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Index Terms A
AAS. see Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) Abiotic degradation Absorptivity, ultraviolet petroleum waxes rubber oils Accelerated rust tests, lubricating greases Accepted reference value (ARV), defined Accumulation processes Accumulation properties Accuracy, in standard test method data quality assurance Acidity denatured fuel ethanol Ed75-Ed85 M70-M85 Acidity test, white mineral oils Acid number automotive engine oils biodiesel fuel diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Additives anti-icing, aviation fuels automotive engine oils automotive spark-ignition engine fuel jet fuels PDR, in aviation fuels thermal stability improver, aviation fuels Adhesion, petroleum waxes Ad Hoc Crude Oil Quality Task Force Adsorption AFNOR. see Association Franaise de Normalisation (AFNOR) Air atomizing Air compressor oils



254 227 245 301 266 264 302



23 24 26 186

219 29 49 57 62

101 214 9 97 102 102 257 107 264


34 208

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Index Terms
Aircraft turbine engine lubricants, oxidation stability Air pollution, requirements, petroleum solvents Air reactivity, carbon Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcohol control, biodiesel fuel Algae, tests with Aliphatics All-level sample Alternative fuels program, fuel oxygenates Aluminum soap greases American civil jet fuels American military jet fuels Aniline point base oils hydrocarbon solvents mixed, hydrocarbon solvents rubber oils white mineral oils Anodes, electrical resistivity Anti-icing additives, in aviation fuels Antiknock Index Antiknock rating aviation gasoline gasoline Antioxidants, in aviation fuels Antiwear/antioxidant additives, automotive engine oils API GL-5 API gravity crude oils fuel oil lubricating oils white mineral oils Apparent viscosity, lubricating greases Appearance denatured fuel ethanol MTBE Aquatic toxicity tests, acute methods Aromatic hydrocarbons, poly-nuclear

153 174 132 19 57 271 175 136 18 230 89 88 21 62 272 276

194 180 180 227 185 132 101 4 4 81 307 100 214 205 103 83 103

107 71 200 187 236

23 27 271 311

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Index Terms
Aromaticity, diesel fuel Aromatic(s) diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels jet fuels ARV. see Accepted reference value (ARV) Ash content aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons biodiesel fuel crude oils diesel fuels fuel oils heavy gas turbine fuel manufactured carbon and graphite nonaviation gas turbine fuel petroleum coke petroleum products and lubricants pitch sulfated biodiesel fuel fuel petroleum products and lubricants Asphaltenes, crude oils Association Franaise de Normalisation (AFNOR) ASTM Biodiesel Task Force, history ASTM C559 ASTM C560 ASTM C561 ASTM C562 ASTM C565 ASTM C611 ASTM C625 ASTM C651 ASTM C662 ASTM C695 ASTM C709 ASTM C714 ASTM C747

37 175 46 309

311 57 111 36 40 313 38 132 49 130 285 132 49 66 73

28 57 285 111 1 54 126 127 126 128 127 128 128 127 133 127 129 130 128



132 133 132 133 133 133 133 134


134 133

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Index Terms
ASTM C748 ASTM C749 ASTM C769 ASTM C781 ASTM C783 ASTM C808 ASTM C816 ASTM C838 ASTM C886 ASTM C1025 ASTM C1039 ASTM C1075 ASTM C1179 ASTM C2415 ASTM D02 ASTM D02:1347 ASTM D5 ASTM D36 ASTM D56

127 127 128 128 129 127 129 126 127 135 126 128 128 126 299 13 115 115 45 104 302 31 116 116 51 178 132 119 119 68 179 72 181 78 303 135 132 133 133 134 134 134 134 135 132 133 134


129 126 202 14 51 168 186

31 61 171 188 258 181 200 254 31 51 78 186 208 311

36 68 178 307

38 78 179 309

42 104 181 313


254 178 195 233

186 208 259 36 58 94 188 227

188 227

193 228


28 45 66 181 200 259

38 61 104 193 228

40 62 178 195 254


254 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms

40 160 254 66 163 312 73 201 313 78 208 156 247


66 38 78 188 208 41 109 193 227 258 43 112 195 228 51 119 199 312 67 187 200 313


254 247 36 66 247

40 78 286 28 57 78 180 311 78 182 309 77 31 195 171 235

47 107 289 31 61 96 182 313 97 186 313 79 51

51 120 312 36 63 104 205

61 208


14 51 68 171 307

41 66 168 209


68 179 259

104 188

178 254


68 29 120




168 233 181 47 182 79 200






107 254 209 84 120

120 255




201 14 114

104 171

110 307

112 313


95 109 120 199 209

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Index Terms

8 28 162 14 31 307 31 65 157 31 51 68 112 188 222 258 38 72 158 36 57 72 115 193 227 309 51 74 159 38 61 79 120 198 228 311 40 63 104 181 209 233 55 78 23 84 25 104 26 156


17 59 154


28 42 66 109 187 216 254


188 247 40 120 313 66 156 79 160 112 163 114 311


186 36 66 286 38 79 289 40 120 311 51 254 61 285

ASTM D482-07 ASTM D483 ASTM D524

195 187 29 61 120 188 31 63 311 37 66 313 38 79 40 110

ASTM D524-04 ASTM D525

195 8 307 14 308 188 238 247 248 152 313 153 162


185 237 199 104 185 227

115 188 233 260

178 194

180 195

182 226



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Index Terms

29 57 311 31 58 313 31 114 222 206 256 247 207 259 286 288 289 209 57 118 61 120 63 195 36 61 41 63 51 310


29 112 219


14 254 209 209 181 181 183 178 178 178 181 182 8 155 308

182 180 179 182 181

14 159 313 31 286 188 178 206 209

84 161

104 162

152 307


29 285

57 289




186 31 195 202 104 81 161

181 207 209






227 254 254 153 248

228 258 258 162 237 240 241


153 209









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Index Terms

29 208 31 254 28 51 154 310 31 63 37 115 42 310 51 31 54 157 36 58 158 39 59 159 51 63 104


17 42 63 292


29 61

ASTM D1015 ASTM D1016 ASTM D1018 ASTM D1025 ASTM D1070 ASTM D1072 ASTM D1078 ASTM D1089 ASTM D1091 ASTM D1092 ASTM D1093 ASTM D1094 ASTM D1133 ASTM D1142 ASTM D1148 ASTM D1152 ASTM D1157 ASTM D1160

181 182 286 169 170 165 178 169 209 236 183 85 178 165 227 31 172 30 113 259 31 120 57 186 63 188 79 256 104 179 170 228 156 182 161 162 170 179 172 286 248 289 291 181 288 172 290

ASTM D1193 ASTM D1209 ASTM D1217 ASTM D1218 ASTM D1250 ASTM D1262 ASTM D1263 ASTM D1264 ASTM D1265

31 178 181 115 79 248 240 245 166 248 248 171 172 182 120 188 182 227 228 179 182

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Index Terms
ASTM D1266

8 31 74 171 14 47 79 182 171 38 95 168 195 254 25 51 84 286 306 41 104 171 200 259 27 63 104 289 313 51 107 181 222 307 67 112 187 227 309 29 68 168 291

ASTM D1267 ASTM D1298

166 14 79 119 188 228 311

ASTM D1310 ASTM D1317 ASTM D1318 ASTM D1319

178 209 286 14 104 313 247 289 37 182 286 293 46 306 289 296 51 307 61 309

ASTM D1321 ASTM D1322

254 76 288

258 79 309 180 94 313 181 104 115

ASTM D1343 ASTM D1353 ASTM D1364 ASTM D1368 ASTM D1401 ASTM D1402 ASTM D1403 ASTM D1404 ASTM D1405 ASTM D1465 ASTM D1478 ASTM D1492 ASTM D1493 ASTM D1500

178 181 183 286 161 248 234 246 79 254 236 178 181 191 228

289 206 207 209

235 248 104 260 249 180




195 254 289 172

200 259 293



ASTM D1548 ASTM D1550

286 169


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Index Terms
ASTM D1552

47 107 289 51 119 291 74 129 313 79 131 104 286

ASTM D1555 ASTM D1613 ASTM D1627 ASTM D1655

181 23 313 89 100 309 92 103 93 156 94 158 97 308 24 26 31

ASTM D1657 ASTM D1660 ASTM D1685 ASTM D1688 ASTM D1720 ASTM D1740 ASTM D1741 ASTM D1742 ASTM D1743 ASTM D1744 ASTM D1747 ASTM D1796

167 154 182 23 178 94 248 239 244 309 227 30 156



25 180 104

31 182 288

249 249 313 228 31 158 170 247 257 259 249 260 36 160 38 163 63

ASTM D1826 ASTM D1831 ASTM D1832 ASTM D1833 ASTM D1834 ASTM D1835 ASTM D1836 ASTM D1837 ASTM D1838 ASTM D1840 ASTM D1945 ASTM D1947 ASTM D1988 ASTM D2007 ASTM D2008

165 235 254 254 260 166 181 166 167 94 165 206 170 189 182 257



171 171 104 170 209 306 115 313

190 190 260

226 227

228 228 254

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Index Terms
ASTM D2015 ASTM D2068 ASTM D2069 ASTM D2070 ASTM D2112 ASTM D2140 ASTM D2156 ASTM D2157 ASTM D2158 ASTM D2161 ASTM D2163 ASTM D2226 ASTM D2240 ASTM D2265 ASTM D2266 ASTM D2268 ASTM D2269 ASTM D2270 ASTM D2271 ASTM D2272 ASTM D2274

313 44 36 154 153 190 76 76 167 79 168 225 247 237 242 182 187 193 209 153 45 153 162 51 155 14 159 192 63 311 97 162 104 157 209 75 79 188 195 199 209 238 243 247 249 249 51 154 162 162 225 79 79 170 109 169 226 171 119 171 228 306 258 306 313 313 228 157 155 207 158 162

ASTM D2276

7 158

ASTM D2308 ASTM D2318 ASTM D2319 ASTM D2320 ASTM D2359 ASTM D2360 ASTM D2384 ASTM D2386

182 127 129 126 181 182 169 68 115 172 78 309 79 310 94 313 104 131 131

ASTM D2392 ASTM D2415 ASTM D2416 ASTM D2420 ASTM D2421

104 131 126 167 171 131 171

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Index Terms
ASTM D2422 ASTM D2423 ASTM D2425 ASTM D2426 ASTM D2427 ASTM D2497 ASTM D2500

