Meryl Streep

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A94500705 Murray 1

Anna Murray, A94500705 Prof. Emily Roxworthy TDGE 11 15 Mar h !009 M"ryl #tr""$%& $"r&onal a tin' &tyl"

M"ryl #tr""$ i& hail"( a& on" of th" mo&t tal"nt"( a tr"&&"& wor)in' in *ollywoo( to(ay. D"&$it" h"r a'", an( th" un("nia+l" han(i a$ of +"in' an ,ol("r% woman in a $atriar hal in(u&try that i("ali&"& youthful f"mininity, #tr""$ ha& +"at"n th" r" or( an( +" om" th" $"r&on mo&t nominat"( for a +"&t a tin' -& ar in th" hi&tory of in"ma. .n th" $r"&& &h" i& h"ral("( +y &u h hy$"r+oli $hra&"& a&, ,Th" /u""n of *ollywoo(%, ,Th" 0"&t A tr"&& E1"r%, an(, ,Th" Gr"at"&t A tr"&& of our Tim".% #tr""$ i& ommonly $rai&"( for h"r &)ill at ma&t"rin' a "nt& an( im$"r&onatin' h"r hara t"r&, rath"r than $layin' h"r&"lf on & r""n. .t i& &ai( that wh"n you loo) at h"r $"rformin', you (o not &"" th" famou& M"ryl #tr""$, +ut in&t"a( &"" only h"r hara t"r. #h" i& a laim"( for +"in' 1"r&atil" an( 1ari"(, a& omforta+l" $layin' th" &tri t nun, #i&t"r Aloy&iu& 0"au1i"r in 2ohn Patri ) #hanl"y%& Doubt a& &h" i& $ortrayin' th" li'ht3h"art"(, fun Donna #h"ri(an in th" & r""n 1"r&ion of th" A++a mu&i al &"n&ation, Mamma Mia. .n th" m"(ia, #tr""$ &""m& a$a+l" of (oin' no wron', an( i& rar"ly fault"(, with th" almo&t &in'ular "x "$tion of th" film riti Paulin" 4a"l. 4a"l i& )nown for ha1in' +""n fr"5u"ntly riti al of #tr""$%& $"rforman "&, a )nowl"('in' that #tr""$ ,$ut& thou'ht an( "ffort into h"r wor)% +ut that ,h"r mo1i" h"roin"& (on%t &""m to +" full hara t"r&, 6with7 no in i("ntal 8oy& to +" ha( from wat hin' h"r.%1 Althou'h . woul(n%t 'o a& far a& 4a"l, an( &ay that #tr""$ $lay& hara t"r& that ar" "m$ty an( un on1in in', . "5ually (o not fin( th" un riti al aw" that $"o$l" fin( th"m&"l1"&

Pauline Kael, Tootsie, Gandhi, and Sophie in Taking It All In, !e" #or$% &olt 'inehart and (inston, 19)4*, p 4+5,

