ME8 Sem

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2 hours lecLure per week

Modu|e I (12 hours)
Supply chaln managemenL (SCM) - concepL of loglsLlcs and SCM - declslon phases - deslgn, plannlng and
operaLlon - declslon areas - Lype of supply chaln vlews - flows ln supply chaln - supply chaln and compeLlLlve
performance - performance measures for SCM - sLraLeglc flL - drlvers of supply chaln
Modu|e II (12 hours)
Sourclng and procuremenL - sourclng - facLors ln source selecLlon - vendor raLlng - quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve
meLhods - purchaslng - ob[ecLlves and procedure - purchaslng sysLems - Lender meLhod - compuLer based
sysLems/Lul - lnvenLory concepL - funcLlons of lnvenLory - selecLlve lnvenLory conLrol Lechnlques - sLrucLure of
lnvenLory problem - cosLs assoclaLed wlLh maLerlals managemenL - relevanL cosLs
Modu|e III (14 hours)
lndependenL demand lLems - probablllsLlc - slngle order quanLlLles - payoff maLrlx - lncremenLal analysls -
maLhemaLlcal formulaLlon of dlscreLe and conLlnuous cases - lndependenL demand lLems - deLermlnlsLlc and
dynamlc - deLermlnlsLlc lnvenLory models wlLhouL and wlLh backorderlng - senslLlvlLy analysls - quanLlLy
dlscounL - all unlLs and lncremenLal dlscounLs
Modu|e IV (14 hours)
lndependenL demand lLems - probablllsLlc and dynamlc lnvenLory models - C and sysLem models - dependenL
demand lLems - deLermlnlsLlc models - loL slzlng models - loL by loL - LCC - parL perlod balanclng - wagner-whlL
ln meLhod - concepL of [usL-ln-Llme - kanban - lnLroducLlon Lo dlsLrlbuLlon requlremenL plannlng

1ext books
1 uobler u.W. & 8urL u.n., lotcbosloq ooJ 5opply Moooqemeot. 1ext ooJ coses, 1aLa McCraw Plll ubllshlng
Company LlmlLed
2 1erslne 8.!., ltloclples of loveototy ooJ Motetlols Moooqemeot, renLlce-Pall lnc
3 SLarr M.k. & Mlller u.W., loveototy coottol. 1beoty ooJ ltoctlce, renLlce Pall of lndla
4 Chopra S. & Melndl ., 5opply cbolo Moooqemeot. 5ttoteqy, lloooloq, ooJ Opetotloo, earson LducaLlon Asla
keference books
1 ChrlsLopher M., loqlstlcs ooJ 5opply cbolo Moooqemeot, lLman ubllshlng Company
2 !ohn MorLlmer (LdlLor), loqlstlcs lo Mooofoctotloq. Ao ll5 xecotlve 8tlefloq, llS ubllcaLlons, u.k. &
3 naraslmhan S.L., Mcleavy u.W. & 8llllngLon .!., ltoJoctloo lloooloq ooJ loveototy coottol, renLlce Pall of
4 8aghuram C. & 8angara[ n., loqlstlcs ooJ 5opply cbolo Moooqemeot. coses ooJ coocepts, Macmlllan lndla
Sess|ona| work assessment
1wo LesLs = 30
1wo asslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
Un|vers|ty exam|nat|on pattern
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

2 hours lecLure and 1 hour LuLorlal per week
Modu|e I (10 hours)
lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe concepL of quallLy - quallLy conLrol - quallLy assurance - quallLy managemenL - quallLy and
LoLal quallLy - small q and blg C - concepL of LoLal quallLy managemenL - 1CM axloms - ma[or conLrlbuLlons of
demlng, [uran and crossby Lo quallLy managemenL - enablers for LoLal quallLy - sLraLeglc quallLy managemenL
Modu|e II (10 hours)
CuallLy cosLs - analysls of quallLy cosLs - loss funcLlon - Laguchl meLhods - LoLal quallLy Lools - pareLo charL -
flshbone dlagram - checksheeL - hlsLograms - scaLLer dlagrams - run charLs - flow dlagram - survey -
lmplemenLlng - LoLal quallLy - lSC 9000 cerLlflcaLlon - quallLy clrcles moLlvaLlon Lheorles
Modu|e III (10 hours)
CusLomer needs and producL quallLy - markeL research - producL deslgn - quallLy funcLlon deploymenL -
rellablllLy - rellablllLy goals - fallure mode, effecL, and crlLlcallLy analysls - deslgn for safeLy - error prooflng
deslgn for manufacLurablllLy - manufacLurlng plannlng for quallLy - quallLy responslblllLles on Lhe facLory floor -
LoLal employee lnvolvemenL and empowermenL - benchmarklng - conLlnuos lmprovemenL sLraLegles - kalzen
Modu|e IV (11 hours)
SLaLlsLlcal Lools ln quallLy - maklng predlcLlons uslng Lhe normal, polsson and blnomlal probablllLy dlsLrlbuLlons
- sLaLlsLlcal process conLrol - conLrol charLs for varlables - k , 8 and s charLs - process capablllLy lndlces - conLrol
charLs for aLLrlbuLes - , np, c and u charLs
Modu|e V (11 hours)
AccepLance sampllng - loL by loL accepLance uslng slngle sampllng by aLLrlbuLes - CC curve - average ouLgolng
quallLy and Lhe ACCL - double sampllng - mulLlple and sequenLlal sampllng - dodge - romlg sampllng Lables -
A1l and All - lnLroducLlon Lo llfe LesLlng and rellablllLy

1ext books
1!uran !.M., Cryna l.M., Ooollty lloooloq ooJ Aoolysls", 1aLa McCraw Plll ubllshlng Company
2CranL L.L. & LeavenworLh 8.S., 5totlstlcol Ooollty coottol", McCraw Plll
lnLernaLlonal LdlLlon
3 CeoeLsch u.L. & uavls S.8., lottoJoctloo to 1otol Ooollty. Ooollty Moooqemeot fot ltoJoctloo, ltocessloq
ooJ 5etvlces, renLlce Pall lnLernaLlonal, lnc.
4 LogoLheLls n., Moooqloq fot 1otol Ooollty", renLlce Pall of lndla rlvaLe LlmlLed 8haraL Wakhlu, 1otol
Ooollty", Wheeler ubllshlng
Sess|ona| work assessment
1wo LesLs = 30
1wo asslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
Un|vers|ty exam|nat|on pattern
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

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