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8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan

!E"E# Culture, Dignity, and Identity CONCEP # Africa, Us, and the World African Americans In Post-Reconstruction America: contributions and challenges in the development of the global society CON EN OPIC# Investigating and researching the role of African Americans in the transformation of America: from Reconstruction to the Civil Rights movement to the present through fiction and nonfiction texts UNI I LE# Defining Po er in America

Unit $escripti%n# Unit $escripti%n# !his unit ill as" students to explore the impact of the
Progressive #ra on the lives of African Americans from $%%& to the present' (tudents ill examine pro)lems )rought on )y industriali*ation, increased migration, immigration and the gro th of cities' (tudents ill investigate African American experiences and contri)utions during the Progressive #ra, hat they )elieved in, hat pro)lems they hoped to solve, and hat methods they used' (tudents ill also assess ho successful they ere in solving these pro)lems' (tudents ill accomplish this )y analy*ing and interpreting a range of primary sources + including photographs, political cartoons, and documents' (tudents ill consider multiple perspectives on ,!he -reat .igration/ and the 0arlem Renaissance'

Len&th %f Unit: 1 Wee"s #nduring Understandin gs

$' African Americans played an integral role in developing the modern African American identity through the or"s of many African Americans throughout the Progressive #ra' 2' !he Progressive .ovement had a po erful and lasting impact on American life' 3' Pro)lems and solutions that faced Americans during the Progressive #ra that are still relevant to us today' Guidin& Essential Questi%ns# I5 0o do culture and identity influence ho e are6 II5 0o do time, culture and history influence or"s of art and7or the advancement of science and technology6 III5 What can I do to positively impact my community6 'eadin& '!()*8(+ Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources' '!()*8(2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source8 provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior "no ledge or opinions' '! )*8(, Analy*e in detail a series of events descri)ed in a text8 determine hether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them' '! )*8(- Determine the meaning of ords and phrases as they are used in a text, including voca)ulary descri)ing political, social, or economic aspects of history7social studies' .ritin&

#ssential 4uestions

Common Core (tandards



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
.!S ()*8(2 Write informative7explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures7 experiments, or technical processes' .!S ()*8(2/ Develop the topic ith relevant, ell9chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, :uotations, or other information and examples' .!S ()*8(2e #sta)lish and maintain a formal style and o);ective tone' .!S ()*8(0 Conduct short research pro;ects to ans er a :uestion <including a self9generated :uestion5, dra ing on several sources and generating additional related, focused :uestions that allo for multiple avenues of exploration' Spea1in& and Listenin& SL(8(2 Analy*e the purpose of information presented in diverse media and formats <e'g', visually, :uantitatively, orally5 and evaluate the motives <e'g', social, commercial, political5 )ehind its presentation' SL(8(- Present claims and findings, emphasi*ing salient points in a focused, coherent manner ith relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and ell9chosen details8 use appropriate eye contact, ade:uate volume, and clear pronunciation'

Cognitive ("ills

E2ecuti3e functi%ns Plan =lexi)ility: change direction if not or"ing8 adopt multiple approaches (trategy use: a)ility to reflect on strategy and select appropriate strategy hin1in& s1ills Reasoning a)out concrete items versus a)stract ideas Analy*ing7evaluating arguments Developing a logical argument Inductive reasoning: using specific examples7o)servations and forming a more general principal Deductive reasoning: use stated general premise to reason a)out specific examples Appreciation: recognition of the value of something


4uildin& 5n%6led&e hr%u&h e2ts #lements of culture include language, religion, clothing, race, and socio7economic customs Internal and external forces shape identity !he greatness of a culture can )e measured in various ays African Americans had an immense impact on the Identity of America )oth directly and indirectly

Assessments <=5 =ormative

=ormative assessments for this unit consist of: -uided Reading and -uided Writing, anecdotal notes, group meeting minutes, fre:uent chec"s for accomplishment of group and individual intermediate goals, reflections after each group meeting, summaries of select portions of text, exit slips, and expository riting samples in response to short, informational texts and the accomplishment of several stand9alone pro;ects hich ill )e a component of the final summative assessment'


