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Frostbitten Women of the Otherworld Book 10 Kelley Armstrong PROLOGU A!

"O# WA"$% & the moonlight refle't off the i'e('o)ered l*ke+ he h*d * refle'tion of his own, the world re*lly needed more snow!.re+ /eo/le /*id li/ ser)i'e to the thre*t of glob*l w*rming+tsk(ing *ndt.tting *nd /ointing *t thegl*n'iers re'eding right o)er in Ken*i F0ords- B.t in their he*rts+ they weren1t 'on)in'ed th*t * w*rmer 'lim*te w*s s.'h * b*d thing+ es/e'i*lly *t this time of ye*r+ l*te #*r'h+ with h*rsh months of Al*sk*n winter behind them+ *nd weeks more to goB.t "om liked snow- God1s A0*2+ he '*lled it- &i)ine 'le*nsing /owder- When s/ring th*w '*me+ this l*ke *nd field wo.ld be one big sw*m/+ nothing b.t m.d *nd mos3.itoes *nd the de'*ying 'or/ses of e)ery be*st th*t h*dn1t s.r)i)ed the winter- For these few months+ it w*s *s /ristine * wilderness *s *ny /oet might im*gineA field of .nbroken white glittered .nder * h*lf(moon- "he *ir w*s so 'ris/ it w*s like s.'king bre*th mints+ *nd the night so silent "om 'o.ld he*r mi'e t.nneling .nder the drifts *nd the howling of wol)es ten miles off"om liked wol)es e)en more th*n he liked snow- Be*.tif.l+ /ro.d 're*t.res- Perfe't h.nters+ gliding the night+ silent *s ghosts"he first *nim*l he1d e)er tr*//ed h*d been * wolf '.b- %e still remembered it+ lying in * h*lo of blood on the newly f*llen snow+ li/s dr*wn b*'k in * fin*l sn*rl of defi*n'e+ its leg h*lf 'hewed off *s it h*d tried to es'*/e- )en *s * boy+ "om h*d res/e'ted th*t defi*n'e+ th*t will to s.r)i)eWhen his d*d h*d s*id the /elt w*s too d*m*ged to sell+ "om h*d *sked his mother to m*ke him mitts o.t of it%e still h*d those mitts- %e1d /l*nned to /*ss them on to his son b.t4 well+ forty(si2 w*sn1t too old yet+ b.t there weren1t women to go *ro.nd ./ here- An'hor*ge w*sn1t *s b*d *s F*irb*nks+ b.t when yo. were * tr*//er with *n eighth(gr*de ed.'*tion+ li)ing in * '*bin thirty miles from town+ yo.1d better look like Br*d Pitt if yo. ho/ed to get yo.rself * wifeAnother wolf /*'k1s song 0oined the first+ *nd *s "om listened+ he wondered whether one of those w*s his /*'k+ the one th*t .sed to r.n in this field- For twenty ye*rs+ he1d been *ble to 'o.nt on /elts from them- 5ot m*ny6he didn1t tr*/ wol)es *nymore+ only shot them+ being '*ref.l to t*rget the old *nd si'k+ like * /ro/er s'*)enger sho.ld%e1d he*r them when he '*me to em/ty his tr*/s+ their howls so 'lose he1d gri/ his rifle * little tighter- "hey ne)er bothered him+ let him go *bo.t his b.siness-

%e1d see their tr*'ks+ 'riss'rossing the snow+ *nd he1d find their kills /i'ked 'le*n to the l*st bone- 5ow *nd then+ he1d e)en '*t'h * glim/se of them+ silently sli//ing the treesOn'e+ on * winter1s night like this+ he1d w*t'hed them /l*ying o.t on the i'e+ e)en the old ones t.mbling *nd sliding like /.//iesB.t then+ * few months b*'k they1d left this little )*lley5ow those dist*nt wolf howls sto//ed+ *nd when they did+ "om re*li7ed how 3.iet it w*sUnn*t.r*lly 3.iet- Folks t*lked *bo.t the silen'e of the Al*sk*n wilderness+ yet *nyone who s/ent *ny time there knew it w*s *nything b.t silent+ with the 'onst*nt of wind *nd r.nning w*ter+ the s'*m/ering of feet o)er *nd .nder the snow+ the '*ll of /red*tors *nd the 'ries of /reyRight now+ "om 'o.ld swe*r e)en the wind h*d sto//edAnd if yo.1)e been o.t here long yo. know this+ too6th*t tr.e silen'e me*ns only one thing, tro.ble"om lowered his /*'k to the gro.nd *nd lifted his rifle+ gri//ing it with both h*nds like * !*m.r*i with his sword- 5ot th*t "om fooled himself into thinking * g.n m*de him * w*rriorO.t here he w*s *nother /red*tor+ *nd * /itif.l one *t th*tWhen * sh*dow ri//led between the trees+ he held /erfe'tly still *nd tr*'ked it by /i)oting slowly+ his rifle rising * few more in'hes"he two worst mist*kes yo. 'o.ld m*ke in the forest were 'om/l*'en'y *nd /*ni'- As h*rd *s he looked+ he '*.ght only * glim/se of * big sh*/e+ h.n'hed onto *ll "hen it w*s goneA be*r8 "hey r*rely bothered with h.m*ns o.tside of '.b se*son- And when be*rs took off+ they m*de *hell.)* r*'ket+ es/e'i*lly when they h*d 'ome o.t of hibern*tion- "om h*dn1t he*rd * thing"he h*ir on his ne'k rose *s old stories *nd legends 're/t his mind- "here were /*rts of this forest yo. 'o.ldn1t /*y some of the elders to h.nt in- "his w*s90ir**t territory+ they1d s*y+ the h.nting gro.nds ofsh*/eshifters who took the form of wolf *nd be*r+ *nd /rote'ted their l*nd *g*inst *ll 'omers- "*les for 'hildren+ "om told himself- Old men trying to frighten the took * ste/+ his boots 'r.n'hing in the snow- A sh*/e mo)ed in the trees+ 'loser now+ *nd "om bro.ght his rifle *ll the w*y to his sho.lder+ glo)ed finger to the trigger$lo.ds slid o)er the moon *nd the forest went bl*'k- A twig 'r*'ked to his left *nd "om swore he felt hot bre*th on the b*'k of his ne'k- When he s/.n+ nothing w*s there%e took one b*nd off the rifle *nd f.mbled in his /o'ket for the fl*shlight- 9t '*.ght in the folds *nd when he wren'hed+ it flew o.t *nd s*iled into the s.rro.nding d*rkness-

"he 'r*'kled to his right now- %e s/.n *g*in+ finger still on the trigger+ *nd this time he s*w * f*int sh*/e- %e w*s *bo.t to fire when he tho.ght of &*nny Roy'e- Another tr*//er+ &*nny h*d been s/ooked by sh*dows in this s*me )*lley l*st s.mmer *nd he1d fired his g.n+ only to find th*t he1d shot some kid+ * wild(h*ired teen+ /rob*bly * hiker or '*m/er- &*nny h*d b.ried the body *nd no one e)er fo.nd it+ b.t &*nny h*dn1t been the s*me sin'e6not slee/ing+ drinking too m.'h *nd t*lking too m.'h+ bl*bbing his story to "om like * sinner *t 'onfession+ swe*ring the boy1s ghost w*s st*lking him- "om knew the only thing st*lking &*nny Roy'e w*s g.ilt+ b.t still+ the story ke/t him from /.lling the trigger"he sh*/e h*d )*nished- "om held his bre*th+ s'*nning the woods for *ny 'h*nge in the sh*dows- "hen he s*w it+ *t le*st twenty feet *w*y now+ * sh*/e between two trees- "he 'lo.d 'o)er thinned for the moon to glimmer *nd he 'o.ld see the sh*/e+ too /*le for * be*r"om h.nkered down *s slowly *s he 'o.ld+ *nd with his freeh*nd+ he beg*n feeling *ro.nd for the fl*shlight- %e *llowed himself one gl*n'e *t the gro.nd *nd s*w it there+ d*rk *g*inst the snow- %e s'oo/ed it ./- %is finger fo.nd the swit'h- "he 'li'k so.nded h*rsh *g*inst the silen'e5othing h*//ened- %e wh*'ked the fl*shlight *g*inst his thigh *nd tried *g*in- 5othing!omething l*nded on his b*'k+ hitting him so h*rd th*t *t first he tho.ght he1d been shot- %e lost his gri/ on the rifle- A bl*st of hot bre*th se*red his ne'k+ *nd * weight /inned him to the snowAs the thing fli//ed him o)er+ the fl*shlight bo.n'ed off * tree *nd fli'ked on when f*ngs tore into his thro*t- "om '*.ght * glim/se of yellow f.r *nd glittering bl.e eyes+ *nd his l*st tho.ght w*s "h*t1s not one of my wol)es# !!AG :OU $A51" % LP someone who doesn1t w*nt to be hel/ed- And yo. re*lly '*n1t hel/ someone who r.ns the moment yo. get within sho.ting dist*n'e+ m*king * beeline for the ne*rest tr*in+ /l*ne or b.s termin*l+ destin*tion *nywhere *s long *s it t*kes him h.ndreds of miles from yo.As 9 'h*sed Reese Willi*ms the streets of Pittsb.rgh6the third 'ity in two d*ys69 h*d to *dmit 9 w*s st*rting to t*ke this re0e'tion /erson*lly- 9 don1t .s.*lly h*)e this /roblem with g.ys- !.re+ *t fi)e foot ten+ 91m * little t*ller th*n some like- #y b.ild is * little more *thleti' th*n most like- 9 don1t *lw*ys /.t *s m.'h '*re into my *//e*r*n'e *s 9 sho.ld+ .s.*lly forgoing m*ke./+ tying my h*ir b*'k with *n el*sti' *nd f*)oring 0e*ns *nd "(shirts- B.t be'*.se 91m * bl.e(eyed blonde+ men .s.*lly de'ide th*t they '*n o)erlook my defi'ien'ies *nd not r.n s're*ming the other w*y!.re+ if they fo.nd o.t 9 w*s * werewolf+ 9 'o.ld .nderst*nd * little s're*ming *nd r.nning- B.t Reese h*d no s.'h e2'.se- %e w*s * werewolf himself+ *nd 'onsidering 91m the only known fem*le of o.r s/e'ies+ when g.ys like him meet me+ they1re .s.*lly the ones doing the 'h*sing4 *t le*st .ntil they re*li7e th*t1s not s.'h * good ide* if they1d like to kee/ *ll their body /*rts int*'t-

91d lost Reese when he1d '.t * throng of rowdy Peng.ins f*ns he*ding off to * g*me- 91d tried following him the dr.nken mob+ b.t the P*'k frowns on me 'old('o'king h.m*ns for gr*bbing my *ss+ so *fter end.ring * few .nim*gin*ti)e se2.*l s.ggestions+ 9 retre*ted *nd w*ited for them to mo)e onBy then Reese1s tr*il w*s o)erl*id *nd interwo)en with * s'ore of h.m*n ones- And the *ir here *lre*dy st.nk+ the 'ity 'ore entering 'onstr.'tion se*son+ the stink of m*'hinery *nd diesel *lmost o)er whelming the smell of the Ohio Ri)er * h*lf mile o)er- "here w*s no w*y 9 w*s /i'king ./ Reese1s tr*il *t this interse'tion- 5ot witho.t 'h*nging into * wolf in downtown Pittsb.rgh4 *nother thing the P*'k frowns onWhen 9 '*.ght ./ with him two blo'ks l*ter+ he w*s being s.'ked in by the glow of * !t*rb.'ks sign+ /res.m*bly ho/ing for * /o/.l*ted /l*'e to rest- When he s*w th*t *ll the se*ts inside were em/ty+ he )eered *'ross the ro*dReese r*n into one of those offi'e(drone o*ses ty/i'*l of big 'ities+ where they '*r)e o.t * store( si7e 'h.nk of l*nd *nd *dd interlo'king bri'k+ foli*ge *nd r*ndom /ie'es of *rt in ho/es of 'on)in'ing workers to rel*2 there+ en0oy the s'enery+ listen to the sym/hony of s3.e*ling tires *nd bl*ring horns *nd imbibe * little smog with their l*ttesAfter * do7en strides+ Reese w*s the tiny /*rk *nd )eering *g*in+ this time to * sidew*lk beside the lot- %e*dlights *//e*red+ blinding me+ then di//ed down into *n .ndergro.nd lotReese gr*bbed the b*rrier *nd )*.lted into the l*ne- 9 r*'ed o)er to see the *.tom*ti' door below 'losing behind * )*n4 with Reese r.nning+ h.n'hed o)er+ right behind it9 did * )*.lt of my own *nd r*n down the in'line+ re*'hing the bottom+ then dro//ing *nd rolling .nder the door *s it w*s *bo.t to 'lose- 9 le*/t to my feet *nd d*rted the dimly lit g*r*ge+ hiding behind the ne*rest /ost- "hen 9 str*ined to he*r footste/s- For *lmost * min.te+ the )*n engine r.mbled on the f*r side of the g*r*ge- 9t with * sh.dder *nd * g*s/- A door des/er*te for oil s3.e*ked o/en+ then sl*mmed sh.t%.n'hed o)er+ 9ho/s'ot'hed between the s/*rse /*rked '*rs- Ahe*d 9 'o.ld he*r the )*n dri)er1s he*)y ste/s th.dding *s he w*lked the other w*yA door 're*ked *nd * dist*nt re't*ngle of light *//e*red- "he door h*dn1t e)en 'li'ked sh.t when Reese d*rted o.t from his hiding s/*'e+ his boots sl*//ing the *s/h*lt *s he r*n9 ki'ked into high ge*r+ no longer bothering to hide+ b.t he w*s too 'lose to the st*irwell- 9 w*s *lmost *t the 'losed door when it flew o/en *g*in+ *nd 9 n*rrowly missedb*rrelling into * middle(*ged m*n;!orry+; 9 s*id *s 9 tried to /*st him- ;9 w*s 0.st6; ;R.nning for the e2it be'*.se yo.1re *fr*id to w*lk *n .ndergro.nd lot *t night8;

;Uh+ yes-; ;"here *re /lenty of lots *bo)egro.nd+ miss- #.'h s*fer- %ere+ let me w*lk yo. ./ to yo.r floor-; 9t w*s ob)io.s there were only two w*ys 9 'o.ld get /*st this g.y6let him /l*y the gentlem*n or sho)e him o.t of the w*y- $l*y wo.ld h*)e done the l*tter6no 3.estion6*nd thrown in * sn*rl for good me* B.t 9 h*)en1t o)er'ome my $*n*di*n ./bringing+ whi'h forb*de being to *nyone who h*dn1t done *nything to deser)e it!o 9 let the g.y es'ort me ./ the st*irs+ *nd th*nked him *t the to/;91m not s*ying yo. sho.ldn1t /*rk .ndergro.nd4 ; he beg*n;9.nderst* 6; ;%ell+ it1s yo.r right to /*rk where)er yo. w*nt- Wh*t yo. sho.ldn1t do is need to be *fr*id- "his will hel/-; %e held o.t * /*/er(thin white re't*ngle+ m*king me think they re*lly h*d done * lot with /erson*l *l*rms sin'e 91d l*st seen one- B.t it w*s * b.siness '*rd;#y wife r.ns"*ser /*rties-; ;"*ser4 8; ;:o. know+ like ".//erw*re /*rties- A b.n'h of women get together+ h*)e * good time+ sh*re some /otl.'k *nd get * demonstr*tion of the l*test in /erson*l se'.rity de)i'es-; 9 se*r'hed his f*'e for some sign th*t he w*s 0oking- %e w*sn1t- 9 th*nked him *g*in *nd h.rried o.t of the st*irwellReese1s tr*il led o.t the front door- As 9 went *fter him+ 9 re*li7ed 9 w*s still holding the '*rd+ whi'h fe* * '.te little red"*ser th*t 91m fit into * /.rse *nd *''essori7ed )ery ni'ely+ for women who '*rried /.rses or *''essori7edFrom ".//erw*re /*rties to lingerie /*rties to"*ser /*rties- 9 shook my he*d *nd st.ffed the '*rd into my /o'ket- Right now+ 9 *'t.*lly wo.ldn1t mind *"*ser - 9t might be the only w*y to sto/ Reese- Of 'o.rse+ 91d need to get 'lose to .se it+ whi'h w*sn1t looking )ery likely"%R BLO$K! LA" R+ 9 fin*lly '*.ght ./ with Reese on * roofto/- %e1d 'limbed ./ the fire es'*/e+ /rob*bly thinking 9 wo.ldn1t followWhen 9 o)er the to/+ he broke into * r.n+ he*ding for the o//osite side+ boots sliding on the gr*)el- When 9 re*li7ed he w*sn1t going to )eer *t the l*st se'ond+ 9 threw on the br*kes+ gr*)el 'r.n'hing *s 9 skidded to * sto/-

;Ok*y+; 9 '*lled- ;91m not 'oming *ny 'loser- 9 w*nt to t*lk to yo.-; %e w*s 'lose to the edge to m*ke my he*rt r*'e- %e slowly /i)oted to f*'e meReese Willi*ms+ twenty ye*rs old+ *nd re'ently emigr*ted from A.str*li*- With bro*d sho.lders+ s.n(stre*ked w*)y blond h*ir *nd the remn*nts of * t*n+ he looked like the kind of kid who sho.ld be le*ding to.r gro./s into the o.tb*'k+ *ll smiles *nd 'orny 0okes- Only he w*sn1t 0oking or smiling now;#y n*me is len*6; 9 beg*n;9 know who yo. *re+; he s*id- ;B.t where is he8; ;5ot here+ ob)io.sly-; 9 *ro.nd me- ;9n two d*ys+ yo. h*)en1t '*.ght * whiff of *ny werewolf e2'e/t me+ whi'h sho.ld be * sign th*t he1s not *ro.nd-; ;!o yo.1re *lone8; "he s*r'*sm in his )oi'e m*de th*t * st*tement- 9 w*s the only fem*le werewolf- Ob)io.sly 9 needed /rote'tion+ whi'h be why 91d t*ken with the P*'k *nd+ for * m*te+ h*d 'hosen the Al/h*1s se'ond(in('omm*nd6theb*ddest + 'r*7iest werewolf *ro.nd;%e1s te*'hing+; 9 s*id- ;Georgi* !t*te Uni)ersity+ this week-; %is glower s*id he didn1t *//re'i*te my 0oke- 9 w*sn1t kidding6th*t b*d *nd 'r*7y werewolf *lso h*d * Ph-&- in *nthro/ology *nd w*s '.rrently le't.ring *t * sym/osi.m on '.lt worshi/ in *n'ient gy/t- B.t there w*s no w*y Reese wo.ld belie)e th*t;Fine+; 9 s*id- ;:o. think he1s been l.rking in the sh*dows+ o.t of sight *nd downwind for two d*ys- is one word th*t1s ne)er been *//lied to $l*y b.t+ let1s go with th*t theory- Unless he1s le*rned to fly+ the only w*y ./ is th*t l*dder behind me+ so yo.1re going to see him 'oming- 5ow+ let1s t*ke * min.te *nd 'h*t- "he re*son 91)e been 'h*sing yo. for two d*ys is th*t 9 w*nt to t*lk to yo. *bo.t6; ;! $*rolin*-; ;Right-; ;9 didn1t kill those h.m*ns-; ;9 know-; %e *llowed himself two se'onds of s.r/rise+ *nd in those two se'onds+ he looked like * kid on his first d*y *w*y *t 'ollege6lonely+ 'onf.sed *nd ho/ing he1d fo.nd someone to hel/- "hen his f*'e h*rdened *g*in- %e might be no older th*n * 'ollege st.dent+ b.t he w*sn1t th*t n*i)e or th*t o/timisti'+ not *nymore-

9 h.rried on- ;:o. emigr*ted l*st ye*r *nd hooked ./ with * 'o./le of morons n*med Li*m #*lloy *nd R*mon !*ntos- "hey /romised to show yo. the ro/es of werewolf life in Ameri'*"hen the h*lf(e*ten bodies st*rted showing ./6; ;9 didn1t do it-; ;5o+ they did+ *nd they1re bl*ming yo. for it- We know6; %e in'hed b*'k tow*rd the edge;&on1t6; 9 beg*n- ;<.st sto/ there- Better yet+ t*ke * ste/ tow*rd me-; ;Am 9 m*king yo. ner)o.s8; 9 met his g*7e- ;:es-; ;A 0.m/er wo.ld be * re*l mess to 'le*n ./+ wo.ldn1t it8 Better to '*lm me down *nd get me into * ni'e stret'h of forest for e*sy b.ri*l-; ;"h*t1s not6; An e2*s/er*ted sigh hissed my teeth- ;Fine- :o.1re 'on)in'ed 91m going to kill yo.- "he only 3.estion+ then+ is6; %e ste//ed b*'k4 *nd /l.mmeted9 l.nged so f*st 9 ne*rly did * f*'e /l*nt in the gr*)el+ s'r*bbling to get to the edge+ he*rt in my thro*t+ '.rsing myself for being so '*reless+ so fli//*nt6 "hen 9 s*w the se'ond roof+ two stories below+ *nd Reese r.nning *'ross it$l*y wo.ld h*)e t*ken * dr*m*ti' flying le*/- 9 felt the .rge+ b.t reminded myself 9 w*s the mother of two *nd wo.ld t.rn forty in * few months- )en if 9 h*d the body of * bioni' thirty( ye*r(old+ 9 h*d res/onsibilities to my f*mily+ to my Al/h* *nd+ most im/ort*nt right now+ to this d.mb*ss kid who1d get killed if 9 broke my *nkle *nd 'o.ldn1t w*rn him *bo.t Li*m *nd R*mon!o 9 'ro.'hed on the edge+ 'he'ked my tr*0e'tory *nd 0.m/ed '*ref.lly- 9 l*nded on my feet *nd took off *fter Reese- 9 w*s b*rely on the se'ond roofto/ before he w*s off it- 9t w*s * three(story dro/ this time+ whi'h w*s * bit m.'h e)en for * twenty(ye*r(old werewolf- "he th.m/ of * h*rd l*nding *nd * g*s/ of /*in 'onfirmed th*t9 /i'ked ./ s/eed+ ho/ing 91d see him h.ddled below+ h.rt *nd .n*ble to r.n- B.t the /*)ement w*s em/ty+ *s w*s the /*rking lot beyond- 9 '*.ght * fl*sh of mo)ement in * re'essed doorw*y+ where he 'ro.'hed+ hidden in the sh*dows+ w*iting to * me- Good thing 9 h*dn1t /.lled * $l*y *nd 'h*rged he*dlong *fter my /rey9 w*lked to the *d0oining edge+ lowered myself o)er+ then dro//ed- "win sho'ks of /*in bl*sted my legs *s 9 hit the *s/h*lt- 9 w*s going to /*y for th*t in the morning- For now+ 9 r.bbed

it o.t+ then sn.'k to the 'orner of the b.ilding"he wind shifted *nd 9 '*.ght * whiff of Reese+ his s'ent he*)y with fe*r- 9t w*sn1t me he sho.ld be *fr*id of+ b.t his old tr*)eling b.ddiesLi*m *nd R*mon h*d killed three h.m*ns in ! $*rolin* *nd set ./ Reese to t*ke the f*ll5ow they were ho/ing to find *nd kill him before 9 got his side of the story%ow w*s 9 so of this8 Be'*.se they1d done it before- Fi)e ye*rs *go they1d befriended * twenty(three(ye*r(old immigr*nt werewolf n* t2eberri* - When e)iden'e of m*n(killing /ointed to t2eberri* + $l*y h*d w*nted to swoo/ in *nd gr*b him- 91d held b*'k- 91d been s.s/i'io.s+ b.t not s.s/i'io.s Li*m killed t2eberri* *nd m*iled .s his h*nd+ *s if e2/e'ting * 'ommend*tion for t*king '*re of this ;m*n e*ter-; "h*t wo.ldn1t h*//en this time- 9 strode down the gr*ssy stri/ between the b.ilding *nd the /*rking lot+ *s if 9 w*s s'*nning th*t lot+ gi)ing Reese the /erfe't * t*rgetWhen 9 re*'hed the re'essed doorw*y+ 9 do)e- Reese1s sh*dow /*ssed o)er me+ /o.n'ing *nd '*t'hing only *ir- 9 le*/t ./+ gr*bbed the b*'k of his 0*'ket *nd threw him onto the gr*ss%e l*nded with * th.d- %e tried to roll o.t of it *nd bo.n'e ./ swinging+ b.t * twenty(ye*r(old with * werewolf1s strength *nd *gility is like * twenty(ye*r(old behind the wheel of * L*mborghini6*ll th*t /ower b.t not e2/erien'e .sing it6*nd he f.mbled the bo.n'e b*'k to his feet9 tossed him f*'e(first onto the gr*ss *g*in- "his time he st*yed where he l*nded;Where did we le*)e off8; 9 s*id- ;Right- Li*m *nd R*mon *nd their /lot to end yo.r e2isten'e-; ;Kill me8; %e slowly rose- ;Why wo.ld they68; %e 'h*rged+ ho/ing to '*t'h me off g.*rd- 9 ste//ed *side *nd he sm*'ked into the w*ll+ then wheeled f*st *nd '*me *t me *g*in- Ag*in+ 9 ste//ed *side+ this time gr*bbing him *nd /it'hing him the *irAs he hit the gro.nd+ he let o.t * stre*m of /rof*nity9 shook my he*d- ;9f 9 w*nted to h.rt yo.+ 9 wo.ldn1t be throwing yo. on the gr*ss+ wo.ld 98; ;Right+ yo.1re here to hel/ me+ *fter getting ti//ed off th*t 91m * m*n(e*ter- &o yo. re*lly e2/e't me to6; %e tried the d*sh(in(midsenten'e tri'k *g*in+ m*king * bre*k for the *lley- 9 tore *fter him- As 9 '*.ght the b*'k of his 0*'ket+ he s/.n *nd hit me with *n .//er '.t th*t sent me s*iling off my

feet9 ke/t my gri/ on his 'o*t+ *nd we both went down- 9 tried to s'r*mble ./+ b.t he /inned me- 9t w*s then th*t his wolf br*in ki'ked in- %is /./ils dil*ted+ his bre*thing 3.i'kened+ his ere'tion /ressed into my thigh+ his wolf side telling him this w*sn1t * fight6it w*s fore/l*y+ *nd d*mn+ 9 smelled good%e fro7e *s the still(h.m*n /*rt of his br*in w*rned him th*t wh*t the wolf w*nted w*s * )ery b*d ide*- B.t his nostrils still fl*red+ drinking in my s'ent9 knew whi'h side wo.ld win+ *nd th*t1s when things *lw*ys got .gly!o while he fo.ght his inner b*ttle+ 9 he*)ed him off me;"h*t1s why 9 don1t do h*nd(to(h*nd 'omb*t with m.tts+; 9 s*id%e nodded *s he got to his feet+ r.bbing his f*'e briskly with his slee)e+ g*7e down+ 'heeks fl*ming- %e/in'hed his nose *nd shook his he*d+ trying to 'le*r my s'ent9t took * sm*rt kid to b*'k off th*t f*st- And Reese w*s sm*rt6th*t w*s the /roblem- 9f he1d been * d.mbl.nk who1d kee/ trying to h.m/ my leg+ then he1d h*)e belie)ed me when 9 s*id 9 w*s here to res'.e him- 9nste*d+ he s*w *ll the w*ys it 'o.ld be * tri'k;Li*m *nd R*mon *re *fter yo.+; 9 s*id- ;:o. h*)en1t noti'ed be'*.se they *ren1t ne*rly *s good *t tr*'king *s 9 *m- Gi)e them * few weeks to '*t'h ./ *nd6; %e 'h*rged+ swit'hing to the d*sh(while(yo.r(o//onent(is(in(mids/ee'ht*'ti'- Ag*in+ 9 sideste//ed- Only this time+ he hooked the b*'k of my knee- 9 st.mbled+ b.t '*me ./ swingingUnfort.n*tely+ he w*s *lre*dy ten feet *w*y+ r.nning for the ro*d9 took off *fter himFL9G%" 9 LO!" %9#- "he 'ondensed )ersion is th*t Reese Willi*ms /ossessed *n *dmir*ble blend of intelligen'e *nd h.mility+ *nd 9 w*s *''.stomed to de*ling with m.tts who1d sooner '.t off their b*lls th*n r.n from * wom*nReese did e2*'tly wh*t 91d h*)e done if /.rs.ed * 'ity 'ore by * more e2/erien'ed werewolf- %e r*n for the ne*rest /o/.l*ted /l*'e6* rest*.r*nt- While 9 w*ited *t the b*'k door+ he h*)e d*rted o.t the front *nd swi/ed someone1s '*b- By the time 9 re*li7ed he w*s gone+ it w*s too l*te to follow5ow+ *n ho.r l*ter+ 9 w*s in * '*b of my own+ getting o.t *t the Pittsb.rgh 9ntern*tion*l Air/ortWh*t led me here w*sn1t good old(f*shioned legwork- )er sin'e the werewol)es re0oined the

s./ern*t.r*l 'o.n'il+ o.r tr*'king h*s gone high te'h- We now h*)e P*ige Winterbo.rne+ geni.s 'om/.ter h*'ker+ *t o.r dis/os*lWe knew Reese h*d been .sing stolen 'redit '*rds+ *ltern*ting between *t le*st three- P*ige h*d identified two *nd w*s tr*'king tr*ns *'tions9 didn1t e)en get * 'h*n'e to tell her 91d lost him before she w*s '*lling to s*y he1d .sed * 'redit '*rd *t the *ir/ort- As for where he w*s going+ th*t /ro)ed more /roblem*ti'- P*ige h*d *''ess to *ll the m*0or *irline 'om/.ters+ b.t this w*s * sm*ll one she h*dn1t e)er needed to 'r*'k- !o 9 w*s b*'k to leg( *nd nose work;:o.1re booked on * flight to #i*mi+; <eremy s*id *s 9 got o.t of the '*b+ 'ell /hone to my e*r;"h*t will get yo. se'.rity- B.t from the so.nds of it+ yo.1)e deli)ered yo.r mess*ge- 9f he1s ref.sing to listen+ 91m not wh*t yo. /l*n to do *bo.t th*t-; ;9 w*nt to tell him wh*t h*//ened t2eberri* - 9f th*t doesn1t work+ 91ll hog(tie him *nd h*.l his *ss some/l*'e s*fe .ntil he sm*rtens ./-; !ilen'e *s 9 w*lked the doors- 9t l*sted so long th*t with *nyone else 91d h*)e wondered if the line dis'onne'ted;:o. don1t need to kee/ 'h*sing him+ len*-; ;<.st one more d*y- "he kids *re ok*y+ *ren1t they8; ;:es+ they1re fine- $l*y '*lled *n ho.r *go- %is l*st meeting w*s '*n'eled+ so he '*n hel/ with Reese-; ;Gre*t- %e '*n '*t'h ./ with me tomorrow+ *fter he sto/s in there *nd sees the kids-; ;While 91m he1d lo)e to see them+ right now he w*nts to get to yo.- As soon *s yo. o.t where yo.1re going+ he1ll meet ./ with yo.-; 9 didn1t *rg.e- 9t1d been two weeks sin'e 91d seen $l*y6longer th*n we1d been */*rt in ye*rs- 9 w*s so *''.stomed to h*)ing him *ro.nd th*t for two weeks 91d been .nb*l*n'ed *nd off(kilterAnd when it '*me to h.nting Reese witho.t my /*rtner+ 91d definitely been off my g*me; t2eberri*w*sn1t yo.r f*.lt+ len*+; <eremy s*idAh+ right to the 'r.2 of the m*tter+ *s .s.*l;One more d*y+; 9 s*id- ;<.st gi)e me6; ;91ll gi)e yo. *ll the time yo. need- :o. know th*t- "hen on'e yo.1re done+ t*ke *n e2tr* night with $l*y before yo. 'ome b*'k-;

W %A&51" 95" 5& & to be */*rt so long- For $l*y+ e)en se/*r*te d*y tri/s were too m.'h"h*t1s the wolf in him+ w*nting his m*te ne*rby *t *ll times- #ost werewol)es inherit the genes *nd don1t tr*nsform .ntil their l*te teens+ b.t $l*y w*s bitten *s * 'hild+ *nd th*t m*kes him more wolf th*n h.m*nO.r se/*r*tion h*d beg.n with * work tri/ for me th*t l*sted longer th*n e2/e'ted- 9n the me*ntime+ $l*y h*d left for Atl*nt*- 9 w*s s.//osed to sto/ o)ernight *t home+ then follow- Only th*t night+ o.r d*rling three(ye*r(old twins tho.ght 91d gone o.t b*'k for * ;w*lk in the forest; *nd de'ided to follow4 by 0.m/ing o.t * se'ond(floor windowWhile * werewol)es h*)e s./erh.m*n strength *nd refle2es+ *nd 'o.ld e*sily m*ke th*t le*/+ we don1t get those se'ond*ry /owers .ntil /.berty- As for whether those r.les *//ly to the offs/ring of two werewol)es+ let1s s*y we1re st*rting to think they don1t- "he kids es'*/ed with minor in0.ries, * twisted *nkle for Log*n *nd * s/r*ined wrist for K*te+ whi'h me*nt no Atl*nt* tri/ for me"h.s the two(week se/*r*tion+ now th*nkf.lly *lmost *t *n end!O# A9RPOR"! AR /erfe't for losing * t*il- "*ke #inne*/olis- With its endless 'orridors of sho/s *nd rest*.r*nts it ri)*ls the ne*rby #*ll of the Ameri'*s *s * hellhole for the dire'tion*lly 'h*llenged- Pittsb.rgh w*s not one of those *ir/ortsBy the time 9 entered the termin*l+ Reese h*d 'he'ked in *nd he*ded for his g*te+ b.t there w*sn1t f*r for him to go- 9 /i'ked ./ my ti'ket *nd got my bo*rding /*ss- "wo sets of es'*l*tors de/osited tr*)elers in * tiny/rese'.rity s3.*re+ bo.nded by * few sho/s- Reese1s tr*il he*ded str*ight for the se'.rity 'he'k/ointOn'e 9 w*s inside *nd off yet *nother es'*l*tor+ it got tri'kier- 9 w*s in * rot.nd* of sho/s *nd rest*.r*nts with fo.r *rms le*ding to bo*rding g*tes- !till+ the tidy l*yo.t me*nt there were * limited n.mber of /l*'es for him to go- )en if 9 'o.ldn1t find his tr*il+ 9 needed to 'he'k *ll fo.r h*lls *nd6 ;P*ging $hris P*rker- $hris P*rker+ /le*se re/ort to g*te $=>-; 9 smiled- P*rker w*s one of the *li*ses Reese w*s .singWhen 9 got to the g*te+ the w*iting *re* w*s em/ty+ the /l*ne *lre*dy lo*ded- Reese w*s *t the 'o.nter+ showing his bo*rding /*ss *nd 9& to the *ttend*nt- !he w*s t*king * good look *t them+ *nd he w*s str.ggling to st*y '*lm+ shifting *nd gl*n'ing *ro.nd9 sho.ldered my w*y * throng 'he'king the de/* s'reens+ then broke into * f*st w*lk- "he *ttend*nt w*s s*ying something to Reese- ?.estioning his f*ke 9&8 9t looked * little off+ didn1t it8 Better hold him for *nother min.te+ get someone to 'ome *nd 'he'k it4 With * smile+ she h*nded b*'k his 9& *nd bo*rding /*ss- Reese st*rted down the longh*ll to his /l*ne- 9 /i'ked ./ my /*'e+ b.t by the time 9 ne*red the desk+ he w*s gone-

Gone where8 9 gl*n'ed *t the s'reen behind the *ttend*nt- 9t seemed to be st.'k on the flight n.mber *nd de/* time+ so 9 *sked where the /l*ne w*s he*ded;An'hor*ge-; !he blinded me with * smile- ;An'hor*ge+ Al*sk*-; #UL"9"A!K95G ;!O 91@ %9" the end of the line+; 9 s*id to <eremy *s 9 settled into * se*t- ;As b*dly *s 9 w*nt to w*rn this kid+ 91m not flying to Al*sk*- %o/e f.lly+ Li*m *nd R*mon feel the s*me w*y-; ;91m they will-; 9 e2/e'ted to he*r his .s.*l dee/ timbre of re*ss.r*n'e- 9nste*d+ his words '*rried * note of hesit*tion;:o. think they1ll tr*'k him to Al*sk*8; 9 *sked;5o+ 91m 3.ite 'ert*in they won1t- %owe)er+ * tri/ to An'hor*ge might not be * b*d ide*+ if yo. *nd $l*y *re ./ to it-; ;Wh*te)er yo. need- Wh*t1s ./ in Al*s68; 9 sto//ed- ;"hose re/orts of wolf kills+ right8; One of my P*'k res/onsibilities w*s tr*'king /otenti*l werewolf *'ti)ity- <eremy monitored news/*/ers *nd 9 took the 9nternet- "his '*se h*d shown ./ in both"wo men h*d /res.m*bly been killed by wol)es o.tside An'hor *ge- "h*t w*s newsworthy be'*.se+ des/ite their re/.t*tion *s d*ngero.s be*sts+ wol)es don1t kill /eo/le- 9n 5orth Ameri'* there h*)e been no do'.mented '*ses of he*lthy wild wol)es killing h.m*ns in the l*st h.ndred ye*rs- !o when it seemed to h*//en+ /eo/le got ner)o.s- And we got re*lly ner)o.s be'*.se the one thing f*r more 'ommon th*n wolf *tt*'ks w*s werewolf *tt*'ks"wo re/orts weren1t for the P*'k to in)estig*te- And there were other re'ent re/orts of e3.*lly r*re wolf *'ti)ity6wol)es *tt*'king dogs *nd /eo/le s/otting wol)es ne*r the 'ity- 9f the wol)es ne*r An'hor*ge were getting bolder+ then it stood to re*son they might *'t.*lly be res/onsible for these de*thsB.t if 9 h*d *nother re*son to go to Al*sk*4 ;9 '*n 'he'k it o.t while 9 h.nt down Reese+; 9 s*id;91ll rero.te $l*y there-; A /*.se- ;"here1s something else+ too- &ennis w*s s.//osed to '*ll me l*st week- %e w*nted to dis'.ss something th*t seemed im/ort*nt-;

;And he didn1t8; ;5o+ *nd he1s not ret.rning my '*lls either-; &ennis !tillwell *nd his son+ <oey+ were former P*'k werewol)es who1d left for western $*n*d* when <eremy *nd his f*ther1s b*ttle forAl/h*hood h*d t.rned .gly- "hey1d l*ter mo)ed to Al*sk*"h*t w*s thirty ye*rs *go+ before 9 0oined the P*'k+ b.t <eremy *nd &ennis h*d ke/t in to.'h+ *nd this silen'e /rob*bly bothered <eremy more th*n the wolf kills;91m off to Al*sk*+ then+; 9 s*id- ;!ho.ld 9 '*ll $l*y *nd let him know8; ;91ll do th*t+ *nd 91ll book yo. * flight- :o. get something to e*t- "ry to rel*2-; U5FOR"U5A" L:+ "% R WA!51" * lot of dem*nd for tr*)el from Pittsb.rgh to An'hor*ge+ *nd the flight Reese h*d t*ken w*s the only dire't one for the ne2t twenty(fo.r !o 9 w*s tr*nsferring in Phoeni2"he flight *nd the brief l*yo)er g*)e me time to think6too m.'h time- 9n the l*st week+ 91d been hit with two things th*t 9 re*lly w*nted to t*lk to $l*y *bo.t- "hings th*t weren1t*ble for * /hone 'on)ers*tion- "hings th*t /reyed on my mind e)ery time 9 slowed down long to rel*2+ whi'h w*s likely *nother re*son 9 ke/t 'h*sing Reese when 'ommon sense told me to gi)e ./"he first thing4 well+ th*t worried me+ b.t it didn1t h*)e the s*me effe't *s the se'ond- "he se'ond w*s the ki'ker+ the one th*t h*d me *)oiding 3.iet moments like this- 9t h*//ened the d*y before 9 st*rted 'h*sing Reese- After the kids went to bed+ <eremy *nd 9 h*d been in the st.dy+ rel*2ing in front of the fire- %e1d been re*ding * no)elA 91d been re*ding my m*il+ whi'h tended to /ile ./+ .nto.'hed+ for d*ys%*d 9 known who sent the letter+ 91d h*)e /it'hed it into the fire .nre*d- B.t it h*d gone my *lm* m*ter+ so it h*d *rri)ed in * Uni)ersity of "oronto en)elo/e- 9 h*dn1t noti'ed the se'ond en)elo/e inside+ distr*'tedly ri//ing both9t w*s * letter from one of the men who1d fostered me *s * 'hild- 9 don1t '*ll him my foster f*ther- "h*t wo.ld gi)e him * /l*'e in my life he didn1t deser)e91d gone * lot of homes *fter my /*rents died- 9 think when /otenti*l mothers s*w me6 the 3.iet girl with big+ h*.nted eyes6they s*w not * tem/or*ry /l*'ement+ b.t * 'hild they 'o.ld res'.e *nd m*ke their own+ *nd when 9 didn1t o/en ./ to them+ when 9 didn1t be'ome the /erfe't+ sweet d*.ghter they w*nted+ they g*)e me b*'kBeing blond *nd bl.e(eyed me*nt 9 *lso *ttr*'ted *ttention of * less *ltr.isti' kind from * few foster ;f*thers; *nd ;brothers-; #ost times it w*s no more th*n * /eek in the b*throom or * h*nd th*t lingered too long on my leg- B.t sometimes it w*s worse+ es/e'i*lly from the m*n who sent me the letter-

9n it+ he s*id he w*s going ther*/y now for his /roblem- %e w*s sorry for wh*t he1d done to me *nd his ther*/ist tho.ght th*t *s /*rt of the he*ling /ro'ess+ he sho.ld let me knowA/ologi7e *nd *sk forgi)eness91d gotten ./ from the 'o.'h+ w*lked to the fire/l*'e *nd dro//ed the letter in- <eremy h*d looked ./ from his book with * soft ; len*8; b.t 91d strode from the room before he 'o.ld *sk *nything9 wish 9 'o.ld s*y th*t w*s th*t- God+ 9 wish 9 'o.ld s*y it- B.t it w*sn1t+ *nd the one /erson 9 'o.ld h*)e t*lked to w*sn1t there+ so the letter6e)ery d*mned word of it6festered in my br*inBefore 9 re*d it+ 91d been off(kilter with $l*y gone- Afterw*rd+ 9 seemed to st.mble h*lf blind my d*ys+ fero'io.sly fi2*ted on wh*te)er go*l 9 w*s / be it m*king bre*kf*st for the kids or 'h*sing Reese+ not d*ring to rest+ knowing rest only bro.ght b*'k memories *nd fe*rs *nd r*ge 9 tho.ght long sin'e )*n3.ished5ot )*n3.ished+ it seems- <.st sho)ed into willf.l forgetf.lness- And now it w*s b*'k+ *nd 9 'o.ldn1t forget+ no m*tter how h*rd 9 tried9 w*s settling into the se'ond /l*ne+ *bo.t to t.rn off my 'ell /hone when it r*ng;#orning+ d*rling+; '*me * f*mili*r so.thern dr*wl9 str*ightened- ;%ey+ yo.- 9 he*r we1re going to Al*sk*-; ;We *re- Looking forw*rd to it8; ;91m not * the order+ th*t1s for 5ow we need to get the b.siness /*rt of the tri/ o.t of the w*y+ so we '*n t*ke *d)*nt*ge of the lo'*le- #iles *nd miles of .ne2/lored wilderness- 9t1ll definitely m*ke ./ for two weeks of short+ 'r*//y r.ns *lone-; ;!o th*t1s wh*t yo. w*nt me b*'k for8 A r.nning /*rtner8; ;Of 'o.rse- Wh*t else8; ;9 '*n think of * few things-; $l*y1s dr*wl t.rned to * low growl th*t set me shi)ering- ;9f yo. '*n work it into yo.r r.n s'hed.le-; ;91m 9 '*n- Before the r.ns- After the r.ns- Any other time we get * s/*re min.te4 ; %e l*.ghed- ;:o. do miss me-; ;9 do-; A moment of silen'e- ;<.st * se'- 9 think we h*d * b*d 'onne'tion- 9 'o.ld h*)e sworn yo. *dmitted6;

;9 miss yo.- %orribly- 9 '*n1t w*it to see yo.-; ;"hey1re ser)ing the boo7e *lre*dy+ *ren1t they8; ;%*(h*- Kee/ th*t ./ *nd 91ll ne)er s*y it *g*in-; ;"he 3.estion is whether yo.1d s*y it if 9 w*s there-; ;5o+ be'*.se if yo. were here+ 91d be in yo.r l*/+ wondering how we 'o.ld sli/ into the b*throom-; ;"e*se+; he growled#y he*d shot ./- 9 'o.ld h*)e sworn 9 he*rd th*t growl4 *nd not my /hone- 9 s' the *isle+ b.t there were only * few /*ssengers still bo*rding+ none of them $l*y- !till+ 9 s'*nned the first('l*ss se'tion- 5o f*mili*r blond '.rls /eeked o)er *ny of the se*ts; len*8; ;!orry-; 9 /.shed b*'k the st*b of dis*//ointment- ;!o when does yo.r flight get in8; ;Aro.nd eight-; ;91ll w*it *t the termin*l for yo.+ then-; "he *ttend*nts st*rted m*king the /reflight ro.nds- We s*id good(bye *nd 9 t.rned off my /hone- As 9 settled into my se*t+ 9 fo.ght off th*t lingering dis*//ointment- 9t1d been so good to he*r his )oi'e th*t 91d e)en felt th*t slow w*)e of '*lm th*t 'omes whene)er he enters * room+ * dee/ instin't telling me 9 'o.ld rel*2 now+ th*t my m*te w*s 'loseAs 9 t.'ked my b*g .nder the se*t+ 9 '*.ght th*t feeling *g*in *nd /i'ked ./ * s'ent *s f*mili*r *s my own- 9 twisted to see $l*y looming o)er the b*'k of my se*t;$*n1t fool yo.+ '*n 98; he s*id9 gr*bbed him by the shirtfront+ ne*rly y*nking him o)er the se*t *s 9 /.lled him into * kiss;9 definitely need to go *w*y more often+; he s*id *s 9 let him go;Absol.tely not+ .nless it1s * tri/ for two-; ;Agreed-; %e '*me *ro.nd *nd took the se*t beside mine- 9 sho.ld h*)e wondered when <eremy insisted on booking my flight+ then s*id he 'o.ld only get me into first 'l*ss- $l*y h*tes 'o*'h6'*n1t st*nd being th*t 'lose to str*ngers-

;9 belie)e 9 he*rd something *bo.t sitting on my l*/6; he beg*n9 shot onto it *nd w*s kissing him before he finished the senten'e- %is eyes widened before he re'o)ered to kiss me b*'k"o s*y 91m not one for /.bli' dis/l*ys of *ffe'tion is *n .nderst*tement- B.t o)er the ye*rs 91)e 'ome to '*re less *bo.t wh*t str*ngers think+ *nd $l*y h*s m*de e3.*l strides to '*re more4 or *t le*st le*rned to *'t *s if he does- !o 9 s*t in his l*/ *nd kissed him+ *nd he didn1t sn*rl *t the wom*n *'ross the *isle when she st*rted h*rr.m/hing *nd glowering+ *nd *ll w*s good;5ow+ how *bo.t th*t b*throom tri/+; $l*y s*id *s 9 slid b*'k into my se*t9 looked ./ *t the first('l*ss b*throom4 /*st two flight *ttend*nts *nd si2 rows of /*ssengers+ *ll f*'ing it;:o. know+ it *lw*ys looks so m.'h e*sier in the mo)ies-; %e l*.ghed *nd f*stened his se*t belt- ;!o this w*s * good s.r/rise+ 9 t*ke it8; ;A gre*t one-; %e blinked+ gen.inely s.r/rised+ *nd 9 felt * /ri'kle of g.ilt- $l*y *nd 9 h*d o.r ones th*t h*d ke/t .s */*rt for ten ye*rs- 91d grown so *''.stomed to holding him *t *rm1s length th*t e)en now+ 9 s.//ose in some w*ys 9 still did- 9 w*s 3.i'k to s*y * '*s.*l ;miss yo.; on the /hone+ b.t ne)er * he*rtfelt ;%ey- 9 re*lly+ re*lly miss yo.-; %e knew 91d re*lly missed him- 9t threw him to he*r the words- Another thing 9 needed to work onAs the /l*ne lifted off+ 9 bro.ght $l*y ./ to d*te on the /ossible wolf kills- :es+ o.r fellow /*ssengers 'o.ld he*r .s+ b.t no one e*)esdro/s on * 'on)ers*tion like th*t *nd thinks ;Oh my God+ they1re t*lking *bo.t werewol)esB; "here h*d been two de*ths so f*r- Both h*d been men o.t *lone tr*i/sing the Al*sk*n wilderness *t night+ whi'h seems to be n*t.r*l sele'tion *t work+ *s m.'h *s Afri'*n to.rists who de'ide to '*m/ beside w*tering holes"he first )i'tim h*d been * 5ew Age @*n'o.)erite on * s/irit 3.est+ f*sting in * tee/ee- "he se'ond w*s *n e2('on ste*ling from tr*/s- Re*lly+ 'o.ld yo. bl*me the wol)es for thinking these two wo.ld m*ke * ni'e l*te(winter fe*st8 "he *.thorities were bl*ming * single m*n(e*ting wolf- At the site of both killings+ they1d fo.nd the tr*'ks of * '*nine- Werewol)es 'h*nge into )ery l*rge wol)es+ ret*ining their body m*ss- And o.tside the P*'k+ most *re loners-

!till+ th*t didn1t me*n it w*s * werewolf- 9t bore looking into+ *s long *s we were going to Al*sk* for other re*sonsBy the time 9 finished my e2/l*n*tion+ dinner w*s ser)ed- Gi)en the ho.r+ most /*ssengers st.'k to drinks *nd /e*n.ts+ b.t no were wolf t.rned down food+ howe)er str*nge the timeWhile we *te+ $l*y t*lked *bo.t the sym/osi.m- "hen 9 g*)e him *nother ./d*te6this one on Reese Willi*msAg*in+ o.r 'on)ers*tion might so.nd odd to *nyone listening+ b.t *s long *s we didn1t mention the W word+ they1d fl.ff off my t*lk of fights *nd 'h*ses *s * mo)ie /lot dis'.ssion- #ost /eo/le were *slee/ *nyw*y+ *s w*s 9 *fter dinner *nd * gl*ss of wineWhile 9 n*//ed+ $l*y re*d the Al*sk*n to.rism inform*tion 91d downlo*ded e*rlier- !.rro.nded by str*ngers+ he 'o.ldn1t rel*2 his g.*rd to sh.t his eyesWhen 9 woke+ 9 looked down to see 'ity lights below;!till night8; 9 s*id+ y*wning- ;Wh*t time68; 9 'he'ked my w*t'h- ;9t1s /*st si2- Where1s the s.n8; ;9t1s /*st fi)e lo'*l time+ *nd it1s Al*sk*+ d*rling-; ;!hit- "h*t1s right- &.h- !o when '*n we e2/e't to see the s.n8; ;9t1ll st*rt rising *ro.nd eight(thirty+ b.t won1t get o)er those mo.nt*ins for * while- An e*rlier d*ylight s*)ing time doesn1t do them *ny f*)ors here-; ;5o kidding-; 9 'o.ld m*ke o.t the 'ity below+ nestled in * )*lley+ s.rro.nded on three sides by snowy mo.nt*ins *nd the fo.rth by the o'e*n- Beyond those lights of 'i)ili7*tion8 #iles of wilderness9 smiled- ;Un'h*rted territory-; ;"he best kind-; $l*y shifted 'loser+ h*nd resting on my thigh *s he looked o.t the window;!till too d*rk to get to work+ 'he'king o.t those kills or looking for &ennis- We1ll h*)e to find other things to do-; ;We 'o.ld go to the hotel *nd get some slee/4 ; %e snorted;!e2 or * r.n8; 9 *sked;&o 9 h*)e to /i'k one8;

