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Leon Mark Anderson Composition II Internet Course - Paper 1: The Personality Profile Paper Due Date: September 10,

2013 9/9/2013 Purpose: To share life experiences of my brother - Willem Anderson Audience: Alive Magazine - your complete source for natural health and wellness

Half the man he used to be

Willem was a superior athlete at school, until a motorcycle accident left him unable to compete in sports since his junior year. Life changed for him after that, he did not care that he smoked more than thirty cigarettes every day or that he was relaxing with a dozen or so beers nightly. Without any guilt, he was rewarded with numerous succulent meals during the day, which he topped off with pie or candy and then washed it down with two liters of soda. After all, workaholic Willem reached the top of the corporate financial ladder, excelling as a chartered accountant and as chief financial officer at a major financial corporation. So he deserved this lax lifestyle, happy financially, married to his beautiful wife Gay, with two healthy sons, building his glistening future. He was in his late fortys and he weighed a hefty 318 pounds. The early-warning-alarm sounded around the time of our fathers unexpected passing, he ended up in hospital with deteriorating health as a result of his weight. Willems inspirational life changing journey started from his hospital bed and with absolute determination, resolve and motivation he inched to a better life.

Willem had to have his gall bladder removed and had a hernia that was in need of repair. However, before they could operate he had to lose at least 75 pounds. While in his hospital bed he recalls gazing at his family around him and grasping the reality of his lifestyle, which kindled an unwavering quest for better health and taking take ownership of his life. Willpower beyond logic ignited the determination within him to effect everlasting change. He recalls purchasing a blood pressure monitor on the way home and reflecting on the dieticians advice, firmly set on getting rid of his bad weight, dumping the cigarettes and cutting the drinks. His strength of mind, body and every ounce of

willpower were tested every day, with aches and pains of conquering and killing off bad habits. He did so, one day at a time, one step at a time.

Ironically at one of his hospital visits, he did an ECG test which required him getting on a treadmill, this kindled his desire to exercise and subsequently he purchased his own. He affirmed, Keep moving forward even if it's just one step at a time. It ended up being more than just a few steps. Daily since he left the hospital he resolved to squeeze out that extra sit-up, walk that extra mile or find another way to measure his calories. Four years later he weighed 170 pounds, almost half his previous weight. Subsequently he completed numerous cycling races, ran six ultra-marathons, twenty one full marathons and seventy four half-marathons. He completed six grueling Olympicdistance triathlons to match his two elite Ironman medals. Furthermore he climbed highest free-standing mountain in the world Mount Kilimanjaro, with his wife.

Willems positive attitude and motivation to life is that silver lining to the edge of many cloudy days for many hopeful individuals. Another cloudy day came, as sadly three month ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer which had spread to his liver. The first colectomy surgery was a success removing the cancer from his colon. His one-step-ata-time focus leaves him at the half way mark through chemotherapy and upon completion they will perform surgery on his liver. After being diagnosed with cancer, he kept radiating his contagious motivating positive attitude to life - posting on his Facebook; I WILL do another Ironman. The fight starts now. I love living life.

His life still inspires and motivates many individuals. Willem is like a cat that flawlessly always lands on its feet. One can only have admiration of the journey he has taken, witnessing his adapting and overcoming lifes immense challenges. He claims that he still has numerous challenges left on his bucket list. Adding that he still looks at himself in the mirror and finds himself in disbelief to his change, realizing if he did not make the changes he did, he would not be able to share these stages of his jaw-dropping life journey and keep moving forward.

Works Cited

Willem, Anderson. Mr. Anderson Leon. 2004-2013.

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