209 254 46 172 168 171 37 63 193 254 43 79 195 311 51 181 199 57 186 209 61 188 228 169 171 260 51 309 311 313

ASTM D2501 ASTM D2503 ASTM D2504 ASTM D2505 ASTM D2509 ASTM D2534 ASTM D2547 ASTM D2549 ASTM D2569 ASTM D2593 ASTM D2595 ASTM D2596 ASTM D2597 ASTM D2598

228 259 169 169 242 254 286 189 130 169 237 242 171 166 313 167 168 171 306 172 249 243 249 171 171 249 260 289 309

ASTM D2599 ASTM D2602 ASTM D2619 ASTM D2622

286 201 207 8 36 63 104 289 313

289 209 209 14 40 66 107 291 25 47 74 119 295 27 51 79 192 307 31 61 84 286 308 219 222

ASTM D2624

37 310

96 313 130 258




ASTM D2638 ASTM D2669

126 254

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Index Terms
ASTM D2670 ASTM D2699

209 4 313 14 168 171 307

ASTM D2700

4 171

14 307 14 40 63 158 180

83 313 30 44 66 160 182



ASTM D2709

7 38 61 156

31 51 73 163 192

36 57 79

ASTM D2710 ASTM D2711 ASTM D2712 ASTM D2713 ASTM D2764 ASTM D2770 ASTM D2774 ASTM D2782 ASTM D2783 ASTM D2784

178 209 171 167 127 189 162 209 209 167 289




169 291 289 191 51 158 307 51 119 195

171 306

172 313


ASTM D2785 ASTM D2786 ASTM D2880

286 189 39 157

63 159

154 292


ASTM D2885 ASTM D2887

14 42 111 193 314

78 181 259

79 186 311

104 188 312

ASTM D2892 ASTM D2893 ASTM D2896 ASTM D2982 ASTM D2983 ASTM D3104 ASTM D3116 ASTM D3117 ASTM D3119

112 209 114 201 194 129 286 29 209




183 209 209 131 289 31







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Index Terms
ASTM D3120

8 31 182 14 47 286 25 63 289 27 178 291 29 180

ASTM D3182 ASTM D3193 ASTM D3227

247 181 14 286 68 289 119 79 291 286 96 307 289 104 314 290

ASTM D3228 ASTM D3228-08 ASTM D3229 ASTM D3230 ASTM D3231 ASTM D3234 ASTM D3235 ASTM D3236 ASTM D32377 ASTM D3238 ASTM D3239 ASTM D3240 ASTM D3241

111 191 286 108 14 260 254 254 14 190 189 97 104 314

289 119 25 286 286 290 289 291 291

256 258 286 225 191 104 154


289 228



157 162

162 309 310

ASTM D3242

29 314





ASTM D3244 ASTM D3245 ASTM D3246 ASTM D3257 ASTM D3278 ASTM D3279 ASTM D3336 ASTM D3337 ASTM D3338 ASTM D3339 ASTM D3340 ASTM D3341

300 73 169 182 179 111 237 237 95 191 286 7 289 293






119 241 241 309 249 249 310 314

289 14

293 100

296 104 286


ASTM D3343


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Index Terms
ASTM D3344 ASTM D3348

254 7 296 260 14 286 289 293

ASTM D3427 ASTM D3428 ASTM D3431 ASTM D3461 ASTM D3505 ASTM D3521 ASTM D3522 ASTM D3524 ASTM D3525 ASTM D3527 ASTM D3539 ASTM D3588 ASTM D3605 ASTM D3606 ASTM D3699

207 248 286 129 32 254 254 201 201 232 178 165 286 9 67 159 237 179 170 289 14 76 293 307 78 154 157 240 241 249 289 131 181 290

ASTM D3700 ASTM D3701 ASTM D3703 ASTM D3704 ASTM D3708 ASTM D3710 ASTM D3734 ASTM D3735 ASTM D3797 ASTM D3798 ASTM D3828

166 94 8 243 254 6 181 181 182 182 28 72 179

171 104 14 249 286 104 288 290


32 78 181 217 14

45 79 309

51 94 314

63 104

ASTM D3829 ASTM D3831

201 7 296




ASTM D3941 ASTM D3944 ASTM D3948

45 254 104

51 258 158 162 309 314

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Index Terms
ASTM D3978 ASTM D4006 ASTM D4007 ASTM D40458

272 108 108 14 182 276 119 119 27 286 289 249 32 289 291 178 291 180 277

ASTM D4047 ASTM D4048 ASTM D4049 ASTM D4052

286 244 248 14 95 188 309

32 105 195 311 14 105

51 178 227 312

79 181 228 314

94 187 307

ASTM D4053 ASTM D4054 ASTM D4055 ASTM D4057

9 99 202 11 117 163

14 119 178 131

32 136 182

63 150 284

105 161

ASTM D4072 ASTM D4077 ASTM D4084 ASTM D4170 ASTM D4171 ASTM D4172 ASTM D4176

127 181 165 243 101 209 27 157

170 249 103

32 158 14 120 163 232 237

44 162 30 140 182 246 240



ASTM D4177

11 117 161

32 143 284 249 249

63 150

ASTM D4289 ASTM D4290 ASTM D4291 ASTM D4292 ASTM D4293 ASTM D4294

194 232 201 126 209 8 51 107 286


14 63 112 289

29 74 114 291

32 79 120 295

47 105 192 314

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Index Terms
ASTM D4296 ASTM D4304 ASTM D4305 ASTM D4306

129 152 94 11 139 105 14 150 96 162 131 30 162 105 206 209 32 163 105

ASTM D4308 ASTM D4310 ASTM D4312 ASTM D4367 ASTM D4377 ASTM D4418 ASTM D4419 ASTM D4422 ASTM D4423 ASTM D4424 ASTM D4425 ASTM D4485 ASTM D4492 ASTM D4529 ASTM D4530

37 153 127 182 109 51 254 126 172 172 240 221 182 95 29 114

120 154 260 130

156 159

160 162

163 163

249 222

105 57 120 43 131 51 289 120 290 162 222

309 63 195 51

310 111

314 112

ASTM D4539 ASTM D4616 ASTM D4625 ASTM D4628 ASTM D4629

37 129 45 286 111 289


58 293 192





ASTM D4636 ASTM D4683 ASTM D4683-04 ASTM D4684 ASTM D4693 ASTM D4715 ASTM D4734 ASTM D4735 ASTM D4737

153 216 193 193 232 126 181 182 29 63


217 237 131

218 249


32 310 219




ASTM D4739



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Index Terms
ASTM D4740

76 163 79 118 120 162

ASTM D4741 ASTM D4742 ASTM D4746 ASTM D4756 ASTM D4805 ASTM D4806

193 153 127 131 290 13 31 16 308 120 288 105 170 13 87 14 308 120 51 158 162 26 156 26 314 28 159 32 31 307 290 309 310 314 22 23 24 162 191

ASTM D4807 ASTM D4808 ASTM D4809 ASTM D4810 ASTM D4814

108 287 95 165 3 86

ASTM D4815

9 307

ASTM D4840 ASTM D4860 ASTM D4864 ASTM D4865 ASTM D4868 ASTM D4870 ASTM D4871 ASTM D4888 ASTM D4892 ASTM D4893 ASTM D4927 ASTM D4928 ASTM D4929 ASTM D4930 ASTM D4931 ASTM D4950

117 44 171 63 47 118 191 165 126 130 192 109 111 126 128 232 249

96 51 120

105 75 160 163


287 112 112

289 114 114

291 120 120

295 163 287





ASTM D4951

30 289

32 291

57 295



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Index Terms
ASTM D4952

14 182 291 79 187 307 26 171 170 100 105 309 310 96 188 308 28 307 105 287 314 32 314 105 180 289

ASTM D4953

14 168

ASTM D4984 ASTM D5001

165 96 314

ASTM D5002 ASTM D5003 ASTM D5004 ASTM D5006 ASTM D5018 ASTM D5056 ASTM D5059

107 127 126 101 130 127 7 100 296




130 105

130 14 105

287 25 287

289 27 293

293 32 295

ASTM D5060 ASTM D5119 ASTM D5133 ASTM D5134 ASTM D5136 ASTM D5159 ASTM D5182 ASTM D5184 ASTM D5185

182 221 217 113 181 289 209 287 110 291 289 120 295 51 309 311 314 293 202 295 287 289 222 222 114 120

ASTM D5186 ASTM D5187 ASTM D5188 ASTM D5190

46 126 14 5 105

14 168 14 110 314

26 171 26 120

32 307 32 168


ASTM D5191

5 105 307

84 171

ASTM D5194 ASTM D5234 ASTM D5236

183 171 113

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Index Terms
ASTM D5273 ASTM D5274 ASTM D5291 ASTM D5292 ASTM D5293 ASTM D5302 ASTM D5303 ASTM D5304

171 172 115 46 193 220 171 45 162 51 76 79 155 120 51 217 222 219 222 192 287

ASTM D5305 ASTM D5306 ASTM D5307 ASTM D5384 ASTM D5386 ASTM D5399 ASTM D5430 ASTM D5438 ASTM D5441 ASTM D5442 ASTM D5443 ASTM D5452

168 207 112 287 178 182 32 249 27 254 314 63 162







32 259

105 309 14 51 79 287 314 170

157 314 29 57 105 289



ASTM D5453

8 47 63 183 311

32 60 178 291

36 61 180 306

ASTM D5454 ASTM D5481 ASTM D5482 ASTM D5483 ASTM D5500 ASTM D5501 ASTM D5502 ASTM D5504 ASTM D5533 ASTM D5534 ASTM D5580

165 193 5 191 12 23 126 165 222 209 9

15 212 15 32 131 170 219 222 241





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Index Terms
ASTM D5598 ASTM D5599 ASTM D5600

12 9 128 295 15 15 130 287 289 291

ASTM D5621 ASTM D5622 ASTM D5623 ASTM D5706 ASTM D5707 ASTM D5708

207 287 178 244 244 110 289 289 180 249 249 112 295 114 120 287 290 183

ASTM D5709 ASTM D5762

129 111 287 112 289 15 51 51 32 181 180 16 16 182 25 21 192 26 23 31 24 181 181 43 51 63 114 290 120 192

