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Integrity Assessment Scheme for Situational

Awareness in Utility Automation Systems
Salman Mohagheghi, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Today’s more reliable communication technology, what others cannot continue operating reliably, and should be
together with the availability of higher computational power, terminated. In small systems with few interdependent elements
have paved the way for introduction of more advanced this task is rather trivial. However, an increase in the number
automation systems based on distributed intelligence and multi- of system elements or the dimensionality of interdependencies
agent technology. However, abundance of data, while making
these systems more powerful, can at the same time act as their
among them can exponentially complicate matters. It should
biggest vulnerability. In a web of interconnected devices and come as no surprise that this is the situation facing most
components functioning within an automation framework, automation systems today. Identifying how each failure may
potential impact of malfunction in a single device, either through affect each application is a task on the shoulders of the system
internal failure or external damage/intrusion, may lead to operator. Although experienced operators and/or automated
detrimental side-effects spread across the whole underlying failsafe mechanisms exist that can handle individual
system. The potentially large number of devices, along with their
inherent interrelations and interdependencies, may hinder the
applications, a uniform solution that can collectively analyze
ability of human operators to interpret events, identify their scope the aftermath and range of impact of an event does not exist.
of impact and take remedial actions if necessary. Through This calls for a system-wide situational awareness that
utilization of the concepts of graph-theoretic fuzzy cognitive maps provides knowledge of range and severity of the impact of any
(FCM) and expert systems, this paper puts forth a solution that is event on the performance of the system.
able to reveal weak links and vulnerabilities of an automation In this paper, an intelligent scheme is proposed based on
system, should it become exposed to partial internal failure or
external damage. A case study has been performed on the IEEE graph-theoretic fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) that, in the event
34-bus test distribution system to show the efficiency of the of internal or external failures and degradations in one or more
proposed scheme. elements in the system, is able to identify the weak links and
indicate what applications have been affected by the event
Index Terms—Automation system; event analysis; fuzzy most. The proposed scheme has been designed based on a
cognitive map; monitoring; situational awareness. combination of heuristic rules governing the FCM graph itself
as well as unsupervised learning algorithms. Relying too much
I. INTRODUCTION on expert knowledge for forming the graph makes the FCM

M ODERN utility automation systems are equipped with

multitude of intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) –
sensors and actuators that can be remotely accessed, monitored
biased and problem-dependent. In order to avoid this, the main
objective in this paper has been to make the solution scalable
and feasible to implement with the least amount of interaction
or controlled. These various components within the system with human experts.
form an interrelated network of elements. From a layered
architecture standpoint, each device/application/sub-system II. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS IN POWER SYSTEMS – STATE OF
(hereafter referred to as element) provides data/services to THE ART
another group of elements, while receiving data/services from Situational awareness in a system may relate to different
some others. These elements are all prone to malfunction aspects such as spatial, mission, system, resource or crew
(hereafter referred to as event), either internally due to natural awareness [1]. Whenever the system needs to process and
failures, or externally due to accidents or cyber-intrusion. interpret a large number of data points, situational awareness
Naturally, in a web of interconnected elements, failure or becomes more vital. In fact, solutions have been reported in
degradation of each one can affect the performance of those the literature for a wide range of space, military and
utilizing its data, and ultimately impact the accuracy and emergency response applications [2]-[7]. In power systems,
integrity of the underlying application. the size and complexity of the grid poses its own unique
For efficient operation of an automation system one has to challenges. While during normal conditions, operators may
ensure that the impact of an element’s degradation or failure show relatively high situational awareness, their awareness
on the rest of the system is identified as quickly as possible, so level drops following disturbance onset [8], which is when
the operator knows what part(s) of the system can continue responsiveness and effective decision making is needed most.
operating as is, what parts are conditionally operational and This has been attributed to elements such as attention
narrowing, memory trap, workload fatigue, misplaced visual
S. Mohagheghi is with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science features, data overload and complexity creep [9].
Department, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 USA (phone:
303-273-3501; email: Traditionally, the notion of situational awareness in the

