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A review use of recycled aggregate in making concrete in India

Jaswant singh Shekhawat1, Ashish Simatli2 , Amardeep Meena3 S.Chiranjia Kumari Devi4

M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engg , National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, 2 M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engg , National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, 3 M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engg , National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab 4 M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engg , National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab

Abstract Construction and demolition waste is generated whenever any construction & demolition (C&D) activity takes place, such as, building roads, bridges, flyover, subway, remodeling etc. It consists mostly of inert and non-biodegradable material such as concrete, plaster, metal, wood, plastics etc. A part of this waste comes to the municipal stream. As per the conservative estimation done by the World Bank in 1999, the municipal solid waste (MSW) from urban areas of Asia would raise from 760,000 tons/day in 1999 to 1.8 million tons/day in 2025. Central pollution control board, India (CPCB) has estimated current quantum of solid waste generation in India to the tune of 48 million tons/year out of which waste from construction industry only account for more than 25 % i.e. 12 million tons/year. It is estimated that the inert waste for land filling occupied 40-50% of the total waste depending upon type of city (CPCB, India, 2008). According to a study commissioned by technology information forecasting and assessment council (TIFAC) 70% of the construction industry is not aware of recycling technique. So there is a need of some method through which we can use maximum waste material in such a way that these can be use as greenly i.e. the loss of energy can be saved and the pollution is also reduced. This Paper stressed on the importance of recycling construction waste, creating awareness about problem of waste management and availability of technology for recycling. In this paper the different type of material use after recycling as aggregate has been try to concise which can be obtain from the C&D/solid waste. Keywords: - Recycle aggregate, solid waste, Construction and demolition waste. Introduction:India with a population 1.241 billion (2011 according to world bank) and about ..household has a varying landscape and different types of territories like (hilly , plains,

rocky etc.) in the present scenario the people are coming to the devlope place and the residential problem and land problem becoming challenging with the old houses due to less space according to need. The common way to gain additional floor space is the demolishing old building and replacing them by high rise buildings. And the another big issue is due to ecological and environmental issues the quarrying of Natural aggregates(NA) from the river and some hilly area has been prohibited to save the natural resources which causes problem in the area where NA aggregate are not easily available. So we have to find the way to counteract the problem of these type of disposal as well as protect our natural resources. In the past and the resent trends these waste material used as the fill material in forming land for the fast growing perpetual development . the increasing awareness on the environmental protection by the public has result in having most reclamation project either been deferred or much reduce in scale. Now the facing crisis on how to accommodate these waste and surplus material( i.e remain C & D waste after disposal). Apart from putting more effort in minimizing its generation and formation of temporary fill banks for temporary fill banks for the temporary accommodation of these material , recycling is one of the means to alleviate the demand on disposal facilities. This paper reviews the application of R.A derived from Solid waste and C& D materials and hoe these materials use as different type of R.A which affect the properties of concrete. Waste and recycling management plans should be developed for any construction project prior to the start of work in order to sustain environmental, economic, and social development principles. 2. Literature Review:2.1 Use of recycle plastic aggregate in concrete:- Energy saving can yield environmental benefits by reducing CO2, SO2, and NO2 emissions. Heating and cooling systems in residential buildings in the United States release into the atmosphere close to 500 million tons of CO2 per year, 5 million tons of SO2 per year, and 5 million tons of NO2per year (Penttala 1997). Concrete, however, relies on high levels of both specific heat and density to provide high-thermalmass elements; the high dead weight of concrete limits its use in light structural systems that are, to a large extent, dominant in the United States (Meckler 1981). Therefore, the close interrelationships between building materials and energy should be well addressed and investigated (Radcliffe 1980). Insulation materials such as polystyrene and polyethylene have been used in building construction for the purpose of saving energy (Budaiwi et al. 2002; Al-Hammad et al. 1994). Recycled plastic concrete in combination with energy-efficient building design techniques proved to be of tremendous value in lowering the cooling and heating loads of the buildings and also in enhancing the comfort level of the buildings(M. Elzafraney et al. 2005). Raghatate Atul M(2012) based on the experimental studied The properties of concrete containing

varying percentages of plastic were tested for compressive strength and Split tensile strength and shows that an appreciable improvement in tensile strength of concrete can be achieved by introducing cut pieces of plastic bags.

