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Rezaul Karim Lecturer, Environmental Science and Technology Jessore Science and Technology University

Microteaching on Hydrology

Rezaul Karim

Lecturer, Dept of Environmental Science & Technology, Jessore Science and Technology University,

B.Sc. & M.S. in Environmental Science (JU) M.Sc. In Sustainable Technology, KTH, Sweden

Research Interest

Climate Change; Sustainability; Risk Management; Energy

Class outline

Aims Out line of the topics: Hydrology

definition; Importance of water; a brief history; hydrological data; scope of hydrology; References

Summary Outcomes of the study


The class is designed to give an understanding about Hydrology and its contents and importance to the multi-disciplinary faculties as participating in the training entitled organized by the Biological Science Faculty, JSTU, funded by HEQEP & BUGC therefore, they will be able to select the course on their teaching or study for their further study.

Introduction: Hydrology

The word hydrology combines

the Greek word Hudor which means water and the logy designates a study of.

It is also origins in the new Latin word hydrologia. Generally, hydrology refers to the scientific study of water and its properties, distribution, and effects on Earths surface, soil and atmosphere. Different things to different professions. E.g. Chemist, planners, environmentalists & meteorologists and so on.


Hydrology is an earth science. It encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement and properties of the waters of the earth. The U.S. National Research Council (1991)

Hydrologic Cycle is the Centre of Hydrology


Water is the most common substance on the surface of the earth, with the oceans covering over 70 per cent of the planet. Water can be found in all three states (i.e. gas, liquid and solid) within the earths climatic range. The chemical properties of water are equally important for our everyday existence. Water is one of the best solvents and cleaners naturally occurring on the planet. The capability of water to support life goes beyond bodies of water; 60% of the human body

Water plays a large part in the spiritual lives of millions of people.

In Christianity baptism with water is a powerful symbol of cleansing and God offers streams of living water to those who believe (John 7:38). In Islam there is washing with water before entering a mosque for prayer. In Hinduism bathing in the sacred Ganges provides a religious cleansing.

Other importance

Water regulates the Earths temperature. It also regulates the temperature of the human body, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, and removes wastes.
Some interesting points

75% of a living tree is water. Human brains are 75% water. Human bones are 25% water. Human blood is 83% water.

A person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water.

A brief history of development hydrology

The first step towards the development of hydrology as a science were measurements of rainfall and water levels. Some interesting developments were:


Fist irrigation Khuzistan 5500 BC Drainage system Nippur 1300 BC Water meters N Africa 1050 BC Dams in Iran 600 BC Measurement of rainfall, India 4th century BC Hydrologic cycle, China, 239 BC Hydrologic cycle and deforestation Plato ( 427-348 BC) The continuity principle 17th century The field of surface water 18th century The empirical relation theory 19th century Physical and mathematical principle since 1939

Major aspects: jobs for hydrologist

Collection of data The hydrologic data comprises rainfall data, snowfall and snowmelt data, runoff data, topographic maps and groundwater data Analysis of data Analysis of data includes checking it for consistency and homogeneity as well as its various statistical parameters. Prediction Prediction means findings design values and maximum possible floods and drought.


Sciences involved

Hydrology is a broad subject. It needs help from allied sciences such as


Physics Mathematics Statistics Geology Geography Meteorology Forestry Agriculture Hydraulics

Scope of hydrology
The study of hydrology helps us to know the maximum probable flood that is required for the safe design of drains and culverts, dams and reservoirs, channels and other flood control structures. The water yield from a basin that is necessary for the design of dams, municipal water supply, water power, river navigation, etc. The maximum intensity of storm and its frequency for the design of a drainage project in the area. the ground water development e.g. rainfall pattern, climate, cropping pattern, etc.

Application fields: essential for:


agriculture (foods for the growing population); Environmental protection and management; Water resources development and management; Prevention and control of natural disasters; Control problems of tidal rivers and estuaries; Soil erosion and sediment transport and deposition; Mitigation of the negative impacts of climatic change; Water supply; and Flood and drought control;

Recommended references

Tim Davie (2002) Fundamentals of hydrology, Routledge Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd ed. Routledge 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Viessman, W., Jr., and G.L. Lewis, 2003. Introduction to Hydrology, 5th Edition. Harper Collins College Publishers, New York, NY. Raghunath, H. M. (2006) Hydrology: principles, analysis and design. 2nd ed. New age international (p) limited, publishers 4835/24, ansari road, daryaganj, new delhi - 110002


As to sum up

Hydrology is an earth science that encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement and properties of the waters of the earth. The main jobs of a hydrologist are collection and analysis of data, and making predictions out of this analysis. It requires support of other allied subjects. The employment opportunity is diversified fields e.g. weather station, flood control department, mining and so on.


Outcomes of the study

After the class, it is expected that one can

Define the hydrology Describe its contents and important Analyze their prospects and potentials on the field related to hydrology and Evaluate their decision when they might to choose the course from multi-disciplinary curriculum on their teaching or taking subsidiary courses on their further study.


Thank you

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