A94500705 Murray -

in wh"n "xaminin' h"r ar""r, l"a(in' to omm"nt& &u h a& ,M"ryl%& 'ot to +" on" of tho&" $h"nom"na, li)" Gar+o, that ha$$"n on " in a '"n"ration%,! or, ,Th"r"9& only &o mu h you an "x$lain a+out what &h" (o"&. Th"r"9& &om"thin' "l&" at wor) th"r" that may +" mor" in th" at"'ory of 9'ift.9 .t ("fi"& "x$lanation.%:unh"l$ful. . +"li"1" that what 4a"l wa& allu(in' to with h"r omm"nt& i& that M"ryl #tr""$ ha& a &tyl", a mann"r of a tin' that i& ommon to mo&t of h"r film&. Althou'h &h" un(ou+t"(ly 1ari"& h"r $"rforman "&, mo&t nota+ly with h"r a om$li&h"( u&" of (iff"r"nt a "nt& throu'hout h"r ar""r from "arly film& &u h a& The Deer Hunter, to h"r mo&t r" "nt wor), Doubt, "rtain trait& an( ("1i "& an +" noti "( a'ain an( a'ain, +rin'in' to lif" hara t"r& with that ,#tr""$ &tam$% that &""m& to 'uarant"" &u "&& in th" +ox offi " an( riti al a laim worl(wi(". The Deer Hunter an( Sophies Choice ar" two of #tr""$%& mo1i"& wh"r" &h" u&"& &imilar ("1i "& to $"rform h"r hara t"r&. Althou'h th" rol"& of ;in(a an( #o$hi" <awi&tow&)i ar" 1"ry (iff"r"nt, with +oth wom"n omin' from (iff"r"nt ountri"&, &ituation& an( +a )'roun(&, th"r" ar" "rtain (ay to (ay &ituation& that ar" ommon to +oth hara t"r&, an( it i& in #tr""$%& $"rforman " of th"&" mom"nt& that analo'i"& an +" noti "(. =or in&tan ", +oth wom"n a t flirtatiou& an( inno "nt with m"n in th"&" r"&$" ti1" mo1i"&. .n The Deer Hunter, ;in(a i& +a&hful an( ("mur", y"t o5u"tti&h wh"n (an in' with Mi ha"l, Ro+"rt (" >iro%& hara t"r. #h" +lu&h"&, 'i''l"&, a t& aw)war( an( fr"5u"ntly a&t& h"r "y"& (own, a& thou'h &h" wi&h"& to loo) mo("&t an( &hy, or (o"& not )now wh"r" to loo), y"t al&o an +" &""n to &mil" &" r"tly an( ha$$ily to h"r&"lf. #h" al&o &$"a)& in a +r"athy, 'irly 1oi ". Althou'h th" hara t"r of #o$hi" i& that of a mor" onfi("nt an( "x$"ri"n "( woman, #tr""$ &till u&"& om$ara+l" ("1i "& in $ortrayin' h"r $l"a&ur" at 4"1in 4l"in%& hara t"r, >athan ;an(au%& att"ntion&. #h" too +lu&h"&,

Mi$e !i.hols, 'e/ardin/ Meryl, http%00""",1erylstreeponline,net0 , 2arl 3ran$lin, 'e/ardin/ Meryl, http%00""",1erylstreeponline,net0

