Resignation Letter

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The Manager Alissa Auto Company RIYADH SAUDI ARABIA , KSA

Dear Sir, I would like to resign my position as Auto Te !ni ian wit! Alissa Auto Company to lea"e April #, $%&' I would like to take t!is opportunity to say t!at making t!is de ision !as (een di))i ult, as working at Alissa Auto Company !as (een su ! a positi"e e*perien e and one )or w!i ! I am grate)ul+ I !a"e gained mu ! !ere and !a"e en,oyed working wit! you and my ot!er olleagues in ser"i e department+ I wis! ser"i e department and Alissa Auto Company e"ery su ess in t!e )uture and t!ank you )or t!e opportunities I !a"e (een gi"en during my time !ere and lastly an I re-uest )or s an .mployment erti)i ate and sent to my email /ar,aypere0$%&%1ya!oo+ om2+ 3ore power to t!e ompany, long li"e A4ISSA5555 Yours sin erely,

AR6AY A+ 7.R.8

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