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Storm Water Drainage System

(Subject area: Environmental Engineering)

Prepared by: Guided by: Name: Ankit Balyan Khabete B. Tech IV !i"il# Pr$%& !'(& )VNIT&)urat *$ll n$:+,-!',-. /ear: 0,,123, Mrs. Anjali

!IVI4 'NGIN''*ING ('PA*TM'NT ).V.NATI5NA4 IN)TIT+T' 56 T'!7N545G/&



This is to certify that Mr. Ankit Balyan of B Tech IV semester 7th has satisfactory completed his seminar report on Storm Water Draina e System in S!rat d!rin academic year "##$ % "#&#.

Si nat!re of !ide'

Si nat!re of' (ead of Department

DATE: 11/11/09




I take opport!nity to e)press my deep sense of ratit!de and inde*tedness to +rof. An,ali -ham*ete in .i/il 0n ineerin department1 S.V.2.I.T1 S!rat for her /al!a*le !idance1 !sef!l comments and co3operation 4ith kind and enco!ra in attit!de at all sta es of the e)perimental 4ork for the s!ccessf!l completion of this 4ork. I am also thankf!l to S.V.2.I.T1 S!rat and its staff for pro/idin this opport!nity 4hich helped in ainin kno4led e and to make this 5rad!ate report s!ccessf!l.

Thank 6o! A !"# $%&'% U0(CE0(5

T%)&* +, C+ #* #-

Abstract .1 Introduction W at is Storm!ater 1 Storm!ater "ollution .# Storm Drain # Ancient $istory % Storm!ater &anagement Site Analysis ..' Adjoining (ro(erties ' "ublic sa)ety .' Estimating Storm!ater *uno)).+ Storm!ater Drainage System in Surat, -ase Study: Increasing t e Storm Water Drainage -a(acity o) &it i *iver in &umbai .. -onclusion 11

*e)erences.. 11


.HAT IS STORM .ATER2 Storm4ater is a term !sed to descri*e 4ater that ori inates d!rin precipitation e/ents. It may also *e !sed to apply to 4ater that ori inates 4ith sno4melt or r!noff 4ater from o/er4aterin that enters the storm4ater system. Storm4ater that does not soak into the ro!nd *ecomes s!rface r!noff1 4hich either flo4s directly into s!rface 4ater4ays or is channeled into storm se4ers1 4hich e/ent!ally dischar e to s!rface 4aters. Storm4ater is of concern for t4o main iss!es'

one related to the /ol!me and timin s!pplies81 and

of r!noff 4ater 7flood control and 4ater

The other related to potential contaminants that the 4ater is carryin 1 i.e. 4ater poll!tion.

A storm draina e system is a net4ork of str!ct!res1 channels and !nder ro!nd pipes that carry storm 4ater 7rain 4ater8 to ponds1 lakes1 streams and ri/ers. The net4ork consists of *oth p!*lic and pri/ate systems.

)T5*M :AT'* P544+TI5N Beca!se imper/io!s s!rfaces 7parkin lots1 roads1 *!ildin s1 compacted soil8 do not allo4 rain to infiltrate into the ro!nd1 more r!noff is enerated than in the !nde/eloped condition. This additional r!noff can erode 4aterco!rses 7streams and ri/ers8 as 4ell as ca!se floodin 4hen the storm4ater collection system is o/er4helmed *y the additional flo4. Beca!se the 4ater is fl!shed o!t of the 4atershed d!rin the storm e/ent1 little infiltrates the soil1 replenishes ro!nd4ater1 or s!pplies stream *aseflo4 in dry 4eather. +oll!tants enterin s!rface 4aters d!rin precipitation e/ents are termed as poll!ted r!noff. Daily h!man acti/ities res!lt in deposition of poll!tants on roads1 la4ns1 roofs1 farm fields1 etc. When it rains or there is irri ation1 4ater r!ns off and !ltimately makes its 4ay to a ri/er1 lake1 or the ocean. While there is some atten!ation of these poll!tants *efore enterin the recei/in 4aters1 the 9!antity of h!man acti/ity res!lts in lar e eno! h 9!antities of poll!tants to impair these recei/in 4aters. +oll!ted r!noff from roads and hi h4ays is the lar est so!rce of 4ater poll!tion in coastal areas today.

