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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No:04


Mist Application of Cutting Fluid

Md. Abdul Hasib, Abdullah Al-Faruk, Naseem Ahmed.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) Khulna-9203, Bangladesh. , Abstract -During turning operation, high temperature is produced. S uch high temperature often leads to several problems like a large heat affected zone, high tool wear, change in hardness and microstructure of the work piece, burning and its consequence and micro cracks. Application of cutting fluids in conventional method reduces the above problems to some extent through cooling and lubricating of the cutting zone. But in this process the cooling rate is low. For this reason mist application technique has become the focus of attention of researchers and technicians in the field of machining as an alternative to traditional flood cooling. The concept of mist application of cutting fluid some time referred to as near dry machining. The minimization of the requirement of cutting fluids leads to economical benefits, and environmental friendly machining. In this work, attempts have been made to develop a mist application device to apply cutting fluid for turning operation of medium carbon steels. This experiment is to determining the tool wear and temperature rise during turning operation of medium carbon steel by high speed steel cutting tool at different depth of cuts and s pindle speeds as well as cutting speeds. Feed rate has always being constant. The above operation has been done for dry cutting condition, Flood and Mist application of cutting fluids. Mist application of cutting fluid system enabled reduction in average chip-tool interface temperature up to 40% lower than conventional flood cooling cutting system depending upon cutting condition. Mist application system with the present technique has substantially reduced flank wear and hence improves tool life. Index Term-- Cutting Fluid, Mist Application, Turning Operation, Tool Wear.

cutting condition. Cutting flu ids is one of the important aids to improve production efficiency. Cutting flu ids play a significant ro le in machining operations and impact shop productivity, tool life and quality of wo rk. With time and use, flu ids degrade in quality and eventually require disposal once their efficiency is lost. Waste management and disposal have become increasingly mo re complex and expensive. Env iron mental liability is also a major concern with waste disposal. Many co mpanies are now paying for environmental cleanups or have been fined by regulatory agencies as the result of poor waste disposal practices. Cutting fluids can be applied in the machin ing process in a number of d ifferent ways. The most common is flo od application, where a large volu me of flu id is pumped to the metal removal interface. The flu id is collected and then reused many times. Another method, Micro-lubrication, provides fluid to the cutting interface in the form of a mist, providing the lubrication effect. Because of the s mall volu me used, the fluid is not collected for reuse. Also related to the method of fluid application are the concepts of dry (no metal removal flu id used), near-dry, and semi-dry machining. The last two methods are different applications of methods for reducing the volu me o f fluid used in the mach ining process. In this study the flood application will be used to compare the performance of the mist application. In a modern workshop practice or any industry using power, an enormous amount of power is lost either by the generation of heat or by friction between tool surface and work piece. Heat in the cutting process is generated by plastic deformation and by chip or tool frict ion at the rake and flan k faces. It has been seen that the amount of power lost due to generation of heat varies from 20-30 percent and hence to reduce it, the use of cutting fluids came into existence in the field of p roduction technology. Cutting forces can also be considerably reduced by using s uitable cutting lubricants when machining metals at speeds bellow 0.7m/sec. For low speed machining operations, lubrication is a critical function of the cutting fluid. Cooling is not a major function of the cutting fluid as most of the heat generated in low speed mach ining can be removed by the chip. For high speed mach ining operations, cooling is the main function of the cutting fluid, as the chip does not have sufficient time to remove the generated heat. The lubrication effects of the cutting fluid in high speed machining operations are also limited. The flo w of the cutting fluid to the tool-cutting surface interface is due to capillary flo w. In high speed mach ining, there is insufficient time for the capillary flow o f I J EN S

1. INT RODUCT ION A cutting fluid can be defined as any substance which is applied to a tool during a cutting operation to facilitate removal of chips. Cutting fluids have been used extensively in metal cutting operations for the last 200 years. In the beginning, cutting flu ids consisted of simple oils applied with brushes to lubricate and cool the machine tool. Occasionally, lard, an imal fat o r whale oil was added to improve the oil's lubricity. As cutting operations became mo re severe, cutting flu id fo rmulat io ns became mo re co mplex. Todays cutting flu ids are special blends of chemical addit ives, lubricants and water formu lated to meet the performance demands of the metalworking industry. During metal cutting heat generated as a result of work done. Heat is carried away fro m the tool and work by means of cutting fluids, which at the same time reduced the friction between the tool and chip and between tool and work and facilitates the chip formation. Cutting flu ids usually in the form of a liquid are to the format ion zone to imp rove the