power system has tied in closely with the concept of state sensors, the focal point of some researchers shifted towards
estimation (SE). Using the measurements available from developing methodologies for sensor data fusion, sensor data
across the power system, SE algorithm tries to find the set of interpretation and knowledge extraction, and linking them to
system states (voltages at various nodes) that statistically fits operator situational awareness [50]-[55].
this set of measurements best [10], [11]. In order to complete Although many of the solutions proposed in the literature
the picture of the system operating condition, extensive succeed in providing situational awareness and vigilance for
research was conducted on estimating the topology of the the system operator, some aspects are missing and require
network through identification of topology errors [12]-[14] more research: (a) many of these techniques assist the operator
and modeling zero-impedance branches and circuit breakers in narrowing down and interpreting events, but are unable to
[15], [16]. This led to the introduction of the concept of provide information on the breadth (range of impact) and
generalized state estimation in 1998 [17] that presented a depth (how severely other system components are affected) of
unified solution for state estimation using both network analog the event, (b) event detection and identification is the first step
measurements and system topology data. While the problem of in awareness, but post-event mitigation requires a measure of
state estimation has traditionally been formulated as a “trustworthiness” of the rest of the system, (c) many of the
centralized problem, recently, research has been conducted on methodologies proposed in the literature are application-
developing distributed state estimation solutions suitable for specific, while solutions are needed that are general and
multi-area power systems, for instance in [18]-[21]. scalable, and (d) most approaches for sensor data integration
In conjunction with SE techniques, situational awareness and fusion treat the data points at the same level of
solutions have also been developed making use of alarms and importance, whereas in power systems different data from
signals. As technology advanced, more devices became different devices may have dissimilar importance for the
equipped with alarms that could indicate their statuses. overall performance of the system or underlying application.
However, even the simplest failures could lead to tens to
hundreds of alarms brought to the attention of the system III. FUZZY COGNITIVE MAPS FOR CAUSAL RELATION
operator [22], which echoed the need to convert this raw data ASSESSMENT
to easily-interpretable information for the human operator. The
early approaches for this purpose were in the form of A. Basic Idea
organizing and prioritizing alarm messages [23]. Some authors Political scientist Robert Axelrod introduced cognitive maps
suggested techniques for filtering mechanisms, priority and in the 1970s for representing social scientific knowledge [56].
grouping schemes as well as message routing procedures [24], These were signed directional graphs (digraphs) where a
which was later improved by using Boolean algorithmic and positive link from vertex j to vertex i would indicate that j
rule-based expert system techniques [25], [26]. However, these causally increases i, whereas a negative link would mean that
modified approaches were still difficult to implement for large should j happen, the chances of i happening are reduced (Fig.
systems, and lacked adaptability and flexibility. The trend 1). In this context, the indirect effect of j on i over a path Pk is
therefore took a turn towards more powerful intelligent negative if the number of negative signs (of the edges of Pk) is
techniques such as neural networks [25], [27], fuzzy systems odd, and positive otherwise. The total effect of j on i would
[28]-[31], neuro-fuzzy systems [32], genetic algorithm [33] then be negative if all the indirect effects are negative, positive
and Tabu search [34] among others. if all indirect effects are positive, and indeterminate otherwise
In parallel to these efforts, many researchers have focused [57]. It is safe to assume that in most real-world applications
on developing awareness solutions by improving system beyond a trivial level of complexity, the indeterminate case
observability; for example, by adopting additional wide-area happens more frequently. To solve this problem, Kosko [57]
measurements available from Phasor Measurement Units introduced fuzzy cognitive maps which allowed for more
(PMU) [35], [36], which can then be used for disturbance efficient usage of expert knowledge and logical reasoning in
event detection and analysis [37]-[40]. Also, in an attempt to defining the causalities between different use cases. He
assist the system operators with taking preventive and/or defined the impact of vertices on one another based on the
corrective control actions in response to power system concepts of general fuzzy minimum and maximum operators
contingencies, some researchers have proposed power grid (or the t-norm and t-conorm operators [58]). Later versions of
dynamic security assessment tools through utilization of data FCM used algebraic equations to determine the value of each
mining techniques [41], pattern discovery methods [42] or vertex based on the influence of the interconnected vertices
decision trees [43]. In a different approach, intelligent [59]. This way, the state (value) xi of vertex ei at any point in
waveform analysis techniques have been developed to predict time is defined as (Fig. 1):
and diagnose faults at the distribution system [44]. Also,
decision support systems and data visualization tools have
u i (t ) = ∑ w x (t ) ⇒ x (t + 1) = f (u (t )) ,
j =1, ≠i
ij j i i (1)
been proposed to assist system operators with emergency where ui represents the excitation level of vertex i, and f is the
situations [45]-[49]. threshold function defined, common choices being sigmoid or
With the advent and large-scale deployment of advanced hyperbolic tangent.