<(5 (ummative

8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
-roups ill present a multimedia presentation on their individual topic pertaining to African Americans> contri)utions to the development of the modern American or African American Identity during the Progressive and person<s5 ho represent specific aspects of that issue, accompanied )y an individual essay, or an alternative ritten product that communicates ho the issue and person<s5 affected the development of early America and African Americans <in particular5 )oth positively and negatively' Primary (ource ?oo"s: Availa)le for do nload for free A Century of Negro Migration, ?y Carter -od in Woodson, $&$%, http:77)oo"s'google'com7)oo"s6 id@*nl2AAAA.AAABpg@PACDBd:@theEgreatEmigrationE E oodsonBhl@enBsa@FBei@nGP2Uay)I:HIyg-H1CCA?ABved@DCDD4GA# A4 Jv@onepageB:@theK2DgreatK2DmigrationK2DK2D oodsonBf@false The ournal of Negro !istory, edited )y Carter -od in Woodson, Rayford Whittingham Logan, $&$& http:77)oo"s'google'com7)oo"s6 id@1PHM.vsdp3.CBpg@PA%&Bd:@theEgreatEmigrationE E oodsonBhl@enBsa@FBei@nGP2Uay)I:HIyg-H1CCA?ABved@DC#.4GA# Ag Jv@onepageB:@theK2DgreatK2DmigrationK2DK2D oodsonBf@false Negro Migration "uring the #ar, ?y #mmett Aay (cott, $&2D http:77)oo"s'google'com7)oo"s6 id@cD"aAAAANAAABprintsec@frontcoverBd:@theEgreatEnegroEmigrationBhl@enBs a@FBei@y:!2UaCn?.eA:4-=tCDADABved@DCD%4GA# A4Jv@onepageB:@the K2DgreatK2DnegroK2DmigrationBf@false The negro migration of $%$&-$%$'( ?y 0enderson 0amilton Donald, $&2$ http:77)oo"s'google'com7)oo"s6 id@d#pFAAAANAAABpg@PA1$Bd:@theEgreatEnegroEmigrationBhl@enBsa@FBei@ y:!2UaCn?.eA:4-=tCDADABved@DC#s4GA# A Jv@onepageB:@theK2Dgreat K2DnegroK2DmigrationBf@false Internet Sites he !arlem 'enaissance# !he Li)rary of Congress: 0arlem Renaissance: !eacher>s -uide http:77 'loc'gov7teachers7classroommaterials7primarysourcesets7harlem9 renaissance7pdf7teacherOguide'pd !he 0istory Channel: http:77 'history'com7topics7harlem9renaissance P?(: 0arlem Renaissance http:77 'p)s'org7 net7aa orld7printa)leOpages7artfocusOD3Oprint'html Rollins University, The Prosaic Mosaic: )ora Neal !urston( http:77social'rollins'edu7 psites7mosaic9hurston72D$$7DP7$27the9harlem9 renaissance9a9social9documentary9through9art7 Chicago and ,!he -reat .igration,/ )y Aames R' -rossman http:77 'li)'niu'edu7$&&G7iht32&G33'html =ly A ay: !he -reat .igration:

!ext7 Resources



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
http:77north)ysouth'"enyon'edu7$&&&7index'htm In .otion: !he African American #xperience + !he -reat .igration http:77 'inmotionaame'org7home'cfm8;sessionid@f%3D3CDDD2$3PCD33DPGPDP6 )hcp@$ ?lues, Aa** and !he -reat .igration http:77faculty' ashington'edu7gregory;7greatmigration7;a**'htm

=rom .atricide to the 0arlem Renaissance %20art/amerwom05/harlemrenaissance.html 0arlem Renaissance, http:77nachalooman'files' ordpress'com72D$D7DC7harlem3';pg ( eet 0ome Chicago: !he ?lues .oves to the City !he -reat .igration sa millions of rural southern ?lac"s move to the ur)an areas of the north99and they )rought the )lues to the City as technology created the means to transform the orld of music' !arlem 'enaissance $%cumentary fr%m the !ist%ry Channel http:77youtu')e7& 4R#$eg4QI ( eet 0ome Chicago and the -reat .igration Li)rary of Congress http:77memory'loc'gov7ammem7aaohtml7 Document ?ased 4uestions Pac"et http:77 D?49RappRoad9!he-reat.igration'pdf 'al)anypine)ush'org7pdf7Lesson9

