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Course Outline all Semester &'()

Class Timings & Days: 11:30am, Tuesday & Thursday, Main Campus Textbook: rin!iple o" Marketing,# $outh %sian &dition hilip 'otler, (ary %rmstrong )nstru!tor: $aima *usain, shusain+iba,edu,pk Counseling *ours: -:30 am . 11:30 am, Tuesday, Main Campus /a!ulty 0oom Tea!hing %ssistant *ata" $hahab, hata"shahab+gmail,!om Course Description and Objectives: $tudents 1ill examine the !hara!ter and importan!e o" the marketing pro!ess, its essential "un!tions, and the institutions exer!ising these "un!tions, Course !ontent "o!uses on the ma2or poli!ies that underlie the a!ti3ities o" a typi!al marketing department and the so!ial, e!onomi!, and politi!al impli!ations o" su!h poli!ies, Learning Outcome: 4pon Completion o" this !ourse the student 1ill be able to:
o o

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Demonstrate the ability to properly identi"y and sele!t markets "or 1hi!h spe!i"i! produ!ts 1ill be targeted, (ain an understanding o" the basi! "un!tional aspe!ts ne!essary to "ormulate an )ntegrated Marketing lan, This in!ludes: Consumer 5uying 5eha3ior, &n3ironment, Marketing 0esear!h, rodu!t Management, romotion, Channels o" Distribution, and ri!ing, er"orm Marketing 0esear!h that is targeted to1ards reading topi!al arti!les related to marketing and re"eren!ing these topi!s to 1hat is being dis!ussed in the !lass, (ain the ability to assemble a !omprehensi3e, !on!eptual Marketing lan based on the material learned in this !lass, This ob2e!ti3e deals 1ith the pra!ti!al appli!ation o" the sub2e!t o" Marketing, and integrates the in"ormation presented in the entire !lass,

Class Discussion & Participation: $tudents are expe!ted to !ome prepared 1ith 6uestions and7or !omments "rom the assigned reading material, Dis!ussions are interesting 1hen examples and learning "rom outside the textbooks are brought to !lass by parti!ipants, )t is there"ore expe!ted that in addition to reading

the re6uired !hapters, you read ne1spapers espe!ially the !ommer!ial se!tions as 1ell as maga8ines "eaturing marketing a!ti3ities in the akistani en3ironment, !ar*eting +ournal: The purpose o" the assignment is to get you to !ons!iously obser3e all marketing a!ti3ities taking pla!e in your en3ironment, The entries may in!lude arti!les, ad3ertisements, ne1s !lippings, bro!hures, lea"lets, et!, *o1e3er, these must be rele3ant to !on!epts grounded in the text and !lassroom dis!ussion, The 2ournal 1ill ha3e three goals: obser3ing 3arious "orms o" promotional a!ti3ities taking pla!e in your en3ironment, understanding the appli!ation o" marketing !on!epts in the akistani !ontext, and gi3ing you a !han!e to assess 1hat is 1orking "or the !ompany7brand and 1hat is not, The method is as "ollo1s: 9ou must maintain a diary o" entries on a monthly basis: ten entries per month, 9our !omments7analysis must "ollo1 ea!h entry in the 2ournal, )t 1ould be interesting to read ho1 you assess di""erent ad3ertisements or promotional a!ti3ities that ha3e !aught your attention, lease ensure that your entries are sele!ted "rom a 3ariety o" sour!es su!h as lo!al ne1spapers, maga8ines, produ!ts at home, retail as 1ell as the internet "or any interesting international entry, %t the end o" the semester, !hoose 3 key entries that !ontributed most to your learning and gi3e a brie" summary, 9our "irst submission is due on October (st, &'() and subse6uently in the "irst !lass o" e3ery month9our grade 1ill be based on three main !riteria: 1, Timely submission, %ll submissions must be made at the beginning o" ea!h !lass, ;, 9our ability to brie"ly !omment on the entry, des!ribing 1hy it !aught your attention, 1hat you liked or did not like in it, 3, 9our ability to !onne!t the entry 1ith a key marketing !on!ept dis!ussed in the !lass, <, =ariety o" entries, %n outstanding 2ournal is one that in!ludes entries taken "rom di""erent sour!es and o" di""erent 3ariety, $erm Project: /orm > groups o" < parti!ipants ea!h and !omplete the term pro2e!t in modules as des!ribed belo1: !OD.LE / (: $ele!t a akistani brand, )denti"y the !ompany that produ!es it, Des!ribe the !ompany and its business philosophy Des!ribe the !ompany?s !ore business7industry and its marketing en3ironment Dis!uss ho1 the !ompany gathers market insights to impro3e its strategy & !ompetiti3e position Dis!uss the !ompany?s produ!t lines and market o""erings,