ASTM D5769 ASTM D5771 ASTM D5772 ASTM D5773

9 43 43 29 115

ASTM D5776 ASTM D5797 ASTM D5798

178 13 13 31

ASTM D5799 ASTM D5800-08 ASTM D5808 ASTM D5842

172 193 183 11 139 15 150 30 117 120

ASTM D5844 ASTM D5845 ASTM D5853 ASTM D5854

222 9 109 11 121 15 112 15 138 112 114 31 150 121 287 289 120 32 117

ASTM D5863

110 293

ASTM D5864 ASTM D5901 ASTM D5917

194 79 182

267 105

277 309 310 314

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Index Terms
ASTM D5949 ASTM D5950 ASTM D5969 ASTM D5972

43 43 245 79 314 51 51 249 94 105 309 310 79 79 193 228

ASTM D5983 ASTM D5985 ASTM D5986 ASTM D6006 ASTM D6045 ASTM D6046 ASTM D6069 ASTM D6074 ASTM D6078 ASTM D6079 ASTM D6080 ASTM D6081 ASTM D6097 ASTM D6120 ASTM D6138 ASTM D6139 ASTM D6158 ASTM D6159 ASTM D6184 ASTM D6185 ASTM D6201 ASTM D6202 ASTM D6212 ASTM D6217 ASTM D6227 ASTM D6228 ASTM D6229 ASTM D6293 ASTM D6296 ASTM D6299 ASTM D6300 ASTM D6304

13 43 9 194 97 207 183 190 46 37 207 277 311 129 249 267 207 171 239 247 12 222 180 44 85 165 182 9 9 303 63 97 311

17 51 15 209 178 209

27 79

31 193

277 179 182

51 46 52 61 312



240 249 15


52 86

63 103

159 156


15 15

299 105 314

300 160

302 163

303 178

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Index Terms
ASTM D6313 ASTM D6334

180 8 295 15 287 289 291

ASTM D6352 ASTM D6353 ASTM D6354 ASTM D6371 ASTM D6374 ASTM D6376 ASTM D6377 ASTM D6378 ASTM D6379 ASTM D6384 ASTM D6417 ASTM D6421 ASTM D6422 ASTM D6423 ASTM D6424 ASTM D6426 ASTM D6428 ASTM D6443 ASTM D6444 ASTM D6445

193 129 129 37 130 128 110 5 105 277 193 12 308 23 85 44 52 287 287 8 295 52 180 289 289 15 291 295 287 289 291 295 158 162 24 32 15 130 112 15 309 314 114 121 61

ASTM D6446 ASTM D6447 ASTM D6448 ASTM D6450 ASTM D6468 ASTM D6469

105 8 78 28 44 15 105 32 154 63 155 112 291 289 295 63 162 73 159 114 181 311 79 160 121 314 97 162 287 15

ASTM D6470

108 290

ASTM D6481 ASTM D6547 ASTM D6550 ASTM D6557 ASTM D6558

287 209 9 222 128




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ASTM D6559 ASTM D6560

128 111 163 132 112 115 121 161

ASTM D6584 ASTM D6595 ASTM D6615 ASTM D6616 ASTM D6628 ASTM D6667

30 287 103 193 170 167 291

32 289








ASTM D6708 ASTM D6728 ASTM D6729 ASTM D6730 ASTM D6731 ASTM D6732 ASTM D6733 ASTM D6744 ASTM D6745 ASTM D6748 ASTM D6751

303 157 9 9 277 287 9 130 130 155 17 55 79 289 15 132 132 162 28 56 153 130 303 162 31 59 159 50 60 160 53 65 293 296 163 15 15 307 287 289

ASTM D6791 ASTM D6792 ASTM D6811 ASTM D6812 ASTM D6813 ASTM D6822 ASTM D6824 ASTM D6837 ASTM D6849 ASTM D6890

127 297 154 85 209 107 158 221 171 29 314

121 163 222






ASTM D6891 ASTM D6897 ASTM D6920 ASTM D6969

222 166 8 129 171 15 287 289 291

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Index Terms
ASTM D6970 ASTM D6973 ASTM D6974 ASTM D6984 ASTM D6985 ASTM D7039

129 207 155 220 159 8 291 15 295 289 290 121 163 163 15 289 121 291 161 295 163 291 291 295 63 287 289 159 222 163

ASTM D7040 ASTM D7041 ASTM D7059 ASTM D7060 ASTM D7061 ASTM D7096 ASTM D7111 ASTM D7112 ASTM D7153 ASTM D7154 ASTM D7157 ASTM D7169 ASTM D7170 ASTM D7171 ASTM D7212 ASTM D7219 ASTM D7220 ASTM D7224 ASTM D7260 ASTM D7261 ASTM D7280 ASTM D7301 ASTM D7303 ASTM D7318 ASTM D7319

287 287 111 161 161 6 287 118 94 94 118 112 310 287 287 130 287 158 287 158 127 130 248 23 23 290

121 113 311 288 289 135 289

161 115 314 290 291

163 121




289 163 131 135 249 32 25 292 222 163 25 292 249


287 287 27

289 290 32

295 292 287

ASTM D7320 ASTM D7321 ASTM D7328

220 159 23 290




ASTM D7342


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ASTM D7343 ASTM D7344 ASTM D7345 ASTM D7371 ASTM D7375 ASTM D7451 ASTM D7454 ASTM D7455 ASTM D7462 ASTM D7463 ASTM D7464 ASTM D7467

288 6 6 61 178 157 126 284 153 155 155 17 154 161 130 288 162 159 159 28 163 162 31 163 54 60 163 289 15 15 295 178 178 179 179 181 181

ASTM D7482 ASTM D7501 ASTM D7525 ASTM D7545 ASTM D54443 ASTM D02.CS92 ASTM D02.CS94 ASTM D02.G.7 ASTM E203 ASTM E456 ASTM E659 ASTM E691 ASTM E724 ASTM E729 ASTM E857 ASTM E895 ASTM E896 ASTM E1022 ASTM E1023 ASTM E1064 ASTM E1147 ASTM E1148 ASTM E1191 ASTM E1192 ASTM E1193

288 29 153 153 307 303 300 233 22 299 181 303 274 269 277 265 265 269 269 28 264 264 277 274 277

289 32 162 162 159 163

25 300

27 301

32 302

183 303

277 273 275 277

277 277 277 277 32 277 277 178 183


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Index Terms
ASTM E1194 ASTM E1195 ASTM E1218 ASTM E1241 ASTM E1242 ASTM E1279 ASTM E1295 ASTM E1367 ASTM E1415 ASTM E1439 ASTM E1440 ASTM E1463 ASTM E1498 ASTM E1562 ASTM E1563 ASTM E1598 ASTM E1611 ASTM E1625 ASTM E1676 ASTM E1688 ASTM E1706 ASTM E1720 ASTM E1798 ASTM E1841 ASTM E1847 ASTM E1913 ASTM E1963 ASTM E2170 ASTM International, described ASTM PS121 ASTM STP 512A ATF specifications, history Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), in petroleum products and lubricants Atomic fluorescene spectrometry, in petroleum products and lubricants

264 264 272 275 269 268 274 273 272 277 274 273 272 274 274 273 274 268 269 269 274 267 268 273 269 272 273 278 1 56 205 206 278 278 277 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 277 277 276 277 277 277 277 277 277 277



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Index Terms
Atomizing air pressure ATSM STP 1468 Automatic sampler Automatic sampling see also Sampling, automatic Automatic sampling system Automatic transmission fluids Automotive engine oils additives ASTM test methods Bench test methods chemical tests evolution functions future issues high-temperature, high-load conditions oxidation stability performance tests physical tests properties Scanning Brookfield Technique service types city driving comparison effects of freeway driving short-trip driving standard tests, future directions test methods, development used, examination Automotive (motor) gasoline, use in aircraft Automotive spark-ignition engine fuel additives antiknock rating ASTM specifications composition


34 34 110 144 143

144 205 200 214 222 215 219 210 211 221 211 153 220 216 200 217 214 210

212 212 211 211 212 222 221 201 86 3 9 4 13 10

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Index Terms
Automotive spark-ignition engine fuel (Cont.) contamination density deposit control additive requirements distillation driveability index gasoline-oxygenate blends see also Gasolineoxygenate blends grades gum and stability hydrocarbon composition lead content manganese content oxygenated fuel programs oxygenate(s) performance phosphorus content properties reformulated relative density renewable fuel standard rust and corrosion sampling procedures silver corrosion sulfur content U.S. legal requirements vapor-liquid ratio vapor pressure volatility workmanship Aviation fuels additives additive test anti-icing additives antioxidants ASTM/IP test methods ASTM specifications automotive gasoline


7 8 12 5 6 12

4 8 9 7 7 11 9 6 7 7 11 8 12 9 11 9 7 10 6 5 5 7 80 97 103 101 100 104 103 86 103 103 308 11 11

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Index Terms
Aviation fuels (Cont.) biocides color dyes conductivity improver additive corrosion inhibitors fuel system icing inhibitors gasoline see also Aviation gasoline historical development ignition control additive leak detector lubricity improvers metal deactivator nonspecification additives oxidation stability PDR additive sampling static dissipator additive synthetic TEL thermal stability improver additive turbine see also Jet fuels Aviation gasoline antiknock properties characteristics and requirements composition and manufacture current specifications density energy freezing point international specification grades specifications storage stability sulfur content unleaded volatility water reaction


102 100 101 100 101 80

103 103 103 103 103

80 103 101 100 100 102 152 102 97 101 308 100 102 87 103 103 103 103

80 81 81 80 81 84 84 84 81 80 84 84 85 83 84 81

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Aviation turbine fuels see also Jet fuels


Ball bearings lubricating greases at elevated temperatures small, lubricating greases Ball Rust Test, automotive engine oils Base number, automotive engine oils Base oils aniline point ASTM/IP lubricant test methods ASTM tests biological properties characterization methods composition evaporative loss/volatility characteristics international standards miscellaneous properties nitrogen compounds in olefins oxidation pour point and rheology refining rubber compatibility solvency spectrometric identification sulfur compounds Beaker sampling Bench test methods, automotive engine oils Benzene Bias(es) defined relative, in standard test method data quality assurance in standard test method data quality assurance Biocides, aviation fuels Biodegradation 301 302 300 102 265 103 236 241 241 220 219 189 194 195 190 194 190 189 192 195 195 192 192 191 193 189 194 194 190 192 140 215 176

