SD), and 6.9 ( 1.8 SD) were
obtained for the 0, 11 and 44 lM NO3- cultures, respec-
tively (data not shown).
Concerning apoptosis indicators, no induction of PS
inversion was observed during NO3- depletion as the per-
centage of Annexin-V-positive cells remained below 1.4%
in the three conditions tested (data not shown). However,
caspase enzyme activity and metacaspase transcript levels
did vary over the course of the experiment (Fig. 6). Varia-
tions were on the order of two to threefold and were
coherent between the three cultures. They consisted of
an increase in metacaspase transcript levels at the point
when specific growth rate began to decline, followed by a
decrease few days later. A concomitant increase in cas-
pase 3-like enzyme activity was observed for the 0 and
11 lM NO3- cultures. In the 44 lM NO3- culture, the
enzyme activity increased a few days after the increase in
metacaspase transcripts, then decreased sharply when
the culture entered stationary phase.


Several ways to respond to stress: influence of

intrinsic and extrinsic factors
Exposure of A. tamarense cells to oxidative, temperature
and nutrient challenges required highly stressful conditions
to induce cell death. Tolerance of this species to these
potential stressors revealed various strategies for coping
Figure 5 Stress-related responses in Alexandrium tamarense cells with sublethal conditions, including strain-specific
(strain GTM 253) during nitrate depletion. Variations in cell density, responses to the same stress. For instance, a similar stim-
chlorophyll a cellular content and nitrate concentration in culture med- ulus (temperature increase of 12 °C or 16 °C) resulted in
ium after resuspension of cells in medium containing 0 lM (A), death of one A. tamarense strain, but recovery of the
11 lM (B) and 44 lM (C) of nitrate. Data points show the average of other. Differences between strains regarding temperature
multiple measurements. A solid arrow shows when nitrate became tolerance may be related to the existence of ecotypes,
depleted in culture medium, i.e. when nitrate concentration dropped adapted to environmental conditions prevailing in their ori-
under the detection limit. A dashed arrow indicates entrance into sta- ginal habitat (Kobiyama et al. 2010). Indeed, GTM 253
tionary phase, when cell density reached a plateau. appeared to be more sensitive to high temperature

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Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538 533
Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense Jauzein & Erdner

different physico-chemical challenges appears to depend

on both extrinsic and intrinsic factors.

ROS production as a key determinant of stress

Exposure of A. tamarense cells to an abrupt temperature
increase induced rapid and widespread ROS generation.
Over-production of ROS is commonly detected in marine
organisms exposed to various environmental stressors
such as heat shock or high levels of visible and ultraviolet
radiation (Lesser 2012). An excess of intracellular ROS can
irreversibly alter lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and DNA,
and may ultimately result in cell death (Lesser 2012).
Although ROS are obvious agents of cellular damage, it