/ig 1 *elations i( bet!een im(ervious sur)aces and sur)ace runo))

STORM DRAIN A storm drain1 storm se4er 7:.S.81 storm4ater drain1 drain 7A!stralia and 2e4 ;ealand8 or draina e 4ell system 7:-8 is desi ned to drain e)cess rain and ro!nd 4ater from pa/ed streets1 parkin lots1 side4alks1 and roofs. Storm drains /ary in desi n from small residential dry 4ells to lar e m!nicipal systems. They are fed *y street !tters on most motor4ays1 free4ays and other *!sy roads1 as 4ell as to4ns in areas 4hich e)perience hea/y rainfall1 floodin and coastal to4ns 4hich e)perience re !lar storms.

/ig #. Di))erent ty(es o) storm !ater drains

ANCIENT HISTORY Since the era that h!mans *e an li/in in concentrated /illa e or !r*an settin s1 storm4ater r!noff has presented itself as an iss!e. S!ch d4ellin styles can *e enerally related to the Bron<e A e 4hen considera*le amo!nts of imper/io!s s!rface emer ed as a factor in the desi n of early h!man settlements. Some of the early incorporation of storm4ater en ineerin is e/idenced in ancient 5reece. Archaeolo ical st!dies ha/e re/ealed !se of rather sophisticated storm4ater r!noff systems in ancient c!lt!res. =or e)ample1 in Minoan .rete appro)imately >### years *efore present cities s!ch as +haistos 4ere desi ned to ha/e storm drains and channels to collect precipitation r!noff. At .retan -nossos storm drains incl!de stone lined str!ct!res lar e eno! h for a person to cra4l thro! h. An early specific e)ample of storm4ater r!noff system desi n is fo!nd in the archaeolo ical reco/ery at Minoan +haistos on .rete. ?ther e)amples of early ci/ili<ations 4ith elements of storm4ater drain systems incl!de early people of Mainland ?rkney s!ch as 5!rness and the Bro! h of Birsay in Scotland.


Storm4ater mana ement is a f!ndamental consideration in the plannin and desi n of !r*an de/elopment. By considerin storm4ater mana ement at the initial desi n phase it is possi*le to ens!re /ia*le storm4ater mana ement sol!tions that are compati*le 4ith other desi n o*,ecti/es for the site. SITE ANALYSIS The site@s topo raphy 4ill ha/e a si nificant impact on the layo!t desi n. This is *eca!se storm4ater draina e systems almost al4ays rely on ra/ity. The layo!t of the de/elopment m!st *e confi !red so as to allo4 e)cess storm4ater to *e ra/ity3drained to a draina e system. Topo raphy 4ill also affect r!noff onto the site from s!rro!ndin properties. 0)istin o/erland flo4 paths sho!ld *e identified and retained. Where modifications to these are !na/oida*le1 they sho!ld *e desi ned so as to maintain e)istin hydrolo ical conditions. Draina e easements1 nat!ral 4aterco!rses and flood prone land sho!ld also *e identified and considered in the desi n process. It needs to *e *orne in mind that draina e easements containin !nder ro!nd pipes can operate as o/erland flo4 paths d!rin intense rainfall e/ents. B!ildin s m!st *e kept clear of draina e easements to ens!re p!*lic safety and to allo4 maintenance access. .onsideration also needs to *e i/en to local soil conditions. Aele/ant factors incl!de a*sorption capacity1 erosion potential1 soil salinity and the possi*ility of soil contamination from past acti/ities AD3OINING PROPERTIES ?ne of the *asic principles of storm4ater mana ement is to a/oid ad/erse storm4ater impacts on other properties. .aref!l consideration m!st *e i/en to controllin s!rface r!noff and s!*soil draina e to ad,oinin properties. The redirection and concentration of storm4ater flo4s onto nei h*orin properties may constit!te a Bn!isance@ at common la41 i/in affected o4ners a le al ri ht of redress. PU$LIC SAFETY Storm4ater r!noff from rare and intense storm e/ents can pose serio!s risks to life and property. It is essential that the desi n of o/erland flo4 paths1 on3site detention stora es and other storm4ater mana ement meas!res meet rele/ant safety criteria for pedestrians1 /ehicles and property dama e. =encin and landscapin sho!ld *e desi ned so as to minimi<e the potential for o/erland flo4 paths to *e o*str!cted d!rin rare and intense storm e/ents.


