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Next week is our AGM when we look back at all God has done and look forward to where we believe that he is taking us. To that end do please pick up copies of the reports to enable you to see all that has been going on in the church. This is also the time when we look to appoint people to the church council (the PCC), the deanery synod (a wider church body) and the church wardens to take decisions on our behalf. Anyone on the electoral roll is eligible to vote. The roll is open to those whose regular church is Springfield, are 16 or over and have been attending for 6 months or more. The current electoral Roll and forms are available on the welcome desk as well as nomination forms for PCC, Deanery Synod and Church Warden.

20th April Hosted by the Emu cell Easter Communion and Baptisms Mark 15 27th April Morning Worship & AGM

Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Welcome to our Easter service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The day that changed the world for ever. We are so pleased that you have joined us and we do hope that you feel at home with us as we celebrate this day together. An especially warm welcome to the family and friends of Malachi and Melodee as they are baptised this morning.

Back by popular demand, our fabulous community invitational picnic returns this summer.
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson (day off Saturday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby (day off Friday) Children & Families Minister: Sue Bosley Youth Minister 020 8404 6064 020 8763 4222 020 8773 4787 07531 017 789

Today @ 10.30 am Easter Sunday Baptisms April 22nd @ 8.00 pm Youth Leaders meeting April 27th @ 10.30 am Springfield AGM April 28th 10.30 - 12 Cafe Connect April 28th 8.00pm MiXXtra planning meeting April 30th @ 7.45 pm Parenting Course Youth Zone, Phoenix Centre May 9th @ 7.00 pm MiXXtra @ Youth Zone May 11th @ 6.30 pm breathe @ St Pauls May 17th Leaders Day Away July 26th - August 1st New Wine Shepton Mallett August 17th - 22nd Soul Survivor Shepton Mallett

Pray for our church family

Parenting course for 5-11s Starting on 30th April for 4 weeks Phoenix Centre Youth Zone Wednesdays from 7.45 -9.45pm We are really looking forward to running a parenting course after Easter where parents and carers are invited to take some time out of a busy family life and have the chance to reflect, chat to others and explore some really helpful themes. It provides an opportunity to discuss issues that we all face and learn not only how to cope but how to enjoy being family together The course is an opportunity to invite a parent/s you know and to come along together Comfy sofas, homemade cakes and course materials all included Pick up an invitation from the welcome desk or speak to Sue Bosley or Sarah Miller

Please pray for: Malachi and Melodee being baptised today, for their growth in knowing Jesus as Lord Those looking to stand on the PCC, Deanery Synod, or as wardens at our AGM; for a sure knowledge of Gods calling The year 6s, starting in youth next week and their new leaders the Parenting Course- for those going on it to be encouraged in their parenting and for Sarah & Sue as they lead it
For prayer chain requests, please contact :

Youth Leaders
The rearranged meeting for all youth leaders is on 22nd April, 8.00pm at Carolyns house

Egg Trail
after our service this morning, all children are invited on an egg trail to find clues to an important message with a small prize for all completed answer cards

The final planning meeting for our new youth event is on April 28th @ 8.00pm. The first MiXXtra is on May 9th in the Youth Zone. Please pray for Becca and the team as they prepare for the evening and for all the young people who come along.

Bain Van
Lee, her dad & family need a caravan to rent for New Wine from 26 July -2 Aug: (a tent is not suitable due to health reasons and the van theyd arranged is no longer available), please contact Lee if you can help

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

She will pass on any pastoral matters as appropriate

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