of a vertex [65], the centrality (total degree) of the vertices

[57], or concepts such as the key vertex [66] and the closeness
(similarity) of relations between the states of two vertices i and
j [63]. Alternatively, some other researchers have focused on
methodologies for training the FCM, and updating its weights
[67]. These training methods are either based on supervised
learning (that assumes the desired output and error signals are
available and can be used for the purpose of training), or the
unsupervised learning that is rooted in the modified Hebbian
learning approach first proposed by Oja [68].
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of FCM with generic vertices and edges.
In matrix form, the state vector X of the FCM can be The methodology proposed in this paper recognizes the fact
expressed as: that (a) comprehensive system integrity data related to past
X(t + 1) = f [W × X(t)], (2) incidents may not always be available, (b) even if available,
where W is the weight matrix. This way, the indirect effect of j this data is not necessarily quantified and is likely to be
on i over a path Pk can be derived as: qualitative, (c) it is easy for human experts to identify local
wij , Pk = f [L f [ w j 2 , j1 ⋅ ( f [ w j1, j ⋅ x j ])]L] , (3) interrelations and interdependencies, but for large systems, a
where j1, j2,... are the intermediate vertices on path Pk manual global system-wide analysis is difficult, if not
connecting j to i. The summation of these indirect effect values impractical, and (d) in practice, an expert might be very
would then indicate the total (causal) effect of j on i. knowledgeable in certain parts of the FCM, but not necessarily
In a prior work, the author developed fuzzy cognitive maps in all parts.
to model and analyze the interdependencies of complicated Accordingly, the approach put forth in this paper seeks a
networks and assess the impact of non-idealities in data quality solution in between. The FCM is first formed based on the
or component health on the overall performance of the system flow of communication data/services that exist between
[60], [61]. However, the maps were built manually based on different elements. The weights are then developed in a semi-
expert knowledge, and as it was shown in [60], even for a automated fashion through three steps: (1) using an expert
simple system, the resultant FCM could become rather system to determine the initial weights of the edges based on
complex, which makes its manual derivation less feasible. the short range (1-step ahead) impacts of elements, (2)
adjusting the initial weights using the centrality of the vertices,
B. Developing FCM – Challenges and Opportunities
and (3) further tuning the weights using the historical data and
The first step for developing the FCM is to determine the an unsupervised Hebbian learning algorithm.
number of vertices (elements) and the direction/sign of the
links between them. This can be achieved from questionnaires, A. Weight Initialization using Expert Knowledge
from data that shows causal relationships, and/or through In the first step, knowledge from human experts (modeled as
direct interviews with experts [62], [63]. However, even when an expert system) is used to determine the initial weights. The
the general structure of the FCM is developed, the challenge weights derived this way would be short-sighted, i.e., the
remains as of how to assign weights to the edges. impact of each element on the very next one can be quantified
Traditionally, this has been done through expert knowledge; relatively accurately, but the precision declines as the depth of
although, the approach would be clearly subjective. Some have impact of the element increases. In other words, the expert
proposed that if the weight matrix is provided by m experts, knowledge would view the local (1-step ahead) impacts but
the overall matrix can be achieved by combining them together fails to accurately portray the global system-wide impact of
as a weighted sum [63]: elements. For this purpose, and in the context of automation
m systems, the following definitions have been adopted for
W = ∑ ckWk , (4) critical, semi-critical and noncritical relations between vertices
k =1
(Table I). Without the loss of generality, weights 1.0, 0.7 and
where ck is the credibility weight of expert k. Others have
0.3 have been chosen to indicate critical, semi-critical and
suggested the concept of “neighborhood of weights” in order
non-critical edges respectively. The reader should note how
to measure the agreement between the weights proposed by
the definition proposed here is purely local, with no system-
different experts [59], or assigning weights based on majority
wide information in mind.
vote among experts [64].
However, it is clear that, to avoid having a biased FCM, the TABLE I
process of assigning weights to the edges needs to become at
least partly automated. For this purpose, and to indicate the Definition
importance level of the vertices in a cognitive map, some Critical (high) If A fails B will fail
researchers have used the notions of in-degree and out-degree Semi-critical If A fails B can continue operation, but its accuracy