2.2 Use of recycle aggregate derived from crushed concrete:- Recycling concrete as aggregate offers a solution to the problems encountered with the quarrying of natural aggregates and the disposal of old concrete. As these substitutes require extensive studies about their effect on the properties of concrete, a number of research studies were performed. The application of recycled aggregate in construction have started since end of world war-II by demolished concrete pavement as recycled aggregate source in stabilizing the base course for the road construction. (Olorusongo,F.T.1999). The increase of the surface area of the recycled crushed concrete, due to its irregular shape, necessitates an increase of cement and water; hence the irregular shape negatively effects the workability of the said mix (Malek Batayneh 2006). The strength characteristics of concrete was not affected by the quality of recycled aggregate at higher water cement ratio, it was only affected when the water cement ratio is low. (J.S.Ryu, 2002, A. K. Padmimi et al 2002) The higher the water cement ratio, the less is reduction in compressive strength (J. M. Khatib 2005). The increase absorption of recycled aggregate means that concrete made with recycled coarse aggregate and natural sand typically needs 5% more water than the conventional concrete in order to maintain same workability. If recycled aggregate is used in dry condition the concretes workability is greatly reduced due to their absorption capacity. However some researches do argue that the aggregates can be saturated before use (S. Hasaba et al (1981), M. Etxeberria et al, 2007). Many studies demonstrate the feasibility of the use of crushed concrete as coarse aggregates, its use being already accounted for in the regulations of many countries. In Italy, the use of 30% recycled concrete instead of virgin aggregate is definitively allowed for producing concretes (C30/37 class) since July 2009(NTC 2008). an experimental program was undertakenwhich contains , a brief analysis of properties of coarse recycled aggregates and judged its effectiveness in use of concrete. Compressive strength of Concrete with aggregates RFCA and RFA shows a decrease in compressive strength and thus cannot be recommended. However further studies with use of admixtures can make the concrete effective for lower grade applications. Due to higher water absorption of recycled aggregates, more is the water requirement for appropriate workability. The adjustments in water content can be done during designing which increases the water demand, however appropriate percentage of admixture can be used to increase the workability(Neela Deshpande 2011). Enough information and awareness is not generated towards the properties of recycled aggregates and recycled aggregate concrete in India. In such situation it is very essential to study the basic properties of recycled aggregates-Fine and Coarse and properties of concrete with recycled aggregates. 2.3 Use of crushed glass in concrete:- Glass is an inert material which could be recycled and used many times without changing its chemical property(Aimin Xu and Ahmad shayam,2004). The crushed glass was also used as coarse aggregate in concrete production but due to its flat and elongated nature which enhances the decrease in the workability and attributed the drop in compressive strength (Christoper cheeseman,2011). Glass is amorphous material with high silica content, thus making it potentially pozzolanic when particle size is less than 75m(Federio.L.M and Chidiac S.E,2001, Jin.W, Meyer.C, and Baxter.S,2000). Recent research findings have shown that concrete made with recycled glass aggregate have shown better long term strength and better thermal insulation due to its better thermal properties of the

glass aggregates(Samtur.H.R,1974, Seung Bum Park and Bong-Chum Lee,2004). Used glass waste, which is cylindrical in shape prevents crack propagation in concrete structures. From the research carried out on glass powder by the authors, it was found that glass of particle size 1.18 to 2.36 mm produced the highest expansion where as low expansion was observed at smaller particle sizes(Idir.R, Cyr.M and Tagnit Hamou.A,2009). It was observed that with a 30% replacement of cement by amber waste glass content of particle size 75m along with fly ash, the compressive strength of concrete increase 25% at 7 days and 35% when tested for 28 days strength (Pereira de Oliveira. L.A, J.P. castro Gomes, P. Santos, 2008). In fact, data reported in the literature show that if the waste glass is finely ground, under 75 m. this effect does not occur and mortar durability is increased (Mageswari.L.M and B.Vidivelli,2010). The tensile and flexural strength are adversely affected by the addition on waste to replace the virgin aggregate, at a replacement level of 30 % for the fine aggregate, the tensile strength decreased by 3%, in comparison to the control conventional concrete(Seung Bum Park and Bong-Chum Lee,2004). Glass powder concrete increases the compressive, tensile and flexural strength effectively, when compared with conventional concrete. Very finely ground glass has been shown to be excellent filler and may have sufficient pozzolonic properties to serve as partial cement replacement, the effect of ASR appear to be reduced with finer glass particles, with replacement level ( G.Vijayakumar et al.2013) 2.3 Use of other recycled in concrete:- Khaloo (1994) tried to use crushed clinker (hard burnt) brick as