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Biodiesel fuel alternative ASTM specifications blend specifications characteristics defined described in heating fuels standards sulfated ash Biodiesel reaction Biofilms Biological properties, base oils Block penetration, lubricating greases Boiling point distribution crude oils petroleum waxes Boring sample Bottle sampling Bottom sample Brinelling, false British military fuels Bromine index, hydrocarbon solvents Bulk density, manufactured carbon and graphite Burner fuel lubricating oil as Burning equipment domestic heating oil burners kerosine burners residual oil Burning oils, long-time, burning test for Burn quality, kerosine Butadiene Butane commercial Butane/commerical propane mixtures Butylene concentrates

28 50 63 59 60 55 55 65 57 60 55 159 194 235 63 53

111 254 136 140 136 243 87 180 132 65 68 69 69 69 70 77 68 169 165 166 166 169 256

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Calcining Calcium content biodiesel fuel diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Calcium soap greases Capacity table Carbon artificial, manufacturing methods cathode, materials described electrode, linear thermal expansion graphitization process manufactured materials methods test methods Carbon anodes Carbon artifacts Carbon hydrogen nitrogen (C-H-N), in petroleum products and lubricants Carbonizable substance, petroleum waxes Carbon residue biodiesel fuel crude oils diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels fuel oil Ramsbottom. see Ramsbottom carbon residue Cathode carbon, materials CEN (European Committee for Standardization) Centrifuge test, lubricating greases Cetane index diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels diesel fuel Cetane number biodiesel fuel diesel fuels nonaviation gas turbine fuels



30 49 231 147




125 132 123 132 125

132 125 125 124 124

285 254

288 257

29 110 48 73

57 112



132 1 240 310 42 37 310 29 36 41 57 41 60 61

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Characterization factor, crude oils Chemical analysis, manufactured carbon and graphite Chemical properties, petroleum waxes Chemical tests, automotive engine oils Chloride, ionic ED75-ED85 M70-M85 Chloride ion content, denatured fuel ethanol Chlorine, in petroleum products and lubricants Chromatography, ion, in petroleum products and lubricants City driving, automotive engine oils effects on Clean Air Act Clean Fleets Program Cleanliness ASTM/IP standards diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels liquid fuels see also Liquid fuels miscellaneous properties Clearance sample Cloud point aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons biodiesel fuel diesel fuels fuel oil lubricating oils nonaviation gas turbine fuels rubber oils white mineral oils Coke, petroleum. see Petroleum coke Coking value, pitch Cold-cranking simulator, automotive engine oils Cold filter plugging point, diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Cold soak filterability, biodiesel fuel Color hydrocarbon solvents kerosine

109 133 255 219

25 27 23 288 296 212 290 18

162 44 151

161 136

312 29 37 73 199 43 227 185 57 43 61

131 219

43 29 57

179 68 78

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Color (Cont.) lubricating oils petroleum waxes rubber oils Saybolt white mineral oils Color dyes, in aviation fuels Combustion characteristics, diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Combustion process diesel nonaviation gas turbine Combustion quality, jet fuels Combustion values, heat of, conversion factors Commercial butane Commercial propane Commercial propane/butane mixtures Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants Compatibility ASTM/IP standards crude oils elastomer, lubricating greases lubricating greases with system materials, jet fuels Complex mixture toxicity, difficult materials Complex soap greases Composite spot sample Composition automotive spark-ignition engine fuel gasoline jet fuels liquefied petroleum gases Comprehensive assay, crude oils Compressive strength, manufactured carbon and graphite Conductivity diesel fuel electrical, jet fuels jet fuels


200 254 227 68 186 100 255


33 34 94 47 166 166 166 1

163 118 246 247 96 270 231 136 232

10 306 309 168 112 133 306

37 96 310

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Conductivity improver additive, in aviation fuels Cone penetration, lubricating greases Consistency, lubricating greases Consistency stability, lubricating greases Contamination ASTM/IP standards automotive spark-ignition engine fuel jet fuels lubricating greases microbial, fuel oil test methods Copper content denatured fuel ethanol Ed75-Ed85 Copper corrosion biodiesel fuel diesel fuel fuel oil fuel oils kerosine liquefied petroleum gases lubricating greases MTBE CO2 reactivity, carbon Core sample Core sampling manufactured carbon and graphite Corrosion copper. see Copper corrosion fuel oil jet fuels kerosine lubricating greases metal, gasoline-oxygenate blends rust and silver Corrosion inhibitors, in aviation fuels

101 233 233 235 101

162 7 96 246 76 155

23 25

29 36 41 66 68 167 244 28 132 137 142 134



75 96 78 244 13 9 9 100 103

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Crude oils API gravity ash content asphaltenes ASTM/UOP standards boiling point distribution carbon residue characterization factor future needs in compatibility composition comprehensive assay distillate fuel oil economics fluidity as fuel gas H2S in inspection assays kerosine methanol content naphtha fractions organic halides pour point referee test methods residua salt content sample collection sampling sediment content sulfur content total acid number total nitrogen content trace elements vacuum gas oil fractions vapor pressure viscosity water content

106 107 111 111 119 111 110 109 118 118 106 112 116 106 109 117 113 119 106 116 111 113 111 109 116 116 108 119 117 108 107 110 111 109 116 110 109 108 112 112 119 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 116 112 112 164

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Crude petroleum, sampling Cycloparaffins

139 175

Defoamers, automotive engine oils Denaturant(s), denatured fuel ethanol Density aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons automotive spark-ignition engine fuel aviation gasoline biodiesel fuel bulk, manufactured carbon and graphite carbon fuel oil fuel oxygenates gasoline gas turbine fuel jet fuels liquefied petroleum gases petroleum coke petroleum waxes relative. see Relative density static measurement white mineral oils Deposit control additive requirements, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel DERD 2452 DERD 2454 DERD 2486 DERD 2494 DERD 2498 Desorption Detergents, automotive engine oils Deutsches Institut fr Normung (DIN) Diamond, structure of Dielectric breakdown voltage, white mineral oils 12 88 88 88 87 88 264 214 1 123 186 124 149 187 312 8 84 62 132 131 41 30 307 38 95 167 130 254 255 306 67 71 215 22

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Diesel engines alternative fuels ash content ASTM standards carbon residue characteristics and specifications combustion process marine standards properties and tests range total sulfur Diesel fuel oils cetane index and number requirements Diesel fuel(s) red-dyed specifications Diesel knock Difficult materials characteristics complex mixture toxicity low solubility Diffusivity, thermal, manufactured carbon and graphite Dilution ratio in nitrocellulose solutions, hydrocarbon solvents DIN 51.5681 DIN 51802 DIN. see Deutsches Institut fr Normung (DIN) Diolefins Dipper sample Dispersants, automotive engine oils Dissociation constant Dissolved water Distillate fuel oils crude oils oxidation stability Distillate heating fuels, transportation of

33 50 49 51 48 35 33 33 51 40 34 47 310 310 36

48 37 34

270 270 270 134

180 193 245

168 137 214 264 137

116 153 68

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Distillate products, sampling Distillation aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons automotive spark-ignition engine fuel fuel oil gas turbine fuel hydrocarbon solvents kerosine Distillation profile, jet fuels Distillation range, white mineral oils Distillation temperature biodiesel fuel diesel fuel fuel oils kerosine Doctor test, kerosine Domestic heating oil performance evaluation Domestic heating oil burners Drain sample Driveability index, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Dropping point, lubricating greases Dye(s), color, in aviation fuels


312 5 74 38 179 78 309 186

61 36 40 68 78 67 76 69 137 6 238 100 66

EI. see Energy Institute (EI) Elasticity, moduli of, manufactured carbon and graphite Elastomer compatibility, lubricating greases Elastomer(s), gasoline-oxygenate blends and Electrical conductivity, jet fuels Electrical resistivity, manufactured carbon and graphite Electrode carbon, linear thermal expansion elete 4834, STM D381 EMCOR Grease Test Emissions, jet fuels Emulsion, sample EN 14 112 EN 14110 133 246 13 96 132 132 313 245 94 137 153 57 64

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EN 14112 EN 14538 Energy, specific aviation gasoline jet fuels Energy Institute (EI) Engine fuel, automotive spark-ignition see also Automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Engine oils, automotive. see also Automotive engine oils automotive gas industrial and railway marine diesel EN 116-IP 309 Entrained water Environment, fuel use effects on Environmental characteristics. see also Environmental testing methods abiotic degradation accumulation processes adsorption/desorption biodegradation chemical structure dissociation constant exposures general contamination Henrys Law constant octano/water partition coefficient persistence and accumulation properties physical properties PMNs product registration regulated discharge standardized tests toxicological properties transformation processes uses vapor pressure

32 30 57 32 61 57 64 64

84 310 1 3

200 204 203 202 44 137 65


265 266 264 265 263 264 269 263 264 263 264 263 261 261 263 269 269 264 261 264 269

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Environmental characteristics. see also Environmental testing methods (Cont.) volatility water solubility Environmental testing methods see also Environmental characteristics difficult materials standardized toxicity procedures EPA 830.2210 EPA 830.2310 EPA 830.5270 EPA 830.7370 EPA 830.7550 EPA 830.7560 EPA 830.7570 EPA 830.7840 EPA 830.7860 EPA 830.7950 EPA 835.2110 EPA 835.2130 EPA 835.2210 EPA 835.2310 EPA 835.3100 EPA 835.3110 EPA 835.3120 EPA 835.3170 EPA 835.3180 EPA 835.3200 EPA 835.3210 EPA 835.3300 EPA 835.3400 EPA 835.5045 EPA 835.5270 EPA 850.1010 EPA 850.1020 EPA 850.1025 EPA 850.1035 EPA 850.1045


270 264 261

270 271 265 265 265 264 264 280 264 264 264 264 265 265 281 281 281 266 268 268 281 268 268 268 281 268 281 273 281 281 273 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 267 281 281 281 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280