A94500705 Murray +

&$"a)& in a 'irly, +r"athy fa&hion, &mil"& to h"r&"lf, 'i''lin' an( a&tin' h"r "y"& (own in an im$r"&&ion of mo("&ty, that i& $r"&uma+ly &u$$o&"( to +" &imultan"ou&ly oy. Th"&" oy, &"lf &ati&fi"( 'lan "&, tou h"& an( &la$& that #o$hi" "m$loy& with >athan an al&o +" &""n to +" u&"( +y ;in(a wh"n &h" flirt& with Mi ha"l wh"n h" r"turn& hom" from ?i"tnam an( th"y ar" wal)in' (own th" &tr""t to h"r $la " of wor). 0oth wom"n &""m orr"&$on(in'ly $l"a&"( with th"m&"l1"& an( &li'htly $o&&"&&i1" wh"n in th" $r"&"n " of th" r"&$" ti1" m"n. Th" un "rtainty an( (i& omfort +oth th"&" wom"n "n(ur" i& al&o &om"thin' that i& mirror"( in +oth mo1i"&. @h"n ;in(a an( #o$hi" ar" un&ur" of th"m&"l1"&, or a &ituation, th"y on&tantly loo) aroun(, not allowin' th"ir fo u& to &"ttl" on any on" thin' or $"r&on. Thi& i& &""n in The Deer Hunter at "rtain mom"nt& with Mi ha"l, li)" wh"n ;in(a +" om"& un&ur" a+out (an in' with him, or wh"n h" om"& hom" from th" war an( &h" i& a&)in' him a+out >i ), th"ir mutual fri"n(. An "xam$l" of #o$hi"%& un "rtainty an( (i& omfort i& wh"n &h" +rin'& #tin'o (inn"r aft"r h"r o$"nin' fi'ht with >athan. #h" i& l"arly "m+arra&&"(, an( un&ur" what to (o with #tin'o%& in1itation to "nt"r hi& room, an( #tr""$ ("mon&trat"& thi& (i& omfort with #o$hi"%& on&tantly &hiftin' "y"& an( &low, &li'ht &mil" that (o"&n%t 5uit" loo) '"nuin". Anoth"r mo1i" wh"r" #tr""$ li)"wi&" u&"& h"r "y"& to (i&$lay (i& omfort an( "m+arra&&m"nt i& in Postcards from the Edge, wh"n h"r hara t"r #uAann" ?al" wa)"& u$ in ho&$ital aft"r ha1in' h"r &toma h $um$"( followin' a (ru' o1"r(o&". #h" awa)"& to fin( a oun&"llor in h"r room, tryin' to &$"a) to h"r a+out th" $o&&i+l" &ui i(al t"n("n i"& &h" mi'ht ha1". ;i)" ;in(a an( #o$hi", #uAann"%& 'aA" &hift& ontinually in h"r (i& omfort, a& &h" a1oi(& loo)in' at th" oun&"llor if at all $o&&i+l". #imilariti"& an al&o +" not"( +"tw""n #tr""$%& $ortrayal of #uAann" $o&t3 &toma h $um$in', an( h"r $"rforman " of #o$hi", wh"n &h" i& &i ) in th" li+rary, 8u&t +"for" &h" i& &a1"( +y >athan. .n +oth th"&" in i("n "&, th" wom"n ha1" &imilar

A94500705 Murray 4

5ualiti"& of mo1"m"nt, &u h a& a w"a) flutt"rin' of th"ir han(&, $ath"ti tou hin' of th" fa ", (ry mouth& that th"y on&tantly o$"n an( lo&" in a &low mann"r whi h ma)"& a (ry, &i ), &ti )y &oun(, all om+inin' to &how th" 1i"w"r 8u&t how ill an( $hy&i ally traumati&"( th"&" wom"n ar". The Devil Wears Prada i& anoth"r mo1i" in whi h #tr""$ ma)"& a 1"ry ("finit" u&" of h"r "y"& to ("mon&trat" how h"r hara t"r, Miran(a Pri"&tly i& f""lin'. *ow"1"r, in&t"a( of (artin' h"r 'aA" aroun( to (i&$lay un "rtainty or (i& omfort, &h" u&"& th"m to &how Miran(a%& (i&a$$ro1al, or h"r $"r&onal o$inion of th" hara t"r with whom &h" i& int"ra tin'. -n" firm 'aA" from Miran(a i& "nou'h to ("mon&trat" th" hara t"r%& (i&$l"a&ur" without a n""( for & ri$t. #tr""$%& u&" of h"r &t"a(y 'aA" an( 'lan "& i& a &u in t way of r"1"alin' th" tra8" tory of th" hara t"r an( th" hara t"r%& o$inion&. -n" fli ) of h"r 'aA" in thi& mo1i" i& "nou'h to 5u"ll any on1"r&ation, an( h"r fir&t a$$ro1in' 'lan " at An(y, h"r &" on( a&&i&tant, who, $r"1iou& to that mom"nt in th" film ha( only +""n th" &u+8" t of loo)& of (i&'u&t or a$athy, i& "nou'h to l"t th" 1i"w"r )now that th" +alan " of $ow"r ha& &hift"( irr"1o a+ly +"tw""n An(y, an( th" fir&t a&&i&tant, Emily, om$l"t"ly han'in' th" (ynami & +"tw""n th"&" thr"" hara t"r& for th" r"&t of th" mo1i". A'ain, li)" th" $r"1iou& mo1i"&, #tr""$ u&"& h"r "y"& to au'm"nt th" & ri$t, ("1"lo$in' th" narrati1" in h"r own mann"r. Anoth"r ommon thr"a( that run& throu'hout many of #tr""$%& $ro8" t& i& h"r $ortrayal of a woman who i& $"rformin' an "motion, whil&t f""lin' anoth"r on", or i& un("r'oin' two "motion& at on ". Thi& o ur& in mo&t of #tr""$%& mo1i"&, an( a'ain, many $arall"l& an +" (rawn +"tw""n h"r $ortrayal& of &u h &ituation&, ("&$it" th" (i&$arity an( 1ari"ty "1i("nt in th" rol"& &h" $lay&. Thi& an +" &""n in film&, &u h a& The Deer Hunter Postcards from the Edge an( The Hours. .n all th"&" film&, #tr""$%& hara t"r& ar" un("r'oin' &om" &ort of int"rnal trauma or

