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Qualifying Conditions Old-age pension: Age 65 (men) or age 60 (women) with at least 180 months of insurance coverage in the last 30 years, a total of at least 300 months of insurance coverage, or 180 months of contributions. or insure! "ersons covere! by the #00$ law% Age 65 (men) or age 60 (women born before &ecember #, 1'63) with 180 months of insurance coverage, inclu!ing at least 8$ months while in em"loyment. ((he retirement age for women born after )une 1, 1'68, is increasing gra!ually by 6 months "er 6*month "erio! u" to age 65.) +arly "ension% Age 6# an! 3 months (men) or age 5, an! 3 months (women) with between $#0 months an! $50 months of insurance coverage an! with monthly earnings no greater than -333.16, sub.ect to con!itions. (he early "ensionable age is increasing gra!ually by 1 month "er /uarter. ((he early "ension will be "hase! out gra!ually by 0ctober 1, #01,.) +arly "ension for wor1ers in "hysically !eman!ing .obs (beginning )anuary 1, #00,)% Age 60 with $5 years of insurance coverage, of which at least 1#0 months are base! on em"loyment in "hysically !eman!ing .obs in the last #$0 months an! with monthly earnings no greater than -333.16, sub.ect to con!itions. ((he early "ension for women in "hysically !eman!ing .obs will come into effect in #0#$. At "resent, women can claim the statutory ol!*age "ension or the early "ension for the long*term insure! at age 60.) +arly "ension for the long*term insure!% (he "ensionable age varies accor!ing to the year of birth% from age 60 (men born before )uly 1, 1'50) to age 6$ (men born in 1'5$) with $5 years of contributions or from age 55 (women born before )uly 1, 1'55) to age 5' (women born in 1'5') with $0 years of contributions, sub.ect to con!itions. 2orri!or "ension (new early ol!*age "ension)% Age 6# (men an! women) with $50 months of insurance coverage an! with monthly earnings (inclu!ing the "ension) no greater than -333.16, sub.ect to con!itions. ((he corri!or "ension for women will come into effect in #0#8. 3ntil then, women can claim the statutory ol!*age "ension or the early "ension for the long*term insure! at age 60.) &eferre! "ension% A !eferre! "ension is "ossible. 4enefits are "ayable abroa! (a reci"rocal agreement may be re/uire! if the benefit is "ai! abroa! for a "erio! longer than # months). Disability pension: 5ayable for an assesse! loss of more than 506 of earning ca"acity. (he insure! must have 60 months of contributions ("lus 1 month for each month from age 50) in the last 10 years ("lus # months for each month from age 50), 300 months of insurance coverage, or a total of least 180 months of contributions. (he /ualifying con!itions are rela7e! for "ersons age! 5, or ol!er. 8e!uce! "ension% A re!uce! "ension is "ai! if monthly earnings are greater than -'58.30. Survivor pension: (he !ecease! met the insurance coverage or contribution re/uirements for a !isability "ension or was a "ensioner at the time of !eath. Austria Old Age, Disability, and Survivors Regulatory Framewor First laws: 1'06 ("ensions), im"lemente! regulations), im"lemente! in 1'3'. in 1'0'9 an! 1'38 (insurance

Current laws: 1'55 (social insurance), im"lemente! in 1'56, with #006 amen!ment9 1',8 (self*em"loye!), im"lemente! in 1',', with #005 amen!ment9 1',8 (farmers), with #006 amen!ment9 1',8 ("rofessional "ersons), with #005 amen!ment9 an! #00$ ("ension harmoni:ation), im"lemente! in #005. ;ote% (he 1'55 act a""lies to insure! "ersons ol!er than age 50 on )anuary 1, #005. (he #00$ law a""lies to insure! "ersons younger than age 50 on )anuary 1, #005. 3n!er the #00$ law, all s"ecial systems now "rovi!e similar benefits.

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