$5 0arlem Renaissance7 ?lac" Chicago Renaissance, impact of African Americans on American culture through the arts and Literature'

a5 The !arlem Renaissance: *lac+ American Traditions by Patricia =lynn

http:77 'yale'edu7ynhti7curriculum7units7$&%%727%%'D2'D2'x'html ')lac"chicagorenaissance'org7

)5 ?lac" Chicago Renaissance, http:77 c5 0istory of the 0arlem Renaissance


')iography'com7tv7classroom7harlem9renaissance 'theroot'com7multimedia7 or"9live9

25 African American #ntrepreneurs'

a5 Wor" to Live, #arn to .ultiply, http:77


)5 African American entrepreneurs =rom $GDD to the present http:77 'palm)eachschools'org7sc7AfricanAmerican(tudies7documents7Unit2 &'pdf 7ield rips Chess 'ec%rds 8 .illie $i2%n9s 4lues !ea3en.e/# /lueshea3en(c%m2120 ,outh Michigan Avenue-$.-'/'-$.'&( Admission: 0$/ !he recording studio here .uddy Waters, 0o linR Wolf, Willie Dixon, and Chuc" ?erry made some of their )est music is no a museum' ?lues acts perform outside in the summer' Call )efore you go, since opening hours are limited' $uSa/le "useum %f African*American !ist%ry#eb: 'dusa)lemuseum'org 12/ 3ast 4&th Place%21-/&//,tudent admission: 0.!he Du(a)le .useum is



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
dedicated to the collection, preservation, and interpretation of the history and culture of Africans and Americans of African descent' !he museum sponsors a film series, ;a** and )lues concerts, and film and theater events geared to children' Intuit# he Center f%r Intuiti3e and Outsider Art #eb: 'art'org14& North Mil5au+ee Avenue-$.-.2--%/''(ince $&C1, Chicago artists and collectors have )een interested in outsider art created )y untrained artists, many of hom ere rural African Americans, eccentrics, isolates, compulsive visionaries, or mentally ill' Sites f%r 'elated Ima&es and 'es%urces# he Great "i&rati%n# (chom)urg Center for Research in ?lac" Culture, http:77 'inmotionaame'org7gallery7index'cfm6 migration@%Btopic@&&Btype@imageB)hcp@$ http:77 'intimeandplace'org7-reatK2D.igration7images7la rence'html !he -reat .igration, !ime and Place: Aaco) La rence http:77 'p)s'org7the)lues7classroom7do nloads7southOnorthOgreatOmigration'pd f Li)rary of Congress, http:77 'loc'gov7exhi)its7african7afamD$$'html

Learning Activities

eacher ill meet daily ith each group to instruct students on specific reading7researching strategies and the s"ills students ill need to comprehend the texts for this unit and to complete their assigned tas"s' Student Gr%ups ill conduct discussions, rite routinely, and report findings discovered through their research groups' !eacher explains procedures for participating ithin their group activities' !eacher can use ,fishbowl strategy to demonstrate ho small groups conduct discussions around texts' <(L'P'$5 !eacher assigns groups )ased on varying learning styles and a)ility levels paying extra attention to ensure ell )alanced groups' <(L'P'$5 !eacher provides )rief book talk of each extended text and ensures students are comprehending texts' <R0'G'%'$',R0'G'%'C'5 !eacher models ho to ta"e Cornell notes hile reading a text' As they>re reading the text, students practice close reading <and other strategies learned during mini9lessons5 to search for and record elements that are essential in identifying their topic7person<s5 uni:ue characteristics and contri)utions' <R0'G'%'$', R0'G'%'2', R0'G'%'&'5 (tudents meet 293 times per ee" in their groups and use their notes to anchor their discussions and to develop their plans for their final pro;ect' (tudents rite reflections follo ing each group meeting' <(L'P'$', (L'P'2'5 Using the #ssential 4uestions as a guide, students rite summaries of select portions of their selected texts' <W0(!'G9%'2', W0(!' G9%'%5 (tudents share the content from their literature circle text ith the hole class, so that all students are familiar ith the diverse texts' <(LP'C5 .ini9lessons7Activities for !eaching Writing to Develop and Convey Understanding, Cite #vidence, and to (tudy and Apply Language Conventions' <W0(!'G9%'P', W0(!'G9%'%'5