A94500705 Murray 5

i&&u", +ut try to $r"t"n( oth"rwi&". Thi& manif"&t& it&"lf in all th"&" mo1i"& in a for "(, li'ht h"art"( ton" of 1oi " that i& 5uit" hi'h $it h"(, an( a +r"athin"&& in h"r 1oi " that mu&t +" m"ant to &""m 8olly, +ut &till (i&$lay& th" un "rtainty lyin' un("rn"ath. .t i& al&o $lay"( throu'h h"r "y"&, wh"r" &h" loo)& at &om"on" with a &mil" an( ha$$y "x$r"&&ion, +ut th"n wh"n &h" loo)& away, h"r "y"& &""m (i&tan "( an( (i&tra t"(, an( th"r" i& a l"ar (i& r"$an y +"tw""n th" "motion &h" ha( +""n (i&$layin' m"r"ly mom"nt& +"for", an( th" on" &h" i& $ri1at"ly &harin' +"tw""n 8u&t h"r&"lf an( th" au(i"n ". Exam$l"& of thi& an +" not"( for in&tan " in The Deer Hunter. Althou'h ;in(a i& flirtatiou& an( +a&hful wh"n &h" i& (an in' with Mi ha"l at th" w"((in', &h" &how& h"r onfu&ion with h"r f""lin'& a+out (an in' with Mi ha"l, an( h"r aff" tion for h"r +oyfri"n(, >i ), with &mall trou+l"( 'lan "& away, or o1"r Mi ha"l%& &houl("r wh"n &h" i& tal)in' to him, an( at tim"& h"r &$"" h &""m& for "fully h""rful rath"r than naturally &o. Thi& i& al&o h"ar( in Postcards !rom the Edge, wh"n #uAanna 'r""t& h"r moth"r, Dori& Mann, in th" (ru' r"ha+ilitation lini for th" fir&t tim". #tr""$ 'r""t& Dori& with an airy, "x$an&i1", ,*i Mamma%,4 whi h ha& an un("rlyin' ton" of r"&i'nation an( (i&a$$ointm"nt, an( "y"& that t"ll that Dori&% lat" arri1al i& not un"x$" t"(, y"t i& fru&tratin' an( (i&a$$ointin'. Thi& for "( li'ht3h"art"( an( offhan( 'r""tin' an( ton" an a'ain +" &""n in The Hours wh"n #tr""$%& hara t"r, Blari&&a ?au'han int"ra t& with h"r fri"n( Ri har( 0rown who i& &uff"rin' from A.D#, an( a'ain, wh"n &h" 'r""t& hi& "x3lo1"r ;oui& @at"r&. *"r for "( 8o1ial ton", with it& un("rlyin' lay"r of &a(n"&& an( ar" wh"n &h" i& &$"a)in' to Ri har( r"fl" t& ;in(a%& att"m$t at a ar"fr"" $ro8" t"( attitu(" in The Deer Hunter wh"n Mi ha"l ha& 8u&t r"turn"(, an( Blari&&a%& 'r""tin' of ;oui&, with o$"n arm&, a 8o1ial 1oi " an( 'uar("( "y"& i& r"mini& "nt of #uAanna an( Dori&% 'r""tin' in Postcards from the Edge. Th"&" mom"nt& of "motional am+i'uity that #tr""$

