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History and values

ucta stands out in a business climate Furthermore, there is also a commitment

A FRAGRANT where medium-sized companies are not

renowned for devoting so much of their
resources to building up a strong interna-
tional presence. As it turns out, international
expansion has been a reality for the Spanish
Battling against the odds has never been alien
to Lucta. “Our company grew in the dim years
of post-civil war Spain where opportunities were
as limited as supplies. Yet by 1955 Lucta had
moved to its 3000m2 plant in Barcelona’s
to openness and social responsibility. “We
are members of Responsible Care, the
chemical industry’s association for the
encouragement of sustainable development
and the improvement of our health, safety

GLOBAL ENDEAVOUR manufacturer since it first opened shop in

Colombia and subsequently in the US some
35 years ago – at a time when this move was
unheard of for the mostly parochial Spanish
business community.
Numancia Street. Production remained
there until in 1975 we were rehoused to our
present location in Montornés del Valles –
just outside Barcelona – where we have a
60,000m2 manufacturing site and substan-
and environmental performance record at
national and global level. At a time when so
many doubts are being raised about the
chemical industry’s environmental impact,
our belonging to an organisation such as
“There is no question that we have tial office space at our disposal. That we Responsible Care exemplifies the business
Already present in countries as diverse as the USA, China, Brazil, Mexico and Poland, the Barcelona- achieved our objective of being a truly inter- were able to grow and spread out to other ethic under which we want to operate.”
national group,” declares managing director countries in that isolationist period of our
based Lucta is backed up by a history spanning over 50 years and a committed and motivated work- Carlos Prada. “Our next challenge is to history is quite remarkable,” says Mr Prada. Flavour and fragrance
force. On the brink of becoming a global player to be reckoned with in its three core segments of become global, something altogether dif- Today, Lucta is a melting pot of cultures Lucta’s product offering focuses on the three
fragrances, flavours and feed additives, Lucta has made a deliberate choice to concentrate on a ferent. The contrast between the two is and languages brought together by a broad segments of flavour, fragrances and feed
much more than word play. We want to number of core values that are very dear to additives. Lucta flavours can be found in
limited product offering to beat heavy-hitting international competitors. Oscar Del Santo reports. stand for quality and value everywhere by the company’s owners and managers. leading bakery, confectionery, dairy or meat
integrating and standardising our offering “We have strived to make Lucta a place products without forgetting the ever-growing
and being present in countries that give us where people want to stay, where they feel at snack foods niche; fragrances are ubiquitous in
access to key markets.” home as part of a community that stretches the household chemical sector in the likes of air
This, of course, is easier said than done. out far beyond Spain,” he continues. “It is fresheners, acid gels, multipurpose cleaners,
“We are facing tough competition from very fashionable these days to claim that dishwashing liquids or laundry detergents; feed
larger-sized household names,” he admits, people are your greatest resource: that has additives seek to help the palatability of animal
“but we are far from deterred. We are bet- been our business philosophy all along, as it chows with tailor-made solutions that are of
ting on specialisation coupled with a ‘going is proven beyond doubt by the fact that there great help for stockbreeders and farmers.
global’ approach to see us through.” And are a surprisingly large number of workers Benefiting from fairly benign market con-
this does not sound like a delusion of staying here for a significant proportion of ditions, the company posted a positive set
grandeur when one takes into account the their working lives. Like many others I have of results in 2005. Net income rose to just
origins of this ‘fragrant’ manufacturer. been at Lucta for 20-odd years.” above the €100 million mark with €102 mil-