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
!eacher revie s guidelines and ru)ric for Performance Assessment: -roups ill present a multimedia presentation on their individual topic accompanied )y an individual essay, or alternative ritten product that communicates ho African Americans responded to issues )rought a)out )y the Progressive #ra' <R0'G9%'P, R0'G9%'%, W0(!'G9%'P, W0(!'G9%'%, W0(!'G9%'&, (L'P'C, (L'P'15 !eacher ill return to the shorter informational texts, as ell as images <such as photos5, to model ho to construct the different parts of an informative7explanatory piece, including ho to introduce a topic, ho to organi*e the parts of the essay, ho to use textual evidence to support the essay, hat other types of evidence should )e used as support, ho to use transitions, etc' <R0'G9%'$, R0'G9%'1, R0'G9%'P5 (tudents ill use select informational texts, as ell as images that they>ve gathered, to practice composing each part of the informative7explanatory essay' <W0(!'G9%'%5 (tudents ill spend time gathering evidence for the Performance Assessment, hich includes using their notes to list specific evidence from their group readings that can )e used for their pro;ect' (tudents ill also record evidence from the short informational texts that ere read in and outside of class' <R0'G9%'P', W0(!'G9%'%'5 (tudents ill )e engaged in the riting process, including )rainstorming, gathering evidence, drafting, revising, and editing' !eacher ill confer ith students through independent or guided riting conferences' <W0(!'G9%'C',

Wee" $

!he teacher ill introduce the unit )y pro;ecting a familiar image of either African Americans exerting agency either through the artsi or through politicsiiiii'/ !he teacher ill as" students to ta"e part in a ,(ee !hin" Wonder/ <Attachment A5' !hrough the (ee !hin" Wonder protocol, students ill )e guided to define the various meanings of po er and the implication of these meanings on American society' After a hole group discussion, students ill participate in a ,?rainstorm Carouseliv,/ a cooperative learning activity that can )e used )oth to discover and discuss )ac"ground "no ledge prior to studying a topic' !he carousel ill provide scaffolding for ne information to )e learned through movement, conversation, and reflection' (tudents ill visit various stations around the room and respond to images, :uotes and prompts <ex': !o5 did the Progressive 3ra affect African Americans and ho5 did it help to create American and6or African American Identity7 !he techni:ue allo s for small group discussion, follo ed )y hole9class reflection in hich students discuss the nature of identity, the various forms of identity <personal, cultural, family, group5 and ho identity can )e defined in a variety of ays' (tudents ill share out their findings )oth ver)ally and in a :uic" rite exit slip at the end of class'

Wee" 2

'esearch roup !e"elopment/#eadin$ Writin$ Workshops #xplain the final performance assessment and Participation Pie' #xplain ru)rics7hand out ru)rics' Assign groups according to varied learning preferences' 0old the first group organi*ing meeting to assign roles

!ifferentiated %trate$ies for &aried 'earnin$ (rofiles Informational texts ill )e



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
including leader7teacher interface representative and recorder7secretary to "eep trac" of each meeting and each student>s progress through the pro;ect' Discuss the concept of historical context and read )ac"ground information concerning the elements that gave rise to the 0arlem Renaissance' <#xit slip: formative assessment5 !eacher ill )egin mentoring Cornell note ta"ing )y modeling Cornell Iotes on the )oard and in the small group setting' (tudents ill )egin reading and ta"ing notes to use as evidence in their final Performance Assessment' !eacher ill instruct students on ho to Read Li"e an 0istorian and elements of riting expository essays' http:77o l'english'purdue'edu7o l7resource7G%17D27 (tudents ill meet ith their groups and continue researching their topic and person<s5' .id ee" is group share out and reflection <formative assessment5' Continued research, discussion and riting instruction' availa)le in a variety of formats including audio, visual and tactilely' !as"s ill have components that allo for students to use visual, oral and tactile as ell as "inesthetic s"ills to express "no ledge gained' (tudents ill )e a)le to ta"e o nership of tas"s through the use of ,Choice ?oards/ and ,Learning Centers'/ (upply the material ith the varied amount of print, varied text structures and extensive graphic support )ased on students> instructional levels' Use videos to enhance comprehensio n through auditory and visual modes' Allo )rief, cooperative )rainstorming to activate prior "no ledge and ma"e

