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F. NQ.33-71/2011-TS-1II

Governmentof India


.- -"-

Ministry of Human Respurce Developm~nt Department of Higher Education


Shastri BhawajJ, New Delhi Dated, the 19"l(,tarch 2013.

To . '__ The'Directors All NITs.



Removal of anomalies arising out of the implementation of Sarangi ~ommittee recommendations regarding. . ' .



This Mi~istrY had rt~ived several representations f;om the'fa~~'ltYlTeacher's' Welfare;- ..... Associations 'and others col')Sequent upon the implementation of vaiious recommendatiQfls.ot_ j_. Sarangi Committee, on ,pay anomalies and Career ,Advancement Scheme: These representatnfl)s.~_' '-. ...;... ..i~sues relatingfo .guidelines.:, . .along with t~e recommendatiansof.Sarangi Committeeon vari.~us on, CAS, MOdel Recruitment Rules et~. were discussed in the meetings "of Special.Gpmmitt~'.. h~ded by Special Secretary (rEf,--MHRD held on 10.01.2012 and AS (TE) ori 2.1.2013.After

de;tailed deliberations loilOwing decisionshave beenta'ke~ .'. : ~.'

, ;' . --




'. .:.

' -', .


Career1\dvartcement Scheme (CAs) was 'in 'ope'rati~ in institutions under guicfelihes provided.-.bY AICTE & UGC. HOwever it -was m;a~' clear that those' noritl$ and 'procedures are not applicable to NITs. As 'a special 'case, :institutes that- hav:e.'nQ! considered CAS for 3 yeats or' longer were allowed to do so asa one-time measure.. .. _ .f. . . The Ministry reiterates the decision Qf the N1TCouncil [3rd meeting, item No.3.1'7) to adi> t Flexible' 4-tier facul cadre structure by way of' resolution by the respective,



of Governors.'ofall NITs'with'a complrS.nce report to be sent by them to the

t~e .tie.. flexible faculty cadre structure by 30th April; 2013.
.: .'. April. 2013; If.s .di.rected ~ide 'Ministry's order .NO.~F. No.23-1!2~08TSJ! qated._1&08.:.2Q99, tpe. MInistry WIll. put "up the selection normS-for-vanous positionslmder
., . ". --."-



'. ".



The C~uncil of NITs had permitted CAS only as.a one-time measure. No permission shall be ranted for conductiO electioru.mder...CAS-iJ:uul stitute-w.e.f.-3oA2-a::J.3

:;;-.. -

as _e Ins nu es ave 0'adopt impementationof 4~tierfaculty cadre structure'by ~t.i~



>... ". ..--", .


Since Ph. D. has becomethe basic qualifi~ationfor entering intq the-'''regular'' faculty\~ . cadre in any grade, there shall be no Ph. D. incre .' [for those who are alreadY'--holding regular faculty posllons WI
, .

ower qualifications] as already decided by the


Council [3rdMeeting item No. 3.18).. There shall, however, be no roll b~ck nor recovery
of payments already made. The earlier orders from/the, Ministry dated 09.03.2010 stands modified and is annexed. '

v) .

