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EX NO: 11 DATE: AIM: To learn the basics of adding a New slide, Adding a content, Starting a slide show and Running through the slides in PowerPoint. PROCEDURE: 1. Open PowerPoint by double-clic ing the PowerPoint !""# icon on the $es top, or fro% Start&Programs/Microsoft Offic /Microsoft Po! rPoi"t #$$%& The PowerPoint Application appears displaying a blan presentation.

CREATIN' A NEW S(IDE 1. On the )om tab, in the S*i+ s group, clic on N ! S*i+ . The 'ayout gallery now displays (thu%bnails) of different layouts to choose fro%.

!. Select the Tit* a"+ Co"t "t option. There are two placeholders on this slide, title and content. The content placeholder can be te*t, pictures, clip art, a S%artArt graphic, tables, charts etc. +. Add the title ,. -n the content placeholder type the contents. .. Press /0nter1.The te*t is for%atted as a bulleted list. 2. Type the content pressing /0nter1 at the end of each word. #. Sa, the presentation.

ADDIN' C(IPART 1. On the )om tab - S*i+ s group - N ! S*i+ Co"t "t 'ayout. !. -n the title placeholder type the title +. -n the content placeholder on the left, type the content. ,. -n the content placeholder on the right, clic on the C*i- Art icon. The Clip Art pane will appear. .. -n the S arc. t /t: bo* type3 ideas and then clic on 'o. 2. To select a picture, point to any picture in the 4lip Art pane. An arrow button will appear at the right of the picture. 4lic on the arrow and select the picture. #. Sa, the presentation. button - select the T!o

RUNNIN' T)E S(IDE S)OW 1. To run the Presentation Guidelines slide show fro% the beginning, do one of the following3 5 On the S*i+ S.o! tab, in the Start S*i+ S.o! group, clic on the 0rom B gi""i"g button. Notice that each slide now ta es up the whole screen. Press the /6.1 ey on the eyboard.

!. To run the slide show fro% the current slide, either3 5 -n the status bar, clic on the S*i+ S.o! docu%ent 7iew button.

On the S*i+ S.o! tab, in the Start S*i+ 0rom C1rr "t S*i+ button.

S.o! group, clic on the

MO2IN' T)ROU') T)E S(IDE S)OW To %o7e to the3 i. Ne*t slide - press the /right arrow1 ey. ii. Pre7ious slide - press the /left arrow1 ey. iii. To e*it the slide show - press the /0sc1 ey. i7. After the last slide, the slide show ends with a blac screen. To e*it fro% the Slide Show clic anywhere on the blac screen or press any ey on the eyboard.

RESU(T: Thus the basic operations li e creating a slide, adding clipart, running a slide show and %o7ing through the slide show are successfully practiced.


EX NO: 1# DATE: AIM : To learn to for%at the PowerPoint slides by Applying designs, selecting a different color sche%e, changing the bac ground, wor ing in the slide sorter 7iew and creating slide transitions.

PROCEDURE: APP(3IN' A DESI'N 1. On the D sig" tab, in the T. m s group, point to a Theme 8eg, 4i7ic9. The The%e na%e will appear and a Live Preview of how the The%e will loo on the slide show is seen. !. :se the scroll buttons to the right of the The%es to 7iew the different ones. +. Try pointing to a few The%es to see how they change the presentation. ,. Apply the 0*o! the%e to the presentation. .. ;iew the effect of the design on each slide, either in Slide ;iew, or by running the Slide Show. Applying a design %ay change the following3 5 The te*t font and colour. 5 The bac ground. 5 The bullet style. 5 A graphic %ay be added 8eg circles9

SE(ECTIN' A DI00ERENT CO(OUR SC)EME To select a Theme Colour based on our design the%e. 1. On the D sig" tab, in the T. m s group, clic on the Co*ors button. A %enu will appear displaying the a7ailable colour sche%es. !. 4lic on a colour sche%e of the choice. +. ;iew the effect of the change in colour sche%e ,. Sa, the presentation.

C)AN'IN' T)E BAC4'ROUND 1. On the D sig" tab, in the Bac5gro1"+ group, clic on the Bac5gro1"+ St6* s button. A nu%ber of bac ground styles will be displayed. !. Point to the different styles to see a Live Preview of the changes on the slides. +. Select a bac ground style of the choice. WOR4IN' IN S(IDE SORTER 2IEW Slide Sorter View allows to change the order of the slides. On the 2i ! tab, in the Pr s "tatio" 2i !s group, clic on the S*i+ Sort r button. 5 5 5 5 5 To s * ct a s*i+ - si%ply clic on it. To s * ct a ra"g of s*i+ s - clic on the first slide, hold down the /Shift1 ey, then clic on the last slide. To s * ct mor t.a" o" s*i+ - hold down the /4trl1 ey while clic ing on the re<uired slides. To s * ct a** s*i+ s - )om tab 7 E+iti"g group 7 S * ct button 7 S * ct A** To mo, a s*i+ - select the slide, then drag it to the new position. A 7ertical line will show where the slide is being %o7ed to. To co-6 a"+ -ast a s*i+ - select the slide to copy, then choose Co-6 8)om tab, C*i-8oar+ group9. Then clic where the slide is to be pasted 8a blac 7ertical line will appear9, and select Past 8)om tab, C*i-8oar+ group9. To + * t a s*i+ - select the slide, then press the /$elete1 ey. To .i+ a s*i+ - select the slide - S*i+ S.o! tab - S t U- group - )i+ S*i+ button.

5 5

CREATIN' TRANSITIONS Transitions are special effects that %erge one slide into another. Transitions can be set up in Normal or Slide Sorter ;iew. 1. Select a Slide.

!. On the A"imatio"s tab, in the Tra"sitio"s to S*i+ group, point to the different Transitions in the gallery Notice the 'i7e Pre7iew of the Transition on the slide. +. :nder the Stripes and =ars sections, select the transition B*i"+s )ori9o"ta*. ,. 4hange the 7iew to Slide Sorter 7iew. Notice how a Transition icon appears underneath the selected slide. 4lic ing on this icon will again gi7e a pre7iew of the transition effect. .. -n the A"imatio"s tab, in the Tra"sitio"s to S*i+ group, clic on the Tra"sitio" S- + arrow and change the transition speed to M +i1m. 2. 4hec that the O" Mo1s C*ic5 option is selected in the A+,a"c S*i+ section. This allows to %o7e through the slide show manually, ie using the %ouse or arrow eys #. Apply different transition effects to slides + - 2, then run the slide show. >. 0*it out of the Slide Show any ti%e by pressing the /0sc1 ey.

RESU(T: Thus the for%atting of slides in a PowerPoint presentation is practiced.

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