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PIRAMANANDHAN| Lecturer| Mechanical Engineering | SCT |Salem FEA - Questions

1. What is FEA?

2. What is meant by 1D, 2D and 3D analysis?

3. What are all scalar field problems?

4. What are all numerical procedures?

5. List some FEA packages.

6. What is meant by variational calculus?

7. Discuss Rayleigh Ritz and Galerkin methods

8. State different type of boundary conditions.

9. What is BVP and IVP in FEM

10. Write strain- displacement matrix for 2D FEA.

11. State the different methods used to solve simultaneous equation

12. State the advantages and disadvantages of numerical, analytical and experimental

13. List the one dimensional elements?

14. Classify the finite element based on the dimensions.

15. List the 1D,2D and 3D Elements with neat sketch.

16. What is mean by higher order elements?

17. What is meant by primary and secondary variables?

18. What are the classical techniques used in FEM formulation?

19. What is essential and natural boundary condition?

20. List the types of coordinate systems used in FEM

21. What is meant by natural or intrinsic coordinates?

22. What is the difference between linear element and quadratic element?

23. Write the stiffness matrix for one dimensional truss element.

24. Why polynomial functions generally preferred for FEA?

M. PIRAMANANDHAN| Lecturer| Mechanical Engineering | SCT |Salem FEA - Questions

25. What is meant by trail/basis functions?

26. What is meant by global stiffness matrix?

27. Define shape function.

28. Write the general expression for the FEM and discuss briefly.

29. Define principle of minimum potential energy.

30. What is secondary variables and secondary boundary conditions?

31. Discuss the assembly of global stiffness and load vector.

32. What is flexure element?

33. State the methods of engineering analysis

34. What is meant by finite element analysis?

35. Give example for the finite element.

36. What is meant by node or joint?

37. What is the basis of finite element method?

38. State the three phases of finite element method.

39. What is a structural and non-structural problem?

40. What are the methods are generally associated with the finite element analysis?

41. Explain force method and stiffness method?

42. Name the variational methods.

43. Name the weighted residual methods.

44. What is meant post processing?

45. What is meant by discretization and assemblage?

46. What is meant by degrees of freedom?

47. What is “Aspect ratio”?

48. What is truss element?

49. List the two advantages of post –processing.

M. PIRAMANANDHAN| Lecturer| Mechanical Engineering | SCT |Salem FEA - Questions

50. If a displacement field in x direction is given by u = 2x^2+4y^2+6xy determine the

strain in x direction.
51. What are ‘h’ and ‘p’ versions of finite element method?

52. During discretization, mention the places where it is necessary to place a node?

53. What is the difference between static and dynamic analysis?

54. Differentiate between global and local axes.

55. Distinguish between potential energy function and potential energy functional.

56. What are the types of loads generally acting on the structure?

57. Define body force (f).

58. Define traction force (T).

59. What is point load (P).

60. What are the basic steps involved in the finite element modeling.

61. What is discretization?

62. What are the classifications of co-ordinates?

63. What is global co-ordinates?

64. What is natural co-ordinates?

65. Define shape function.

66. What are the characteristics of shape function?

67. Why polynomials are generally used as shape function?

68. How do you calculate the size of the global stiffness matrix?

69. Give the general expression for element stiffness matrix.

70. Write down the expression of stiffness matrix for one dimensional bar element.[Anna

71. State the properties of a stiffness matrix. [Anna university,jan2006]

72. Write down the general finite element equation.

M. PIRAMANANDHAN| Lecturer| Mechanical Engineering | SCT |Salem FEA - Questions

73. Write down the general finite element equation for one dimensional two noded bar

74. What is truss?

75. States the assumptions are made while finding the forces in a truss.

76. Write down the expression of stiffness matrix for a truss element

77. Write down the expression of shape function N and displacement u for one
dimensional bar element.[Anna university,jan2005]