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EPA 850.1055 EPA 850.1075 EPA 850.1085 EPA 850.1300 EPA 850.1350 EPA 850.1400 EPA 850.1500 EPA 850.1710 EPA 850.1730 EPA 850.1735 EPA 850.1740 EPA 850.1790 EPA 850.2100 EPA 850.2200 EPA 850.2300 EPA 850.4100 EPA 850.4150 EPA 850.4200 EPA 850.4225 EPA 850.4230 EPA 850.4250 EPA 850.4300 EPA 850.4400 EPA 850.5400 EPA 850.6200 EPA 850.6800 EPS I/RM/9 EPS I/RM/10 EPS I/RM/11 EPS I/RM/12 EPS I/RM/13 EPS I/RM/14 EPS I/RM/21 EPS I/RM/22 EPS I/RM/24 EPS I/RM/25 EPS I/RM/26 EPS I/RM/27

274 275 281 274 274 275 281 269 269 274 273 274 281 281 281 273 273 273 273 273 281 281 272 272 273 281 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 281 276 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281

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EPS I/RM/28 EPS I/RM/30 EPS I/RM/32 EPS I/RM/33 EPS I/RM/34 EPS I/RM/35 EPS I/RM/37 Ethane Ethanol fuel see also Fuel ethanol Ether(s) gasoline petroleum Ethylene EU14538 European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Evaporation loss lubricating greases lubricating oils, test method rubber oils Evaporation rate, hydrocarbon solvents Evaporative loss/volatility characteristics, base oils Exposures Extreme pressure and wear, lubricating greases Extreme pressure Timken method

278 278 278 278 278 278 278 165 16 21

308 176 168 30 1

238 238 227 179 192 269 242 242

False brinelling Fast sample loop Fat(s), fatty acid chains in Fatty acid chains, in fats and oils Federal tax incentives, fuel oxygenates Fire point fuel oil lubricating oils white mineral oils Fischer-Tropsch technology 71 200 186 303 243 144 58 58 21

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Fish, tests with acute methods chronic methods Flash point biodiesel fuel diesel fuels fuel oils gas turbine fuel hydrocarbon solvents kerosine lubricating oils nonaviation gas turbine fuels rubber oils white mineral oils Flexural strength, using four-point loading, manufactured carbon and graphite Floating roof adjustment Floating roof sample Flow properties, lubricating greases Flow proportional sample Flow test, low-temperature, diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Fluidity, crude oils Fluorescence, white mineral oils Food grade wax, criteria Four-ball test, lubricating greases Four-point bending, modulus of rupture in, manufactured carbon and graphite Free glycerin, biodiesel fuel Free water Freeway driving, automotive engine oils effects on Freezing point aviation gasoline jet fuels kerosine Fretting wear, lubricating greases Friction and wear, manufactured carbon and graphite


275 275 254 28 36 40 38 179 68 200 45 227 186

276 276 255 57 45 66 71 61


134 147 137 236 137 144

43 109 186 256 242

135 29 137 211 57 62

84 310 68 243 134 78

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Fuel ethanol denatured for blending with gasoline Ed75-Ed85 Fuel methanol, M70-M85 Fuel oil(s) API and specific gravity or density ash content ASTM/IP standards ASTM specifications burner carbon residue classification and specifications cloud point corrosion described diesel distillate crude oils oxidation stability distillate heating fuels, transportation of domestic heating oils environmental effects flash and fire point heat content heating heavy sampling kerosine laboratory tests lighting microbial contamination nitrogen pour point properties and tests see also Diesel engines; Gas turbine(s), nonaviation requirements

21 22 22 23 25

71 73 78 78 65 73 71 73 75 65 310 74 116 153 68 67 65 71 75 65 69 139 67 71 65 76 75 72 40 312



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Fuel oil(s) (Cont.) residual sediment content stability sulfur content viscosity water content Fuel oxygenates ASTM specifications biodiesel fuel density EN test methods ethanol see also Fuel ethanol federal tax incentives government regulations Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau alternative fuels program Clean Fleets Program Internal Revenue Service reformulated gasoline renewable fuels standard methanol MTBE programs, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel relative density sampling procedures state biofuel mandates Fuel(s) automotive sparkignition. see also Automotive sparkignition engine fuel aviation see also Aviation fuels aviation turbine aviation turbine. see also Jet fuels biodiesel burner crude oils as


69 73 75 74 72 73 16 31 28 30 32 21

21 17 19 18 18 10 17 17 25 27 11 30 30 8 21 21




28 65 117

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Fuel(s) (Cont.) diesel red-dyed specifications engine, automotive spark-ignition gaseous see also Gaseous fuels heating biodiesel allowance in distillate jet see also Jet fuels for land ASTM standards liquid. see Liquid fuels liquid, synthetic. see also Synthetic liquid fuels synthetic residual, compatibility Fuel(s). see also specific types Fuel system icing inhibitors, in aviation fuels Functional properties, petroleum waxes


48 37 3 164

65 68 87

33 51

304 160

101 257


Gage tape and bob Gas-cooled nuclear reactors, high-temperature, manufactured carbon and graphite Gas engine oils Gaseous fuels ASTM specifications test methods Gas(es) crude oils liquefied refinery natural primary uses 113 164 164 165 168 134 204 164 170 170 147

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petroleum, liquefied see also Liquefied petroleum gases refinery, liquefied Gasoline antiknock rating automotive, use in aircraft aviation see also Aviation gasoline composition defined density ethers oxidation stability oxygenates reformulated fuel oxygenates sampling stability sulfur content volatility water tolerance Gasoline-oxygenate blends automotive spark-ignition engine fuel compatibility with plastics and elastomers defined metal corrosion sampling test methods water tolerance Gas-turbine lubricants Gas turbine(s) ash content carbon residue nonaviation ASTM standards combustion process properties and tests

165 306

164 306 307 86 80

306 3 307 308 152 308 4 17 140 308 308 307 308

12 13 3 13 12 13 13 203 22 16

49 48 33 51 34 40

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Gas turbine(s) nonaviation (Cont.) specifications total sulfur Gear oils Gelation, automotive engine oils Gelation Index Glycerin free, biodiesel fuel total, biodiesel fuel Grab sample Grain stability, petroleum coke Graphite artificial, manufacturing methods crystal structure of described graphitization process impervious, pipe and threading isotropic and near-isotropic nuclear, standard specification for manufactured, materials nuclear, suitable for components subjected to low neutron irradiation dose pyrolytic, manufacturing methods test methods Graphite furnace, in petroleum products and lubricants Graphitization process Gravity, white mineral oils Grease(s) described lubricating see also Lubricating greases organo-clay soap. see specific types Grease sample Gum content automotive spark-ignition engine fuel solvent washed, MTBE


39 48 204 217 217

29 30 137 130

57 57

62 62

125 124 123 125 133

135 132

135 125 125 293 125 187

229 229




8 27

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Gum content (Cont.) solvent washed and unwashed Ed75-Ed85 M70-M85 Gum inhibitors, in aviation fuels


24 26 100

Halide(s), organic, crude oils Hardness, petroleum waxes Heat, specific, jet fuels Heat content diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels fuel oil Heating fuels biodiesel allowance in distillate, transportation of Heating oil burners, domestic Heating oil(s), domestic Heat of combustion, jet fuels Heat of combustion values, conversion factors Heat resistance, lubricating greases Heavy fuel oils sampling Heavy fuel(s), compatibility of, test methods Helium Henrys Law constant Heptane Hexane Hi-flash solvent naphtha Highly refined oils, oxidation stability High-temperature high-load conditions, automotive engine oils effects on high shear rate viscosity, automotive engine oils High-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors, manufactured carbon and graphite High-temperature stability, jet fuels H2S, in crude oils HTFT product slate 134 95 119 305 211 216 65 68 69 67 95 47 237 69 139 160 169 264 176 176 178 153 312 76 46 75 111 254 95 255

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Hydraulic oils oxidation stability Hydride generation, in petroleum products and lubricants Hydrocarbon composition, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Hydrocarbon custody transfer transaction Hydrocarbon(s) aliphatics aromatics poly-nuclear poly-nuclear aromatic cycloparaffins Ed75-Ed85 light ASTM specifications test methods M70-M85 naphthenes olefins paraffinic types Hydrocarbon solvents. see also Petroleum solvents aniline point ASTM specifications/test methods Bromine index color commercial dilution ratio in nitrocellulose solutions distillation evaporation rate flash point Kauri butanol value mixed aniline point sampling specific gravity sulfur content test methods types

206 153 294

9 136

175 175 311 311 175 24 164 170 170 26 175 176 311 175

180 181 180 179 176 180 179 179 179 179 180 178 178 180 178 176

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Hydrocarbon solvents. see also Petroleum solvents (Cont.) viscosity of nitrocellulose solutions Hydrogen, in petroleum products and lubricants Hydrolysis


180 288 265

Ignition characteristics, diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Ignition control additive, in aviation fuels Inductively coupled plasmaatomic emission spectrometry, in petroleum products and lubricants Ink oils Law constant Inorganic species, in petroleum products and lubricants analytical methods in determination of future prospects quality assurance of results sample preparation in determination of Inspection assays, crude oils Inspection data, jet fuels Institute of Petroleum Intermediate conditions, defined Intermediate container Internal Revenue Service International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International standard specifications, jet fuels Invertebrates, tests with acute methods chronic methods Ion chromatography, in petroleum products and lubricants Ionic chloride ED75-ED85 M70-M85 IP 1 IP 2 IP 4 IP 10 IP 11 25 27 79 103 79 68 78 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. 188 195 79 195 286 273 274 296 276 276 294 178 264 283 283 297 297 284 106 97 1 299 138 10 1 92 21 41 103

Index Terms
IP 12 IP 13 IP 14 IP 15

79 31 31 78 208 104 195 79 188 228 104 254 195 195 199 200

IP 16 IP 17 IP 19 IP 23 IP 30 IP 34

94 104 208 201 96 78 188 228

209 105 94 195 254 287 104 200 181 208 186 227

IP 35 IP 36

208 181 208 186 227 14 188 254 152 162 195 200

IP 40 IP 50 IP 53 IP 54 IP 55 IP 57 IP 61 IP 63 IP 69 IP 71

8 248 79 78 254 78 78 79 84 31 195



258 94 208 104 286

104 72 209 104 228 187 254 188 258

IP 73 IP 74 IP 76 IP 79 IP 84 IP 101 IP 107

199 78 254 206 32 171 8 182 14 286 31 84 104 160 258 209 163 201 208

IP 110 IP 111 IP 114

208 208 208 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

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IP 117 IP 118 IP 119 IP 120 IP 123

