Research Methodology

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Bata India is a footwear manufacturing company incorporated in 1931.The Company was earlier known as Bata shoe Company which later in 1973 changed the name to BATA INDIA. The company manufactures footwear for men, women and children. The company manufactures shoes of various quality such as leather, rubber, canvas and PVC shoes. Bata Group has worldwide presence across 5 continents, serving 1 million customers per day and operating 4,600 retails stores globally. Prior to incorporation of Bata footwear were manufactured by handicrafts and small enterprise sectors. The company started with its small operation unit at Konnagar (near Calcutta) in 1932. Currently it has five factories located at Batanagar (west Bengal), Bataganj (Bihar), Faridabad (Haryana), Peenya (Karnataka) and Hosur (Tamilnadu).

Grow as dynamic, innovative and market driven manufacturer and distributor, with footwear industry while maintaining a commitment to the country, culture, and environment in which they cooperate.

To be successful as the most dynamic, flexible and market responsive organization, with footwear as its core business


Aim of every business organization is to satisfy its consumers and to earn profits M\S Bata which had a tremendous slump in the market in the year of 1995 due to

abrupt change of marketing strategies, which was sooner realized with the help of R&D. Then new strategy, was formulated to recover the market shearing the market. M/S Bata has always been a pioneer since the day it started it is production in Batanagar, Kolkata, but M/S Bata has learned that no ideas can be implemented with out proper R&D, which gives a clear idea about the consumers needs and wants. The study is being undertaken to analyze the present status of the product of Bata (India) Ltd and thereby to analyze the various sales opportunities available in the market for Bata Footwear. So as to minimize the weakness and maximize the strength, to fulfill the need, wants and demand of the existing and new customers of Bata.

The research study entitled comparative analysis of market potentiality, market share and consumers perception for Bata foot wear with special reference to gents shoe in India under taken by the researcher covers the following research activity. Study on market potentiality depends on different type of market share. The study also gives the extent of satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the users so that the company can take the desired step to minimize the dissatisfaction level. Study of the various factors which plays a major role in purchasing decision with provide the opportunity for the company to get the information about the most common factors which influences the purchase decision. The study helps to determine the average annual expenditure of the customers and the price that is affordable for them to purchase footwear. In order to frame its price range accordingly. The aim of the study is to estimate the market potentiality and consumer perception in India and compare it with its competitive brands and also forecast the various opportunities available in the market for Bata footwear. Therefore it is expected that the research findings would give valuable results which would benefit for the company- Bata India Limited, to make vital decision and to frame their marketing programmers more effectively and efficiently to be a premier and a market leader in the footwear industry.


Gone are the days when consumers were least bothered about their footwear and wore whatever was offered to them. Now they need a strong and sustainable brand which can offer sound tangible benefits, footwear which is durable, comfortable as well as stylish that can enhance their looks.

India is standing on the threshold of a retail revolution and witnessing fast changing retail scenario, with footwear market set to experience phenomenal growth in coming years. Besides, the entry of numerous international players had a significant impact on the Indian footwear market and the demand for it will continue to grow in future as well according to the Indian Footwear Market Forecast 2014.

According to the latest study on the sector, Indian footwear industry possess significant potential with overall market anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 9% during 2011-2014.

Bata India is the largest company for the Bata Shoe Organization in terms of sales pairs and second largest in terms of revenues. With 1250 stores across the country, it also has the widest retail network.

The company enjoys the highest market share in India and this is evident from the fact that the total retail presence of the company currently is more than thrice that of its closest competitor Liberty. Bata has over 15% market share in the organized Retail market and around 6.5% share in unorganized retail.

Bata is still the pioneer in the organized footwear industry but the changing preferences of the consumers is the apex point when the company is aware of and always endeavors to fulfill the demand of the consumers. The statement of the comparative study of the market potentially and consumer perception with the special reference to gents shoes, ladies and kids shoes.

Our research highlights the changed consumers behavior towards Bata. Bata has always known for its Hawaii chappals targeting upper middle and middle class. Bata lags in terms of innovation and design patterns; today we can see that the design of the shoes offered by Bata is not matching with the acceptance of the consumers. Bata India Ltd. In 1990 shifted its focus from upper middle to premium segment which brought them into difficulty .