%naly8e your brand?s immediate marketing en3ironment in terms o" suppliers, !ompetitors, distributors, retailers, et!, @at this point do not go into the detailed des!ription o" ea!h o" these, )t is su""i!ient to only brie"ly dis!uss in the "irst module and gi3e a detailed understanding laterA Des!ribe the !ore target market and their pro"ile in terms o" demographi!s and psy!hographi!s, Des!ribe the !hara!teristi!s a""e!ting !onsumer beha3ior to1ards your brand De"ine the type o" buying de!ision beha3ior Des!ribe the buyer de!ision pro!ess 1ith respe!t to your brand !OD.LE / & Des!ribe market segmentation 1ith respe!t to your brand De"ine the type o" your produ!t: !on3enient, shopping, spe!ialty, et!, De"ine the produ!t attributes in detail along 1ith any other 3ariants i" you may ha3e under the same brand, Bhat !ustomer need does it addressC *o1 does your solution !ompare 1ith the !ompetiti3e o""erings in the marketC Make a per!eptual map )denti"y the li"e !y!le stage o" your brand and the !orresponding strategy )denti"y the "a!tors !onsidered in setting the pri!e o" your brand and the asso!iated pri!ing strategy Des!ribe the nature o" your marketing7distribution !hannel Bhat "a!tors 1ere !onsidered 1hile designing the marketing !hannel "or your brandC )denti"y the !hallenges the !ompany "a!es in managing the !hannel members, *o1 are they met 1ithC

!OD.LE / ) De"ine the promotion mix "or your brand *o1 is the !on!ept o" )ntegrated Marketing Communi!ation 1orking "or the brandC ro3ide a detailed understanding o" ho1 a message is designed and !ommuni!ated: 1ho are the 3arious people in3ol3edC *o1 are !on"li!ts in ideas and interest managedC Dis!uss the role o" !ompany?s sales "or!e in !reating 3alue "or !ustomers and building !ustomer relationships &xplain ho1 sales promotion !ampaigns are de3eloped and implemented )n !onsultation 1ith the 5M or %5M 1ho you inter3ie1 identi"y one that may be !hanged7re6uires !hanging and pro3ide 2usti"i!ation in your report $uggest a realisti! and "easible !hange strategy

Semester Plan(: $ession 1


Topi! )ntrodu!tion to the !ourse and the instru!tor

The semester plan may be amended 1hen re6uired

; 3 < D E F&> -

4nderstanding 1hat is MarketingC Marketing: Creating and !apturing !ustomer 3alue Company and Marketing $trategy: artnering to 5uild Customer 0elationships %naly8ing the Marketing &n3ironment Managing Marketing )n"ormation to (ain Customer )nsights Consumer Markets and Consumer 5uyer 5eha3ior 5usiness Markets & 5usiness 5uying 5eha3ior IRS$ $ER! E0"! 10 & 11 Customer Dri3en Marketing $trategy: Creating =alue "or Target Customers 1; & 13 rodu!ts, $er3i!es and 5rands: 5uilding Customer =alue 1< & 1D Ge1 rodu!t De3elopment and rodu!t Hi"e Cy!le $trategies 1E ri!ing: 4nderstanding and Capturing Customer =alue 1F ri!ing $trategies 1> Marketing Channels: Deli3ering Customer =alue 10etailing and Bholesaling ;0 Communi!ating Customer =alue: )MC $trategy ;1 %d3ertising and ubli! 0elations SECOND $ER! E0"! ;; ersonal $elling and $ales romotion ;3 Dire!t and Inline Marketing: 5uilding Dire!t Customer 0elationships ;< Creating Competiti3e %d3antage ;D The (lobal Marketpla!e ;E $ustainable Marketing: $o!ial 0esponsibility & &thi!s ;FJ;> $tudent resentations o" Term ro2e!ts %rading Plan: Kui88es @nJ1A Term ro2e!t resentation o" the term pro2e!t Marketing Diary Term exams /inal &xam $otal 10 10 0D 10 30 3D (''

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