208 209 104 208 78 188 104 168 171 181 286

IP 131

8 162 163





IP 132 IP 133 IP 135 IP 136 IP 138 IP 139 IP 142 IP 143 IP 146 IP 148 IP 149 IP 154

238 254 14 254 14 31 153 163 195 208 286 14 168

248 258 206 209

84 104 162

104 209 248





31 171 104

84 182 182

96 205

104 209

IP 156 IP 157 IP 158 IP 160

14 209 254 14 171 228

256 79 181 254 202

259 95 188 104 195 168 200

IP 163 IP 166 IP 170 IP 175 IP 176 IP 177 IP 179 IP 183 IP 185 IP 191

31 209 104 209 209 195 254 248 254 168




259 171

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IP 192 IP 194 IP 196 IP 200 IP 215 IP 216 IP 219

79 169 195 79 248 7 79 209 14 186 254 104 188 162 195 199 200 172 228 182 254 258

IP 220 IP 224 IP 225 IP 226 IP 228 IP 232 IP 234 IP 236

245 104 104 195 7 205 205 4 171 14 83 104 168 199 14 209 105 286

IP 237 IP 239 IP 243 IP 248 IP 264 IP 270 IP 274 IP 276 IP 289 IP 299 IP 303 IP 308 IP 310 IP 323 IP 336 IP 338 IP 342 IP 354 IP 356 IP 360

4 249 286 286 169 104 96 202 85 195 94 286 248 95 105 94 14 96 160 14





104 209 104


104 286 104 96



286 104 286


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IP 365

14 228 95 105 188 195

IP 373 IP 375 IP 378 IP 379 IP 381 IP 386 IP 388 IP 394 IP 406 IP 407 IP 413 IP 415 IP 422 IP 423 IP 424 IP 428 IP 434 IP 435 IP 438 IP 447 IP 528 IP 529 IP 531 IP 532 IP 540 IP 16591 Irradiation results, reporting, manufactured carbon and graphite ISO. see International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 2083 ISO 3012 ISO 3448 ISO 3830 ISO 3987 ISO 4259

286 160 155 195 95 163 153 84 195 287 286 159 94 105 105 286 105 94 105 84 94 94 287 287 104 286 104 105 162 105 158 162 162 105 163 162 286 105


286 286 198 286 286 300 302 303 199

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ISO 4260 ISO 4265 ISO 5275 ISO 6245 ISO 6341 ISO 6743-9 ISO 7346-1 ISO 7346-2 ISO 7346-3 ISO 7827 ISO 8192 ISO 8217 ISO 8691 ISO 8692 ISO 8754 ISO 9408 ISO 9439 ISO 9887 ISO 9888 ISO 10229 ISO 10253 ISO 10478 ISO 10634 ISO 10706 ISO 10707 ISO 10708 ISO 11266 ISO 11268-1 ISO 11268-2 ISO 11268-3 ISO 11269-1 ISO 11269-2 ISO 11733 ISO 11734 ISO 12890 ISO 13737 ISO 14236 ISO 14239

286 286 287 286 273 248 275 275 275 267 279 36 286 272 286 267 267 268 268 275 272 287 279 274 267 267 279 273 275 275 279 279 268 268 275 235 279 268 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 276 279 276 279 38 279 279 279 279 278

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ISO 14442 ISO 14593 ISO 14669 ISO 15522 ISO 16221 Isokinetic sampling ISO TC28 WG2 ISO/TR 15462 Isotropic graphite, standard specification for ISO VG 2 ISO VG 1500

279 268 274 280 280 144 300 280 135 198 198 279 279

Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) Jet A-1, synthetic jet fuel for commercial use as Jet fuels American civil American military aromatics British military bulk properties combustion quality compatibility with system materials composition conductivity contaminants corrosion density distillation profile electrical conductivity emissions freezing point high temperature stability inspection data international standard specifications low temperature properties lubricity manufacture 1 308 87 89 88 309 87 93 94 96 93 310 96 96 95 309 96 94 310 95 97 92 94 96 92 310 309

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Jet fuels (Cont.) miscellaneous properties for nonconventional aircraft nonconventional sources of requirements Russian semisynthetic analysis commercial aviation turbine fuel separating properties specification requirements specific energy specific heat storage stability synthetic analysis commercial use as jet A-1 thermal stability trace properties volatility water retention JIS. see Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)


97 93 93 90 91

309 308 97 93 310 95 95

309 308 310 95 93 97

Kauri butanol value, hydrocarbon solvents Kerosene Kerosine burner selection burning characteristics burning test for long-time burning oils color crude oils defined laboratory tests performance evaluation requirements standard burning tests Kerosine burners 179 178 65 76 76 77 78 116 65 78 76 68 77 69

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Kinematic viscosity biodiesel fuel diesel fuel fuel oils gas turbine fuel kerosine


57 36 40 38 68 66

Lacquer diluent Land, fuels for Lead content automotive spark-ignition engine fuel diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Ed75-Ed85 M70-M85 in petroleum products and lubricants Leak detector, in aviation fuels Legal requirements, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Light hydrocarbons ASTM specifications test methods Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders, percent fill of Liquefied petroleum gases composition copper corrosion density gasoline odorization relative density residue sampling sulfur content vapor pressure volatility water content Liquefied refinery gas 7 49 25 27 293 101 10 164 170 170 168 165 168 167 167 306 168 167 167 166 167 166 166 167 164 306 306 306 306 306 306 103 176 33

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Liquid fuels natural gas sediment content stability and cleanliness, methods for assessing synthetic see also Synthetic liquid fuels water content Lithium soap greases Lower sample Low shear rate viscosity, automotive engine oils Low-temperature flow test, diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Low-temperature penetration, lubricating greases Low-temperature torque, lubricating greases Low-temperature viscometry, automotive engine oils LTFT product slate Lubricant additive compounds, performance properties Lubricant base oils see also Base oils Lubricant(s) aircraft turbine engine, oxidation stability functions gas-turbine inorganic species in Lubricating greases accelerated rust tests aluminum soap greases apparent viscosity ASTM/IP standards ball bearings at elevated temperatures block penetration calcium soap greases characteristics chemical analysis classification and specifications compatibility complex soap greases


164 160 151 304

160 231 138 216 232

43 235 236 217 305 283 189

153 229 203 283 229 245 230 236 248 236 241 235 231 230 247 232 247 231 232 232

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Lubricating greases (Cont.) composition cone penetration consistency consistency stability contamination copper corrosion corrosion described discontinued standards dropping point elastomer compatibility evaporation loss extreme pressure and wear flow properties four-ball test fretting wear heat resistance international standards leakage from wheel bearings lithium soap greases low-temperature penetration low-temperature torque NLGI consistency numbers oil separation organo-clay greases oscillating motion oscillating wear tests oxidation stability PDSC oxidation test polyurea prolonged worked penetration raw materials roll stability rust prevention selection in small bearings sodium soap greases


229 233 233 235 246 244 244 229 248 238 246 238 242 236 242 243 237 248 240 231 235 236 235 239 231 243 244 153 241 231 235 230 235 244 230 241 231 232 232 240 232 232

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Lubricating greases (Cont.) test methods Timken method undisturbed penetration unworked penetration water effects water spray-off water washout wear preventive characteristics wheel bearing grease life worked penetration Lubricating oils air compressor API gravity ASTM/IP standards automatic transmission fluids automotive engine as burner fuel cloud point color composition evaporation loss, test method flash and fire points function gas engine gas-turbine gear general properties hydraulic industrial and railway engine machine tool tableway manufacture marine diesel engine pour point quality assessment refrigerator compressor relative density significance of tests


233 242 235 234 245 246 245 243 242 234 196 208 200 208 205 200 69 199 200 198 238 200 197 204 203 204 198 206 203 208 198 202 199 197 208 200 198

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Lubricating oils (Cont.) specifications and procedures specific gravity steam cylinder steam-turbine viscosity viscosity index wear metals Lubricity aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons aviation fuels in aviation fuels biodiesel fuel diesel fuels jet fuels nonaviation gas turbine fuels Luminosity, M70-M85


201 200 208 205 198 199 285

312 103 100 62 37 96 45 26 45 310

Machine tool tableway lubricating oils Magnesium content, biodiesel fuel Manganese content automotive spark-ignition engine fuel petroleum products and lubricants Manual sampling Marine custody transfer, sampling Marine diesel engine oils Marine diesel engines ASTM standards Melting point, petroleum waxes Mercaptan sulfur, kerosine Mercury, in petroleum products and lubricants Mesophase, pitch Metal corrosion, gasoline-oxygenate blends Metal deactivator, in aviation fuels 7 293 136 140 202 33 51 255 68 288 131 13 100 103 78 208 30 57 62

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Metal(s) petroleum coke in petroleum products and lubricants wear, in lubricating oils Methanol, fuel Methanol content crude oils M70-M85 MTBE Methyl-tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) blending with gasoline Microbial contamination fuel oil test methods Middle sample Middle spot sample MIL-DTL-25524 MIL-DTL-38219 MIL-DTL-81383 MIL-DTL-83133 MIL-DTL-83133E MIL-DTL-16884K MIL-DTL-5624U MIL-F-7914 MIL-F-5624B MIL-F-1688-J MIL-J-25656 MIL-L-2105D MIL-PRF-7808 MIL-PRF-23699 MIL-PRF-25017 MIL-T-5616 Mineral oils oxidation stability white see also White mineral oils Mineral spirits Minimum pipeline velocity


130 292 285 25

111 25 28 16 27


76 159 138 138 88 88 94 88 288 288 288 88 88 292 88 205 203 203 101 88 89 102

153 184

176 144

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Mini-rotary viscometer, automotive engine oils Modulus of rupture in four-point bending, manufactured carbon and graphite Moisture, manufactured carbon and graphite Molecular weight, petroleum waxes Motion, oscillating, lubricating greases MPMS 2 MPMS 3 MPMS 7 MPMS 8.1 MPMS 8.2 MPMS 8.3 MPMS 8.4 MPMS 9 MPMS 10 MPMS 12 MTBE. see Methyl-tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Multiple tank composite sample


