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CV Douglas McClure

Douglas McClure was born in Cape Town on October 12 1953. He was educated at is!ops and studied politics" p!ilosop!# and econo$ics at t!e %ni&ersit# o' Mic!igan in t!e %()" graduating in 19*5. %pon returning to (out! )'rica !e too+ a pri&ate pilot,s 'l#ing licence and a parac!uting course -ro$ late 19*. to 19** !e studied )'rican /o&ern$ent and 0olitics at t!e %ni&ersit# o' 1dinburg! in (cotland. 2n 19*3 !e wor+ed at t!e (out! )'rican 2nstitute 'or 2nternational )''airs as a 4esearc! )ssistant and lectured in t!e Depart$ent o' 2nternational 4elations at t!e %ni&ersit# o' t!e 5itwatersrand w!ere !e specialised in t!e (o&iet Militar#" t!e (o&iet na&al co$$it$ent to t!e 2ndian Ocean and t!e politics o' t!e 2ndian ocean littoral region. etween 19*9 and 1932 !e lectured in t!e Depart$ent o' 0olitical (cience at t!e %ni&ersit# o' Cape Town in co$parati&e politics" strategic studies" international relations and political s#ste$s. He also lectured on a regular basis at t!e (out! )'rican 6a&al (ta'' College on t!e Causes o' 5ar and 2nternational )''airs. During t!is period !e publis!ed a nu$ber o' articles on related topics and a s$all boo+ on t!e sout!ern )'rican strategic en&iron$ent. 2n 1933 !e 7oined t!e (out! )'rican roadcasting Corporation w!ere !e wor+ed as an 18ecuti&e 0roducer 9 0resenter in radio and tele&ision. 2n 199: !e 7oined t!e Depart$ent o' 0ublic 1nterprises as a co$$unication,s ad&iser to t!e Minister w!ere !e $anaged Ministerial liaison and co$$unication wit! all parastatal co$panies in (out! )'rica" ot!er Ministries" t!e pri&ati;ation unit and 0arlia$ent. He was later tas+ed to ser&e at t!e constitutional negotiations 'or a de$ocratic transition at t!e 5orld Trade Centre in <e$pton 0ar+ and a'ter t!e 199= elections in&ited b# t!e inco$ing )6C /o&ern$ent to sta# on in go&ern$ent and to assist wit! t!e transition. During t!is period !e wor+ed on t!e declassi'ication o' t!e (out! )'rican ato$ic bo$b pro7ect" t!e inter>continental ballistic $issile pro7ect" t!e dra'ting o' t!e 0resident,s Council report on 1cono$ic ?iterac# in (out! )'rica and t!e establis!$ent o' Denel @0t#A ?td. During !is period o' o''ice !e ser&ed t!ree (tate 0residents and t!ree Cabinet Ministers in t!e pri&atisation arena. He retired in 2::: but continues to lecture at local and international $ilitar# and 'inancial intelligence con'erences on t!e strategic en&iron$ent and international a''airs. He di&ides !is ti$e between (out! )'rica w!ere !is t!ree c!ildren are at sc!ool in CT" t!e %< and t!e %(. ) possible topic 'or a 50 $a# be B)l>Caeda 'act and 'ictionD. (cience would be t!e Euali'ication 'or consideration 'or ad$ission.

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