9 grinned- ;5e)er-; PLA:"9# O5$ 95 "% termin*l+ n*t.r*lly we h*d to 'he'k for Reese+ in '*se his flight h*d been del*yed or he1d de'ided to h*ng o.t here r*ther th*n /*y for *n e2tr* night1s hotel room- We went in se*r'h of *ll the se'l.ded+ t.'ked(*w*y /l*'es he 'o.ld hide- Unfort.n*tely+ /ost(CD11 these /l*'es *re in're*singly h*rd to 'ome by in *ir/orts;Godd*mn it+; $l*y m.ttered *fter o.r third /ossibility /ro)ed to be st*ffed by * se'.rity '*mer*- ;Where the hell is * s.//osed to hole ./ *ro.nd here8; Before he stormed down the '*r(rent*l h*ll+ 9 '*.ght his *rm *nd 9 /ointed to * sign w*rning of 'onstr.'tion *he*d;Abo.t time+; he gr.mbled%e h.rdled o)er the b*rrier+ /.shed b*'k the t*r/ *nd dis*//e*red- 9 w*ited for *ny indi'*tion th*t the 'o*st w*sn1t 'le*r6s're*ms+ sho.ts+ fo.l l*ng.*ge6then followed- When 9 '*.ght ./+ $l*y stood beside * /ile of dryw*ll+ his he*d tilted+ nose lifted+ trying to '*t'h the so.nd or smell of workers9 t.rned down * side /*ss*ge- 9t w*s short+ ending *t *6* lo'ked door- 9 w*s 'onsidering the wisdom of sn*//ing the lo'k when $l*y strode ./ behind- %e '*.ght me *ro.nd the hi/s+ fli//ing me *ro.nd+ going to mine%e kissed me h*rd- Li/s 'r.shing- %*nds gr*bbing- Fingers digging in- "he smell of him filling my nostrils+ thi'k *nd he*dy *s h*shish smoke- Br*in s/inning- Body s're*ming- %*nds /.lling his shirt ./- Fingers gri//ing his sides- !kin to skin+ to.'hing+ stroking+ m*king th*t 'onne'tion 91d missed so m.'hA growl )ibr*ted ./ from his 'hest+ 'oming o.t in * long+ low mo*n- Fingers in my h*irWinding- P.lling- Kissing h*rder- "eeth s'r*/ing- "ong.e t*sting%is h*nds dro//ed to my w*ist- B.tton fli'king- Ei//er whirring- "he 'hill bl*st of *ir *g*inst hot skin- "he r*s/ of 0e*ns sho)ed down- W*rm fingers mo)ing .nder my /*nties".gging- F*bri' '*t'hing+ /.lling+ stret'hing- A growl- A ri/- A l*.gh%*nds on my thighs+ /.shing them */*rt+ *s if 9 needed the en'o.r*gement- B*'k *g*inst w*llWriggling- !tr*ddling- Legs o)er hi/s- $ome on+ 'ome onB "hen4 Oh+ God+ yes- God+ 9 missed yo.- God+ 9 lo)e yo.- :es+ /le*se+ yes4 $l*y /ressed me *g*inst the w*ll+ n.77ling my ne'k *s 9 sh.ddered *nd g*s/ed;!/eed re'ord8; he *sked-

;For .s8 Prob*bly not-; %e 'h.'kled *nd ke/t kissing my ne'k+ inh*ling dee/ly+ telling me how good 9 smelled+ how m.'h he1d missed me+ how m.'h he lo)ed me+ .ntil the dist*nt 'l*ng of * door h*d .s 0.m/ing */*rt;5o sign of Reese here+; 9 s*id *s 9 /.lled my 0e*ns b*'k on;:o. '*n tell <eremy we 'he'ked e)ery nook *nd 'r*nny- 5ow time for th*t r.n-; F9R!" W %A& to get the*ge *nd rent*l '*r- As m.'h *s $l*y disliked de*ling with /eo/le+ 9 sent him for the '*r+ sin'e $l*y *nd 'rowded b*gg*ge 'l*ims re*lly don1t mi2- 9f someone /i'ks ./ one of o.r b*gs by *''ident+ his territori*l instin't ki'ks in- Us.*lly one glower m*kes the offender dro/ it *nd s'.ttle *w*y+ b.t on o.r l*st tri/+ * g.y tried to t*ke off with my b*g e)en *fter 9 /olitely s.ggested it might not be his+ *nd $l*y4 well+ it w*s re*lly best for *ll if 9 got the*ge *lone%*)ing *lso seen * wom*n *t the '*r(rent*l booth m*de the t*sk(s/litting de'ision th*t m.'h e*sier- <eremy wo.ld h*)e re ser)ed .s * de'ent )ehi'le+ b.t we '*n *lw*ys .se * free ./gr*de4 *nd $l*y gets * lot of free ./gr*des6do.ble b.tter on his /o/'orn+ *ne2tr*l*rge 'offee when he orders medi.m+ high(test f.el for the /ri'e of reg.l*r- 9 think it h*s something to do with being dro/(de*d gorgeo.s- #.s'.l*r body+ 'hiseled f*'e+ bright bl.e eyes+ golden '.rlsAt forty(se)en he looksmidthirties + whi'h is no longer * ;hot thing+; b.t *//*rently * ;hot m* thing; is still serio.s '*tni/$l*y h*tes *ttr*'ting *ttention of *ny kind+ *nd to him when he h*s * wedding b*nd on his finger+ *ttention of th*t kind is *n %e m*kes no se'ret of his feelings+ whi'h only seems to e*rn him more freebies *nd ./gr*des+ *s women try h*rder to 'o*2 * smile;"hey were o.t of 2/lorers+; $l*y s*id *s he met me /.lling the*ge- ;We got *n 2/edition-; ;Uh(h.h-; ;And this-; %e held ./ * n*)ig*tion system- ;9t w*s some kind of monthly de*l-; ;&id they h*)e *ny free "(shirts8 B*ll '*/s8 "r*)el m.gs8; ;5*h- Got some m*/s+; %e held ./ * h*ndf.l- ;Good ones-; ;#onthly de*l8; ;G.ess so-; We fo.nd o.r )ehi'le6* m*ssi)e !U@ with tinted windows-

;We didn1t need to find * 3.iet 'orner inside+; 9 s*id- ;We 'o.ld h*)e 'r*wled in the b*'k of this-; ;%.h-; %e o/ened the h*t'h *nd looked in- ;$o.ld try it o.t4 ; ;91m we will- L*ter- Right now+ 9 w*nt my r.n+ followed by my/ostr.n rom/- On'e took the edge off- "wi'e wo.ld s/oil my *//etite-; ;Wo.ldn1t w*nt th*t+; he s*id+ *nd he*)ed o.r b*gs in"% PR !U# & WOLF kills h*d both o''.rred *bo.t twenty miles of An'hor*ge+ so with my l*/to/ o/en to * news/*/er *rti'le1s m*/+ we he*ded o.t+ /l*nning to r.n in the s*me gener*l *re* in ho/es of /i'king ./ * wolf or werewolf s'ent$l*y *nd 9 '*n /l*y *t being irres/onsible6sto//ing for se2 *t*geo.sly in*//ro/ri*te times is one of'i*lities 6b.t it1s * g*me- 5either of .s wo.ld be *ble to re*lly rel*2 *nd en0oy o.r r.n .nless we felt+ in some sm*ll w*y+ we were still doing o.r 0ob *nd f.lfilling o.r Al/h*1s e2/e't*tions"he m*/ in the *rti'le w*s )ery 9t showed the highw*y+ one side ro*d *nd two F1s to m*rk the kill sites+ with no 'on'e/t of s'*le- !o .ntil we t*lked to lo'*ls+ we were g.essing *t the lo'*tion- B.t neither of .s re*li7ed how m.'h we were g.essing .ntil the highw*y left An'hor*ge9n d*ylight+ 91m the s'enery w*s s/e't*'.l*r- "he highw*y we*)ed *long between *n inlet on one side *nd mo.nt*ins *nd )*lleys on the other- 9n the /red*wn d*rkness+ it w*s *we( ins/iring6the endlessness of it *ll+ the 'ho//y w*ter *nd the looming hills *nd the snowy fields *nd forests"he ro*d w*sn1t em/ty- !te*dy he*dlights stre*med tow*rd .s+ /eo/le m*king their w*y into An'hor*ge for work- As for where these 'omm.ters '*me from+ 9 h*d no ide*- "here were 'ert*inly no s.b.rbs 9 'o.ld the o''*sion*l sign s.ggesting *n .nseen town down * long+ d*rk ro*dFin*lly we t.rned off onto one of those long+ d*rk ro*ds- $l*y dro)e * mile+ fo.nd wh*t looked like * ser)i'e ro*d *nd /*rked *long it9 ho//ed o.t4 *nd s.nk knee(dee/ in the white st.ff- "he *ir+ w*sn1t *s bitterly 'old *s 91d fe*red- 91d been in Winni/eg e*rlier this winter+ when the tem/er* hit min.s twenty F*hrenheit+ b.t this didn1t feel *ny 'older th*n Pittsb.rghAt le*st 9 w*s dressed for the se*son+ h*)ing boots+ * down(filled 0*'ket+ h*t *nd mitts in my*ge- $l*y6ret.rning from Atl*nt*6w*sn1t so l.'ky- 91d gr*bbed him * to3.e in the *ir/ort+ b.t he w*s only we*ring it to h.mor me- $old we*ther ne)er bothered $l*y- 9 *lw*ys 0oked th*t he w*s like one of those werewol)es from medie)*l legends+ with his f.r hidden .nder his skin-

We left o.r )*l.*bles6w*t'hes+ w*llets+ wedding b*nds6in the lo'ked glo)e 'om/*rtment+ then set o.t+ tr*m/ing the dee/ snow- 9f 91d b*d to w*lk this 91d h*)e been '.rsing with e)ery ste/- B.t be'*.se 9 'hose to+ in / of *n *'ti)ity 9 w*s giddily *nti'i/*ting+ 9 didn1t mind *t *ll6l*.ghing *nd l.r'hing+ gr*bbing onto $l*y *nd dr*gging him down *s 9 fell+ getting tossed f*'e(first into * drift+ ret.rning the f*)or4 We didn1t go f*r from the ro*d to $h*nge+ b.t it took .s *while to get there"he *re* w*s wooded for .s to find se/*r*te thi'kets- 9 w*s fin*lly /*st the st*ge of insisting on th*t+ 9 do m*ke $l*y t.rn his b*'k if we sh*re- 9 don1t 'onsider myself /*rti'.l*rly )*in+ b.t 91m not keen to h*)e *nyone see me mid($h*nge+ e)en $l*y9 .ndressed *nd /.t my 'lothes in * /l*sti' b*g 91d gr*bbed *t the *ir/ort- And then it got 'old 6;%oly shit+ holy shit+ holy shitB; 'old- When 9 got down on *ll fo.r+ *nd s.nk in snow ./ to my bre*sts+ 9 w*s g*s/ing for bre*th9t took * few moments for me to rel*2 to begin the $h*nge+ b.t on'e it st*rted+ the 'old w*s the l*st thing on my mind- #y body is shifting from h.m*n to wolfA it1s not going to ti'kleAs 9 le*rned when 9 h*d the twins+ * $h*nge is * lot like gi)ing birth+ e2'e/t yo. ski/ the l*bor /*ins *nd 0.m/ str*ight to the ;wh*t the hell w*s 9 thinking8; s're*ms of *gony- On'e yo. *''e/t th*t it1s * n*t.r*l /ro'ess *nd n* will see yo. yo. grit yo.r teeth *nd be*r it be'*.se yo. know it1ll be o)er soon+ *nd when it is+ the rew*rd will be worthwhile!o 9 s.ffered the body(ri//ing+ bone('r*'king *gony of the $h*nge with only * few gr.nts *nd whim/ers+ *s 91d done *t le*st on'e * week for the l*st twenty ye*rs- And when it w*s o)er+ 9 'oll*/sed onto my side+ /*nting+ m.77le b.ried in the snow to 'ool offOn'e 91d '*.ght my bre*th+ 9 rose slowly- "he /*in w*s only * memory now+ b.t 9 still took my time+ finding my footing on fo.r legs+ /*ws 'r.n'hing the snow ' i'y sh*rds /ri'kling between my foot/*ds- 9 blinked h*rd+ *d0.sting to * gr*y world+ gi)ing my br*in time to 'on)ert the sh*des to 'olors#y e*rs *nd nose were *lre*dy in *'tion+ e*rs swi)eling to /i'k ./ e)ery dist*nt 'r*'kle of f*lling i'e+ nose wiggling to '*t'h e)ery mole'.le of /rey s'ent+ both senses .rging me to h.rry ./+ get on with it+ get o.t there *nd st*rt e2/loring- 9 ignored them *nd stret'hed- #y eyesslitted in bliss *s my m.s'les *'hed+ endor/hins shooting to my br*in+ sweet *s 'h*m/*gne9 swished my t*il *g*inst the snow+ then ste//ed forw*rd *nd b*'k+ reest*blishing my 'enter of gr*)ity- After twenty ye*rs+ *ll this w*s 'om/letely .nne'ess*ry+ b.t it w*s like fore/l*y6 deli'io.s on its own+ e)en better *s * w*y to whet the *//etite+ *nti'i/*tion *nd fr.str*tion growing!/e*king of fr.str*tion4 As 9 stret'hed+ footf*lls /*dded *ro.nd my thi'ket- Gold f.r fl*shed+ glistening .nder the

moonlight- "hen $l*y1s smell w*fted in6th*t glorio.s ri'h s'ent+ st*rting * whim/er dee/ in my thro*t- 9 sw*llowed it *nd br*'ed my legs *g*inst the .rge to bo.nd o.t *nd greet him$l*y 'ir'led *g*in+ f*ster now+ im/*tien'e growing- 9 loweredmy self to my belly *nd sl.nk forw*rd+ slow *nd silent+ .ntil my nose w*s *t the thi'ket1s edge- "hen 9 b.n'hed my m.s'les+ hind3.*rters rising+ wiggling+ w*iting+ w*iting4 $l*y lo/ed /*st *nd 9 shot o.t behind him- By the time 9 he*rd the 'r.n'h of his sh*r/ t.rn+ 9 w*s r.nning f.ll o.t+ te*ring *'ross the o/en stret'h+ eyes h*lf 'losed+ wind sl.i'ing my f.r+ mo)ing so f*st my /*ws didn1t bre*k the '$l*y1s he*)ier m*ss me*nt he did bre*k th*t ' *nd he fell f*rther behind with e*'h stride+ the h.ff of his l*bored bre*ths inters/ersed with growls *s 9 /.lled *w*y- 9 'rossed the 'le*ring *nd do)e into the forest+ b.t *s soon *s 9 did+ 9 re*li7ed my mist*ke6/rote'ted by the thi'k '*no/y+ the gro.nd h*d only * thin l*yer of snow+ *nd 9 lost my *d)*nt*ge!oon $l*y1s h.ffing w*s right on my heels- "hen * gr.nt *nd * whoosh+ *nd 9 knew he1d le*/t- 9 tried di)ing to the side+ b.t *s my hind /*ws flew ./+ he '*.ght one *nd wren'hed- #y front feet skidded o.t *nd 9 belly flo//edWith * snort+ 9 bo.nded ./ *nd s/.n *ro.nd- %e w*s twenty feet *w*y+ /r*n'ing *w*y+ t*il w*)ing- )ery instin't s*id to 'h*se+ b.t 9 to//led b*'k down into the snow *ndwhined in /*in5ow $l*y knows better th*n to f*ll for th*t- %e re*lly does- B.t he '*n ne)er bring himself to r.n off+ in '*se this is the one time 9 re*lly *m 'ir'led me+ wide *nd w*ry- 9 li'ked my foreleg- %e '*me * little 'loser+ st*ying o.t of l.nging r*nge- 9 str.ggled to my feet+ /*w r*ised+ then gingerly to.'hed it to the gro.nd- %e '*me 'loser+ he*d lowered+ nose working h*rd to '*t'h the s'ent of blood- 9 lifted my /*w *nd whim/ered$loser+ 'loser4 9 s/r*ng- %e d*n'ed o.t of the w*y *nd took off- 9 hesit*ted+ then st*rted sn.ffling the gro.nd%e sto//ed+ he*d tilting- 9 ke/t sniffing+ 'he'king o.t *ll the /rey tr*ils- @ole+ h*re4 is th*t lyn28 %e d*shed /*st so 'lose 9 felt the dr*ft9 ke/t sniffing- #*rten+ /or'./ine+ more h*res4 Another d*sh+ this time sn*gging my t*il h*irs in his teeth *nd t.gging- 9 sn*//ed *nd sn*rled+ then went b*'k to sniffing- #ore )oles+ more m*rten4 %ey+ wh*t1s th*t8 9 s'r*t'hed off the to/ l*yer of snow+ trying to .n'o)er the s'ent$l*y whi//ed /*st *g*in+ this time )eering *nd sending * tid*l w*)e of snow o)er me- 9 shook it off+ nose still working+ trying to /i'k ./ the mystery s'ent- When 9 gl*n'ed ./+ 9 '*.ght * whiff

of it in the *ir- 9 tr*'ked it to *n old tree with missing 'h.nks of b*rk- "here+ '*.ght on one loose /ie'e si2 feet from the gro.nd+ w*s * t.ft of brown f.rBe*r8Oooh - We1d 'rossed /*ths with bl*'k be*rs in northern Ont*rio+ b.t ne)er one of their big brown 'o.sins- 9 s'r*mbled ./ the tr.nk+ n*ils digging in *s 9 stret'hed to sniff6 $l*y /lowed into my side- 9 went flying- "hen 9 bo.n'ed ./+ sn*rling+ *nd tore *fter him%e w*s sm*rt to know th*t his *d)*nt*ge l*y in the forest+ so th*t1s where he st*yed+ kee/ing only * few strides *he*d+ dro//ing b*'k+ then s/rinting *he*d+ t*.nting *nd te*singWhen the forest o/ened into * 'le*ring+ 9 hit f.ll s/eed+ he*d down+ /*ws s*iling o)er the snow+ 'losing the g*/+ the deli'io.s smell of him filling my br*in6 %e swer)ed4 right *t the edge of * sm*ll emb*nkment- 9 tried skidding to * sto/+ b.t t.mbled o)er it+ down the fi)e(foot 'liff onto the i'e('o)ered 'reek below+ e*'h leg going its own w*y *s 9 s/.n sno.t(first into the snowy emb*nkment on the other sideFrom behind me '*me the growl of $l*y1s wolf l*.gh- #y *nswering growl w*s not ne*rly *s *m.sed- 9 got to my feet slowly+ digging my 'l*ws into the i'e for tr*'tion- "hen+ witho.t t.rning to look *t him+ 9 gingerly /i'ked my w*y *long to * s/ot where * br*n'h /oked the i'e- 9 s'r*t'hed *t the thinner i'e *ro.nd it .ntil 9 h*d * hole- "hen 9 lowered my m.77le *nd dr*nk9 l*//ed the 'old w*ter+ so 'le*n *nd sweet th*t 9 'losed my eyes to s*)or it- 9 'o.ld he*r $l*y /*'ing *long the emb*nkment+ his /*nting getting lo.der+ thirst growing- 9 bit off * 'h.nk of i'e+ m*king the hole bigger+ then shifted *side to gi)e him room- %e tore down the 'reek side+ slowing *s he re*'hed the i'e+ testing e*'h ste/ .nder his weightWhen he got ./ beside me+ the i'e gro*ned+ b.t held- %e br.shed *g*inst me+ t*il be*ting the b*'k of my legs *s he dr*nk+ dro/lets of i'y w*ter s/r*ying my f*'e- 9 shifted 'loser+ r.bbing *g*inst him- %e m*de * dee/(thro*ted noise 'loser to * /.rr th*n to * growl- 9 3.ietly s'r*/ed *t the i'e with my f*r front /*w- "hen 9 re*red ./ *nd sl*mmed down+ *ll my weight on my front legs- As 9 twisted *nd tore off the 'r*'k of the i'e r*ng the 3.iet forest5ow it w*s my t.rn to st*nd on the emb*nkment *nd l*.gh+ *s $l*y s'r*mbled like * l.mber0*'k on * r.n*w*y log 0*m+ 0.m/ing from /ie'e to /ie'e *s they s*nk bene*th him- %e le*/t for the shore+ b.t didn1t 3.ite m*ke it+ s/l*shing down to his dew'l*ws in i'y w*ter9 tore off+ b.t 91d st*yed to en0oy the sight * few se'onds too long- %e '*.ght me ten feet from the emb*nkment+ gr*bbing my b*'k leg+ y*nking me down+ then /o.n'ing o)er me *nd sh*king+ w*ter s/r*ying e)erywhere- 9 tried to b.'k him off+ b.t he bit the s'r.ff of my ne'k *nd /inned me bene*th his so*ked .nderside9 fli//ed him o)er *nd we t.ssled+ f*ngs fl*shing+ ni//ing *nd ki'king *nd sn*rling+ tone 'h*nging+ the need for e2er'ise *nd /l*y f*ding f*st+ the need for something more /rim*l t*king

o)er- "he ni/s *nd growls grew ro.gher- 9 wriggled free+ *bo.t to t*ke off in * fin*l 'h*se before * 3.i'k $h*nge b*'k *nd6 A s'ent flo*ted /*st *nd 9 went still- $l*y1s teeth 'l*m/ed *ro.nd my lower 0*w+ trying to get my *ttention- 9 shook him off *nd got to my feet- %e tried one l*st time to gr*b me- 9 growled *nd ste//ed *side+ nose lifting telling him howe)er m.'h 9 h*ted the interr./tion+ wh*t 9 smelled dem*nded my *ttention"he dist*nt m.rm.r of * )oi'e got him to his feet- %e t.rned his nose into the bree7e- %is sense of smell w*sn1t *s good *s mine+ b.t *fter * moment he '*.ght it- %is only re*'tion w*s * gr.nt+ dee/ in his 'hest+ the '*nine e3.i)*lent of * mildly '.rio.s ;h.h-; When 9 st*rted tow*rd the so.r'e+ he '*.ght my hind leg in his 0*ws- <.st * light t.g+ like '*t'hing my *rm9 looked b*'k- %e h*d his e*rs down+ e2/ression .n'ert*in+ '*.tio.s e)en- 5orm*lly+ $l*y1s le*ding the 'h*rge *nd 91m holding b*'k+ b.t this w*s one sit.*tion where 9 w*s bolder th*n he9 'h.ffed+ getting his *ttention+ then g*)e * slow sh*ke of my he*d- 91d be '*ref.l+ b.t 9 w*s going to in)estig*te- %e snorted+ his 0owls )ibr*ting+ h.ffed bre*ths h*nging in the *ir- Fine+ b.t he w*sn1t h*//y *bo.t it9 took off *t * lo/e+ $l*y *t my heels- "he s.n w*s 'resting the mo.nt*ins now+ the )*lley still gr*y *nd gloomy+ with /*t'hes of snow glittering where the s.n /ier'ed the thi'k trees- 9t w*s * str*ngely eerie time of d*y+ sh*dows /l*ying with the light- #ore th*n on'e 9 tho.ght 9 s*w something *nd slowed+ only to g*7e o.t o)er em/ty forestWe went * h*lf mile before the dist*nt m.rm.r t.rned into three distin't m*le )oi'es+ *nd e)en then 9 'o.ldn1t m*ke o.t wh*t they were s*ying- For th*t+ 91d need to 'on'entr*te+ *nd 9 w*s fo'.sed on getting 'loserAs the )oi'es grew lo.d for me to e*)esdro/ witho.t effort+ $l*y ni//ed my heels+ s*ying we were too 'lose *lre*dy- 9 'o.ld h*)e s*fely gone *nother fifty feet+ b.t 9 sto//ed before those ner)o.s ni/s be'*me *n2io.s bites9 'o.ldn1t see the men+ b.t their )oi'es seemed to 'ome from * lighter /*t'h *he*d+ /res.m*bly the forest1s edge- 9 'ir'led to the e*st+ .ntil 9 'o.ld see * fro7en l*ke * g*/ in the trees- 9 ke/t 'ir'ling+ wide to kee/ $l*y1s 'om/l*ints down to * ste*dy gr.mbleWhen 9 drew 'lose to the forest1s edge+ 9 h.nkered down+ sliding *'ross the snow on my belly$l*y tried to follow+ w*nting to st*y 'lose+ b.t 9 'h.ffed *nd shook my he*d- %e gr.mbled * little lo.der+ b.t knew 9 w*s right- O.r f.r m*t'hes o.r h*ir 'olor *nd+ *g*inst * snowy b*'kdro/+ his gold '*.ght the eye f*r better th*n my sil)ery blond9 st.'k my m.77le o.t beyond the tree line *nd took * dee/ bre*th- Fo.r men6three st*nding+ one on the gro.nd- "he s'ents didn1t betr*y their /ositionsA their )oi'es did- For the three+ their )oi'es *bo)e my he*d told me their /osition- "he s'ent of the fo.rth told me where he w*s- %is smell w*s the one 91d '*.ght b*'k by the 'reek- "he stink of de'om/osing flesh-

"he smell w*sn1t o)erwhelming+ b.t 9 sho.ld h*)e /i'ked it ./ while we1d been goofing *ro.nd9 s.s/e'ted it w*s no 'oin'iden'e+ then+ th*t 91d noti'ed the smell *nd the )oi'es *t the s*me time"he 'or/se h*)e been b.ried .nder * l*yer of snow+ now fo.nd *nd .n'o)ered9 /.shed forw*rd * few more in'hes- When my eyes /*ssed the tree line+ 9 'o.ld still m*ke o.t only sh*/es in the twilight9 sh.ffled *nother few in'hes forw*rd- $l*y1s gr.mbling t.rned to growls- 9 sto//ed *s soon *s 9 'o.ld see the three st*nding fig.res- "hey were *ll too b.ndled to g.ess *ge+ b.t 9 'o.ld t*ke * good st*b *t o''./*tion+ gi)en th*t two h*d b*dges on their h*ts *nd the third w*s in '*mo.fl*ge ge*r with * glow(in(the(d*rk )estAt their feet l*y the body4 or wh*t w*s left of it- #ost of the 'lothing h*d been torn *w*yWh*t rem*ined w*s d*rk with fro7en blood- )en ./ 'lose it didn1t smell too b*d6* h.m*n nose wo.ld b*rely dete't it- Free7ing h*d ke/tde'om/ *t b*y+ b.t by the time it got w*rm to stink+ there wo.ldn1t be *nything left to smell- Being b.ried .nder the snow w*s the only thing th*t h*d sto//ed the s'*)engers from finishing wh*t they1d beg.n9 'o.ld tell th*t the body h*d been e*ten+ b.t .nless 9 'o.ld get 'lose to sniff it+ 9 h*d no ide* wh*t h*d done the e*ting6wolf+ werewolf+ mink or one of the do7ens of other /red*tors o.t here- )en knowing wh*t *te the m*n wo.ldn1t tell me wh*t killed him- At the t*il end of * long winter+ e)en wol)es won1t t.rn down free me*t- And th*t+ 9 re*li7ed when 9 'on'entr*ted on the men1s s/ee'h+ w*s e2*'tly wh*t they were s*ying;Fresh snowf*ll yesterd*y me*ns no tr*'ks tod*y+; the shorter 'o/ s*id- ;5o w*y to tell if it w*s '*nine+ .rsine or homo s*/iens-; ;:o. think * /erson 'o.ld h*)e done this8; "he t*ller 'o/1s )oi'e s3.e*ked with s.r/rise *nd; *t /oor "om for dinner8 9 ho/e to hell not+ b.t 9 wo.ldn1t /.t it /*st some of the wh*'k(0obs we get ./ here- 9 me*nt he 'o.ld h*)e been m.rdered+ then e*ten by s'*)engers- %e1s so 'hewed ./+ we might not e)er know for; ;9 *lw*ys told "om he w*s 'r*7y+; the h.nter s*id- ;$he'king his tr*/s *t night- B.t it w*s his f*)orite time-; "here w*s * moment of silen'e for the de*d m*n"he yo.nger 'o/ broke it first- ;9 s*w some wolf tr*'ks b*'k there-; ;Wolf8; the older 'o/ s*id- ;:o. *bo.t th*t8; ;9 '*n tell '*nine from .rsine+ Reed-;

;%e me*ns there1s more th*n one kind of '*nine o.t here+; the h.nter s*id;And 9 me*n don1t go 0.m/ing to 'on'l.sions+; the older 'o/ s*id- ;Folks he*r *bo.t /*w /rints ne*r * de*d body *nd they st*rt 'rying wolf-; ;#y money1s on * wolf(dog+; the h.nter s*id- ;$ity idiots think it1s 'ool to own * dog th*t1s h*lf wolf4 .ntil it t.rns o.t there1s some wild be*st in their /et /oo'h- F*n'y th*t- "hen wh*t do they do8 Let them loose o.t here *nd tell themsel)es they1)e done the h.m*ne thing-; ;"h*t1d e2/l*in the big '*nine tr*'ks /eo/le h*)e been seeing sin'e the /*'k mo)ed on- A wolf( dog got d.m/ed here+ st*rted h*r*ssing the /*'k+ s'*ring off the /rey+ so they left- 9f *n *nim*l1s been r*ised by /eo/le+ it doesn1t fe*r them- 9t gets h.ngry8 "h*t big h.nk of me*t on two legs looks d*mned t*sty-; As 9 b*'ked ./+ $l*y h.ffed in relief *nd 'ir'led in front to herd me to s*fety- )en being r*ised ne*r /eo/le h*d ne)er er*sed th*t g.t(le)el *n2iety th*t s*id * h.m*n in the forest w*s * b*d thing- 9n this '*se+ his instin't w*s right- 9f these g.ys '*.ght of glim/se of * big yellow wolf right now+ we1d be /i'king shotg.n /ellets from o.r b.tts for weeks9 st*rted w*lking *w*y+ my nose to the gro.nd+ skimming it like * met*l dete'tor- $l*y w*t'hed for * moment+ then m*de th*t r.mbling noise dee/ in his 'hest+ one th*t s*id he1d r*ther get *s f*r from these h.m*ns *s /ossible+ b.t 9 h*d * /oint- %e /.t his nose down *nd 0oined my se*r'h&OW5"9# W FOU5& "RA$K! *bo.t * h*lf mile from the kill site- 9t looked *s if the tr*il went in th*t dire'tion+ b.t we didn1t d*re follow it *ny 'loser6not .ntil the /eo/le h*d left- 9 s.//osed they were w*iting for the 'oroner or 'rime(s'ene te'hs- B.t whoe)er w*s 'oming w*s t*king his time *nd 9 'o.ld still he*r the men t*lking"he tr*'ks were definitely '*nine+ *s the offi'er h*d s*id- While they seemed too big to be wolf- 9 won1t s*y definitely too big+ be'*.se wol)es h*)e been fo.nd weighing ./ to two h.ndred /o.nds- "he *)er*ge+ is o)er h*lf th*t- "hese tr*'ks were the si7e of $l*y1s+ b.t the s'ent *lre*dy told me we were de*ling with * werewolf"he tr*il w*s * few d*ys old+ the /rints rem*ining only be'*.se the tree '*no/y /rote'ted this /*t'h from the freshly f*llen snow- 9 h*d to /*'e *long it before my br*in re*lly l*t'hed onto the smell- "hen 9 s*t on my h*.n'hes *nd m.lled it o)er+ like * wine e2/ert with * 'ork+ trying to /l*'e the )int*ge- When it didn1t twe*k * memory+ 9 sniffed *g*in- 5o m*t'h to *nything in my ment*l file '*binet9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y+ who w*s sniffing *nother se'tion of the tr*il- %e lifted his m.77le from the gro.nd *nd shook his he*d6no one he knew either- #y dossiers do'.ment twenty(fi)e werewol)es '.rrently li)ing in the United !t*tes+ b.t we weren1t *rrog*nt to belie)e th*t *'t.*lly me*nt there were only twenty(fi)e-

#.tts were *lw*ys immigr*ting *nd emigr*ting+ /l.s there were * h*ndf.l th*t st*yed .nder the r*d*r- Kee/ing t*bs on *ll of them w*s im/ossible- We re*lly only tr*'ked the tro.blem*kers *nd the ones from the oldest werewolf f*milies+ like the!*ntoess *nd the$*ins !till+ in the Lower GH+ we 'o.ld s*y with some 'onfiden'e th*t we knew most of the werewol)es *ro.nd6either by re/.t*tion or by s'ent- U/ here in Al*sk*+ we might *s well be in *nother 'o.ntry- "he only Al*sk*ns we h*d in o.r dossiers were the!tillwells + *nd if $l*y didn1t re'ogni7e this s'ent+ then it w*sn1t either of themWe 'o.ldn1t follow the tr*il b*'k to the kill site+ b.t we 'o.ld t*ke it the other w*y- We1d tr*'ked it for *lmost * mile before it ended *t * 'le*ring- 9nside+ we fo.nd * /ie'e of /lywood *nd * wooden 'r*te- A werewolf1s winter lo'ker6* /l*'e to $h*nge in the m.d *nd snow+ *nd to store yo.r ge*r- We h*d something simil*r+ if more eleg*nt+ *t!toneh*)en "his 'le*ring reeked of s'ent *nd swe*t+ me*ning someone w*s .sing it reg.l*rly- As 9 sniffed more+ 9 re*li7ed it w*s more th*n someone- We h*d two distin't s'ents *nd /ossibly * third!hit"wo or more werewol)es+ none the!tillwells - And *s soon *s they set foot in this 'le*ring+ they1d know there were two werewol)es in town+ one of them fem*le&o.ble shit9 st*rted b*'king o.t of their 'h*nge(room+ b.t it w*s too l*te- "he moment 9 got within ten feet of the s/ot 91d left * s'ent th*t w*s to get their *ttention- U/on 'onsider*tion+ 9 de'ided th*t w*sn1t ne'ess*rily * /roblem- With the si7e of Al*sk*+ finding two or three werewol)es wo.ld be needle(*nd(h*yst*'k work- 5ow they1d be looking for .s+ whi'h wo.ld m*ke things e*sierAs long *s we1d *lre*dy left o.r s'ents+ we might *s well t*ke * better sniff *ro.nd- We 'o)ered e)ery in'h of th*t 'le*ring se*r'hing for remn*nts of the m*n by the l*ke+ *nd fo.nd not * s/e'k of blood or shred of flesh- "h*t didn1t me*n m.'h6the long r.n the snow wo.ld be to 'le*n off their feet6b.t it bore kee/ing in mind- 9t 'o.ld *lso s.ggest * deliber*te 'le*ning before ret.rning to this s/ot- #*ybe one of the m.tts w*s * m*n(e*ter trying to hide the h*bit from his b.ddiesOn'e we were we1d gotten *ll the inform*tion we 'o.ld *nd h*d 'ommitted their s'ents to memory+ we left the 'le*ring- As 9 ste//ed o.t+ 9 '*.ght * mo)ement in the b.shes- 9 fro7e+ blo'king $l*y- %e n.dged my hind3.*rters- 9 edged b*'kw*rd+ s'*nning the woods- "he only noise w*s the wind r.stling de*d le*)es o)erhe*d- 9t w*s too 3.iet- $l*y went still+ knowing something w*s wrong9 ke/t looking+ e*rs swi)eled forw*rd+ nose working- 5othing to see- 5othing to he*r- 5othing to smell- :et the forest st*yed de*thly silent- $l*y n.dged me *g*in6now he w*s worried *nd w*nted to get mo)ing-

9 slid from the 'le*ring- $l*y followed- We stood in the dense+ dimly lit forest+ looking+ listening+ sniffing+ '*t'hing nothing- "hen * bird '*lled- Another *nswered- A s3.irrel 'hirr./ed *nd s'*m/ered o)er * br*n'h o)erhe*d+ de*d le*)es r*ining down- 9 shook one off my he*d+ *nd 9 r.bbed *g*inst $l*y+ gr.nting *n */ology for o)erre*'ting- %e li'ked my m.77le *nd w*ited for instr.'tions+ re*dy to 'ede the le*d now th*t *ny d*nger h*d /*ssedWe fo.nd the s'ent from the werewol)es in h.m*n form+ *nd followed it- 9t didn1t go more th*n twenty /*'es before ending *t * tr*il thi'k with the stink of mi2ed g*s *nd oil- !nowmobiles9 t.rned *ro.nd *nd lo/ed b*'k * 3.*rter mile tow*rd the kill site+ b.t the men h*dn1t left yet"here w*s no re*son for .s to linger- By the time the 'rew remo)ed the body+ *ll their tr*'ks wo.ld h*)e er*sed the f*int tr*il of the killer- We ret.rned to o.r tr.'k *nd $h*nged b*'kA! &9!APPO95" & A! we were o)er the *wkw*rd end to o.r r.n+ neither of .s s.ggested we 'r*wl into the b*'k of the !U@ *nd finish it /ro/erly- We1d *lre*dy done the 3.i'k(*nd(dirty sol.tion in the *ir/ort- 5ow we w*nted more+ *nd if we 'o.ldn1t get it on o.r terms+ we1d w*it *nd b.ild ./ *n *//etite!/e*king of *//etites+ bre*kf*st w*s long o)erd.e- We dro)e b*'k to %ighw*y 16the m*in ro.te Al*sk*4 or the = /er'ent of it th*t 'o.ld be re*'hed by '*r- 9t w*s * two(l*ne highw*y th*t didn1t be*r m.'h resembl*n'e to the interst*tes 9 w*s .sed to+ *nd it didn1t h*)e the f*'ilities 9 w*s .sed to either- *rlier we1d /*ssed only one ser)i'e 'enter- We ret.rned there now *nd fo.nd * g*s st*tion+ b*kery *nd /i77* /*rlor9 w*s s.r/rised by the neon sign in the b*kery window offering es/ressos6not the kind of thing one e2/e'ts to find *t * highw*y o.t/ost- B.t 9 w*sn1t * 91d *lw*ys 'onsidered myself * str*ight 'offee /erson+ b.t when 91d been /regn*nt *nd n.rsing+ 9 dr*nk de'*f l*ttes to ./ my d*iry int*ke *nd de)elo/ed * t*ste for them+ es/e'i*lly if they '*me with '*r*mel- "hese ones did+ so 9 got * l*rge+ * 'offee for $l*y *nd * b*g of /*striesWe he*ded o.tside to e*t *nd 'o.ldn1t find * single ben'h or /i'ni' t*ble- Gi)en the )iew6 snow('o)ered mo.nt*ins with the s.n 'resting the ridge69 'o.ldn1t im*gine why e)eryone 'hose to drink their 'offee inside- 9 s.//ose the s.bfree7ing tem/er*t.res h*dsome thing to do with th*tB.t the 'h*n'e to e*t with * )iew like th*t w*s too tem/ting to ignore- And $l*y w*s *s h*//y not to h*)e to e*t with str*ngers- !o we settled onto the wooden ties of * r*ised flower bed- "hen we /honed home<eremy *nd his )isiting girlfriend+ <*ime+ were getting re*dy to t*ke the kids to swimming lessons+ me*ning o.r timing w*s /erfe't6Log*n *nd K*te were too e2'ited *bo.t swimming to *sk when we were 'oming b*'k- $l*y+ <eremy *nd 9 work mostly from home+ me*ning the kids h*)e grown ./ with .s there *ll the time+ so yo.1d think they wo.ldn1t mind o.r o''*sion*l *bsen'e- B.t be'*.se we1re *lw*ys there+ th*t1s wh*t they1re .sed to+ *nd when we t*ke off+ they r*ise * hell of *

$l*y t*lked to K*te first+ whi'h wo.ld gi)e me /lenty of time to en0oy my l*tte *nd m.ffin- 9 listened in *s she told &*ddy e)erything th*t h*d h*//ened sin'e he1d '*lled the d*y before)erything- 9n det*il- And the entire fifteen(min.te re'it*tion+ $l*y1s *ttention ne)er fl*ggedWhen the s.b0e't of kids first '*me ./ ye*rs *go+ 91d 0oked th*t the only thing 9 'o.ld im*gine worse th*n me *s * mother w*s $l*y *s * f*ther- 9 'o.ldn1t h*)e been more wrong- $l*y w*s *n *m*7ing /*rent- "he g.y who 'o.ldn1t s/*re * few min.tes to he*r * m.tt1s side of the story 'o.ld listen to his kids t*lk *ll d*y- "he g.y who 'o.ldn1t sit still the * brief 'o.n'il meeting 'o.ld s/end b.ilding Lego '*stles with his kids- "he g.y who sol)ed /roblems with his fists ne)er e)en r*ised his )oi'e to his 'hildren- And if sometimes $l*y w*s * little too ind.lgent+ * little too slow to dis'i/line+ /referring to le*)e th*t to me+ 9 w*s ok*y with it- %e s.//orted *nd enfor'ed my de'isions *nd we /resented * .nified front to o.r 'hildren+ *nd th*t w*s *ll th*t m*tteredFin*lly+ <eremy inter'eded on the '*ll6telling K*te they h*d to le*)e soon6*nd he g*)e the /hone to Log*n- "h*t 'on)ers*tion w*s more two(sided- $l*y h*d sent Log*n * 0.nior s'ien'e set from Atl*nt*+ *nd they dis'.ssed e2/eriments Log*n h*d done yesterd*y+ .nder <eremy1s s./er)ision- !'ien'e w*sn1t $l*y1s *re* of interest or e2/ertise+ b.t he w*s *s f*s'in*ted by the working of his son1s /re'o'io.s mind *s he1d been with his d*.ghter1s *d)ent.resAs $l*y *nd Log*n t*lked+ 9 'o.ld he*r K*te in the b*'kgro.nd+ telling Log*n to h.rry+ th*t she h*d to t*lk to #ommy- %e '*lmly 'ontin.ed his 'on)ers*tion+ neither h.rrying to /le*se her nor st*lling to *nnoy her- )en before they 'o.ld w*lk+ K*te6my boistero.s little wolf '.b6h*d tried est*blishing domin*n'e o)er her brother *nd he1d m*de it 'le*r th*t she might be bigger *nd stronger+ b.t he w*sn1t /.tting ./ with th*t 'r*/- "hey were e3.*ls *nd she1d best not forget itWhen he fin*lly h*nded her the /hone+ 9 listened to * re/l*y of her d*y+ then Log*n '*me on *nd informed me th*t he w*nted to go to s'hool in the f*ll- A//*rently+ he1d o)erhe*rd * /hone '*ll <eremy took from the s'hool+ in)iting .s to the /rekinderg*rten registr*tion session- "he twins wo.ld be fo.r in the f*ll *nd $l*y *nd 9 were still deb*ting whether to send them$l*y w*nted to hold off .ntil kinderg*rten- 5orm*lly 91m *ll for *ny so'i*li7*tion o//ort.nity+ b.t here 9 w*s le*ning tow*rd *greeing with $l*y6they seemed so for s'hool+ e)en h*lf(d*ys- B.t now+ Log*n w*s /.tting in his re3.est to go+ while in the b*'kgro.nd his sister howled her ob0e'tions- !he w*nted to st*y home with .s- !/litting them ./ wo.ldn1t be *n o/tion 6they were inse/*r*ble- L.'kily+ *t this moment+ my /l*te w*s f.ll with other t*sks *nd 9 'o.ld s*fely /ost/one this one .ntil we got homeFin*lly 9 got Log*n to h*nd the /hone to <eremy+ b.t 9 'o.ld b*rely he*r him o)er the kids bi'kering *bo.t s'hool- "hen 9 '*.ght <*ime1s )oi'e+ reminding them it w*s sn*'k time+ *nd the * w*s re/l*'ed by /o.nding footste/s+ then silen'e;Food *lw*ys works+; 9 s*id-

;We1ll be in tro.ble when it doesn1t- !o+ how w*s yo.r flight8; 9 told him wh*t we1d done so f*r- %e w*s im/ressed by the /rogress we1d m*de- <eremy knew we wo.ldn1t h*)e l*nded in Al*sk* *nd holed ./ in * hotel for eight b.t like *ny good le*der+ he .nderst*nds th*t the d*y he st*rts e2/e'ting his troo/s to /erform *bo)e *nd beyond is the d*y when they1ll st*rt feeling .nder*//re'i*ted *nd dr*g their heels;Go 'he'k into the hotel *nd get some slee/+; he s*id;%*s P*ige gotten * hit on Reese1s '*rds8; %e /*.sed;"h*t me*ns yes+; 9 s*id- ;9 'o.ld '*ll her myself+ yo. know-; ;%e .sed one to book * motel+ b.t *fter th*t e2/ensi)e flight+ he1s not le*)ing Al*sk* *nytime soon+ so yo. '*n get some slee/6; ;9 n*//ed on the /l*ne- 9f $l*y1s tired+ 91ll dro/ him off6; ;91m fine+; $l*y s*id;9 know Reese isn1t the most .rgent item on o.r *gend*4 ; 9 s*id;"here1s nothing .rgent on yo.r *gend*-; ;Whi'h is why 9 w*nt to 'le*r him off my sl*te-; ;:o.1re w*sting yo.r time+<er +; $l*y '*lled<eremy he*rd *nd sighed+ then g*)e me the inform*tion- ;Go to the boy1s motel+ s/e*k to him *nd then get some rest-; ;&o we h*)e *n *ddress for &ennis or <oey !tillwell8 9 w*s thinking+ if it1s on the w*y4 ; %e sighed *g*in+ *nd g*)e me the *ddress;& 559!1! APAR"# 5" 9! 'loser+; 9 s*id *s 9 got into the dri)er1s se*t- ;We sho.ld /rob*bly sto/ there before Reese1s motel-; ;:e*h-; ;And 91m g.essing yo.1d r*ther we 'he'ked on &ennis first-; A /*.se+ then * softer ;:e*h-;

9 gl*n'ed o)er *s 9 /.lled from the lot- ;9 know yo.1re worried *bo.t them6&ennis *nd <oey-; ;91m not worried is the right word- 9 feel4 ; %e looked o.t the side window+ fingers dr.mming the *rmrest- ;9 don1t re*lly know how 91ll feel+ seeing <oey *g*in-; 9 w*ited- "here1s no sense /rodding $l*y to t*lk- %e doesn1t need to be en'o.r*ged to sh*re his feelings- 9f he w*nts to+ he will;9 feel b*d+ 9 g.ess+; he s*id *fter * moment- ;F*lling o.t of to.'h-; ;:o. were friends-; %e nodded- ;9 w*s 'loser to 5i'k- <oey w*s * few ye*rs older- B.t+ ye*h+ we were friends- P*'k m*tes- P*'k brothers- 9 sho.ld h*)e ke/t in 'ont*'t- 9 0.st4 9 w*s /issed off *bo.t them le*)ing"hey didn1t h*)e m.'h st*t.s in the P*'k *nd th*t m*de them *fr*id to 'ross #*l'olm- 9 get th*tB.t 9 wo.ld h*)e /rote'ted them- <oey w*sn1t * kid- %e didn1t need to follow his f*ther- %e 'o.ld h*)e s*id it w*sn1t right+ *b*ndoning <eremy *fter *ll he1d done for them-; ;B.t he didn1t- "hey r*n-; $l*y went silent+ loy*lty to old P*'k m*tes w*rring *g*inst * dee/er feeling of betr*y*l;:e*h+ they r*n+; he s*id;And yo. 'o.ldn1t forgi)e th*t-; ;5o- 9 'o.ldn1t-; %e looked *t me- ;9t w*s their d.ty6their oblig*tion6to st*nd by .s- "hey r*n+ *nd things got worse- "heir s.//ort m*y not h*)e 'o.nted for m.'h+ b.t it wo.ld h*)e ti//ed the b*l*n'e- <eremy wo.ld h*)e won the Al/h* r*'e witho.t bloodshed- %e 'o.ld h*)e .sed their hel/ *nd 9 wo.ld h*)e /rote'ted them-; And th*t is wh*t it '*me down to- 9n le*)ing+ they1d *b*ndoned <eremy *nd h*dn1t tr.sted $l*y- 9 .sed to think th*t $l*y w*s in'*/*ble of seeing other /oints of )iew- %e '*n see them tho.gh6 he '*n1t feel them- &ennis *nd <oey h*dn1t f.lfilled their d.ty to the P*'k *nd th*t felt wrong+ so it w*s wrong;9f they '*me b*'k *fter <eremy *s'ended+ 9 wo.ld h*)e been /issed+ *nd it wo.ldn1t h*)e been the s*me between <oey *nd me- B.t 9 wo.ld h*)e gotten o)er it-; ;Why didn1t they ret.rn8; ;<eremy s*id they were still worried *bo.t #*l'olm+ th*t he1d 'ome b*'k *nd t*ke re)enge *g*inst those who didn1t s.//ort him- "h*t1s b.llshit- #*l'olm w*s * )i'io.s+ m*ni/.l*ti)e son of * bit'h+ b.t more th*n *nything+ he w*s * fighter- A fighter doesn1t 'r*wl b*'k *fter * defe*t+ e)en for re)enge- On'e he1s be*ten+ he mo)es on *nd /i'ks * new b*ttle- L*ter+ when we he*rd #*l'olm w*s de*d+ <eremy told them- By then+ they1d m*de * life for themsel)es here in

Al*sk*-; ;B.t now yo.1re looking forw*rd to seeing <oey- %*)ing *n e2'.se to get b*'k in to.'h-; ;9t1s been * lot of ye*rs+ *nd wh*te)er 9 felt then is gone- :o.1ll like <oey- L.'*s reminds me * bit of him+ b.t <oey isn1t *s4 %e ne)er h*d m.'h 'onfiden'e+ m.'h4 ; %e tr*iled off *g*in- 9 s.s/e'ted the word he w*nted w*s b*'kbone+ b.t he 'o.ldn1t bring himself to s*y it- ;%e w*s * de'ent g.y- ?.iet+ tho.ghtf.l- A good friend-; ;And * ni'e 'h*nge from 5i'k now *nd then8; A short l*.gh- ;:e*h-; 9 dro)e *nother mile+ then $l*y s*id+ ;!/e*king of Al/h* *s'ensions4 ; #y h*nds tightened on the steering wheel- ;:o. know-; ;:e*h+ <eremy s*id he fin*lly told yo.-; %is )oi'e went .n'h*r*'teristi'*lly soft- ;:o. didn1t need to w*it for me to get home to dis'.ss this-; ;9t w*sn1t something 9 w*nted to dis'.ss o)er the /hone-; %e swore .nder his bre*th- ;<eremy '*n h*)e the worst timing4 ; ;5o+ he w*s being )ery '*ref.l *bo.t the timing- %e told me the news before 9 w*s s.//osed to meet yo. in Atl*nt*+ thinking th*t wo.ld gi)e .s * 'h*n'e to dis'.ss it in /ri)*te"hen o.r kids de'ided to /l*y !./erm*n o.t the window- Oh+ *nd *bo.t th*t+ K*te fin*lly *dmitted6; ;Whi'h yo. '*n tell me l*ter+; $l*y s*id- ;Right now+ we sho.ld dis'.ss this- :o. fo.nd o.t <eremy w*nts yo. to be Al/h*- "h*t1s * big de*l- We need to t*lk *bo.t it- :o. need to t*lk *bo.t it-; ;:es+ b.t not now- 9t isn1t something 9 w*nt to dis'.ss in the '*r- And it1s not 'riti'*l- 91m 0.st4 ; ;Worried-; #y h*nds de*th(gri//ed the wheel+ bre*ths 'oming so f*st my 'hest h.rt; len*4 ; 9 didn1t look *t him- ;91m fine- We1ll dis'.ss it l*ter-; ;P.ll o)er *nd6; #y e2/ression sto//ed him short- %e r.bbed his h*nd o)er his ;Ok*yWe1ll t*lk *t the hotel- B.t 9 don1t like thinking yo.1)e been this ./set6;

;91m not ./set-; ;$on'erned+ *nd w*ited * week to t*lk to me- 5o wonder yo. were so h*//y to see me-; 9 looked *t him- ;:es+ 9 w*nt to t*lk+ b.t 9 did miss yo.- A lot-; ;$*n 9 get th*t in writing8; 9 m*n*ged * smile- ;5ot * 'h*n'e-; GO5 $O#95G 95"O A5$%ORAG now+ 9 got my first d*ylight look *t the 'ity- 9gnore the gorgeo.s b*'kdro/ of o'e*n *nd mo.nt*ins+ *nd it 'o.ld /*ss for *ny medi.m(si7e 'ity with stri/ m*lls *nd stri/ 0oints+W*l (#*rts *nd W*lgreens- Wh*t did st*nd o.t w*s the snow6or the l*'k of it- "he streets were b*re *nd * lot of y*rds were+ too- A''ording to the digit*l signs we /*ssed+ it w*s forty degrees+ the s*me *s we1d e2/e't in ./st*te 5ew :ork this time of ye*r+ *nd we definitely h*d more snow&ennis1s */*rtment b.ilding w*s *s norm*l *nd *)er*ge *s the 'ity itself- 5othing sle*7y or s/e't*'.l*r- 5othing histori'*l or /ost modern- <.st *n .n*ss.ming+ well(ke/t b.ildingA''ording to the ten*nt list+ &ennis w*s .sing his re*l n*me- All P*'k werewol)es do- We h*)e 9&s with *li*ses+ b.t /*rt of the re*son for 0oining the P*'k is to settle into territory+ *nd it1s e*siest to do th*t .sing yo.r birth n*me9 b.77ed his */*rtment from the b.ilding )estib.le- When no one *nswered *fter the se'ond one+ 9 w*s *bo.t to find *nother w*y in when * ten*nt held the door o/en for .s- 9 tho.ght she1d mist*ken .s for neighbors+ b.t *s we w*lked into the lobby she *sked who we were there to )isit9 s*id &ennis- !he didn1t know him+ *nd seemed f*intly emb*rr*ssed by th*t+ *s if she sho.ld$l*y kno'ked on &ennis1s door- At * se'ond kno'k+ * neighbor1s door o/ened- An elderly wom*n with b.shy white h*ir *nd gl*sses /eered o.t+ blinking like * wi7en(f*'ed snowy owl;!orry+; 9 s*id- ;We didn1t me*n to dist.rb6; ;Are yo. looking for &ennis8; ;:es+ we1re friends of6; ;%e1s not there+ de*r- Been gone *while-; !he e*sed o.t the door+ gri//ing her'o*t *ro.nd her /l.m/ body- ;&ennis isn1t the sort to m*ke his /resen'e known+ not like some /eo/le6; A gl*re *t the door *'ross the h*ll- ;6b.t 9 .s.*lly see him e)ery d*y- %e brings ./ my m*il *nd *sks if 9 need *nything when he goes o.t-;