Later they came up with new brands under Bata as Hush Puppies, Marie Claire, Bubble gummer etc. Today is the world of technology, extensive use of marketing strategies is needed by the company in order to create its image in the minds of the customers. Talking about Bata, they do not do aggressive marketing to lure the customers. They lack on-line presence and in such a competitive world, Emarketing is must to make the visibility of the product s to its customers. Bata has focused only the main cities thus ignoring their interest in tier 3 cities which has emerged as the main problem for the company because most population of the country resides in tier 3 cities. 4. OBJECTIVES: To examine the brand awareness among the people:

Here we seek whether the consumers are aware of the existence of the product or not. In todays competitive world, creating brand awareness is a very important component. Awareness could be created by adopting right marketing strategy that will help product reaching to its audience. To analyze what all factors are influencing the buying behavior in footwear industry: There are various factors that influence the buying behavior of customers. Bata has always been known for is Hawaii chappals and this tag will always be attached to it no matter how much it tries to make changes within the system. Bata focus on upper middle and middle class. Other factors being culture, family, peers, status,

occupation, economic situation, lifestyle etc. To investigate about the perception of the consumers :

For every company, it is very important to know how the customers perceive its brand. Bata have been perceived as a brand focusing on middle and upper middle class. Consumer perception is not constant it keeps on changing. To analyze competitors strategy in the market (Liberty, Relaxo) :

For every company it is important to keep an eye on what the competitors are up to. Its a competitive world every company tries to bring its product in such a manner

that it gets quickly accepted by the audience. Bata till now has been able to secure its position from the rest. To know the most effective media or source for the advertisement :

Bata has lacking in its promotion. in order to survive in todays competitive world and keeping a pace with them it is important for Bata to come up with brand new advertisement be it newspaper or television. E- Marketing is equally important.

To know the market potential of Mumbai :

Bata is a well-known brand in India. But it is important to know how the people of Mumbai perceive it. Is Mumbai contributing to the market share of Bata as a whole? To know future expectations of the buyers :

It is important to know what customers expect out a brand. Do customers prefer Bata for casual footwear or formal footwear? Either they want more variety for either the segments or changes in the existing segment. To determine the importance of various attributes of the buyers

regarding the choice of their footwear : It is crucial for the company to know what attribute of Bata attracts consumers. Attributes are quality, durability, price, etc. To determine the annual expenditure affordable by majority of the people or customers on their footwear. Research question: Are customers concerned about the brand while purchasing the shoes? Do customers think that there is quality and innovation requirement in Bata? Are customers brand loyal towards the Bata. What types of strategies are opted by the competitors to capture the major market share?


A research design is the determination and statement of the general research approach or strategy for a particular study or for a particular project. The researcher has undertaken the descriptive study and for mutative study. The research topology used by the researcher is the extensive study through survey method. A survey method is selected for the of its following characteristics: a) It is always conducted in natural setting: it is a field study. b) It seeks responses directly from the respondents. c) It can cover a definite geographical area; a city; or a district or a state. d) The analysis of data may be made by using simple statistical technique with special reference to the objectives of the study.

Hypothesis is an assumption or proportion of the validity of which remains to be tested. It is not always necessary that a hypothesis is useful; many times the researcher is interested in collecting and analyzing the data, indicating the main characteristic without a hypothesis expecting the one which he may suggest incidentally during the course of the study. In such research hypothesis are generally concerns with the causes of certain phenomenon or a relation between two or more variables under investigations. A. Formulate a hypothesis. B. Setup a suitable significance level. C. Choose a test criterion. D. Compute. E. Make decision. Basic concepts concerning testing of hypothesis; a. Null Hypothesis b. Alternative Hypothesis


Qualitative Research: Direct interviews were taken Data is in the form of words, pictures or objects.

Qualitative data is more rich, time consuming, and less able to be generalized. Uses participant observation, in-depth interviews etc. Quantitative Research: The aim is to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed. Data is in the form of numbers and statistics. Quantitative data is more efficient, able to test hypothesis, but may miss contextual detail.

In this study primary as well as secondary data is being used. Primary data is collected with the help of questionnaire while the secondary data from companies brochures, business magazine, reference book, journals, and articles were extracted to provide a valuable and vital input in the study, so as to drawn proper results. Data given below with two types:Primary Data Secondary Data A. DATA COLLECTION FROM SECONDARY SOURCES: It is data that are collected from various sources, are government publication, statistical organization, research organization and company records. This data is cheaper and almost easily than primary data. As the main work that was customer feedback, was questionnaires that were filled personally not online so not so secondary data was used in it, but theoretical overview for review of literature was collected from various: Magazines Different web sites and portals Newspapers etc.

It has following advantagesi. ii. The information is usually accurate it is published one. It is easily available from company records and brochures. It has following advantagesi. The data may be outdated.


May not have present information.