135 133 254 243 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 256


Naphtha fractions, crude oils Naphtha(s) hi-flash solvent VM&P Naphthenes Natural gas primary uses Natural gas liquids (NGLs) Natural rubber Near-isotropic graphite, standard specification for NFT 60-171 NGLs. see Natural gas liquids (NGLs) Nitrocellulose solutions dilution ratio in viscosity of Nitrogen compounds, in base oils 180 180 192 178 176 175 164 165 164 224 135 248 168 113 116

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Nitrogen content crude oils fuel oil petroleum products and lubricants NLGI consistency numbers, lubricating greases Nonaquatic toxicity tests, chronic methods Nuclear graphite, suitable for components subjected to low neutron irradiation dose Nuclear reactors, gas-cooled, high-temperature


111 76 290 235 276


135 134

Octano/water partition coefficient Odor petroleum solvents petroleum waxes white mineral oils Odorization, liquefied petroleum gases OECD 101 OECD 102 OECD 103 OECD 104 OECD 105 OECD 106 OECD 107 OECD 111 OECD 112 OECD 117 OECD 121 OECD 201 OECD 202 OECD 203 OECD 204 OECD 205 OECD 206 OECD 207 OECD 208 OECD 209 OECD 210 174 254 186 168 280 280 280 264 264 264 264 265 264 264 264 272 273 275 275 280 280 273 280 280 275 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 276 280 280 280 280 256 263

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OECD 211 OECD 212 OECD 215 OECD 218 OECD 219 OECD 221 OECD 301 OECD 302 OECD 303 OECD 304 OECD 305 OECD 306 OECD 307 OECD 308 OECD 309 OECD 310 OECD 311 OECD 301A OECD 302A OECD 303A OECD 304A OECD 301B OECD 302B OECD 301C OECD 302C OECD 301D OECD 310E OECD 301F Official sample Oil content, petroleum waxes Oil-extended rubber Oil(s). see also Heating fuel(s); Heating oils; specific types, e.g., Fuel oil(s) air compressor automotive engine, oxidation stability burning, long-time crude see also Crude oils

280 280 280 280 280 280 266 280 280 280 269 267 280 280 280 280 280 267 268 268 268 267 268 267 267 267 267 267 138 254 224 256 280 280 280

208 153 77 106

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Oil(s). see also Heating fuel(s); Heating oils; specific types, e.g., Fuel oil(s) (Cont.) engine. see Engine oils fatty acid chains in gas engine gear highly refined, oxidation stability hydraulic oxidation stability ink lubricating see also Lubricating oils machine tool tableway lubricating marine diesel engine mineral oxidation stability white see also White mineral oils petroleum, for rubber see also Rubber oils refrigerator compressor rubber see also Rubber oils steam cylinder steam-turbine oxidation stability used, analysis Oil separation, lubricating greases Olefins in base oils OPL 68/251 OPL 25017 Organic halides, crude oils Organo-clay greases Oscillating motion, lubricating greases Oscillating wear tests, lubricating greases Outlet sample Oxidation, base oils


58 204 204 153 6 153 178 197

208 202

153 184


208 224

208 205 153 283 239 168 192 101 101 111 231 243 244 138 191 112 232 176

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Oxidation induction time, automotive engine oils Oxidation mass loss, manufactured carbon and graphite Oxidation stability biodiesel fuel diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels lubricating greases test methods Oxygen, in petroleum products and lubricants Oxygenated fuel programs, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Oxygenate(s) automotive spark-ignition engine fuel defined fuel see also Fuel oxygenates gasoline

219 135

30 45 240 152 290



9 3 16 16


Paraffinic hydrocarbons PDR additive, in aviation fuels PDSC oxidation test, lubricating greases Penetration block, lubricating greases cone, lubricating greases low-temperature, lubricating greases undisturbed, lubricating greases unworked, lubricating greases worked lubricating greases prolonged Performance, volatility and, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Performance properties, lubricant additive compounds Performance tests automotive engine oils passenger car engine oil Peroxide content, petroleum waxes Peroxide value, white mineral oils 220 210 254 186 257 6 283 234 235 235 233 235 235 234 311 102 241

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Persistence properties Petrolatums. see Petroleum waxes Petroleum, crude, sampling Petroleum coke materials test methods Petroleum ether Petroleum gases, liquefied see also Liquefied petroleum gases Petroleum oils, for rubber see also Rubber oils Petroleum products, inorganic species in Petroleum quantities, static measurement Petroleum solvents see also Hydrocarbon solvents air pollution requirements ASTM specifications/test methods described general uses odor purity relative density requirements solvency specific gravity toxicity volatility Petroleum waxes applications blocking properties chemical properties test methods definitions food grade functional properties test methods manufacture melting point


139 123 130 125 176 165 306


283 147 173

174 181 173 173 174 174 178 173 173 174 174 173 252 253 254 255 259 253 256 257 260 252 255 257

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Petroleum waxes (Cont.) moisture barrier properties physical properties test methods quality criteria slip properties substrates test methods pHe denatured fuel ethanol Ed75-Ed85 Phosphorus content automotive spark-ignition engine fuel biodiesel fuel Ed75-Ed85 M70-M85 petroleum products and lubricants Photolysis Photooxidation Physical properties environmental characteristics petroleum waxes Pipeline Pipeline drag reducer (PDR) additive, in aviation fuels Pipeline streams, sampling Pitch materials test methods Plants, tests with, nonaquatic Plastics, gasoline-oxygenate blends and PMNs. see Premanufacturing/marketing notifications (PMNs) Poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons Polyurea Porosity, manufactured carbon and graphite Potassium content biodiesel fuel diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels


258 255 258 253 257 254 258 257

23 24

7 30 25 27 290 265 265 57 62

263 255 144 102 141 123 131 125 272 13 277 258

311 231 132 232

62 49

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Pour point base oils crude oils diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels fuel oils gas turbine fuel heavy fuel oils lubricating oils rubber oils white mineral oils Pour point depressants, automotive engine oils Powered mixer Precision defined in standard test method data quality assurance Premanufacturing/marketing notifications (PMNs) Pressure, extreme, lubricating greases Pressure atomizing Prevaporizing Primary manual sample container Primary sample receiver/container Probe Process oils, specialty applications Product registration Profile testing Prolonged worked penetration, lubricating greases Propane commercial butane mixture with special duty Propylene concentrates Purity denatured fuel ethanol MTBE petroleum solvents Pyrolytic graphite, manufacturing methods


193 109 43 41 38 312 199 227 187 215 144 67 72

299 299 261 242 34 34 138 144 144 228 261 144 235 165 166 166 166 169

23 27 174 125

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Quinoline insolubles, pitch



Ramsbottom carbon residue biodiesel fuel diesel fuel fuel oils gas turbine fuel Rangeability Raw materials Red-dyed diesel fuel Reduced pressure distillation, biodiesel fuel Referee test methods, crude oils Reference gage height Reference gage point Refinery gas, liquefied Reformulated gasoline fuel oxygenates, government regulations Reformulated spark-ignition engine fuel Refractive index rubber oils white mineral oils Refrigerator compressor oils Relative bias, in standard test method data quality assurance Relative density automotive spark-ignition engine fuel fuel oxygenates hydrocarbon solvents liquefied petroleum gases lubricating oils Renewable fuels standard automotive spark-ignition engine fuel fuel oxygenates Repeatability conditions, defined Reporting irradiation results, manufactured carbon and graphite 133 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. 12 17 299 8 30 178 167 200 227 187 208 302 61 37 40 38 144 164 48 30 116 147 147 164 4 17 11 62 66

Index Terms
Representative sample Reproducibility conditions, defined Research Octane Number (RON) Residual fuel oils Residual fuel(s), compatibility, test methods Residual oil burning equipment Residue carbon. see Carbon residue crude oils liquefied petroleum gases unsulfonated, white mineral oils Resistivity, electrical, manufactured carbon and graphite Rheology, base oils Rockwell hardness, manufactured carbon and graphite Roller bearings, tapered, lubricating greases Roll stability, lubricating greases RON. see Research Octane Number (RON) RR: D02-1125 RR: D02-1137 RR: D02-1572 RR:D02-1007 Rubber base oil compatibility natural oil-extended synthetic Rubber oils ASTM/IP standards carbon-type analysis classification composition history importance of composition to compounders molecular-type analysis physical properties process oils, specialty applications Running sample Russian jet fuels

138 299 4 69 160 70 144

116 167 187 132 193 133 237 235

98 99 94 299

194 224 224 224 224 228 225 226 225 224 225 225 226 228 138 91

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Rust, corrosion and, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Rust prevention, lubricating greases Rust tests, accelerated, lubricating greases

9 244 245

Salt content, crude oils Salt(s), in petroleum products and lubricants Sample conditioning Sample controller Sample extractor Sample grab Sample handling and mixing Sample proving Sample(s). see also specific types boring bottom clearance composite spot core defined dipper drain floating roof flow proportional grab grease lower middle middle spot multiple tank composite obtaining official outlet representative running surface tank composite tank-side 136 136 136 150 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 138 138 138 138 140 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 144 144 108 291 144 144 144 144 144 144 112

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Sample(s). see also specific types (Cont.) tap time proportional top types upper Sampling applicability ASTM/API/ISO standards ASTM/IP standards automatic definitions design considerations extractors frequency isokinetic minimum velocities probe location sample frequency in large-volume pipeline operations systems bottle or beaker core manufactured carbon and graphite crude oils defined hydrocarbon solvents liquefied petroleum gases manual containers core crude petroleum and heavy fuel oils definitions gasoline and distillate products marine custody transfer obtaining samples pipeline streams probe location


138 144 138 136 138 136 137 150 163 143 144 146 145 145 144 145 144 144

145 145 140 142 135 117 138 178 166 136 138 142 139 136 140 140 140 141 142 119

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Sampling manual (Cont.) procedures procedures automotive spark-ignition engine fuel stability static measurement see also Static measurement SANS. see South African National Standards (SANS) Sasol synthetic products Sasol synthetic products. see also Synthetic liquid fuels Saybolt color, kerosine Scanning Brookfield Technique, automotive engine oils Scleroscope hardness, manufactured carbon and graphite Sediment content ASTM/IP standards biodiesel fuel crude oils diesel fuel fuel oils gas turbine fuel static measurement test methods Sediment toxicity tests Sediment water Semisynthetic jet fuels analysis commercial aviation turbine fuel Separating properties, jet fuels Short-trip driving, automotive engine oils effects on Silver corrosion, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Site precision, defined Slip stream Smoke point, white mineral oils Smoke Point Test Soap greases. see specific types