;And he h*sn1t been by l*tely-; 9 s/oke slowly+ w*iting to be interr./ted *g*in+ b.t when 9 finished+ she only blinked *t me;%e1s been *w*y * few d*ys8; 9 /rom/ted;Oh+ no+ de*r- #ore th*n th*t- %e1s *lw*ys going off for * d*y or two- "his time it1s been 'lose on * week-; 9 felt $l*y shift behind me- %e didn1t like th*t *nswer;!o &ennis doesn1t .s.*lly6; 9 beg*n;:o. sho.ld s/e*k to $h*rles- %e1s worried *bo.t him+ too-; ;$h*rles8; ;"he l*ndlord- %ere+ 91ll t*ke yo. to his offi'e-; 9 s*id th*t w*sn1t ne'ess*ry6we1d find it6b.t she insisted+ toddling down the h*ll in /ol*r(be*r(/*w sli//ers- As we took the ele)*tor+ she *sked me 3.estions6where we were from+ wh*t we did for * li)ing+ did we h*)e *ny 'hildren8 9 *nswered honestly- "h*t1s one r.le of werewolf life6tell the when yo. '*n *nd it1ll m*ke the lies e*sier to tr*'k$l*y ke/t 3.iet *s we w*lked+ b.t he held the door for her *nd 'he'ked his /*'e to hers- "h*t1s the wolf *g*in6ind.lge the *nd res/e't the old- 5ot * b*d /hiloso/hy in gener*l- 5ow if 9 'o.ld * his * tow*rd the other C0 /er'ent of the /o/.l*tion"he l*ndlord w*sn1t in his offi'e- We fo.nd him in the front foyer+ 'h*nging one of the ten*nt n*mes on the list- "he old l*dy6Lil*6introd.'ed .s+ then got her m*il *nd s'.ttled off to re*d her new 'o/y of Peo/le$h*rles the l*ndlord w*s yo.nger th*n 9 wo.ld h*)e g.essed- %e looked *bo.tmidtwenties + 5*ti)e+ b.rly *nd * few in'hes shorter th*n me;:e/+ been *lmost * week+ like Lil* s*id-; %e /*sted the new ten*nt n*me in /l*'e- ;Pl*'e like this+ we get mostly good folk- &enis is one of the best- P*ys his rent in *d)*n'e+ ne)er '*lls me in the middle of the night for * /l.gged toilet+ does his own re/*irs+ e)en hel/ed me /*int l*st f*ll when the st.dent 9 hired didn1t show-; %e .shered .s b*'k inside- ;9 don1t see &ennis e)ery d*y+ like Lil*+ b.t we .s.*lly b.m/ into e*'h other * few times * week- We sto/ *nd 'h*t+ then he1ll 'ome o)er to my /l*'e+ *nd the wife m*kes him 'offee-; $h*rles 'h.'kled- ;"he wife h*rdly e)er m*kes me 'offee+ so th*t1s * sign she likes him-; ;9t1s been 3.ite * while sin'e we1)e seen &ennis+; 9 s*id *s he /eeled * !/onge Bob sti'ker off

the w*ll+ ;so we don1t know him th*t well- %e w*s * friend of my*nd1s d*d when &ennis li)ed b*'k e*st-; $h*rles /i'ked *t the gl.e left on the w*ll- ;Where*bo.ts b*'k e*st8; ;At the time+ it w*s 5ew :ork st*te+; 9 s*id '*ref.lly+ thinking 9 w*s being tested6*nd not knowing whether &ennis h*d told the$h*rles l*.ghed+ m*king me 0.m/- ;9 knew it- 9 knew it- "he wife *nd 9 h*)e ten b.'ks riding on this+ trying to g.ess by the *''ent- 9 s*id 5ew :orkA she s*id 5ew <ersey- 9 w*nted to *sk+ b.t she tho.ght th*t w*s /rying-; %e gl*n'ed *t $l*y- ;:o. friend with <ose/h8; 9t took * moment for $l*y to 'onne't <ose/h to <oey- ;When we were kids- We lost to.'h *fter they mo)ed-; ;!o we don1t h*)e his *ddress+; 9 s*id- ;Or we1d sto/ there *nd *sk-; ;&*mn- 9 ho/ed yo. did-; ;&oes he 'ome by often8; $h*rles snorted *nd st*rted /i'king *t *nother sti'ker- ;91)e been here three ye*rs *nd 91)e seen him only * few times- 9t1s not right- %is d*d1s * gre*t g.y- %e1s *lw*ys t*lking *bo.t his son+ *nd the g.y '*n1t bother 'oming to )isit8 5ot right-; !o &ennis *nd <oey were still introd.'ing themsel)es *s f*ther *nd son- 9 h*dn1t been With slow *ging+ th*t1s one rel*tionshi/ werewol)es often f.dge;&o yo. h*)e *ny ide* where &ennis might be8; 9 *sked- ;Lil* s*id he t*kes off * lot-; ;%e1s got * '*bin *bo.t thirty miles Us.*lly he goes there for * few d*ys * month!ometimes longer+ b.t when it1s th*t long+ he tells me+ so 9 '*n 'olle't his m*il- %e 'o.ld be there+ "h*t1s wh*t 9 Got himself snowed in-; 9 h*)e looked *l*rmed+ be'*.se $h*rles l*.ghed- ;"h*t1s not '*.se to '*ll C11 o.t here- 9f yo. h*)e * b*'kwoods /l*'e like &ennis1s+ yo.1re /re/*red- We*ther t.rns b*d+ yo. hole ./ *nd ride it o.t+ en0oy the /e*'e *nd 3.iet- "here *ren1t *ny /hones o.t there+ b.t &ennis h*s * sled- %e 'o.ld get o.t if he needed to-; ;!led8; 9 /i' * dog te*m+ whi'h re*lly wo.ldn1t work for * werewolf;!nowmobile- B.t while 91m he1s fine+ 9 *m getting * little worried- 9 w*nted to r.n o.t there *nd 'he'k+ b.t the wife s*id 9 sho.ld le*)e him be-; %e grinned *t $l*y- ;"he l*st time 9 went+ 9 s/ent the d*y i'e fishing with &ennis+ h*d * few beers+ st*yed the night+ 'o.ldn1t '*ll *nd tell her4 Wi)es get * little f.nny *bo.t st.ff like th*t-;

;We 'o.ld dri)e ./ *nd 'he'k on him+ if yo. h*)e *n *ddress+; 9 s*id9 e2/e'ted him to After *ll+ we were str*ngers- B.t he s*id+ ;9 wo.ldn1t 3.ite '*ll it *n *ddress- "here1s no m*il deli)ery o.t there- "he ro*d sto/s *bo.t * h*lf mile from the '*binWh*t 9 h*)e *re dire'tions *nd 'oordin*tes- 9t1s 'o.ntry+ Wh*t *re yo. dri)ing8; ;An !U@ with * GP! .nit-; ;Perfe't- Let me gi)e yo.6; %e re*'hed into his b*'k /o'ket+ swore *nd shook his he*d- ;"he wife 'on)in'es me 9 need * P&A for work *nd where is it8 With her+ for her gro'ery list- $*n 9 '*ll yo. with it when she gets b*'k8; ;!.re-; 9 g*)e him my 'ell n.mber5 F" !"OP, R ! 1! motel- :o.1d think * g.y .sing stolen 'redit '*rds wo.ld be li)ing l*rge+ b.t this /l*'e6like the l*st motel 9 fo.nd him in6w*s the kind yo. see *d)ertised on the highw*y for thirty b.'ks * night+ wonder how it '*n be so 'he*/+ then de'ide yo.1d re*lly r*ther not find o.t9t w*s yet f.rther /roof th*t 9 w*sn1t de*ling with * ty/i'*l '*reless kid- %e1d been .sing one '*rd for big /.r'h*ses+ like /l*ne ti'kets+ b.t kee/ing the others sm*ll+ *s if ho/ing they wo.ldn1t be noti'ed .ntil the ne2t bill '*me in"he motel w*s in * /*rt of town with * dr.nk on e)ery 'orner- A big sign o.t front *nno.n'ed * /rer*'e )isitors1 s/e'i*l for the 9dit*rod- "his ye*r1s r*'e h*d left An'hor*ge two weeks *go9 told the 'lerk 9 w*s s.//osed to meet * friend+ b.t didn1t know his room n.mber+ *nd he g*)e it to me- %e1d /rob*bly h*)e gi)en me the key+ too+ if 9 *sked ni'ely- 9n * /l*'e like this+ no one w*nts to know why yo.1re looking for * g.y6they w*nt yo. to le*)e them o.t of itWhile 9 went to Reese1s door+ $l*y he*ded *ro.nd b*'k- %e w*s s.//osed to g.*rd the re*r window+ in '*se Reese bolted when 9 kno'ked+ b.t he ret.rned before 9 got the 'h*n'e;Window1s too sm*ll+; he s*id9 lifted my h*nd to kno'k- $l*y shook his he*d+ gr*bbed the door h*ndle *nd g*)e * sh*r/ twistWhen he /.shed it o/en+ .nen'.mbered by bolt or 'h*in+ 9 knew wh*t we1d find6*n em/ty room- $l*y sho.ldered /*st me *nd strode into the b*throom;Gone+; he s*id;#e*ning we1re st.'k on st*keo.t d.ty .ntil he 'omes b*'k-; When we1d *//ro*'hed the door+ we1d left * s'ent tr*il th*t wo.ld h*)e Reese bolting the se'ond he got within sniffing dist*n'e;9 s*w * 'offee sho/ *'ross the ro*d+; he s*id- ;91ll go st*nd w*t'h from there+ while yo. 'he'k the /l*'e o.t-;

"here w*s nothing to 'he'k o.t- Reese tr*)eled.ltr*light 6.ns'ented deodor*nt+ *nd * single 'h*nge of 'lothing9 gr*bbed my l*/to/ from the !U@ *nd '*.ght ./ with $l*y inside the 'offee sho/- %e looked *t my 'om/.ter '*se;As long *s 91m sitting *ro.nd+ 9 '*n do some more rese*r'h into those de*ths-; ;9f yo. '*n get 9nternet ser)i'e in here+ 91ll gi)e yo. my sn*'k-; ;91m *n o/timist-; %e shook his he*d *nd went to get .s some food while 9 booted ./9 WA! !%U""95G my l*/to/ *s $l*y ret.rned with 'offees *nd b*gels;&on1t s*y it+; 9 m.ttered%e h*nded me * 'offee *nd set both b*gels on his side of the t*ble9 sn*t'hed one- ;9 didn1t bet *nything- :o. w*nt two+ 91ll gr*b yo. *nother- We1re going to be here *while *nyw*y-; ;5o need for both of .s to h*ng *ro.nd- :o. w*nted to sto/ by the news/*/er- &o th*t *nd 91ll w*t'h for the kid-; 9 didn1t re*lly w*nt to le*)e- 9 w*s st*rting to rel*2+ the tension of the l*st week f*ding- B.t the more t*sks 9 'he'ked off my list now+ the sooner we 'o.ld t*ke * bre*k;91ll be b*'k in *n ho.r-; 9 nodded *t the 'ement(h*rd b*gels- ;91ll bring * better l.n'h-; P RK: "% PROP R PRO$ &UR for one 0o.rn*list *//ro*'hing *nother wo.ld be to sto/ *t re'e/tion *nd *sk to s/e*k to her- Better yet+ '*ll or e(m*il *he*d *nd m*ke *n *//ointment+ in)ite her o.t to 'offee- Pro/er /ro' wo.ld h*)e h*d me w*iting e)en d*ys+ to *sk * few sim/le 3.estionsOne *d)*nt*ge to being * $*n*di*n 0o.rn*list is th*t Ameri'*ns don1t e2/e't yo. to know the r.les- :o.1re like * sm*ll(town re/orter in the big 'ity6*s long *s yo.1re /olite *nd res/e'tf.l+ they1ll e2'.se yo.r 'h*rming ignor*n'eWhen 9 w*lked into the news/*/er offi'e+ the re'e/tionist w*s on the /hone- 9 sne*ked *ro.nd the /otted /l*nts *nd into the b*'k h*ll- "hen * g.y with bristly red h*ir *nd * neon green tie ste//ed from *n offi'e+ s*w me *nd sto//ed- %e g*)e me * on'e(o)er *nd str*ightened his tie-

;$*n 9 hel/ yo.8; he *sked+ with * look th*t s*id he ho/ed he 'o.ld; len* #i'h*els+ $*n*di*n Press-; 9 showed my '*rd- %e didn1t e)en gl*n'e *t it- ;91m on )*'*tion in An'hor*ge *nd someone mentioned the /ossible wolf *tt*'ks yo.1)e h*d- 9 w*s wondering if 9 might s/e*k to #s- %irs'h *bo.t her *rti'les- 9t1s * s.b0e't o.r re*ders wo.ld be )ery interested in-; %e listened to my s/iel *nd nodded *//ro/ri*tely+ b.t 9 s.s/e'ted 9 'o.ld s*y 9 w*s selling"*sers door(to(door *nd still he1d t*ke me to #s- %irs'hWe w*lked- %e *sked where 9 w*s from+ how long 9 w*s st*ying+ wh*t 91d seen of Al*sk* so f*r4 9 'o.ld h*)e sworn we /*ssed the s*me set of b*throoms three times before+ on the fo.rth+ we ne*rly 'ollided with * m*n 'oming o.t#y g.ide6G*rth6sto//ed *nd introd.'ed me to the editor+ s*ying 9 w*s * )isiting 0o.rn*listWe were sh*king h*nds when * wom*n '*me o.t of the l*dies b*throom down the h*ll- !he gl*n'ed o.r w*y- G*rth '*lled+ ;#*lloryB; *nd w*)ed her o)er *s the editor leftFrom the end of the h*ll+ #*llory %irs'h 'o.ld /*ss for l*te twenties+ with short blond h*ir+ * trim *nd stylish B.t with e*'h ste/ o.r w*y+ she g*ined * few ye*rs- By the time she re*'hed .s+ 91d /eg her *t e*rly forties+ with * tight+ e2/ressionless f*'e th*t s.ggested 9 'o.ld *dd *nother de'*de/res.rgery ;:es8; she s*id+ her )oi'e *s tight *s her skin- %er g*7e slid o)er me+ t*king in my ski 0*'ket+ hiking boots *nd 0e*ns with dis*//ro)*l;"his is len* #i'h*els+; G*rth s*id- ;!he works for the $*n*di*n /ress-; ;$*n*di*n Press+; 9 s*id- ;9t1s like Asso'i*ted Press+ only m.'h+ m.'h sm*ller-; G*rth l*.ghed+ too lo.d for the mild 0oke- #*llory1s e2/ression didn1t fli'ker9 re/e*ted my s/iel+ e2/*nding it to e2/l*in th*t we1d h*d wolf *'ti)ity in P*rk in the l*st few ye*rs+ *nd 9 w*nted to tie this into th*t *s *n e2*min*tion of the s.rro.nding h.m*ns *nd wol)es sh*ring *n e)er(shrinking world- 9 tho.ght it so.nded good+ b.t from the e2/ressionless w*y she st*red *t me+ yo.1d think 91d *''ident*lly swit'hed to Fren'hWhen 9 finished+ she s*id nothing+ looked *t me *s if w*iting for the rest of the e2/l*n*tion;!o+ 9 told len* yo. 'o.ld /rob*bly s/*re her * few min.tes6; G*rth beg*n%er look m*de him shrink b*'k;9t re*lly is only * 'o./le of 3.estions+; 9 s*id- ;9 know how yo. be6;

;G*rth8 :o. '*n go now-; %e fled9 'ontin.ed- ;9 wo.ld lo)e to b.y yo. 'offee- Or l.n'h-; ;91)e e*ten- !o yo.1re looking for someone to write yo.r story for yo.+ #s- #i'h*els8 $rib from my *rti'le8 !*)e yo.rself the legwork8; ;Um+ no4 *s 9 s*id+ 9 only h*)e * few 3.estions+ ones th*t will l*.n'h my own in)estig*tionAnd+ of 'o.rse+ *nything 9 dis'o)er+ 91ll sh*re with yo.-; ;:o.r own in)estig*tion8; 9 sensed her h*'kles rising- ;For my own *rti'le- For my own news/*/ers- 91)e *lre*dy been to the gener*l *re* where the de*ths o''.rred+ b.t4 ; 9 for'ed * smile- ;9t1s * lot bigger 'o.ntry th*n 91m .sed to- 9f 9 h*d * better ide* where the6; ; )erything 9 '*n tell yo. is in my *rti'les- 9 / yo.1)e re*d them8; ;:es-;W*nn* 3.i7 me8 !he ste//ed b*'k *nd did *n o/enly 'riti'*l *ssessment of me- ;%ow old *re yo.+ #s#i'h*els8; ;91m not fresh o.t of 'ollege+ if th*t1s wh*t6; ;#*rried+ 9 see- Kids8; ;"wo+; 9 s*id '*ref.lly;Little ones+ 9 s.//ose8; ;:es+ b.t6; ;An o.tdoors ty/e8; she s*id+ t*king in my boots *nd 0*'ket;:o. 'o.ld s*y th*t-; ;An'hor*ge is *n o.tdoorsm*n1s dre*m- A f.ll(ser)i'e 'ity min.tes *w*y from * wilderness filled with l*kes+ ri)ers+ mo.nt*ins+ gl*'iers4 ; ;9t is /retty *m*7ing+; 9 s*id;W*rmer th*n yo. tho.ght+ too+ 9 bet- 5o mo.nds of snow or s.b(7ero tem/er*t.res4 ;

;%*)ing e2/erien'ed s.b(7ero+ it1s * )ery /le*s*nt s.r/rise-; 9 smiled+ b.t her e2/ression didn1t 'h*nge- Wh*t w*s with the to.rism s/iel8 W*s she going to try selling me timesh*res8 !he 'ontin.ed- ;Good 'ity- All the *menities- "he gre*t o.tdoors in its f.ll glory *t yo.r doorste/- "he /erfe't /l*'e for * f*mily to relo'*te-; ;Relo'*te8; ;B.t first+ yo. need * 0ob-; ;<ob8 9 don1t need6; ;:o.1re not in the b.ilding fi)e min.tes *nd yo.1re *lre*dy sh*king h*nds with the editor- 9 bet yo. think th*t1s *ll it t*kes+ don1t yo.8 A b*'kw*ter /l*'e like An'hor*ge+ there '*n1t be *ny re*l 0o.rn*lists here- Prob*bly *ll ho.sewi)es+ 'h.rning o.t *rti'les before the kiddies 'ome home from s'hool- :o. '*n show ./+ the /erky $*n*di*n girl6; ;Perky8; ;6*nd yo. think * s/ot will o/en ./ for yo.- A good s/ot- #*ybe my s/ot-; ;Um+ no- 91m An'hor*ge is * gre*t /l*'e to li)e+ b.t 91)e *lre*dy got * life6some/l*'e else91m here to t*lk *bo.t the wolf kills-; ;91m yo. *re- And 9 h*)e nothing to s*y *bo.t them th*t isn1t in my *rti'les-; !he w*lked *w*yGAR"% %A9L & # *s 9 re*'hed the doors;&id #*llory gi)e yo. *nything .sef.l8; 9 m*de * non'ommitt*l noise;9 might h*)e *nother story for yo.+; he 'ontin.ed- ;91)e been 'o)ering the dis*//e*r*n'es of women-; ;Oh8; ;We1)e h*d three )*nish in the l*st few months- 9t might m*ke *n interesting *rti'le for yo.r re*ders b*'k home-; !*dly+ e)en in $*n*d*+ three missing girls w*sn1t news- 9t sho.ld be- Belie)e me+ 9 know th*t+ *nd 9 '*n r*il *g*inst it *ll 9 w*nt+ b.t .nless they1re three teens from good f*milies+ e)en the

/oli'e /*id little *ttention- When 91d been in Winni/eg this winter+ en0oying their twenty(below tem/er*t.res+ 91d been rese*r'hing * series on missing *nd m.rdered lo'*l women- "he /oli'e h*d *lmost twenty '*ses of .nsol)ed se2(worker de*ths in *s m*ny ye*rs- #*ny of the )i'tims were m*ny 5*ti)e $*n*di*ns+ *nd *ll /rostit.tesOne of my re*sons for doing the *rti'les w*s th*t <eremy h*d sent me there to 'he'k o.t /otenti*l werewolf *'ti)ity- se2(tr*de workers *nd street girls were the /referred /rey of werewol)es+ who know how little *ttention will be /*id to the de*ths- 9t t.rned o.t th*t * few of those de*ths h*d been * B.t it wo.ld be odd to h*)e * m*n(e*ter in An'hor*ge mi2ing )*nished women with men left lying in the o/en;Were the girls from An'hor*ge8; 9 *sked;One w*s- "wo were from 5*ti)e 'omm.nities f*rther inl*nd- Why don1t we go gr*b * bite to e*t *nd dis'.ss it8; ;91d lo)e to+ b.t 91m s.//osed to meet my*nd for l.n'h-; %is g*7e dro//ed to my h*nd- ;Oh+ right- !.re- Well+ if yo. de'ide to r.n the story+ '*ll me-; %e he*ded b*'k into the offi'es witho.t gi)ing me his l*st n*me+ '*rd or *ny w*y to ;'*ll him-; 9 re*'hed the e2terior doors this time before he h*iled me *g*in- %e w*lked o)er+ looking 'h*grined+ *s if re*li7ing how it look+ t*king off on'e he dis'o)ered 9 w*s m*rried;Abo.t #*llory1s story+; he s*id- ;"he wol)es- "here1s someone else yo. 'o.ld t*lk to- A lo'*l wom*n who knows more *bo.t the '*se th*n *nyone+ in'l.ding #*llory-; ;Oh8; %e w*)ed for me to ste/ o.tside- 9t h*d st*rted dri77ling- We d.'ked .nder *n o)erh*ng;%er n*me1s Lynn5yg*rd +; he 'ontin.ed- ;!he works for the st*te /oli'e- #*llory .sed her *s * so.r'e+ b.t 9 know she didn1t gi)e #*llory e)erything-; G*rth lowered his )oi'e- ;#*llory '*n r.b /eo/le the wrong w*y-; Re*lly8 %.h- ;Will #s-5yg*rd t*lk to me8; ;Oh+ "here1s one thing- Lynn h*s this theory *bo.t the de*ths *nd it wo.ld+ .h+ hel/ if yo. didn1t4 dis'o.r*ge it-; ;"heory8; %e w*)ed to * 'oworker ste//ing o.t for * 'ig*rette+ then lowered his )oi'e- ;!he thinks they were killed by some kind of 9n.itsh*/eshifter - "here1s * n*me for them69 '*n1t remember it:o. don1t h*)e to s*y yo. belie)e in them+ 0.st4 ;

;&on1t l*.gh when she mentions it8; ; 2*'tly- 9f she w*rms to yo.+ yo. '*n *lso *sk *bo.t the missing girls- !he h*s * theory on th*t+ too-; ;Alien *bd.'tions8; %e l*.ghed- ;#et * fewLynns in yo.r time+ h*)e yo.8; ;9 h*)e- :o. s*id she works for the /oli'e8; ;"hey toler*te her e''entri'ities be'*.se she1s the best d*mned 'rime(s'ene /hotogr*/her *nd sket'h *rtist in Al*sk*- Of 'o.rse+ *''ording to her+ th*t1s be'*.se she1s the rein'*rn*tion of Leon*rdod* @in'i-; ;Ah-; ;:es+ she lo)es th*t /*r*norm*l shit+ b.t obsession '*n be good if yo.1re looking for the best so.r'e of det*iled inform*tion- :o.1ll find Lynn in the /hone book-; %e s/elled her l*st n*me *s 9 wrote it down+ then g*)e me his '*rd *nd offered+ gen.inely it seemed+ to hel/ if he 'o.ld9 $ALL & $LA: from the !U@;%ow1d it go *t the /*/er8; he *sked;!he '*lled me /erky-; ;O.'h-; 9 told him *bo.t #*llory %irs'h- After he s*id * few 'hoi'e words *bo.t th*t+ 9 e2/l*ined the le*d on Lynn5yg*rd - ;9 '*lled her /l*'e- 5o *nswer- 91m going to swing by there on my w*y+ then gr*b l.n'h-; 9 #A& 9" three blo'ks before $l*y '*lled;$h*nge 'o.rse+ d*rling+; he s*id;&id Reese show ./8; ;:e*h- And we1)e got * sit.*tion-; !9"UA"9O5 9 WA! !"9LL ten feet from Reese1s hotel room when 9 smelled blood- 9 slowed+ my stom*'h gi)ing * refle2i)e 'len'h-

:es+ 9 h*dn1t w*nted Reese h.rt+ b.t if he g*)e $l*y *ny tro.ble+ fists wo.ld fly *nd blood wo.ld flow- "h*t w*s * gi)en- "here w*s * time when 91d 'on)in'ed myself th*t $l*y liked h.rting /eo/le+ be'*.se th*t fit the w*y 9 w*nted to see him- B.t 91d *lw*ys known it w*sn1t the For $l*y+ be*ting * re'*l'itr*nt w*s like br.shing his teeth- 9t w*sn1t something he liked or disliked6he w*s doing wh*t needed to be done- A swift be*ting hel/ed sto/ the s/re*d of res/e't(de'*y+ the kind th*t led to strikes *g*inst the P*'k *nd its Al/h*"h*t1s why $l*y *nd 9 m*de s.'h * good te*m- 9 /l*yed good 'o/ *nd no one tho.ght it * sign of we*kness be'*.se+ well+ 9 w*s * wom*n+ so n*t.r*lly 91d be the soft to.'h- When * wo.ldn1t listen to me+ he h*d to de*l with $l*y1s fists- "he medi*tor *nd the enfor'er- 9t worked fine .ntil h*lf the te*m w*sn1t *ro.nd!o *s 9 *//ro*'hed the door+ 9 r.bbed my f*'e+ er*sing *ny sign th*t s*id 9 regretted *nything $l*y h*d done to Reese;&oor1so/en+; $l*y '*lled9 fo.nd him /*'ing inside+ 'ell /hone *t his e*r- Reese s*t on the edge of the bed+ with * bloody towel *ro.nd his right h*nd;9 didn1t do it+; $l*y s*id9 motioned to the /hone;<eremy+; he s*id- Getting medi'*l *d)i'e+ 9 /;Wh*t h*//ened8; 9 *sked Reese%e gl*n'ed down *t his towel(wr*//ed h*nd+ *s if st*rtled to see it- %is /./ils were dil*ted *nd he blinked h*rd+ h*)ing tro.ble fo'.sing on his h*nd+ still holding it ./ *nd st*ring- 9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y+ b.t he1d t.rned his b*'k to me *s <eremy g*)e instr.'tionsWhen 9 took Reese1s h*nd+ he didn1t resist- %is skin *bo)e the towel w*s 'l*mmy+ des/ite the w*rm room- 9 slowly .nr*)eled the towel .ntil 9 s*w his h*nd+ *nd win'ed- "wo finger 0oints of his ring finger *nd the l*st 0oint of his /inkie h*d been '.t off;9 didn1t do it+; $l*y s*id;Feel the need to m*ke th*t /erfe'tly 'le*r+ do yo.8; 9 s*id%e gr.nted *nd tossed the /hone onto the bed;Wh*t h*//ened8; 9 *sked;5o ide*- 9 h*)en1t gotten th*t f*r- <eremy s*ys we need to get him stit'hed ./- We '*n get the det*ils *fter-;

$LA: R "R9 @ & #: b*g6with my first(*id kit6from the '*r- %e h*d one in his*ge+ too- <eremy wo.ld sooner let .s tr*)el witho.t 'lothing th*n forget emergen'y medi'*l s.//lies9 got Reese1s h*nd 'le*ned+ stit'hed *nd b*nd*ged while $l*y /l*yed n.rse+ t*king *w*y the dirty 'loths *nd getting new ones- As for how he lost his fingers+ Reese w*s st*ying m.m- 9t seemed more sho'k th*n reti'en'e+ so $l*y *nd 9 tried to distr*'t him by dis'.ssing the l*test in0.ries in o.r li)es6o.r kids1 f*ll;Log*n wo.ldn1t t*lk+; 9 s*id- ;B.t 9 fin*lly got K*te to *dmit wh*t h*//ened+ whi'h w*s e2*'tly wh*t we tho.ght-; ;"hey 0.m/ed be'*.se they1d seen .s doing it-; 9 e2/l*ined to Reese- ;O.r kids h*)e re*li7ed th*t o.r d*ys don1t end *fter they go to bed- We go for w*lks in the forest+ we t*lk by the fire+ the food 'omes o.t4 ; ; s/e'i*lly the food+; $l*y s*id;5*t.r*lly they felt left o.t *nd ke/t getting ./- R*ther th*n t.rn bedtime into * b*ttlegro.nd+ we st*rted going to bed *t the s*me time+ then sne*king downst*irs or o.tside-; ;Only they he*rd .s if we went downst*irs+; $l*y s*id;Being so they sho.ldn1t h*)e se'ond*ry /owers- We *ren1t e)en they1re werewol)es 6one or both or4 it1s 'om/li'*ted- Anyw*y+ *t this *ge+ we don1t know whether they h*)e enh*n'ed he*ring or we1re lo.der th*n we think we *re- B.t we tho.ght we were s*fe+ *)oiding the st*irs *nd 0.m/ing o.t o.r bed room window- A//*rently not-; ;"hey tried it8; Reese s*id+ his first words sin'e 91d 'ome in- ;Are they ok*y8; ;One s/r*ined *nkle+ one s/r*ined wrist *nd one )ery g.ilt(stri'ken /*rent-; ;"wo+; $l*y s*id- ;We1re going to h*)e to 'ome ./ with *nother sol.tion-; ;Other th*n tying them to their beds8; ;"h*t1ll be o/tion two-; 9 '.t off the b*nd*ge- ;9 know+ we sho.ld /rob*bly 'l*m/ down6bedtime is bedtime6b.t 9 w*s thinking of * 'om/romise- We1ll let them st*y ./ .ntil ele)en two nights *nd we1ll go to bed e*rly+ *nd the rest of the week+ they1re down *t the norm*l time- 9f they don1t settle+ then we get to.gh6no s/e'i*l l*te nights-; ;"h*t might work-;

;9 ho/e so- Or it1ll be time to in)est in b*rs for the windows-; 9 stood *nd stret'hed my legs- Reese h*d followed o.r 'on)ers*tion with e3.*l /*rts interest *nd bewilderment+ *nd now he looked 'onf.sed- %e1d he*rd stories *bo.t .s6*ny who1s been in the United !t*tes more th*n * month h*s- "*les of $l*yton &*n)ers+ 'hild werewolf t.rned )i'io.s /sy'ho/*th+ who *t se)enteen 'ho//ed ./ * tres/*ssing *nd /*ssed o.t /hotos of it- "hen he bit some /oor girl in "oronto+ m*de her his m*te+ im/risoned her with him *t!toneh*)en + for'ed her to be*r his 'hildren+ *nd dr*gged her *long on his *ssignments *s P*'k enfor'er+ so she 'o.ld69 don1t know6w*sh his so'ks *nd ser)e him bre*kf*st in bed+ 9 g.ess"here were tr.ths in this+ *s in *ll mythology- "he 'hild werewolf- "he *2e(0ob *nd /hotos- "he bite- B.t it w*s *ll )*stly more 'om/li'*ted th*n *ny m.tt1s .rb*n(legend )ersion *llowed- 5ow+ seeing .s together+ he*ring .s t*lking+ we seemed like * norm*l 'o./le4 or *s norm*l *s *ny 'o./le who knew how to field(dress se)ered fingers;!o+; $l*y s*id *s he re/*'ked my medi'*l b*g- ;:o.r h*nd- do th*t8; Reese flin'hed *t the word- !ome do+ t*king it *s derog*tory- Others we*r it *s * b*dge of honor#ost don1t '*re+ the word h*)ing long sin'e lost its bite+ * l*bel no different th*n ;P*'k wolf-; B.t seeing Reese1s re*'tion+ 9 3.i'kly s*id+ ;Another werewolf+ 9 t*ke it8; %e nodded- ;9 w*s in the this morning- "he *rt *nd history one on !e)enth !treet-; %e e2/l*ined th*t he1d gone+ /.lled by * mild interest in history 'o./led with the 'on)i'tion th*t if *ny werewolf h*d followed him to Al*sk*+ * wo.ld be the l*st /l*'e we1d lookFor Li*m *nd R*mon+ 9 w*s th*t w*s tr.e- "hese were two g.ys who1d h*)e tro.ble s/elling For $l*y+ there w*s no 'ity *ttr*'tion he w*s more likely to be fo.nd *t- B.t 9 didn1t mention th*tReese1s logi'+ while so.nd+ didn1t hel/ him- %e w*s fo.nd there+ by two m.tts who1d introd.'ed themsel)es *s "r*)is *nd &*n- "hey1d 'rossed his tr*il * 'o./le of blo'ks *w*y *nd followed it to 'he'k him o.t+ *s *ny werewolf wo.ld ./on s'enting *nother in the s*me 'ity"hey seemed relie)ed to find he w*s * kid6in o.r world twenty ye*rs old is still ; * kid;6me*ning he1d h*)e little fighting e2/erien'e *nd no re/.t*tion- "hey were fine with Reese being in Al*sk*6tem/or*rily+ they ho/ed- %e w*s no thre*t to them *nd *s long *s he st*yed o.t of tro.ble+ he w*s wel'ome to )isit- "hey e)en g*)e him some *d)i'e on 'he*/ motels+ good b.ffets+ s*fe /l*'es to r.n4 Friendly witho.t being o)erly hos/it*ble+ whi'h str.'k the right b*l*n'e for * kid who1d *lre*dy been b.rned- 9n the 'o.rse of the 'on)ers*tion+ "r*)is noti'ed Reese1s 'l*ss ring- %e *sked *bo.t the insigni*- Reese let him t*ke * 'loser look;"r*)is w*s 'he'king it o.t+ holding the end of my fingers- "h*t1s when it h*//ened+ so f*st 9 didn1t see the knife .ntil4 ; %e /*led *t the memory- ;9f 9 h*dn1t y*nked b*'k right then+ he

wo.ld h*)e t*ken both fingers right off- 9 r*n- 9 sho)ed my h*nd in my /o'ket *nd 9 r*n *s f*st *s 9 'o.ld- 9 'o.ld he*r them 'oming *fter me- !o 9 r*'ed /*st this g.*rd6*n old g.y- By the time he got ./ *nd yelled *t me+ 9 w*s o.t the door+ b.t it m*de "r*)is *nd &*n /.ll b*'k- "here w*s * '*b right o.t front- 9 got in *nd '*me here- 969 g.ess they w*nted the ring+ b.t it w*sn1t *nything s/e'i*l- <.st * high s'hool ring-; ;9t w*sn1t *bo.t the ring+; $l*y s*id- ;9t w*s * w*rning- Get off o.r territory-; ;"hen why not tell me to8 Why *'t *ll ni'e+ then6; %e lifted his h*nd- ;&o this8; ;%ow do yo. feel8; $l*y *skedReese1s f*'e d*rkened- ;%ow the hell do yo. think 9 feel8 9 lost my f.'king fingers-; ;!'*red8 $onf.sed8; ;%ell+ yes-; ;And wh*t were yo. going to do *fter yo. got it 'le*ned ./8 "ell the desk 'lerk yo.1ll be st*ying * few more d*ys+ e2tending yo.r Al*sk*n )*'*tion8; ;F.'k no- 9 wo.ld h*)e been on the first /l*ne6; %e sto//ed *nd nodded- ;"h*t1s the /oint+ isn1t it8; ;!trike h*rd *nd f*st+ '*t'h yo. off g.*rd *nd s'*re the 'r*/ o.t of yo.- Lot more effe'ti)e th*n gi)ing * friendly w*rning *nd ho/ing yo. don1t st*b them in the b*'k-; 9 *sked *bo.t the m.tts- %e g*)e me * des'ri/tion- "r*)is w*s ;; At le*st si2 foot fo.r *nd b.ff- "he rest of him h*dn1t left m.'h of *n im/ression6brown h*ir+ he tho.ght+ neither long nor short- 5o ide* wh*t 'olor his eyes were- 5o disting.ishing m*rks"r*)is1s si7e h*d blinded Reese not only to wh*t he looked like+ b.t to his 'om/*nion- All he 'o.ld s*y *bo.t &*n w*s two things- First+ he w*s sm*ller- !e'ond+ he w*s R.ssi*n6he1d s/oken little+ b.t when he did+ it w*s with * he*)y *''ent- Oh+ *nd while "r*)is1s nglish w*s /erfe't *nd h*d *n Ameri'*n *''ent+ he1d h*d * few e2'h*nges with &*n in R.ssi*n"hey didn1t m*t'h *nyone from my dossiers- Between &*n1s *''ent *nd "r*)is1s R.ssi*n+ 9 g.essed they1d been li)ing *bro*d;We1ll go b*'k to the; 9 s*id to $l*y- ;9 they1re h*nging *ro.nd+ b.t 9 w*nt to 'he'k the s'ents- $h*n'es *re these *re the s*me g.ys we smelled in the woods-; ;%o/e so+; $l*y s*id9 *greed- #.lti/le gro./s of werewol)es in the An'hor*ge *re* were more th*n 9 '*red to 'ontem/l*te- O.r sim/le tri/ h*d *lre*dy be'ome f*r too 'om/li'*ted-

;91ll t*ke yo. there+; Reese s*id- ;9 '*n show yo. where 9 w*s *tt*'ked-; ;<.st tell .s where to look+ *nd we1ll /i'k ./ the s'ents- "hey1re /rob*bly gone+ b.t they 'o.ld be st*king it o.t+ *nd yo.1)e *lre*dy gotten h.rt-; ;And th*t1s why 9 w*nt to go b*'k-; %e fl.shed- ;9 r*n *w*y-; ;:o.1d lost two fingers- R.nning *w*y w*s the right thing to do-; Reese gl*n'ed *t $l*y- 9 knew better th*n to ho/e he1d b*'k me ./ to m*ke the kid feel better- Reese /rob*bly knew th*t+ too+ whi'h is why he ignored my re*ss.r*n'es *nd looked to $l*y;9f the g.y1s *s big *s yo. s*id+ then+ ye*h+ nothing wrong with r.nning+; he s*id- ;B.t if yo. think yo.1re going b*'k now+ ho/ing for /*yb*'k8 With .s to w*t'h yo.r b*'k *nd 0.m/ in if yo. '*n1t h*ndle it8; Reese fl.shed *g*in+ dee/er now- ;9 didn1t me*n6; ;5o+ 91m yo. didn1t- B.t yo. didn1t think it either- 9f we meet ./ with these m.tts+ we '*n1t be looking o)er o.r sho.lders+ kee/ing *n eye on *n kid it'hing for re)engelen* '*me to Al*sk* to s*)e yo.r *ss- 91m not letting yo. get killed now+ m*king her feel b*d-; 9 'le*red my thro*t *nd shot him * look th*t s*id+ re*lly+ this sho.ld not be the re*son he didn1t w*nt Reese de*d- B.t one gl*n'e *t Reese told me th*t+ if *nything+ he w*s relie)ed by $l*y1s honesty;All right then+; Reese s*id- ;91ll tell yo. wh*te)er yo. need+ then 91ll hit the ro*d-; 9 shook my he*d- ;While $l*y1s right6yo. do need to le*)e Al*sk*691d like yo. to st*y with * P*'k member .ntil we finish here-; ;9 *//re'i*te the offer+ b.t th*t1s not ne'ess*ry-; ;A't.*lly+ it is- :o.1re *nd yo.1re still in d*nger6; ;91ll be fine+; he s*id;As fine * t2eberri* 8; ;Who8; ;"he l*st g.y Li*m *nd R*mon bl*med for their m*n(e*ting- %e w*s * few ye*rs older th*n yo. *nd * re'ent immigr*nt- Lost some fingers+ too- 9n his '*se+ the whole h*nd6/ostmortem- Li*m *nd R*mon m*iled it to .s- "h*t1s wh*t 91)e been trying to tell yo.- "hey1)e done it before+ *nd

bl*med *nother kid+ *nd if yo. sti'k *ro.nd+ yo.1ll be their ne2t s'*/ego*t-; ;!o yo. w*nted to w*rn me8; ;And see wh*t yo. know *bo.t Li*m *nd R*mon+; $l*y s*id- ;Get yo.r hel/ finding them *nd /ro)ing they1re m*n(e*ters-; 91d /l*nned to kee/ th*t /*rt 3.iet .ntil 91d won the kid1s 'onfiden'e+ b.t now th*t $l*y s*id it+ Reese looked relie)ed *g*in;Why didn1t yo. s*y so8; he *sked me;Well+ m*ybe be'*.se yo. ke/t t*king off before 9 'o.ld e2/l*in+ 'on)in'ed $l*y w*s l.rking *ro.nd the ne2t 'orner-; ;9 don1t l.rk+; $l*y s*id;91ll tell yo. wh*t 9 '*n *bo.t Li*m *nd R*mon+; Reese s*id- ;"hen 91ll find some/l*'e *nd lie low-; ;9f yo.1re going *ny/l*'e on the 'ontinent+ it1s 5ew :ork st*te+; 9 s*id- ;As * g.est of the P*'k-; Reese looked *t $l*y;9f yo. die+ she1ll feel b*d- 9 don1t like it when she feels b*d-; ; ither th*t or 9 /.t yo. on the ne2t /l*ne b*'k to A.str*li*+; 9 s*id;5o+; he s*id 3.i'kly- ;91m691m here for good-; "h*t 'o.ld me*n he1d done something b*'k home *nd 'o.ldn1t ret.rn+ b.t from the look in his eyes6determin*tion mingled with dre*d69 knew it w*s more /erson*l;All right then+; 9 s*id- ;:o.1re st*ying with the P*'k .ntil $l*y *nd 9 get b*'k *nd t*ke '*re of this b.siness with Li*m *nd R*mon-; ;!o where do yo. w*nt me to st*y8 !yr*'.se8; ;"h*t1s where the Al/h* li)es+; $l*y s*id+ *s if this *nswered the 3.estion+ whi'h for him+ it did;Another P*'k f*mily li)es o.tside 5ew :ork $ity+; 9 s*id- ;"hey h*)e * big /l*'e+ with lots of room- :o.1ll st*y with them-; ;"he!orrentinos -; ;"h*t1s right-;

;And they1ll let me mo)e in for * while8; ;Antonio will /.t yo. to work+; $l*y s*idReese nodded+ )isibly relie)ed- 9n his world+ this m*de sense6no one hel/s o.t of the goodness of his he*rt+ *nd if he s*ys he does+ r.n the other w*y+ *s f*st *s yo. '*nReese *greed *nd we m*de the *rr*ngements- 5i'k wo.ld meet him *t the *ir/ort- "omorrow morning <eremy wo.ld le*)e the twins with <*ime *nd dri)e to Antonio1s /l*'e to 'he'k Reese1s fingersWe dro)e Reese to the *ir/ort- On the w*y+ $l*y g*)e him ;the le'; in'l.ding *ll the do1s *nd don1ts of meeting the Al/h*+ whi'h w*s only slightly more 'om/li'*ted th*n *n *.dien'e with the 3.een- &on1t sit .ntil yo.1re in)ited to- &on1t t*lk .nless he *sks yo. * 3.estion- &on1t e*t before he does- &on1t m*ke dire't eye 'ont*'t- <eremy dem*nded none of this+ b.t th*t w*sn1t the /oint%ier*r'hy is )ery im/ort*nt to wol)es+ *nd it1s *s im/ort*nt to .s- Gi)e * werewolf the 'hoi'e of two le*ders6one who1ll t*ke him o.t for drinks *nd one who1ll t*ke his e*r off if he drinks first6*nd he1ll /i'k the l*tter e)ery time- An Al/h* is his m*ster *nd /rote'torP.sho)ers+ b.ddies *nd wim/s need not *//ly5e2t $l*y g*)e the r.les for li)ing with the!orrentinos + whi'h so.nded * lot like the "en $omm*ndments- "ho. sh*ll not lie+ ste*l *nything+ kill *nyone+ disres/e't yo.r hosts or 'o)et *ny of 5i'k1s girlfriends- And if yo. bre*k the r.les+ yo.1ll get yo.r *ss ki'ked *nd h*nded to yo. in /ie'es6* /*rt 9 s.s/e't God left o.tReese w*s fine with *ll this- 9t w*s * firm *nd 'le*r l*ng.*ge th*t * werewolf .nderstood better th*n ;Be * good ho.seg.est-; After we left him *t the *ir/ort+ it w*s time to ret.rn to the s'ene of the 'rime, the 5&9GO "% #U! U# "UR5 & o.t to be only * few blo'ks from o.r hotel+ whi'h we h*dn1t 'he'ked into yet- !o we /*rked in the hotel lot *nd w*lkedAt the we fo.nd the s/ot where Reese h*d been *tt*'ked- "here w*s still blood s/*tter on the dis/l*y+ t.'ked b*'k in * 'orner- 9t wo.ld be *while before /eo/le noti'ed it+ *nd then they1d likely it off *s * nosebleed"he lo'*tion m*de it e*sy to get down *nd sniff- 9 did th*t while $l*y stood g.*rd;And8; he *sked when 9 stood-

;9t1s the s*me s'ents from the woods+ whi'h 9 s.//ose is something of * relief6*t le*st we *ren1t de*ling with more m.tts-; $l*y nodded+ b.t 9 'o.ld tell he w*sn1t relie)ed- %is g*7e ke/t swee/ing the room+ ne)er resting on *ny of the e2hibits+ whi'h w*sn1t like him *t *ll;:o.1re worried *bo.t &ennis *nd <oey+; 9 s*id;91m they1re ok*y- 9 0.st4 ; %e gl*n'ed *ro.nd+ shook it off+ then he*ded o.t- We took *nother ro.te the e2hibits+ *nd were *lmost *t the front when $l*y sto//ed;&ennis w*s here-; ;&ennis8 9 ho/e he didn1t follow those m.tts in-; ;%e wo.ldn1t-; 9 inh*led *s he t.rned left *nd he*ded for * se/*r*te room;9 don1t smell *nything+; 9 s*id- ;Are yo. s.re8; %e w*s *lre*dy in the ne2t room- 9 followed him into * dis/l*y of 5*ti)e *rtif*'ts- $l*y w*s 'ro.'hed in the middle- L.'kily+ the room w*s em/ty6not th*t the /resen'e of others wo.ld h*)e sto//ed him from dro//ing down *nd sniffingWhen 9 mo)ed into the room+ 9 did smell &ennis6the s*me s'ent we1d /i'ked ./ o.tside his */*rtment+ *nd *s f*int+ me*ning it w*s *t le*st *s old- As for how $l*y h*d dete'ted it from the lobby+ it only /ro)ed th*t *s h*rd *s he w*s trying to kee/ his /ers/e'ti)e on this+ &ennis *nd <oey were front *nd 'enter in his mind right nowAs he followed the tr*il+ 9 looked *ro.nd- 9t seemed to be * tem/or*ry e2hibit fo'.sing on lo'*l mythology *nd legends- 9f we did h*)e time for sightseeing l*ter+ this room wo.ld to/ $l*y1s destin*tion list- )en now+ he ke/t gl*n'ing *t the *rtif*'ts+ re*ding the '*rds#yth *nd rit.*l w*s $l*y1s *'*demi' field- %is s/e'i*lty w*s *nthro/omor/hism in religion6 belief systems th*t in'l.ded m*n(be*st hybrids orsh*/eshifters ;W*s &ennis interested in this8; 9 *sked;5ot th*t 9 knew-; And he wo.ld h*)e known- $l*y1s *re* of e2/ertise w*sn1t e2*'tly * /o/.l*r 'on)ers*tion to/i' *mong werewol)es- Before 91d 'ome *long+ he1d h*d two 'hoi'es if he w*nted to t*lk *bo.t it6 <eremy+ who1d str.ggle to feign interest+ or 5i'k+ who wo.ldn1t e)en try- 9f &ennis h*d been e)en mildly intrig.ed+ $l*y wo.ld h*)e /o.n'ed like * st*r)ing wolf s/otting * l*me doe-

9 /eeked o.t the door+ m*king the 'o*st w*s 'le*r+ then bent *nd sniffed the '*r/et- 9n * /.bli' /l*'e+ this is definitely not /le*s*nt+ b.t 91)e done it often th*t 9 '*n ment*lly filter o.t the less s*)ory smells *nd 7oom in on wh*t 91m se*r'hing for;5o sign of the other m.tts1 tr*ils+; 9 s*id- ;9f &ennis d.'ked into the to hide from them+ th*t wo.ld be in'redibly 'oin'ident*l+ * 9 s.//ose he 'o.ld h*)e been following the s*me logi' *s Reese+ thinking it1s the l*st /l*'e * werewolf wo.ld follow- We1re the e2'e/tionsWell+ if yo. don1t 'o.nt K*rl+ b.t his interest in *rtif*'ts is h*rdly *'*demi'-; $l*y gr.mbled .nder his bre*th *s he 'ontin.ed .nt*ngling &ennis1s tr*il- $l*y h*d * lot of /roblems with K*rl#*rsten 0oining the P*'k+ b.t when *sked to *dd *nything to the list of 'on'erns+ he1d s*id only ;no more ste*ling from; When K*rl he*rd th*t+ he1d been * bit t*ken *b*'k+ this /rob*bly being the l*st iss.e he1d e2/e't $l*y to r*ise+ f*r behind the f*'t th*t K*rl h*d on'e hel/ed kidn*/ him- B.t $l*y1s /riorities were ne)er the e2/e'ted ones- %e didn1t gi)e * shit *bo.t the kidn*//ing6th*t w*s b.siness- B.t ste*ling *rtif*'ts8 "h*t /issed him off- "hey1d e)ent.*lly negoti*ted * 'om/romise- K*rl 'o.ld still ste*l from b.t only 0ewels *nd only the sort shown off *s histori'*lbling with no *r'h*eologi'*l signifi'*n'e;$*n yo. tell wh*t &ennis w*s looking *t in here8; 9 *sked; )erything+ it seems- %is tr*il goes *ll the room+ se)er*l times- %is s'ent1s es/e'i*lly he*)y right here+; 9 looked *t the 'olle'tion of dr*wings *nd news/*/er *''o.nts- ;Wendigo/sy'hosis8 :o. did * /*/er on th*t * 'o./le of ye*rs *go+ didn1t yo.8; ;:e*h-; ;#*ybe <eremy mentioned it+ then &ennis w*s )isiting the noti'ed this *nd slowed down for * look-; "heWendigo is one of the more /o/.l*r *nd better known bits of 5*ti)e 5orth Ameri'*n folklore- &.ring * /*rti'.l*rly winter+ it1s belie)ed th*t e)il s/irits /ossess /eo/le+ tr*nsforming them into be*sts 'r*)ing h.m*n flesh- "h*t so.nds * lot like m*n(e*ting werewol)es+ whi'h e2/l*ins $l*y1s interest- 9t *lso+ howe)er+ so.nds like *n e2/l*n*tion for '*nnib*lism6d.ring * )ery long *nd h*rd winter+ the need to s.r)i)e o)er'omes '.lt.r*l t*boos<.st *sk the &onner P*rty"h*t1s whyWendigo /sy'hosis interests $l*y e)en more- 9t1s * ment*l 'ondition th*t *//*rently '*.ses /eo/le to 'r*)e h.m*n flesh * other food so.r'es *re *)*il*ble- Ag*in+ the /*r*llels with werewol)es *re ob)io.s- "he 3.estion is whether s.fferers ofWendigo /sy'hosis *re werewol)es+ h.m*ns with *n .nrel*ted 'ondition or h.m*ns with * we*k str*in of werewolf blood-

;91ll *sk <eremy if he mentioned my *rti'le+; $l*y s*id- ;9f not+ remember we1)e got three h*lf( e*ten h.m*n bodies in the woods- &ennis h*d to know *bo.t them *nd he *nd <oey were the only werewol)es *ro.nd- "hey *s hell didn1t do it-; ;!o he 'o.ld h*)e been looking for *nother e2/l*n*tion- ither w*y+ &ennis w*s here *t le*st * week *go+ me*ning his )isit doesn1t seem dire'tly 'onne'ted to those m.tts-; $l*y nodded;"hey m*y h*)e h*d nothing to do with his dis*//e*r*n'e-; Another nod;Or if they do+ his dis*//e*r*n'e /rob*bly me*ns they /.lled the s*me terror t*'ti's they .sed on Reese- &ennis *nd <oey don1t strike me *s the ty/e who1d sti'k *ro.nd to defend their territory-; ;"hey1re not+; $l*y s*id *s he w*)ed for .s to he*d o.t- ;B.t they sho.ld h*)e notified <eremy!.re+ they1re not P*'k+ so te'hni'*lly they '*n1t hold territory- We1d still h*)e hel/ed+; ;B.t wo.ld they h*)e '*lled8 Or wo.ld they sli/ off to *)oid *ny kind of 'onfront*tion8; ;&ennis wo.ld le*)e- %e1s4 ; %e tr*iled off+ *nd 9 knew he w*s trying to think of * milder word th*n 'ow*rd- ;!till+ whether he likes 'onfront*tions or not+ this w*s his home-; ;#*ybe he didn1t r.n- #*ybe he1s snowed in *t his '*bin+ like the l*ndlord s*id-; As we ste//ed o.tside+ 9 'he'ked my 'ell /hone for mess*ges;%e1s not '*lling b*'k+; $l*y s*id91d beg.n to s.s/e't the s*me thing- "he l*ndlord h*d seemed hel/f.l6refreshingly so when 9 w*s more *''.stomed to de*ling with /eo/le like #*llory %irs'h- B.t+ like Reese+ 9 'o.ldn1t hel/ 3.estioning the kindness of str*ngers- #*ybe in his own w*y+ $h*rles w*s blo'king .s *s m.'h *s %irs'h+ /romising .s *n *ddress to get .s o.t of his f*'eWe t.rned the 'orner *nd /i'ked o.r w*y /*st e2/*nsion 'onstr.'tion;We sho.ld try to find <oey+; 9 s*id- ;9t won1t be th*t h*rd if he1s .sing his re*l n*me-; ;First+ we need to 'he'k into the hotel *nd rest-; A /rotest rose to my li/s+ b.t didn1t m*ke it o.t- 9 w*s tired- We1d *''om/lished * lot for o.r first d*y- 5ow it w*s time to t*ke * 'o./le of off to slee/+ e*t4 ;9s th*t * yes8; $l*y *sked-