So this was the only collection as secondary source in this regard. B. DATA COLLECTION FROM PRIMARY SOURCES: This marketing research was field survey that was personally done through questionnaires, the research was based on primary and secondary data but first we will talk about primary data. For collecting primary data the survey was done through questionnaires which was personally given to customers and general public and was filled by them. Questionnaire: It consist of questions presented to respondents for their answers due to its flexibility, it is by far the most common instruments used to collect the primary data hence in our survey questionnaire was used to collect: Dictomous Multiple choice Questions and it mostly contained closed ended questions Personal interview: The respondents were contacted and data were collected on the basis of the personal interview which is the most versatile method of contact. With the help of this method a more close face to face interview and response were recorded. We collected the information by visiting several mall in Mumbai like: Oberoi Mall Hypercity Infinity

Time constraint for completing the work with the stipulated time frame. Hence, it was not possible to go for a very wide sample, so the sample size was limited to 100. The collection of primary data was lengthy so it took time to take the complete the response and whole process. The respondent had given some biased and ambiguous responses.

Since it is a convenient study, some sort of discrepancies might be there in the available data.


Marketing Research is a systematic method of collecting, recording and analyzing of data which is used to solve marketing problems. It is a systematic process of collecting information about marketing problem. Then, it collects full information about the customers. It finds the needs and expectations of customers. It helps the company to make its production and marketing policies. The purpose of marketing research project is to achieve an increased understanding of the subject matter. With market throughout the world becoming increasingly more competitive, market research is now on the agenda of many organizations whether be it large or small. According to American Marketing Association, Marketing Research is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services. According to Philip Kotler, marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the purpose of improved decision-making and control in the marketing of goods and services. According to David Luck, Donald Taylor and Hugh Wales, marketing research is the application of scientific methods in the solution of marketing problems. Marketing research is needed before a product is introduced to the market and on a regular basis throughout its life. Research is not limited to products; it is conducted to answer questions about potential market segments, entire stores, brand names, advertising, prices and every other aspect of marketing. (Arjun Pandit; marketing 14 th edition) Marketing research consists of all the activities that enable an organization to obtain the information it needs to make decisions about its environment, marketing

mix, and present or potential customers. It is the development, interpretation, and communication of decision-oriented information to be used in all phases of the marketing process. (Michael .J... Etzel; marketing 14th editions). Before the definition of research problem it is necessary to review the available literature of the problems knowledge of relevant theories and previous work does should be known before getting into the field, sufficient time should be devoted in reviewing the literature that has already been published. This help in finding out the necessary data for operational purpose. Those data facilities the operational action and are used for indicating the type of difficulties that may be encountered in the present study. Thus to conduct the survey, previous survey report, company record and some standard test book were required to get an insight into market research and technique. These are listed as follows: Marketing management- analysis, planning, implementation and control. Philip Kotler. The made-in is considered by Dichter (1962) as the fifth element of the marketing mix, and is defined as the country where are located the corporate headquarters of the organization doing the marketing of the product or the brand. The country of origin carries rhetoric that influences consumers preconceptions towards the product of a country. Its meaning can be conceived as an indication serving as a basis of evaluation, when one considers as a product of bundle of information. A tendency to evaluate positively the local production compared to imported production and biases in favor of industrialized countries have been found in previous studies. This does not mean the consumer will buy the product, but rather that he is not inclined to do so. When entering foreign markets, sellers often face quotas, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers. In addition, they may face an intangible barrier in the form of consumer bias on the basis of product origin. Most discussion and research on branding, whether domestic or international, focuses on the equity or value associated with a brand name and the factors which create or are the underlying source of value. Considerable attention has, for example, been devoted to examining how the value embodied in a brand and its equity can be extended to other products without resulting in dilution of value. This interest has been stimulated in part by the increasing market power and value associated with a strong brand and in part by the prohibitive costs of launching a successful new brand.

The study of conducting research is Research Methodology. Research: The word research is composed of two syllables Re and Search. Re is the prefix meaning Again or over again or a new and Search is the latter meaning to examine closely and carefully or to test and try. Together they form, a careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge undertaken to establish principles/ policies. Research can also be defined as 1. Search for knowledge. 2. Systematic and scientific search for getting relevant answers on any taken up specific topic. 3. Scientific enquiry into a subject. 4. Research is a movement from the unknown to the known.

5. It is the voyage of discovery. According to Bulmer, Research is primarily committed to establishing systematic, reliable and valid knowledge about the social world. According to Clifford Woody, Research comprises of Defining & redefining problems Formulating hypothesis (Basic Idea) Collecting Organizing Evaluating data Making decisions Suggesting solutions Reaching conclusions Finally, Carefully testing the conclusions

To determine whether they fit the formulated Hypothesis.

1) Percentage of people using branded footwear. Foot Wear Branded Unbranded Both Total No. of Respondents 16 4 5 25 (%) Percentage

Source: From Survey Data Analysis: Out of 25 respondents, the majority of respondents i.e., 65% people are wearing branded footwear, 25% people are wearing unbranded footwear and 10% people are wearing both the type of Branded and Unbranded Footwear.

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