(medium) will be compromised be the data integrity, confidence level, or data quality of the
Noncritical If A fails B can continue operation safely and reliably element. The state can be quantified by transforming a
(low) using the data/services from other vertices
linguistic term set to numeric values. The weights can then be
modified as:
Although not adopted in this paper, it is possible to
∆wij = η ⋅ xi ⋅ ( x j − wij xi ) , (11)
automatically assign criticality levels to different vertices
based on their functionalities within the automated system. For where η is a learning rate parameter heuristically chosen to be
instance, within the context of utility automation systems, one 0.05 in this paper. Equation (11) indicates that the
can group vertices as highly critical action nodes (providing interrelations between elements that vary in the same direction
actuation services, e.g., relays, switch controllers), critical will be reinforced, whereas that of elements moving in
measurement nodes (providing metering services to be used by opposite direction will be weakened. The training data for this
action nodes, e.g., current/voltage meters used by a relay or part can be obtained from expert knowledge, and need not be
breaker), and non-critical measurement nodes (providing detailed. Rather, it can be derived from the basic operational
metering services to be used by non-action nodes), etc. This interdependencies of the system, as the algorithm only works
would avoid the manual derivation of weights as indicated in based on causation, and not its degree. In most connectionist
Table I. learning systems, selecting the right value for the learning rate
parameter is not straightforward and hence often times the
B. Weight Adjustment based on Centrality of Vertices parameter is chosen based on trial and error. Here, the learning
Centrality of a vertex indicates how connected it is to the rate parameter is selected in such a way that the changes in the
rest of the graph. This could be used as a measure of weight values are limited to ±25% of their original values. The
importance, since it shows the number of elements that are overall objective is to avoid drastic changes (and hence
related to this vertex. Centrality C of a vertex is defined based possible instability) in the weight values as a result of a sudden
on the notions of its in-degree and out-degree. For a vertex ei large input.
[65]: For more details, the reader is referred to section V.C.
n n
od (ei ) = ∑ | w ji |, id (ei ) = ∑ | wij | (5)
These weight values will be calculated for all edges, to be then
j =1 j =1 normalized:
C(ei ) = od (ei ) + id (ei ) (6) ∀i, j ∈ {1, K , n} : wij ∈ [ wmin , wmax ]
However, in this paper in order to decouple the human µ ( wmin ) = 0 wij − wmin (12)
⇒ ⇒ wˆ ij =
expert based weight derivation in the previous step (which can  µ ( wmax ) = 1 wmax − wmin
be subjective) from weight modification in the current step, the
notion of abstract centrality is defined and used instead. Here, V. CASE STUDY
the importance (centrality) of vertices will be derived based on
abstract in-degree and out-degree as proposed in (7): A. System Description
aod(ei ) = ∑ h( wsi ), aid(ei ) = ∑ h( wis ) The system studied in this paper is a modified version of the
s , s ≠i s , s ≠i
IEEE 34-bus test distribution system [69]. Without the loss of
0 u = 0 (7)
where h(u ) =  generality, the system has been expanded by adding fixed and
1 u ≠ 0 switched capacitors, reclosing switches, Distributed

C (ei ) = aod(ei ) + aid(ei ) (8) Generation (DG) units, On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) with
Line Drop Compensation (LDC), and various metering IEDs
The previously derived weights will therefore be adjusted
across the feeder and the laterals (Fig. 2). Also, without the
based on the abstract centrality C*(ei) of each vertex ei, in such
loss of generality, it is assumed that the system under study is
a way that outgoing edges from vertices with high centralities
equipped with an advanced distribution automation (DA)
will be further strengthened:
system that consists of different functions for Conservation
w*ji = w ji (1 + β ⋅ Ĉ(ei )) (9) Voltage Reduction (CVR), Voltage and Var Control (VVC),
where β is a learning rate parameter (heuristically chosen to be Electric Service Restoration (RES), and DG Dispatch (Fig. 3).
0.50) and Ĉ represents the normalized abstract centrality based As explained before, these functions share data points from
on the min and max values of all abstract centralities: different devices, making them interrelated (albeit to different
∀i ∈ {1, K , n} : C∗ (ei ) ∈ [C min , Cmax ] degrees):
µ (Cmin ) = 0 C∗ (ei ) − Cmin (10) • CVR: This function receives voltages from end-of-lateral
⇒ ⇒ Ĉ(ei ) = meters (V6 and V7 in this example) and based on the
 µ (C max ) = 1 Cmax − C min
current through the OLTC I1 and the substation voltage V1
C. Weight Adjustment based on Unsupervised Learning regulates the LDC settings so that no voltage across the
system drops below ANSI low. The function also receives
A simplified Hebbian learning approach will then be used to
the relevant data from VVC.
update the previously adjusted weights. For this purpose, the
state of each element must be defined, which for example can • VVC: This function controls the settings of the tap