Postcards From the Edge, 4ir, Mi$e !i.hols, 5os An/eles, 2ali6ornia% 2olu17ia Pi.tures 2orporation, 1990*,

A94500705 Murray 8

$ortray& in th"&" hara t"r& ma)" #tr""$ &""m (i&tant, lo&t in h"r own worl(, an( in &om" r"&$" t& ol(, +ut in '"n"ral thi& r"$"at"( t" hni5u" &"r1"& w"ll to &how th" (ual f""lin'& of th" hara t"r&, ("&$it" ma)in' th"m &""m a +it aloof. .n Doubt, #tr""$ &till u&"& h"r "y"& to 'i1" th" hara t"r ("$th, +ut in a (iff"r"nt way. #h" )""$& h"r &t""ly 'aA" ar"fully &t"a(y throu'hout mo&t of th" mo1i", with a '"n"ral hint of (i&a$$ro1al an( a$$rai&al in h"r "y"&. .n th" oth"r mo1i"&, it wa& h"r 'lan "& an( $ri1at" loo)& that hint"( at or r"1"al"( hi(("n &" r"t& or "motion& that h"r hara t"r mi'ht ha1", +ut in Doubt, it i& th" &t"a(in"&& of h"r 'aA" an( th" la ) of un "rtain (artin' "y"& that )""$& th" 1i"w"r "nthrall"(, &u''"&tin' #i&t"r Aloy&iu&% hi(("n thou'ht& an( f""lin'&. 0y 'i1in' littl" away with h"r "y"& in thi& mo1i", #tr""$ )""$& th" oth"r hara t"r& an( th" au(i"n " 'u"&&in', an( h"n " &h" h"l$& )""$ th" narrati1" int"r"&tin'. Doubt i& a r"lati1"ly &tati mo1i", with th" & ri$t r"1"alin' a lot of how th" 1ariou& hara t"r& ar" f""lin'. Th"r"for", #tr""$ &""m& to hoo&" to "n'a'" in an o$$o&it" a$$roa h to h"r oth"r mo1i"& with h"r "y"&, y"t &till &"r1in' th" &am" $ur$o&", h"n " &ti )in' to h"r &tyl" whil&t &imultan"ou&ly alt"rin' it to "nhan " th" film. #tr""$ al&o ha& a t"n("n y to u&" h"r han(& an( fi('"tin' to &how a'itation, "motion, or (i&tra tion. =or in&tan ", in Sophies Choice, &h" fi('"t& with h"r f"ath"r +oa wh"n &h" i& tal)in' a+out h"r $ainful $a&t, or in Postcard from the Edge, &h" i& ontinually tou hin' h"r fa " in anxi"ty in mom"nt& of (ur"&&. #imilarly in The Hours, th"r" ar" &hot& &howin' h"r $layin' with h"r num"rou& &il1"r +ra "l"t& an( +an'l"& wh"n &h" i& u$&"t. .n Doubt, it i& h"r ro&ary +"a(& with whi h &h" fi((l"& r"&tl"&&ly, to $hy&i aliA" th" un"a&in"&& in th" min( of h"r hara t"r, #i&t"r Aloy&iu&. #h" al&o hol(& h"r loa) a& thou'h &h" i& hol(in' a +a+y wh"n &h" i& onfrontin' =ath"r =lynn a+out why h" ar"& for th" youn' +oy, Donal( Mill"r. A'ain, #tr""$ i& u&in' h"r han(& in a &u+tl" way to &how what i& 'oin' on +"n"ath th" &urfa " of h"r hara t"r. Althou'h