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almost impenetrable for foreign producers. It force that exudes customer friendliness.” impact and be present in the world market with
was not until 2004 – when the team was In Central and South America, where products that are second to none in quality.
substantially reinforced by the enlisting of Lucta is very active and very profitable, When it comes to customer service, I do not
two vice presidents in charge of the fra- prospects are encouraging. Lucta believe we can be beaten. Our specialisation
grances and feed additives divisions, and Mexicana has been growing at a sustained policy gives us the edge in the sense that we
capacity was increased in the latter with a rate of 10 per cent over the past few years, can be very competitive and very knowledge-
new solids mixer – that Lucta began to reap with the flavours division surging up to 20 able in certain product areas.”
the harvest of its hard work in America. per cent. Exports to countries in the And there is going to be no letdown in
Sales have been growing ever since at a rate Andean area fuelled sales and boosted Lucta’s attachment to its traditional values.
of 10 per cent per annum. Lucta Grandcolombiana’s performance “We intend to continue investing 10 per cent
“We have to deploy an array of rather dif- to a staggering 50 per cent increase in of our sales in R&D – as we have been doing
ferent strategies in the markets in which we turnover last year. Lucta Brazil concentrate year in year out for a long time now – and
operate,” admits Mr Prada. “In Europe and on flavours for animal feeds and has a 60 offering the best possible working atmos-
the US we are facing consolidated markets per cent market share in the niche of phere for our staff. Paying decent salaries
that often prove themselves impervious to flavours for suckling piglets’ feed. wherever we operate and having a sincere
newcomers. One of the very few avenues and full appreciation of the human resource
left for growth is taking business from your A winning strategy as the greatest resource we have will continue
competitors by offering a better price and a “We may not be a major player in the world to be our trademark in the years to come.” ■
better service. That is why people are so market by sales volume,” concludes Mr Prada,
important and why we want to have a work- “but we are certainly determined to make an

lion, each of the three divisions accounting in sales that I cannot see altering unless The year 1998 was also when Lucta’s
for approximately one third of this figure. By something goes badly wrong. Altogether presence in China commenced. “I believe
area Europe represented 51 per cent of the we have four manufacturing sites outside we are all going to be dumbfounded at how
turnover, followed by Central and South Spain in the US, Mexico, Colombia and fast the Chinese market will develop in the
America with 26 per cent, Asia with 10 per China as well as offices and warehouses in next 10 years,” points out Mr Prada. “We
cent and the US the remaining three per Poland and Brazil.” wanted to establish a base from which to
cent. Lucta employs just over 500 people cover not just the Asian giant but neigh-
and all its manufacturing plants are ISO Growth and development bouring ASEAN countries as well. 2004
9001 and ISO 4001 certified. It is never easy for a medium-sized company was the first year when our subsidiary in
“For a company of our size,” declares Mr with limited resources to build up a strong Guangzhou began to export to ASEAN
Prada, “we have been faring extremely well presence in new markets. Yet Lucta has countries.” Lucta has been equally active
in the face of tough competition from the managed to do precisely that with a combina- in participating in relevant fairs like the
big boys. We have put a lot of time, effort tion of ingenuity, aggressive marketing and a International Fair of Animal Nutrition held in
and money into developing our presence in ‘stepping stones’ approach that is perfectly Shanghai a couple of years ago.
booming markets like China or Poland and illustrated by the growth and current success Carlos Prada is enthusiastic about the
the predictable payoff has been an increase of its Polish branch. company’s prospects in the region. “Against
In 1998 a sales agent was engaged and the backdrop of a booming economy and
only a year later a fully-fledged subsidiary ever-growing consumer and industrial
was opened with offices in Katowice, to the demand, the importance of our Chinese ven-
south of the country. Having initially concen- ture cannot be underestimated. We are
trated on feed additives, by the year 2000 the making heavy investment efforts and find our-
whole range was on sale and Lucta was selves in the process of setting up two new
already beginning to make an impact. A year divisions. We are hoping to spearhead our
later two area managers were appointed for Asian expansion from our Guangzhou base.”
the Fragrances and Flavours divisions to be The development of Lucta in the US pres-
joined in 2004 by another area manager in ents a contrasting picture. The American
Feed Additives. Today, Lucta prides itself in feed additives market is reputed to be one of
having attained a considerable degree of the most demanding in the world – with the
penetration in the promising Polish market. added caveat that it is considered to be

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