changers T2, T3 and switched capacitors CS1, CS2 in order

to minimize the losses. The capacitor switches are
equipped with Point-on-Wave switching scheme. The
function consults the network configuration, itself being
updated based on the statuses of the reclosing switches
among other things.
• RES: This function manages the reclosing switches R1, R2
and R3 across the system in the event of a disturbance. For
proper performance, the function is updated based on the
output of the DG units DG1 and DG2, and the power flow
meters at certain locations of the feeder, i.e., I1, I2, I3 and
I4 in this example.
• DG Dispatch: This function regulates and manages the
power generated by the DG units DG1 and DG2 based on
economic and environmental considerations, as well as
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the control and communication flow of the
requirements from the RES function.
example distribution automation system in Fig. 2. The arrows show the
directions in which data is exchanged.

B. Initial FCM Structure

The initial structure of the FCM for the system in Fig. 2
with control functions denoted in Fig. 3 has been developed
based on the presumed interrelations (flow of data and
communication services) between different components and
modules (Fig. 4). The arrows shown in the diagram denote the
direction of impact/dependence; in other words, A → B
indicates that action of A has an impact on B, or state of B is
affected by the action/state of A. Each element in the FCM is
assumed to have a linguistic state space of {failed (not
trustable), questionable, low confidence, not verified, healthy},
which without the loss of generality has been quantified as
{1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0}. The choice of numbers might sound
counter-intuitive to the reader, but it is necessary here, since
the proposed FCM models the chain of “failures” in
C. FCM Training
1) FCM Weight Initialization
The weights of the FCM are first initialized based on the
logic in Table I. Expert knowledge is used to determine the
local interdependencies.
2) Weight Adjustment based on Vertex Centrality
The weights are then adjusted based on the abstract
centrality of the vertices according to (9).
3) Unsupervised Learning
The unsupervised learning stage of the FCM is then
performed based on the historical data available on the
integrity of the underlying system. Past events that have led to
complete or partial failure of one or more components in the
system can be retrieved from historical data, and be used to
update a subset of weights according to (11). For the sake of
this case study, and without the loss of generality, it has been
Fig. 2. Modified 34-bus test distribution system. assumed here that the following scenarios have happened to
It can be seen that even this simple example portrays the system in the past:
various levels of interdependencies between different DA • Event 1: R1 status read failure (questionable status) –
applications, to an extent that they make visual assessment of system model has partially failed, as a result VVC has
system integrity very difficult, if not impractical. failed partially (reverted to manual mode), and RES stops

working until the status of R1 can be verified. D. Test Cases

• Event 2: meter V1 fails – LDC and as a result OLTC A few examples have been provided in this section to
change to “questionable” mode (still using I1), while due indicate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. For all
to the less critical dependence on V1, VVC changes to use cases, matrix W is developed based on the weights
“not verified” mode. denoted in Fig. 5. Simulations have been performed in Matlab
• Event 3: VVC module fails – CVR changes state to environment. The system starts from healthy state (all zeros)
“questionable” mode. except for the vertices that are considered to experience lack
• Event 4: DG2 loses communication – DG dispatch goes to of data integrity. The state update equation (2) is repeated in a
“failed” mode, while VVC and RES modules change state loop until the impact of the unhealthy vertices propagates
to “not verified” and “questionable” modes respectively. across the whole system, i.e., the loop is iterated as many
The states of the affected vertices in the above chain of number of times as the length of the longest path originated
events are determined based on the linguistic term-set defined from the unhealthy vertex.
above and the corresponding weights are adjusted according to 1) Case Study 1: Impact of Failures on Major Functions
(11). Obviously, an increase in the number of available past The following case studies have been analyzed:
events can add to the granularity of the weight adjustment. The • Non-Verified Voltage Measurement V1 – voltage meter
four events used in this case study are used for demonstration V1 at the distribution substation indicates a value that has
purposes only. not been updated (not verified).
Figure 5 illustrates the final FCM. It should be noted that • Questionable Recloser Status R1 – the status of recloser
the weights are developed based on the impact of the R1 is indicated to have a questionable data quality as it
corresponding vertices on the overall performance of the has been oscillatory with relatively fast changes.
system, and not just those connected locally with them. • Outdated Tap Position T2 – the tap position of T2
indicates that the upper threshold is reached, which does
not match the expected operation based on engineering
judgment (low confidence).
• Failed Switch SW1 – the switch responsible for
controlling capacitor CS1 is failed due to having stuck
Table II shows the impact of each case study on some of the
main applications within the Distribution Management System
(DMS). The state of each application indicates where it lies in
the range of healthy (0) to failure (1). It should be noted that
the interpretation of values between 0 and 1 would be
subjective; nonetheless, it would provide a qualitative measure
of integrity for the application of interest.

