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Title of Job: Part-time Leasing Consultant

Company Name: Price Brothers Management Company Location: Wynnewood Farms Apartments 4!! W 1!!rd "errace #$er%and Par&' () 66*+, Job Summary Con$ersion o- te%ephone and o--ice wa%&.in prospects to %eases' res/%ting in maintained and increased occ/pancy' and the inherent responsi0i%ity to e--ecti$e%y comm/nicate to e1isting residents and esta0%ish a s/ccess-/% renewa% program2 Pro$ide s/pport to other Leasing Cons/%tants2 Responsibilities & Duties 3espond e--ecti$e%y to te%ephone in4/iries to generate prospecti$e resident $isits to the property2 5ti%i6e sa%es s&i%%s to demonstrate mar&et ready prod/ct and a$ai%a0i%ity to c%ose prospects2 Maintain a ! 7 c%osing ratio on prospects2 Monitor te%ephone and o--ice wa%&.in tra--ic at property $ia g/est cards and %ogs2 #0tain in-ormation and comp%ete %ease app%ications2 Per-orm other 8o0 re%ated d/ties as re4/ired2

Tasks Performed (not all inclusive) Lease and show apartments as needed2 Promote and imp%ement same with the idea o- reaching the %easing and occ/pancy goa%s o/t%ined in the p%an2 Acc/rate%y trac& and report tra--ic on the comp/ter on a dai%y 0asis2 Ass/re that a%% money is processed proper%y' within *4 to 49 ho/rs2 3esponsi0%e -or -o%%ow./p phone ca%%s to -/t/re renewa%s as part o- the c/stomer ser$ice program' as assigned2 Pro$ide inp/t -or the wee&%y %easing meeting2

3ecord a%% resident correspondence and s/0mit to manager -or re$iew2 Maintain co/rteo/s comm/nication with residents' app%icants' and representati$es o- other companies2 Be -ami%iar with and adhere to a%% -air ho/sing %aws2 Be -ami%iar with Price Brothers Lease Agreement' Addend/ms' :/a%i-ications -or #cc/pancy2 Maintain se%-.contro% and 0e congenia% to a%% residents2 Be -air and consistent in /pho%ding a%% po%icies2 Adhere to a%% company po%icies2 Promote resident retention programs and adhere to the 3esident 3etention Po%icy2 Maintain a ;team spirit< and wor& we%% with the entire sta--2 Maintain a pro-essiona% appearance and good attit/de at a%% times2 Assist manager with any re4/ested wor& to 0e done on the property2 Be -%e1i0%e to he%p or trans-er to another property i- necessary2 Be cooperati$e to owners and property manager=s re4/ests2 Limit persona% phone ca%%s' and report any ;%ea$e time< to the property manager2 >istri0/te -%yers and %etters to residents i- necessary2

Minimum Qualifications Skills/Abilities and Knowledge ~ >emonstrate e--ecti$e comm/nication ?written and $er0a%@ and interpersona% s&i%%s2 ~ )trong h/man re%ations and c/stomer ser$ice s&i%%s' with the a0i%ity to maintain pro-essiona% image2 ~ (now%edge o- Fair Ao/sing Laws2 ~ A0i%ity to %earn and retain &now%edge o- the Price Brothers Lease Agreement and :/a%i-ications -or #cc/pancy2 ~ Comp/ter pro-iciency inc%/ding 0/t not %imited to Microso-t #--ice prod/cts2 ~ (now%edge and practice o- Price Brothers Management standard operating proced/res2 ~ (now%edge o- sa%es techni4/es2 ~ )trong attention to detai%2 ~ A0i%ity to %earn and retain &now%edge o- operating the Property Management )o-tware )ystem2 ~ Bood organi6ationa% s&i%%s2 ~ Pro-essiona% te%ephone manner2 Education le!el and t"#e$ Aigh schoo% >ip%oma or BC> e4/i$a%ent2 %e&uired 'ork E(#erience Minim/m n/m0er o- years:

! years

Dn some or a%% o- the -o%%owing areas: >irect sa%es or %easing position in property management en$ironment2 ! years Certifications and/or Licenses A $a%id dri$er %icense and any other %icenses/certi-ications re4/ired 0y the stateE otherwise' none

Continuing Education Courses #n%y those re4/ired to maintain state certi-ication or %icensingE otherwiseE none2 orkin! "onditions Position may re4/ire a wor& sched/%e o/tside o- standard ho/rs' s/ch as rotating wor& sched/%e or wor& sched/%e other than wee&ends' i- a$ai%a0%e2 Position may re4/ire yo/ to wor& at other property %ocations2 Position wi%% re4/ire the /se o- a persona% $ehic%e2 Position wi%% re4/ire showing and preparing /nits o/tside o- the o--ice2 Dndoor.#/tdoor en$ironment2 C1pos/re to a%% weather conditions' inc%/ding e1treme temperat/res o- 0e%ow !* degrees and a0o$e 1++ degrees2

P#ysical Re$uirements M/st 0e a0%e to to%erate pro%onged sitting' standing' &nee%ing and wa%&ing -or /p to se$era% ho/rs a day2 M/st 0e a0%e to wa%& /p and down stairs se$era% times a day2 M/st 0e a0%e to %i-t and mo$e o08ects /p to !+ po/nds consistent%y' with hea$ier weight necessary at times /p to + po/nds2 M/st 0e a0%e to per-orm -re4/ent reaching and hand%ing tas&s2 M/st 0e a0%e to per-orm repetiti$e &ey.stro&ing acti$ity -or /p to se$era% ho/rs a day2

%t#er "he a0o$e responsi0i%ities' 4/a%i-ications' and wor&ing conditions are intended to descri0e the genera% nat/re and %e$e% o- wor& 0eing per-ormed 0y personne% assigned to this 8o02 "hey are not intended to 0e an e1ha/sti$e %ist o- a%% responsi0i%ities' d/ties' and s&i%%s re4/ired opersonne% so c%assi-ied2 Price Brothers Management Company reser$es the right to change any or a%% o- the contents o- this 8o0 description at any time2

Aow to App%y: )end 3es/mes in Microso-t Word ?2doc@ or Ado0e ?2pd-@ -ormat to wynnewood-armsFprice0rothers&c2com )a%ary: "o Be >isc/ssed Company We0site: www2price0rothers&c2com

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