Wee" 3

'esearch and $e3el%pment roup (roblem %ol"in$/)nitial (reparations for (erformance *ssessments' !eacher ill meet extensively ith each individual group to assess progress and proffer )oth advice and guidance to address any deficiencies in research group productivity' (tudents ill complete first draft of individual essay portion of the Performance Assessment' (tudents ill peer revie first drafts and edit7revise their essays prior to second draft' (tudents ill complete second draft of individual essay' ?y this time students should have a clear understanding of their assigned topic



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
predictions' Ad;ust the complexity, a)stractness, type of response necessary, and connections re:uired )et een topics )ased on readiness and learning profile' #sta)lish clear criteria for success' Use ait time )efore ta"ing student ans ers' If appropriate, give students a chance to tal" to partners or rite do n their ans ers )efore responding' Provide clear guidelines for group functioning that are taught in advance of group or" and consistently reinforced'

Wee" C

Presentati%ns roup and )ndi"idual (erformance *ssessment +inal %ta$e !e"elopment !eacher ill monitor group and individual progress to ards completion of the group pro;ect for the final Performance Assessment' (tudents ill perform one last peer revie of individual expository essays' !eacher ill meet ith each student to assess their performance to date and to address any areas of possi)le deficiency and offer multiple path ays

Provide extensive, consistent models of literacy, modeling reflection in thin"9 alouds ith stress on active reading Provide concrete examples, organi*ers, and



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan
to accomplish the tas"s at hand' (tudents ill finali*e their -roup Pro;ects for the final Performance' (tudents ill finali*e their individual essay for the final Performance !as" and hand it in to the teacher on =riday' demonstrations

Wee" 9 1

(resentations, *ssessments, #eflection !eacher ill hand )ac" graded essays ith opportunity for students to revise for a )etter grade if needed' (tudents ill present their findings and completed pro;ects via multimedia or some other approved method of presentation including oral, theatric, ritten, video, or etc' !hursday: (tudents ill conduct a (ocratic round ta)le )ased on the :uestion ,Is modern African American identity a reflection of the Progressive #ra and7or the 0arlem Renaissance6 -omework o"er the weekend: (tudents ill rite a t o9page reflection and criti:ue of the finished pro;ect to )e emailed to the teacher )y .onday morning'



8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan

:See hin1 .%nder; Step +( O/ser3ati%n :See; A' (tudy the image for 2 minutes' =orm an overall impression, then examine individual items' Iext, divide the image into :uadrants and study each section to see hat ne details )ecome visi)le' ?' Use the chart )elo to list people, o);ects, and activities you see in the image' Nou can or" individually or ans er as a group' People H);ects Activities

Step 2( Inference ,!hin"/ ?ased on hat you have o)served a)ove, list three things you might infer from this image' What does it ma"e you thin"6 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O U$D


8th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Unit Plan








What Is a Carousel ?rainstorm6 Whether activating )ac"ground "no ledge or chec"ing understanding after studying a topic, a carousel )rainstorm allo s you to have students pull out and thin" a)out hat they "no a)out su)topics ithin a larger topic' 0o Does It Wor"6 ?egin )y putting students in groups of 3 or C' -ive each group a sheet of ne sprint7chart paper' #ach groupRs

sheet has a different su)topic ritten on it' Hne student serves as the recorder and has a particular color of magic mar"er' #xplain that the students ill have a short time <say, 3D seconds5 to rite do n on their chart paper all the terms they can thin" of that they associate ith their topic' #xplain upfront that you ill then have them pass their sheet over to the next group, and a ne topic ill )e passed to them' .a"e it clear hich direction youRll have them pass the sheets so that this is orderly AID so that each group ill receive each of the su)topic sheets' At the end of the 3D seconds, tell them to cap their mar"ers, remind them to "eep their mar"ers, )ut have them pass their sheets to the next group according to the pre9determined path for passing' After three or four passings, you ill pro)a)ly ant to extend the riting time to CD seconds, then C1 seconds, and perhaps up to a minute, )ecause all the easy ideas ill have )een ta"en )y previous groups, and the students ill need more time to tal" a)out and thin" of other terms to )e added to the )rainstorm list' Seep having students )rainstorm, rite, and pass until each group has had a chance to add ideas to each of the su)topic sheets' Let them pass it the final time to the group ho had each sheet first'

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