Case Study VVC RES Model CVR
V1 not verified 0.29 0.09 0.07 0.11 0.16
R1 questionable 0.48 0.59 1.00 1.00 0.20
T2 low confidence 0.47 0.17 0.14 0.19 0.20
SW1 failed 0.76 0.14 0.05 0.11 0.19

It can be seen that while some of the conclusions provided

in Table II are easy to draw based on expert knowledge (e.g.,
RES would fail if R1 is questionable), others are not easy to
infer from the map of interrelations. This is an added value
Fig. 4. Initial FCM developed for system in Fig. 2. Abbreviations: TCC – tap that the proposed FCM-based solution provides. The outcome
changer controller, CF – fixed capacitor, CS – switched capacitor, SW – of the FCM can be validated either based on expert knowledge
capacitor switch, POV – point on voltage waveform. It is assumed that the
DG sends all the relevant information to the control center, such as output
or by referring to the events listed in section V.C.3.
active and reactive power, terminal voltage, injected current, and connection 2) Case Study 2: Range of Impact of a Failure
status. The relationship between reclosers R and function RES is in the form One of the applications of the proposed scheme in providing
of “send recloser status” and “receive control command”. TCC ensures that situational awareness for the system operator lies in its ability
the upper or lower tap positions for each tap changer are not violated. In a
in identifying the range of impact of a failure in the underlying
more detailed view (not adopted here), TCC may also send updates to the
VVC function. system. To conceptually illustrate this, it is assumed in this
case study that switch SW1 has failed. Fig. 5 shows the range

of impact of the failure. It can be seen that the proposed FCM- software indicating the confidence levels of the modules. This
based solution assists the human operator in detecting what combined information can then be utilized by the proposed
functions/components have been affected by the failure and to situational awareness system in order to provide system
what extent. For example, this case study indicates that as a integrity information to the operator. This can be updated on a
result of failure in SW1, operation of VVC cannot be trusted, continuous basis, or as new status information arrives. Figure 6
which in turn causes the information provided at the HMI to conceptually illustrates one possible realization of the
have low confidence or to be questionable. proposed system at a utility control center.

Fig. 5. Final FCM developed for system in Fig. 2. Color-coded vertices are Fig. 6. Conceptual implementation of the proposed system at the utility
associated with case study 2. control center.

B. Performance Overhead
Once the FCM is developed, the computational overhead of
A. Scope and Implementation the proposed system on the DMS platform is minimal. In fact,
one of the advantages of the FCM-based solutions lies in their
The proposed algorithm can be utilized for both system-
inherent computational simplicity (governed by equation (2)),
wide analysis, or a partial (local) study. The only practical
that leads to almost instantaneous response time. The need for
limitation to the scope of the application would be posed by
more elaborate computational effort arises only when a
how broad of an FCM model has been developed for the
structural change occurs in the underlying distribution system
underlying system. Moreover, the proposed scheme can be
(e.g., addition or removal of a device, component or
adopted for analyzing different types of failures (external or
subsystem). Here, steps A–C in section IV need to be repeated
internal). For example, upon availability of the relevant status
in order to modify/update the FCM structure (see section
data, the system can be used to monitor health-related, data-
VI.F). With today’s technological advances in computational
integrity related or cyber-intrusion related failures.
power, no challenges are foreseen as far as CPU or memory
In practice, the proposed system would receive data points
overload are concerned. Moreover, in most cases, addition or
on the health and data quality of the devices out in the field.
removal of a module will only partially affect the FCM and
This can be easily achieved through information models
does not alter the whole configuration. Even then, such
provided in utility automation protocols such as IEC 61850
changes are often infrequent.
and DNP3. Ideally, it could also receive reliability related
Although the proposed solution would depend on the
information/indices associated with various DMS application

