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Rafi Rotem Israeli Tax Authority whistleblower
// Index of records!!"#$%!/
2007-02-12 Letter by 15 senior Tax Authority employees to the Knesset and State
Ombudsman // !"#$ 15 %&'($%)*!$+",&#%"(-++./','$%"+0)'(!+-
Israeli Tax Authority whistleblower Rafi Rotem exposed organized crime in government: Huge tax breaks to
tycoons and crime figure related businesses sex bribes and murder of a !source!" Rotem has been sub#ected to
harassment intimidation and retaliation over the past $% years" He lost his #ob his home his possessions"
The corruption exposed by Rafi Rotem was described by former Attorney &eneral 'anny 'ezouz as the closest to
organized crime in government"
The case is described by senior #ournalist Amnon (ankner as the worst case of miscarriage of #ustice he has seen in
his long career as a #ournalist where all institutions of the #ustice system gang up on an honest person to trample
him and destroy him"
Recently his case has become a cause of the Israeli )rotest movement and #ournalists as a key case in fighting
government corruption"
*n April %+ %,$- letter from the Israeli .tate *mbudsman/s office for the first time after $% years his office
agreed to take Rafi Rotem/s evidence and testimony and started process to restore his financial rights as a
wrongfully terminated .tate employee"
The case shows that concerted efforts of #ournalists and the Israeli .ocial )rotest movement can stand up to a .tate
where the #ustice system went astray"
The attached letter by $0 senior Tax Authority employees calls upon the 1nesset/s Anti2corruption 3ommittee and
the .tate *mbudsman to establish an investigation commission and provide protection to the employees" The
allegations in this letter alone should raise serious concern regarding integration of organized crime and
government authorities particularly #ustice authorities in the .tate of Israel"
4$5 ,,,,2,,2,, Rafi Rotem 2 Timeline 6full 7nglish text8 99 :;<=?@ABCDE?@F?
4%5 %,$G2$%2$+ Jetter by -- #ournalists to .tate *mbudsman to provide Rotem protection 6with full 7nglish
translation8 99 KDL; -- =MN=CDE?@F?ODDO=M@P;=?QK;O=@MFKC@RMED@S=
1 2aption and 3o 4a5e
1. Letter by 15 senior Tax Authority employees to the Knesset and State
Ombudsman [English translation]
. "#$% 15 &'()%&*+"%,#-'$&#).,,/0(-(%&#,1*()",. ] 2ebre3 original [ 6
Letter by 15 senior Tax Authority employees to the Knesset and State
Tebruary $% %,,U 4.tamped: Received by the .tate *mbudman/s office5
To: 1nesset Anti2corruption .ub2committee 1nesset .tate *versight 3ommittee .tate
*mbudsman 6Retired Vudge8 'ichah Jindenstraus:
R*: +etition for the establishment of a 'ational In,esti-ation .ommission re-ardin-
corruption in the Tax Authority.
We senior employees of the Tax Authority petition herein the 1nesset Anti2corruption .ub2
committee 1nesset .tate *versight 3ommittee to employ their authority pursuant to Article
$-6b8 and9or Article $-6b$8 of the .tate *mbudsman Act 6$+0H8 to establish a Xational
Investigation 3ommission regarding conduct of the following .tate authorities:
$" Tax AuthorityY
%" .tate .ervice AuthorityY
G" Israel )olice Tel Aviv (istrict Traud (ivision and
-" .tate )rosecution Tel Aviv (istrict 3ivil and 3riminal (ivisions"
We reZuest to provide all information in our possession and ask for immunity and protection for
the undersigned employees"
A" Regarding relationships between senior Tax Authority officers and criminals9intelligence
targets and businessmen who are sub#ect of investigationsY
[" Tax waivers and9or tax discounts to businessmen and criminals9intelligence targets who are
acZuaintances of such senior Tax Authority officersY
3" Investigation of the circumstances that led to the exposure of intelligence sources and
investigation of the circumstances of the death9murder of .ource %U,9,% after he complained
with the same persons that his identity had been exposed"
(" (isappearance of investigation files of criminal9central intelligence targets where the cause
of disappearance has not been investigated"
7" [acking and clearance by the .tate .ervice Authority of \tailored] #ob tenders and
appointments that are not permitted by law in the Tax Authority"
T" 3onduct of disciplinary procedures by the .tate .ervice Authority against whistle blowers in
order shut them up and tarnish their image"
&" Tiling of false complaints with the Israel )olice and with the .tate .ervice Authority by senior
officers of the Tax Authority and the .tate )rosecution Tel Aviv (itrict 3ivil and 3riminal
against whistle blowers in order shut them up and tarnish their image"
H" Tailure to investigate and enforce the law on senior officers who were engaged in misconduct
by the Israel )olice .tate .ervice Authority and .tate )rosecution regardless of weighty
evidence including sex bribes and obstruction of investigation by a senior officer of the Tax
I" )roviding protection to whistle2blowers in the Tax Authority including the undersigned and
other citizens against the above referenced authorities"
$" Rafi Rotem )ro#ect .upervisor Intelligence Tel Aviv InvestigationsY
%" .huki 'ishol ^AT .upervisor Tel AvivY
G" Attorney Haim 3hupak Tel Aviv Investigations 6retired8
/#01 are redacted in this online copy.

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