;9t is-; ;Good-; W GRABB & OUR b*gs from the '*r- While 9 'he'ked in+ $l*y /rowled+ getting the l*yo.t of the hotel+ whi'h w*s e)en more im/ort*nt now when we knew there were m.tts in townAfter 9 'he'ked in+ 9 took * se*t in one of the big lobby 'h*irs *nd st*rted *n 9nternet se*r'h for <oey- 5ot s.r/risingly+ there w*sn1t * listing in the /hone dire'tory- <eremy s*id <oey worked for *n *d)ertising *gen'y+ so 9 *ngled my h.nt th*t w*y- 9n * few min.tes+ 9 h*d * m*t'h6* <ose/h !tillwell listed *t $re*ti)e #*rketing !ol.tions in An'hor*ge9 '*lled9 w*s h*nging ./ when $l*y ret.rned- ;Good news- 9 fo.nd where <oey works- %e1s left for the d*y+ b.t the re'e/tionist'on firmed he w*s in e*rlier+ me*ning he1s *li)e *nd well-; $l*y only nodded+ b.t he w*s ob)io.sly relie)edWe took the b*gs ./ to o.r room- $l*y b*rely got the door before he w*s '.rsing- 9 /*ssed him *nd w*lked to the other side of the room+ whi'h took *bo.t fi)e /*'es;"his is the %ilton+ isn1t it8; $l*y *sked;:e/-; "he room w*sde'ently *//ointed+ b.t showing its *ge+ *nd w*s ro.ghly the si7e of o.r en s.ite b*throom *t home;Let1s ho/e we don1t s/end m.'h time in here or we1ll go stir('r*7y-; $l*y threw the b*gs onto the bed- ;All this wide(o/en 'o.ntry *nd they '*n1t *fford to b.ild de'ent(si7e hotel rooms8; ;Let me '*ll down *nd see if they h*)e * bigger6; $l*y '*.ght me *ro.nd the w*ist- ;91m <eremy booked the best they h*d- 9t1ll do-; ;We 'o.ld swit'h hotels- "here be6; %e '.t me off with * kiss6* h.ngry+ fingers(in(h*ir+ leg(*ro.nd(hi/s+ who(needs(o2ygen kiss+ ending only when my 'ell /hone 'hir/ed- %is he*d whi//ed tow*rd it+ eyes n*rrowing+ *nd 9 w*s gl*d 91d left it o.t of his re*'h or 91d h*)e been /i'king /ie'es o.t of the /l*ster9 .nt*ngled myself from him- ;5orm*lly+ 91d s*y to hell with it+ b.t 'onsidering we1re w*iting for

* '*ll4 ; %e strode o)er+ sn*t'hed ./ the /hone+ then tossed it to me- ;9t1s &ennis1s l*ndlord-; $h*rles h*d the GP! 'oordin*tes *nd dire'tions re*dy to te2t to my 'ell- %e */ologi7ed for t*king so long- %is wife h*d sto//ed *t * friend1s *fter sho//ing *nd+ *s he s*id+ ;:o. know how th*t goes-; A't.*lly+ 9 didn1t+ b.t 9 .nderstood the 'on'e/t%e w*rned .s not to he*d o.t to &ennis1s '*bin tonight6it w*s *lre*dy d*rk- 9 th*nked him *nd /romised to '*ll b*'k with *ny newsWhen 9 ./+ $l*y w*s *lre*dy *t the door; *ger to be off8; 9 s*id; *ger to be off before 9 de'ide it '*n w*it fi)e min.tes+ *nd fi)e min.tes w*sn1t wh*t 9 h*d in mind-; ;#e neither- Let1s get this tri/ o)er with+ then we '*n '*ll it * night-; U5 A!: W 1& GO5 ABOU" ten miles when 9 s*id+ ;!o+ how long h*)e yo. known th*t <eremy /l*nned to m*ke me the ne2t Al/h*8; %e looked o)er- ;:o. w*nt to t*lk *bo.t th*t now8; ;9 think 9 need to-; ;Good-; %e *d0.sted the re*r)iew mirror- ;91)e known for o)er * week- %e1s been gi)ing yo. e2tr* res/onsibilities sin'e before the kids were born+ b.t 9 only re'ently st*rted thinking it might me*n something- 9 *sked him * 'o./le of times+ b.t he br.shed me off- 9 w*s getting /issed+ be'*.se 9 knew the one /erson who h*dn1t it o.t w*s yo.+ *nd th*t1s not right- 9 didn1t like kee/ing my s.s/i'ions from yo.6it felt like * se'ret- !o 9 '*lled him on it- %e *dmitted th*t he1s /l*nned to m*ke yo. Al/h* for ye*rs- "he kids slowed things down-; %e whi77ed /*st * tr.'k- ;9s th*t wh*t1s been bothering yo.8 :o. tho.ght 91)e known for * while *nd h*dn1t s*id *nything8; ;<eremy wo.ld h*)e m*de yo. kee/ it * se'ret .ntil he w*s re*dy- 91d .nderst*nd th*t-; ;:o.1d .nderst*nd if 9 ke/t something th*t big from yo.8 :o. sho.ldn1t Be'*.se 9 wo.ldn1t"h*t1s why <eremy wo.ldn1t 'onfirm it- 9f there1s * 'onfli't between loy*lty to m*te *nd Al/h*+ <eremy knows better th*n to test me on it-; And if th*t m*te w*s *lso his Al/h*8 9 t.rned to st*re o.t *t the d*rk w*ters of the inlet-

;:o. didn1t s.s/e't8; $l*y *sked *fter * moment;9 noti'ed <eremy1s been *sking my o/inion more often+ en'o.r*ging me to m*ke de'isions in the field+ b.t th*t1s been+ gr*d.*lly h*//ening for ye*rs- 9 tho.ght th*t w*s be'*.se 9 w*s getting more e2/erien'ed *nd he felt more 'omfort*ble h*nding things off+ knowing 9 wo.ldn1t r.n off to "oronto *g*in- On'e he st*rted seeing <*ime+ it m*de sense th*t he w*nted someone who 'o.ld t*ke o)er when he goes *w*y for the weekend- B.t t*ke o)er for good8; 9 took * dee/ bre*th- ;5o+ 9 didn1t see th*t 'oming-; 9 w*t'hed the rising moon sk*te *'ross the w*)es *nd+ for * se'ond+ tho.ght 9 s*w the white b*'k of * bel.g*- 9 ke/t st*ring+ telling myself 9 w*s w*iting for it to res.rf*'e;!o how6; $l*y beg*n;9s <eremy 'r*7y8; 9 '.t in+ twisting to f*'e him+ se*t belt digging into my ne'k- ;9 know+ 9 sho.ldn1t 3.estion his de'isions- "he Al/h*1s word is l*w *nd 9 sho.ld instin'ti)ely obey-; %e l*.ghed- ;And sin'e when h*)e yo. done th*t8 Pl.s in this '*se+ 9 '*n s*fely s*y yo.1re wrong- !.re+ 9 h*d my do.bts *bo.t <eremy1s s*nity when he hooked ./ with <*ime+ b.t 91m o)er th*t-; ;:o. know wh*t 9 me*n- "he *s'ension of * new Al/h* is s.//osed to /ro)e to m.tts th*t we1re *s strong *s e)er+ *nd bolstering the le*dershi/ with fresh blood- Wh*t1s * fem*le Al/h* going to tell them8 "h*t we1)e lost o.r 'olle'ti)e minds-; ;Whi'h is why they won1t belie)e it-; %e swoo/ed /*st *nother )ehi'le d*ring to obey the s/eed limit- ;"hey1ll think it1s * 'le)er w*y to m*ke me Al/h*- 9f we *nno.n'ed th*t the 'r*7y g.y w*s in 'h*rge+ they1d be *rming themsel)es for Arm*geddon- By s*ying yo.1re Al/h*+ it sign*ls th*t we don1t w*nt to /*ni' them- "hey1ll be edgy for * while+ b.t when they see it1s b.siness *s .s.*l+ they1ll rel*2-; ;And then yo.1ll t*ke o)er8; ;%ell+ no- :o.1re Al/h*-; ;And yo.1re ok*y with th*t8; %e t.rned off the highw*y- ;5o+ 91m /issed right now- F.ming m*d- $*n1t yo. tell8; 9 g*)e him * look;&ee/ down+ 91m 91m * m*ster *t 'ontrolling my emotions-; ;%*(h*-;

;9f 9 w*s f.ming+ yo.1d know it- 9f 9 w*s mildly *nnoyed+ yo.1d know it- 91m not+ be'*.se 91m not Al/h* m*teri*l- ste/s o)er the line8 :o. *nd <eremy s*y be*t the 'r*/ o.t of him+ *nd te*'h him * lesson- 9 s*y kill the b*st*rd *nd s*)e o.rsel)es *ny /roblems- 5ot Al/h* m*teri*l-; ;B.t yo.1re the best fighter- )eryone e2/e'ts it will be yo.- &o yo. w*nt to be Al/h*8; ;5o-; %e looked o)er+ meeting my g*7e *nd holding it- ;9 didn1t e2/e't to+ *nd 9 wo.ldn1t *''e/t the /ost if he offered it- 9 like being se'ond(in('omm*nd- 9f h*)ing yo. *s Al/h* me*ns 9 get to kee/ doing th*t+ then 91m h*//y- All th*t /oliti'*l shit8; %e snorted- ;$*n1t be bothered-; ;We 'o.ld be 'o(Al/h*s- An Al/h* /*ir+ m*le *nd fem*le+ like wol)es-; ;Wh*t works for wol)es doesn1t *lw*ys work for werewol)es- "o yo.r *)er*ge 91d be m*king yo. my 'o(Al/h* for the s*ke of m*rit*l h*rmony+ not m*rti*l str*tegy+ whi'h wo.ldn1t refle't well on either of .s- Werewol)es h*)e *n Al/h*- One wolf to r.le them *ll- And th*t wolf will be yo.-; 9 st*red o.t *t *boglike *re* with skelet*l trees+ * w*stel*nd s.rro.nded by forest;B.t yo.1d be h*//ier *bo.t the /romotion if yo. h*d more'om /etition -; 9 t.rned to him- ;Wh*t8; ;9t w*sn1t m.'h of *n Al/h* r*'e+ *nd e)eryone knows it- Antonio wo.ld be good+ b.t he1s e)en older th*n <eremy *nd he h*s * b.siness to r.n- 5i'k *nd K*rl *re o.t of the 3.estion- 9 don1t w*nt the 0ob- A )i'tory by def*.lt isn1t ne*rly so sweet-; ;:o. think 91m /.t o.t by the l*'k of 'om/etition8 Ple*se- 96; At his look+ 9 sighed *nd br.shed my /onyt*il off my sho.lder- ;Ok*y+ yes+ it wo.ld be * lot more fl*ttering if 9 w*sn1t the only 'hoi'e-; ;B.t th*t1s not wh*t1s re*lly bothering yo.+ is it8; %e gl*n'ed o)er+ g*7e boring into the side of my he*d+ *s if he 'o.ld re*d my tho.ghts- ;9s it *nother worry *bo.t be'oming Al/h*8 Or something else8; 9 shr.gged- ;9t1s nothing im/ort*nt-; ;5e)er is- 9t1s+ both+ isn1t it8 !omething to do with be'oming Al/h* *nd something se/*r*teWh*t else h*//ened while 9 w*s gone8; "he words were on the ti/ of my tong.e- 9 got * letter from one of the men6 5ot now- 5ot yet;9t1s nothing6W*it- :o. missed the ro*d-;

%e hit the br*kes *nd re)ersed- ;:o. were s*ying8; ;L*ter- We1re *lmost there-; 9 gl*n'ed o)er my sho.lder *t the n*rrow bl*'k tr*il th*t /*ssed for * ro*d- ;And this is going to t*ke some n*)ig*ting-; W !OO5 U5& R!"OO& why $h*rles h*d l*.ghed when 9 *sked for *n *ddress for &ennis1s '*bin- "his w*s no l*keside 'ott*ge in#.skok* + down * /le*s*nt winding l*ne lined with signs wel'oming yo. to ;"he Gr*ngers1 Get*w*y-; We t.rned onto the tr*il+ then onto *nother+ then *nother+ e*'h one getting s.''essi)ely n*rrower .ntil br*n'hes s'r*/ed both sides of the !U@- "hen the ro*d endedWe got o.t *nd /eered into the night- After * 'o./le of min.tes we fo.nd * tr*il- A do7en feet down it+ there w*s * 'inder(blo'k shed with * wide door+ m*ssi)e /*dlo'k *nd Pri)*te sign- "he *re* st*nk of mi2ed g*s *nd oil- Boot m*rks led to the door+ *nd snowmobile tr*'ks led *w*y;"his be where they le*)e their snowmobiles *nd ride in-; 9 bent *nd sniffed- ;%.m*n+ b.t 9 think 9 dete't f*int werewolf- An older tr*il-; $l*y 'ro.'hed *nd inh*led dee/ly- ;:e*h+ th*t1s &ennis-; We followed the snowmobile tr*'ks knee(dee/ snow- As wol)es+ we1d mo)e e*sier+ b.t it w*sn1t worth the *gony of the $h*nge for * h*lf(mile trek- "hen there w*s the /roblem of showing ./ *t &ennis1s '*bin n*ked"he tr*il br*n'hed se)er*l times- "he snowmobile tr*'ks led down the se'ond one+ /res.m*bly to *nother '*bin- 9 ke/t *n eye on the GP! *nd took the first br*n'h le*ding in the right dire'tion"he snow w*s thi'ker here+ with no signs th*t *nyone h*d /*ssed this w*y sin'e the l*st snowf*ll- We1d gone *bo.t fifty feet before 9 '*.ght * smell th*t m*de me sto/$l*y inh*led- ;Wolf-; Under my thi'k down 0*'ket+ goose b.m/s rose in * mi2 of e2'itement *nd tre/id*tion- Wol)es f*s'in*te most werewol)es- We feel the /.ll of kinshi/- Unfort.n*tely+ the wol)es don1t feel the s*me w*yO.r blended smell of h.m*n *nd '*nine ' them- "hey don1t know wh*t we *re+ so it1s s*fest to * we1re * thre*t$l*y *nd 9 h*d en'o.ntered wol)es on'e before in P*rk- "hey1d st*rted to *tt*'k+ then they1d de'ided we smelled too h.m*n for their liking+ *nd r.nAfter th*t+ if we went *ny/l*'e known *s wolf territory+ we steered 'le*r of their tr*ils- %ere th*t w*sn1t /ossible-

;"hey1re *ll o)er+; 9 s*id *s we w*lked- ;9t1s * big /*'k+ *t le*st eight or nine wol)es+ 9 bet- "he tr*'ks *re re'ent+ too-; ;9 don1t smell *ny on the wind+; ;#e neither+ whi'h ho/ef.lly me*ns they1re f*r *w*y-; 5ot s.r/rising6wol)es tended to tr*)el more in winter *s they se*r'hed for food;&idn1t those 'o/s s*y * /*'k li)ed where they fo.nd th*t g.y this morning8; 9 r.bbed my i'y nose- ;"hey s*id there1d been one+ b.t it mo)ed on- #*ybe be'*.se of the m.tts- We sho.ld find o.t when the /*'k left- "h*t might gi)e .s some ide* when o.r m.tts *rri)ed- 9 got the feeling it w*s re'ently-; We mo)ed into * denser *re* of woods *nd the light *ll b.t dis*//e*red- While o.r gener*l )ision w*s slightly better *s h.m*ns+ o.r night )ision s.ffered- 9 slowed+ /*ying more *ttention to where 9 /.t my feet- 9 still st.mbled o)er * br*n'h .nder the snow- $l*y '*.ght my *rm;9 sho.ld h*)e bro.ght * fl*shlight+; 9 s*id;We1re *lmost there- 9 see * light-; 9 followed his g*7e to see se)er*l bl.ish lights twinkling the trees9 'he'ked the GP!- ; ither $h*rles got the 'oordin*tes wrong or th*t1s *nother '*bin- A''ording to this+ we h*)e *lmost * 3.*rter mile to go th*t w*y-; 9 /ointed;We1ll 'he'k it o.t-; "o he*d tow*rd the lights+ we h*d to le*)e the /*th- As we drew 'loser+ the lights dimmed+ b.t 9 'o.ld still see them+ bl.e s/ots *g*inst the d*rkness *he*dWe ste//ed from the trees;%.h+; $l*y s*idWe stood *t the edge of * 'le*ring with no '*bin4 *nd no lights;Ghost lights8 We sho.ld h*)e bro.ght <*ime-; 9 me*nt it lightly+ b.t my )oi'e w*)ered- As 9 looked *ro.nd+ e)ery h*ir on my body rose;&o yo. feel th*t8; 9 *sked;:e*h-;

;!omething1s o.t there- Wol)es8; ;#*ybe-; 9t w*sn1t wol)es- We both knew it- Both felt it- $l*y1s t*.t f*'e t.rned my w*y+ g*7e s'*nning the trees;:o. sense tro.ble8; he *sked;9 don1t think so-; 9 r.bbed the b*'k of my ne'k- ;Let1s find th*t tr*il *g*in-; U55A"URAL "% #OO5 APP AR & then+ lighting o.r w*y b*'k to the tr*il- )en the trees+ it '*st of * glow for .s to follow- "he wolf tr*'ks 'ontin.ed *s we drew 'loser to o.r destin*tion- When 9 '*.ght *nother whiff of s'ent+ 9 sto//ed;Werewolf- Prob*bly &ennis-; ;9s he o.t here8; 9 shook my he*d- ;9t1s * tr*il-; $l*y inh*led- ;91m not getting it-; 9 w*lking- ;9t1s f*int- B.t * tr*il me*ns he1s been here re'ently- And th*t looks like * '*bin *he*d-; $l*y s3.inted *t the bl*'k sh*/e the trees- ;5o lights on-; ;O.t here+ off the grid+ yo. don1t .se *ny more th*n yo. need to-; "he moon *g*inst the snow lit the 'le*ring to twilight- We looked *'ross the y*rd;!hit+ is th*t4 8; $l*y blinked+ *s if seeing things- %e w*sn1t- "he snow w*s 'riss'rossed with wolf tr*'ks- 5ot * s3.*re foot in the 'le*ring h*d been left .nto.'hed9 w*lked * few feet+ then bent- ;&efinitely wolf-; ;"h*t1s4 ; ;Weird-; %e g*)e * distr*'ted nod+ b.t we both knew th*t w*sn1t the right word- Looking o.t *t th*t /*w( /rint('o)ered snow+ so 'lose to * werewolf1s '*bin+ the word th*t '*me to mind w*s wrong- #ore th*n weird- &ownright .nn*t.r*l-

9f new wol)es h*d entered the region *nd de'ided to 'h*llenge *n o''./ying werewolf+ they1d slink *ro.nd his '*bin for * 'loser look- "he Al/h* might m*rk it to m*ke * st*tement- B.t here 9 s*w /*w /rints of e)ery si7e+ right down to ye*rlings;#*ybe it1s sled dogs+; 9 s*id$l*y looked o)er;&ennis 'o.ld h*)e * neighbor with * te*m- %e 'omes o)er+ ties them ./ while he h*s * few drinks *nd they get bored+ /*'e *ro.nd-; ;:o. smell dogs+ d*rling8; 5o- 9 smelled wolf9 'limbed onto the front de'k- 9 w*lked to the window to /eek in+ b.t the dr*/es were dr*wn#ore /rints dotted the sill+ *s if the wol)es h*d been doing the s*me thing 9 w*s"he h*ir on my s'*l/ /ri'kled- 9 t.gged my h*t down+ then r.bbed my i'y e*rlobes- As 9 t.rned+ 9 '*.ght * s'ent th*t m*de my bre*th '*t'h- When 9 inh*led dee/er+ 9 'o.ldn1t find it *g*in9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y+ 'ro.'hed by the door+ his fingers r.nning down the lower /*nel+ fingerti/s tr*'ing groo)es in the wood$l*w m*rks- "he dee/ s'r*t'hes were ridged with s/linters- Fresh 'l*w m*rks$l*y str*ightened *nd b*nged on the door- ;&ennis8 9t1s $l*y-; %e /*.sed+ then *dded+ ;$l*yton &*n)ers-; "he '*bin st*yed silent- 9 mo)ed to the window *g*in+ looking for *ny sign of light *ro.nd the dr*wn dr*/es- "here w*s none;&ennis8; $l*y '*lled- ;<eremy sent me to 'he'k on yo.-; %e /o.nded h*rder now- "he wood b.'kled .nder his fist+ the door /*rting from the fr*me to let o.t * /.ff of wh*t 91d smelled e*rlier;O/en it+; 9 s*id;Wh*t8; 9 gr*bbed the h*ndle *nd r*mmed my sho.lder into the door- "he wood 'r*'kled *nd it flew o/en- "he smell bl*sted o.t+ sending me reeling b*'k-

9 '*.ght * glim/se of wh*t w*s inside- "hen 9 h.rried to the side r*iling+ le*ning o)er it+ h*nds o)er my teeth 'len'hed+ gorge bobbing$l*y1s h*nd rested *g*inst my b*'k;!orry+ 96; 9 t.rned- ;91m sorry-; %e nodded+ his g*7e on the forest- 9 ste//ed tow*rd him+ .n'ert*in- %is h*nds went *ro.nd my w*ist *nd 9 mo)ed into his *rms+ my nose /ressed *g*inst his w*rm ne'k- %is *rms tightened *ro.nd me- After * moment+ * sh.ddering sigh ri//led him;:o. st*y here+; 9 s*id- ;91ll t*ke '*re of6; ;91m ok*y- 9t1s been * lot of ye*rs-; We went inside- When 91d first smelled de'om/osition+ 9 tho.ght &ennis h*d been killed by wol)es- "he thre*t of * werewolf on their new territory might o)erride wh*te)er w*rning told them to st*y *w*y from /eo/le- "he moment 91d looked th*t door+ 91d known it h*dn1t been wol)es- 5ot the kind th*t w*lk on fo.r legs+ *nyw*y&ennis !tillwell s*t on * kit'hen 'h*ir 9n the middle of the room+ bo.nd h*nd *nd foot with thi'k wire '*bles- 9t looked like he1d been %ow m.'h w*s h*rd to tell- &es/ite the 'old+ he w*s st*rting to de'om/ose- All 9 knew w*s th*t someone h*d tied him ./+ tried to get inform*tion from him+ then killed him$l*y looked *t &ennis+ his f*'e .nre*d*ble;91m going to find them+; he s*id;9 know-; W BUR9 & & 559! in the woods- We w*nted to gi)e him * b.ri*l+ b.t more th*n th*t+ we h*d to- 9f $h*rles or *nyone else fo.nd him+ there wo.ld be *n in)estig*tion *nd *n *.to/sy+ *nd we 'o.ldn1t risk eitherWerewol)es r*rely /*ss *w*y in their slee/+ so it1s *n .n*)oid*ble f*'t th*t sometimes there is *n *.to/sy *nd *n in)estig*tion+ *nd o.r world h*sn1t 'r.mbled yet- "he *nom*lies in o.r blood *nd &5A /rob*bly left more th*n one l*b te'h s'r*t'hing her he*d+ *nd m*ybe * few h*d m*de notes of it+ /.t it *side for * /erson*l /ro0e't+ b.t nothing more- !till+ we don1t t*ke 'h*n'es+ *nd e)en * killing *nother will dis/ose of the body- Only+ *//*rently+ these ones h*dn1t bothered- &id they not '*re8 Or w*s this * mess*ge for someone8 For <oey8 $l*y *nd 9 h*d e2/erien'e with body dis/os*l- "oo m.'h- We1d b.ried o.r own *nd we1d b.ried m.tts+ so we knew how to do it- &ennis !tillwell wo.ld sim/ly dis*//e*r+ like so m*ny werewol)es before him-

When we finished+ we stood *t the gr*)esite+ the bitter wind whi//ing the trees+ free7ing e)ery in'h of e2/osed skin *nd m*king o.r eyes w*ter- "hose te*rs were the only ones we1d shed- 5or wo.ld we s*y *ny words o)er the gr*)e- "h*t w*s the h.m*n w*y- w*s 3.ieter+ more /ri)*te+ * few min.tes of silent res/e't *nd refle'tionWhen 9 felt * f*mili*r /ri'kle *t the b*'k of my ne'k+ my he*d shot ./;W*it+; $l*y s*id+ his )oi'e low- ;#o)e slowly-; 9 t.rned my he*d *nd followed his g*7e+ swee/ing *'ross the forest;Oh my God+; 9 whis/eredRefle'tions of *t le*st * do7en /*ir of eyes dotted the forest- 9 'o.ld m*ke o.t gr*y sh*/es *g*inst the bl*'k forest- Wol)es;We1ll go b*'k inside+; $l*y ;Are there more behind me8; ;A few-; ;Ok*y- $o.nt to three- "hen t.rn yo.r b*'k to me- We1ll w*lk in th*t w*y- Kee/ yo.r g*7e ./ o)er their he*ds-; ;&on1t look them in the eye-; ;Right- 9f one 'h*rges+ then meet its g*7e- 9t might b*'k down-; 9 re*llyho/ed so- A do7en wol)es *g*inst two werewol)es8 )en $l*y w*sn1t it'hing to meet this 'h*llengeB*'k(to(b*'k we w*lked into the '*bin- As $l*y bolted the door+ 9 looked o.t- "he wol)es h*dn1t mo)ed;&o yo. think they smelled the body8; 9 *sked;Long winter- Food1s getting s'*r'e-; ;"h*t wo.ld e2/l*in the s'r*t'h m*rks on the door-; ;:e*h-; O.r eyes met+ e2'h*nging * look th*t s*id we were sti'king to o.r story+ e)en we both knew it w*s b.llshit- "hese wol)es didn1t look *s if they were st*r)ing- "hey might t*ke &ennis1s body if they fo.nd it lying o.tside+ b.t to tr*m/le the snow *s if they1d been /*'ing *ro.nd the '*bin for *nd trying to s'r*t'h their w*y in8 9t w*s too m.'h- "oo .nn*t.r*l-

$l*y fo.nd * b*ttery(o/er*ted l*ntern *nd *n oil one+ *nd we lit both *nd looked *ro.nd;Well+; 9 s*id- ;9 g.ess we h*)e work here to kee/ .s .ntil the wol)es mo)e on- 91ll 'le*n ./6; ;:o. look for ' Get s'ents- :o.1re better *t th*t-; And he w*s better *t 'le*n./6h*)ing h*d more e2/erien'e+ neither of .s /ointed th*t o.tWe set to work- As 9 soon dis'o)ered+ finding s'ents .nder the sten'h of de'om/osition w*sn1t e*sy;91m going to 'r*'k o/en the window-; 9 /.lled the dr*/e- Glowing green eyes /eered in *t me- 9 fell b*'k- $l*y gr*bbed me- With the l*nterns refle'ting off the gl*ss+ *ll 9 'o.ld see w*s the d*rk sh*/e of * wolf le*/ing off the /or'h- 9 './/ed my h*nds *g*inst the gl*ss- A d*rk('olored wolf )*nished into the treesBl*'k wolf- Green eyes$l*y mo)ed beside me+ s3.inting to see o.t- ;Bold b*st*rd+ w*sn1t he8; 9 r.bbed my glo)ed h*nds o)er my *rms+ /.shing down the goose b.m/s- Bl*'k wol)es weren1t th*t .n.s.*l- Green eyes were+ b.t 91d only seen their refle'tion *g*inst the light+ *nd th*t often m*de *nim*l eyes glint green- Besides+ 9 'o.ld still see the gr*y wol)es *t the forest1s edge *nd they1d ne)er let * werewolf r.n /*st them like th*t;:o. ok*y8; $l*y *sked;%e s/ooked me-; $l*y drew the dr*/es *g*in- 9 w*lked *s f*r *s /ossible from the bloodst*in in the middle of the '*bin *nd got down on my h*nds *nd knees- A /ier'ing w*il sent me s'r*mbling ./;Wind in the 'himney+; $l*y s*id9 g*)e * sh*ky l*.gh- ;A little 0.m/y tonight+ *ren1t 98; ;With good re*son-; %e mo)ed ./ behind me *nd r.bbed my sho.lders- When 9 tried to ste/ *w*y+ he held me;"*ke * min.te+; he ;9t1s only me-; 9 took * dee/ bre*th- 9t w*sn1t e*sy+ being * wom*n in * werewolf1s world+ worrying th*t they1re

w*t'hing yo. for signs of we*kness- 9t me*nt * lot to h*)e someone in my life who didn1t '*re if wol)es *t the door s/ooked me- 9f 9 be'*me Al/h*6his Al/h*6wo.ld th*t 'h*nge8 9 le*ned b*'k *g*inst $l*y *nd t.rned my he*d+ 'heek *g*inst his sho.lder+ inh*ling- When my ner)es were '*lm *nd the s/e'ter of &ennis !tillwell f*ded+ 9 got b*'k to work9 didn1t need to sniff *ro.nd for long before s*ying+ ;91)e got werewolf- And not &ennis-; $l*y nodded- 5o s.r/rise thereAnother few min.tes of sniffing- ;9t1s the s*me two from the ones who *tt*'ked Reese-; Ag*in+ he nodded;91m getting * third s'ent+; 9 s*id;Werewolf8; ;:e/-; 9 followed it+ .nt*ngling the tr*il from the others- ;%e1s rel*ted to one of the others6 f*ther+ son+ brother- "h*t1s why 9 w*sn1t 9 dete'ted *n older third tr*il in th*t 'le*ring!imil*r s'ents-; ;#*kes sense-; %e me*nt both my e2/l*n*tion *nd the f*mily rel*tionshi/- 9t w*s .n.s.*l to find three werewol)es together+ b.t f*r more likely if *t le*st two sh*red * f*mily 'onne'tion$l*y h*d fo.nd * toolbo2 in the 'loset *nd w*s s*nding the wooden floor- %e 'o.ldn1t b.ff o.t *ll the blood+ b.t it wo.ld f*de the st*in+ m*king it look like *n old s/ill- As he did th*t+ 9 w*lked to the dinette- "he t*ble w*s 'o)ered with /*/ers *nd books;Wh*t did &ennis do for * li)ing8; 9 *sked; le'tri'i*n+ 9 think- 9 remember <eremy h*d him fi2 ./ the old wiring *t!toneh*)en -; 9 looked *t the h*ndwritten notes- "hey definitely weren1t ele'tri'*l di*gr*ms;%obbies8; 9 *sked$l*y shr.gged- ;$o.ldn1t s*y- <eremy wo.ld know- Why8; 9 /i'ked ./ * book in my glo)ed h*nd- ;%e seems to h*)e been rese*r'hing folklore *nd mythology- "h*t h*)e been wh*t he w*s doing *t the; $l*y bro.ght * l*ntern o)er *nd /i'ked ./ * notebook *s 9 th.mbed * she*f of

/hoto'o/ied /*ges;:een**ldlooshii+5*g.*l +Wendigo 4 ; 9 s*id- ;sh*/eshiftermyths+ /*rti'.l*rly 5*ti)e Ameri'*n- 91m s.r/rised he didn1t 'ont*'t yo.-; %e took the /*/ers from my h*nd+ re*ding them more 'losely;91ll find * b*g *nd we1ll t*ke his work with .s-; %e nodded+ his g*7e still fi2ed on the /*/ers- %e didn1t sto/ re*ding .ntil 9 /l.'ked them from his h*nd *nd *dded them to * '*n)*s b*g 91d *lre*dy filled with the rest;Wh*t do yo. think he w*s doing8; 9 *sked;5o ide*- #*ybe * new hobby- Getting older *nd looking for *nswers-; %e took the b*g from me- ;We sho.ld get going-; 9 nodded *nd /.lled b*'k the '.rt*in- "he nights'*/e w*s em/ty- Behind me+ $l*y 'he'ked the other windows;All 'le*r8; 9 *sked;!eems so-; We ste//ed onto the /or'h- 9 inh*led- 9 'o.ld still smell the wol)es+ their thi'k s'ent h*nging in the *ir+ b.t the forest w*s still- We w*lked *ro.nd the /erimeter of the 'le*ring;@*nished into the night+; 9 ;<.st '.rio.s8 "hey might be .sed to &ennis+ so o.r s'ent doesn1t s/ook them-; ;$o.ld be-; $l*y s.r)eyed the forest+ b.t we he*rd only the whine of the wind;Let1s go-; B A!" W% 5 W R A$% & the he*d of the tr*il+ $l*y t.rned *nd /eered b*'k *t the '*binFollowing his g*7e+ 9 s*w * snowmobile /*rked *t the f*r end of the de'k;"here w*sn1t * tr.'k+; 9 s*id%e gl*n'ed o)er- ;Wh*t8; ;9 w*s thinking- &ennis h*)e dri)en to the snowmobile shed in * tr.'k+ b.t there

w*sn1t one on the ro*d- Whoe)er killed him h*)e t*ken it+ /res.m*bly so none of his neighbors wo.ld noti'e- Are yo. thinking we sho.ld do the s*me with the snowmobile8 P.t it b*'k in the shed8; ;Good ide*+ b.t 9 w*s looking for * f*ster w*y o.t of here- 9 don1t w*nt to be '*.ght on * tr*il if those wol)es 'ome b*'k-; On '.e+ * howl re)erber*ted the night- Another *nswered- 9 tr*'ked the so.nd;At le*st * mile off+; 9 s*id- ;With l.'k they1ll st*y there- B.t if we '*n t*ke the snowmobile *nd ret.rn it to the shed+ we sho.ld-; We went b*'k inside to find the keys- We didn1t- ither the m.tts took them for the tr.'k or we1d b.ried them in &ennis1s /o'ket$l*y tried to hotwire the snowmobile- L.'*s h*d t*.ght him how6for '*rs6b.t 9 don1t think $l*y h*d /*id m.'h *ttention- 9t w*sn1t * skill he1d e)er needed+ so he1d only listened to be res/e'tf.l$l*y h*d t*.ght L.'*s * lot *nd if L.'*s w*nted to ret.rn * lesson+ $l*y wo.ldn1t s*y he 'o.ldn1t .se itOnly now he 'o.ld .se it+ *nd 'o.ld only )*g.ely re'*ll the instr.'tionsAfter *bo.t twenty min.tes+ he settled b*'k on his h*.n'hes *nd growled *t the offending )ehi'le- ;9 remember how to do it with '*rs *nd the b*si' /rin'i/les *re the s*me b.t4 ; Another growl- ;#*'hines- 91m * lot better *t dis*bling them th*n st*rting them-; ;!ho'king-; 9 ho//ed off the edge of the /or'h- ;Forget it- By the time we get it going+ we 'o.ld h*)e w*lked to the '*r *nd b*'k-; %e h*ted to *dmit the 'h*llenge h*d bested him+ b.t *fter *nother moment of fiddling+ he hefted the book b*g+ *nd we set o.tWe 'o.ld still he*r the dist*nt song of the wol)es+ so we rel*2ed+ knowing they were f*r off- We t*lked *bo.t the kids *nd the s'hool dilemm*6* good distr*'tion$l*y mo)ed into the le*d *s the moon slid behind 'lo.d 'o)er- ;Kinderg*rten is * w*ste of time-; ;!*ys the g.y who got ki'ked o.t-; ;9 w*sn1t ki'ked o.t-; ;5o+ they strongly s.ggested th*t <eremy re'onsider yo.r re*diness for s'hool4 *nd /refer*bly find yo. *nother one to *ttend-;

;&*mned /ri)*te s'hools- litist snobs-; ;"r.e- A /.bli' s'hool wo.ld ne)er get so worked ./ o)er * st.dent disse'ting the 'l*ssroom g.ine* /ig-; ;9t w*s *lre*dy6; ;6de*d- !o 91)e he*rd- Whi'h re*lly w*sn1t the /oint-; ;"he /oint w*s th*t they f*iled to re'ogni7e my *'*demi' /otenti*l+ *nd Log*n is going to r.n into the s*me /roblems-; ;We1ll tell his te*'her he1s *llergi' to g.ine* /igs-; $l*y let * br*n'h fling b*'k- 9 '*.ght it before it hit my f*'e;91d *gree+; 9 s*id- ;9f Log*n w*sn1t the one w*nting to go to6; $l*y s/.n f*st- 9 0.m/ed+ h*nds flying ./+ thinking he w*s goofing- "hen 9 s*w his f*'e+ rigid+ *s he st*red o.t into the forest- A /*ir of eyes *//e*red from the d*rkness- "hen *nother- And *nother;!hit+; 9 s*id- ;B.t we he*rd them miles6"h*t w*s *nother /*'k-; $l*y ste//ed b*'k tow*rd me+ my nylon 'o*t whis/ering *g*inst his le*ther- 9 'o.nted ele)en /*ir of eyes+ *nd * 'o./le more d*rk sh*/es f*rther b*'k- A /*'k;%e*r *nything8; $l*y *sked%e me*nt * growl or sn*rl+ some w*rning of im/ending *tt*'k- B.t the wol)es were silent+ /*le st* *g*inst the night+ eyes glinting where the moonlight /ier'ed the '*no/y;9 think they1ll le*)e .s *lone+; $l*y s*id;<.st '.rio.s8; %e nodded *nd sli//ed behind me- ;Kee/ w*lking- 91ll kee/ * w*t'h on the re*r- 5o s.dden mo)es or lo.d noises-; %e knew 9 knew this6it w*s his *n2iety t*lking- For the first ten /*'es+ the wol)es st*yed where they were- "hen their eyes dis*//e*red *s they t.rned *nd st*rted gliding *long+ still silent+ kee/ing their dist*n'e+ fl*nking .s *s we w*lked91ll ne)er forget wh*t th*t w*s like+ the s3.e*k of snow .nder my boots+ *dren*line /.m/ing so h*rd 9 didn1t feel the 'old+ my bre*th 'oming in /.ffs+ tiny 'lo.ds h*nging in the *ir+ the

moonlight the trees '*sting sli'es of light+ the wol)es gliding them+ then )*nishing into the d*rkA wolf sto//ed in one of those moonlight sli'es- 9ts he*d swi)eled *s it looked the other w*y+ dee/ into the forest- Another wolf sto//ed+ then *nother+ their gr*y sh*/es *ll t.rningOne let o.t * low whine- Another growled- $l*y t.gged me b*'k *g*inst him+ his 'hin lifting+ eyes se*r'hing+ b.t the wol)es /*id .s no *ttention- "hen+ on the wind+ * s'ent whi//ed /*st+ he*)y *nd the stink of it 'linging to my thro*t$l*y1s f*'e lifted+ nostrils fl*ring- ;Wh*t the hell is th*t8; 9 took *nother sniff+ b.t smelled only 'le*n *ir now- "he wol)es h*dn1t b.dged- 9 swore 9 'o.ld feel their *n2iety thr.mming the *ir"he s*me wolf growled *g*in- A bigger one twisted *nd sn*//ed+ like * grown(./ telling * teen*ger to sh.t ./- "he yo.nger wolf1s e*rs lowered *nd his gr.mble )ibr*ted *'ross the *ir+ b.t didn1t rise to * growl *g*inAnd then+ *s if in re*'tion to * 'omm*nd 9 'o.ldn1t he*r+ the wol)es *ll t.rned *nd st*rted to r.n+ te*ring b*'k the w*y they1d 'ome+ /*ws /o.ndingOnly one rem*ined6the wolf f*rthest from .s+ * d*rk sh*/e 9 h*dn1t noti'ed hidden behind his lighter brethren- %e stood his gro.nd+ h*'kles ./+ *nd e)en from here+ 9 'o.ld he*r the low w*rning growl"he moon slid from behind wis/y 'lo.ds+ be*ming light into the d*rk /o'kets between the trees+ *nd 9 got * good look *t him6not * bl*'k wolf b.t * d*rk red one+ ne*rly twi'e the si7e of the others- 9t w*s the one 91d seen *t the window- "he wolf th*t 91d been for * moment+ w*sn1t * wolf *t *llBefore 9 'o.ld s*y *nything to $l*y+ * sm*ller gr*y wolf r*n b*'k+ l.nging *nd d*n'ing in front of the d*rk wolf+ then d*rting behind him *nd ni//ing *t his heels- %e looked o.t into the forest"he sm*ller wolf b.m/ed him+ whining- %e snorted *nd t.rned tow*rd .s+ green eyes meeting mine- "hen he took off *fter the others;&id yo. see4 8; 9 *sked;:e*h-; ;W*s th*t4 8; ;"hink so-; A werewolf with * wolf /*'k8 9 took * ste/ off the /*th+ b.t $l*y '*.ght my *rm-

;9 w*nt to 'he'k his s'ent+; 9 s*id- ;!ee whether he w*s one of the m.tts who killed &ennis-; ;We1ll 'ome b*'k- Right now+ we need to get to the tr.'k before we find o.t wh*t s'*red them off-; ;Wh*te)er it w*s+ 9 think it1s gone- 9 only '*.ght th*t one whiff-; $l*y ke/t his fingers on my *rm+ g.iding me *long the /*th;&id it smell like wolf to yo.8; 9 *sked;Wolf8; %e /.rsed his li/s+ 'onsidering it- ;9 tho.ght it might+ b.t 9 w*s /i'king ./ the wol)es following .s- With th*t stink+ 9 w*s going wol)erine- 9f it m*de the wol)es r.n+ 91m g.essing be*r-; ;A /*'k th*t si7e r.nning from * be*r8; %e /rodded me forw*rd when 9 slowed- ;&id yo. see th*t st.ffed one in the hotel lobby8 &*mn ne*r eight feet t*ll- 9 see *nything th*t big+ 91m r.nning+ too-; "he moon /*ssed behind thi'ker 'lo.ds *nd 9 slowed *g*in+ blinking h*rd *s the /*th went d*rk;Get behind me+; he s*id$l*y1s night )ision be*t mine+ so he led the w*y+ slowly b.t As we w*lked+ 9 swe*r it got d*rker+ e)en the glow of the 'lo.d('o)ered moon er*sed from the night sky9 w*s *bo.t to s*y we definitely needed to in)est in fl*shlights- "hen * s'ent w*fted /*st my nose+ th*t *wf.l smell 'oming from downwind me*ning it w*s right beside6 $l*y s/.n+ his fist in flight+ eyes widening *s he re*li7ed he1d led with his b*d *rm- %e 'he'ked himself+ his left /.n'hing *s 9 wheeled- !omething /lowed s3.*re into my b*'k+ kno'king the wind from my l.ngs- #y feet flew off the gro.nd *nd 9 br*'ed myself for * f*ll- 9nste*d 9 0erked ./ short+ legswindmilling + s.s/ended in the *ir+ th*t sten'h w*shing o)er me+ held *loft by the b*'k of my 'o*t- As 9 twisted to see wh*t h*d me+ $l*y /ile(dro)e the be*st- 9t gr.nted in s.r/rise+ *nd 9 went flying+ my 0*'ket ri//ing9 sl*mmed into * tree- P*in e2/loded- As 9 t.mbled into * he*/ *t the b*se+ 9 blinked+ b*rely *ble to see- $l*y1s f*'e *//e*red o)er mine- %e g*)e * whoosh of relief+ seeing my eyes o/enBefore 9 'o.ld s/e*k+ trees 'r*'kled+ br*n'hes sn*//ing- A sn*rl- "hen * snort- $l*y s/.n+ fists s*iling ./- "he 'r*shing 'ontin.ed+ growing dist*nt- $l*y w*ited+ /oised for * fight- When he w*s the be*st w*s gone+ he s'oo/ed me ./- #y he*d throbbed+ hot blood tri'kling down my ne'k- $l*y broke into * 0og+ '*rrying meWhen we re*'hed the !U@+ he b.ndled me inside *nd tried 'he'king my in0.ries+ b.t 9 /.shed

him *w*y;&ri)e+; 9 s*id- ; )en the e2tr* )ehi'le ins.r*n'e isn1t going to 'o)er * be*r *tt*'k-; %e into the dri)er1s se*t *nd h*d the tires s/inning before the door sl*mmed sh.t- %e tore to the end of the tr*il- When we re*'hed the end of the ne2t one+ he /.lled o)er;"he blood is from my nose+; 9 s*id+ holding * h*ndf.l of tiss.e to it- ;9t1s not e)en broken-; %e s*id nothing+ '*me *ro.nd to my side to *ssess the d*m *ge for himself- %e 'le*ned me ./ *nd when he w*s done+ he 'he'ked for other '.ts *nd fo.nd two s'r*/es;<*'ket off-; 9 didn1t *rg.e- 9f he1d been the one thrown into * tree+ 91d be doing the s*me- #*ybe th*t1s the wolf- #*ybe it1s .s%e hel/ed me o.t of my 0*'ket- As he /.lled it *w*y+ 9 s*w fo.r long te*rs in the b*'k+ tiny fe*thers fl.ttering o.t like snowfl*kes;!hit-; 9 w*nted to *sk wh*t h*d *tt*'ked me6* be*r+ 9 /res.med6b.t the set of his 0*w s*id he w*sn1t re*dy to t*lk yet+ 'heek m.s'les working+ g*7e h*rd *s he 'he'ked my ribs *nd ne'kWhen he finished+ he stood- %is nostrils fl*red+ bre*th /.ffing+ then he wheeled+ fist sl*mming into the ne*rest tree;F.'kB; %e hit the tree *g*in+ so h*rd it gro*ned- ;9 .sed the wrong f.'king *rm- !t./id+ st./id+ st./idB; 9 slid from the !U@ *nd ste//ed in front of him+ gr*bbing his fist *s it flew *g*in;"h*t thing 'o.ld h*)e killed yo.+; he s*id- ;All be'*.se 9 led with the wrong f.'king *rm-; %is fist dro)e tow*rd the tree- 9 '*.ght it+ held both his h*nds tightly+ then le*ned in to kiss him%e didn1t res/ond *t first+ his bre*th 'oming h*rd *nd f*st+ r*ge *nd fr.str*tion roiling in his eyes9 kissed him *g*in *nd the w*tershed broke- %e gr*bbed me in * fier'e+ br.ising kiss th*t h*d none of the /l*yf.l edge from e*rlier- 9 wr*//ed my h*nds in his h*ir *nd ret.rned it+ ignoring the /*in in my nose+ feeding on his r*ge *nd the fr.str*tion+ feeling it slide *w*y *nd+ .nder it+ the r*w t*ste of fe*r6th*t terror th*t he w*sn1t *s good * fighter *nymore+ not *s good *s he needed to be+ not good to /rote't his Al/h* *nd his f*mily%e /.shed me ./ *g*inst the tree+ then sto//ed *s 9 win'ed;:o.r b*'k+; he s*id-

;#y ne'k-; 9 m*de * f*'e- ;91d s*y it1s ok*y+ b.t on se'ond tho.ght+ this is one es'*/e we sho.ld /rob*bly 'om/lete before h*)ing se2-; %e hel/ed me into the '*r des/ite my /rotests th*t 9 w*s fine;!o wh*t w*s th*t8; 9 *sked *s he got in- ;A be*r8; ;All 9 s*w w*s something big *nd h*iry- 9 w*s w*t'hing yo. get tossed *ro.nd by it-; ;9t w*s strong+ wh*te)er it w*s+; 9 s*id+ r.bbing my sore ne'k;9 tried to get * better look *s it r*n *w*y+ b.t it w*s too d*rk-; ;9 think it did th*t on /.r/ose-; ;Wh*t8; he s*id;9t w*ited .ntil the moon w*s 'om/letely behind the 'lo.ds+ then st*yed downwind so we wo.ldn1t smell *nything .ntil it w*s right beside .s- One )ery sm*rt /red*tor-; ;A be*r1s not th*t sm*rt-; ;5o- B.t * yeti might be-; %e looked o)er sh*r/ly- "en ye*rs *go+ he1d h*)e known 9 w*s 0oking+ b.t with *ll we1d seen sin'e then+ the s./ern*t.r*l world .nfolding before .s+ he w*sn1t .ntil he '*.ght my smile;"he yeti is from the %im*l*y*s+ d*rling- "h*t1d be *hell.)* swim- Aro.nd here+ it1d h*)e to be * !*s3.*t'h or Bigfoot-; ;9 st*nd 'orre'ted+ /rofessor- B.t on th*t s.b0e't+ 9 wonder if th*t thing h*s *nything to do with &ennis1s rese*r'h- %e s*w it *nd w*s trying to o.t wh*t it w*s-; ;:e*h+ th*t1s wh*t 9 w*s thinking- We need to go o)er those notes- First+ 9 w*nt to find * gri77ly6or *t le*st * st.ffed one- Get * good whiff of th*t-; 9 nodded- ;$ross off the m.nd*ne /ossibilities before we st*rt looking *t the s./ern*t.r*l onesAnd s/e*king of s./ern*t.r*l+ wh*t w*s ./ with th*t m.tt8 A werewolf r.nning with * wolf /*'k8; ;"here1s st.ff like th*t in the Leg*'y-; "he Leg*'y w*s the P*'k1s bible6o.r 'ombin*tion of werewolf myth *nd gene*logy- 9t did in' * few stories of werewol)es who1d embr*'ed their wolf n* 'hoosing to immerse themsel)es in th*t side *nd th*t so'iety- 91d *lw*ys br.shed them off *s stories-

We re*'hed the highw*y- 9t w*s so em/ty th*t 9 h*d to 'he'k the 'lo'k- 5ot e)en ten o1'lo'k8 %*rd to belie)eAs 9 r*t'heted b*'k my se*t to rest+ 9 noti'ed $l*y gri//ing *nd.ngri//ing the steering wheel with his right h*nd+ fle2ing it<.st before the twins were born+ * 7ombie h*d s'r*t'hed $l*y- 9t1d broken the skin+ b.t his *rm got so b*dly infe'ted th*t we1d been he1d lose it- 9nste*d+ he1d lost m.s'le *nd some f.n'tion when the infe'ted tiss.e h*d to be '.t o.t to s*)e the rest;9t1s *s good *s it1s e)er going to be+; he s*id when he noti'ed me w*t'hing- ;9 '*n do *ll the /hysi'*l ther*/y 9 w*nt+ b.t it1s not getting *ny better-; ; )en *t less th*n /erfe't+ it1s * d*mned sight better th*n most-; 5o *nswer- Better th*n most w*sn1t good $l*y h*d to be the best9 'ontin.ed+ ;We1)e s.s/e'ted for * while th*t yo.1)e hit the limits of reh*bilit*tion- 5ow we need to kee/ working on rero.ting those ne.r*l /*thw*ys+ te*'hing yo. to f*)or the left+ whi'h in most '*ses yo. do-; ;5ot tonight-; ;Be'*.se yo. were s.r/rised+ so we need to work on yo.r re*'tions when yo.1re '*.ght off g.*rd- <eremy '*n hel/6no one1s better *t sne*king ./- And if we '*n1t bre*k yo. of the h*bit+ yo. might be better to le*d with yo.r right *nd follow ./ with yo.r left r*ther th*n /.ll b*'k-; ;:e*h-; %is sho.lders rel*2ed- ;"h*t1s *n ide*-; %e gl*n'ed *t me- ;9 don1t me*n to brood-; ;:o.1re fr.str*ted- As the 3.een of fretting+ 91m 'ert*inly not going to 'om/l*in-; %e nodded+ *nd 9 knew we were both thinking *bo.t the s*me thing, the l*test ob0e't of my fretting+ my *s'ension toAl/h*hood 4 yet *nother re*son for $l*y to worry *bo.t his b*d *rmBALA5$ W W 5" "%ROUG% * b.rger dri)e( "h*t ser)ed *s *//eti7ers+ gone before we re*'hed the hotel where we ordered l*st(min.te room ser)i'e6* 'o./le of de'ent Al*sk*n 'r*b s*ndwi'hes *nd * big bowl of s.r/risingly good se*food 'howderAs $l*y finished+ he stret'hed o.t beside me on the bed- ;!o+ *re we going to finish o.r 'on)ers*tion *bo.t yo. be'oming Al/h*8; ;9 tho.ght we did-;

;5o+ we sto//ed short of getting to the /*rt where yo. tell me wh*t1s re*lly bothering yo.- 91)e been /.tting together the /ie'es- First+ yo. were e*ger for me to get home *nd dis'.ss it+ so wh*te)er1s b.gging yo. h*)e something to do with me- B.t e)en *fter o.r t*lk+ yo.1re still worried-; 9 s'r*/ed the bottom of my bowl%e shifted 'loser- ;:o.1re *fr*id th*t when yo. be'ome Al/h*+ things between .s will 'h*nge-; B.ll1s(eye on the first shot- !o why did my thro*t 'len'h when 9 tried to *gree8 Why did my br*in fill with do7ens of other things to s*y+ w*ys to defle't+ to te*se+ to m*ke light8 9 sw*llowed *nd for'ed the words o.t- ;91m h*//y-; ;%*rd to s*y+ isn1t it8; %e shifted onto his side+ his )oi'e lowering;5o+ 94 Ob)io.sly 91m h*//y- :o. know th*t-; ;Feeling h*//y+ *'ting h*//y+ letting me know in little w*ys th*t yo. *re h*//y8 "h*t1s e*syB.t s*ying the words8 9t1s like s*ying yo. miss me- An *dmission of 'om/l*'en'y- After wh*t 9 did+ yo. don1t feel yo. sho.ld be h*//y with me- At le*st yo. sho.ldn1t *dmit it+ not to me-; 9 tried to look *t him+ b.t my ne'k m.s'les still wo.ldn1t obey+ so 9 st*red into my bowl- ;9 know yo. didn1t me*n to bite me- 5ot like th*t6witho.t my /ermission-; %e1d tho.ght <eremy w*s going to se/*r*te .s *nd he1d /*ni'ked;9 /.t yo. hell *nd then 9 only m*de it worse+ *ll the mist*kes 9 m*de trying to get yo. b*'k-; ;91)e forgi)en yo.-; ;Forgi)e+ yes- Underst*nd+ yes- Forget+ no-; #y stom*'h 'len'hed- ;9 w*nt to forget- 9 w*nt to get /*st it- $om/letely /*st it-; ;:o. '*n1t- :o. won1t- #*ybe yo. sho.ldn1t- B.t we1re m*king little ste/s- !*ying yo. lo)e me!*ying yo. w*nt to be with me- !*ying yo. me- And now s*ying yo. miss me- "he ne2t big h.rdle is s*ying yo. like yo.r life the w*y it is-; ;9 lo)e my life-; 9 met his g*7e;And yo.1re *fr*id th*t1ll 'h*nge if yo. be'ome Al/h*- #ore s/e'ifi'*lly+ yo.1re *fr*id we1ll 'h*nge-; %e shifted 'loser- ;9 s/ent ten ye*rs dre*ming of getting .s here6together+ h*//y+ kids 6'ert*in 91d f.'ked ./ too b*dly to e)en ho/e- 9f 9 honestly tho.ght yo. be'oming Al/h* wo.ld it+ don1t yo. think 91d ki'k ./ * f.ss8 %ell+ 91d be'ome Al/h* myself if 9 h*d to-;

