Lee Unit Project Rubrics

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Al-Andalus Research and Presentation Instructions Your group will have one whole class period to research your

religion, then you will have the following days class period to create a presentation and wrap up any loose ends on your research. Please carefully observe the provided rubric in order to get full credit for the different parts of this unit. I recommend that you divide and conquer these questions by assigning each group memb er one or two questions to concentrate on. Research Questions: 1) Give a summary of the tenants of your assigned religion as well as a brief timeline of events leading up to the Al-Andalus period. 2) What allowed your group to get along with people of other religions and cultures during the Al-Andalus period? 3) What commonalities do you see between your religion (and associated culture) and other existing cultures? 4) What critiques do you have of the Al-Andalus period? 5) What lessons can we learn from these harmonious times in history? 6) How can we apply our findings to our current civilization? Get started by checking out these sources for key search term ideas: http://www.sephardicstudies.org/islam.html http://www.alhewar.com/habeeb_salloum_islamic_tolerance_in_al-andalus.htm http://www.sephardicstudies.org/islam.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/history/spain_1.shtml The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain (check out our classroom Kindle version)

At least five additional resources must be used for full credit. You will need to utilize the Guidelines for Quality Sources handout as well as your favorite note taking style for this activity. A Rubric for this research project is provided below. Note: half credit or credit may be assigned as warranted. The homework Venn diagram can be found on the last page.

Rubric for Research, Resource Analysis, and Presentation (16 possible points) Quality Points Research Questions Covered in Presentation 4 All four questions are answered completely/ thoroughly in written research and are addressed during the presentation. Insightful information is given, and the student shows a deep understanding of their topic. Target of five resources is met or surpassed. Sources meet the guidelines for quality sources. 3 All four questions are present in written research and presentation, but they may not be answered completely/ thoroughly. Student shows some insight into their topic. 2 Not all questions are addressed in the written research or in the presentation, and/or these answers are very inadequately answered. Student shows little insight into their topic. 1 Only one or two research questions are addressed in the written research and during the presentation. Answers are very inadequate. Almost no insight into topic is displayed. 0 Questions are almost totally or totally unanswered in both written research and presentation. Student shows no insight into their topic.

Resources and Research

Only 4 resources are used. Not all of the sources meet the guidelines for quality sources.

Only 3 resources are used. Not all of the sources meet the guidelines for quality sources.

Only 2 resources are used. Not all of the sources meet the guidelines for quality sources.

Two or fewer resources are used. They may or may not meet the guidelines for quality sources.

Note-taking and Research Evaluation/Analy sis

Students use one of the note-taking styles taught in class. The notes communicate the research well, and capture the main ideas of the sources. Student verbally communicates all relevant information in a clear manner.

Student attempted to use one of the note-taking styles taught in class. The notes do not communicate the research well, or do not capture the main ideas of the sources.

Student struggled to implement one of the note taking styles taught in class. The notes do not communicate the research well, or do not capture the main ideas of the sources.

Student struggled to implement one of the note taking styles. The notes do not communicate the research well, or do not capture the main ideas of the sources.

Student did not take notes.


Citing Resources (2 total quality points)

Student verbally Verbally Relevant communicates communicated presentation nearly all relevant information is information is information in a unclear or not always difficult to pick out somewhat clear on topic. of the presentation. manner. Student has a visual Student has a visual Students visual is Student is lacking a that clearly assists that somewhat only somewhat visual or the visual is in communicating assists in helpful in minimally helpful to the presentation communicating the communicating the communicating the information. presentation presentation presentation information. information. information. Did student properly cite resources according to class standards of research? Yes

Students verbally presented information is not relevant. Student has no visual or visual is not relevant/helpful to the presentation. No

(6 possible points) Here, please score your group members participation as 1-5 (1 = poor group participation, 5 = an excellent group member). These scores will be averages from group members, with two possible additional points from the teacher.

Homework: Pulling it all Together (8 possible points) Use this Venn diagram to record all of your observations from the class presentations. Tenants of the religion, particularly relevant points in the religions history, as well as their part in Al-Andalus should be noted. The back of this sheet can be used for further observations and/or overflow space as needed.




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