existence of a communication infrastructure to transmit status relation– the set of vertices were partitioned into blocks, each
and other data from the field devices back to the control room, block containing a section of the original FCM (referred to as
it would not need any mechanism in addition to the sectional FCM). This way, the authors decomposed the
information already polled from the field devices for original FCM (which could be a very large system) into one
monitoring purposes. In fact, most communication protocols quotient FCM and multiple sectional FCMs. Quotient FCM
used in modern automation systems allow for health and will provide global information about the original FCM, but
quality data to be transmitted to the utility on a regular basis or will not contain local information about interactions between
in a report-by-exception (RBE) fashion, for example the IEC all the vertices. That information will be included in the
61850 standard [70]. sectional FCMs. The same concepts proposed here for
developing the FCM can be applied first to the upper layer
C. Use of Expert Knowledge for Initialization
model, and then to the individual lower layer ones.
Initialization of the FCM (deriving the structure and initial
weights) requires access to expert knowledge. This should not F. Adaptability
be viewed as weakening the automated nature of the solution Two scenarios may occur in the system that could call for
because (a) expert knowledge is used in terms of local (1-step adaptation of the FCM: need for change in the FCM structure,
ahead) relationships and impacts between components, which or need for change in the weights of the edges.
is for the most part reliable and non-subjective, and (b) in the 1) Structural Changes to the FCM
lack of comprehensive training data, this would provide a Upon topological changes to the power system (added or
reliable initial structure to be modified at later stages. removed components or control/monitoring devices) it might
Therefore, use of expert knowledge would be limited to be necessary to revisit the structure of the FCM. Removal of
deriving local relationships only, whereas global relationships devices/components could be modeled in an automated way,
and fine-tuning of the weights would be achieved using rules by removing the corresponding entries of vector X and the
of connectionist learning systems. This would lessen the associated rows/columns of matrix W. Addition of new
weight of limited-scope and perhaps subjective expert components (vertices) or relationships (edges) could be
knowledge in favor of mathematically proven learning addressed by manually modifying the FCM structure, and then
approaches. undergoing the training stage in section IV. A new component
Ideally, if a wealth of training data was available covering would introduce a new row and column to W, whereas a new
all possible aspects of interrelations between multiple relationship would change a previously zero entry in W to a
components in an interconnected system, then moving to a non-zero one.
fully-automated solution (independent of expert knowledge) 2) Changes to the FCM Weights
could have been a possibility. But this is not a realistic Upon availability of additional training data from the past
assumption, since in real-life systems it might take many years historical events in the automation system, the unsupervised
before one can collect a reasonable amount of historical data learning stage (section IV.C) can be automatically repeated to
for training purposes. Even then, this data is likely to be far adjust the weights of the edges accordingly.
from comprehensive and inclusive.
D. Validation
A typical automation system can consist of multitude of
Validation of the FCM output can be done using the
interrelated and interdependent components and modules.
historical data. Like many techniques for training connectionist
Providing situational awareness and assessing the integrity of
learning systems, the available historical training data can be
such a system is not a trivial task. What makes this even more
divided into independent training and testing batches to
challenging is the increasing trend towards incorporating more
evaluate the performance of the developed network.
intelligent sensors and actuators in modern automation
E. Scalability systems. With the goal of platform-independence and
The scalability introduced by the proposed method lies in scalability, a solution was proposed in this paper for situational
the fact that (a) it takes a locally developed solution based on awareness of interconnected automation systems based on the
expert knowledge and turns it into a global system-wide graph-theoretic concept of fuzzy cognitive maps. A
solution, and (b) it allows for incorporating mathematical combination of unsupervised learning and heuristics was
relationships for training the network where expert knowledge proposed to make the solution as little subjective and expert-
may be unavailable or lacking. dependent as possible. A case study was presented based on a
In theory, there is no practical limit for the size of the modified version of the IEEE 34-bus test distribution system
system to be modeled. However, in extreme cases and for a that indicated the efficiency of the proposed method.
better white-box approach, it is possible to develop a
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