9 nodded;B.t yo.1re still worried-; 9 s*t ./- ;91ll get o)er it- <eremy s*id he won1t st*rt the h*ndo)er .ntil the kids *re in first gr*de+ *nd e)en then we1ll t*ke it gr*d.*lly- 9t1s not like he1s going *nywhere- %e1s 0.st4 tired+ 9 g.essRe*dy to tr*in his s.''essor-; ;Are yo. re*dy to be th*t s.''essor8; 9 took * min.te to think *bo.t it- ;91m4 not Right now+ 91m most .n'omfort*ble with being yo.r Al/h*- 5o m*tter how b*d things got between .s+ th*t1s one thing th*t *lw*ys me*nt * lot to me6th*t yo. s*w .s *s /*rtners+ *s e3.*ls+ th*t 9 ne)er h*d to fight for th*t-; ;Who t*kes the le*d in the field now8 :o. do- %*)e for ye*rs-; ;"h*t1s not the s*me thing- <eremy /.ts me in 'h*rge+ b.t yo. feel free to gi)e yo.r *d)i'e or 0.m/ in if 9 s'rew ./- Like with Reese- :o. knew he1d only *''e/t hel/ if he felt it '*me with strings *tt*'hed69 missed th*t 'om/letely-; ;9s there *ny re*son 9 '*n1t kee/ doing th*t if yo.1re Al/h*8; 9 looked *t him- ;Will yo.8; %e l*.ghed- ;:o. think yo. '*n sto/ me from gi)ing my o/inion8; %e twisted to f*'e me- ;"ell yo. wh*t- 9t1ll be * few ye*rs before yo.1re offi'i*lly Al/h*+ b.t why don1t we st*rt the h*ndo)er now+ between .s- When we1re on *ssignment like this+ yo.1re Al/h*- :o. '*ll the shots- :o. gi)e the orders- 9 obey-; 9 smiled;9 s*id in the field; $l*y growled- ;On *ssignment-; 9 e*sed b*'k+ /.lling my feet ./- ;Oh+ 9 don1t know- %*lf me*s.res 'o.ld get 'onf.sing- "he only w*y this is going to work is tot*l role immersion- As se'ond(in('omm*nd+ yo.r 0ob is to t*ke '*re of me- #*ke me h*//y- F.lfill my e)ery whim-; ;:o.1re *s'ending to Al/h*(hood+ not god(hood-; ;$lose; %e gr*bbed my *nkles *s 9 tried to b*'k ./ f.rther- ;"he only w*y this is going to work+ d*rling+ is tot*l role b*l*n'e- 9n /.bli'+ yo. '*ll the shots- 9n /ri)*te+ 91m in 'h*rge-; ;Pfft-;

%e le*ned o)er- ;:o. do w*nt to m*ke this work+ don1t yo.8; ;5ot th*t b*dly-; 9 ro'ked b*'k f*st+ wren'hing my feet free *nd swinging o.t of bed- When he le*/t ./+ 9 held o.t my h*nds+ w*rding him off;And how long do yo. think th*t wo.ld work for yo.8; 9 *sked;"ot*l 'ontrol8 A s.bmissi)e wife me*ns yo. don1t get to win 'ontrol *nymore- 5o more 'h*ses5o more fights- 5ot m.'h f.n in domin*n'e g*mes if yo.1re the winner by def*.lt-; ;"r.e4 ; ;:o.1d miss th*t+ wo.ldn1t yo.8; %e ste//ed tow*rd me+ eyes glittering;Uh(.h+; 9 s*id+ b*'king ./- ;9t1s * )ery sm*ll hotel room-; ;B.t now th*t yo.1)e mentioned it+ m*ybe 9 *m feeling * little thre*tened by this whole Al/h* b.siness-; 9 ste//ed b*'k+ sm*'king into the dresser- ;5o4 ; ;91m feeling the need to4 9 don1t know- Re*ssert myself-; ;&on1t yo.6; 9 do)e o.t of his w*y+ b.t didn1t 3.ite m*ke it- %e gr*bbed the front of my shirt- 9 y*nked free+ to//ling * floor l*m/- $l*y gr*bbed it before it fell;5ow+ now+ d*rling+ yo. know how m.'h <eremy h*tes d*m*ge bills-; ;"hen yo.1re going to h*)e to sto/ 'h*sing me-; ;"hen yo.1re going to h*)e to sto/ r.nning+ *nd st*rt following orders-; 9 l*.ghed my *nswer to th*t- %e le*/t *t me- 9 0.m/ed onto the bed+ s'*m/ering *'ross it- 9 sto//ed before ho//ing off- %e1d st*yed on the other side of the bed+ still on the floor+ slowly m*king his w*y to the end of the bed+ re*dy to d*rt *ro.nd *nd '.t me off- 9 b*'ked ./- %e b*'ked ./- 9 st*rted forw*rd- %e st*rted forw*rd;"his isn1t going to work+; 9 s*id- ;"he room1s too sm*ll-; ;"hen sto/ r.nning-;

;Pfft-; ;91m getting older+ yo. know- Kee/ r.nning *nd 9 might de'ide 91m not *ll th*t interested-; 9 gl*n'ed down *t his 'rot'h- ;:o. look interested-; ;B.t yo.1re not8; 9 bo.n'ed on the bed- ;9 '*n t*ke it or le*)e it-; 5ow it w*s his t.rn to l*.gh- "hen he st*rted /eeling off his shirt9 sto//ed bo.n'ing- ;%ey+ th*t1s 'he*ting-; ;9f yo. *ren1t interested+ it sho.ldn1t bother yo.-; %e t.gged the shirt off o)er his he*d+ t*king * little e2tr* effort with the motion+ m*king *ll those /erfe'tly defined m.s'les got into the *'tion- %e tossed the shirt onto the bed *nd grinned;:o.r indi'*tors might not be *s ob)io.s *s mine+ d*rling+ b.t th*t *s hell looks like interested to me-; ;9t1s been * long two weeks-; %e ste//ed b*'k+ eyeing the bed+ 'onsidering * le*/- ;91m yo. fo.nd w*ys to relie)e the /; ;A't.*lly+ no- 9 w*ited-; ;:o.4 8; ;W*ited- 9sn1t th*t wh*t yo. *lw*ys s*y8 Get s/oiled+ *nd yo. only w*nt the re*l thing8 Better to b.ild ./ *n *//etite8 Well4 ; 9 met his g*7e- ;9 g.ess 91m s/oiled now+ too-; %e le*/t onto the bed+ 'oming *t me so f*st th*t 9 tri//ed trying to get off the other side- As 9 fell+ he gr*bbed for my leg- 9 m*n*ged to 0.m/ ./+ st*nding on the bed *g*in+ sideste//ing his gr*s/+ then le*/ing o)er to the tiny desk- 9t gro*ned .nder my weight;9f yo. bre*k th*t+ <eremy won1t be h*//y-; ;9 won1t need to+ if yo. sto/ 'h*sing me-; %e slid slowly off the bed+ me*s.ring the dist*n'e between .s- ;Alw*ys my f*.lt+ isn1t it8; ;Alw*ys-;

%e l.nged- 9 s*w it 'oming *nd )*.lted o)er his he*d for the bed *g*in- As 9 0.m/ed+ my foot sent the desk l*m/ 'r*shing into the w*ll;#y f*.lt+ 9 s.//ose+; $l*y s*id;5*t.r*lly-; %e st*rted 'ir'ling the bottom of the bed+ then twisted+ l.nging *nd kno'king my legs o.t+ t*'kling me to the bed- "his time+ 9 'o.ldn1t get *w*y- 9 tried4 well+ kind of- Within se'onds+ he h*d me /inned bene*th him+ f*'e looming o)er mine;!o wh*t1s this *bo.t w*iting for me8; he s*id;<.st like 9 s*id- 91m s/oiled- 9 only w*nt the good st.ff-; "h*t m*de him grin;9t w*s * long two weeks+; 9 s*id- ;Why did yo. think 9 missed yo. so m.'h8; %e growled+ /.lling my h*nds o)er my he*d *nd holding them in one of his- 9 str.ggled4 well+ kind of;9 'o.ld m*ke yo. miss it * lot more4 e)en being in the s*me room *s me-; ;"hink so8; ;Know so-; #*ne.)ering '*ref.lly+ he m*n*ged to get my shirt *nd br* /.shed ./+ then swit'hed h*nds to get them off witho.t rele*sing my wrists- %e gr*bbed the /illow with his free h*nd+ took the '*se between his teeth *nd ri//ed * stri/ off the end;%ey+ d*m*ge bills+; 9 s*id- ;%ow *re yo. going to e2/l*in th*t one to <eremy8; ;We*k f*bri'-; %e tied it *ro.nd my wrists+ binding them to the he*dbo*rd- 9 g*)e * few e2/eriment*l mo'k(frowned- ;%mm+ m*ybe not so we*k *fter *ll- #y mist*ke-; %e /.lled off my /*nts+ followed by my .nderwe*r- 9 *r'hed+ feeling the whis/er of w*rm *ir from the he*ting )ents ti'kle *'ross my skin- $l*y .nb.ttoned his 0e*ns- 9 w*t'hed- %e slid them o)er his hi/s- 9 w*t'hed- %e ki'ked them *'ross the room+ then /eeled off his bo2ers- 9 w*t'hed9 en0oyed- "hen he slid his h*nd down his stom*'h+ ending *t the ine)it*ble b*rrier- %e wr*//ed his fingers *ro.nd it *nd stroked- 9 w*t'hed- 9 en0oyed- 9 'ontin.ed to en0oy .ntil *bo.t * min.te

/*ssed when 9 beg*n to feel * little left o.t9 'le*red my thro*t- %e sto//ed;:es+; he s*id;Ahem-; %e *r'hed his brows;#e4 ; 9 s*id;Wh*t *bo.t yo.8; 9 ki'ked him for th*t+ b.'king .nder him+ knee flying ./ *nd sm*'king *g*inst his b*'k with *n oom/h- %e grinned- 9 gl*red;:o. w*nt something+ d*rling8; ;:es- &o yo. need instr.'tions8 Or dire'tions8; %e stroked himself *g*in+ fingers tight+ eyes n*rrowing in /le* ;5o/e+ 9 think 91m doing fine-; 9kneed his b*'k *g*in- ;9 belie)e yo.r m*nd*te w*s to m*ke me w*nt yo.+ *nd *s hot *s th*t is4 it1s not going to do the 0ob *ll by itself-; ;5o+ 9 belie)e the m*nd*te w*s to m*ke yo. miss se2+ not w*nt it- #issing it wo.ld im/ly6; %e le*ned down- ;6th*t yo. *ren1t going to get it-; 9 str.ggled *g*inst the tie- 9t w*s only * stri/ of f*bri'+ l*.gh*bly thin+ b.t 9 'o.ldn1t get the le)er*ge to y*nk h*rd 9 tried+ twisting *nd b.'king .nder him;All right+; $l*y s*id with * sigh- ;9 s.//ose 9 'o.ld gi)e yo. * little of this4 ; %is mo)ed to my ni//le+ biting *nd li'king .ntil 9 sto//ed fighting *nd *r'hed ./+ eyes 'losed+ hi/s str*ining for his- %e mo)ed on to the other+ fli'ked his tong.e *'ross it+ m*king me g*s/ *nd writhe;Or m*ybe * little of this4 ; %is tong.e tr*'ed * /*th down my 'hest *nd o)er my stom*'h- 9 lifted my hi/s- %e 'h.'kled+ *nd slowed down+ ti'kling *nd te*sing *s 9 wiggled+ trying to redire't him- Fin*lly he m*de it+ teeth gr*7ing e2*'tly the right /l*'e+ nibbling *nd s.'king+ m*king me de'ide 9 'o.ld forgi)e him for toying with me+ if only he1d kee/ toying with me this w*y * little longer+ dri)ing me to th*t /oint where *ll it wo.ld t*ke w*s6

%e sto//ed- 9 growled- %e 'h.'kled;!orry+ d*rling+ tho.ght m*ybe yo. were re*dy for * little of this4 ; %e slid into me- 9 mo*ned my *//re'i*tion- Fore/l*y is wonderf.l+ b.t this w*s wh*t it w*s *ll *bo.t+ him inside me+ slowly /.shing dee/er+ b.ilding ./ to th*t moment when we 'o.ldn1t hold b*'k+ th*t fr*nti'+ h*rd+ des/er*te thr.sting6 %e /.lled o.t;And 9 think th*t1s of th*t+ don1t yo.8; 9 sn*rled- 9 growled- 9 '*lled him re*lly+ re*lly n*sty n*mes;5ow+ now+ d*rling+; he s*id- ;:o. rel*2 while 9 finish ./ here-; %e st*rted stroking himself *g*in- ;9f yo. w*nt to w*t'h+ feel free- 9t won1t t*ke long-; 9 '*lled him more n*mes- 9 y*nked *nd /.lled *nd str.ggled so h*rd the he*dbo*rd gro*ned;%ey+ d*m*ge bills+; he s*id- ;:o. re*lly don1t w*nt to e2/l*in th*t one to <eremy-; ;"hen finish wh*t yo. st*rted *nd we won1t h*)e to-; %is brows *r'hed- ;9s th*t *n order8 :o. know+ 9 think this Al/h* b.siness is going to yo.r he*d- :et *nother re*son why+ if we1re going to m*ke this rel*tionshi/ work+ we need b*l*n'eO.tside the bedroom+ yo.1re in 'h*rge- B.t in it8; %e le*ned o)er me+ teeth fl*shing *s he grinned- ;9t1s *ll *bo.t me-; 9 sn*//ed the b*l.ster from the he*dbo*rd *nd le*/t ./+ kno'king him o)er b*'kw*rd *nd /o.n'ing on him;Or m*ybe not4 ; he s*id9 slid myself onto him- <.st *n in'h- "hen *nother in'h- %e grinned+ eyes rolling ./+ * sigh hissing his teeth- Another in'h- 9 'len'hed him tight+ *nd his h*nds slid ./ .nder my *rm/its+ th.mbs fli'king my ni//les- Another h*lf(in'h- %e gro*ned+ eyes 'losing now+ *ll b.t * slit+ ne)er 'om/letely 'losing+ *lw*ys w*t'hing me- Another h*lf(in'h4 9 0.m/ed ./+ d*n'ing b*'kw*rd on the bed%e sn*rled *nd tried gr*bbing my legs- 9 b*'k/ed*led4 right o)er the edge of the bed+ gr*bbing the floor l*m/s *s 9 went down- 9t to//led onto me- $l*y s/r*ng+ /.shing my knees */*rt+ /l.nging into me- %e kno'ked the l*m/ *side- 9 dimly he*rd it 'r*sh into something else- 9 didn1t re*lly '*re- 9 *r'hed ./ to meet his thr.sts+br.isingly + wonderf.lly h*rd thr.sts+ his *rms *ro.nd me+ 'oming to mine+ kissing me *s h*rd+ growling dee/ in his thro*t+ the

growls getting r*gged *s my own bre*thing did+ t*king .s 'loser *nd 'loser .ntil4 BlissWe l*y there * moment+ entwined *ro.nd e*'h other+ /*nting- "hen 9 lifted my he*d to look *t the room- "wo broken l*m/s- One ri//ed /illow'*se- One d*m*ged he*dbo*rd- 5ot b*d4 Oh+ shit- W*s th*t * /i' fr*me8 "wo /i' fr*mes- %ow the hell did we4 8 9 sighed;We1ll sn*g the bill before <eremy sees it+; $l*y s*id9 sighed lo.der;Bigger room+ d*rling- Like 9 s*id+ we need * bigger room-; !5UBB & W WOK B FOR se)en+ whi'h seemed /lenty e*rly gi)en o.r long d*y *nd l*te night+ b.t there were *lre*dy two mess*ges from <eremy- 9 tried '*lling him b*'k before 'he'king themesss*ge 6.s.*lly one from <eremy is * sim/le ;'*ll me when yo. get * 'h*n'e-; B.t no one *nswered *t the ho.se9 *dded the fo.r(ho.r time differen'e *nd he1d t*ken the kids for their .s.*l /l*y(*t(the( /*rk(then(go(o.t(for(l.n'h ro.tine- By n* we /refer to sti'k with o.r own kind+ so we need to s'hed.le so'i*li7*tion time for the kidsLog*n isn1t keen on the so'i*li7ing /*rt+ b.t he lo)es getting o.t *nd e2/loring the world- K*te+ like her f*ther+ doesn1t see the /oint- On'e she1s *t the /*rk+ she1s fine- !he en0oys w*t'hing *nd following the older kids- 9 '*ll it so'i*l inter*'tion- $l*y '*lls it st*lking- ither w*y+ she h*s f.n+ *nd when she st*rts getting bored+ the /romise of l.n'h /erks her ./ *g*in9 retrie)ed the first mess*ge; len*+ it1s <eremy- 5o+ 9 don1t re'*ll mentioning theWendigo *rti'le to &ennis- #ore likely+ $l*y1s6; ;9s th*t #ommy8; K*te1s )oi'e/i//ed ./ in the b*'kgro.nd;:es+ b.t she1s slee/ing *nd 91m le*)ing * mess*ge6; ;#ommyB #ommyB #ommyB; ;Wo.ld yo. like to le*)e her * mess*ge for when she w*kes ./8; ;5o- W*nt her home- #ommy8; %er )oi'e rose+ t*king on th*t im/er*ti)e tone 9 knew too well;$ome home-;

;K*te+ she1s6; ;5ow- $ome home now- "ell &*ddy- $ome home- #ommy *nd &*ddy- $ome home right now-; ;91ll '*ll b*'k-; "he mess*ge ended- P*rent*l g.ilt for bre*kf*st- :.mmy#ess*ge two;9t1s me *g*in- 9 */ologi7e for th*t- 9 tho.ght she w*s downst*irs- As 9 w*s s*ying+ it1s likely $l*y w*s right6th*t &ennis w*s in)estig*ting wh*te)er yo. two s*w in the woods- As *s th*t is+ 91m more 'on'erned with these *//*rent new immigr*nts- 9 de'ided to '*ll6; ;9s th*t #om8; Log*n1s )oi'e so.nded in the dist*n'e+ thensto'kinged feet /*dded *'ross the floor;:es+ 91m le*)ing her * mess*ge- 9f yo. '*n w*it * min.te+ yo. '*n s*y something-; ;9 w*nt to t*lk to #om- 5ot her )oi'e m*il-; "here *re times when it1s ni'e h*)ing * /res'hooler who '*n ''*te so well- "his w*s not one of them- 9t1s like when they were inf*nts *nd we 'o.ldn1t w*it for them to w*lk4 then we were r.nning o.rsel)es r*gged 'h*sing *fter them+ wondering ;wh*t the hell w*s 9 thinking8; ;:o. will t*lk to her+; <eremy s*id '*lmly- ;L*ter+ *fter she w*kes ./- 5ow '*n yo. sit on the bed *nd w*it+ /le*se8 We1ll be le*)ing soon-; %e ret.rned to the mess*ge- ;9 de'ided to '*ll Rom*n-; Rom*n5o)iko) w*s the Al/h* of the R.ssi*n P*'k- %e1d m*de 'ont*'t with <eremy l*st ye*r+ the interr*'i*l 'o.n'il+ w*nting to *sk *bo.t * new they / w*s Ameri'*n"his m*y seem /erfe'tly n*t.r*l- 9t1s the twenty(first 'ent.ry+ we h*)e 'om/.ters+ tele/hones+ * million w*ys to kee/ in to.'h long dist*n'e+ so why wo.ldn1t Al/h*s sh*re inform*tion *nd reso.r'es8 B.t it doesn1t h*//en+ no more th*n wild wolf /*'ks inter*'t- We e*'h h*)e o.r own territory *nd most *re 'ontent to /retend the others don1t e2ist- Rom*n is one of the more /rogressi)e Al/h*s- We weren1t the first P*'k he1d re*'hed o.t to+ trying to o/en the lines of ''*tion+ b.t <eremy w*s the first Al/h* who1d wel'omed the 'ont*'t+ *nd they1d t*lked * few times sin'e;Rom*n tho.ght6; ;When is #om 'oming home8; Log*n *sked- %is )oi'e w*s f*r *w*y to tell me he1d obeyed the 'omm*nd to sit on the bed- As for w*iting 3.ietly+ well+ the 3.iet /*rt h*d been

im/lied+ *s $l*y wo.ld s*y- !in'e it h*dn1t been e2/li'itly st*ted+ it w*sn1t *n *'t.*l order;9n * 'o./le of d*ys-; ;:o. s*id * 'o./le of d*ys two d*ys *go- A 'o./le is two- !o she sho.ld be 'oming home now9s she 'oming home8; ;5ot yet- 5ow6; ;When is she 'oming home8 9s &*d still with her8 Why do they both need to be *w*y8; ;9 know yo. miss them+ b.t they1re )ery "hey w*nt to 'ome home *nd they will *s soon *s they '*n-; ;K*teB; Log*n '*lled"he dist*nt th.m/ of *nswering footste/s;<eremy1s on the /hone with #om *g*in+ K*te-; ;#ommyB #ommyB #ommyB; 9 sighed- Why ki'k ./ * *nd risk getting into tro.ble when yo. '*n get yo.r sister to do it for yo.8 !ne*ky little begg*r- We were going to h*)e to h*)e * 'h*t *bo.t this- A firmly *nd '*ref.lly worded 'h*t+ so he 'o.ldn1t find * loo/holeBesieged by K*te+ <eremy tried '*lling <*ime+ b.t she w*s *//*rently o.t of e*rshot+ so he 3.i'kly finished le*)ing his mess*ge- With K*te s'ree'hing in the b*'kgro.nd *ll 9 '*.ght w*s something *bo.t * '*ll+ /res.m*bly th*t he1d /hone l*ter9 tried '*lling him b*'k- !till no *nswer- 9 h*d <*ime1s 'ell /hone n.mber+ b.t th*t wo.ldn1t sol)e the /roblem+ *s the kids were with them- 9 left * mess*ge *t home s*ying 9 wo.ld try *g*in l*ter;9 miss them+ too- B.t we1ll get b*'k *s soon *s we '*n-; 9 looked o)er to see $l*y /ro//ed ./ on his elbow in bedA w*t'hing me- 9 nodded *nd s*id nothing+ /.t the /hone down- %e re*'hed o)er *nd fingered * 'o./le of br.ises on my hi/;:o. ok*y8; he s*id;"h*t8; 9 m*n*ged * smile- ;"h*t1s nothing- 91m 9 did worse to yo.-; ;!o yo.1re ok*y8 5ot too b*ttered *nd br.ised8; ;91m fine-;

;Good-; %e s'oo/ed me ./- ;"he w*ter / in this /l*'e s.'ks- We1re sh*ring * shower+ *nd yo.1re going to forget th*t /hone '*ll-; ;9s th*t *n order8; ;5o/e+ th*t1s * 'h*llenge- For me- And one 9 will h*//ily meet-; W %A& BR AKFA!" * few blo'ks down *t the !now $ity $*fe- A white 'ho'ol*te *nd )*nill* l*tte+ /.m/kin /*n'*kes *nd side orders of smoked s*lmon *nd f*rmers s*.s*ge- %e*)enOn the w*y to the '*fe *nd on the w*y b*'k+ $l*y tried to bring ./ the s.b0e't of wh*t else w*s bothering me- Ag*in+ 9 *lmost *nswered- Ag*in+ 9 'hi'kened o.t- A letter from * former foster /*rent h*d nothing to do with o.r '.rrent sit.*tion+ *nd e)en *dmitting th*t it w*s bothering me g*)e it too m.'h /ower- We 'o.ld t*lk *bo.t it l*terA" 9G%" FOR": we were o.tside <oey1s offi'e w*iting for him to *rri)e- We stood *'ross the ro*d+ .nder the sh*dow of * 'r*b sh*'k *wning- As $l*y s'*nned the streets+ his f*'e w*s immobile+ b.t 9 knew wh*t he w*s feeling6dre*ding the horrible news he h*d to bre*k to <oey+ yet looking forw*rd to seeing his old friend;%e1s 'oming+; 9 s*id when 9 '*.ght * werewolf s'ent on the bree7e$l*y /i)oted+ se*r'hing- ;"h*t1s him- With the b*ld g.y *nd the older l*dy-; 9f we h*dn1t been looking for <oey !tillwell+ 9 wo.ld h*)e ne)er noti'ed him- %e blended with e)eryone else on the street+ one of those 'ookie('.tter b.sinessmen who filled e)ery Ameri'*n b.siness 'ore *t this ho.r%e w*s *)er*ge height- !lender+ softening *t the edges *s he settled into middle *ge- 9 knew <oey w*s only * few ye*rs older th*n $l*y+ b.t he re*lly 'o.ld /*ss for fifty- %e w*s bes/e't*'led *nd serio.s+ with frown lines th*t s*id serio.s w*s his .s.*l e2/ression- %is brown h*ir w*s shot with e)en more gr*y th*n <eremy1s+ m*king me wonder if he dyed it trying to look his tr.e *ge;Go on+; 9 s*id to $l*y;$ome with me- We sho.ld6; ;Go- 91m in 'h*rge now+ remember8; %e smiled *nd lo/ed off- We1d de'ided e*rlier th*t $l*y sho.ld *//ro*'h <oey *lone- 9t seemed right6he '*me from * /*rt of $l*y1s life before me- )en if &ennis h*d told <oey *bo.t me+ 9 didn1t need to 'om/li'*te the re.nion;<oeyB; $l*y '*lled *s he 0ogged *'ross the ro*d-

<oey sho.ld h*)e he*rd him+ b.t he ke/t w*lking *s if not re'ogni7ing the old dimin.ti)e;<ose/hB; 5ow e)en his 'om/*nions he*rd+ both t.rning+ the older wom*n '*t'hing <oey1s elbow *s he ke/t w*lking- %er li/s mo)ed+ telling him he w*s being h*iled<oey gl*n'ed o)er his sho.lder- %e s*w $l*y- 5o sign of re'ognition 'rossed his f*'e- 91d met $l*y * few ye*rs *fter <oey left the P*'k+ so 9 knew $l*y h*dn1t 'h*nged m.'h- %ell+ other th*n *ging+ he h*dn1t 'h*nged *t *ll+ from his h*irstyle6'lose('ro//ed gold '.rls6to his f*shion sense60e*ns+ "(shirt *nd le*ther 0*'ket<oey ke/t w*lking- 9 tensed- B.t $l*y only broke into * 0og *g*in+ not slowing .ntil he w*s 'lose for <oey to smell him- %e l*id * h*nd on his sho.lder+ in * 3.i'k s3.ee7e;<oey+; $l*y s*id- ;9t1s $l*y- $l*yton &*n)ers-; !till <oey1s e2/ression didn1t 'h*nge- 9n * )oi'e so soft 9 'o.ld b*rely he*r it from *'ross the ro*d+ he s*id+ ;91m *fr*id yo. h*)e the wrong /erson-; $l*y grinned- ;!orry- 9t1s <ose/h now+ isn1t it8 A bit old for <oey- :o. ne)er m.'h liked it *s * kid either-; ;:o.1)e mist*ken me for someone else-; Before $l*y 'o.ld res/ond+ <oey g*)e * '.rtly /olite nod *nd strode b*'k to his 'oworkers;%e seemed to know yo.+; the m*n s*id *s they *//ro*'hed the offi'e doors;&oes th*t *''ent so.nd like *nyone 91d h*)e grown ./ with8; "he wom*n l*.ghed- ;9t1s d*mned se2y+; !he gl*n'ed b*'k+ *dmiring $l*y1s re*r )iew *s he w*lked *w*y- ;:o. 'o.ldn1t /retend to know him for my s*ke8 9n)ite him to 'offee8 #*ke *n old l*dy1s d*y8; "he other m*n l*.ghed *nd they he*ded insideA5O"% R &A:+ A5O"% R '*//.''ino- And *nother .ni3.e *nd wonderf.l /l*'e to en0oy it9f we h*d more '*ffeine(fill(./ lo'*tions like this b*'k home+ 91d be'ome * tot*l ' n.t"his '*fe do.bled *s * R.ssi*n orthodo2 *nd w*s *'ross the ro*d from the where Reese h*d been *tt*'ked- We were the sole /*trons th*t morning+ the silen'e broken only by the o''*sion*l m.rm.r of 'on)ers*tion between the 'lerk *nd * R.ssi*n Orthodo2 /riest9 h*d ho/ed the 3.iet s.rro.ndings *nd the religio.s *rtif*'ts wo.ld dr*w $l*y o.t- B.t we were

*lmost done with o.r 'offees *nd he h*d yet to s*y * f.ll senten'e;W*yl*ying him like th*t might not h*)e been wise+; 9 s*id fin*lly- ;9 w*nted to tell him *bo.t his f*ther6*nd w*rn him *bo.t the m.tts6*s 3.i'kly *s /ossible+ b.t we '*.ght him off g.*rd%e1s .sed to hiding th*t /*rt of his life+ so he did it instin'ti)ely in front of his 'oworkers-; $l*y s*id nothingAfter *nother min.te of silen'e+ he s/oke- ;9 sho.ld h*)e m*de 'ont*'t ye*rs *go-; ;%e 'o.ld h*)e done the s*me-; $l*y shook his he*d- ;9 w*s /issed off when he left *nd 9 didn1t m*ke *ny se'ret of it- 9t w*s ./ to me to m*ke the first mo)e-; ;Whi'h yo. did-; ;"oo little too l*te-; %e si//ed his 'offee+ his g*7e dis*//e*ring into the './1s de/ths;Well+ we still h*)e to t*lk to him+ whether he w*nts to 'h*t or not- %e needs to be w*rned *bo.t the m.tts+ if he doesn1t *lre*dy know they1re here-; ;%e doesn1t- Otherwise+ he wo.ldn1t be '*rrying on+ b.siness *s .s.*l- We1ll t*lk to <eremy l*terGet his *d)i'e-; 9 w*s *bo.t to s*y 9 'o.ld h*ndle this6if 9 w*s going to be Al/h*+ 9 h*d to m*ke sim/le de'isions like this6b.t *s *s $l*y h*d been *bo.t the tr*nsition l*st night+ 'h*nge didn1t 'ome e*sily for him- By n* he deferred to <eremy *nd right now+ it w*s best to le*)e him in his 'omfort 7oneAs we dr*nk+ 9 noti'ed * 'omm.nity b.lletin bo*rd beside the 'o.nter- Prominently dis/l*yed w*s * mini(/oster with /i't.res of three women"he 'lerk h*d )*nished into the b*'k rooms+ so 9 e2'.sed myself *nd went o)er- 9f $l*y noti'ed+ he g*)e no signAs 9 s.s/e'ted+ the /oster w*s for the three missing women the re/orter h*d mentioned yesterd*y- "hey r*nged in *ge from se)enteen to twenty- "wo were 5*ti)e+ one $*.'*si*n- All three h*d gone missing from An'hor*ge on !*t.rd*y nights"he /oster listed the streets where they1d l*st been seen+ b.t not the e2*'t lo'*tions- 91d ) * g.ess *nd s*y they were in b*rs+ des/ite being .nder*ge- "he women1s gro./ th*t /rinted the /oster h*d left th*t bit of inform*tion off be'*.se they knew it wo.ldn1t the right degree of sym/*thy- 9t sho.ldn1t m*tter- At th*t *ge+ wh*t w*s wrong with )isiting * b*r on !*t.rd*y night8 :et it wo.ldn1t in)oke the s*me re*'tion *s s*ying they1d gone missing from the libr*ry-

9 looked *t the three /hotos- All the girls were /retty+ b.t in th*t *)er*ge w*y th*t most women *re- $.te to '*t'h * g.y1s eye- And they h*d '*.ght someone1s eye&id they le*)e the b*r with the wrong m*n8 &id someone follow them home8 &id their dis*//e*r*n'es h*)e *nything to do with the m.tts8 "h*t w*s the million(doll*r 3.estion"he d*tes o)erl*//ed with the s.//osed wolf kills- 91d been re*dy to dismiss the 'onne'tion e*rlier be'*.se the 'ity dis*//e*r*n'es were too different from the forest kills+ b.t now 9 wondered&ifferent+ yes- B.t two distin't ty/es of )i'tims ser)ing two distin't /.r/oses, one for h.nting *nd one for se2- Both wo.ld end ./ de*d- 9n the forest+ there w*s no need to hide the body6bl*me wo.ld f*ll on the wol)es:et if /eo/le fo.nd the s*me /*rti*lly e*ten )i'tims within the 'ity limits+ 'on'ern wo.ld le*/ str*ight into /*ni'+ with e)ery g.n(owning 'iti7en re*dy to shoot the first l*rge '*nine he s*w)en the 'o'kiest wo.ldn1t dirty his bed th*t b*dly;:o. think there1s * 'onne'tion8; $l*y s*id *s he '*me ./ beside me;91m not r.ling it o.t-; 9 t.rned to him- ;Re*dy to go8; ;:e*h- Got * lot of sto/s to m*ke tod*y- Better get mo)ing-; ;Let1s st*rt with *n e*sy one-; 9 le*ned o)er the 'o.nter to get the *ttention of the 'lerk+ who w*s 'o.nting sto'k in the ne2t room"he /riest ste//ed from his offi'e- ;#*y 9 hel/ yo.8; ;!orry- We were ho/ing for to.rist inform*tion-; ;!.'h *s4 ; ;A of n*t.r*l history m*ybe8 Or * 'hildren1s !ome/l*'e we1d find wildlife dis/l*ys-; ;"he Feder*l B.ilding-; ;"he4 ; %e l*.ghed- ;:es+ not the first /l*'e yo.1d look+ is it8 As yo. '*n see4 ; %e from the '*fe to the ;We Al*sk*ns h*)e e'le'ti' t*stes in o.r /*irings- "he Feder*l B.ilding h*s *n e2'ellent 'olle'tion of wildlife dis/l*ys- 9t1s free to the /.bli' *nd only * few blo'ks from here-; ;Perfe't- "h*nk yo.-;

#U! U#! A5& "RU$K sto/s weren1t the only /l*'es to find l*ttes in Al*sk*- 9n f*'t+ 9 w*s beginning to wonder whether * 'ity byl*w re3.ired *ll b.sinesses to h*)e *n es/resso m*'hine;Oh+ look+; 9 s*id+ /ointing *s we w*lked- ;F*2es+ 'o/ies+ /ost*l ser)i'es4 *nd es/resso-; $l*y 0erked his 'hin tow*rd * window *'ross the ro*d- ;%.nting li'enses+.l. kni)es4 ; ;And es/resso- <.st wh*t yo. need when shooting *nd '*r)ing ./ big g*me- &o yo. get the feeling Al*sk*ns like their 'offee strong8; ;Long+ d*rk winters+ d*rling- "hey need something to kee/ them going-; We fo.nd the Feder*l B.ilding * mere blo'k from o.r hotel- At the foot of the ste/s+ * m*n w*s setting ./ * s*.s*ge st*nd+ the me*t *lre*dy si77ling on the grill+ the smell m*king my stom*'h growl- "hen 9 s*w the sign;Reindeer s*.s*ge8; 9 s*id;Works for me-; $l*y /.lled o.t his w*llet- ;:o. w*nt one8; ;!.re- We won1t tell the kids we *te R.dol/h-; BA$K"RA$K "% F & RAL BU9L&95G did h*)e *n e2'ellent dis/l*y of st.ffed be*sties- We fo.nd wol)erine *nd se)er*l'ies of be*r- Getting * s'ent from * t*2idermy )ersion is less th*n ide*l+ b.t we 'o.ld smell to know th*t none of the 're*t.res there h*d been the one th*t *tt*'ked meAs for wh*t h*d *tt*'ked me+ we both s.s/e'ted o.r best so.r'e wo.ld be the notes we1d t*ken from &ennis1s '*bin- !o+ e2er'ising my new /owers *s Al/h*(in(tr*ining+ 9 sent $l*y b*'k to the hotel room to get * 'loser look *t &ennis1s work while 9 gr*bbed s.//lies6energy b*rs+ w*ter+ br*ndy+ *ll the little e2tr*s * werewolf needs to '*ll * hotel room homeWhen $l*y hesit*ted+ 9 reminded him th*t he1d been the one to s.ggest the shift in roles- ;!o th*t1s wh*t 91m doing+; 9 s*id;And th*t1s wh*t 91m doing+; he s*id- ;"here1s one *re* with <eremy where 9 get to *rg.e * '*llPerson*l se'.rity- We '*n both get the st.ff+ then both go to the hotel-; ;A w*ste of time- As yo. s*id+ we h*)e * lot to do- 91m he*ding th*t w*y-; 9 /ointed down the ro*d- ;9 s*w * sho/ * blo'k *w*y- "he wind will be *t my b*'k- 5o one '*n sne*k ./ on me-; %e gr.mbled+ b.t e)ent.*lly g*)e in- 9 he*ded in the dire'tion 91d indi'*ted4 *nd ke/t going to <oey1s offi'e- 91d /l*nned to go inside *nd *sk for him+ b.t *s 9 ro.nded the 'orner+ 9 s*w him

*he*d+ * tr*y of 'offees in his h*nd9 0ogged ./ behind him before he re*'hed the doors;"h*t w*s * shitty thing to do this morning+; 9 s*id%e 0.m/ed+ sloshing 'offee *nd '.rsing- 9 w*ited while he 'le*ned ./ with n*/kins from his /o'ket- %e took his time *nd didn1t so m.'h *s gl*n'e *t me .ntil he w*s done- %e knew 9 w*s * wom*n *nd * werewolf6my s'ent wo.ld gi)e th*t *w*y6*nd 9 w*s /retty he knew who 9 w*s+ b.t when he did look ./+ he still seemed st*rtled- %is nostrils fl*red *s he dr*nk in my s'ent"hen he r.bbed the b*'k of his slee)e o)er his nose+ *s if 'le*ring *w*y the smell;5orm*lly 91d */ologi7e for m*king yo. s/ill yo.r 'offee+; 9 s*id- ;B.t 9 sho.ldn1t h*)e been *ble to sne*k ./ on yo. like th*t+ not 'oming ./wind-; ;Wh*t do yo. w*nt8; 9 took the 'offee tr*y+ w*lked to * m*rble(to//ed r*ised flower bed *nd set it down+ then s*t beside it- <oey st*yed st*nding;91m len*-; ;9 know who yo. *re-; ;And yo. know who $l*y is+ des/ite th*t st.nt yo. /.lled this morning-; %is tightened- "here1d been * time 91d ne)er h*)e t*lked to * str*nger like th*t- 9 'o.ld bl*me *ll those ye*rs with $l*y+ his * r.bbing off on me+ b.t the *s 91)e 'ome to re*li7e it+ is th*t being with $l*y gi)es me *n e2'.se- :e*rs *go+ 9 might not h*)e t*lked to <oey this w*y+ b.t 91d h*)e w*nted to9 'ontin.ed- ;#*ybe he '*.ght yo. off(g.*rd+ *nd we1re sorry for th*t- B.t yo. 'o.ld h*)e 'ome o.t *fter yo.r 'oworkers were gone-; From <oey1s e2/ression+ he wo.ldn1t h*)e done th*t e)en if $l*y h*d s.ggested it;:o. need to s/e*k to $l*y+; 9 s*id- ;9f only for * few min.tes- %e h*s something to tell yo.!omething im/ort*nt-; ;"hen yo. '*n tell me-; ;$l*y re*lly sho.ld-; %e /i'ked ./ his 'offee tr*y9 '*.ght his elbow- ;Ple*se- 9t is im/ort*nt-;

;"hen s*y it *nd go- 91m not interested in * re.nion-; 9 mo)ed in front of him- ;Wh*te)er $l*y did or s*id twenty(fi)e ye*rs *go6; %e looked ./ sh*r/ly+ his frown '.tting me short- 9t took * moment before he seemed to .nderst*nd wh*t 9 me*nt;"h*t1s o)er+; he s*id;9 know yo. didn1t /*rt on the best terms-; ;"he terms were fine- %e w*s *nnoyed+ b.t we worked it o.t+ *nd we /*rted- "he key word there is /*rted-; %e gl*n'ed *t me- ;&idn1t $l*y get *ll those birthd*y '*rds 9 sent8; ;5o+ he ne)er6; ;Be'*.se 9 didn1t send *ny-; %e *d0.sted the tr*y+ holding it in both h*nds now+ between .s like * shield- ;$l*y tho.ght 9 w*s r.nning *w*y from tro.ble with the P*'k- 9 w*sn1t- 9 w*s r.nning *w*y from the P*'k+ from *ll th*t werewolf 'r*/ he1s obsessed with6they1re *ll obsessed with- 9 only st*yed *s long *s 9 did for my f*ther1s s*ke- 9 w*s h*//y for the 'h*n'e to le*)e *nd now 9 h*)e no interest in res.rre'ting /*st ties- Wh*te)er $l*y '*me *ll this w*y to tell me+ yo. '*n get it o)er with *nd go-; ;9s th*t *n order8; %e seemed to flin'h *t my tone+ then s3.*red his sho.lders- ;9 know 9 '*n1t hold territory+ b.t *s * f*)or to *n old P*'k brother+ 91d like $l*y to res/e't my wishes *nd le*)e Al*sk*-; ;%ow *bo.t yo. tell him th*t8; A definite flin'h th*t time- %e t.rned to go;And wh*t *bo.t the other werewol)es in An'hor*ge8; 9 '*lled *fter him- ;Are they s.//osed to res/e't yo.r wishes+ too8 9 don1t think they1re going to le*)e th*t e*sily-; A slow /i)ot- ;Wh*t other werewol)es8; ;"hree m.tts- We fo.nd their tr*'ks ne*r the l*test wolf kill- "hey *lso *tt*'ked * werewolf yesterd*y+ *bo.t two blo'ks from here- !o in the /*st twenty(fo.r yo.1)e h*d si2 werewol)es tres/*ss on yo.r territory+ *nd yo. ne)er e)en noti'ed8; ;9 h*)e missed them on my d*ily border /*trols-; %e shifted the 'offee tr*y to one h*nd;:o. don1t get it+ do yo.8 5o+ 9 didn1t noti'e them+ be'*.se 9 don1t '*re- 9 don1t w*nt to li)e my life like th*t6'onst*ntly on *lert+ 'onst*ntly w*t'hing+ working o.t so 9 '*n meet the ne2t 'h*llenger+ knowing there1s *lw*ys going to be one right *ro.nd the 'orner- "h*t1s e2*'tly wh*t 9

'*me to Al*sk* to es'*/e-; ;Whi'h wo.ld be fine+ if yo. 'o.ld 'on)in'e other were wol)es to res/e't yo.r wishesLi)e *nd let li)e is not the werewolf motto+ no m*tter how h*rd yo. *nd 9 might wish otherwise-; %e looked *t me then- Re*lly looked *t me for the first time sin'e 91d *//ro*'hed him;"his isn1t my world either+; 9 s*id- ;9 w*s born h.m*n- R*ised h.m*n- 9 like being * werewolf 69 won1t lie *bo.t th*t6b.t there *re /*rts of it th*t 9 re*lly don1t like- 91)e s/ent two d*ys 'h*sing * twenty(ye*r(old kid *bo.t to be fr*med *nd killed by * 'o./le of m.tts for m*n(e*ting9 follow him to An'hor*ge *nd wh*t h*//ens8 $om/letely different m.tts find him first *nd '.t off two of his fingers- %e didn1t 'h*llenge them- %e e)en s*id he w*sn1t sti'king *ro.nd- B.t they w*nted him gone now- "h*t1s the world we li)e in- "hese m.tts *re going to find yo. *nd when they do+ yo. won1t be *ble to *sk them ni'ely to le*)e yo. *lone- "hey *lre*dykil 6; 9 sto//ed short- ;$l*y needs to t*lk to yo.-; "he shields fell *g*in- ;5o-; ;9t1s *bo.t yo.r f*ther-; <oey s'owled- ;Oh+ hell- Let me g.ess- &*d whined to <eremy *bo.t me+ *nd sent $l*y to h*)e * little t*lk- #y old b.ddy to set me str*ight-; ;5o+ yo.r f*ther didn1t s*y * word to <eremy- B.t 9 did t*lk to yo.r d*d1s l*ndlord yesterd*y- 9 t*ke it yo. two h*d * f*lling o.t8; ;5o+ we 0.st4 We drifted */*rt-; From wh*t the l*ndlord s*id+ it so.nded like <oey h*d done the drifting- F.rther se/*r*ting him from e)erything werewolf in his life+ in'l.ding his f*ther;Look+ *bo.t the m.tts8; <oey 'ontin.ed- ;"ell $l*y 9 *//re'i*te the w*rning- 9f yo.1re h*)ing tro.ble tr*'king down my d*d+ 91ll do it *nd 91ll /*ss on the mess*ge- B.t $l*y doesn1t need to worry *bo.t me- 91m not * werewolf *nymore6not like yo. two *re+ not like my f*ther is- 91m * reg.l*r g.y str.ggling with * dis*bility th*t m*kes me dis*//e*r into the shed twi'e * month *nd 'h*nge into * wolf- 9 don1t r.n in An'hor*ge- 9 don1t r.n in the forest- 9 don1t e)en hike o.tside the 'ity- "hese g.ys *ren1t likely to 'ross my /*th *nd if they do+ 91ll go the other w*y- 5ow if yo.1ll e2'.se me4 ; %e st*rted w*lking *w*y;<oey-; %e sto//ed+ sho.lders tightening- ;9t1s <ose/h-; ;91m sorry-; 9 w*lked ./ behind him- ;<ose/h- Abo.t yo.r f*ther- 9 re*lly w*nted $l*y to tell

yo.+ b.t we went to his '*bin l*st night- We fo.nd him-; 9 /*.sed- ;%e1s de*d-; %is he*d sl.m/ed forw*rd- 9 st*yed where 9 w*s+ behind him+ res/e'tf.lly o.t of sight;W*s it them8; he *sked+ t.rning tow*rd me- ;"hose werewol)es8; 9 nodded%is g*7e mo)ed to mine- ;And yo. wonder why 9 don1t w*nt *nything to do with this life8 Be'*.se this is where it gets yo.- 5o m*tter how ni'e yo. *re- 5o m*tter how h*rd yo. work to *)oid tro.ble- "his is yo.r end- #.rdered by m.tts- B.ried in the woods-; %e /*.sed+ gl*n'ing *w*y- ;9 t*ke it th*t1s wh*t yo. did- P*'k /roto'ol *nd *ll-; "he words '*rried * bitter twist;:es- We h*d to-; ; 2*'tly my /oint- A short+ br.t*l life ending in *n .nm*rked gr*)e-; 9 w*ited * moment+ then s*id '*ref.lly+ ;:o.r f*ther seemed to be rese*r'hing something-; ;Oh+ my f*ther *nd his d*mned rese*r'h- "here w*s * time when we were on the s*me /*ge+ w*nted the s*me thing6to be left *lone- "hen 9 de'ided th*t w*sn1t B.t when 91m b*'king o.t of the life+ he1s di)ing into it- Gets th*t '*bin- &e'ides to redis'o)er his inner wolf- A d*mned midlife 'risis-; ;&o yo. know wh*t he w*s68; ;9 know nothing *bo.t my f*ther1s life in the l*st 'o./le of ye*rs- 9 didn1t '*re to- 5ow+ /le*se tell $l*y 91m sorry+ b.t 9 don1t wish to see him+ *nd 9 wo.ld *//re'i*te it if yo.1d both le*)e Al*sk* *s soon *s /ossible-; %e st*rted w*lking *w*y 3.i'kly;<ose/h+ /le*se- We w*nt6; %e dis*//e*red into the b.ilding9 w*ited+ ho/ing he1d 'ome b*'k o.t- When he didn1t+ 9 m*de it to the 'orner before * f*mili*r sens*tion w*shed o)er me- 9 didn1t t.rn+ w*ited for $l*y to f*ll in ste/ beside me;&idn1t go *s well *s yo. ho/ed+ h.h8; he s*id;5o-; We 'rossed the street;"h*nks+; he s*id- ;For trying to get him to see me-;

We w*lked h*lf * blo'k before 9 *sked- ;!o how1s the rese*r'h going8; ;&o yo. re*lly think 91d go b*'k to the room *nd re*d8 While yo.1re w*lking *ro.nd with three killer m.tts on the loose8; ;9t w*s+ 9 belie)e+ *n order-; ;5ot e2*'tly- #ore of * firm s.ggestion- :o. need to work on yo.r wording+; 9 shook my he*d- ;!o how m.'h did yo. he*r8; ;#ost of it-; ;9 g.ess yo.r friend h*s 'h*nged-; ;!ome- B.t of *ll of .s+ <oey w*s *lw*ys the le*st into the wolf st.ff- 9t doesn1t s.r/rise me th*t he1s gone this w*y- 9 don1t .nderst*nd it+ b.t it doesn1t s.r/rise me-; We w*lked *nother blo'k in silen'e;91m sorry 9 'o.ldn1t get him to t*lk to yo.- 9 re*lly6; ;6tried+ 9 know- :o. went b*'k be'*.se yo. knew 9 w*s looking forw*rd to seeing him *g*in- 9 *//re'i*te th*t- 9 re*lly do-; ;9 w*nted the news to 'ome from yo.+ b.t 9 'o.ldn1t w*lk *w*y *nd not w*rn him+ *bo.t the m.tts *nd *bo.t his f*ther-; ;And th*t1s *ll we '*n do- W*rn him- "hen le*)e him *lone-; A! W WALK & b*'k to the hotel+ 9 m*de two '*lls+ the first to Lynn5yg*rd + the ;/*r*norm*l*st-; !he still w*sn1t home- 91d try *g*in this e)ening- "hinking *bo.t th*t inter)iew m*de me re*li7e there might be *n e*sy w*y to get it- !o 9 /l*'ed the se'ond '*ll;%o/e Ad*ms+; * wom*n1s )oi'e *nswered- ;"r.e 5ews-; ;%ey+ %o/e- 9t1s len*- %ow *re yo. doing8; $l*y rolled his eyes *s 9 l*.n'hed into sm*ll t*lk- %e wo.ld h*)e gotten str*ight to the /oint- 9 *sked %o/e wh*t she w*s working on *nd told her wh*t we were doing+ *nd while /*rt of th*t w*s 'i)ility+ most w*s gen.ine interest91)e ne)er been wh*t yo.1d '*ll * so'i*l b.tterfly+ b.t there h*d been * /eriod in my life+ *fter $l*y bit me+ when 9 didn1t h*)e *ny fem*le friends- )en d.ring the stret'hes when 9 w*sn1t li)ing *t!toneh*)en + 9 'o.ldn1t seem to get /*st the *'3.*int*n'e st*ge with other women- 9 felt

too different- When the werewol)es re0oined the s./ern*t.r*l world+ 9 st*rted to fill th*t )oid+ first with P*ige+ then with <*ime *nd %o/e- And while 91d ne)er be one to 'h*t on the /hone for or set ./ sho//ing weekends in 5ew :ork+ it w*s ni'e h*)ing other women to t*lk to9 liked %o/e- 9n her 9 s*w determin*tion *nd * need for self(reli*n'e .ndermined by sh*ky self( 'onfiden'e+ *nd 9 'o.ld rel*te to th*t- 91d been the s*me w*y *t her *ge *nd some d*ys 9 don1t think 91)e 'ome f*r sin'e91d met %o/e K*rl#*rsten - "heir friendshi/ mo)ed to rom*n'e * 'o./le of ye*rs *go91m still not how 9 feel *bo.t th*t- 9 worry th*t %o/e will get h.rt+ b.t K*rl seems 'ommitted eno.gh4 *s 'ommitted *s * werewolf 0ewel thief't*nt(P*'k(member '*n get;Anyw*y+; 9 s*id- ;9 '*lled to w*rn yo. th*t 91m now yo.r *ssist*nt-; ;$ool- 91)e been telling my editor for ye*rs 9 need one- When '*n 9 st*rt forw*rding *ll my *lien *bd.'tion m*il to yo.8; ;Whene)er yo. w*nt Log*n *nd K*te to st*rt *nswering it-; !he l*.ghed- ;A't.*lly+ th*t1s *n ide*- Re/ly in 'r*yon s'r*wl *nd they1ll s/end weeks de'i/hering the 'oded mess*ge from -"4 weeks d.ring whi'h they won1t /ester "r.e 5ews1s bele*g.ered Weird "*les girl- !o wh*t1s this *ssist*nt b.siness *bo.t8 :o. need * 'o)er8; ; 2*'tly-; 9 e2/l*ined *bo.t Lynn5yg*rd - ;9 tho.ght 91d b.y myself some street'red by s*ying 9 work with yo.- 91ll s*y 91m on )*'*tion+ not offi'i*lly following * story-; ;B.t intrig.ed by her theory+ yo.1re 'he'king it o.t+ with the .ns/oken hint th*t m*ybe+ m*ybe+ she1ll m*ke it into o.r h*llowed /*ges- !.re+ go for it- 5ot like *nyone here will deny itWhen yo.r 0ob is in)estig*ting the /*r*norm*l+ no one 3.estions * /h*ntom *ssist*nt+ *s long *s they don1t need to /*y her s*l*ry-; ;!/e*king of /*r*norm*l4 ; 9 told her *bo.t o.r en'o.nter with the mystery be*st- ;And no+ 9 don1t re*lly think it w*s Bigfoot or * yeti or the Abomin*ble !nowm*n+ b.t if yo. h*)e * s/*re moment to 'he'k yo.r files+ see if there *re *ny re/orts on str*nge en'o.nters in Al*sk*+ 91d *//re'i*te it-; ;$onsider it done-; 91& BAR L: %U5G ./ when 9 got * '*ll from * n.mber 9 didn1t re'ogni7e+ one th*t looked like it '*me from o)erse*s- A wrong n.mber+ 9 w*s b.t 9 *nswered *nyw*y; len* #i'h*els8; *n *''ented )oi'e *sked;:es8; ;9t is Rom*n5o)iko) - <eremy s*id th*t 9 wo.ld be '*lling8;

