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Conversation 1 Conversation between mother and her son.

. Mother John Mother John Mother John Mother John Mother Come here John. What have you been doing yourself to get into such mess? What Mess? What mess, Indeed !oo" at your coat, all covered #ith dust. $h %hat&s nothing, mother. It #ill soon brush off. 'our shirt is dirty, and shoes are unlaced. What an untidy boy you are Mother I&ve been (laying #ith my friends. %hat&s no e)cuse. !oo" at your hands, all covered #ith dust* all muddy. What #ill your father say #hen he comes home. I don&t care. +on&t you? 'our father #ill soon ma"e you care #hen he comes home ,.. -o#, listen 'ou go in at once and clean yourself u(, #ash your face and hands. .ut on a clean shirt, and lace u( your shoes, and (ic" u( all these (lay things and "ee( them a#ay. John Mother John Mother John Mother $h /ervant can do that, mother. -o, servant shalln&t do that. 'ou made the mess, you #ill clean it u(. 'ou must learn to hel( yourself. What a bother 'es, It is a bother. 0ut, you are much greater bother to me. I am sorry mother. I&ll really try to be a better. %hat&s a nice idea. I #ant my son to be a good boy.

Conversation 2 Conversation between two boys watching a cricket match. /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run /mith 1run 0oth Come on 1run. 2ere is a seat. 'ou are 3ust in time to see the end of the match. /orry I couldn&t get a#ay from my office before. 2o# do #e stand? %he other side #ere all out for 456 runs, and our team has made 478 runs, and there are only three more #ic"ets, and half an hour to (lay. 1h It&s going to be an e)citing finish. Who are in no#? +oshi and Madanlal. /abash Well hit It&s a boundary for Madanlal. 'es, he is in good form, and he has already made 96 runs. 1h +oshi has got the ball a#ay, three runs for that. $h What a (ity +oshi caught out, and still eight runs to ma"e. Who is the ne)t man? %here he comes :a3u. I am afraid, he #on&t stay long. 2e is a 3olly good bo#ler but not bat. Well !et&s see 2o# is that -ot out. %han"s goodness Madanlal #as nearly stum(ed that time. Well done, Madanlal ;o on ;et another run. $h $nly t#o. 2ello %hey have changed the bo#ler. -o# see %he man is changing the field. 2e is going to ball for catches. 1h %here he goes, :a3u caught by cover-(oint. My #ord /i) more runs to ma"e, and ten minutes more, and one more #ic"et. -o need to #orry, there he comes, /rinath. /(lendid 1 boundary to first ball. /abash %#o more runs, Madanlal ;o on Well done 2e has got t#o runs. 2urrah We have #on match.

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