.alc!lation of the rate of storm34ater r!noff is important in determinin the si<e of inlets1 drains1 se4ers1 etc. All portions of the storm draina e system m!st *e desi ned to handle the peak flo4 anticipated !nder certain desi n conditions. The most 4idely !sed method for estimatin peak storm34ater r!noff is called the rationalformula method. This form!la ass!mes 7a8 that the rate of storm34ater r!n3off from an area is a direct f!nction of the a/era e rainfall rate d!rin the time that it takes the r!noff to tra/el from the most remote point of the tri*!tary area to the inlet or drain1 7b8 that the a/era e fre9!ency of occ!rrence of the peak r!noff e9!als the a/era e fre9!ency of occ!rrence of the rainfall rate1 and 7c8 that the 9!antity of storm 4ater lost d!e to e/aporation1 infiltration1 and s!rface depressions remains constant thro! ho!t the rainfall. The coefficient of runoff is a coefficient 4hich acco!nts for storm34ater losses attri*!ted to e/aporation1 infiltration1 and s!rface depressions. The peak /al!e of the flo4 rate Q of storm3 4ater r!noff is estimated !sin the follo4in e9!ations' Q = CIA ftCDs EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..e9n 7&8 Q= mCDh EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....e9n 7"8

Where C F coefficient of r!noff I F rainfall rate for a specified rainfall d!ration and a/era e fre9!ency of occ!rrence1 inDh 7cmDh8 A F tri*!tary area to the inlet or drain1 acres 7m"8 CHARACTER OF SURFACE COEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF +a/ement' Asphaltic and concrete #.7# % #.$G Brick #.7# % #.HG Aoofs #.7G % #.$G Ia4ns And Sandy Soil' =lat1 " percent #.#G % #.&# A/era e1 " to 7 percent #.&# % #.&G Steep1 7 percent #.&G % #."# Ia4ns1 hea/y soil' =lat1 " percent #.&C % #.&7 A/era e1 " to 7 percent #.&H % #."" Steep1 7 percent #."G % #.CG Table 3 Typical "alues %$r the c$e%%icient $% run$%% A i/en site may ha/e areas 4ith different coefficients of r!noff all drainin to a common point. It is desira*le to !se a sin le coefficient of r!noff for the entire area. S!ch a dimensionless coefficient 7termed a wei !te" coefficient of runoff# Cw1 can *e calc!lated !sin

.4 F


e9n 7C8

4here A&$ A"$ and An are the area in acres 7m"81 and C& $ C" $ and Cn are the correspondin coefficients of r!noff of the indi/id!al tri*!tary areas to a common point. A 4ei hted coefficient of r!noff m!st *e calc!lated for each se ment of the storm4ater draina e system. In the desi n of a storm34ater draina e system1 r!noff m!st *e transported as fast as it is recei/ed1 !nless specific pro/isions are made for pondin of the e)cess r!noff 4hich the storm34ater draina e system cannot handle. Determination of the rainfall rate to *e !sed for desi n p!rposes in/ol/es an e/al!ation of the potential dama e 4hich co!ld occ!r as a res!lt of floodin . If the potential dama e from floodin is hi h1 the selection of an a/era e fre9!ency of occ!rrence of G# or &## years may *e 4arranted. If the potential dama e from floodin is rather sli ht1 the selection of an a/era e fre9!ency of occ!rrence of G1 &#1 or "G years may *e appropriate. In many cases1 the local a!thority ha/in draina e systems. ,!risdiction 4ill determine the a/era e fre9!ency of occ!rrence to *e !sed in the desi n of storm34ater


After the floods of "##J1 a lot of attention has *een i/en to the impro/isation of the storm 4ater disposal system of S!rat 4ith a oal to ens!re s!ch h! e 9!antities of 4ater can *e easily handled in the f!t!re. Till "##G1 S!rat had total storm 4ater draina e lines of "7G kms. Since "##J1 !nder the Ka4arharlal 2ehr! 2ational :r*an Aene4al Mission these ha/e *een proposed to increase !pto >$& kms to incl!de the ne4 areas that ha/e *een added to the city since. This pro,ect also incl!des impro/in the capacity of the e)istin storm 4ater drains to handle flood sit!ations *etter. The pro,ect aims to achie/e follo4in oals' ettin

There 4ill *e protection of mankind and other li/in or anisms from floodin
There 4ill *e protection of ma,or e9!ipments and infrastr!ct!re from *ein

dama ed d!e to floods.