!hit- "h*t w*s the /*rt of the mess*ge 91d missed6not th*t <eremy wo.ld '*ll b*'k+ b.t th*t Rom*n wo.ld- 9 for $l*y to sto/ w*lking *nd d.'ked into the of *n *lley+ getting *w*y from the tr*ffi' noise;:es+ he did+; 9 s*id- ;"h*nk yo.- We *//re'i*te this-; ;9t is no /roblem-; %e 'h.'kled- ;" it is different+ s/e*king to * werewolf *nd he*ring * wom*n1s )oi'e- A ni'e differen'e+ :o. *re well8; ;9 *m+ *nd yo.rself8; A brief e2'h*nge of /le*s*ntries followed- #y he*rt th.m/ed thro.gho.t it- 91d ne)er h*d *ny 'ont*'t with Rom*n before+ *nd now+ t*lking to *n Al/h*+ knowing 91d soon be Al/h* myself+ wondering whether th*t wo.ld /.t * s.dden end to *ny intern*tion*l rel*tions4 Let1s s*y 9 knew 9 h*d to m*ke * good im/ression%e *sked how $l*y w*s *nd how the kids were+ then *bo.t the we*ther in Al*sk*;"h*t is we*ther for the be*'hB; he e2'l*imed- ;9 tho.ght yo.r Al*sk* w*s s.//osed to be like o.r !iberi*- 9t is 'older e)erywhere in R.ssi* this time of the ye*r- B.t 9 s.//ose yo. do not mind the 'old- 9t is in yo.r blood- <eremy s*ys yo.r mother is from R.ssi*- AnAntono) - Wh*t 'ity did she 'ome from8; 9 *dmitted th*t 9 didn1t know- #y mother died when 9 w*s fi)e+ *nd 9 w*sn1t whether she1d 'ome to $*n*d* *s *n immigr*nt or her /*rents h*d- While there1d ne)er been gr*ndm*s *nd gr*nd/*s *nd *.nts *nd .n'les *t my 'hildhood $hristm*ses+ 9 h*d * )*g.e re'olle'tion th*t s.'h /eo/le e2isted- "o rese*r'h my f*mily tree+ wo.ld me*n 'onfirming the s.s/i'ion6th*t 9 h*d f*mily who+ on the de*th of my /*rents+ t.rned their b*'k on me *nd let me s/end my life in * s.''ession of in're*singly worse foster homes- 9 don1t '*re to f*'e th*t so *ll 9 know is th*t my mother w*s of R.ssi*n *n'estry- 9 e2/l*ined th*t to Rom*n;And there w*s no f*mily to t*ke yo.8 "h*t is not right-; ;9 s.r)i)ed-; 9 tho.ght of my foster f*milies- "ho.ght of th*t letter *nd felt the r*ge boil+ needing only the sm*llest reminder to s.rge to the s.rf*'e *g*in- 9 s3.ee7ed my eyes *nd for'ed it b*'k%e 'ontin.ed- ;9 *sk only be'*.se+ 9 h*)e been thinking *fter <eremy mentioned it+ th*t it is r*re for * bitten werewolf to s.r)i)e- We h*)e one in my P*'k- %e w*s the gr*ndson of * werewolf1s d*.ghter+ *nd 9 h*)e *lw*ys tho.ght th*t is why he s.r)i)ed+ be'*.se he h*d the blood- 9 h*)e twoAntono)s in my P*'k- 9t is *n old f*mily of werewol)es-; %e 'h.'kled- ;B.t it is *lso * 'ommon n*me+ so 9 *m likely mist*ken- 9 only tho.ght it w*s interesting- 9 sho.ld like to meet yo. somed*y+ see if yo. look like o.rAntono)s + if yo. wo.ld like to 'ome- With yo.r m*te+ of 'o.rse+ *nd <eremy-;

;!.re- 91d lo)e to-; B.t wo.ld the offer e)*/or*te when he fo.nd o.t 9 w*s to be Al/h*8 &id <eremy re*lly know wh*t he w*s doing8 ; of my old m*n r*mblings- 9 *m '*lling *bo.t this /roblem yo. *re h*)ing- With the4 9 do not know wh*t yo. '*ll them- !tr*y dogs8; ;#.tts- 9t me*ns * dog th*t isn1t /.rebred-; ;Ah+ th*t is the s*me thing we '*ll them- 9nteresting- B.t it wo.ld seem these 1m.tts1 of re*lly *re.bly.dokii of * gro./ we tho.ght we h*d gotten rid of- "he le*ders+ *re Ameri'*ns- Origin*lly+ th*t is+ it h*s been m*ny ye*rs sin'e they were on their home soil- "hey *re * /*ir of brothers- "he"eslers - "r*)is *nd dw*rd-; "r*)is6th*t w*s the n*me of the big g.y who1d '.t off Reese1s fingers- ;9 h*)e *"esler in my re'ords+ b.t 9 think the l*st time he w*s seen w*s before 9 0oined the P*'k-; ;"h*t is not * s.r/rise- 9t wo.ld seem this"esler bro.ght his sons to Ukr*ine m*ny ye*rs *go- We he*rd nothing of them .ntil * few ye*rs *go+ when the sons de'ided they w*nted * /*'k of their own+ * /*'k of 'rimin*ls- #.rderers- R*/ists- "hie)es-; %e s/*t something in R.ssi*n+ *nd 9 w*s it w*sn1t 'om/liment*ry;A g*ng of tro.blem*kers+ then8; ;5o+ th*t wo.ld h*)e been e*sier to de*l with- "hey *re sm*rt+ org*ni7ed 'rimin*ls- "heir s/e'i*lty is g.ns6the b.ying *nd selling of them+ not the .sing of them-; ;G.n(r.nners-; ;:es- 9f they h*d st*yed in Ukr*ine+ /erh*/s we wo.ld h*)e+ how do yo. s*y it8 Looked the other w*y- B.t they were not h*//y with th*t- "hey st*rted to mo)e *ro.nd- First Rom*ni*+ then Bel*r.s+ then Georgi*-; ;$ir'ling yo.r borders-; ;:es+ *s 9 s*id+ they *re sm*rt- "hey did not d*re tres/*ss+ b.t they '*.ght o.r *ttention- We w*t'hed- "hen they re'r.ited two of my P*'k+ new members-; ;$.lling from the edges- "hey were getting br*7en-; A h.morless 'h.'kle- ;Br*7en+ yes- 9 sent my wol)es *fter them- When they es'*/ed+ they only got more br*7en+ 'rossing o.r borders to do b.siness- 9t w*s then+ *s we were tr*'king their *'ti)ities+ th*t 9 dis'o)ered the re*l re*son they mo)ed so often- When yo. hire r*/ists+ yo. hire men with * h*bit they will not e*sily o)er'ome-; 9 tho.ght of the missing Al*sk*n girls- ;"hey were r*/ing lo'*ls-;

;At le*st one w*s- R*/ing *nd killing- While 9 wo.ld like to t*ke the 'redit for s'*ring them o.t of R.ssi*n l*nds+ my wol)es were only *n *dded in'enti)e+ *s yo. wo.ld s*y- "he /oli'e got too 'lose- "h*t is why they fled *nd+ it wo.ld *//e*r+ be'*me yo.r /roblem-; ;Well+ they1re on o.r r*d*r now+ *nd it seems they1re tired of r.nning- "hey1re t*king * st*nd+ killing off the lo'*l werewol)es- With *ny l.'k+ th*t me*ns they1ll st*y still long for .s to elimin*te them-; ;9f yo. need hel/ with th*t+ 9 'o.ld send some of my wol)es-; ;9 *//re'i*te the offer+ b.t for now+ let .s get * better look *t wh*t we1re ./ *g*inst- &o yo. h*)e *ny ide* how m*ny there were8 We1re only finding tr*'es of three+ b.t from wh*t yo. s*y+ there *re more th*n th*t-; ;#y so.r'es tell me they did not *ll le*)e with the"eslers - A f*lling o.t+ /erh*/s8 Fi)e or si2 went+ in'l.ding the brothers- Others st*yed behind- Another fo.r or fi)e- Of 'o.rse th*t does not me*n they intend to st*y behind fore)er-; ;Let the"eslers *nd * few others 'ome o)er+ s'o/e o.t new territory *nd 'le*r it before the others m*ke the tri/- 9n th*t '*se+ it seems we1)e fo.nd them *t the right time- O.r P*'k '*n h*ndle fi)e or si2- 9f we need hel/+ tho.gh4 ; ;We *re only * /hone '*ll *w*y-; $LA: !"OPP & 95 the lobby to gr*b * sn*'k from the 'offee st*nd while 9 went ./ to o.r room- 9 ste//ed off to the so.nds of * 'o./le fighting so lo.dly th*t 9 b*'ked into the ele)*tor to gi)e them /ri)*'y before 9 re*li7ed the foyer w*s em/ty- !o w*s the h*ll- "he )oi'es '*me from * room *t the end of the 'orridor- )en witho.t werewolf he*ring+ 91d h*)e '*.ght e)ery word!m*ll rooms *nd so.nd/roofing- Gre*t- 9 wondered how m*ny g.ests we1d woken d.ring o.r room(wre'king rom/ l*st nightAs 9 w*lked down the h*ll+ the fight 'ontin.ed+ the m*n gi)ing the wom*n shit for flirting- 9f th*t w*s her / 9 smelled so*king the h*ll+ 9 didn1t bl*me him for being 'on'erned- Or m*ybe her*nd d.m/ed the bottle in the h*ll- 9 ho/ed not6if we 'o.ld smell it from o.r hotel room+ we were definitely swit'hing- "he sten'h w*s *lre*dy gi)ing me * he*d*'he9 o/ened o.r door+ ste//ed in *nd took * dee/ bre*th of wh*t 9 ho/ed w*s 'le*n *ir- 9t w*sn1tAnd wh*t 9 smelled m*de me re*li7e the / h*dn1t been s/illed *''ident*lly6someone h*d been 'o)ering *n odor th*t might sto/ .s from o/ening this door9 b*'ked ./ into the o/en doorw*y+ still sniffing+ trying to '*t'h *ny s'ent in the *ir th*t wo.ld s.ggest * w*s still in o.r room- )en when 9 didn1t smell th*t+ 9 e*sed in+ my b*'k to the w*ll+ mo)ing slow- 9 ki'ked o/en the b*throom door- m/ty- "he m*ids h*d left the shower '.rt*in o/en+ so 9 'o.ld see the t.b w*s b*re9 r*n into the m*in room *nd le*/t onto the bed to 'he'k the other side- "he room w*s em/ty-

B.t it still st.nk of werewolf6two of the ones who1d killed &ennis9t st.nk of something else+ too- "he s'ent w*fted ./ from .nder me- 9 looked down *t the slo//ily m*de bed- "hen 9 bent *nd y*nked b*'k the 'o)ers- "he smell of semen r.shed o.t- 9 swore *nd ho//ed off the bedAs 9 le*/t+ 9 '*.ght * glim/se of something flo*ting in the w*ter bottle 91d left on the nightst*nd9 /i'ked it ./- 9nside were two /*rti*l fingers- Reese1sAt the whirr *nd 'li'k of $l*y1s '*rd in the lo'k+ 9 r*'ed o)er- 9 gr*bbed the door+ /.shing my w*y o.t *nd /ressing him b*'k into the h*ll;"he m.tts were here+; 9 s*id- ;We1ll find * new hotel-; %e '*.ght the door before 9 'o.ld 'lose it;:o. don1t w*nt6; 9 beg*n%e sho.ldered his w*y inside- 9 strode *fter him- %e sto//ed in the middle of the room+ his b*'k to me- %e looked *t the bed+ *nd inh*led sh*r/ly- "he tendons in his ne'k /.lsed- Another sniff%e gr*bbed *n o/en dr*wer 9 h*dn1t noti'ed e*rlier6the one 91d been st.ffing my dirty 'lothes in%e lifted * /*ir of bl.e 'otton .nderwe*r- 9 'o.ld smell the semen from here- %e threw them down *nd strode /*st me to the door- 9 '*.ght his *rm- %e shook me off;$l*y+ don1t6; "he door b*nged o/en+ hitting the w*ll;$l*y6; %e w*s gone- 9 /*.sed to get my own tem/er .nder 'ontrol- R*'ing into the h*ll s're*ming *t him w*sn1t going to hel/- When 9 did h.rry o.t+ the h*ll w*s em/ty- 9 'o.ld still he*r the 'o./le fighting+ the wom*n now /rotesting th*t she h*dn1t been flirting+ b.t sim/ly trying to hel/ the m*n find his friend1s room6he ob)io.sly h*dn1t s/oken good nglishBroken nglish8 Looking for * ;friend1s room;8 "he m.tts h*dn1t been here long *go+ not if this 'o./le w*s still * *bo.t it9 r*'ed into the st*irwell *fter $l*y- "he door fi)e floors below b*nged sh.t- 9 flew down *nd '*.ght ./ with him o.tside- %e stood on the sidew*lk+ nostrils fl*ring *s he tried to '*t'h the s'ent9 w*lked ./ behind him;&on1t+; he growled+ not t.rning-

R*ge / off him+ his /rofile ro'k(h*rd+ the /.lse in his ne'k /o.nding;91m not going to sto/ yo.+; 9 s*id- ;9 w*nt to be yo. know yo.1re w*lking into * tr*/-; %is sho.lders stiffened;"hey broke into o.r room in the middle of the d*y+; 9 s*id- ;"hey left Reese1s fingers in my w*ter bottle- "hey 0erked off in o.r bed *nd in my dirty .nderwe*r- &o yo. think they1re trying to s'*re yo. off8; ;5o+ they1re trying to /iss me off-; ;As m.'h *s they /ossibly '*n- 9n)*de *nd soil yo.r territory- yo.r m*te- yo.- "hen sit b*'k *nd w*it .ntil yo. 'ome 'h*rging *fter them+ too enr*ged to see th*t yo.1re w*lking into * tr*/-; %e w*s bre*thing h*rd+ 'ondens*tion stre*ming the 'old *ir *s he fo.ght e)ery instin't th*t insisted e*'h moment he del*yed w*s hesit*tion+ * sign of we*kness9 re*'hed to to.'h his b*'k+ then sto//ed myself9 lowered my )oi'e- ;9f yo. go *fter them now+ yo.1ll h*)e no /roblem finding them- "hey1ll h*)e l*id * 'le*r tr*il le*ding str*ight to the /erfe't * s/ot-; %e s*id nothing;We h*)e to /.ll b*'k+; 9 s*id%e shook his he*d- ;9 '*n1t ignore this- 9 need to6; ;6meet the 'h*llenge or they1ll think yo.1)e lost yo.r edge+ *nd they1ll 'ome *fter me-; A '.rt nod+ his g*7e still mo)ing *long the street;"hey1re gi)ing .s the best 'h*n'e we1)e h*d to get to them+; 9 s*id- ;Or *t le*st to get * good look *t them- &o yo. think 91d t.rn th*t down8; %is sho.lders mo)ed+ b*rely more th*n * twit'h+ b.t to tell me 91d m*de my /oint- 9 l*id my h*nd *g*inst his b*'k for * moment- "hen we set o.tBA9" "% #U""! %A& indeed left .s * 'le*r tr*il- And 9 didn1t m.'h like where it led- O.r hotel window o)erlooked the northwest 'orner of the 'ity+ *nd while 91d m*r)eled *t the dist*nt )iew6 th*t thrilling tri.m)ir*te of mo.nt*in+ forest *nd se*6the 'loser l*nds'*/e h*d been less

ins/iring A 'o./le of blo'ks /*st the hotel+ the 'ity seemed to end in * w*stel*nd of s'*rred *nd s'r.bby fields 'rossed with tr*in tr*'ks *nd dotted with ind.stri*l b.ildings- A fl*t+ o/en b*sin r*n from the tr*in st*tion to the o'e*n+ *nd this w*s where the m.tts h*d goneWhen the sidew*lk ended+ we entered no(m*n1s(l*nd- "he bitter wind l*shed .s *nd fro7e o.r e*rs .ntil *ll we 'o.ld he*r w*s its howl- A f*int i'y dri77le r*ined down- "he gro.nd .nderfoot w*s sli'k *nd m.ddy on the s.rf*'e+ still fro7en .nderne*th;"hey1re going to see .s 'oming * mile *w*y+; 9 s*id;"h*t1s likely the ide*-; ;We need * /l*n-; ;:e/+ we do-; ;And th*t1s my de/*rtment now+ isn1t it8; %e gl*n'ed o)er+ f*'e softening for the first time sin'e he1d w*lked into o.r hotel room- ;:e/+ it is-; ;&*mn-; $LA: &9&51" L9K my /l*n- When 9 in)ited him to s.ggest *n *ltern*ti)e+ he gr.mbled th*t 9 w*s the boss- 9n other words+ the /l*n w*s fine- %e didn1t like itWest of the tr*in st*tion+ we /.t on * /erform*n'e for o.r hidden *.dien'e- $l*y for me to go w*it inside the st*tion- 9 *rg.ed th*t 9 w*nted to st*y with him- We bi'kered- %e /i'ked me ./+ set me down f*'ing the st*tion *nd g*)e me * sl*/ on the *ss+ *long with firm 'omm*nds+ in'l.ding go+ sit *nd st*y- Being *n obedient m*te+ 9 obeyedAs $l*y lo/ed off to t*ke '*re of those n*sty m.tts for me+ 9 'ir'led to the front of the st*tion *nd took * se*t on * r*ised mon.ment dis/l*ying6*''ording to the /l*3.e6the first tr*in engine .sed by Al*sk* R*ilro*d- "here 9 w*s+ o.t in the o/en+ where $l*y 'o.ldn1t see me6* /erfe't for the $l*y wo.ld follow the tr*il for * while+ then /retend to lose it- With him o.t of sight+ *t le*st one of the w*t'hing m.tts w*s to bre*k 'o)er *nd 'ome *fter me$l*y h*ted the /*rt *bo.t .sing me *s b*it- 9 h*d to *dmit th*t e)en 9 'o.ldn1t hel/ thinkingG*wd + not this old tri'k *g*in- B.t it worked+ *g*in *nd *g*inGi)e m.tts the 'hoi'e between *tt*'king $l*y *nd *tt*'king $l*y1s m*te+ *nd they1ll /i'k me e)ery time- 9t1s not only e*sierA it1s going to h.rt him more- )en if they '*n rise *bo)e th*t 'ow*rdly tem/t*tion+ there1s one tem/t*tion they '*n1t fight6the siren1s * of my in'redible hotness- Ok*y+ the siren1s * of my in'redibly hot bit'h(in(he*t s'ent-

91d been sitting there only *bo.t fi)e min.tes when * m*n w*lked *ro.nd the tr*in st*tion *nd he*ded tow*rd me- 9 inh*led+ b.t the wind w*s going the wrong w*y- %e fit Reese1s des'ri/tion+ tho.gh6e*rly thirties+ big *nd br*wny+ short brown h*ir *nd * s3.*re f*'e#y first tho.ght w*s+ Oh+ shit+ $l*y1s s.//osed to gr*b him before he gets to me- #y se'ond tho.ght w*s+ 5o /roblem+ 9 '*n t*ke him- #y third+ *s he got 'loser+ w*s+ .rn+ /rob*bly4 And my forth+ when he w*s ne*r to smell+ 'ir'led b*'k to th*t initi*l Oh+ shit- %e w*s h.m*nA//*rently+ my in'redible hotness /ro)ed *ll.ring to more th*n werewol)es these d*ys- Or Al*sk* h*d * short*ge of single women;%ey there+; he s*id- ;:o. look 'old sitting ./ there+ *ll *lone-; 9 smiled6'i)il+ nothing more- ;91m w*iting for someone-; ;$ome inside *nd w*it- 91ll b.y yo. * 'offee-; s/resso+ 9 w*s ;"h*nks+ b.t my*nd will be here in * min.te-; %is g*7e dro//ed to my h*nd+ 'o)ered in * glo)e- "hen he st.died me- Wh*te)er look * m*rried wom*n is s.//osed to h*)e+ *//*rently 9 l*'ked it+ be'*.se he ste//ed 'loser;%ow *bo.t l.n'h8 "here1s * gre*t diner ./ the hill- 5i'e *nd w*rm-; ;91m fine- Re*lly- Where 9 'ome from+ this is * /le*s*nt s/ring d*y-; ;And where1s th*t8; &*mn+ 91d w*lked right into th*t 'on)ers*tion(/rolonger;$*n*d*- Anyw*y+ 91ll w*it6Oh+ hold on- #y /hone1s )ibr*ting-; 9 *nswered+ t*lking to silen'e- ;!.re+ *nd where1s th*t8; P*.se- L*.gh- ;Ok*y+ then-; P*.se;:e/+ 91ll be right there-; As 9 ./+ 9 slid off the w*ll- ;"h*t w*s my*nd- %e needs me to 'he'k o.t something he w*nts to b.y-; 9 rolled my eyes- ;#en-; ;Where is he8; the m*n *sked;O)er there+; 9 w*)ed *t * 'olle'tion of b.ildings+ * *nd ho/ed one of them w*s * store- "hen 9 st*rted o.t;Why don1t 9 gi)e yo. * lift8;

;91m fine-; ;9t1s * long w*lk-; $l*y1s /ier'ing whistle '.t the howling wind- "h*t w*s his sign*l th*t the m.tts h*d t*ken the b*it *nd th*t he needed his b*'k./ in /l*'e;!orry+ 9 re*lly h*)e to6; 9 tried ste//ing *ro.nd the m*n+ b.t he blo'ked me;91ll gi)e yo. * lift-; ;"h*nks+ b.t 91m fine-; Another sideste/+ *nother blo'k+ this one mo)ing into my /erson*l s/*'e+ m*king the h*ir on my ne'k bristle- 9 shifted b*'k;91m fine+; 9 s*id+ my tone t*king on *n edge;5o need to get sni//y- 91m being friendly-; ;And 91m s*ying 1th*nks+ b.t no th*nks-1 ; $l*y do.ble(whistled- "he BOLO sign*l6be on the looko.t4 be'*.se these m.tts h*)e s/lit ./ *nd one 'o.ld be he*ding yo.r w*y;91m sorry+; 9 s*id%e smiled- ;5o need to */ologi7e- We *ll get * little 'r*nky now *nd then-; ;5o+ 9 me*nt for this-; 9 ki'ked his knee'*/- As he twisted *nd 'r.m/led+ 9 sl*mmed my foot into the b*'k of his knee *nd he 'r*shed to the gro.nd+ '.rsing me *s 9 took off$l*y whistled *g*in- A lo'*tor be*'on this time- %e seemed to be behind the 'l.ster of b.ildings 91d /ointed o.t * moment *go- "here were se)er*l ro.tes there- 9 /i'ked the one *'ross o/en gro.nd where 9 'o.ld kee/ *n eye o.t for m.tts"he wind h*d whi//ed ./ *g*in+ b.ffeting me *s 9 r*n+ m*king me slide in the m.d+ b*rely *ble to st*y ./right- "he whine of the wind filled my e*rs- "he stink of rotted fish filled my nose- 9 ke/t r.nning+ eyesslitted *g*inst the g*leAt * ro*r behind me+ 9 s/.n to see * tr.'k b*rreling *'ross the o/en field- #y eyeste*red ./ from the wind *nd 9 'o.ldn1t see the dri) th*t the tr.'k w*s he*ding str*ight for me- 9 r*n f.ll o.t- 9t ke/t g*ining- At the l*st se'ond+ 9 le*/ed *side *nd the tr.'k skidded /*st+ br*kes s3.e*ling )eering *s it s/.n into * sh*r/ t.rn- 9t '*me *t me *g*in+ tires s/ewing * h*il of m.d *nd ro'k- 9 do)e *w*y *nd it r*'ed /*st like * 'h*rging b.ll-

When 9 gl*n'ed b*'k+ 9 'o.ld see * m*n in the dri)er1s se*t+ b.t m.d now d*//led the windows9t ro*red *t me *g*in- As 9 d*rted o.t of the w*y+ the window went down- 9nside w*s the m*n from the tr*in st*tion;&id yo. think th*t w*s f.nny+ yo. 'r*7y bit'h8; he sho.ted$r*7y8 9 w*sn1t the one .sing my G2G *s * we*/on- 9 m*r'hed tow*rd his side of the tr.'k- %e 0erked b*'k+ this 'le*rly not being the ;fleeing in mort*l terror; re*'tion he1d ho/ed for%e rolled ./ the window *nd hit the g*s- "he tires s/.n+ s/itting m.d- "he tr.'k ro'ked+ b.t didn1t b.dge9 took * r.nning le*/- "he tr.'k shook *s 9 l*nded in the bed- "he m*n ke/t /.m/ing the g*s /ed*l+ now 0erking the wheel side to side+ ho/ing to dislodge me+ b.t the tr.'k only s/.n in /l*'e9 w*lked to the front 'orner ne*rest the /*ssenger door- "hen 9 le*ned down+ gr*bbed the door h*ndle *nd wren'hed+ twisting it *ll the w*y *ro.nd+ the insides grinding *nd sn*//ing- %e l.nged o)er to hold the door 'losed+ b.t 91d *lre*dy let go%e sl*mmed the tr.'k into re)erse- 9 st.mbled+ h*nds sl*//ing the '*b- 9 ke/t my b*l*n'e+ *nd when the tires st*rted s/inning *g*in+ 9 mo)ed to the dri)er1s side- %e sl*//ed down the lo'k- Ag*in 9 le*ned down- Ag*in 9 wren'hed the h*ndle *ro.nd+ then retre*ted into the bed%e tried to o/en the door;%ey4 ; he s*id+ 0*ngling it- "hen ;F.'kB; 9 w*t'hed the b*'k window *s he re*'hed *'ross *nd tried the /*ssenger door+ y*nking *nd 0iggling the h*ndle .ntil he re*li7ed 91d 0*mmed them sh.t;Wh*t the f.'k8; %e twisted to glower *t me9 smiled+ finger(w*)ed *nd w*s t.rning to go when something sl*mmed into my b*'k+ sending me flying *g*inst the '*b- As 9 s'r*m(bled ./ from the tr.'k bed+ my nostrils filled with the smell of my *tt*'ker6one of the m.tts from the hotel%e stood in the middle of the tr.'k bed- With s*ndy brown h*ir to his 'oll*r *nd d*rk eyes+ he w*s * re't*ngle of * m*n *nd h*d the thi'k ne'k of one who h*sn1t been 'ontent to s/end * mere ho.r *t the gym e*'h d*y- "he slight yellow '*st of his skin *nd the n*sty glitter in his eyes s.ggested he h*dn1t been 'ontent with the e2tr* boost of werewolf strength either- A steroid( /.m/ed monster of * "r*)is"esler + who1d '.t off Reese1s fingers69 didn1t bl*me Reese for r.nning- First 'h*n'e 9 got+ 9 w*s doing the s*me;&id 9 s/oil yo.r f.n8; he *sked+ li/s '.r)ing in wh*t 9 s.//osed /*ssed for * smile- ;9 tho.ght P*'k wol)es didn1t h.nt h.m*ns-;

9 ke/t my e2/ression w*ry+ eyes not 3.ite meeting his+ sho.lders lowered+ feigning e)ery sign of s.bmissi)eness;:o. got him /retty good-; %e sni'kered *s he w*t'hed the m*n still )*inly /.m/ing on the door h*ndles- ;Bet yo. think yo.1re 'le)er-; 9 '*st *n *n2io.s gl*n'e *t the o/en l*nd beside me;:o.r m*n1s long gone+;"esler s*id- ;9t1s yo. *nd me-; %e ste//ed 'loser- 9 feigned * flin'h *nd drew b*'k%e took * dee/ bre*th- ;&*mn+ yo. smell e)en better in /erson-; Behind .s+ the m*n b*nged on the re*r window- We both ignored him- 9 in'hed *long the '*b tow*rd the edge-"esler ste//ed tow*rd me *g*in- 9 s'.ttled b*'k;5ot ne*rly *s *g*inst yo.r own kind+ *re yo.8; he s*id;9(9 don1t w*nt *ny tro.ble-; ;Well+ see+ th*t1s not going to work+ be'*.se 9 do-; 9 shook my he*d+ my g*7e fi2ed on the lower h*lf of his f*'e+ so he 'o.ldn1t see my eyes;Ple*se- Wh*te)er yo. w*nt+ 91ll do it- <.st don1t6; %e l.nged *nd r*mmed me b*'k *g*inst the '*b- Pinning me there+ he lowered his nose to my ne'k *nd inh*led;F.'k+ th*t is something else-; ;Pl(/le*se don1t6; 9 st*mmered+ then 9 sl*mmed my fist into his g.t%e st.mbled b*'k+ do.bled o)er- An .//er'.t to the 0*w sent him s*iling b*'kw*rd- A ki'k to//led him o)er the side+ *nd he hit the gro.nd fl*t on his b*'k+ his g*s/ *nd '.rse sw*llowed by the g.sting wind9 0.m/ed onto the edge of the bed+ b*l*n'ing on the b*'k 'orner+ w*iting for him to get ./ so 9 'o.ld ki'k him b*'k down+ then m*ke * r.n for it- Only he l*y there+ looking ./ *t me- "hen he smiled;5ow th*t1s more like it- &*mn+ th*t1s more like it-; %e li'ked blood from his li/s- %is smile widened *nd blood g.shed+ stre*ming down his 'heek%is smile 'h*nged+ *ll *m.sement )*nishing+ re/l*'ed by something .gly th*t hit me in the /it of

the stom*'h+ /rodding *w*ke e)erything th*t horrible letter h*d .n(b.ried- "he terrified little girl inside s're*med for me to r.n+ r.n- Only 9 'o.ldn1t- 9 didn1t r.n *nymore+ not from men like this%e got ./+ slow+ *s if testing his m.s'les- 9 tensed *nd w*t'hed his thighs+ w*iting *s they b.n'hed *nd then6 %e le*/t ./ *nd gr*bbed for my *nkles+ b.t 9 w*s *lre*dy in flight- 9 behind him *nd got in two lightning(f*st hits before he t.rned *nd '*me *t me+ still mo)ing slow *s 9 d*n'ed b*'k;:o. like this8; %e li'ked the blood *g*in- ;Get the old *dren*line /.m/ing- L*nd * few shots#*ke * g.y bleed-; %e smiled th*t .gly smile- ;9 bet yo.1)e m*de * lot of g.ys bleed for yo.-; %e 9 d.'ked+ b.t he followed with * /ile dri)er to the side of my 0*w+ holding none of th*t steroid(/.m/ed s./erh.m*n strength b*'k- "he e*rth r.shed ./ to meet me- 9 l*y on the fro7en gro.nd+ blinking h*rd+ str.ggling to rem*in fo'.sed+ knowing if 9 didn1t4 !t*y 'ons'io.s- !t*y 'ons'io.s"eslerloomed o)er me- ;9f yo. hit me+ honey+ 91m going to hit b*'k- 9 hit * lot h*rder+ don1t 98; !t*y 'ons'io.s- !t*y6 ;&own for the 'o.nt8 9 w*s ho/ing for * few more ro.nds-; %e grinned- ;B.t 9 g.ess this will do-; As he re*'hed for his belt b.'kle+ *ny .rge to drift off e)*/or*ted- "hen the m*n in the tr.'k hit the horn;Ah+ f.'k-; "eslergl*n'ed o)er- "he m*n bl*sted the horn *g*in- 9 'losed my eyes to slits- When"esler looked b*'k *t me *g*in+ he frowned *nd /rodded my leg+ 'he'king whether 91d /*ssed o.t- "he m*n b*nged on the window+ his sho.ts m.ffled by the wind- "he '.rsed+ g*7e swinging between me *nd the tr.'k- "hen his belt whirred *s he /.lled it the b.'kle- 9 tensed+ re*dy to le*/ ./+ hit him with e)erything 9 h*d- Fight+ bite+ s're*m+ ki'k4 "he horn bl*red;G.ess yo.1ll kee/ * moment+; he m.ttered- ;#*ybe yo.1ll e)en w*ke ./-; A short l*.gh- ;91d like it * lot better if yo. woke ./-; Belt .ndone+ he strode to the dri)er1s window *nd r*//ed- 9t s3.e*ked *s the m*n lowered it * few in'hes;91m not going to let yo. do th*t-; "he m*n w*)ed * 'ell /hone- ;91m '*lling C11-;

9f he re*lly intended to+ he wo.ld h*)e- %e didn1t w*nt to get in)ol)ed+ b.t his 'ons'ien'e s*id he 'o.ldn1t st*nd by *nd w*t'h * wom*n get r*/ed+ so he h*d to *t le*st m*ke the thre*t *nd ho/e th*t w*s;&id yo. see wh*t th*t bit'h did to me8;"esler /ointed to his bloodied f*'e- ;And wh*t she did to yo.r tr.'k8 "h*t1s going to 'ost yo.- And for wh*t8 Be'*.se yo. were h*)ing * bit of f.n with her8; ;:es+ b.t6; ;"ell yo. wh*t4 ; %e le*ned in+ lowering his )oi'e- 9 st*yed where 9 w*s- %e might h*)e his b*'k to me+ b.t he w*s still /*ying *ttention+ testing me+ seeing whether 91d le*/ ./ *nd r.n when 9 h*d the 'h*n'eWhile e)erything in me s're*med for me to do th*t+ 9 held myself still *nd w*ited;9 'o.ld .se some hel/+;"esler s*id- ;!he1s * re*l fire'r*'ker- 9f she w*kes ./+ 91m in tro.ble- !o how *bo.t yo. hel/ me-; %e 'h.'kled- ;"here1s to go *ro.nd+ if yo. don1t mind se'onds-; 9 w*ited for the m*n1s 'ry of*ge- %e only hesit*ted+ then looked o)er *t me;!he1ll be .n'ons'io.s8; he s*id"eslerl*.ghed- ;5ot if 9 h*)e my w*y+ b.t 91ll kno'k her o.t *g*in if th*t1s wh*t yo. like-; 9 felt the m*n1s g*7e tr*)el o)er me- #y skin he*ted+ red(hot f.ry b.rning the old terror:o. 'ow*rd- :o. godd*mn+ f.'king+ low(life 'ow*rd9 w*nted to fly *t both of them- !how them wh*t they were de*ling with- !how them 9 w*sn1t we*k+ w*sn1t * )i'tim- 9m*ges fli'kered *'ross my h*lf('losed lids- "h*t letter- "h*t d*mned letter- "he f*'e of the m*n who sent it- "he f*'es of other foster f*milies+ the men *nd boys 9 w*s s.//osed to '*ll f*ther *nd brother- $ow*rds e)ery one- Preying on the hel/less- Only 9 w*sn1t hel/less *nymore- 9 w*s6 9 sho)ed the r*ge b*'k+ gritted my teeth *nd st*yed where 9 w*s- <.st *nother min.te- Another few se'onds4 ;Let1s get yo. o.t of there+;"esler s*id9 listened *s he y*nked on the door *nd w*ited for the moment when he got it o/en+ when the fl.rry of *'ti)ity wo.ld distr*'t6 ;!hit- "h*t bit'h re*lly did do * n.mber on yo.r doors- P.t down the window *nd let me get it

from the inside-; ;9 *lre*dy tried-; ;<.st /.t down the f.'king window before she 'omes to *nd r.ns *w*y-; "he window whirred- 9 tensed+ re*dy to s/ring4 "eslergr*bbed the m*n1s shirtfront;Wh*68; "eslersl*mmed his /*lm into the m*n1s f*'e+ his nose fl*ttening with * si'kening 'r.n'h+ he*d sn*//ing b*'k+ ne'k bre*king- "he m*n went lim/-"esler 'he'ked his /.lse;&id yo. re*lly think 9 w*s going to sh*re with * h.m*n8; he s*id *s he threw him to the floor of the '*b- ;5ow th*t1s t*ken '*re of+ time for the f.n /*rt-; %e t.rned- ;Wh*t the68 Where68; A growl of r*ge so.nded behind me *s 9 r*'ed *'ross the o/en fieldLO$O#O"9O5 " !L R R $O@ R & FA!" *nd g*)e 'h*se+ his footf*lls so he*)y 9 swore 9 felt the gro.nd sh*ke- 9 se*r'hed the 'l.ster of b.ildings *he*d+ ho/ing for some sign of $l*y+ b.t the l*nds'*/e w*s em/ty *nd silent9 whistled!ilen'e9 whistled *g*in+ *nd then it '*me+ the f*intest *nswer off to my right- 9 t.rned th*t w*y *nd r*n so f*st *ll 9 'o.ld he*r w*s the /o.nding of my feet *nd he*rt- 9 h*ted myself for r.nning+ b.t 9 knew 9 f*'ed more th*n br.ised ribs *nd /ride if 9 lost this fight9 '*.ght *nother whistle+ lo.der *nd 'loser now+ from behind the b.ilding to my right- $l*y w*s 'oming for me- 9 gl*n'ed o)er my sho.lder-"esler w*s nowhere to be seen!hit- 9 she*red off in the dire'tion of $l*y1s whistle *nd g*)e * do.ble one to w*rn him to be on the looko.t"he b.ilding w*s * sm*ll f*'tory of some sort+ with m*'hinery whirring inside- "here w*s only one '*r in the lot- 9f there were *ny windows+ 9 'o.ldn1t see them9 slowed to listen for $l*y *nd+ yes+ to try to sense him+ re* myself th*t he w*s 'lose- When 9 didn1t /i'k ./ th*t f*int feeling 9 shook off the .ne*se6relying on * si2th sense w*s <eremy1s re*lmA the rest of .s h*d to m*ke do with s'ent *nd sight *nd so.nd- Only 9 'o.ldn1t smell him

either9 0ogged to the re*r of the b.ilding *nd looked both w*ys- "he lot rem*ined em/ty *nd still9 whistled- "he *nswer '*me in se'onds- A whistle- 5ot $l*y1s whistle- "hen+ on the end of it+ his whistle f*rther *w*y+ in the dire'tion 91d first he*rd him9 my b*'k to the w*ll *nd listened+ b.t he*rd only the m.ffled m*'hines inside- "hen 9 '*.ght the f*int s'.ff of * shoe4 o)er he*d- 9 gl*n'ed ./ *s * sh*dow edged o)er the roof"esler0.m/ed- 9 tried to twist o.t of the w*y+ b.t he '*.ght my sho.lder *nd 9 s/.n+ feet s'r*bbling *g*inst the gr*)el- %is fingers whis/ered *'ross my new ski 0*'ket *s 9 l.nged o.t of re*'h9 st*rted to r.n+ b.t ke/t sli//ing on gr*)el+ losing my s/eed *d)*nt*ge f*st- "here w*s * sm*ll b.ilding *he*d+ some kind of stor*ge for the f*'tory- 9 r*n for th*t<.st kee/ *he*d- One ste/ *he*d- "h*t w*s *ll 9 needed to do .ntil $l*y *rri)ed- %e 'o.ldn1t be f*r9 m*de it to the b.ilding *nd r*'ed *ro.nd the front 'orner+ then *long the w*ll-"esler1s footf*lls were *t le*st * h*lf do7en /*'es b*'k- "oo f*r to l.nge *nd gr*b me- "oo 'lose to sne*k *ro.nd the other w*y- 5ow 9 h*d to kee/ him going *ro.nd the b.ilding in 'ir'les .ntil $l*y showed ./9 7i//ed *ro.nd the re*r 'orner4 *nd fo.nd * fen'e blo'king my /*th- 9 skidded *nd swer)ed+ my boots sliding- %e do)e *nd '*.ght the b*'k of my 0*'ket- 9 wren'hed+ b.t he h*d * firm gri/- 9 y*nked down my 7i//er+ trying to get o.t of the 'o*t- %is foot '*.ght mine *nd down 9 went9 fo.ght6ki'king+ 'l*wing+ writhing6b.t within se'onds he h*d me /inned- And he w*s * m*n who knew e2*'tly how to /in * sm*ller o//onent so she 'o.ldn1t get *w*y+ 'o.ldn1t fight b*'k+ 'o.ldn1t do *nything b.t s're*m- And 9 wo.ld s're*m- 9 didn1t '*re how mortified 91d be l*ter+ be'*.se *ll th*t m*ttered w*s getting *w*y before he did wh*t he w*nted to do9 b*rely got the first note of my s're*m o.t before he 0*mmed his fore*rm down on my thro*t+ '.tting me off+ * mo)e so deft it w*s *lmost instin't- 9 knew now who1d been res/onsible for those missing girls *ro.nd Rom*n1s territory+ *nd who w*s res/onsible for the ones here- 9 knew wh*t"esler h*d done m*ny times before *nd wh*t he w*s *bo.t to do to me)en *s 9 str.ggled+ th*t )oi'e inside told me to sto/- :o. '*n1t fight- <.st lie still *nd go some/l*'e else- Find the old /l*'e+ the one where he '*n1t to.'h yo.- <.st go there *nd w*it .ntil it1s o)er%is h*nd /.shed .nder my shirt+ .nder my br*+ fingers digging in+ n*ils s'r*/ing- 9 sn*rled *nd twisted *nd tried to hit+ to 'l*w+ b.t he h*d my sho.lders /inned so 9 'o.ldn1t do more th*n lift my h*nds * few in'hes off the gro.nd- 9 ro'ked *nd he*)ed so h*rd 9 tho.ght 9 w*s going to

dislo'*te my sho.lder+ b.t 9 didn1t '*re- 9 b.'ked *nd s3.irmed .ntil he h*d to shift his weight to kee/ me still+ one *rm *t my thro*t+ the other h*nd s3.ee7ing my bre*st- And when he shifted+ 9 got the moment.m 9 needed to wren'h my *rm free9 gr*bbed * fistf.l of h*ir *nd y*nked- %is h*nd flew from .nder my shirt+ '*t'hing my wrist *nd wren'hing .ntil it w*s *t the bre*king /oint- 9 ke/t /.lling+ b.t '*me *w*y with * h*ndf.l of h*ir+ my gri/ lost%e /inned me *g*in- When his h*nd went b*'k .nder my shirt+ he twisted my bre*st h*rd to bring te*rs to my eyes- 9 ro'ked *nd b.'ked *nd fl*iled+ b.t 9 'o.ldn1t get free- 9 'o.ldn1t+ no m*tter how m*ny fights 91d won+ no m*tter how m*ny ye*rs 91d tr*ined+ no m*tter how strong 9 w*s *nd how m*ny times 91d told myself th*t no one+ no one wo.ld e)er to.'h me like this *g*in- 9t w*s h*//ening *nd there w*s nothing 9 'o.ld do"he more 9 str.ggled+ the h*rder his fore*rm 0*mmed down on my ne'k+ .ntil fin*lly 9 'o.ldn1t bre*the- 9 ke/t fighting- 9 he*rd myself g*s/ing- 9 s*w the world tilting *nd d*rkening- B.t *ll 9 'o.ld feel w*s his h*nd *t my w*ist+ ri//ing *t my 0e*ns *s he 'l*wed *nd gr*bbed *nd gr.nted"hen he w*s flying off me+ $l*y1s f*'e behind him+ twisted with r*ge- $l*y s/.n+ holding"esler by the b*'k of his 0*'ket+ his sk.ll on 'r*sh 'o.rse with the w*ll+ *nd 9 knew th*t1s where it w*s he*ded- $l*y w*s going to kill him- And 9 didn1t '*re5o+ 9 did '*re- 9 w*s gl*d of it- 9 wo.ld do it myself if 9 h*d the 'h*n'e- 9 'o.ld s*y 9 w*s doing it for the girls he1d r*/ed *nd killed+ to m*ke there w*sn1t *nother+ *nd while th*t w*s /*rt of it+ 9 w*s re*lly doing it for me6so he wo.ld ne)er get the 'h*n'e to 'ome b*'k *nd r*/e me9t only took * s/lit se'ond for $l*y to whi/"esler *ro.nd+ for me to think 9 w*s gl*d of it+ for"esler1s body to s/*sm in /*ni' *s he re*li7ed he w*s *bo.t to die- B.t in th*t moment+ * se'ond flew *ro.nd the 'orner9 le*/t to my feet to '.t him off+ b.t he w*s *lre*dy in flight- %e sm*'ked into $l*y1s sho.lder *nd threw him off b*l*n'e- $l*y didn1t dro/ his /rey+ b.t th*t moment of re/rie)e w*s for"esler - %is feet fo.nd the gro.nd *nd his fist he*ded for $l*y1s 0*w- $l*y d.'ked the blow+ b.t in doing so+ rele*sed him"he se'ond w*s * sm*ller+ wiry blond- 9 re'ogni7ed his smell- %e1d been in o.r hotel room+ &ennis1s '*bin *nd the"esler1s b.ddy+ the one who1d introd.'ed himself to Reese *s ;&*n-; %e gr*bbed $l*y by the b*'k of the 'o*t+ b.t 9 y*nked him off his feet+ bre*king his gri/ on $l*yAnd so we /*ired off- &*n gl*dly t.rned on me+ le*)ing his br.iser of * friend to $l*y- %is first few strikes were h*lf(he*rted6if he dis/*t'hed me 3.i'kly+ he1d h*)e to le*/ into the fr*y with $l*yWhen 9 dodged his blows *nd l*nded two of my own+ &*n st*rted fighting in e*rnest+ still slow *t first+ like * /ro with * f.ll '*rd *he*d of him+ trying to o.t the le*st *mo.nt of energy he

'*n e2/end- B.t he soon o.t th*t * lower weight 'l*ss doesn1t ne'ess*rily me*n *n inferior fighterAfter * few hits &*n d.'ked * blow+ d*n'ed to the side4 *nd ke/t going+ t*king off *'ross the /*rking lot- 9 'h*sed him /*st two b.ildings+ *nd then 'ir'led b*'k to $l*y$l*y w*s h*)ing only moder*tely more tro.ble with his m*t'h./-"esler might be *n e2/ert *t o)er/owering women+ yet his fight skills were little better th*n the *)er*ge !*t.rd*y night br*wler1s- 9f he l*nded * blow+ it sent $l*y reeling+ b.t $l*y w*s f*ster *nd more *gile *nd e*sily dodged most of them+ *nd soon o.t the g.y1s ro.tineWhen * solid right hook sent"esler s/inning+ $l*y e*sed b*'k *nd looked o)er *t me;:o. w*nt to t*ke o)er+ d*rling8 Finish him8; ;F.'k off+;"esler sn*rled+ s/itting blood%e $l*y d.'ked9 ste//ed forw*rd- ;91)e got it-; ;Good- <.st w*t'h yo.r 'lothes- %e1s * bleeder-; "esler'h*rged with * ro*r- $l*y deftly )eered o.t of his /*th4 *nd 9 )eered into it+ '*t'hing"esler1s *rm+ wren'hing *nd fli//ing him o)er my sho.lder- %e l*nded on his b*'k+ winded *nd blinkingAg*in+ 9 w*t'hed his leg m.s'les *nd they b.n'hed+ *nd *s soon *s 9 w*s within re*'h+ he s/r*ng- %e tried to gr*b my leg *nd y*nk me to the gro.nd+ b.t 9 w*sn1t going down)en if it me*nt t*king * blow 9 'o.ld h*)e dodged+ 9 w*sn1t going to gi)e him *ny 'h*n'e to get me on the gro.nd *g*in9t didn1t m*tter th*t $l*y w*s there to /rote't me- 9 needed to know th*t 9 'o.ld best himAt first+ *s long *s 9 st*yed on my feet+ it w*s *n e)en m*t'h- B.t 9 h*d r*ge on my side+ *nd the b*l*n'e st*rted to shift- 9 l*nded * few good blows6'r*'king ribs *nd kno'king o.t * tooth- 5ot th*t it m*ttered- "his w*s only *n e2er'ise6me needing to /ro)e something to myself6be'*.se when it w*s o)er+ he w*sn1t w*lking *w*y9 took * gl*n'ing blow off the 'hin *nd reeled b*'k+ 'on'entr*ting on kee/ing my b*l*n'e- As 9 shook it off+ $l*y s/.n- &*n h*d ret.rned+ sne*king ./ behind .s- "hen * sh*dow /*ssed o)erhe*d- 9 looked ./ to see *nother on the roof;$l*yB; 9t w*s * s/lit(se'ond distr*'tion th*t my o//onent took f.ll *d)*nt*ge of+ di)ing *t me *nd

gr*bbing me *ro.nd the w*ist *s he tried to t*ke me down- 9 lo'ked my knees- P*in shot my legs *s they tried to bend in * w*y they weren1t s.//osed to- 9 twisted *nd st.mbled+ b.t ke/t my b*l*n'e"he on the roof 0.m/ed- %e kno'ked $l*y1s sho.lder *s $l*y tried to d*n'e o.t of the w*y+ then both m.tts went *t him- "he new one w*s sm*ller th*n &*n6only * little bigger th*n $l*y 6b.t the f*mily resembl*n'e to"esler w*s 'le*r- "his w*s the rel*ti)e 91d f*intly smelled *t &ennis1s '*bin+ the yo.nger"esler brother- A ki'k *nd * right hook from $l*y sent him s/r*wling+ le*)ing $l*y with the sm*ller blond"eslersenior r.shed me- A high ki'k '*.ght him in the 'hest *nd he st.mbled b*'k+ then '*.ght himself- 9 w*ited for him to rebo.nd+ b.t he stood there+ r.bbing his 0*w- Pl*ying /oss.m *g*in"he g.y h*d * )ery limited re/ertoire- 9 w*ited for his mo)e- B.t he didn1t r.n *t me4 he went the other w*yOnly *fter 91d 'h*sed him *bo.t * kilometer did 9 re*li7e my mist*ke- 9 gl*n'ed b*'k *nd+ $l*y w*s in hot/.r his /rey *b*ndoned- Any other time+ he1d h*)e w*ited for my sign*l s*ying 9 needed hel/+ b.t he w*sn1t le*)ing me *lone with this one)en on o/en gro.nd+"esler ke/t his *d)*nt*ge+ *nd * st*bbing /*in in my left thigh slowed me down+ no m*tter how h*rd 9 tried to ignore itWhen 9 he*rd the s3.e*l of the tr*in le*)ing the st*tion+ it g*)e me *n ide*- 9 w*)ed my /l*n b*'k to $l*y- 9 didn1t re*lly need to- We1)e been together long th*t if he sees * r.n*w*y *nd *n on'oming tr*in+ he1ll know wh*t 91ll h*)e in mind9 slowed- $l*y 'h*nged dire'tion+ 'ir'ling wide *ro.nd"esler - "he he*ring my /o.nding feet slow to * /*tter+ gl*n'ed b*'k *nd * 9 w*s * good ten meters *w*y+ 9 swore he smiled9 looked *t him+ then behind me+ se*r'hing the em/ty hori7on+ *s if looking for $l*y9 whistled- "hen 9 whistled *g*in+ lo.der *nd more shrill+ mo)ing from ;hey+ where *re yo.8; to ;oh+ shit+ where *re yo.8; "eslerbent o)er+ h*nds on his thighs+ '*t'hing his bre*th- "he wind h*d died down *nd 9 'o.ld he*r him /*nting+ *lmost in time with the 'h.g of the *//ro*'hing tr*in- Behind him+ $l*y 'ir'led+ .nseen!till bent+"esler st.died me- %e re*lly w*nted to finish it+ b.t long fights *nd long r.ns weren1t his forte *nd he w*s winded- %e h*d to weigh the thrill of domin*n'e *g*inst the sm*'k(down of /otenti*l defe*t *t the h*nds of * wom*n+ m*ybe his l*st defe*t if $l*y '*.ght ./- 9 'o.ld s*y the s.r)i)*l instin't won o.t+ b.t 9 s.s/e't it w*s ego6if he didn1t 'hoose to fight+ 9 'o.ldn1t be*t him- %e str*ightened+ then st*rted t.rning to r.n9 r.shed *t him before he noti'ed $l*y- %e wheeled+ fists going ./- 9 d*n'ed b*'k- %e swi/ed * fresh of blood from his li/ *nd smiled- 9 w*s s/oiling for * fight+ b.t 9 w*s *fr*id6*n irresistible 'ombin*tion- %e t.rned his b*'k s3.*re on $l*y- 9 took one bo2er1s two(ste/ forw*rd+

then b*'k+ going * little f*rther b*'k th*n for w*rd+ *s if in'hing *w*y while trying to 'on)in'e myself 9 w*s re*dy to t*ke him onFin*lly $l*y re*'hed the /oint where"esler smelled him- %is nose 0erked ./ *nd he s/.n so f*st he *lmost lost his b*l*n'e- "hen he tore off so.th4 *s the tr*in st*rted to /*ss6* solid w*ll of slow(mo)ing '*rs blo'king his es'*/e ro.te%e t.rned *lmost f.ll 'ir'le *nd re*li7ed he w*s tr*//ed- 9 br*'ed myself for him to 'h*rge the we*kest obst*'le6me6*nd he st*rted to+ then he feinted to the side *nd r*n f.ll o.t tow*rd the tr*in;F.'k no+; $l*y growled .nder his bre*th;F.'k yes+; 9 s*id *s"esler gr*bbed * l*dder between '*rsWe followed- 9t *lw*ys looks so e*sy in the mo)ies- B.t e)en with * slow(mo)ing tr*in *nd werewolf *gility *nd strength+ getting on th*t l*dder w*s * fe*t4 /*rti'.l*rly with * I=0(/o.nd *t the to/ of it+ determined to kee/ yo. from '*t'hing his ride$l*y w*s *lmost to the to/ when"esler1s foot shot o.t+ *iming for his 0*w- $l*y gr*bbed him by the *nkle *nd wren'hed-"esler went down+ s'r*bbling *nd ki'king to kee/ from being /.lled o)er the edge+ holding on with e)ery o.n'e of strength in hiso)er/.m/ed *rms- #e*nwhile+ 9 w*s h*nging from the bottom trying to kee/ my b*'k from s'r*/ing *long the tr*'ks"eslers'r*mbled o.t of $l*y1s re*'h+ got to his feet *nd took off *'ross the to/s of the '*rs- We g*)e 'h*seAt *ny moment+ 9 e2/e'ted the tr*in to grind to * h*lt+ throwing .s the *ir *s someone s/otted .s *nd so.nded the *l*rm- B.t it ke/t 'h.gging *long+ /i'king ./ s/eed *s we r*'ed o)er the '*rs+ bent forw*rd+ the met*l )ibr*ting .nder o.r feet+ tr*in ro'king from side to side+ e)ery free7ing(r*in(filled dent to send .s sk*ting+ the stink of diesel filling o.r nostrils+ the whine *nd grind of met*l setting o.r teeth on edge+ drowning o.t e)ery word $l*y '*lled b*'k to me- Well+ not e)ery word4 the ones like ;st*y there; *nd ;kee/ b*'k; *nd ;w*it-; And of 'o.rse e)ery '*r h*d to end4 in * fifteen(foot dro/ o)er gro.nd whi77ing /*st f*st to m*ke my stom*'h l.r'h- "h*t le*/ between sh*king '*rs set my stom*'h /l.mmeting e)ery time+ no m*tter how m.'h 'le*r*n'e 9 h*d- #y first foot wo.ld l*nd *nd it *lw*ys slid * little+ to ri/ *n ;oh shit; from my li/s before 9 fo.nd my b*l*n'eFin*lly"esler re*'hed * fl*t'*r lo*ded with timber+ took one look *nd de'ided th*t 0.m/ing onto those logs w*s one fe*t he didn1t '*re to *ttem/t%e feinted left+ then right+ then took * r.nning le*/ tow*rd the side of the '*r- $l*y did the s*me+ *nd le*/t off4 *s"esler 'he'ked himself *t the l*st moment *nd st*yed on bo*rd- With me-

