Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Panels

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Monocrystalline solar panels Modern solar panels, production of monocrystalline silicon, highest conversion efficiency of solar energy into

electrical energy, surpass polycrystalline, thin-film and amorphous solar panels. The producers show data, that solar panels of monocrystalline silicon works over 25 years, during which the efficiency of the product is reduced by only 20%, decrease in efficiency not aging crystal, but loss and transparency of waterproofing material. Polycrystalline solar panels cost less than monocrystalline counterparts by 10-15%, but their lower efficiency by 2-3%, and their efficiency in the operation reaches 30% at 15 years. Anyway, consumers often tend precisely to this technology, explaining it more acceptable price products. Why monocrystalline solar panels, whose price is slightly higher, more efficient than their counterparts? The design of the monocrystalline solar cells use special silicon crystals with a homogeneous structure, production of which - is long and difficult process. Polycrystalline photovoltaic cell - production technology simplifies heterogeneous crystalline structure which is produced from a silicon melt. Cells of pure silicon and polycrystalline cells easily distinguishable to the naked eye. Monocrystalline crystal structure has a uniform dark blue color, and polycrystalline cells differ heterogeneity of structure and color from light blue to dark blue. Products from monocrystalline silicon - universal solar panels! Despite such different technologies, cost in mass production of mono and polycrystalline articles differ by no more than 10%. Solar cell of monocrystalline crystal silicon effective and durable device, price is a little higher, but pays off in a short period of time. Polycrystalline solar panels If you want to install solar panels for home and the main criterion is the price, the ideal choice for you will be cost-effective and more affordable - polycrystalline solar panels. The polycrystalline solar batteries produce, using silicon is not very high purity, making it much more accessible. Unlike the solar cell of monocrystalline, polycrystalline silicon creation occurs during cooling of the silicon melt. This process is less energy intensive and therefore less expensive. Continuous improvement of production processes allows to improve electrical performance of these solar modules, bringing them to the characteristics of monocrystalline solar panels. Externally solar photovoltaic modules made of polycrystalline silicon inhomogeneous surface structure differ from blue to light blue. Solar power on the basis of polycrystalline silicon modules have an efficiency of 15% and higher!

Solar Power - Alternative Energy Source Modern technologies allow to solve the problem of energy conservation, using alternative energy sources - solar energy. Solar energy is converted into electrical energy using photovoltaic silicon cells, components of solar panels. Solar power does not produce harmful emissions and are environmentally friendly and energy source - is inexhaustible. But the amount of energy generated by the photovoltaic cells depends on the solar activity, so for around the clock of use it complement batteries. Solar power can supply electricity to the year-round home.

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