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Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date The Banking Concept of Education Introduction Education according to Freire has become

a depositing act where the teachers are depositors and students are viewed as the depositories (Paulo, 256). With respect to this argument, teachers make deposits to students and students tolerantly receive the deposits and memorize them. As such, students lack creativity given that they lack a chance to make inquiries. The teachers consider themselves knowledgeable while the students are considered to know nothing. Students agree to their lack of knowledge thereby justifying the existence of a teacher without discovering that they play a crucial role in educating teachers (Paulo, 257). The students are turned into receptacles that measure the competencies of a teacher, the more the teacher fills in the containers, the better an educator she becomes. However, this is contrary to my poetry lessons where the teacher did not just make deposits into students mind but rather helped the students develop ideas and think critically. Our teacher conducted his poetry lesson differently through creating an excellent learning atmosphere where students shared there knowledge with their teacher. Teaching poetry enhances writing skills, reading skills and oral language. Poetry also assists students in visualizing the material besides attaining an in-depth comprehension of the

Surname 2 poetry content. More so, poetry contains symbols that represent abstract ideas. In this regard, categorizing symbols in poetry enhances understanding through critical thinking. Notably, our teacher stressed much on understanding the mood in poems. Mood directs the expectations of a reader towards the disposition of the itinerary of occasions in a poem. More so, the mood forms an atmosphere of happiness, fear and other emotions that a readers uses to create the meaning of a poem. This is what our teacher taught us. The teacher allowed us to read poems and create meaning from them through critical analysis of the poetic works we wrote as well as the ones he presented to us. He made us ascertain the atmosphere of different poems, an aspect that contradicts the banking education concept. This is because, the students in analyzing poems presented different views from those of the teacher where the teacher also gained from our own analysis. Through poetry, the students developed as writers. Particularly, collaborative poetry was more helpful as different views of fellow students and those of the teacher were challenged. Moreover, students presented their own poetry work occasionally where fellow students upon critical analysis offered different views and interpretations. Our instructor engaged students in questions and provided suggestions of how to create effective poetic work. Through research and intense discussions, students presented the professor with new concepts. In the course of our own writing and analysis of different poems, the teacher realized that he stood the stand to learn from students. Being a strong medium and a type of art with the potential to express different circumstances and human emotions, teaching poetry contradicts the banking concept of education as illustrated by Freire. According to the banking concept of education, which reflects a domineering society, a teacher instructs and students are instructed (Paulo, 256). Contrary to our poetry class, education is a two-way exercise where both teachers and students learn from each other. Particularly, in our

Surname 3 poetry class, the teacher offered 25 percent of what we learned. Through research and group discussions, we provided the remaining 75 percent. Our teacher learned new concepts from our creative writing, through discussions and our own interpretations of different poems thereby contradicting the perception that teacher instructs and students are instructed (Paulo, 256). More so, the attitude that an educator knows everythings while the students are ignorant is also contradicted. This is because as students, we presented our teacher with new concepts, which he knew nothing about. Evaluation of our written poems did not only come from the instructor, but the students did a lot of evaluations and presented feedback. Evaluations were based on our instructors work to ascertain similarity and differences. This way the third concept of banking education, the teacher thinks and the students are thought about did not apply in our poetry class (Paulo, 256). Remember any form of art receives different interpretations and can be linked to different emotions and ideas. People hold different views regarding art through incorporating personal thought. Therefore, who thinks more when it comes to interpretations and writing of poems, the teacher or the students? Education being a two way traffic where both teachers and students benefit, a student is not thought about but also engages in the act of thinking. It is through communication that human beings create the meaning of life (Paulo, 260). The thinking of a teaching is made indisputable through legitimacy of students thought. Therefore, an educator cannot inflict her thoughts on students nor can he think for students because authentic thinking is based on communication. In the poetry class, students would ask questions directed to the instructor and fellow colleagues and they would give their own views pertaining to a given poem. From this prospect, the idea that a teacher does the talking where students pay attention is not true. Our teacher

Surname 4 understood that deposits hold contradictions regarding reality (Paulo, 256). More to the point, our teacher recognized that students are not manageable and adaptable beings. We did not just take in what the teacher taught but we digested and challenged his concepts besides comparing them with what we had in mind. This way, we developed critical consciousness, which is necessary for transformation. This aspect increased our creative power and stimulated our quest for knowledge. The concept that teachers discipline students did not apply in our class. This is because did not control our actions and thinking particularly when the actions were channeled to enhance our understanding. Our efforts to act responsibly received no frustration from our instructor given that we used our faculties in the best way possible. Additionally, the concept indicating that the teacher selects what to enforce while students comply was impractical (Paulo, 256). While the instructor provided directions on how to go about our poetic works, he did not impose specific ideas on what to write. Instead, students were free to choose the ideas to incorporate in their work. This is way, our teacher had no doubts in us and he viewed as us conscious beings with the potential to choose what is right or wrong. He did not practice the objective of deposit making but rather allowed us to select ideas applicable to the real world in our poetic work. The concept that teachers act while students get the acting illusion through teachers action was partially applicable (Paulo, 256).We cannot deny that teachers are worth all the respect given the role they play in students education. However, our instructor supported our creative power through invariable presentation of reality as opposed to illusion. We were committed in whatever we did and the instructor helped us in embracing critical intervention and understanding of major concepts in poetry.

Surname 5 Mostly, the syllabus is always set without students consultations and students are obliged to follow the teachers instruction regarding syllabuss contents. This was applied to our class and it supports Freires decision-making premise. The ninth quality of the banking concept states that a teacher confuses the power of knowledge with professional power was applicable in our class as the teacher held no authority on any unfamiliar work and concepts. The last concept that teachers are subjects of the learning procedure while students are mere objects is an illusion. This is because most of our lessons were engaging in the sense that students could pose questions to the professor who in the process of teaching also learnt from our discussion. This way, we were all subjects of the learning process. He never transformed us into objects nor controlled our actions and thinking through dominating in class discussions. He therefore enhanced our creative power (Paulo, 262). Conclusion Any circumstance where some people impede others from participating in learning process is unacceptable. It is wrong to transform people into objects. In solidarity and fellowship, the pursuit of compete humanity is realized. A teacher cannot be an authentic teacher if he/she does actively involve students in the learning process to make them teachers. Through overcoming authoritarianism, both teachers and students become subjects of the learning process an aspect that enhances students creative power. This is reflected in my educational experience that illustrates that student-teacher relationship is paramount as it fosters understanding and creativity.

Surname 6 Work Cited Freire, Paulo, The Banking Concept of Education Ways of Reading (7th Ed). New York: David Bartholomew, St Martin Press, 2005.

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