has also been shown that ROS can directly mediate stress
signaling in various organisms (Lesser 2012). For instance,
heat shock proteins (e.g., Hsp70) are involved in early
sensing of H2O2 production and transduction of thermal
shock signals in plants (Suzuki and Mittler 2006). Identifi-
cation of Hsp70 has recently been reported in A. tama-
rense (Kobiyama et al. 2010), suggesting the existence of
similar processes in this species. It is not known what
proportion of ROS was spontaneously generated as a
direct result of temperature stress vs. actively produced
for the specific purpose of signaling. Nonetheless, it has
been suggested that these two different pathways of
ROS production occur with different timing and subcellular
localizations (Suzuki and Mittler 2006).
Our findings show that sequences of events occurring
during temperature stress are largely correlated with inten-
sity of ROS production, supporting the hypothesis of a del-
icate balance between intracellular roles in signaling or
destruction (Suzuki and Mittler 2006). Indeed, amounts of
ROS detected during heat shock experiments were corre-
lated with three main sequences of events: (i) (CCMP
1493–28 °C) moderate and temporary increase in ROS
production; low level of ecdysal cyst formation; cells
recovered after 2 d without induction of death or irrevers-
ible damage on photosynthesis apparatus; (ii) (CCMP 1493
– 32 °C) strong and steady increase in ROS production;
reduced photosynthetic function; formation of pellicle
cysts or death; (iii) (GTM 253 – 28 °C and 32 °C) intense
and rapid ROS production; cells were committed to die,
skipping cyst formation. Comparable gradual and dose-
dependent sequences of events were reported by Haberk-
orn et al. (2011) for Alexandrium minutum cells exposed
to H2O2, with cellular responses ranging from cyst forma-
Figure 6 Stress-related responses in Alexandrium tamarense cells tion to death without encystment. Formation of cysts has
(strain GTM 253) during nitrate depletion. Variations in caspase 3-like also been observed during H2O2 exposure performed on
activity and level of expression of metacaspase gene homolog in A. tamarense cells in present work.
resuspended cultures with initial nitrate concentrations of 0 lM (A),
While most recent studies reporting ROS production in
11 lM (B) and 44 lM (C). Data points show the average of multiple
microalgae focus on implication of ROS in PCD pathways
measurements. A solid arrow shows when nitrate became depleted
(Ding et al. 2012; Thamatrakoln et al. 2012; Zuppini et al.
in culture medium, i.e. when nitrate concentration dropped under the
2010), our experiments allow for a detailed characterization
detection limit. A dashed arrow indicates entrance into stationary
phase, when cell density reached a plateau.
of an alternative role of ROS for thecate dinoflagellate: the
formation of pellicle cysts after ecdysis. Surprisingly, these
exposure (above 28 °C) than CCMP 1493; temperatures at cysts became labeled with Calcofluor after several hours
their isolation sites range from 1 °C to 22 °C and 14 °C to under oxidative stress, suggesting the development of a
30 °C, respectively. The response of A. tamarense cells to cellulose-like layer in the pellicle. Synthesis of layers

