Understanding Reinforcement Exercise Sains SPM Bacteria

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Understanding Reinforcement Exercise

Chapter : Microorganisms and their effects on living things.

Subtopic : 1.1 The classification of Microorganisms
1. Microorganisms also known as ________________ are organisms which are very _____________ and cant
be seen by ______________. Microorganisms are only visible under _______________.
2. There are ___________ groups of microorganisms which are listed as below:
i) __________________
ii) __________________
v) __________________
3. Microorganisms are classiflied based on the following criteria:
a. ___________
b. ___________
c. _____________________
d. ___________
e. ___________
4. Mostly microorganisms are ___________ to us such as viruses and bacteria. However, there are certain
microbes which are beneficial to us such as __________ and algae.
Group : Bacteria
1. Bacteria are tiny _____________ microorganisms and abundantly found on Earth.
2. Bacteria mostly found in the _____________ places and also present in soil, water, ______ and
3. The general structure of a bacteria consist of ;
a) ________________ which is made up of protein and polysaccharides. It play the role in __________ the
____________ of the bacteria.
b) ____________________ which is _____________________ surrounding the cytoplasm.
c) __________________ which contain __________________, fats and proteins.
d) ________________ which are found abundantly in cytoplasm and not enclosed by the
4. Bacteria exist in ____________ shapes such as _____________ , _______________, ______________and
5. The bacteria are names according to their ______________ and _______________________.
6. The bacteria which exist in spherical shape are named as _________________.
7. The bacteria which exist in rod shape are named as ________________.
8. The bacteria which exist in comma shape are named as _________________.

9. The bacteria which exist in spiral shape are named as __________________.

10. The spherical shaped bacteria which arrange in chain are named as _________________.
11. The rod shaped bacteria which clump together are named as _____________________.
12. Bacteria are able to reproduce asexually and ________________.
13. The method of asexual reproduction carried out by bacteria are
a) __________________.
b) __________________.
14. The method of sexual reproduction which carried out by bacteria are known as _________________.
15. In the conditions which favor the growth of bacteria, bacteria will reproduce asexually through
16. There are four modes of nutrition among bacteria ;
a) ____________________________.
b) ____________________________.
c) ____________________________.
d) ____________________________.
17. Bacteria which able to make their own food are known as ___________________.
18. Bacteria which unable to make their own food are known as ___________________.
19. Bacteria carry out ___________ types of respiration which are
a) _______________________ ( A respiration process which need oxygen. )
b) _______________________ ( A respiration process which do not need ____________. )
Group : Fungi
1. Fungi are a group of plants which are not ___________ in colour because
2. Give 3 examples of microscopic fungi.
a) ______________________ b) ______________________ c)_______________________
3. __________________ are the large fungi.
4. Mostly fungi found in ___________________ places.
5. Fungi are __________________ because they are not able to produce their own food.
6. There is two types of nutrition modes for fungi, which are;
i) ___________________________
ii) __________________________
7. Saprophytes obtain their food from the dead or decaying matter. They absorb the nutrient from the
decomposed tissues of the host with the help of __________________.
8. Parasites obtain their food from __________________. They absorb the nutrients from the living hosts.

9. Fungi reproduce asexually and ___________________.

10. There are 2 types of asexual reproduction found in the fungi.
a) _________________________
b) _________________________
11. The sexual reproduction is carried out by the fungi when the surrounding condition is
Group: Protozoa
1. Protozoa are the biggest _______________ microorganisms.
2. They are considered as animal cell because they share the same general structure of animal cell.
3. Protozoa exist in various shapes such as slipper shaped ( __________________ ), round
( _________________ ) and indefinite shape ( ________________ ).
4. Mostly protozoa found in ______________. Some protozoa also found in the _____ or living inside the
____________ host as _____________.
5. Generally, protozoa are __________________ which mean they are unable to produce their own food.
6. There are two types of heterotrophic nutrition;
a) Parasitism (stay in the living __________ to obtain nutrients.)
b) ______________ (digest the ________ or decaying bodies to obtain ________).
7. Certain protozoa are able to produce their own food and they are known as ________________.
Euglena sp is an example of protozoan that able to make their own food because it has _____________
pigment which green in colour.
8. Protozoa can reproduce asexually and _________________.
9. The protozoa carry out asexual reproduction through ___________________.
10. The protozoa carry out sexual reproduction through ____________________.
11. Protozoa perform _______________ respiration which occur in the present of oxygen gas.
12. Draw the illustration for protozoa below;

Paramecium sp

Amoeba sp

Euglena sp
Group : Virus
1. Viruses are the ________________ microbes.
2. Viruses exist in various shapes or forms such as _______________, _______________and
3. Virus has a simple structure. They do not have a ________________, ______________ or
4. There is 2 components which make up the virus, which are;
a) _____________________________
b) _________________________________
5. Viruses do not carry out any _______________________ such as respiration and nutrition.
6. Virus exist in ________________ form if it is outside of the living cell or another organisms.
7. Viruses behave like ________________ when inside the cell or organisms.
8. Draw the life cycle of bacteriophage

9. Give examples of viruses

a) _______________________________
b) _______________________________

c) _______________________

Group : Algae
1. Algae are the simple plant which do not have __________, _______________ and
2. They may be _________________ or multicellular.
3. Algae may be exist in the following forms or shapes.
a) _______________________
b) ________________________

c) _________________________

4. List out the structures in an algae.

a) ___________________________
b) ___________________________
c) ___________________________

d) __________________________
e) __________________________

5. Algae are __________________ because they are able to carry out ____________________ to produce
their own food.

6. Algae reproduce asexually and ___________________. Binary fission and ___________________

are the asexual reproduction method found in algae.

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