A94500705 Murray 7

&h" i& $r"&"ntin' a tou'h "xt"rior an( &tron' front in h"r onfrontation with =ath"r =lynn, th" a ti1ity of h"r han(& r"1"al& th" &oft"r, mor" mat"rnal an( arin' &i(" of #i&t"r Aloy&iu&. Thi& i& a l"1"r ("1i " for #tr""$ to u&", a& in thi& mo1i" h"r hara t"r i& not a 1"ry &ym$ath"ti on". .t woul( +" "a&y for th" au(i"n " to &wit h off, an( not +"li"1" in h"r au&", "&$" ially wh"n non" of th" oth"r hara t"r& (o. *ow"1"r, th" "ntir" film i& o u$i"( with )""$in' th" au(i"n " in an am+i'uou& &tat", won("rin' who i& a fault. Th" u&" of h"r han(& in thi& way i& a 'oo( non 1"r+al a tin' ("1i " to a hi"1" #tr""$%& aim& with h"r hara t"r. .n mo1i"& &u h a& Doubt an( The Devil Wears Prada wh"r" #tr""$ $lay& a &t"rn"r hara t"r than tho&" in The Deer Hunter Postcards from the Edge an( The Hours, #tr""$ fr"5u"ntly u&"& h"r mouth to &how h"r (i&a$$ro1al, an( to "n a$&ulat" h"r hara t"r. .n The Devil Wears Prada th" thin, har( lin" of h"r mouth &$"a)& 1olum"& a+out h"r hara t"r +"for" &h" "1"n o$"n& it to &$"a). .t i& l"ar that &h" i& a tou'h hara t"r who f""l& &h" i& a+o1" h"r &urroun(in' "n1ironm"nt an( $"o$l", an( any mini& ul" mo1"m"nt of that har( lin" of li$&, &u h a& a &li'ht $ur&", or a m"r" hint of a &mil" t"ll& th" au(i"n " a& mu h a& th" & ri$t (o"& a+out how Miran(a Pri"&tly i& f""lin'. #imilarly in Doubt, #tr""$ $lay& a ool, har( hara t"r that i& in ontrol in an in&titution. 2u&t li)" in The Devil Wears Prada, &h" u&"& h"r mouth fr"5u"ntly to r"1"al h"r hara t"r. #h" (o"& not ma)" any att"m$t to &mil", or $r"t"n( that thin'& ar" o)ay on th" &urfa ". ;i)" Miran(a Pri"&tly, #i&t"r Aloy&iu& i& a tou'h hara t"r that (o"& not ar" what $"o$l" thin) of h"r, a& lon' a& &h" a hi"1"& h"r aim&. Cnli)" in The Deer Hunter, Postcards from the Edge, an( The Hours, &h" (o"& not att"m$t 8o1iality, or a $arti ularly li'ht3h"art"( ton" of 1oi " to o1"r h"r inn"r trauma. *"r mann"r of mo1in' h"r mouth (i&$lay& 8u&t how unim$r"&&"( an( im$"n"tra+l" #i&t"r Aloy&iu& wi&h"& to +" 1i"w"(. #h" h"w& h"r foo( with a ("li+"rat" &lown"&& that &how& h"r to

A94500705 Murray )