78. Define total potential energy.

79. State the principle of minimum potential energy. [Annauniversity,dec2006]

80. What is the stationary property of total potential energy?

81. State the principles of virtual work. [Anna university,dec2006]

82. Distinguish between essential boundary conditions and natural boundary conditions.
[Anna university,dec2006]

83. What are the differences between boundary value problem and initial value problem?
[Anna university,june2005]

84. State the advantages of Higher order Elements and what is quadratic element?

85. How do you define two dimensional elements?

86. What is Pascal triangle?

87. What is meant by scalar variable problems?

88. What is plane stress and plane strain problems?

89. What is CST element?[Anna University, jan2005]

90. Write the torsion stiffness and force matrix

91. Write the D matrix for 2D heat transfer

92. Write the 2D conduction stiffness matrix

93. Write the 2D stiffness matrix and force matrix for convection and heat generation.

94. What is LST element? [Anna University, jan2006]

M. PIRAMANANDHAN| Lecturer| Mechanical Engineering | SCT |Salem FEA - Questions

95. What is QST element?

96. What is meant by plane stress analysis and write the elasticity equations?

97. Define plane stress analysis.

98. Write a displacement function equation for CST element. [Anna university, dec2005]

99. Write a strain-displacement matrix for CST element. [Anna University, dec2005]

100. Write down the stress-strain relationship matrix for plane stress condition.

101. Write down the stress-strain relationship matrix for plane strain condition.

102. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for two dimensional CST element.

103. Write down the expression for the shape functions for a constant strain triangular

104. What is axi symmetric element?

105. What are the conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric?

106. Write down the displacement equation for an axisymmetric triangular element.

107. Write down the shape functions for an axisymmetric triangular element.

108. Give the strain-displacement matrix equation for an axisymmetric triangular element.

109. Write down the stress-strain relationship matrix for an axisymmetric triangular element.

110. Give the stiffness matrix equation for an axisymmetric triangular element.

111. What are the ways in which a three dimensional problem can be reduced to a two
dimensional approach.

112. Calculate the Jacobian of the transformation J for the triangular element shown in fig

M. PIRAMANANDHAN| Lecturer| Mechanical Engineering | SCT |Salem FEA - Questions

113. What is the purpose of isoperimetric element? [Anna University, jan2006]

114. Write down the shape function for 4 noded rectangular element using natural co-ordinate

115. Write down the jacobian matrix for four noded quadrilateral element.

116. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for four noded isoparametric quadrilateral

117. Write down the element force vector equation for four noded quadrilateral element.

118. Write down the Gaussian quadrature expression for numerical integration.

119. Define super parametric element. [Anna University, dec2006]

120. What is meant by Sub parametric element?

121. Is beam element an iso parametric element?

122. What is the difference between natural co-ordinate and simple natural co-ordinate?

123. Give examples for essential (force or geometric) and non-essential (natural) boundary

124. State the advantages of using isoperimetric elements

125. Write short notes of Numerical integration, Newton cotes formula and Gaussian

126. What is the relation between order of the equation and number of sampling points in
numerical integration?

Some Important FEA IQs

M. PIRAMANANDHAN| Lecturer| Mechanical Engineering | SCT |Salem FEA - Questions

1 How do you select the mesh size and the order of the polynomials?

2 What is the meaning of discretized representation of physical system?

3 List the advantages and disadvantage of variational formulation.

4 Write the governing equations for 1D,2D and 3D models

5 Evaluate the integral of [3 ex+x2+(x+2)-1] for the limit of (-1 to 1) using one point

6 What are higher order elements, give two examples.

7 State the disadvantages of commercially available software.

8 Define transformation maping

9 What is the effect of mesh size on the accuracy of solutuion?

10 Write the 3 node triangular element shape functions interms of area coordinates
and show it by diagram.

11 List the DOF for bar element ,beam element and plate element.

12 List the advantages and disadvantages of FEA.

13 How to test the convergence in FEA

14 What is compatibility, convergence and continuity in FEM .State the convergence

requirements for polynomials.

15 What is line coordinates?

16 Difference between Rayleigh Ritz method and FEM

17 What is the need of natural coordinates?

18 State the differences between hunted load and consistent load.

19 What is VF,WF and SF in FEM?


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