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
534 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538
Jauzein & Erdner Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense

containing cellulose or cellulose-like compounds in the cyst 2002). There is growing evidence that dinoflagellate cell
wall has been described for some dinoflagellate species cycle progression is mediated by universal cell cycle regu-
(Okuda and Sekida 2007) and in particular for Alexandrium lators, as homologues of cdk and cyclins have been
ostenfeldii (Jensen and Moestrup 1997), but never for A. described in dinoflagellate species such as Karenia brevis
tamarense. Pellicle cysts formed asexually by A. tama- (Barbier et al. 2003; Van Dolah and Leighfield 1999). Exis-
rense are usually identified according to descriptions of tence of restriction point(s) in the A. tamarense cell cycle
Anderson and Wall (1978), where the cyst wall is thin, un- is therefore highly conceivable. Our findings suggest that
ornamented and lacking cellulose. Formation of pellicle A. tamarense stress responses depend on multi-factorial
cysts by A. tamarense was recently reported in situ influences, where extrinsic and intrinsic factors, such as
(Angles et al. 2012; species referred as Alexandrium fundy- type and intensity of stimulus as well as position in cell
ense). Field observations are, however, required to assess cycle, may act in combination.
if multi-layered pellicle cysts, synthesizing a cellulose-like
layer, are laboratory artifacts due to harsh conditions or if Non apoptosis-related detection of usual PCD
they occur in nature. Lastly, our findings showed that ecdy- hallmarks
sal cysts formed under recent H2O2 exposure quickly Annexin-V staining of PS is one of the commonly used
reverted to motile cells when transferred to fresh f/2 med- hallmarks for PCD determination (Leist and Nicotera
ium (data not shown), suggesting that they are ‘temporary 1997). This labeling allows for the tracking of an early sign
cysts’ (Bravo et al. 2010), a quiescent form of A. tama- of apoptosis: the loss of membrane asymmetry by translo-
rense life cycle. cation of PS from the inner- to the outer-part of the
plasma membrane, which is thought to precede the break-
Implication of cell cycle stage in stress responses down in membrane integrity. Annexin-V stained cells of A.
Formation of temporary cysts during thermal stress (only tamarense were observed in the present work. However,
observed for the strain CCMP 1493) solely occurred during their proportion was always lower or similar to the propor-
the first 40 h of exposure, suggesting that quiescence is a tion of SYTOX-positive cells, suggesting that occurrence
transient response to thermal stress. After the number of of Annexin-V staining lagged loss of membrane integrity.
cysts reached a plateau, two different cell fates were Our results mirror those of recent studies reporting
observed, depending on stress intensity: proliferation Annexin-V staining in phytoplankton (Moharikar et al.
restarted in cells exposed to moderate thermal stress 2006; Segovia and Berges 2009; Thamatrakoln et al.
while cell mortality was observed in response to high tem- 2012). We hypothesize that they do not support occur-
perature stress. These sequences of events implicate rence of PCD but are more likely associated with Annexin-
temporary encystment as a way to avoid stressful condi- V binding to the inside of the cell membrane, without PS
tions by entering into quiescent stage, as reported for A. translocation. Thus, Annexin-V staining does not appear to
tamarense in response to different environmental stres- be a reliable indicator of PCD in phytoplankton cells.
sors (Bravo et al. 2010). Interestingly, the temporal win- Increases in metacaspase gene expression and caspase
dow during which ecdysis occurred (40 h) was close to 3-like activity were observed during nutrient challenge.
the time needed for the whole population to go through a NO3- depletion did not, however, activate either death or
complete cell cycle (2 d for an unsynchronized population quiescence pathways. Actual induction of N-stress was
growing at 0.3 d 1). The position in the cell cycle when supported by the drop in cellular content of the N-rich
stress-related responses are activated might then be a photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll a, even though Fv/Fm
factor in the “choice” between quiescence and death/ ratio remained high and stable during the course of exper-
growth responses. iments. Franklin et al. (2009) similarly noticed that high
In this study, although most of cells exposed to H2O2 values of photosystem II efficiency do not always reflect
entered into quiescence in a few hours, the remaining presence of photosynthetically active cells and can be
vegetative cells still underwent cell division during the even consistent with the presence of a large fraction of
dark phase, with a surprisingly high specific division rate quiescent or dead cells. In this study, part of the varia-
(≥ 0.63 d 1) very close to one division per cell (0.69 d 1). tions in expression of metacaspase transcripts and cas-
Cell division of A. tamarense is known to happen during pase-like activity appear to be independent of cell death
the dark phase, with G1/S (replication of organelles/synthe- and therefore may be related to other factors, as dis-
sis of DNA) and G2/M (second growth phase/mitosis) tran- cussed below.
sitions occurring at the beginning and middle of the dark
phase, respectively (Taroncher-Oldenburg et al. 1997).
Multifunctionality of metacaspases and caspase-like
This further suggests an influence of cell cycle position on
A. tamarense stress responses, with postponement of
ecdysis for cells already committed to cell division. In While progress has been recently made towards the identi-
eukaryotic cells, a “point of no return” or restriction point fication of proteases responsible for caspase-like activities
exists during the G1/S transition, beyond which the cell is in plants, these proteases are still unknown in microalgae
committed to divide. The restriction point is under control and are unlikely to be metacaspases (Bonneau et al. 2008).
of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdk) bound to their specific Indeed, several publications have now demonstrated that
regulatory subunits (cyclins) (Blagosklonny and Pardee plant metacaspases are unable to cleave caspase-specific

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538 535
Stress-related Responses in A. tamarense Jauzein & Erdner