%e t.rned to f*'e me+ th*t .gly smile twisting his li/s6then dis*//e*ring *s it met my fist- 9t took him * se'ond to re'o)er from the sho'k+ not of the hit+ b.t of finding me st*nding my gro.nd when s.rely 9 sho.ld be r.nning *s f*st *s 9 'o.ld- 9 hit him *g*in+ kno'king him o)erPredi't*bly+ he tried to gr*b my legs *nd bring me down with him- 9 stom/ed his h*nd h*rd to m*ke him howlAs he s'r*mbled ./+ 9 ki'ked- %e instin'ti)ely 'losed his legs+ b.t 9 w*sn1t *iming there- When it works+ it works+ b.t if th*t mo)e w*s *s reli*ble *s it looked in the mo)ies+ no m*n wo.ld e)er get the best of * wom*n in * fightAs he 'on'entr*ted on /rote'ting his )*l.*bles+ he h.n'hed o)er+ his 0*w 'oming into /erfe't *lignment with my foot- 9 ki'ked him+ *nd he fell b*'k h*rd to m*ke the roof tw*ng9 gr*bbed his shirtfront *nd h*.led him ./- $l*y w*s b*'k on bo*rd now fo.r '*rs *w*y+ m*king his w*y tow*rd .s- %e motioned for me to hold the *nd w*it for him- 9 /retended not to noti'e *nd dr*gged"esler to the front of the '*r9 held him o)er the edge+ getting * good long look *t his f*'e+ drinking in his fe*r *s he re*li7ed he w*s *bo.t to dro/ he*d(first .nder * r.nning tr*in6 "eslerb.'ked- 9 br*'ed+ ste*dying myself+ b.t when he ro'ked *g*in+ his w*s too m.'h *nd 9 lost my b*l*n'e- %e gr*bbed me *nd+ for * se'ond+ 9 w*s the one looking down *t the tr*in tr*'ks r.shing below+ he*ring $l*y1s bellow+ his /o.nding feet- "hen 9 twisted *nd ki'ked+ *nd we rolled onto the roof of the '*r"esler'*.ght me *nd tried to toss me o)er the side+ b.t 9 gr*bbed his wrist *nd fli//ed him o)er my sho.lder- %e m*n*ged to sn*g my leg *t the l*st se'ond+ *nd dr*gged me o)er the edge *s he fell- #y fingers gr*7ed the steel edge+ fo.nd * hold *nd ' on- One solid b*'k ki'k with my free leg str.'k"esler s3.*re in the 0*w *nd he let go+ hitting the gro.nd *nd rolling *w*y from the tr*in;%old on+; $l*y sho.ted into the wind *s he m*de his w*y tow*rd me;"h*t1s wh*t 91m trying to doB; 9 '*lled b*'kAnd trying w*s the o/er*ti)e word- 9 w*s b*rely 'linging by my fingerti/s+ legs kno'king *g*inst the side of the tr*in *s it 'h.gged *long- 9 gl*n'ed b*'k *t"esler + now ./ *nd r.nning+ *nd fle2ed my fingers;&on1t yo. d*re+; $l*y s*id+ gr*bbing my wrists before 9 'o.ld dro/ *nd go *fter"esler %e w*s right+ of 'o.rse- Gi)en the *ngle 9 w*s h*nging *t+ letting go wo.ld r.n me * good 'h*n'e of f*lling right .nder the tr*in- "h*t didn1t kee/ me from w*t'hing with regret while"esler dis*//e*red into the dist*n'e *s $l*y h*.led me onto the '*r;We h*)e to go *fter6; 9 beg*n+ he*ding for the l*dder-

$l*y '*.ght me *nd /.lled me down into * 'ro.'hing /osition to kee/ my b*l*n'e- ;"*ke * se'ond-; ;9 don1t need6; ;:es+ yo. do+ *nd he1s *lre*dy too f*r *w*y- Whether we le*)e now or in two min.tes+ his tr*il will still be there-; As 9 looked o.t o)er the now em/ty field+ sh*me li'ked me- %ow long h*d it been sin'e 9 h*d done something so st./id8 9 *lw*ys *//re'i*ted th*t $l*y ne)er tried to fight my b*ttles+ ne)er interfered .nless 9 w*s in serio.s d*nger- !o when he1d w*rned me to st*nd down+ 9 sho.ld h*)e known he h*d good re*sonWhen 9 */ologi7ed for the bone(he*ded mo)e+ he s*id+ ;$ir'.mst*n'es-; 5othing more+ b.t it w*s *ll th*t needed to be s*id9t h*d been the 'ir'.mst*n'es6"esler/l.s th*t d*mned letter+ 'oming too 'lose together+ those old fe*rs res.rre'ted- An e2/l*n*tion+ b.t not *n e2'.se- 9f 9 w*s going to be Al/h*+ 9 'o.ldn1t h*)e we*k s/ots- 9 h*d to o)er'ome my ego *nd my fe*r *nd my r*ge+ *nd my bodyg.*rd9 st*yed on the tr*in only long to '*t'h my bre*th+ then we 'limbed down+ b*'ktr*'ked+ fo.nd *nd followed "ester1s tr*il- A re*l w*rrior wo.ld h*)e l*id in w*it *nd *mb.shed .s-"esler r*n str*ight for * wide stre*m th*t+ 0.dging by the signs+ w*s * /o/.l*r fishing s/ot+ *nd w*ded the i'y w*ter to hide his tr*ilWe w*lked *long the b*nks for *bo.t * h.ndred meters+ then de'ided the sm*rter mo)e wo.ld be to /redi't his destin*tion6b*'k to his brother *nd b.ddy- We took off th*t th*t w*y?U !"9O5 ;"% BRO"% R+; $LA: s*id- ;9nterrog*te+ then hold him host*ge-; ;Where8; $l*y shr.gged- ;9 don1t '*re- %ogtie him *nd le*)e him o.t here- Or kill him *nd /retend we1)e still got him+ ho/e big brother t*kes the b*it-; 9 shook my he*d- ;%e1s f*milyA he won1t t*lk+ *nd if"esler de'ides he doesn1t /*rti'.l*rly w*nt his b*by brother b*'k+ we1re s'rewed-; ;:o.1re the boss-; ;:o. dis*gree8; %e le*ned o.t to look *t the two men- ;9 don1t think it1s * bet either w*y-; When $l*y '*me

*fter me+ the other two m.tts h*d 'h*sed him only *s f*r *s the edge of the b.ilding+ like dogs m*king * token effort to frighten * tres/*sser off the /ro/erty while re*lly ho/ing he doesn1t t.rn *ro.nd- "hen they1d st*yed there+ w*iting for"esler - Unfort.n*tely+ he didn1t ret.rn- We sn.'k ./ 'lose to them *s he '*lled his brother+ *//*rently telling them to meet ./ some /l*'e in the 'ity;Follow8; $l*y s*id9 shook my he*d- ;"hey1ll '*t'h on before we get to the rende7)o.s /oint+ *nd we '*n1t /.ll *nything downtown in bro*d d*ylight- 9 s*y gr*b one *nd get some *nswers-; 9 /eeked *ro.nd the b.ilding 'orner *nd si7ed the two ./- ;We1)e got the le*der1s little brother *nd * fl.nky-; ;We1ll try the fl.nky+ then-; $ULL95G O5 FRO# * herd of two '*n be /res.ming the other one w*nts to ob0e't to his P*'k m*te being t*ken- "his one didn1t- As soon *s he s*w we1d honed in on his 'om/*nion+ he took off to find his brother"hen $l*y held &*n while 9 fo.nd *nd se'.red the interrog*tion room6* stor*ge .nit for * b.siness th*t rented bo*ts *nd fishing e3.i/ment+ se*son*l rent*ls th*t were now o.t of se*son$l*y bro.ght the in- When we /.t him into * 'h*ir+ he st*rted to fight in e*rnest .ntil $l*y 'lo'ked him+ d*7ing him to get the bindings on;"his s'en*rio seem f*mili*r8; $l*y s*id *s he booted the rolling 'h*ir into the middle of the room- ;Remind yo. of wh*t yo. did in * '*bin ./ ne*r here8 "o *n old friend of mine8; &*n1s o/ened+ re*dy to s/ew some )*ri*tion on ;it w*sn1t me69 w*s following orders-; B.t before he got the first word o.t+ he sn*//ed his sh.t *nd swit'hed to * new t*'ti'6b*bbling in his mother tong.e;:o. '*n ski/ the 19 don1t s/e*k the l*ng.*ge1 shit+; $l*y s*id- ;9t1s onlygonn* /iss me off+ *nd it won1t hel/ yo. one bit- :o. know Rom*n5o)iko) + Al/h* of the R.ssi*n P*'k8 %e1s offered to tr*nsl*te+ m*ke yo.r 'i)il rights *ren1t )iol*ted before 9 bre*k yo.r knee'*/s-; ;9t1s not R.ssi*n+; 9 s*id$l*y gl*n'ed *t me;%e1s not s/e*king R.ssi*n- We '*n get <eremy or Rom*n to 'onfirm th*t+ b.t 91m /retty of it-; "o * .niling.*l e*r like $l*y1s or Reese1s+ 91m it so.nded like R.ssi*n6it did e)en to * biling.*l one like mine- B.t my mother .sed to sing to me in R.ssi*n *nd t*.ght me some words in l*ng.*ge g*mes+ like the ones <eremy *nd 9 /l*y with the twins- !o while 9 'o.ldn1t remember more th*n * h*lf(do7en words+ 9 knew R.ssi*n when 9 he*rd it6*nd this w*sn1t-

9 told $l*y it 'o.ld be Polish or Ukr*ini*n- 5either <eremy nor K*rl nor *ny of o.r other m.ltiling.*l so.r'es 'o.ld hel/ with those;"h*t1s th*t+ then+; 9 s*id- ;9f he '*n1t *nswer o.r 3.estions+ he1s of no .se to .s-; ;Kill him8; &*n1s he*d 0erked ./ f*st to tell .s his gr*s/ of nglish w*s *de3.*te;!ho.ld h*)e gr*bbed the brother+; $l*y s*id- ;%eld him *s * host*ge- "hink we '*n still '*t'h ./ with him8; ;%e1s long gone- B.t we '*n .se this one to send * mess*ge-; $l*y nodded- ;%*)e to m*ke it * good one+ !'*re the shit o.t of them- !n*//ing his ne'k won1t do-; 9 took o.t my hotel key '*rd *nd lifted it+ o.t of the m.tt1s )iew- ;%ow *bo.t this8; ;!hit-; $l*y r.bbed his 'hin- ;"he l*st time we .sed th*t4 ; ;#essy+ 9 know- B.t we need messy- "he only /roblem is the s're*ming-; "he 0erked *ro.nd+ mo)ing the 'h*ir to see wh*t horrifi' instr.ment of 9 held- When he did6*nd re*li7ed he1do.ted himself6he let loose * stre*m of Anglo(!*2on /rof*nity;%.h+; $l*y s*id- ;!eems he knows some nglish *fter *ll- Let1s see if we '*n e2/*nd his )o'*b.l*ry-; %e sl*mmed his fist into &*n1s 0*w- "he g*s/ed *nd sn*rled+ then st*rted to swe*r;5o/e+; $l*y s*id- ;!*me words- Let1s try6; %e gr*bbed *n o*r from the w*ll *nd it *g*inst &*n1s knee'*/s- Wood *nd bone 'r*'kled&*n bit off * s're*m+ his eyes rolling- "hen he lifted those eyes to $l*y;Wh*t yo. w*nt to know8; he s*id in /erfe'tly ser)i'e*ble nglishW #9G%" %A@ remo)ed the l*ng.*ge b*rrier+ b.t th*t didn1t me*n we were getting *nything .sef.l from him- We st*rted with the most im/ort*nt iss.e, why h*d they killed &ennis8 And the 'oroll*ry 3.estions, did they know *bo.t <oey *nd if so why were they le*)ing him *lone8 We weren1t worried *bo.t ti//ing &*n off *bo.t <oey6it w*sn1t *s if this wo.ld e)er see his b.ddies *g*in to tell them- B.t &*n insisted he h*d no ide* wh*t we were t*lking *bo.t- Other werewol)es in An'hor*ge8 5e)er met them- %is s'ent fo.nd *t the site of *

m.rdered former P*'k member8 %.h+ we be mist*ken- #*ybe o.r sense of smell w*sn1t *s good *s we tho.ghtOn to Reese+ then- 5o/e+ he didn1t '.t the finger off *ny werewolf in * %*ted 5o+ he h*dn1t witnessed *ny finger('.tting either- As for why his s'ent w*s there+ he h*d no ide*- #*ybe *nother werewolf in An'hor*ge h*d * simil*r s'ent- #*ybe th*t w*s the one we1d smelled in &ennis1s '*bin+ too- All werewol)es did kind of smell *like+ yo. knowWh*t *bo.t the in)*sion of o.r room *nd the ;de/osit; he1d left ill o.r bed8 5o/e+ not him-"esler *dmitted they1d been there8 Ah+ th*t might e2/l*in things+ then-"esler w*s 'r*7y- %e wo.ldn1t /.t it /*st the g.y to kill the old m*n for ki'ks+ '.t off th*t kid1s fingers *nd 0erk off in my .nderwe*rB.t we h*dn1t mentioned th*t the de*d werewolf w*s old- Or where we fo.nd the se'ond de/osit- 5o+ we h*)e- %ow else wo.ld he know8 &*n w*sn1t too bright+ b.t he w*s ten*'io.s- " he w*s 3.i'k to t.rn on his le*der+ there w*s no w*y he w*s *dmitting to h*)ing done *nything himself- !till+ *s if to /ro)e his .sef.lness+ he did )ol.nteer to gi)e .s f.ll dossiers on the"eslers if we1d /.t him into /rote'ti)e '.stody like Reese- When we didn1t s*y *nything in res/onse+ he seemed to t*ke th*t *s *greementAs Rom*n h*d s.s/e'ted+ the"esler brothers6"r*)is *nd ddie6s/ent most of their li)es in Ukr*ine- "h*t1s where their f*ther w*s from+ before he immigr*ted to the United !t*tes *nd tried to m*ke * life *s * f*rmer- When th*t f*iled+ he1d gone b*'k home+ t*king his sons with him+ *nd ye*rs l*ter they1d met this m.tt6&*ny*Podro)*"he storyPodro)* g*)e '*me 'lose to Rom*n1s th*t we knew he w*s *t le*st *ttem/ting to tell the "he"eslers r*n * sm*ll g*ng th*t h*d mo)ed *ro.nd *stern .ro/e+ st*ying off the R.ssi*n P*'k1s territory- Of 'o.rse+ inPodro)*1s )ersion+ the R.ssi*ns were * b.n'h of b.llies who1d ke/t them on the r.n+ when *ll they w*nted to do w*s settle down *nd /ly their tr*de- And the n* of th*t tr*de8 G.n(r.nning+ he re*dily *dmittedA he e)en offered to hel/ the Ameri'*n P*'k set ./ its own enter/rise;@ery good money+; he s*id- ;Lots of /l*'es+ they need g.ns- P*y * lot of money-; !o the"esler g*ng h*d 0.m/ed *ro.nd *stern .ro/e+ /i'king ./ new members *s it went"hen they1d r.n into * s/ot of tro.ble be'*.se of "r*)is"esler1s h*bit;%e likes the girls- %e likes the ones who do not *lw*ys like him+ if yo. .nderst*nd-; Oh+ 9 .nderstoodPodro)*down/l*yed"esler1s /roblems with the l*w- "hey1d been /l*nning to mo)e *nyw*y+ he e2/l*ined- ddie h*d been rese*r'hing An'hor*ge+ thinking it might be * st*ble b*se of o/er*tions- A /ort 'ity in the wild 'o.ntry+ f*r from the Ameri'*n P*'k th*t no one wo.ld /*y them m.'h *ttention-

Right now+ it w*s 0.stPodro)* *nd the brothers+ setting ./ in An'hor*ge- "wo others were off on b.siness+ est*blishing tr*de ro.tes in the Lower GH- And+ *s Rom*n s.s/e'ted+ more h*d been left behind+ w*iting for the brothers to get est*blished here- P*rt of those efforts+ it seemed+ w*s 'le*ring o.t *ll other werewol)es"h*t e2/l*ined why they1d killed &ennis+ b.t not why he1d been And wh*t *bo.t <oey8 $onsidering how 3.i'k these m.tts were to /o.n'e on Reese *nd now on .s+ it seemed .nlikely th*t they1d been here for o)er * month *nd didn1t know they still h*d *nother werewolf in townB.t herePodro)* retre*ted into silen'e- %e didn1t know &ennis- And those men m.rdered in the woods8 %e didn1t know them either- Wol)es got them+ he1d he*rd- As for the girls8 Well+ yes+ "ester did h*)e * b*d h*bit+ b.t he didn1t do th*t *nymore+ not *fter the tro.ble he '*.sed b*'k home!o+ &ennis h*d been killed by werewol)es+ three h.m*ns h*d been sl*.ghtered by wol)es *nd three girls were missing6*ll sin'e this mini(/*'k h*d 'ome into town- B.t they h*d nothing to do with *ny of it$l*y took me *side;9 need yo. to st*nd g.*rd+; he s*id;9 know wh*t yo. h*)e to do+ $l*y-; ;:e*h+ b.t yo. don1t need to see it-; ;9 think 9 do+ if 91m going to be Al/h*- <eremy /l*ys his /*rt- %e t*kes the le*d *nd *sks the 3.estions-; ;#*ybe+ b.t *fter *ll these ye*rs+ 9 don1t re3.ire s./er)ision- 9 know wh*t yo. w*nt from him91ll get it- 9f 9 h*)e 3.estions+ 91ll 'ome o.t *nd *sk-; ;9 need to see6; ;B.t 9 don1t need yo. to see it-; 9 met his g*7e *nd .nderstood- 9t w*sn1t *bo.t me- Al/h* or not+ 9 w*s still $l*y1s lo)er+ *nd this w*sn1t * side of himself he '*red to show me- As Bet* *nd Al/h*+ $l*y *nd 9 wo.ld ne)er be like $l*y *nd <eremy- We sho.ldn1t try- 9f we were going to m*ke this work+ 9 h*d to remember th*t!o 9 stood g.*rd- Wh*t $l*y w*s doing took time6*nd right now it w*s time 9 didn1t re*lly w*nt to s/end by myself+ lost in my tho.ghts+ thinking *bo.t "r*)is"esler *nd wh*t he1d tried to do to me-

For twenty ye*rs 91d been the only fem*le werewolf in * world of men who )iewed women not *s mothers *nd sisters *nd girlfriends *nd wi)es+ b.t *s re'e/t*'les for s*tisfying two b*si' dri)es, se2 *nd re/rod.'tion- !ome s*w me *nd ye*rned for wh*t they 'o.ldn1t h*)e6* /*rtner+ * m*te+ * wom*n who wo.ld .nderst*nd *nd *''e/t them *nd sh*re their li)es 'om/letelyOthers felt * )ery different ye*rning6the dri)e to t*ke re)enge on $l*y for enfor'ing P*'k l*w or to ste/ ./ on the hier*r'hy l*dder by h.rting the m*n one from the to/After *ll those ye*rs+ *ll those en'o.nters+ *ttem/ted r*/e sho.ld be /*r for the 'o.rse- 9 sho.ld h*)e de*lt with it *g*in *nd *g*in+ .ntil 9 fin*lly e2/.nged the demons of my 'hildhood *nd those old wo.nds s'*rred o)er+ *nd im/enetr*ble- B.t they h*dn1t"here h*d been * few h*lfhe*rted *ttem/ts6m.tts who weren1t r*/ists+ by n* b.t tho.ght it wo.ld be *n e*sy w*y to h.rt $l*y- Pro/erty tres/*ss more th*n se2.*l *ss*.lt- 9t h*dn1t t*ken m.'h of * fight to diss.*de them+ *nd 91d ne)er felt serio.sly thre*tenedFor the rest+ they1d dre*med of se2 not r*/e+ of swe*ty h*nd(to(h*nd 'omb*t+ bites t.rning to br.ising kisses+ /.n'hes to gro/es *nd e*ger '*resses- #.t.*l /*ssion*te se26their egos wo.ld ne)er *''e/t *nything less- "hey w*nted to show me th*t they1d be * better m*te th*n $l*y 6* better lo)er+ * better /*rtner+ 'ert*inly * s*ner one- When sed.'tion f*iled+ most b*'ked off+ le*)ing the del.sion*l few who were 'on)in'ed it w*s only * m*tter of time before 9 '*me *ro.ndFor twenty ye*rs+ 91d sh*ttered ill.sions- 9ll.sions of re)enge- 9ll.sions of lo)e- 9ll.sions of se2B.t not ill.sions of r*/e- "hese men h*d ne)er felt inferior to * wom*n6* mere h.m*n6so they1d ne)er felt the need to /ro)e their s./eriority- 5ow 91d met * who did *nd he w*s still o.t there+ thw*rted *nd w*iting for his 'h*n'e to try *g*in9 h*d only to think *bo.t it *nd somewhere inside me+ 9 w*s twel)e ye*rs old *g*in+ shi)ering .nder the 'o)ers+ /r*ying he wo.ldn1t 'ome tonight *nd knowing if he did+ there w*s nothing 9 'o.ld doBLA# W% 5 "% WAR %OU! door o/ened+ 9 0.m/ed- $l*y 'losed it *nd /*.sed+ b*'k to me+ 'olle'ting himself before t.rning *nd fi2ing **l e2/ression on his f*'e- 9t w*s * str.ggle+ *nd he soon g*)e ./+ lines dee/ening *ro.nd his *nd between his eyes+ f*'e /*le *nd dr*wn- Blood fle'ked his shirt *nd ne'k- #ore s/e'kled one 'heek- 9 tried not to think *bo.t how it got there;&one8; 9 *sked;Almost- %e1s o.t 'old- 91m 'he'king in before 9 finish-; ;&id he gi)e yo. *nything8; ;A bit- 5ot;

&*n h*d *dmitted th*t"esler killed &ennis in * territori*l dis/.te- %e s*id &ennis h*d fo.nd them *nd ordered them o.t of Al*sk*- %e1d 'h*llenged"esler + they1d fo.ght+ &ennis died *nd"esler h*d tied his body ./ in the '*bin to m*ke it look like * bre*k(*nd(enter gone b*dWhi'h w*s b.llshit- &ennis might h*)e gotten more ;in to.'h with his inner werewolf+; b.t th*t inner werewolf still wo.ld h*)e t*ken one look *t"esler1s h.lking o.ter wolf *nd r.n the other w*y- Wh*t we1d seen on &ennis1s body were the signs of not * f*ir fightWhen *sked *bo.t this+* h*d l*.ghed- Were we not tort.ring him for inform*tion8 Wh*t+ then+ did we think"esler w*nted8 As for wh*t+Podro)* got )*g.e *g*in+ b.t he h*7*rded * few g.esses6b*nk *''o.nt det*ils+ keys to &ennis1s tr.'k4 9f"esler w*s going to w*ste time killing the g.y+ he *s hell w*s going to m*ke he t.rned * /rofit- !*dly+ gi)en e)erything we1d seen *nd he*rd of"esler + this m*de sense- " it h*d been h*rd to g*.ge the e2tent of the it h*d seemed the kind of thing wo.ld do+ tying ./ * homeowner *nd m*king him gi)e P95s *nd /*sswords so they 'o.ld em/ty his *''o.ntsPodro)**lso *dmitted they1d h*d 'ont*'t with <oey- "hey left him *lone be'*.se they h*d *n *greement with him- As for wh*t th*t *greement w*s+ he h*d no ide*6th*t w*s ddie"esler1s *re*- A//*rently+ b*by brother w*s the br*ins of the o/er*tion+ whi'h didn1t s.r/rise me6 Rom*n s*id the g*ng w*s sm*rt *nd "r*)is"esler didn1t strike me *s * dee/ thinker- AllPodro)* knew w*s th*t for now+ <oey w*s .nto.'h*blePodro)*h*d *lso *dmitted th*t their /*'k w*s res/onsible for the wolf kills- Well+ the first+ *t le*st- One of the other members h*d killed him+ *nd th*t1s why he1d been sent *w*y on b.siness 6in /.nishment- ddie didn1t toler*te m*n(killing- Like the r*/es+ it w*sn1t 'ond.'i)e to * settled lifestyleAs for the other two )i'tims+Podro)* knew nothing *bo.t them- :es+ the l*st one h*d been fo.nd 'lose to where they $h*nged *nd r*n+ *t * s/ot *w*y from their '*bin+ whi'h ddie insisted on- B.t none of them knew why * h.m*n wo.ld be killed+ *//*rently by l*rge '*nines+ in th*t s*me s/ot$l*y s.s/e'tedPodro)* himself w*s res/onsible for the two .n'l*imed killings+ th*t he1d *'ted on his own *nd 'o)ered his *ss so he wo.ldn1t be sent *w*y like his 'omr*de- 5ow he 'ontin.ed 'o)ering it+ *fr*id th*t beingo.ted *s * m*n(e*ter wo.ld se*l his f*te with .s- B.t of *ll the *nd 3.estions+ this w*s le*st im/ort*nt- We knew they were res/onsible"here w*s * limit to how f*r $l*y 'o.ld /.sh+ *nd how m.'h /*in he 'o.ld infli't while kee/ing the s.b0e't 'ons'io.s *nd l.'id+ so he1d mo)ed to wh*t he knew w*s *nother im/ort*nt iss.e for me, the missing women- And here is where+ dri)en to his limit+Podro)* no longer bothered being '*gey- :es+ he w*s "ester h*d t*ken those girls- When their little /*'k mo)ed to Al*sk*+ ddie insisted his older brother lose the h*bit- L*w enfor'ement wo.ld be stri'ter *nd more *d)*n'ed here+ *nd if they were settling in for the long term+ they h*d to be more '*ref.l-

!o whilePodro)* h*d no /roof of it+ he w*s 'ert*in those girls h*dn1t 'oin'ident*lly )*nished *fter they *rri)ed- <.st *s he w*s there wo.ld be more;And th*t1s *ll he s*id- B.t wh*t yo. re*lly w*nt to know is, where the hell is th*t '*bin so yo. '*n sto/ this b*st*rd8 %e s*ys he doesn1t know where it is+ *nd *s st./id *s th*t so.nds+ *nd 9 belie)e him- "he "esters do *ll the dri)ing- "his g.y goes *long for the ride- %e knows it1s of the 'ity- %e knows it1s *bo.t *n ho.r1s dri)e- %e knows they /*ss th*t ser)i'e 'enter before they t.rn off be'*.se they like the /i77* there+ so they sto/ in on the w*y b*'k- "hen+ *fter they get b*'k on the highw*y+ dri)e *while+ then t.rn- And t.rn- And t.rn4 ; 9 gro*ned;:e*h+ it1s like getting to &ennis1s /l*'e+ only it seems e)en f*rther in the woods- 9t1s the s*me de*l+ too+ where yo. '*n1t get there in the winter e2'e/t by snowmobile-; ;B.t they bo.ght the '*bin+ so if we rese*r'h re*l est*te tr*ns*'tions in the right time /eriod4 ; 9 s*w his e2/ression *nd sto//ed- ;"hey didn1t b.y it+ did they8; ;"his g.y h*s no f.'king ide*+ d*rling- All he knows is they '*me to An'hor*ge *nd they mo)ed into * big 'ott*ge th*t w*s *lre*dy f.rnished- "he"eslers might h*)e bo.ght it- Or they might h*)e killed the owners- Or they might be s3.*tting in some o.t(of(towner1s s.mmer '*bin"his does *s he1s told *nd he doesn1t 'l.tter his br*in with det*ils- %e1s h*//y to h*)e *n Al/h* to tell him wh*t to do-; %e swi/ed the blood from his 'heek- ;91m not going to get *nything more from him on th*t+ b.t if there1s something else4 ; "here w*s more 9 w*nted to get+ b.t nothing he 'o.ld get- 9f the w*s .n'ons'io.s+ he1d /*ssed the bre*king /oint- )en if $l*y 'o.ld him+ he1d h*d * t*ste of /*inless obli)ion *nd he1d s/o.t wh*te)er lies $l*y seemed to w*nt to he*r if it wo.ld t*ke him b*'k there;"h*t1s; 9 s*id- ;91ll hel/ with the rest-; ;91)e got it-; ;:o.1re going to need to b.ry6; ;9t1s * dirt floor *nd tools- 91ll m*ke do-; ;B.t 9 '*n6; ;Got it-; %e went b*'k inside- When he '*me o.t l*ter+ he '*rried * b*g+ /res.m*bly holding *ny belongings th*t 'o.ld identify the de*d m*n- We w*lked to the shore where 9 hel/ed him 'le*n off the blood- By the time we1d finished+ his mood h*d lifted- %e w*sn1t re*dy for 'r*'king 0okes+ b.t he1d ret.rned to * 3.iet e3.ilibri.m-

9 .sed to think th*t $l*y didn1t feel *nything when he h*d to m.tts- %e doesA he doesn1t let it linger- 9t1s /*rt of the 0ob *nd /*rt of the m*n he1s 'hosen to be6the s*disti' /sy'ho th*t m.tts .se to s'*re their sons- With * re/.t*tion like th*t+ no one d*res 'ross him to get to the Al/h*+ whi'h is the /oint- B.t the /roblem with being * legend is th*t yo. h*)e to li)e ./ to it9 might wish sometimes th*t it 'o.ld be different+ th*t we 'o.ld r.le by re*son *nd 0.sti'e inste*d of might *nd fe*r- B.t it won1t h*//en- 5ot in my lifetime- Like <eremy+ 9 '*n r.le with re*son *nd 0.sti'e+ b.t no one will listen witho.t th*t sh*r/ end of the sti'kW 1& BAR L: !"AR" & w*lking b*'k to the hotel when 9 fin*lly bl.rted it o.t;9 got * letter l*st week- From one of my foster /*rents-; ;One of the men8; he *sked- %e knew 9 didn1t like '*lling them ;foster f*thers-; 9 nodded+ then st.ffed my h*nds in my /o'kets- ;We '*n dis'.ss it l*ter- 9 know this isn1t the time- 9 0.st69 sho.ld t*lk *bo.t it *nd 9 kee/ *)oiding it+ so now th*t yo. know+ yo. '*n4 9 don1t know- <.st forget6; ;"here1s * d*mned good re*son yo. mentioned it now-; %e looked o)er+ '*t'hing my g*7e- %e w*s right+ of 'o.rse- Wh*t h*//ened to me with "r*)is"esler res.rre'ted *n iss.e th*t h*dn1t been b.ried )ery dee/ly$l*y *sked who sent the letter- %e w*sn1t *sking for * n*me- %e wo.ldn1t re'ogni7e it- "here1d been * time+ b*'k in the beginning+ *fter he bit me *nd w*s fr*nti'*lly trying to m*ke *mends+ th*t he1d *sked for n*mes- %e h*dn1t been s.r/rised when 9 wo.ldn1t gi)e them:e*rs *go+ 91d sent letters to the $hildren1s Aid !o'iety *nd w*rned them *bo.t the f*milies 91d h*d tro.ble with- By then+ most weren1t fostering *nymore- B.t for those th*t were+ 9 w*s * my 'on'erns wo.ld be in)estig*ted+ *nd in follow(./s+ the rem*ining few h*d been remo)ed from the list- !o no other 'hildren were in d*nger+ *nd th*t1s *ll th*t h*d m*ttered to me- All th*t sho.ld m*tter$l*y wo.ldn1t ne'ess*rily *gree- When we1d been d*ting+ he1d gone *fter *n old foster brother who1d been st*lking me- Be*t him br.t*lly- 9 w*s there- 9 s*w it- And 9 don1t know wh*t horrified me more6w*t'hing it or wishing 91d been the one deli)ering the blows"h*t w*s the beginning of where things h*d gone wrong for .s- 9n *sking for the n*mes of the men who1d *b.sed me+ $l*y h*d only been gr*s/ing *t str*ws+ des/er*te to find * w*y to /ro)e his lo)e)en l*ter+ when 9 wo.ld t*lk to him *bo.t wh*t h*d h*//ened+ 9 think he felt th*t something sho.ld be done- By .ns/oken *greement+ then+ we ne)er referred to them by n*me+ so now+ when he *sked whi'h one sent the letter+ 9 s*id only+ ;#*/le !treet-;

%e swore- !li//ed his *rm *ro.nd my w*ist- P.lled me 'loser *s we w*lked ./ the hill to the hotel;%e1s going ther*/y+; 9 s*id; le'trosho'k8; 9 'o.ldn1t s.//ress * smile- ;Unfort.n*tely+ no- B.t *s /*rt of this ther*/y+ he1s s.//osed to 'ont*'t his )i'tims *nd *sk6; 9 'hoked on the word- ;Ask for forgi)eness-; $l*y1s re*'tion to th*t w*s /redi't*ble- And+ *g*in+ it m*de me smile+ *nd wish 91d told him the d*y the letter *rri)ed- 9t w*s like his re*'tion to #*llory %irs'h1s bit'hy tre*tment of me6there w*s * gre*t de*l of /le* to be fo.nd in im*gining .nle*shing him on those who wronged me+ e)en if 9 knew 91d ne)er *'t.*lly do it+ th*t the g.ilt wo.ld o.tweigh the /le*;9 ho/e yo. told him where to st.ff it+; he s*id fin*lly;9 don1t forgi)e him+; 9 s*id;%ell+ no+ yo. don1t- And why sho.ld yo.8 !o he '*n feel better8 Get on with his life8 And wh*t1s he done to hel/ yo. get on with yo.rs8; 9 didn1t *nswer- 9 'o.ldn1t- 9 wished 91d ke/t the letter so 9 'o.ld fly to Ont*rio+ m*r'h ./ to him *nd4 And 9 don1t know wh*t- 5ot h.rt him- <.st show him th*t 9 didn1t need his */ology+ 9 g.ess!how him th*t 9 w*s ok*y- Better th*n ok*y- 9 w*s h*//y+ in s/ite of e)erything he1d done to me+ *nd no+ 9 didn1t forgi)e him- God hel/ me+ 9 wo.ld not forgi)e him;!ending yo. th*t letter w*s wrong+; $l*y s*id- ;9 don1t gi)e * f.'k how b*d he feels- Wh*t kind of ther*/ist ri/s o/en the /*st by m*king him send * letter like th*t8; ;91m it hel/s some )i'tims-; ;Well+ not *ll- And it1s irres/onsible to /.ll th*t shit-; 9 nodded- And+ *g*in+ 9 wished 91d told him e*rlier+ be'*.se this w*s e2*'tly wh*t 9 w*nted to he*r+ )indi'*tion th*t 9 h*d * right to be /issed off+ )indi'*tion th*t 9 h*d * right not to w*nt to reo/en those old wo.nds#*ybe * ther*/ist wo.ld tell me this /ro)ed 9 w*sn1t he*led- %ow 91d re*'ted to"esler *lso /ro)ed 9 w*sn1t he*led- When 9 s*id *s m.'h to $l*y+ he shook his he*d;"he re*son"esler fre*ked yo. o.t is be'*.se of th*t letter- 9t bro.ght *ll th*t shit to the s.rf*'e+ *nd it w*s f.'king b*d l.'k th*t"esler '*me *long *nd t*//ed into it- B.t th*t1s o)er- %e1s * 'ow*rd *nd yo. know it now- %o/ef.lly+ yo.1ll ne)er h*)e to de*l with him *g*in6not *lone+

*nyw*y+ b.t if yo. do+ then show him who1s boss *nd he1ll r.n like hell- :o.1re * better fighter th*n him- &on1t forget it-; 9 nodded+ b.t this time+ 9 w*sn1t so 9 *greed- When $l*y seemed re*dy to /.rs.e it+ 9 *t the b*g he w*s holding;:o. took the m.tt1s 'lothing8; 9 s*id- ;We1ll need to find * /l*'e to b.rn it-; ;5*h- 9t w*s *ll generi' st.ff- 9 only w*nted this-; %e h*nded me the b*g- 9nside w*s &*n1s 0*'ket+ w*shed denim with le*ther trim *nd *she*rling lining;5i'e+ b.t it looks * little sm*ll for yo.-; %e rolled his eyes;Ok*y+; 9 s*id- ;9 gi)e ./- Wh*t did yo. w*nt with his 0*'ket8; ;9t1s not his- 9t1s &ennis1s-; ;&ennis8; ;9 smelled him on it when 9 w*s 'he'kingPodro)* for 9&- !o 9 took it- 5o is being b.ried in &ennis1s 'o*t-; 9 /.lled it from the b*g- ;"his isn1t &ennis1s- First+ 9 s*w his 'o*t in the '*bin6* /l*in+ !e*rs '*t*log.e /*rk*- All his 'lothing w*s de/*rtment store *nd th*t6; 9 /ointed to the 0*'ket- ;6 might h*)e 'ome from * '*t*log.e+ b.t if so+ it w*s from one of those f*n'y 'ollegi*te stores- 9t1s * m*n1s 0*'ket- &ennis w*s trying to re'*/ his wolf+ not his; ;Well+ it smells like &ennis- Like he wore it-; %e motioned for me to sniff the inside- 9 did *nd &ennis1s s'ent w*s indeed there+ *s if he1d /.lled it on on'e or twi'e+ b.t .nder the m.tt1s more re'ent smell w*s *nother+ dee/er one embedded in the f*bri'- "he re*l owner- And when 9 '*.ght * whiff of th*t+ 9 sworeA smile 're*sed $l*y1s eyes- ;Admitting yo.1re wrong+ d*rling8; ;5ot *bo.t th*t- !omething bigger- At &ennis1s /l*'e+ 9 smelled *nother werewolf- A f*mily member- 9 / it w*s <oey+ b.t h*)ing now smelled <oey *nd smelling this+ 9 w*s wrong"his 'o*t be longed to * werewolf *nd it belonged to * !tillwell- B.t not &ennis *nd not <oey-; 9t w*s $l*y1s t.rn to '.rse+ t*king the 0*'ket+ inh*ling dee/er *nd '.rsing *g*in;We need to t*lk to <oey+; 9 s*id91& ALR A&: 5 & & to t*lk to him6*bo.t this ;de*l; with the m.tts *nd his lie *bo.t not

en'o.ntering them- And now this, the e2isten'e+ or former e2isten'e+ of * !tillwell th*t <eremy knew nothing *bo.tB.t this w*sn1t the sort of 'on)ers*tion we 'o.ld h*)e in <oey1s offi'e- We1d need to w*yl*y him *s he left work+ *nd ho/e he didn1t de'ide to /.t in too m.'h o)ertime9t w*s onlymid*fternoon + me*ning we 'o.ldn1t t*lk to <oey for * few "h*t w*s fine+ be'*.se right now+ neither of .s w*s in the mood for th*t 'on)ers*tion- We were tired *nd h.ngry *nd sore+ *nd *ll we w*nted w*s to 'r*sh in o.r hotel room4 whi'h w*s * /roblem;Alre*dy t*ken '*re of+; $l*y s*id- ;9 '*lled <eremy when we first s/lit ./- %e1ll h*)e something booked for .s by now-; First+ we h*d to retrie)e o.r st.ff- #y ste/s slowed *s we entered the lobby+ 'ert*in 9 'o.ld /i'k ./ the f*int smell of "r*)is"esler + my stom*'h knotting *t the tho.ght of going ./ there+ smelling him+ smelling wh*t he1d done;"*ke * se*t+; $l*y s*id+ w*)ing *t the *rm'h*irs in the middle of the lobby- ;$*ll the kids-; 9 hesit*ted;Plenty of /eo/le *ro.nd+; he s*id- ;9t1s s*fe-; ;"h*t1s not wh*t 9 me*nt- 9 sho.ld hel/6; ;!it-; When he st*rted w*lking *w*y+ 9 '*lled him b*'k *nd le*ned in 'loser to whis/er+ ;#y 'lothes"he ones he4 ; ;9n the ne*rest tr*sh+ *long with *nything he so m.'h *s to.'hed-; ;"h*nks-; ;%ey+ if yo. h*)e to w*lk *ro.nd n*ked for * few d*ys+ 91m not 'om/l*ining-; 9 m*n*ged * smile+ then /i'ked * se*t with my b*'k to the m*nned 'o.nter+ f*'ing the doors- 9 'o.ldn1t im*gine"esler sne*king ./ on me here+ b.t 9 felt better being '*ref.l- "hen 9 '*lled home9 t*lked to K*te first- 9 st*rted by re*ss.ring her th*t we were 'oming home *s soon *s /ossible+ fending off the /roblems <eremy h*d with her e*rlier- 9t worked!he told me *bo.t her d*y+ s/e'ifi'*lly dinner yesterd*y *fter <eremy h*d left for 5ew :ork+ when <*ime m*de them /*n'*kes+ whi'h were good+ b.t she h*dn1t done it 3.ite right+ be'*.se it w*sn1t bre*kf*st so they weren1t in their /*0*m*s *nd<*imes h*d forgotten the bl.eberries+ b.t no+

K*te didn1t w*nt me to tell <*ime where the bl.eberries were be'*.se she w*nted to s*)e them .ntil we got home+ *nd *s soon *s we got home+ we h*d to h*)e o.r s/e'i*l /*n'*ke bre*kf*st with bl.eberries *nd h*m+ *nd we h*d to be in o.r /*0*m*s+ *nd we h*d to /retend there wo.ldn1t be for &*ddy *nd sm*'k his h*nd when he tried to ste*l h*m from the frying /*n+ *nd then he h*d to '*rry me o.t of the room *nd lo'k the door *nd4 9t w*s * silly little rit.*l- "he kind three(ye*r(olds lo)e+ one th*t kee/s e)ol)ing *nd e)ery ste/ be /erformed e)ery time *nd it1s *s hil*rio.s the tenth time *s the firstWhen $l*y '*me down+ 9 st*rted to st*nd+ b.t he motioned th*t he1d 'he'k .s o.t *nd 9 sho.ld kee/ t*lking- 9 still /*ssed him the /hone *nd h.rried off before he 'o.ld *rg.e- 9 w*sn1t the only one who 'o.ld .se the gro.nding of o.r d*.ghter1s 'h*tter- As 9 w*lked *w*y+ 9 he*rd her s*ying+ ;And <*ime m*de .s /*n'*kes+ b.t she4 ; *nd 9 smiledPROF !!OR ;5OW "%9! 9! more like it+; $l*y s*id *s we w*lked into o.r new hotel room9 tossed my'*se in the 'orner *nd he*ded for the room ser)i'e men.- $l*y sn*t'hed it first; 2'.se me+; 9 s*id- ;:o.1re s.//osed to be re*ding &ennis1s notes+ remember8 9 belie)e th*t w*s *n order-; ;#y stom*'h e2er'ises its /ower of )eto- Food first+ work l*ter-; A5 %OUR LA" R+ his stom*'h f.ll+ $l*y w*s /ro//ed ./ *t the he*d of the bed+ re*ding &ennis1s notes *lo.d *nd *dding le' bits *s he went- 9 w*s '.rled ./ with the /illows beside him+ eyes 'losed *s 9 listened- &ennis1s notes were mostly *bo.t othersh*/eshifter myths+ ones $l*y *lre*dy knew- "here w*s theB*0*ng from #*l*ysi*+ * dw*rfish h.m*n th*t '*n tr*nsform into * /ole'*t- Or the Gre'i*n!trig* + * wit'h th*t shifts into * s'ree'h owl- Or West Afri'*n leo/*rd men+ the offs/ring of h.m*ns *nd leo/*rd gods+ who '*n t*ke on the form of * '*t- Go to B*li *nd yo.1ll find theLey*k + bl*'k(m*gi' /r*'titioners who 'h*nge into *nim*ls *t night- "he !'ots h*)e their!elkies + se*ls who '*n 'h*nge into h.m*n- Br*7ili*ns h*)e n'*nt*do + h.m*ns who shift into *nim*ls+ /*rti'.l*rly dol/hins- And th*t1s only the beginning"he most /o/.l*r sh*/e(shifting form+ is '*nine- #*ybe th*t1s /roof th*t h.m*ns *re+ in some w*y+ *w*re of .s- B.t '*nines *re *lso the *nim*l they1re most f*mili*r with+ from the 'om/*nion dog to the /red*tory wolf- $*nines work beside h.m*ns+ li)e with h.m*ns *nd h*)e+ for 'ent.ries+ 'om/eted with them+ for both food *nd territory- 9s it *ny wonder th*t when /eo/le im*gine the *nim*l sh*/e of their dre*ms *nd nightm*res+ it1s the dog+ the fo2+ the 0*'k*l+ the wolf8 9n *lmost *ny ' th*t h*s '*nines+ yo.1ll find t*les of hybrids or shifters- "he Flemish h*)e the monstro.s bl*'k doglikeKl.dde + the <*/*nese h*)e the r*''oon(dog shifting"* *nd the fo2( + thio/i* h*s the wolf(dog$ro'ott* + 5orth Ameri'*n 5*ti)es h*)e their 'oyote *nd wolf shifting skin(w*lkers-

$l*y knew *ll of them+ b.t *s he re*d+ he inf.sed e)ery s'r*/ of well(trodden myth with the e2'itement *nd /*ssion of * new dis'o)ery- "his w*s *nother /*rt of $l*y- "he f*ther+ the lo)er+ the enfor'er *nd the /rofessor- Fo.r sides entwining into * whole6sim/le yet 'om/le2+ f*s'in*ting *nd inf.ri*ting9 /ro//ed myself on one elbow *nd le*ned o)er to look *t him+ my h*ir gr*7ing the notes in his h*nd;9 lo)e yo.+; 9 s*id%e swi/ed my h*ir *w*y- ;:o. interr./ted my le' for th*t8 "ell me something 9 don1t *lre*dy know-; ;9 h*te yo.-; ;Know th*t+ too- Kee/s things interesting- 5ow where w*s 98; ;Pom/o.sly e2/o.nding on the *r'*ne min.ti*e of sh*/e(shifting lore-; ;Been doing th*t for the l*st ho.r- ?.estion is, whi'h bit of min.ti*e w*s 9 e2/o.nding on8; 9 lifted the notes to his nose;Ah+ thetl*h.el/.'hi - A't.*lly+ more * )*m/ire myth th*nsh*/eshifter 6; ;!imil*r to then*g.*l +; 9 s*id+ ;b.t differing in both the )*riety of tr*nsform*tion *nd the tr*nsmission of the /ower- An*g.*l shifts into re'ogni7*ble *nim*l form *nd is belie)ed to le*rn the 'r*ft+ while thetl*h.el/.'hi '.rse is inherited *nd the '.rsed being shifts into * besti*l form+ often resembling * bird+ s.'h *s * ) or th*t o)er looked horror mo)ie /ossibility6the dre*ded were(t.rkey-; ;:o. know it so well8 :o. gi)e the le'; ;God forbid- "he /odi.m is &r- &*n)ers-; %e /.t *n *rm *ro.nd me+ /.lled me *g*inst his side *nd '*rried onW WA"$% & <O : he*d for his '*r+ * b*by #er'edes th*t 9 w*s h*d ne)er ) /*st the 'ity limits- %e h*d his he*d down+ frowning *s he se*r'hed his /o'ket for his keys- %e /.lled them o.t+ /ointed the fob *nd s*w $l*y *nd me blo'king the w*y<oey sto//ed so s.ddenly his lo*fers s3.e*ked on the d*m/ *s/h*lt- ;9 s*id 9 didn1t w*nt to6; $l*y threw the denim 0*'ket on the '*r hood-

<oey win'ed *s the b.ttons s'r*/ed the /*int;Re'ogni7e it8; $l*y s*id;Looks like something yo.1d we*r+ so 91m g.essing6; ;9t belongs to * !tillwell-; ;#y f*ther8 5ot e2*'tly his style-; ;9t1s not yo.r f*ther1s *nd it1s not B.t it smells like yo.- :o.r kin- W*nt to know where 9 got it8; $l*y didn1t w*it for *n *nswer- ;Off * One of the three who killed yo.r f*ther- $*n yo. tell me why he1d be we*ring it8 Or who it belonged to8; ;Why don1t yo. *sk the g.y who h*d it8; <oey frowned- ;5o+ 9 s.//ose yo. '*n1t do th*t+ sin'e he1s /rob*bly no longer *mong the li)ing- "h*t1s the /roblem with tort.ring *nd killing m.tts+ isn1t it8 :o. work so h*rd to get yo.r *nswers+ *nd sometimes they die on yo. first-; <oey1s eyes lit ./ like <eremy1s when he hit the b.ll1s(eye on * seemingly im/ossible t*rget- B.t $l*y stood there+ *s if w*iting for the /.n'h lineAfter * moment of *wkw*rd silen'e+ <oey s*id+ ;91m right+ *ren1t 98 :o. him- Killed him-; ;:e*h-; Ag*in+ <oey w*ited for * re*'tion6'h*grin+ emb*rr*ssment+ sh*me- Ag*in+ $l*y w*ited for him to get to the /oint;&id yo. .se * 'h*ins*w8; <oey s*id- ;9 seem to re'*ll yo. like 'h*ins*ws-; ;"here w*sn1t * /ower o.tlet-; $l*y t.rned to me- ;"h*t1s wh*t 9 w*nt for F*ther1s &*y+ d*rlingA g*s(/owered 'h*ins*w-; "h*t 're/t *'ross <oey1s f*'e+ his eyes h*rdening- ;:o. know wh*t yo. *re+ $l*y8; ;5o ide*+ b.t 91m yo.1d lo)e to tell me-; ;:es+ we interrog*ted the; 9 '.t in- ;We were trying to o.t wh*t h*//ened to yo.r f*ther+ three de*d men *nd three missing women- And yes+ $l*y him .ntil he *dmitted they1d *nd killed yo.r d*d+ killed *t le*st one of the men+ r*/ed *nd /res.m*bly killed the girls- !o wh*t did yo. do with yo.r d*y+ <ose/h8 Write * '*t'hy 0ingle8; ;:o. don1t know *nything *bo.t me-; ;5o+; $l*y s*id 3.ietly- ;9 g.ess 9 don1t-;