140 137 11 161 147 149 140


68 217 133

163 30 108 36 66 38 149 160 276 144 73 57 112

309 308 97 212 9 300 144 187 77

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Sodium content biodiesel fuel diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels petroleum products and lubricants Sodium/potassium combined content, biodiesel fuel Sodium soap greases Solid paraffin test, white mineral oils Solubility, difficult materials Solvency base oils petroleum solvents Solvent extractables, petroleum waxes Solvent(s) hydrocarbon see also Hydrocarbon solvents petroleum see also Petroleum solvents Solvent washed gum, denatured fuel ethanol Sonic velocity Youngs modulus, manufactured carbon and graphite South African National Standards (SANS) Spark-ignition engine fuel automotive see also Automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Spark ignition fuel, oxidation stability Special duty propane Specific energy aviation gasoline jet fuels Specific gravity fuel oil hydrocarbon solvents lubricating oils manufactured carbon and graphite petroleum solvents rubber oils Specific heat, jet fuels


62 49 293 30 231 188 270 232

194 173 254 256




134 305

153 166

84 310

71 178 200 132 174 227 95

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Specific metal analysis, in petroleum products and lubricants Spectrometry atomic emission atomic fluorescence, in petroleum products and lubricants x-ray fluorescence, in petroleum products and lubricants Spectroscopy, atomic absorption, in petroleum products and lubricants Spirits Textile mineral Spot sample Stability aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons ASTM/IP standards automotive spark-ignition engine fuel consistency, lubricating greases defined diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels fuel oil gasoline grain, petroleum coke high-temperature, jet fuels liquid fuels, methods for assessing miscellaneous properties oxidation lubricating greases test methods roll, lubricating greases storage. see Storage stability test methods thermal diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels jet fuels test methods Stability sampling






292 176 176 138

311 162 8 235 151 44 75 308 130 95 151 161

240 152 235


44 310 154 161

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Standardized toxicity procedures, in environmental testing acute methods algae aquatic toxicity tests chronic methods fish invertebrates nonaquatic toxicity tests subchronic methods Standard test method data quality assurance accuracy ASTM standards bias in determining conformance with product quality specification metrics monitoring precision relative bias Stand pipes State biofuel mandates, fuel oxygenates Static bleed tests, lubricating greases Static dissipator additive, in aviation fuels Static measurement abbreviations ASTM/API/ISO standards calculation of petroleum quantities definitions density determination sampling sediment determination tank calibration tank gaging temperature determination water determination Static mixer Steam cylinder oils


271 271 271 276 275 273 276 276 299 302 303 300 276 276 272 276

303 299 302 299 302 138 8 239 101 103

147 150 147 147 149 147 149 148 148 148 149 144 208

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Steam-turbine oils oxidation stability Storage stability aviation gasoline diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels jet fuels Stream conditioning Sulfate content, denatured fuel ethanol Sulfated ash biodiesel fuel petroleum products and lubricants Sulfur, mercaptan, kerosine Sulfur compounds impact on base oil chemistry white mineral oils Sulfur content aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons automotive spark-ignition engine fuel aviation gasoline biodiesel fuel crude oils diesel fuels Ed75-Ed85 fuel oils gasoline hydrocarbon solvents kerosine liquefied petroleum gases manufactured carbon and graphite M70-M85 MTBE petroleum coke petroleum products and lubricants total, nonaviation gas turbine fuels Surface sample Synthetic aviation fuels

205 153

84 45 95 144 23

28 285 68




192 187 169 311 7 84 29 107 36 25 40 308 180 68 167 135 27 27 131 291 47 138 308 78 306 66 74 57 112 47 60 61 11

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Synthetic jet fuels analysis commercial use as Jet A-1 Synthetic liquid fuels see also specific types, e.g., Aviation fuels analysis ASTM standards/methods aviation fuels cetane index and number diesel fuel oil Fischer-Tropsch technology heavy fuel oils HTFT product slate liquid petroleum gas LTFT product slate paraffinic hydrocarbons poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons Synthetic rubber System materials, compatibility with, jet fuels


309 308 304

304 313 308 310 310 303 312 305 306 305 311 311 224 96

Tank calibration, static measurement Tank capacity table Tank composite sample Tank gaging, static measurement Tank increments Tank-side sample Tank strapping Tapered roller bearings, lubricating greases Tap sample Taste, white mineral oils TEL. see Tetraethyl lead (TEL) Temperature determination, static measurement distillation. see Distillation temperature gas turbine fuel jet fuels 38 94 95 148 148 148 138 148 147 138 147 237 138 186

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Tensile properties, manufactured carbon and graphite Tensile stress-strain, manufactured carbon and graphite Terrestrial toxicity tests Test methods. see specific types and indications Test specimen Tetraethyl lead (TEL), aviation fuels Textile spirits Thermal conductivity, carbon Thermal diffusivity, by thermal pulse, manufactured carbon and graphite Thermal pulse, thermal diffusivity by, manufactured carbon and graphite Thermal stability diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels jet fuels test methods Thermal stability improver additive, in aviation fuels Time proportional sample Timken method, extreme pressure Toluene Toluene insolubles, pitch Top sample Torque, low-temperature, lubricating greases Total acid number, crude oils Total glycerin content, biodiesel fuel Total nitrogen content, crude oils Total sulfur content, diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels Toxicity, 270, complex mixture, difficult materials petroleum solvents Toxicity tests, environmental. see specific types Toxicological properties, environmental characteristics Trace elements, crude oils Trace properties, jet fuels Transformation processes Transmission fluids, automatic Transparency, white mineral oils True value, defined

133 134 276

138 100 176 132 103



44 310 154 102 144 242 177 131 138 236 110 30 111 112 57 112 62



269 109 95 264 205 186 302 112

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Tube and thief sample Turbine combustors, trace metals entering Turbine(s), gas. see Gas turbine(s)

138 50

Ultraviolet absorption tests, white mineral oils Ultraviolet absorptivity petroleum waxes rubber oils Undisturbed penetration, lubricating greases Uniform petroleum product Unleaded aviation gasoline Unsulfonated residue, white mineral oils Unworked penetration, lubricating greases UOP 163 UOP 375 UOP 389 UOP 391 UOP 391-91 Upper sample Used oils, analysis USP 31 USP 31-NF 26 254 227 235 138 85 187 234 112 114 63 30 64 138 283 188 186 187 114 121 121 257 187

Vacuum gas oil fractions, crude oils Value(s) coking, pitch combustion, heat of heat of combustion, conversion factors Kauri butanol peroxide, white mineral oils true, defined Vanadium diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels petroleum products and lubricants Vaporizing Vapor-liquid ratio, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel 49 293 34 6 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. 131 47 47 179 186 302 116

Index Terms
Vapor pressure automotive spark-ignition engine fuel crude oils Ed75-Ed85 liquefied petroleum gases M70-M85 MTBE Velocity, minimum pipeline Viscometer(s), mini-rotary, automotive engine oils Viscometry, low-temperature, automotive engine oils Viscosity apparent, lubricating greases aromatic and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons biodiesel fuel crude oils diesel fuels fuel oils gas turbine fuel heavy fuel oils high-temperature, high shear rate kerosine kinematic. see Kinematic viscosity low shear rate, automotive engine oils lubricating oils nitrocellulose solutions nonaviation gas turbine fuels petroleum waxes white mineral oils Viscosity index, lubricating oils Viscosity index improvers, automotive engine oils VM&P naphtha Volatile matter, petroleum coke Volatility difficult materials automotive spark-ignition engine fuel aviation gasoline gasoline jet fuels liquefied petroleum gases

264 5 110 24 166 26 28 144 217 217 112

236 312 28 109 36 40 38 312 216 68 42 66 72 57 61

216 198 180 42 254 187 199 215 176 131 270 5 83 307 93 166 306 11 255

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Volatility (Cont.) performance and, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel petroleum solvents Volatility/distillation, diesel and nonaviation gas turbine fuels


6 173


Water dissolved entrained free sediment Water content ASTM/IP standards biodiesel fuel crude oils denatured fuel ethanol diesel fuel Ed75-Ed85 fuel oils gas turbine fuel liquefied petroleum gases methyl-tertiary-butyl ether M70-M85 static measurement test methods Water effects, lubricating greases Water reaction, aviation gasoline Water retention, jet fuels Water solubility Water spray-off, lubricating greases Water tolerance gasoline gasoline-oxygenate blends Water washout, lubricating greases 308 13 245 163 30 108 22 36 25 40 38 167 28 27 149 160 245 84 96 264 246 66 73 57 112 137 137 137 144

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Wax(es) defined petroleum see also Petroleum waxes Wax precipitation point, white mineral oils Wear extreme, lubricating greases friction and, manufactured carbon and graphite lubricating greases, preventive characteristics Wear metals, in lubricating oils Wear tests, oscillating, lubricating greases Wheel bearing grease life, lubricating greases Wheel bearing(s), leakage from, lubricating greases White mineral oils acidity test aniline point API gravity ASTM/IP standards cloud point color density described dielectric breakdown voltage distillation range flash and fire points fluorescence gravity manufacture odor peroxide value pharmaceutical grades pour point purity guardianship quality assessment readily carbonizable substances refractive index smoke point solid paraffin test


252 252


242 134 243 285 244 242 240 184 186 185 187 188 185 186 187 184 186 186 186 186 187 184 186 186 185 187 184 4 185 187 187 188

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White mineral oils (Cont.) sulfur compounds taste transparency ultraviolet absorption tests unsulfonated residue viscosity wax precipitation point Worked penetration lubricating greases prolonged, lubricating greases Workmanship requirements automotive spark-ignition engine fuel Worms, tests with, nonaquatic


187 186 186 187 187 187 187

234 235 152 7 277

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, petroleum products and lubricants Xylenes 295 177

Youngs modulus, sonic velocity, manufactured carbon and graphite


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