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No :04 11 the fluid to reach the tool-cutting surface interface. Because In the inlet section of nozzle there are two inlet ports through of the reduced lubrication effects of the cutting flu id, mo re which air and flu id can enter. High pressure air fro m the heat is generated, making the cooling function of the cutting compressor enters into the nozzle mixes with the fluid which fluid even more critical. come from the fluid chamber with high pressure. 2. CUT T ING FLUID AND M IST A PPLICAT ION Cutting fluids serve several functions in the machining process. For so me processes, the primary function is lubrication, while for others, it is cooling. In many processes, cutting fluids are also used for chip removal; in so me facilit ies, a large portion of the cutting fluid pumped throughout the plant is for chip handling. In addition, cutting flu ids may also provide corrosion protection for the newly mach ined surface of the part being produced. All of these functions have an impact on the process, fro m tool life and power consumption, to part quality and operability. One of the primary driv ing forces behind the implementation of micro -lubrication is waste reduction. The fluid is atomized, often with co mpressed air, and delivered to the cutting interface through a number of no zzles. Because the fluid is applied at such low rates, most or all o f the fluid used is carried out with the part. This eliminates the need to collect the fluid while still providing some fluid for lubrication, corrosion prevention, and a limited amount of cooling. Because of the low flow rates, coolant cannot be used to transport chips, meaning alternative methods for chip extraction must be imp lemented. However, the chips that are extracted should be of h igher value since they are not contaminated with large quantities of cutting fluid.

Fig. 2.1. Photographic view of the experimental setup.

2.1 Working Principle of Mist Application System: Mist application of cutting fluid refers to the use of cutting flu ids of only a minute amount, typically a flow rate of 50 to 500 ml/hr wh ich is about three to four orders of magnitud e lower than the amount commonly used in flood cooling condition, where for examp le, up to 10 liters of fluid can be dispensed per minute. Mist application requires a high pressure and impinged at high speed through the nozzle at the cutting zone. The mist application system has three components, these are i. Compressor ii. Mist generator iii. Nozzle. The comp ressor used in this system acts as air supply unit and the main purpose is to supply air at a pressure, which is used in different co mponents of the mist application system. M ist application system consists of two components (i) fluid chamber and (ii) nozzle. The fluid chamber has an inlet port and an outlet port at the top and the bottom respectively. It is used only to contain the cutting fluid. It is connected to the compressor by a flexib le pipe through the inlet port to keep the fluid inside the chamber under the constant pressure. It is required to maintain the flow into the nozzle over a long period of time during machining operation. The flu id chamber has been designed with larger capacity so as to able to supply fluid continuously during machining.

Fig. 2.2. Schematic representation of the experimental setup.

In mist application system a co mpressor is used to supply air at high pressure. The cutting fluid which is to be used is placed in the mist generator, and there is a connection of high pressure air line fro m the co mp ressor with the help of flexib le pipe at the bottom of the mist generator. When the air at high pressure enters the mist generator it carries a certain amount of cutting fluid along with it, and this cutting fluid co ming out from the nozzle with the air co ming in another from the compressor as a jet, which is applied to the hot zone. In the mist generator there is a regulating valve by which the flow rate of the cutting fluid can be controlled. The photographic and schematic v iews of the experimental setup are shown in Fig.2.1 and Fig.2.2 respectively. During the experiment the thin but high velocity stream of mist is to be projected along the work tool interfaces as parallel as possible. Experimental Cutting Conditions A. Machine: Lathe machine (Harrison M-250) B. Work-piece material: Medium Carbon Steel C. Cutting tool material: High Speed Steel (H.S.S) D. Cutting Fluid: Diode -so- M (Commercial Name)

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No :04 E. Cutting Conditions: i. Spindle speed: 120rpm, 180rpm, 260rpm, 320rpm, 550rpm. ii. Cutting velocity: 10.38m/ min to 48.26 m/min. iii. Depth of cut: 0.4mm,0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm. iv. Length of cut: 0.30m. v. Feed rate: 0.1mm/rev. F. Measuring tools: i. Linear scale ii. Digital slide calipers iii. Infrared thermometer