+" a alm, unhurri"( woman in ontrol. #h" too, $ur&"& h"r li$& wh"n (i&$l"a&"(, an( an in5ui&iti1" o$"nin' of th" mouth, or 5ui ) (i&a$$ro1in' &huttin' of it ontrol& h"r har'"& an( f"llow nun&, 8u&t a& Miran(a Pri"&tl"y &imilarly mani$ulat"& th" +"ha1iour of tho&" aroun( h"r with th" mo1in' of h"r li$&. Althou'h #i&t"r Aloy&iu& an( Miran(a Pri"&tly ar" two 1"ry (iff"r"nt wom"n with almo&t o$$o&in' 1alu"&, #tr""$ &""m& to fin( li)"n"&&"& +"tw""n th" hara t"r&, an( u&"& om$ara+l" t" hni5u"& to +rin' th"&" 5ualiti"& to lif" on & r""n. .t i& un("nia+l" that M"ryl #tr""$ ha& ha( a 1ari"( an( &)ill"( ar""r &o far. Th" &h""r num+"r of -& ar h"r nomination& woul( att"&t to that. #h" ha& $lay"( (ru' a((i t"(, mi((l" a'"( wom"n, moth"r&, th" fa&hiona+l" h"a( of a worl( r"nown"( ma'aAin", an( a raAy wi(ow"(, &"nil" aunt who li1"& in r"lati1" i&olation on th" "('" of a la)". *"r un anny a$titu(" with a "nt& $ro+a+ly mat h"& th" tal"nt of any a tor wor)in' in *ollywoo( to(ay. *ow"1"r, . thin) it i& naD1" to laim that #tr""$ i& om$l"t"ly (iff"r"nt in "1"ry mo1i"E that &h" i& a '"niu& who &u ""(& in r"atin' a n"w, "ntir"ly fr"&h mann"r an( m"an& of $layin' "1"ry rol". ;i)" any $rof"&&ional, &h" ha& a +an) of tool& an( t" hni5u"& that &h" a$$li"& to th" 8o+ at han(, an( li)" any $rof"&&ional that i& "x "$tionally 'oo( at th"ir 8o+, h"r &"t of tool& i& r"fin"( an( w"ll wi"l("(. *ow"1"r, a& an +" &""n, &imilariti"& (o "xi&t +"tw""n h"r $ortrayal&. #h" u&"& &imilar t" hni5u"&, in (i1"r&" way&, to (iff"r"nt $ur$o&"& an( aim&, or in alt"rnat" om+ination& to a hi"1" th" n""(& of any on" film, +ut &h" (o"& wor) with what &h" )now&. M"ryl #tr""$ i& a fanta&ti a tr"&&. That mu h i& un("nia+l", +ut to laim that &h" ha& &om" &ort of ,ma'i % or ,&$" ial tou h% that annot +" a hi"1"( +y anyon" "l&" in th" +u&in"&& i& to ("ny h"r th" riti al a$$rai&al of h"r $"rforman "& an( an a )nowl"('m"nt of th" wor) an( &)ill that &h" ha& +uilt u$ o1"r h"r lon' ar""r that &h" ("&"r1"&.

A94500705 Murray 9

0i+lio'ra$hyF Bimino, Mi ha"l. The Deer Hunter. ;o& An'"l"&, BaliforniaF EM. =ilm&, 197G. Dal(ry, #t"$han. The Hours. ;o& An'"l"&, BaliforniaF Paramount Pi tur"&, !00!. =ran)"l, Da1i(. The Devil Wears Prada. ;o& An'"l"&, BaliforniaF =ox !000 Pi tur"&, !00H. =ran)lin, Barl. IR"'ar(in' M"rylJ. htt$FKKwww.m"ryl&tr""$onlin".n"tK. A "&&"( :K15K!009. 4a"l, Paulin". IToot&i", Gan(hi, an( #o$hi"J. .n Ta"ing #t $ll #n. >"w Lor)F *olt Rin"hart an( @in&ton, 19G4. P 4:5344:. >i hol&, Mi)".JR"'ar(in' M"rylJ. htt$FKKwww.m"ryl&tr""$onlin".n"tK. A "&&"( :K15K!009. >i hol&, Mi)". Postcards from the Edge. ;o& An'"l"&, BaliforniaF Bolum+ia Pi tur"& Bor$oration, 1990.

#hanl"y, 2ohn Patri ). Doubt. C#AF Goo(&$""( Pro(u tion&, !00G.

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