As provided in' the Clause 14(i) of Statutes. "the BoGs have the power to'ftX...onthe recommendation of the.Selection Committee the initial pay of an incumbent atasta~,'~"

~~~~~~-h-Y~~~l~~ ~CPt-J).~
~~oJL.~/~' ~B



can be made by the Board under the provision of the Act". The Directors who are integral to all Selection Committees, would ensure thah,initial. salaries granted to all new recruits, and to existing faculty entering higher positions,. are commensurate with the candidates' experience and performance record and that no new anomaly are created by the recommendations of additional increments made by the Selection Committees. T~ an effort to eliminate anol'!lalies at the BoG level after exercising the powers as per s

vi) . - ...-When selection committees are called upon to consider HAG. scale' for. senior
P-rofessors, only .eminent .people already in HAG ~r comparable scale ,of pay, or fellows of national academics, be appointed to Selection Committees. vii) Since selection of staff both administrative, technical and academic (except Director NITs) is done by the Selection Com'mittee of NITs with the. ~pproval of BoG, the nomalies related to the selection under CAS or, otherwise may .be dealt at their level
... .

of th~oar . -+-~

. to these


. anomalies

6f all NITs 'are reqLiested to kindly adhere

. decisions

strictly so th~t to this:~.."'.

. '. _,.

of the emplpyees with regard to pay, recruitment, selection of faculties,. tfAG.

Action taken in this regard may kindly be communicated .

scales et~. are minimized.

Ministry af the ~arliest. . \


.'. .--'


. '\' .I


':'__:...'-'-r , .---....

Thanking .you,
~'.. ...~....-


.. /..




(Rajesh Stdgh)


Director (T) -, '. Telefax No.23073S87.


'.. I .... i ; . ""'.


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! ".



:..----t;-. '.' :-,,'~ ,




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F. No. 38-17/2011-TS-1II

Government of India


Ministry of Human Resour,ce Development Department of Higher Education ***** Dated, the March, 2013.


The Director of all NITs Subject: Incentives for acquiring Ph. D. Degree by faculties engaged in Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTls) including NITs- regarding.


This Ministry hast,issued the following letters on 'the pay of teachers ,and equivalent cadres in Universities/Cdlfeges/ CFTls/NITs etc. on the basis 'of recommendations-of the 6th Central Pay'

- _





Le'tter no. F.1-321+006-U-II/U-I(1)

, '..'

dated '31st/December,

.I)niyersities and dolleges under UGCs.

" ','

_,_ ,

2008. This letter perta!ns tQ;' "" ' ;_ , .' '~->;'_, '_', i
" " /".---;-

,) Ii)

Letter no. -I=.23-1/2008-IS-11dated 18th'August 2009-'-revision of pay and oth.erservice.,

conditionsof teachil'l9..andother staff in CFTls [ Clause n02 (b)] pertaining'to 7 nrn<compounde~;taGv~nceincrements.._

Iii) Iv)

Letter no-~.":~.,,-23"'2I2(j09~~~-JI dated 9thMarch,-~~:mJClauseno.1 (b)) perta1~ing to

advance increments. ~,/',' ~, , _"_


Letter no. F.33-7/201f::TS-1II dated 14-03-2012 wher~in after NIT Council.'s decisi~n ori itment Rules for'facult 'Ph,.J D. Degree has ,been made an essential criterion [or recruitmeotas Assistant Professo~

2. 'HQ~e"er~~hile implementing 'the scheme of in~htives to'teaching 'staff by NITs, some of ,

claus,e; 'no 7 Qflett-er dated 31-,12-2008 whIch was 'applicable for UGC Instltutlon..s...andnot , for OFTls). Subseq.ue"tly this was clarified through letters dated, 1Ro&2009 aod 09.0~.20tO. The staff of Nrf Jaipur filed a Civil writ petitions no 4080 to 4090,J1O~;3F-to rio' 39, 4190 to 4191,-,"42~7i'o ~2(l8 and 4215 to 4218 or 201,1' in the Hon'ble ~ench of ,

NITs'h5w~:..m~de payment (bene~tsof 3 .non-conipo~ndedadvance',.inc~e~ents as per



Rajasthan 'High Court at Jaipu/",'seeking advance increments to Ph. D. quoting Clause of

the letter dat~



March 2010.


. ~

:.. "-

--. ...

3. TheHori'ble bench of Rajasthan High Court Jaipur vide order vide 9rder dated 19.052!f:-', directed MHRD, Government of India to take a proper decision as to' wh~!her ord~r dat~~ 31.12.2008 has to be applied to NITs and Tech.nical University throughout India. If it haS)to be applied, then all those who have taken higher education while i'n service" would be \\ entitled to three non-compounded increments. If benefit as, given out in the, order dated 31.12.2008 is' not app'licable' to the MNITs and Technical 'lJniversity, then it should be clarified t<;> all concerns, but in that eventuality, lienefit. already given should not be recovered as it was -extendedby,..the NIT- at their o~n-,leVeland not due to fraud and misrepresentation by the petitioners. The Hon'ble Court has disposed of the .e,ases with . -~. .........
the above direction".' .-' '--... "-..~...,-


In view of the above and keeping in view the Hon'ble High Court's, Jaipur order dated 19.05.12 the matter has been examined afresh and the'following Is suggested to adhere to it strictly. i) The letter of UGC dated 31.12.2008 is'not applicable to CFTls including NITs. The letter from the Ministry dated 18.08.2009 was pertaining to CFTls and NITs.


Para 1 (b) of the letter dated 9thMarch 2010 stands modified to the extent that
advance compounded increments wouid not apply to all categgries of teachers, encefOrth.


Since Ph.. D. is a minimum qualification. for entry into the 'regular' faculty cadre. in any grade, there sh II e no Ph.D' cr ent (for tt,1efaculty alrea~y holding regular faculty positions with lower qualifications , as aireacfy decided by the NIT Council in its 3m meeting (item no. 3.18). As provided in the NiT statues [clause . 1~(i)] "the BOGs have the power to fix on the recommendation,s of the Selection, . """""Committee the initial pay of an at a stage higher than the minimum of the Scale in

j:espect of posts to which the appointmentscan pe m~d~ by the Boardunder the - provisionof the Act". -. - -.

The benefits ~ir~adY given would not be recov~red from the academic staff of th~.. _. , Institutes as d;reqted by the Hon'ble Court and'also as per NIT C0l:'ncils deci~_ion - --j'
)", I \. ,.. --';";.":'--. /

. '\'.

. ~:--

Thanking you.
~'.. ,-::t.,.





(Rajesh S1rlgh) ,
Director.(T) .

Tele fax No.2307368


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