Local Agenda 21

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NORSHARINA BT KAMSANI A133981 TASK 5 You are given a task by the mayor of your hometown to evaluate and give

suggestion on how to plan the town in accordance with Local Agenda 21. Write a brief report on your evaluation and suggestion.

Semenyih is a small town in Selangor, Malaysia, about 8 km southeast of Kajang along the Kajang-Seremban road. The town shares its name with the Semenyih River, which is the main river passing near the town. The catchment area of this river is an important source of water for Kuala Lumpur and other parts of the Klang Valley. The surrounding area is quite hilly, the highest peak nearby being Bukit Arang, 560 m (1838 ft) high. This makes the area home to numerous scenic waterfalls. The town is rapidly becoming more accessible, thanks to new highways such as the Kajang-Seremban Highway and the Kajang SILK Highway, and more attractive due to new development including, for example, the Malaysian campus of the University of Nottingham. This transformation from town to metropolis is also reflected in the growth in its population. The 15100 people recorded in the 1991 census had grown to over 45000 by 2000. This corresponds to an annual growth rate of 12.9%, compared with the national average of 2.66% over the same period.

1. Waste management Weak enforcement on waste management and most of the waste still goes straight to the landfill. Recycling rate is still under the Malaysian goal in 2020s that is to achieve recycling rate by 20%. Aimed at encouraging waste reduction and re-use, together with the promotion of home composting and curbside recycling schemes. environmental education in schools and the promotion of more sustainable waste management Reduce public consumption of products by raising awareness about the impact on finite natural resources and habitats. The volume of waste produced will be reduced. The volume of waste incinerated will be reduced by raising the waste recycling ratio. Food wastes will be reduced as much as possible

2. Public transportation system Most of the people in this town own a private transport. Therefore the usage of public transport is dominated by the school students and the foreigners. The public transport also unreliable therefore encourages more people to own transport. The usage of active transport is zero since there is no special lane or facilities for the cyclist. More frequent/reliable public transport Develop green commuter plans including car sharing schemes by employers Support/encourage financial incentives for use of public transport The environment for pedestrians will be improved. Transportation etiquette will be improved. The incidence of traffic accidents will be reduced. The use of bicycles will be increased. Improve pedestrian facilities, including safer routes to school. Create 'greener' town centers with restricted vehicular access Develop car free residential areas and traffic management initiatives to reduce numbers of vehicles.

3. Ecosystem There are still unexplored green areas but in the future the green areas will reduced due to the rapid development and increasing population. Develop air quality control tools within the city- enabling a rapid response (target: one hour, average response: 25 minutes) to pollution complaints and incidents, operating during the daytime, in the evenings and at weekends. Urban green areas will be created where cuckoos can be heard and squirrels can be seen running in play. Wetlands will be protected so that dragonflies may proliferate

4. Urban planning The urban planning is not really implemented. Urbanization is good for the sustainability of the town but the authorities should consider more about the people health and welfare especially the eldest and the handicapped. Green areas will be expanded. Basic facilities and environmental capacity will be considered during rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. Local community participation will be promoted.

5. Welfare The handicapped facilities is not available everywhere. Majority of the community members are men and lack in female participation. Convenience facilities for the handicapped will be expanded. An environment conductive to healthy youth will be created. Opportunities for the elderly will be expanded. Female participation in the community will be increased

6. Water The river is not taken care and people still dump the rubbish into the river. No crystal clear river is seen around the area. People should conserve the natural water resource for the future use and to avoid water scarce due to the climate change. The alternative for the water resources should be study more to cater the water demands. The water quality of streams will be improved so that we can enjoy water recreation activities. Our streams will be rushing with fresh, clean water. Per capita water consumption will be reduced. The natural environment of streams will be restored

7. Air Due to the usage of the motor vehicle the air pollution is getting worst. The constructions caused haze and unhealthy condition for the people. The construction near the residential area creates major air pollutants. Fossil fuel consumption will be reduced. Smog levels will be reduced. Motor vehicle emissions will be reduced. Noise and malodor will be reduced.

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