substrates, and that their enzymatic activity is not affected (Taroncher-Oldenburg et al. 1997). In metazoans, a role of
by caspase inhibitors (He et al. 2008; Vercammen et al. caspases in cell division regulation could rely on cleavage of
2007). Such advanced results have not been obtained for negative regulators preventing cell cycle progression (Algec-
phytoplankton species, but Thamatrakoln et al. (2012) have iras-Schimnich et al. 2002). Activation of caspase 3-like
recently proposed several gene candidates for caspase-like enzyme was also observed along a growth curve, before
proteases in the diatom T. pseudonana. In this study, no the entrance into stationary phase, during the nutrient
correlation was found between temporal variations in meta- stress experiment. As discussed above for metacaspases,
caspase gene expression and caspase-3-like activity for A. such variations imply a role of the cysteine protease in the
tamarense cells exposed to heat shock and nutrient stress. slowing down of the growth rate and aging of cultures.
These results support the hypothesis that metacaspases in Our results suggest that cysteine proteases (metacasp-
unicellular organisms are not functional homologs of animal ases and caspase-like enzymes) may play multiple roles in
caspases. phytoplankton cells, including potential involvement in cell
Metacaspases, as caspase-like proteases, can be survival, cell division or aging processes. Housekeeping
involved in the regulation of cell death directly, as execu- and regulatory functions for death-related genes in microal-
tioner of cell death machinery, or indirectly by signaling gae were hypothesized by Bidle and Falkowski (2004), and
cascades leading to death (Segovia and Berges 2009; Tsia- subsequent studies in diverse organisms have supported
tsiani et al. 2011). In our experiments, an increase meta- this view of the multifunctionality of caspases and meta-
caspase transcript level in A. tamarense cells was caspases (e.g. Ambit et al. 2008; Launay et al. 2005; Lee
observed when density of cultures or nutrient availability et al. 2010; Thamatrakoln et al. 2012). This multifunctional-
resulted in a decrease in growth rate, suggesting involve- ity could be explained by a dose-dependent effect: the pro-
ment of metacaspases in the aging processes of A. tama- tein quantity could mediate the balance between
rense cultures. This is concordant with the results of proliferation (baseline level) and limitation of growth
Thamatrakoln et al. (2012), who reported greater expres- (increase in activity), as proposed by Ambit et al. (2008)
sion of metacaspase genes in exponential vs. late expo- and Zalila et al. (2011) for the metacaspase LmjMCA.
nential cells of the diatom T. pseudonana. An increase in Another potential explanation could rely on subcellular local-
metacaspase gene expression during logarithmic growth ization of proteases and/or the accessibility of substrates
when compared to stationary phase cultures has also (Algeciras-Schimnich et al. 2002; Bonneau et al. 2008).
been reported for LmjMCA in the protozoan Leishmania
major (Ambit et al. 2008). Studies in yeast (Lee et al.
2010) and fungi (Richie et al. 2007) suggest that involve-
ment of metacaspases in aging processes during active This study highlights the complexity of regulatory pro-
growth may be related, among other activities, to their cesses leading to “choices” between survival, quies-
role in regulation of protein aggregates. Indeed, progres- cence, or death in phytoplankton cells, where type and
sive accumulation of damaged protein aggregates eventu- intensity of stimulus as well as intrinsic factors such as
ally contributes to cellular dysfunction and senescence cell cycle position could act in combination. Production of
(Martinez-Vicente et al. 2005). ROS appeared as a key determinant of stress-related path-
Different caspase-specific substrates (corresponding to ways, playing potential roles in intracellular signaling and
caspase-2, -3, -8 and -9) were tested in this study and a formation of temporary cysts but also as agents of cellular
baseline protease activity was observed for each of them. damage. According to the observed sequences of events
The activity of caspase-3-like proteases was examined under stressful conditions, PCD was not activated in A.
more closely than others and revealed maintenance of this tamarense cells in response to oxidative, temperature, or
background activity during exponential growth of A. tama- nutrient stress. This study emphasizes the fact that classi-
rense. A similar constitutive activity of caspase 3-like prote- cal hallmarks of apoptosis have to be used with caution
ases has recently been described during exponential for characterization of PCD pathways in phytoplankton. In
growth of two other toxic dinoflagellates, K. brevis and particular, present results suggest a wider range of roles
Karenia mikimotoi (Bouchard and Purdie 2011). This back- for cysteine proteases (caspase-like enzymes and meta-
ground activity could be responsible for the maintenance of caspases) in microalgae, including nondeath functions
a low lysis rate in actively growing populations and/or it sup- such as cell cycle regulation or survival pathways. Non-
ports a role for these proteases in housekeeping functions, death roles of cysteine proteases might provide an addi-
as hypothesized by Segovia et al. (2003) for protein turn- tional explanation for the conservation of death-related
over. Housekeeping functions for caspase-like enzymes in genes in genomes of unicellular algae.
microalgal cell are supported by recent reports of nondeath
roles of caspases in metazoans, including involvement in
survival pathways and cell proliferation (Algeciras-Schimnich
et al. 2002; Launay et al. 2005). In this study, a potential This article is a result of research funded by the National
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explain diel variations in enzyme activity observed during sored Coastal Ocean Research under award no.
thermal challenge of strain CCMP 1493: increases were NA09NOS4780166 to the University of Texas Marine Sci-
noted during the dark phase, when cell division occurs ence Institute. The authors are grateful to Dr. Yun hee

© 2013 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2013 International Society of Protistologists
536 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 526–538
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