aggregates in concrete. The resulting concrete had a unit weight of about 2100 kg/m . The average compressive, tensile and flexural strengths of brick concrete were -7 %, +2 % and +15 % than those of normal concrete. Kibriya and Speare (1996) used three different types of brick aggregates to assess their impacts on the strengths and the long-term durability of concrete. The brick concrete had comparable compressive, tensile and flexural strengths to those of normal concrete but the modulus of elasticity was drastically reduced. Furthermore, it was found that the use of brick aggregate significantly increased the shrinkage of concrete at 90 days, and the creep tested at one year was slightly increased as well. De Brito et al. (2005) investigated the use of brick aggregate derived from hollow brick partition walls as a replacement of limestone aggregate in the production of 50 mm thick concrete pavement slabs. They found that the use of brick aggregate decreased the compressive strength and flexural strength of the slabs. Nevertheless, an increase in the abrasion resistance of the slabs was observed as the brick aggregate content increased. The number of study on the use of crushed ceramic tile as a construction material is scarce. Ay and Unal (2000) studied the possibility of using ground waste ceramic tile as a cement replacement in concrete. It was found that ground waste tile possessed pozzolanic properties and it was possible to use ground waste tile as a 35 % by weight replacement of cement. Yang et al. (2001) concluded in their research that the use of rubberized concrete should be limited to secondary structural components such as culverts, crash barriers, side walks, running tracks, sound absorbers, etc. Huang et al.(2004) treated the rubberized concrete as a multiphase particulate-filled composite material, and built a model to predictthe factors affecting the strength of the rubberized concrete. Sukontasukkul and Chaikaew (2006) used crumb rubber to replace coarse and fine aggregates in concrete pedestrian blocks. This has produced softer blocks that provided softness to the surface. In addition, crumb rubber blocks performed quit well in both skid and abrasion resistance tests. 3. Technical specification on the recycle aggregates:An overview of the specifications prepared by RILEM , JIS and UK, because there in no code specification made for RAC in India presently. The study Feasibility study on use of Construction & Demolition waste in road works was carried out by CRRI.

The study found potential feasibility for application in (a) embankment and sub-grade construction, (b) sub-base construction, (c) stabilized base course construction and (d) rigid pavement construction. But the are still far away to make some Indian standard on these with the help of other research organization (pvt or govt.). 3.1 RILEM RILEM, an international union of testing and research laboratories for materials and structures, has been actively working to harmonize current European approaches to the specifications of concrete which contains recycled aggregate. In 1994, RILEM released its specifications on the use of coarse recycled aggregate ( 4 mm) in concrete (RILEM, 1994). These specifications have three main objectives: 1) to provide guidelines for classifying the coarse recycled aggregate, 2) to identify the fields of application, and 3) to indicate the design values for the types of recycled aggregate. 3.2 UK Although BS 6543 (BSI 1985) Use of industrial by-products and waste materials in building and civil engineering provides guideline for the use of recycled materials including recycled aggregate in civil engineering works, they are rarely quoted in contract documents. In order to facilitate the recycling of demolition waste, The Building Research Establishment (BRE) established specific guidance to give full coverage to the use of recycled aggregate in 1998 (BRE, 1998)

Table 1- requirement of coarse recycle concrete aggregate and recycle aggregate specified by BS 8500-2(BSI 2002)

4. Conclusion:- Presently in India there is no code specification has been made on Recycle aggregates. This is the new field of research through which we can save our natural recourses and reduce the problem of waste disposal also. There is Use for embankment purpose in bridges, roads etc. up to 3% to 4% of total production of the C &D waste in India. a strong commitment & investment by government bodies as well as private bodies make this necessary for sustainability. Even tyre rubbers, crushed tile & brick are also new field of research in making concretes mix. Because still there are many more possibility to improve performance of the concrete.

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