To protect loss of man ho!rs1 *!siness ho!rs of 4orkin

people and increase

prod!cti/ity1 there*y enhancin economic ro4th in the area. To 9!ickly remo/e the sta nant 4ater as soon as possi*le so that epidemic can *e a/oided and make the pa/ement free to res!me traffic The ne4 areas 4here the 4ork of layin of ne4 storm 4ater lines is *ein carried o!t in Ves!1 +al +alanpore and the ne4 eastern areas. The total pro,ect cost of the entire 4ork in pro ress is As >G# crores 4hich ha/e *een appro/ed *y the o/ernment. The pro,ected completion date is Dec "#&#. The entire !p radation is e)pected to *e o/er *y "#&". S!rat M!nicipal .orporation has taken a ma,or initiati/e to replace secondary drain pipes 4ith &>##mm diameter pipes. Another area of concern that 4o!ld *e addressed in the ne4 !p radation process is to ha/e storm 4ater drains alon all smaller side roads 4hich pre/io!s did not ha/e these drains. This 4ill red!ce the *!rden on the main roads as pre/io!sly this 4ater 4as di/erted to the drains on the main roads leadin to o/erflo4in drains on the main roads.

Case Study: Increasing Storm Water Drainage Capacity of Mithi River and Mumbai City drains
The Mithi Ai/er flo4s thro! h the city of M!m*ai and forms a principal channel to dischar e storm 4ater and se4a e. This So!nd +ractice pertains to the 4idenin and deepenin of the Mithi ri/er and other city drains in a scientific and 4ell planned manner. This is intended not only to increase their dischar e capacity *!t also to pre/ent floodin in lo43lyin areas ad,oinin the ri/er *y red!cin radients of

the Mithi ri/er in its@ !pper reaches. The storm 4ater draina e for the Mithi ri/er catchment areas has *een disr!pted d!e to the encroachment of h!tments in lar e n!m*ers1 stora e facilities1 processin ind!stries1 4orkshops and scrap yards sit!ated alon the *anks of the Mithi Ai/er that make it diffic!lt e/en to delineate its path. Direct dischar es of !ntreated se4a e1 4aste4ater from the !na!thori<ed settlements1 and ind!strial effl!ents alon the ri/er@s co!rse are a ca!se of concern. =ollo4in the dama e ca!sed *y se/ere floods in M!m*ai in &$HG1 the BAIMST?WAD +ro,ect 4as initiated *y the M!nicipal .orporation of 5reater M!m*ai 7M.5M8.0n ineers and Aesearchers1 !nder this pro,ect1 st!died the storm 4ater draina e system of M!m*ai in detail and s!*mitted a report in &$$C to M.5M i/in s!ita*le recommendations1 *!t they lar ely remain !nimplemented. M!m*ai 4as a ain hit *y a more disastro!s flood in "##G1 4hich necessitated a fresh st!dy on increasin storm 4ater draina e capacity of the Mithi ri/er and other city drains. .entral Water and +o4er Aesearch Station 7.W+AS81 +!ne % .entral 5o/ernment@s +rincipal (ydrolo ical Aesearch Instit!te1 cond!cted &3D Mathematical Model and Desk St!dies for miti atin floods of the MIthi ri/er and s!*mitted its report4ith s!ita*le recommendations in Kan!ary1 "##J. The Storm Water Draina e 7SWD8 system of M!m*ai comprises a hierarchical net4ork of roadside s!rface drains 7a*o!t "### km len th1 mainly in the s!*!r*s81 !nder ro!nd drains and laterals 7a*o!t >># km len th in the island city area81 ma,or and minor channels 7"## km and H7 km len th1 respecti/ely8 and &HJ o!tfalls1 4hich dischar e all the s!rface r!noff into ri/ers and the Ara*ian Sea. ?f the &HJ o!tfalls1 there are &#7 ma,or o!tfalls in city1 4hich

