Selection Process

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The process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can range from a very simple process to a very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the position. Certain employment laws such as anti-discrimination laws must be obeyed during employee selection.


The objective of selection process in nestle is to choose the individual who can successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidate. ob analysis! "uman #esource planning and recruitment are necessary prerequisites to the selection process.


$unir Chugtai !"# manager nestle says that! Entry in nestle is quiet challenging %estle mostly selects the students of &'$( and )'% *+ '%,-E#(,T. as the employees in their organi/ation and the toppers of other universities. There are a certain criteria for selecting the employees li0e! according to the job description and job profile it conducts the verbal interviews. ,n addition to the verbal interviews it also conducts some in-writing tests. The international tool nestle got to select the employees is their scores and the topper of the universities. 1epartment heads of nestle interviews the candidates and they mar0 them independently again after the interviews. ,t also conducts follow-up interviews to supplement the information obtained in other steps of the selection process to chec0 the suitability of the applicants for the specific opening. +oth types of interviews structured and unstructured are used in the selection process depending on the job. The average age of the candidates must be 23.%estle circulates the employees in every department for two years. ,t gives a chance to new employees to prove themselves in every department. #eference chec0ing system in the selection process! is not that strong in %estle! it depends on the need of the organi/ation. 1uring the selection process the organi/ation also conducts the physical e4amination of the individual who is offered the job. The e4am is given to determine not only the applicant is physical capable of performing the job but also his eligibility for the group life! health! and disability insurance.5or this purpose different medical tests are used.

*n introductory stage in the process of new employee assimilation! and a part of his or her continuous sociali/ation process in an organi/ation. $ajor objectives of orientation are to 678 gain employee commitment! 698 reduce his or her an4iety! 628 help him or her understand organi/ation:s e4pectations! and 6;8 convey what he or she can e4pect from the job and the organi/ation. ,t is commonly followed by training tailored to specific job positions. (ee also acculturation and company orientation. "# $anager $unir Chugtai told! that , had dinner with the new employees last night! the purpose was to introduce them to their department while all the business heads were present there. The length and timings of the orientation program in %estle depends on the si/e of group of the new employees. <rientation is conducted at least once a wee0. 5or the sa0e of evaluation of the orientation! the company don=t go in depth. ,t just ta0es an overview of the orientation program by as0ing questions from the newly hired employees.

Educational preparation for performing a job that is typically provided to staff by the business that has recently hired them before they become active in service to the company. Employee training is increasingly required to assist the wor0 force in using modern techniques! tools! strategies and materials in their jobs. $r. $unir Chugtai quotes> We are famous for our learning ,nitial training can have a significant influence on the new employee=s productivity and attitude towards his job. Training is a continuous process in %estl?. ,t gives different types of trainings to its employees depending on the job profile. 1ifferent types of training methods are used here. 7. <n job training @AB 9. Cross functional 9AB 2. Classroom training 7AB The training program is evaluated by getting the feedbac0 from the employees. 5or this purpose feedbac0 form is filled by the employees before and after the training.

,n simple terms it means :)roviding employees an opportunity to grow:! especially to those employees who deliver performance. Crowth means! to an employee! one or more of the following> 7. 9. 2. ;. 3. Climbing up the ladder in the organi/ational hierarchy. <n-going increase in remuneration. *cquiring higher level s0ills D competencies. <ccupying higher level ob positions. "aving an opportunity to avail of some e4clusive benefits 6per0s D privileges8.

*ccording to $r. $unir Chugtai! Career development is not a mere management responsibility. ,t is a composite organi/ational process which involves people! addresses their ambitions! assigns them roles D responsibilities commensurate with their potential! evaluates their performance! and creates ob positions to accommodate growth ambitions of employees. Career development is an important responsibility of nestle towards its employees. ,t provides different career opportunities to its employees. $anagers of nestle plays an important role in facilitating their subordinates career. ,t asses the employees from performance appraisals and assessment centre and then implement the career development.

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