Fig. 3.3. Temperature vs Depth of Cut (Spindle Speed = 320 RPM)

3. EXPERIMENT AL INVEST IGAT ION I. Turning Zone Temperature The turning is associated with high temperature rise wh ich is responsible for aggravating several problems like thermal damage of the ground surface, change in hardness, change in surface roughness etc. In present research work the benefits expected out of mist application over dry and wet environment are also based mainly in reduction in turning zone temperature. The temperature of the turning surface has been measured by inferred thermometer. In present work, the average turn ing zone temperature could be effectively measured under dry, wet and mist condition very reliably throughout the experimental do main. The evaluated role of mist application on average turning zone temperature in turning the med iu m carbon steel by single point cutting tool at different feed under dry, wet and mist conditions have been shown in Fig. 3.1 to Fig.3.10.

Fig. 3.4. Temperature vs Depth of Cut (Spindle Speed = 550 RPM)

Fig. 3.5. Temperature vs Spindle speed (Depth of Cut = 0.4 mm)

Fig. 3.1. Temperature vs Depth of Cut (Spindle Speed = 180 RPM

Fig. 3.6. Temperature vs Spindle speed (Depth of Cut = 0.6 mm)

Fig. 3.2. Temperature vs Depth of Cut (Spindle Speed = 260 RPM)

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No :04 13 4. DISCUSSION I. Turning Zone Temperature The turning zone temperatures have been measured by infrared thermo meter. Then turning zone temperature is plotted against spindle speed and depth of cut. The Fig.3.1 to Fig.3.10 are showing the effect of mist application on turning zone temperature under different speed and depth of cut as compared to dry and flood conditions. Ho wever fro m the aforementioned figures it is clear that with the increase in speed and depth of cut the turning temperature increases even under mist condition due to increase in energy consumption and higher material removal rate. But mist application system is still mo re effective as compared to dry and flood Fig. 3.7. Temperature vs Spindle speed (Depth of Cut = 0.8 mm) conditions. However it is observed that mist application system in its present way of application enable in reduction of the average cutting temperature by about 10% to 40% more than conventional method depending upon the spindle speed, depth of cut and other process parameter. II. Tool Wear The most accurate tool wear measurement technique is the optical measurement technique. As opportunity of this technique is not available so the experiment works has been done manually. The tool wear measured for dry, wet and mist condition increases with the increase in depth of cut and spindle speeds are shown in Fig.3.11. to Fig.3.20.
Fig. 3.8. Temperature vs Spindle speed (Depth of Cut = 1.0mm).

At dry condition the tool wear is more to other environments. But the tool wear reduces under flood machining co mpared to dry, which may possible for the lubrication and reducing the cutting zone temperature. However it is evident that for mist condition the tool wear is less than flood and dry conditions. 5. CONCLUSIONS Based on the present experimental investigation the following conclusions can be drawn: The mist application enables reduction of the turning zone temperature up to 10% to 40% mo re than conventional methods depending on the process parameter. In the present experiment the cutting fluid jet reached perfectly to the tool work interface. Flood cooling by soluble cutting fluid can not control the turning temperature appreciably. The wear of high speed steel cutting tool is analyzed for turning operation on the mediu m carbon steel. The tool wear is measured for dry, flood and mist condition, in wh ich the mist condition provides minimum tool wear. REFERENCES Lowa Waste Reduction Center. Cutting Fluid Management in Small Machine Shop Operations Third Edition, (Cedar Falls, Iowa: University of Northern Lowa, 2003), p.07. M.S. Islam. Tool Wear Investigation on Mild Steel for T urning Operation. B.Sc. Engineering project Report. 2003. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering KUET Khulna. Gressel, M.G. Comparison of Mist Generation of Flood and Mist Application of Metal Working Fluids During Metal Cutting University of Cincinnati, 2001.

Fig. 3.9. Temperature vs Spindle speed (Depth of Cut = 1.2 mm)

Fig. 3.10. Temperature vs Spindle speed (Depth of Cut = 1.4 mm)

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No :04


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