drain to Ara*ian Sea directly1 > at Mahim creek and > at Mah!l creek. There are "$ o!t3falls in 4estern s!*!r*s drainin directly into sea 4hile &> drain into Mithi ri/er 4hich !ltimately ,oins Mahim creek. The location of the Mithi ri/er is an important administrati/e *o!ndary that di/ides the .ity and the S!*!r*s. =loodin in the ri/er has direct or indirect implications for disr!ptin traffic on fi/e transport corridorsL .entral Aail4ay Main Iine1 .entral Aail4ay (ar*or Iine1 Western Aail4ay Iine1 Western 0)press (i h4ay1 and 0astern 0)press (i h4ay. The intensity of floodin follo4in the !nprecedented rainfall of $>> mm recorded at Santa .r!< airport on "Jth K!ly "##G led to the s!*mer ence of lar e areas ad,oinin the Mithi ri/er to an alarmin e)tent 4hich ca!sed disr!ption of the a*o/ementioned corridors of rail4ays and s!rface transport. The red!ced flood dischar e capacity of the ri/er may ha/e 4orsened the sit!ation. =ollo4in the floodin in "##G1 the MMADA asked the .W+AS1 +!ne 4as to !ndertake hydrolo ical st!dy1 4hose report 4as s!*mitted in Kan!ary "##J. R*-4&#- % 5 R*6+77* 5%#"+ - +, #8* T*68 "6%& R*9+:# -4)7"##*5 )' C.PRS, P4 * The first t4o se ments1 4hich ha/e an ori in to Ko esh4ari and Vikhroli Iink Aoad to Sir MV Aoad ha/e Steep Slopes1 they pro/ide a s4ift dischar e of 4ater eliminatin the chances of floodin . The do4nstream se ments1 ho4e/er1 ha/e flat slopes and hence may ca!se floodin . +resently1 a ma)im!m of G# mCDs dischar e can *e accommodated in the do4nstream co!rses of the ri/er 4itho!t ca!sin any spill o/er. B!t the dischar e correspondin to G# yr rainfall 7CH".G mm per ho!r8 or &## yr rainfall 7>&H.C mm per ho!r8 a/era ed thro! ho!t the stream len th 4ill ca!se a se/ere flood in the s!rro!ndin areas. In order to miti ate floods1 follo4in remedial meas!res are recommended *y .W+AS1 +!ne' 7a8 Bandra -!rla .omple) 7B-.8 area &. +ro/idin a dred ed channel of J# m 4idth from 3" m 74ith respect to Mean Sea Ie/el or MSI8 conto!r in the sea to Mahim .a!se4ay *ed le/el 7dred ed to 3& m8 and remo/in e)istin rock o/er3crops. ". Widenin of the 4ater4ay from Mahim .a!se4ay to Dhara/i Brid e to &## m. C. Widenin of the *ed 4idth from the e)istin &7G m to "## m *et4een Dhara/i Brid e and .ST Brid e. >. Widenin of Vakola 2alla from the earlier desi ned 4idth of ># m to J# m. G. Deepenin of *ed le/el at Mahim .a!se4ay to 3& m and at .ST Brid e to M#.J7

m. 7*8 :pstream of B-. area &. Widenin of e)istin *ed from .ST Brid e to MV Aoad to &## m. ". Widenin of e)istin *ed from MV Aoad to Ko esh4ari % Vikhroli Iink Aoad to J# m C. Widenin of e)istin *ed from Ko esh4ari % Vikhroli Iink Aoad to Morar,i 2a ar to ># m. >. Deepenin of e)istin *ed le/els' N N N N N N .ST Brid e 7.h. G.HH km8 from M" m to #.J7 m Air India .olony 7.h. 7.#G km8 from MC.&& m to M&.# m Airport 7.h. $.CH km8 from MJ.&G m to M> m MV Aoad 7.h. &#.>7 km8 from MH.&" m to MJ.CG m Aarey Dairy =oot ?/er Brid e 7.h. &".&H km8 from M&".7G m to M&# m Ko esh4ari3Vikhroli 7.h. &> km8 from M"#."G m to M&H m ested cross sections of Mithi Ai/er !pto .h. &#.G km need to *e pro/ided 4ith

All the s! s!

slopes of & ' &.G. =!rther !pstream !pto Morar,i 2a ar1 the re9!ired slope is & ' ". All the ested meas!res taken to ether 4o!ld ro! hly do!*le the dischar e capacity the Ai/er. *ends. +ro/idin 2on3ret!rn /al/es for cross drains. +ro/idin Ae !lar maintenance and dred in . +ro/idin smooth transition for 4ater4ays near *rid es. Moderatin the ri/er co!rse *y replacin e)istin sharp *ends 4ith lon er entler A55"#"+ %& R*6+77* 5%#"+ -

A6#"+ #%!* )' #8* C"#' A57" "-#:%#"+ + #8*-* :*6+77* 5%#"+ The .ity Administration actin s4iftly on recommendations accepted most of them and directed M!m*ai Metropolitan Ae ion De/elopment A!thority 7MMADA8 and M!nicipal .orporation of 5reater M!m*ai 7M.5M8 to take the necessary action. The 4ork 4as di/ided in t4o parts. The &&.H> km !pstream stretch from Vihar Iake to .ST Brid e 4as i/en to M.5M and the critical do4nstream part of the remainin J km 4as !ndertaken *y MMADA. The do4nstream stretch 4as more critical d!e to flat slopes and nearness to sea and 4as f!rther di/ided into t4o phases *y MMADA'

P8%-* 1: It in/ol/es de3siltin and 4idenin of the stretch. The time frame decided for this 4as & March "##J to C# K!ne "##J and is no4 finished. The amo!nt sanctioned for the 4ork 4as As. C# crores.

P8%-* ;: It is planned for the post3monsoon period from & ?ct "##J to C# K!ne "##7 4ith a *!d et of As. &## crores 7s!*,ect to /ariation after post monsoon st!dy8. It 4ill in/ol/e dred in 1 4idenin 1 constr!ction of retainin 4all1 *ea!tification and *!ildin of ser/ice roads.

S!rat is one of the fastest ro4in cities in the co!ntry today. With its rapidly chan in !r*an infrastr!ct!re1 it is a city on the rise. (o4e/er1 S!rat has al4ays faced the pro*lem of floodin o/er the period of time in recent history 4ith the 4orst flood e/er comin in "##J. Iessons need to *e learned from the past e)periences and they ha/e to *e learned fast. A ood storm disposal system has to *e p!t in place to match the rapid strides in !r*an de/elopment that S!rat has made o/er the years. The attention has shifted to this /ery critical area and the 4ork of re*!ildin it has already *e !n. A ood and efficient storm 4ater draina e system is *eneficial is more 4ays than one. It not only sa/es a lot of life and property on the day of the floods *!t also pre/ents epidemics ca!sed d!e to the lon standin sta nant 4ater 4hich *ecomes a *reedin ro!nd for mos9!itoes and insects. S!rat lost a lot of money in the "##J floods1 a *etter and more efficient storm 4ater draina e system can sa/e another s!ch sit!ation from arisin in the f!t!re.

&. Stanley W. Trim*le 7"##78 Enc%c&o'e"ia of Water (cience1 .A. +ress1 &GHJ pa es ISB2 #H>$C$J"7& ". (o an .. Michael1 O+haistos =ieldnotes.O T!e Mo"ern Anti)uarian 7"##78 C. Sch!eler1 Thomas A. OThe Importance of Imper/io!sness.O Aeprinted in T!e *ractice of Water+!e" *rotection. "###. .enter for Watershed +rotection. 0llicott .ity1 MD. >. +eter .oom*es1 Water Sensiti/e !r*an desi n in the Sydney Ae ion1 Io4er (!nter and .entral .oast Ae ional 0n/ironmental Mana ement Strate y1 "##" G. (iedeman I. Da/id1+01.I+01 Storm3Water Draina e Systems in +ractical +l!m*in 0n ineerin 1 American Society of +l!m*in 0n ineers1 &$$H J. S!rat M!nicipal .orporation1 Draina e Department1 S!rat 7. http'DDen.4ikipedia.or D4ikiDStorm4ater

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