<oey 0iggled his keys+ *s if de'iding whether to try sho.ldering /*st $l*y- After * moment+ he /o'keted them- ;Wh*t do yo. w*nt8; ;91)e *lre*dy *sked, who does this 0*'ket belong to8; ;9 h*)e no ide*-; ;$*n 9 g.ess8; 9 s*id- ;:o. *nd yo.r d*d h*d * f*lling o.t- W*s th*t be'*.se *nother son showed ./ on his doorste/8; ;91m * little old to be 0e*lo.s of my d*ddy1s *ttention-; ;9 didn1t s*y yo. were+ b.t yo. might be miffed with him for being '*reless *nd bringing *nother werewolf into the world+ something 9 don1t think yo.1d *//ro)e of-; ;9f my f*ther did+ 9 know nothing *bo.t it- 5ow+ if yo.1ll e2'.se me-; $l*y mo)ed *side to let him into the '*r- %e w*ited .ntil <oey1s h*nd w*s on the door+ then *sked+ his )oi'e low *g*in+ ;&id yo. '*ll them this morning+ <oey8; ;$*ll who8; ;"he m.tts- "hey /*id * )isit to o.r hotel *fter 9 t*lked to yo.-; <oey t.rned+ meeting $l*y1s eyes- ;9 '*n1t belie)e yo.1d *sk me th*t-; ;B.t yo. do h*)e their n.mber+ right8; 9 s*id- ;9t1s /*rt of yo.r de*l with them-; ;&e*l8; %e t.rned to me- ;Wh*t de*l8; $l*y told him wh*t &*nPodro)* s*id;Well+ th*t m.tt1s * li*r+; <oey s*id- ;Big sho'k there- "h*t1s *nother /roblem with tort.ring someone6e)ent.*lly they hit the /oint where they1ll s*y *nything to m*ke yo. sto/- 5o+ 9 don1t h*)e * de*l with * /*'k of *nd 9 didn1t send them to yo.r hotel room- 5ow t*ke yo.r wife+ $l*y+ *nd go home-; ;We1ll le*)e *s soon *s 91m done t*lking to yo.-; ;9 me*n+ go home- B*'k to!toneh*)en - "here1s nothing here yo. need to 'on'ern yo.rself with"*ke yo.r /retty wife+ go b*'k to yo.r Al/h* d*d *nd yo.r kids+ whom 91m *re d*mned *dor*ble- "h*t1s yo.r life- "his is mine- 5ow le*)e me *lone-; W L F" %9# *lone- For now- B.t we knew he w*s lying- W*s he 'oll.ding with * g*ng of g.n(r.nners+ ho/ing to m*ke .s le*)e before we /oked o.r nose in too dee/8 $l*y didn1t think

so+ b.t he h*d to 'onsider the /ossibility+ *nd we h*d to kee/ doing wh*t <oey didn1t seem to w*nt .s to do6digging for the tr.thFA!$95A"9O5 L:55 5:GAR& L9@ & in * neighborhood in west An'hor*ge+ one with winding l*nes *nd thi'k trees+ s/*rsely dotted with e'le'ti' homes th*t r*nged from 'ott*ges to s/r*wling#'#*nsions - %ers w*s one of the sm*llest homes6* tiny A(fr*me 'h*let- 91d '*lled her *g*in *fter we1d 'onfronted <oey+ *nd she1d s*id to 'ome right o)er- $l*y dro)e me+ b.t st*yed in the tr.'k9 *dmit th*t when someone s*id ;/*r*norm*l*st+; 9 /i' * tiny+ dimly lit */*rtment+ smelling of '*nned stew+ the w*lls 'o)ered in yellowed news/*/er *rti'les- 9t 'o.ld be * stereo ty/e- Or it 'o.ld be th*t 91)e met too m*ny who 'onform to it"he neighborhood *nd the were not wh*t 9 e2/e'ted- 5either w*s Lynn5yg*rd - !he looked like * s'hool(te*'her6sm*ll *nd slender with sleek white h*ir- !he .shered me in *s she tried to wr*/ ./ * /hone 'on)ers*tion+ mo.thing *n */ology to me *nd rolling her eyes;9 h*)en1t forgotten- 91m getting old+ not senile- 5ow 9 h*)e * g.est4 ; A /*.se- ;:es+ de*r+ 91ll m*ke *ll the *rr*ngements-; !he w*)ed me into the li)ing room- ;B.t right now4 ; "he /erson on the other end ke/t t*lking- A m*le )oi'e- <.dging by her tone+ 9 w*s g.essing * son;9 re*lly h*)e to let yo. go+ de*r- "here1s * wom*n here who w*nts to t*lk to me *bo.t the wolf kills-; !he widened her eyes- ;Well+ no+ 9 didn1t /l*n to mention my theory on the90ir**t + b.t now th*t yo. mention it4 ; A /*.se;5o+ th*t is *n e2'ellent ide*- 91m so gl*d yo. bro.ght it ./-; %er eyes s/*rkled with mis'hief *s her son1s /rotests grew lo.der;:es+ de*r+ 9 /romise to beh*)e myself- B.t if something goes wrong+ yo. will 'ome )isit me *t the /sy'hi*tri' hos/it*l+ won1t yo.8 Loosen the bindings on my str*it0*'ket8 Wi/e the drool off my 'hin8; !he l*.ghed *t his re/ly+ signed off+ then t.rned to me;&o yo. h*)e kids+ #s- #i'h*els8; ;"wo-; ;Well+ e)ent.*lly yo. re*'h the /oint where they *ren1t whether they1re the 'hildren or the

/*rents- One min.te my son needs #ommy to *rr*nge his wife1s s.r/rise /*rty+ the ne2t he1s trying to m*ke 9 don1t emb*rr*ss myself in front of str*ngers-; !he set down the 'ordless /hone- ;$offee8 Green te*8 Red wine8; 9 noti'ed *n *lmost f.ll wine gl*ss on the kit'hen 'o.nter behind her *nd s*id 91d h*)e wine;!o yo. work with %o/e Ad*ms8; she *sked *s she got down * gl*ss;When she needs me- Otherwise+ 9 freel*n'e- &o yo. know %o/e1s work8; ;91d be * /oor /*r*norm*l f*n*ti' if 9 didn1t- With World Weekly 5ews 'losing l*st ye*r+ "r.e 5ews6*nd #s- Ad*ms1s 'ol.mn6is the only g*me in town for those of .s who like the o''*sion*l )*m/ire story with o.r d*ily doom *nd gloom- 5ot th*t World Weekly 5ews w*s m.'h 'om/etition- 9 sto//ed re*ding it b*'k when they *dded * dis'l*imer th*t it w*s for entert*inment only- !eemed like * li'ense to gi)e ./ e)en trying to .n'o)er *ny; !he h*nded me * gl*ss of wine- ;5ow+ #s- Ad*ms8 !he1s * /rofession*l- !he doesn1t t*ke herself too serio.sly- After *ll6; !he winked- ;6we *re t*lking *bo.t the /*r*norm*l+ not world /oliti's- B.t yo. get the feeling she re*lly is looking for the !he strikes me *s * wom*n 9 'o.ld h*)e * 'offee with-; !he r*ised her gl*ss to me *nd smiled- ;Or * gl*ss of wine-; "he /hone r*ng *g*in- ;"he m*'hine '*n get it+; she s*id;5o+ go *he*d-; 9t sto//ed ringing;Good- 5ow yo. w*nted to know6; "he /hone st*rted *g*in- !he sighed *nd s*id she1d be * moment9 si//ed my wine *nd t.rned to s.r)ey my s.rro.ndings- Wh*t 9 s*w m*de me s/.tter+ 'l*//ing my h*nd to my before 9 s/r*yed my shirt- "here+ *lmost o)er my he*d+ w*s * /i' of me;&o yo. like wol)es8; 9 0.m/ed- Lynn stood in the doorw*y;9 didn1t me*n to st*rtle yo.+; she s*id- ;9 *sked if yo. liked wol)es-; !he /ointed to the /*inting- 9t w*s me4 *s * wolf+ in one of <eremy1s /*intings- 5ightf*ll+ if 9 remembered right- 9t h*d been ye*rs sin'e 91d seen this one- "he /.bli' /referred <eremy1s more *tmos/heri' /i't.res of wol)es in 'ity streets- "his w*s the more n*t.r*l style he liked better-

;9t1s * /rint+; she s*id+ *s she s*t- ;91d lo)e *n origin*l+ b.t 9 'o.ld ne)er *fford one- 9 'onfess+ wol)es f*s'in*te me+ *s they do m*ny /eo/le these d*ys-; ;"hey *re /o/.l*r-; ;From demoni7ed to rom*nti'i7ed- 5o+ my )iew of wol)es is somewh*t more re*listi'+ 9 ho/e"r.e+ they *ren1t the big b*d be*st of lore- B.t if 9 met one in the wild+ 91d b*'k *w*y )ery slowly *nd get o.t of there *s f*st *s 9 'o.ld-; ;5ot try to /et it8; !he l*.ghed- ; 2*'tly- B.t they do intrig.e me more th*n other *nim*ls+ whi'h is why when those killings st*rted+ 9 took *n interest6; "he /hone r*ngLynn sighed- ;"his time+ 9 *m letting the m*'hine /i'k ./-; "he *nswering m*'hine 'li'ked on+ *nd we 'o.ld he*r th*t the '*ller w*s * m*n who s*id he w*s in town on * logging 'ontr*'t *nd looking for * /l*'e to let;91m getting * lot of interest+; Lynn s*id when the mess*ge ended- ;B.t not the sort 9 w*s ho/ing for-; ;:o.1re renting o.t * room8; ;Or two- #y*nd died * 'o./le of ye*rs *go *nd 91m re*dy for some 'om/*ny- 9 w*s thinking of * stri//er-; 9 '*n im*gine my e2/ression be'*.se she l*.ghed- ;"h*t didn1t 'ome o.t right+ did it8 9 me*nt 9 w*s ho/ing to rent rooms to girls on the e2oti' d*n'e 'ir'.it- We get * lot of them here *nd their li)ing *''ommod*tions *re less th*n ide*l- 9 tho.ght 9 'o.ld offer something ni'er+ more se'.re- A s*fe /l*'e to st*y is h*rd to 'ome by in th*t field-; ;9 he*rd * few girls h*)e gone missing l*tely- "hey weren1t stri//ers+ At le*st+ 9 didn1t get th*t im/ression-; ;5o+ they weren1t- 5ot offi'i*lly+ th*t is- "he first one w*s * /*rt(time /rostit.te+ yo. won1t see th*t in the *rti'les- And rightly so+ in my o/inion- One whiff th*t those girls were less th*n s*intly4 ; ;And they1re dismissed *s do/ed(./ whores who took off with the first g.y who /romised them * new life in !e*ttle-; ;Pre'isely- "he se'ond girl+ now she w*s the ty/e who sho.ld m*ke he*dlines- <oy!*t** - An A st.dent- $*me from * fly(in 'omm.nity to *ttend 'ollege- B.t it1s th*t 1fly(in 'omm.nity1 /*rt th*t mo)es her down the /riority list-;

;5*ti)e+ *s w*s the third girl+ 9 think-; ;Right *g*in-AdineA*ri*k - !e)enteen *nd li)ing on the streets- #*ybe t.rned * tri'k now *nd then+ no one on the /oli'e for'e re'*lls /i'king her ./- Grew ./ with the three A1s, *l'ohol+ * *nd *b*ndonment- !he '*me to An'hor*ge ho/ing for * bre*k+ b.t we *ll know how th*t works o.t-; 9 si//ed my wine+ w*iting for her to go on- When she didn1t+ 9 /rom/ted her with+ ;And yo. think4 9 he*rd something *bo.t *liens-; !he grinned- ;Ah+ yes+ my *lien *bd.'tion theory-; !he le*ned 'loser *nd lowered her )oi'e;9t1s b.llshit-; 9 l*.ghed;9 don1t belie)e in *liens- Well+ no+ 9 do+ b.t not in *lien *bd.'tion- $*n yo. re*lly im*gine * re'ogni7*ble *lien r*'e tr*)eling tho.s*nds of light ye*rs to im/regn*te h.m*ns8 9 like to get folks going- "hey e2/e't me to 'ome ./ with*ndish theories+ so 9 do+ then h*)e * good 'h.'kle *s they h.mor me *nd /retend to /l*y *long- A monster did get those girls6b.t one with * )ery h.m*n f*'e- Ag*in+ *n old story+ too often told-; !he dr*ined h*lf her gl*ss of wine; of th*t- :o. '*me to t*lk *bo.t other 'rimes- "he ones in the woods-; ;:o. don1t think wol)es *re res/onsible-; ;9 will *dmit it is /ossible+ b.t 9 )ery strongly it- 91)e t*ken /hotos of the sites *nd the bodies+ *nd while there is e)iden'e of wolf *'ti)ity+ there1s no /roof th*t * wolf *'t.*lly killed or e)en /*rti'i/*ted in e*ting the 'or/ses- A wolf in winter won1t kill something *nd le*)e it for s'*)engers- "hey '*n1t *fford to- #y g.ess is th*t they )isited the site+ took * look+ *nd left it *lone- Wol)es don1t kill /eo/le- "hey don1t-; ;Wolf *tt*'ks *re r*re- &e*ths *re r*re to the /oint of being .nhe*rd of-; !he smiled- ;Good+ yo.1)e done yo.r rese*r'h+ whi'h me*ns 9 '*n ski/ the le' *nd 0.m/ str*ight to the good st.ff- &o yo. know *nything *bo.t90ir**t 8; ;<.st th*t they1resh*/eshifters from mythology-; Lynn e2/l*ined th*t90ir**t were * lesser known ty/e ofsh*/eshifter + indigeno.s to the Ar'ti' *nd the "hey were belie)ed to be s/irits of the l*nd who 'o.ld t*ke on the form of *ny 're* n*ti)e to th*t l*nd+ from r*)en to wolf+ *nd e)en h.m*n- As with most s.'h myths+ the90ir**t were 'ommonly belie)ed to be e)il 're*t.res+ hell(bent on de'ei)ing *nd destroying h.m*nsAnother br*n'h of the myth+ 'l*imed they weren1t inherently e) wild 're*t.res th*t wo.ld+ if thre*tened+ defend themsel)es- One 'ommon thre*d in the stories w*s th*t the90ir**t 'o.ld infl.en'e memory- 9f yo. s*w one+ yo.1d forget *ll *bo.t it if yo. didn1t tell someone else right *w*y+ whi'h 'oin'ident*lly e2/l*ins why they *ren1t seen more often-

;5ow+ *s with most legends+ there *re region*l )*ri*tions- "he s*y th*t the ty/e li)ing here '*n only shift between three forms6h.m*n+ be*r *nd wolf- "here1s * ri'h history of sightings d*ting b*'k o)er * h.ndred ye*rs+ from to.rists to weekend w*rriors to folks who only le*)e the woods when they *bsol.tely h*)e to-; !he re*'hed onto the t*ble behind her to gr*b * folder+ then h*nded it to me- 9 o/ened it to find * thi'k she*f of ty/ed /*ges;"hose *re *ll the *''o.nts 91)e been *ble to find+ both written *nd or*l so.r'es- 9 ty/ed them *ll ./ into * d*t*b*se- :o.1ll see not*tions on e*'h *''o.nt6* 'olor *nd * n.mber- "he 'olor indi'*tes the re/orting /*rty1s 'redibility- Green wo.ld be * gro./ of worthy lo'*ls *ll re/orting the s*me thing- Red wo.ld be * kid who *dmitted he w*s o.t in the woods drinking:ellow is in the middle+ *nd yo. h*)e *ll kinds of )*ri*tions in between- "here1s * legend on the first /*ge- "he n.mbers show how 9 r*nk how 'lose the *''o.nts *re to the most 'ommon 'ore story- "en me*ns it1s de*d on the money- One me*ns it1s so f*r off 9 only in'l.ded it to be; ;:o. definitely *re; !he l*.ghed- ;9 might be * n.t+ b.t 91m the best org*ni7ed n.t *ro.nd-; ;Wo.ld 9 be *ble to borrow4 8; ;Oh+ th*t1s * 'o/y for yo. to t*ke-; As 9 fli//ed * few /*ges+ 9 '*.ght f*mili*r /hr*ses *nd felt * s.rre*l sense of dJ0K ).- Or m*ybe not so m.'h dJ0K ). *s s/ooky 'oin'iden'e- 91d seen some of these /*ges4 * 'o./le of *go;&o yo. gi)e o.t * lot of 'o/ies8; 9 *sked;5ot *s often *s 91m *sked for them- 9 don1t *d)ertise my rese*r'h69 bring my 'hildren grief *s it is6b.t /eo/le find o.t *bo.t my interests+ *s yo. did- With most+ 9 /refer not to en'o.r*ge their f*nt*sies- Gi)e them these *nd they1d be s'o.ring the 'o.ntry side looking for /roof *nd shooting *nything th*t mo)es6*nd not with * '*mer*-; ;!o this is the only 'o/y8; 9 tried to s*y it '*s.*lly+ *bsently e)en+ *s 9 s'*nned the /*ges;9 did gi)e them to someone else re'ently- A friend of mine-; !he bl.shed- ;9 s.//ose friend is being * bit ho/ef.l- An *'3.*int*n'e re*lly- %e1s interested in the90ir**t myth *nd he knows someone on the /oli'e for'e- #y n*me+ *nd my theory+ '*me ./ when they were dis'.ssing the de*ths *nd he got in to.'h with me-; ;%e1s interested in the myth8 An *'*demi'8;

;5o+ no- %e1s *n ele'tri'i*n- "his is * hobby+ b.t he1s 3.ite serio.s *bo.t it- 5ot obsessi)e+ mind yo.- <.st * s'hol*rly interest in * non/rofession*l w*y- Like mine- We hit it off 3.ite well-; !he si//ed her wine- ;Whi'h reminds me th*t 9 h*)en1t he*rd from him in * while+ *nd 9 fo.nd * book he w*s *sking *bo.t- 9 sho.ld '*ll him- Perh*/s in)ite him to dinner-; !he gl*n'ed *t me;&oes th*t seem too forw*rd8; 91d de)elo/ed * good /oker f*'e o)er the ye*rs+ b.t it w*s h*rd to kee/ it *s 9 s*id she sho.ld do it4 knowing th*t the d*te wo.ld ne)er h*//en- 9 'o.ldn1t hel/ thinking th*t it wo.ld h*)e been ni'e for &ennis *nd Lynn to h*)e th*t dinner;&o yo. know wh*t got him interested8; 9 *sked- ;Peo/le who s.ddenly t*ke * serio.s interest in the /*r*norm*l4 Well+ in my e2/erien'es+ it s're*ms 1en'o.nter-1; 9 'o.ld tell by her e2/ression th*t she w*s .n'omfort*ble with the 3.estion9 h.rried on- ;!orry+ 9 didn1t me*n for the *rti'le- %o/e h*s * /oli'y of ne)er re/orting *nything th*t isn1t * firsth*nd *''o.nt- 9 w*s being nosy- When yo. work with this st.ff+ yo. '*n1t hel/4 looking for /roof+ 9 g.ess-; ;9 '*n im*gine- Well+ &en6he seemed to h*)e h*d * sighting+ b.t he ne)er told me *bo.t it- 91)e le*rned not to /.sh- "here *re some who *re e*ger to /o.r their t*le in *ny sym/*theti' e*r+ *nd those who need to work it themsel)es first- %e did s*y he h*s * '*bin in the region re/.ted to be90ir**t territory- %e *sked *bo.t the90ir**t1s forms+ s/e'ifi'*lly- Whether they sh*/e( shifted into be*rs or wol)es+ or /erh*/s into something th*t sim/ly resembled both+ de/ending on the witness-; ;Like two /eo/le seeing *n *nim*l in * 'ity *lley+ one s*ying it w*s * '*t *nd one * r*t-; ; 2*'tly- 9t1s * f*s'in*ting ide* th*t 9 h*dn1t 'onsidered- 9f * h.m*n is going to 'h*nge into *n *nim*l+ * f.ll shift into * be*r or * wolf seems r*ther .nlikely- 9t wo.ld be more logi'*l to 'h*nge into something be*r(like or wolf(like- A be*st on two legs-; ;Like those old %ollywood wolf men-; ;:es+ e2*'tly-; $LA: WA! %U5GR:- 9 told him wh*t 91d le*rned *s we /i'ked ./ b.rgers *t * dri)e(;#*ybe these 're*t.res do e2ist+; he s*id *s he took the /*/er b*g *nd dro)e *w*y witho.t w*iting for his 'h*nge- ;B.t 9 don1t see *ny e)iden'e th*t they1resh*/eshifters - 9 finished going those *''o.nts while yo. were inside *nd there1s not one mention of the .s.*l signs of * sh*/e(shifting h.m*n6footste/s go into * thi'ket *nd /*w /rints 'ome o.t+ shoot *n *nim*l *nd see * wo.nded m*n l*ter- 5ot * 'redible mention *nyw*y- 91d s*y it1s more likely to be * single( form h.m*noid like Bigfoot-;

;Good /oint-; ;Wh*te)er &ennis s*w 'o.ld h*)e been this90ir**t + either * h.m*noid 're* or *sh*/eshifter And wh*te)er *tt*'ked yo. l*st night w*s definitely no be*r- "he s*y these90ir**t h*)e been here for gener*tions *nd /eo/le h*)e been re/orting sightings for * h.ndred ye*rs- B.t only now does it st*rt killing /eo/le8 When * /*'k of rolls into town8; ;Well+ 9 think Lynn w*s missing th*t bit of info-; ;&ennis h*)e seen something+ *nd 9 *gree there might *'t.*lly be something o.t thereWh*t 91m not b.ying is th*t the two6this 're* *nd the killings6*re 'onne'ted- 2'e/t th*t if s.'h * be*st e2ists *nd this is its tr*dition*l territory+ it1s not going to be too h*//y *bo.t werewol)es t.rning it into * killing gro.nd-; ;"r.e- "h*t might *lso e2/l*in why it didn1t like .s being on its territory l*st night-; 9 .nwr*//ed my b.rger *nd gl*n'ed *t him- ;We need to go b*'k-; $UR9O!9": <U!" B $AU! W /rom/tly *greed to do something d*ngero.s didn1t me*n we weren1t *w*re of the d*nger- W*lt7ing into those woods ho/ing to the be*st wo.ld be like strolling down to *n Afri'*n w*ter hole d*ngling * ste*k *nd '*lling+ ;here kitty+ kitty-; We h*d some sense of wh*t we were ./ *g*inst- 9t w*s bigger th*n .s+ stronger th*n .s *nd m*ybe e)en * better h.nter th*n .s- "he best w*y to fight *n o//onent with f*ngs *nd 'l*ws is to h*)e yo.r own- ither th*t+ or bring *long * re*lly big g.n"o be honest+ 9 'o.ldn1t see how * g.n wo.ld be th*t m.'h of *n *d)*nt*ge- Biting or swi/ing is * n*t.r*l e2tension of fighting- A g.n is big *nd .nwieldy+ *nd if yo. don1t get it ./ in time or don1t *im it right or it 0*ms+ yo.1re s'rewed- !o 9 w*s sti'king with wh*t 9 knewB.t *s we dro)e+ 9 remembered th*t g.y in Pittsb.rgh h*nding o.t '*rds for his wife *nd de'ided *"*ser might be /erfe't for b*'k./ when we weren1t in wolf formW*s 9 tot*lly 'omfort*ble b.ying * we*/on8 5o+ b.t th*t h*d less to do with my belief system th*n with /ride- 9 w*s * werewolf+ d*mn it- 9 didn1t .se we*/ons- B.t these d*ys it w*sn1t *ll *bo.t me- 9 w*nted to li)e to see my kids grow ./- !o 9 bo.ght the"*ser - 91ll refr*in from 'ommenting on the /ro'ess e2'e/t to s*y th*t the leftist h.m*nit*ri*n in me w*s *//*lled+ while the w*rrior in me+ he*ding into b*ttle+ w*s h*//y th*t she didn1t need to fill o.t /*/erwork *nd w*it si2 weeks for * li'ense9f we were *tt*'ked by the be*st from l*st night+ the"*ser might not sto/ it+ b.t it 'o.ld slow it down to e)en the oddsA! 9" "UR5 & o.t+ we didn1t need * we*/on- "he forest 'ontin.ed its night sym/hony the whole time we were $h*nging+ with only the .s.*l '.shion of silen'e *ro.nd .s+ me*ning we

were the only /red*tors within e*rshot91ll *dmit 9 didn1t mind the e2'.se to ret.rn to these woods+ *nd it w*sn1t the new s/e'ies of birds *nd *nim*ls or the new e2/*nses of l*nd stret'hing to the hori7on- "his forest felt different"he moment 91d st*rt to rel*2+ 91d get th*t /ri'kle *t the b*'k of my ne'k+ w*rning me not to get too 'omfort*ble- "hings here weren1t wh*t 9 w*s .sed to *nd 9 'o.ldn1t lower my g.*rd9t w*s different- And different is goodW 1& $%A5G & B !9& the ro*d where we1d /*rked the night before- "hen we followed the tr*il tow*rd &ennis1s '*binOn the w*y+ we fo.nd the s/ot where 91d been *tt*'ked- 91d ho/ed th*t in wolf form+ with my better nose+ 9 might be *ble to get more ' *s to wh*t e2*'tly h*d *mb.shed .s- B.t while 9 'o.ld still smell it+ the odor w*s so o)erwhelming it w*s like trying to /i'k */*rt the 'om/onents of 'he*/ 'ologne- #y nose *nd br*in re)olted *nd 'o.ld only /ro'ess the o)er*ll stink4 *nd w*nted nothing to do with itWe m*n*ged to follow the be*st1s tr*il for *lmost * mile- "hen it di//ed into * sh*llow+ f*st( r.nning stre*m+ *s if the 're* knew we1d try tr*'king it- We r*n *long the sides for *nother h*lf mile+ b.t we fo.nd no sign of where it h*d e2ited+ *nd we g*)e ./- As interesting *s this mystery w*s+ we h*d * more /ressing *gend* tonightAt &ennis1s '*bin+ 9 $h*nged b*'k while $l*y stood g.*rd- %e1d offered to se*r'h inste*d+ to s*)e me the e2tr* $h*nging- 9 won1t s*y it1s less /*inf.l for him69 h*)e no w*y of 0.dging th*t 6b.t he1s been doing them from the *ge most kids le*rn to ride * bike- 91)e ne)er known him to ski/ *n o//ort.nity be'*.se he1d /refer not to go itB.t 9 h*d more se*r'hing e2/erien'e *nd he h*d more g.*rding e2/erien'e+ so we st.'k to o.r roles- "he first thing 9 did w*s look for *ny e)iden'e th*t &ennis h*d en'o.ntered the be*st6* /hoto+ * 0o.rn*l+ *nything- B.t 9 fo.nd nothing *nd soon beg*n the re*l work of the night6 fig.ring o.t how 'lose &*n1s story of &ennis1s de*th w*s to the re*lity+ while le*rning *ll 9 'o.ld *bo.t this mysterio.s yo.nger !tillwell5ow th*t 91d en'o.ntered both"esler brothers *nd &*n+ 9 'o.ld /i'k o.t their indi)id.*l s'ents *nd re('re*te th*t night in the '*bin- All three h*d been here- "r*)is "ester1s *ndPodro)*1s s'ents bl*nketed the s/ot where we1d fo.nd &ennis+ me*ning they both h*d been *'ti)ely in)ol)ed in his"he byst*nder w*s ddie"esler + who seemed to h*)e /l*nted himself in * 'h*ir *'ross the '*bin *nd st*yed there- "h*t might s.ggest he dis*greed with the b.t beside the 'h*ir were * /.77le book *nd * /en+ both reeking of ddie1s s'ent- %e1d .sed the time to do * 'o./le of word( se*r'h /.77les inste*d9 fo.nd e)iden'e of *nother byst*nder- "he 'h*ir beside ddie1s smelled of werewolf+ too+ *nd w*s s/*ttered with dro/s of blood from the yo.nger !tillwell+ whose 0*'ket &*n h*d been

we*ring9 followed the tr*ils o.tside- "hree werewol)es h*d *rri)ed6the"esler brothers *nd &*n- Fo.r h*d left+ in'l.ding !tillwell- !o ddie h*dn1t been 'hilling o.t d.ring the tort.re6 he1d been g.*rding * host*ge- #*ybe this w*s why <oey /retended not to know who this yo.nger rel*ti)e w*s+ *nd why he w*s so *n2io.s for .s to le*)e the m.tts *lone *nd go home9 se*r'hed the '*bin+ looking for more signs of the m*n- 9 fo.nd them in &ennis1s dresser"he to/ dr*wer w*s st.ffed with 'lothes th*t didn1t belong to him- #ost h*d been w*shed+ b.t * few still bore the yo.nger m*n1s s'ent- F.rther in)estig*tion t.rned ./ * * st*'k of 'omi' books *nd * h*ndheld g*me+ *ll /erme*ted with his smell- "he g*me /l*yer h*d been et'hed with * n*me, 5o*h Albright- A few of the 'omi's bore the s*me initi*lsAs 9 h.nted+ * story formed- 5o*h w*s &ennis1s l*te(in(life son+ left with his mother .ntil he re*'hed /.berty- "hen &ennis h*d m*de 'ont*'t+ e2/l*ining the sit.*tion to the m*n him his e*rly $h*nges+ whi'h from his smell h*dn1t been more th*n * ye*r *go- "he kid st*yed with his mom b.t still s/ent time with his f*ther+ here *t the '*bin- "hen+ on one of those )isits+ the m.tts h*d shown ./W*s th*t why &ennis w*s killed8 "he new /*'k '*me '*lling+ his teen*ge son w*s here *nd the norm*lly /*ssi)e &ennis fo.ght to defend him8 !o where w*s the kid8 W*s he still *li)e8 9 ho/ed so+ *nd 9 w*s <oey belie)ed it6or w*s being led to belie)e it- B.t honestly8 9 do.bted it9 $%A5G & BA$K for the ret.rn tri/- "he e)ening w*s still 3.iet+ b.t not .nn*t.r*lly so"here1d been no sign of the be*st- 5o signs of the werewol)es- 5o sign of the wol)esAfter three $h*nges in two d*ys+ my energy w*s fl*gging *nd my stom*'h w*s growling- 9 wo.ld h*)e been fine w*iting to gr*b something l*ter+ b.t *s we /*ssed *n o/en field+ $l*y sto//ed me *nd swi)eled his e*rs+ telling me to listen"he snow w*s dee/er here+ *nd 9 'o.ld he*r s'r*t'hing .nder it- $l*y 'ro.'hed+ hind3.*rters w*ggling- %e /l.nged the snow+ then b*'k ./+ he*d *nd r.ff /iled with the white st.ff *nd+ in his 0*ws+ * s3.e*ling tossed the b*'k to me- 9 '*.ght it- By the time 91d e*ten it+ $l*y h*d *nother- "h*t one he ke/t+ throwing his he*d b*'k to g.l/ it down9 r*'ed forw*rd *nd 0oined in- We tore the 'le*ring+ no *ttem/t to st*lk *nd h.nt+ /lowing the snow+ s'oo/ing ./ mi'e+ gi)ing them one life(ending 'r.n'h+ then sw*llowing them whole"he mi'e 'o.ld h*)e r.n for 'o)er+ b.t most fro7e in /*ni'+ like )ill*gers *''.stomed to ste*lthy sni/ers s.ddenly beset by r*m/*ging berserkers- "h*t m*de for e*sy /i'kings *nd we h*d * bl*st+ seeing who 'o.ld get the most-

On'e 91d e*ten my fill+ 9 'oll*/sed where 9 stood+ my stom*'h g.rgling h*//ily- $l*y strolled o)er *nd /l.nked down on to/ of me- 9 fli//ed him off *nd we t.ssled+ b.t h*lfhe*rtedly+ too f.ll *nd too tired9 '.rled ./ *g*inst him- As 9 w*s t.'king my fro7en nose .nder my t*il+ 9 '*.ght * whiff of werewolf s'ent on the wind- 9 stiffened- "r*)is"esler1s im*ge fl*shed my mind *nd on its heels '*me * he*rt(gri//ing moment of /*ni' before my br*in /ro'essed the smell- 9t w*sn1t one of "ester1s /*'k$l*y gr.nted *nd his m.77le to the left- 9 'o.ld see the f*int o.tline of * d*rk wolf between the trees- 9 st*rted to rise+ b.t $l*y b.tted my foreleg+ telling me to lie b*'k downOb)io.sly+ he1d s'ented or s/otted the werewolf *lre*dy *nd de'ided he w*s no thre*t"he st*yed where he w*s+ w*t'hing .s+ *nd when 9 /eered *t him+ seeing the d*rk red f.r *nd green eyes+ 9 re*li7ed it w*s the one who1d been with the wol)es the night before- $l*y gr.nted *g*in+ telling me to rel*2- 9 '.rled into * b*ll *g*inst him- !oon the he*t of his body *nd the ste*dy be*t of his he*rt l.lled me tow*rd dre*ml*nd9 w*s drifting off when $l*y tensed- Before 9 'o.ld o/en my eyes+ he s/r*ng to his feet+ *''ident*lly booting me in my br.ised ribs *s he s'r*mbled ./9 twisted to see the m.tt6b*rreling tow*rd .s+ his li/s /.lled b*'k in * sn*rl- As he 'h*rged+ $l*y stood his gro.nd+ his f.r bristling+ e*rs b*'k+ growl ri//ling the 'le*ring- "he ke/t 'oming- "hen+ *t the l*st se'ond+ he )eered *ro.nd $l*y *nd r*n *t me9 br*'ed myself *nd growled+ b.t he ne)er he*rd it- $l*y l.nged *t him+ * whirlwind of f.r *nd sn*//ing teeth- "he she*red o.t of $l*y1s w*y *nd took off+ snow flying in his w*ke *s he /lowed he*d long *'ross the 'le*ring+ '.tting * wide 'ir'le+ only to he*d right b*'kAs the r*n *t me- 9 br*'ed for the hit- As with $l*y+ he 'he'ked himself *t the l*st moment+ then he sn*//ed+ '*t'hing my foreleg in * sh*r/ bite- 9 do)e *t him+ b.t he w*s *lre*dy te*ring offAg*in he st*rted th*t wide 'ir'le+ r.nning f.ll o.t *nd low to the gro.nd- 9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y- &id this g.y w*nt * fight8 Or * g*me of t*g8 $l*y lowered his he*d *nd snorted- Pl*y w*s * r.le(bo.nd beh*)ior with wol)es- 9n * /*'k+ it s*ys ;9 yo. to let my g.*rd down-; #*ybe this h*d seen .s /l*ying *nd w*s like the lonely kid *t the /l*ygro.nd+ *sking to 0oin in- $l*y w*s h*)ing none of th*t- Pl*y w*s for his P*'k brothers+ not str*ngers$l*y growled+ telling the g.y he w*s /issing him off- When he lowered his hind3.*rters to the gro.nd *g*in+ the 'h*rged- $l*y l.nged- "he d.'ked *nd 7oomed o.t of the w*y+ then '*me *t him *g*in-

With * ro*r+ $l*y s/r*ng- When the fell b*'k+ $l*y ke/t 'oming+ re*dy to gi)e him * good tro.n'ing+ *nd 'le*r ./ *ny mis'on'e/tions- 9 flew *fter $l*y+ gr*bbed him by the r.ff *nd 9 y*nked him b*'k- %e re*red ./+ sn*rling *nd b.'king to throw me off+ b.t 9 held on *nd growledOn'e $l*y re*li7ed 9 w*s serio.s+ he sto//ed- As the 7oomed b*'k *nd forth in front of .s+ 9 let go of $l*y *nd s.r)eyed the woods- %e got the mess*ge6this g.y w*s trying too h*rd to get .s to 'h*se him9 h*dn1t 'onsidered the /ossibility th*t this werewolf w*s /*rt of "r*)is1s /*'k- A ;not 3.ite right in the he*d; who f*n'ied himself * wolf+ /referring to r.n with them *nd le*)e the h*rd work to his b.ddies- B.t now he1d been '*lled on to do his f*ir sh*reAs 9 /*'ed to s*m/le the night wind+ 9 e2/e'ted the to distr*'t .s so we didn1t get * whiff of his /*ls lying in w*it- 9nste*d+ he snorted+ *s if in s*tisf*'tion#y nose /i'ked ./ the f*int smell of *nd 9 .nderstood- 9 n.dged $l*y *nd /*ntomimed sniffing north- 9t took * moment+ b.t he '*.ght the s'ent+ his f.r instin'ti)ely rising- "he be*stWhen 9 /*ssed the * sigh ri//led his fl*nks+ *s if to s*y Fin*lly- %e tried to f*ll in ste/ beside me+ b.t $l*y lo/ed ./ *nd sho.ldered him b*'kWith the *t o.r heels+ we he*ded dee/er into the mo)ing *w*y from the be*st"hen 9 beg*n 'ir'ling in its dire'tionWhen the re*li7ed wh*t 9 w*s doing+ he ni//ed my re*r leg- 9 wheeled *nd sn*//ed- %e growled *nd fli'ked his m.77le in the other dire'tion- 9 gr.nted+ shook my he*d *nd 'ontin.ed north$l*y 0ostled me+ s*ying+ ;9 know yo. w*nt to get * 'loser look+ b.t be '*ref.l+ ok*y8; 9 slowed to re* him"h*t didn1t re* someone else+ "he r*'ed in front of me *nd s/.n in my /*th+ sn*//ing *nd sn*rling- 9 sto//ed *nd lowered my he*d+ e*rs b*'k+ t*il o.t+ f.r bristling *s 9m*t'hed him sn*rl for sn*rl$l*y ste//ed *side to s*m/le the *ir *nd /eer into the d*rkness- "hen he l.nged+ *t me+ kno'king me into * tree+ his gr.nted */ology '.t short *s he gr*bbed the loose r.ff *ro.nd my ne'k *nd y*nked me the other w*y9 hesit*ted only long to get my footing4 *nd to he*r the 'r*shing in the .ndergrowthWe r*n- When the noise behind .s sto//ed *nd 9 tried to slow+ the ni//ed my heels- $l*y fell behind- On'e the re*li7ed he1d lost one of his 'h*rges+ he wheeled"he moon h*d /*ssed .nder 'lo.d 'o)er+ le*)ing the forest *s bl*'k *s it h*d been the night before+ so it seemed to t*ke * moment before the s*w $l*y1s /*le form+ sto//ed+ nose lifted+

e*rs ./- "hen+ $l*y1s eyes went wide *nd he shot forw*rd+ /lowing into my side- 9 hit the gro.nd+ $l*y *to/ me+ *s * d*rk sh*/e into the s/ot where 91d been st*nding$l*y 0.m/ed off me *nd s/.n+ sn*rling *t the be*st- 9 s'r*mbled ./+ b.t *ll 9 'o.ld see w*s th*t bl*'k form+ 'lo.ds still blo'king the moon *nd $l*y now blo'king my line of sight"he be*st w*s on *ll this time- 9t w*s *t le*st twi'e *s wide *s $l*y+ its b*'k h.m/ed like * be*r+ slo/ing to sm*ller hind3.*rters"he be*st sn*rled+ **l not(3.ite(n*t.r*l so.nd th*t m*de my f.r rise- "eeth fl*shed *nd 9 '*.ght * whiff of its bre*th+ my stom*'h 'h.rning *t the sten'h$l*y stood his gro.nd+ sn*rling- "hen+ witho.t w*rning+ he 'h*rged- "he be*st re*red+ like * be*r+ one m*ssi)e front /*w swi/ing *t $l*y+ b.t '*t'hing only *ir- $l*y h*d 'he'ked his 'h*rge *t the l*st se'ond+ )eering *ro.nd the be*st inste*d- 9t tried to s/in+ b.t too l*te+ *s $l*y )*.lted onto its b*'k"he be*st 'l*wed the *ir+ trying in )*in to re*'h $l*y- 9 l*.n'hed myself *t its stom*'h- #y 0*ws 'l*m/ed onto s/*rse+ 'o*rse h*ir+ then into ne*rly b*ld flesh- 9 'l*m/ed down+ f*ngs s'r*/ing ribs+ blood s/.rting into my mo.thO.t of the 'orner of my eye+ 9 s*w the d*rk form of the r*'ing in- %e le*/t4 *nd bit down on my re*r leg+ y*nking so h*rd th*t 9 fell b*'k with * fl*/ of the be*st1s skin in my teeth+ blood s/r*ying my f*'e9 s'r*bbled ./ *nd s/.n on the b.t he w*s gone+ trying to get $l*y off the be*st1s b*'k- 9 flew *fter him$l*y ke/t sl*shing *t the be*st1s ne'k+ going for its thro*t- 9t ro*red *nd b.'ked- "hen+ from dee/ in the woods '*me *n *nswering ro*r9 b*rked+ *n *wkw*rd so.nd for * wolf+ b.t 9 did the best 9 'o.ld+ des/er*te to get $l*y1s *ttention- B.t he1d he*rd the se'ond be*st+ *nd his br*in w*sn1t yet blood(fogged not to re*li7e we 'o.ldn1t t*ke on two of them- %e sn*rled+ telling me to get mo)ing+ then dro//ed *nd hit the gro.nd r.nning9 he*ded for the o/en gro.nd of the 'le*ring+ where we 'o.ld get ./ some s/eed+ b.t the took the le*d *nd steered .s dee/er into the woods inste*d- As we d*rted *ro.nd trees+ the be*st tried gi)ing 'h*se+ b.t the forest w*s too dense for him *nd he 3.i'kly fell behind+ ro*ring in fr.str*tion- We ke/t r.nning .ntil we 'o.ldn1t he*r him+ then we he*ded for o.r 'lothes!L PL !!

9 WA9" & W%9L $l*y $h*nged- On'e he w*s done+ *nd dressing+ 9 w*lked o)er to where the l*y ne*r the /*th- 9 growled *nd 0erked my he*d+ trying to tell him to $h*nge b*'k+ th*t 9 needed to s/e*k to him- %e only looked *t me+ .n'om/rehending-

When 9 ste//ed 'loser+ * wolf shot from the sh*dows- 9t w*s the sm*ll gr*y one 91d seen with the the night before- 9 b*'ked o.t of her w*y- !he eyed me with * b*lef.l glower+ then sn.ffled him *n2io.sly- %e snorted *nd b.m/ed her *w*y+ *s if to s*y ; of th*t-; "hen his m.77le 0erked ./- %e looked o)er my sho.lder *nd 9 t.rned to see $l*y 'oming- "he gr.nted *nd st*rted w*lking *w*y+ *s if his 0ob w*s done *nd he w*s e*ger to be off9 st*rted *fter him- "he gr*y wolf l.nged *t me+ sn*//ing- 9 fell b*'k- !he ke/t sn*rling+ f.r bristling .ntil he 'ir'led b*'k *nd /rodded her fl*nk- !he st*rted to le*)e with him+ b.t 'o.ldn1t resist tossing one l*st glower *nd growl my w*y;9 think she1s w*rning yo. off-; $l*y w*lked ./ beside me- "o the wolf+ he s*id+ ;&on1t worry+ she1s *lre*dy t*ken-; "he wolf 'h.ffed+ b.t still gl*red *t me before t.rning *w*y9 r*'ed into the thi'ket he1d )*'*ted+ trying for * 3.i'k $h*nge so 9 'o.ld go *fter the *nd get him to t*lk- "here w*s no r.shing the /ro'ess+ *nd by the time 9 finished+ he w*s long gone;9 tried to '*ll him b*'k+; $l*y s*id- ;B.t 9 don1t think he .nderstood+ *nd 9 w*sn1t going *fter him+ le*)ing yo. *lone- Anyw*y+ 91m we1ll see him *g*in- %o/ef.lly he1ll be by himself- 9 don1t think his m*te likes yo. m.'h-; ;:o. re*lly think th*t1s his m*te8; %e shr.gged- ;9f th*t1s the form * werewolf 'hooses+ it1s no different th*n *nother t*king * h.m*n m*te-; ;Uh+ yes it is- 9f yo.1d been * 7oo em/loyee inste*d of * /rofessor+ wo.ld yo. h*)e 'hosen * wolf m*te inste*d of me8; ;&e/ends on how '.te she w*s-; When 9 looked *t him+ he l*.ghed- ;91m kidding+ d*rling- "he *nswer is no be'*.se+ *s m.'h *s 9 like being * wolf+ it1s not the form 9 'hoose- 9t1s too limiting- :o. '*n1t s/e*k- $*n1t re*d- $*n1t write- "he ''*tion of intelle't.*lly stim.l*ting ide*s is ne*rly im/ossible-; %e grinned *t me- ;As for stim.l*tion of other kinds8 !erio.s limit*tions there+ too- 5o h*nds-; %e slid his .nder my shirt- ;5o fingers-; %is ti'kled my sides *nd br.shed my bre*sts- ;5o li/s-; %e lowered his to my ne'k;Limiting-; ;@ery-;

%is mo)ed to mine+ kissing me h*rd;#*ybe this time we sho.ld 'om/lete o.r es'*/e first8; 9 m.rm.redA low growl+ not e2*'tly dis*greement+ *nnoy*n'e th*t 91d bro.ght it ./- 9 gl*n'ed o)er his sho.lder *t the tr.'k;A big met*l bo2 with * folding b*'kse*t sho.ld be s*fe don1t yo. think8; %e /eered *t the tr.'k+ *s if me*s.ring the dist*n'e- "hen he s'oo/ed me ./ *nd '*rried me to itBA$K A" "% hotel+ the first thing 9 did w*s '*ll <oey1s offi'e- %e wo.ldn1t be in+ of 'o.rse+ b.t th*t w*s the /oint69 'o.ld le*)e * 'om/lete mess*ge witho.t him h*nging ./ on me$o.'hing it in*bly 'ry/ti' terms6in '*se his )oi'e m*il w*s monitored69 let him know th*t we1d o.t wh*t w*s going on- "he m.tts h*d t*ken 5o*h *nd now they were holding him host*ge+ dem*nding something from <oey for his rele*se- <oey w*s de*ling with th*t *nd /ro'eeding with e2treme '*.tion4 me*ning he didn1t w*nt two P*'k enfor'ers in town+ throwing their weight *ro.nd *nd end*ngering his h*lf brother1s life5ow th*t we .nderstood the sit.*tion+ 9 * him we1d /ro'eed with e3.*lly e2treme '*.tion *nd th*t we 'o.ld hel/ resol)e the sit.*tion- 9 didn1t e2/e't him to t*ke .s ./ on the offer- Wh*t 9 w*s re*lly s*ying+ *s /olitely *s /ossible w*s+ ;we know why yo. w*nt .s to le*)e town+ *nd we *ren1t going-; 5e2t we tended to o.r in0.ries- 5either of .s h*d *ny broken bones+ *nd th*t w*s *ll th*t m*ttered- Being * werewolf me*nt * lifetime of fighting+ *nd like those who s/end their life in the bo2ing ring+ we1)e le*rned to ignore the b.m/s *nd br.ises *nd '.ts- $he'k for broken bones+ 'le*n the '.ts+ get some rest *nd we1d be good to go tomorrow- We h*d to be6.nlike /rofession*l bo2ers+ we 'o.ldn1t '*ll off * m*t'h be'*.se we weren1t ./ to it- Werewolf he*ling hel/ed with th*t- "wenty(fo.r l*ter+ the only rem*ining signs of my en'o.nter with the be*st were * tender s/ot on the b*'k of my he*d *nd one on my ribsWe went to bed *fter th*t- 9 fell *slee/ *s soon *s my he*d hit the /illow- 9 didn1t st*y th*t w*y+ $l*y rem*ined /erfe'tly still beside me+ 9 'o.ld sense he w*s *w*ke *nd *fter * 3.i'k+ dre*mless n*/+ 9 looked o)er to see him st*ring *t the 'eiling9 lifted ./ onto my side- "oo dee/ in tho.ght to noti'e me+ he ke/t st*ring- 9 gl*n'ed o)er him to see his right h*nd 'len'hing rhythmi'*lly *t his side+ *rm m.s'les /.lsing .nder the /itted s'*r tiss.e;9s it bothering yo.8; 9 *sked;%mm8; %e followed my g*7e to his *rm+ *nd m*de * fin*l fist+ then sto//ed fle2ing- ;5*h+ 9 don1t feel it *nymore-;

;9 me*n is it bothering yo.8; %e w*s silent * min.te+ then he br.shed my h*ir b*'k o)er my sho.lder;9 r*n *w*y tonight+; he s*id *fter * moment- ;When 9 first smelled th*t thing+ 9 r*n-; Protests *nd re*ss.r*n'es s/r*ng to my li/s+ b.t 9 knew he w*sn1t looking for th*t%e 'ontin.ed- ;9 remembered wh*t it did to yo. the night before *nd *ll 9 'o.ld think *bo.t w*s getting yo. o.t of there-; ;Whi'h .nder the 'ir'.mst*n'es w*s the sm*rt thing to do-; ;:e*h- B.t the re*son 9 r*n inste*d of fighting8; %e lifted his *rm *nd fle2ed- ;9t doesn1t *ffe't my fighting in wolf form- 9t1s * slight we*kness in one of my legs+ e*sily 'om/ens*ted- #y first instin't+ w*s to se'ond(g.ess myself *nd flee- "h*t1s not good-; ;B.t6; ;Under the 'ir'.mst*n'es+ it w*s the right 'hoi'e+ *nd th*t wo.ld be fine4 if 9 'o.ld s*y 9 m*de *n informed de'ision-; ;Whi'h is to do when * three(h.ndred(/o.nd be*st is be*ring down on yo.-; 9 '*.ght his look- ;:es+ 9 know yo. don1t w*nt e2'.ses- "he /oint is th*t yo. don1t h*)e the 'onfiden'e yo. did fo.r ye*rs *go- Person*lly+ 9 don1t think th*t1s s.'h * b*d thing- 9f yo.1re still 0.m/ing on the b*'k of r*ging be*sts+ yo. h*)e more th*n 'onfiden'e for my t*stes-; %e went silent+ his g*7e ret.rning to the 'eiling;9t1s not r.nning from th*t be*st th*t1s dist.rbing yo.- 9t1s the /ossibility th*t yo. might do it with * 9f of them 'onfront .s+ yo.r first instin't will be to h.stle me o.t of there- 9f 91m yo.r m*te+ th*t1s not * /roblem6yo.1re getting me o.t of h*rm1s w*y- B.t if 91m Al/h*+ 9 sho.ldn1t need to be sh.ffled off+ *nd if it looks like yo.1re doing th*t+ then the im/li'*tion is th*t there1s * /roblem-; ;:e*h-; %e went 3.iet *g*in- 9 w*ited+ knowing 91d /rodded;With my *rm4it1s ongoing+; he s*id- ;91m still working it With yo. in line for Al/h*+ it highlights *nother iss.e+ one 91)e been *)oiding-; When he didn1t go on+ 9 did /rom/t him+ b.t he only slid his *rm .nder me *nd /.lled me 'lose;9t1s nothing- 91m tired *nd 91m r*mbling-;

;9f something1s b.gging yo.4 ; ;91ll de*l with it-; 9 /*.sed- ;And 9 '*n1t hel/8; When he s*id nothing+ the tem/er* in the room seemed to /l.mmet- 9 shi)ered- %e r.bbed my b*'k+ b.t it didn1t hel/!in'e when didn1t $l*y sh*re his /roblems with me8 !.re+ we were notorio.s for kee/ing minor from one *nother+ trying to sol)e them on o.r own- B.t now 'le*rly something w*s bothering $l*y *nd he didn1t w*nt to sh*re it+ *nd th*t only f*nned the embers of my re*l worry 6th*t this w*s wh*t being Al/h* wo.ld be like"here w*s * lot $l*y didn1t sh*re with <eremy- "here were *s/e'ts to /rote'ting the Al/h* *nd the P*'k th*t bothered <eremy- Like me+ he wished they weren1t ne'ess*ry- !o $l*y did them witho.t sh*ring the det*ils *nd <eremy ne)er *sked#yAl/h*hood wo.ld not be * r*di'*l 'h*nge from <eremy1s- 9 belie)ed in e)ery reform he1d instit.ted *nd 91d 'ontin.e his work- #ost of his le*dershi/ style 9 *dmired *nd wo.ld em.l*teB.t 9 w*nted to be more in)ol)ed- 9 w*nted to be on the front lines+ *s 9 w*s now+ not gi)ing orders from the re*r- 9 w*nted to know e)erything th*t went on+ e)en the /*rts th*t bothered me;9f it h*s to do with the P*'k+ then 9 need to know wh*t the iss.e is *nd how yo. think it sho.ld be resol)ed-; %e gl*n'ed o)er- ;And if 9 dis*gree8; ;As my bodyg.*rd8 Or *s my m*te8; ;Both-; 9 w*ited ten se'onds+ resisting the .rge to fli/ o)er or mo)e *w*y9 'o.ld s*y 9 w*s res/e'ting $l*y1s s/*'e *nd didn1t w*nt to g.ilt(tri/ him into sh*ring- B.t the is th*t /ride ke/t me from showing 9 w*s h.rt- !o 9 settled in *s if 91d *lre*dy forgotten it+ whi'h 91m wo.ld h*)e 'om/letely fooled him if he h*dn1t s/ent *lmost twenty ye*rs le*rning to re*d my moods;Remember th*t who st*lked yo. on o.r honeymoon8; he *sked *fter * min.te;"he $*in kid8 " to forget+ *s h*rd *s 9 might try-; ;&o yo. know why he didn1t r.n *w*y when 9 first w*rned him off8; ;Uh+ be'*.se he1s * $*in8 Big f*mily sh*ring one *llotment of br*in 'ells8;

;Be'*.se he didn1t belie)e my re/.t*tion- %e1d seen the /hotos- %e insisted they werePhotosho//ed -; ;O)er thirty ye*rs *go8Kind* /ro)es my /oint *bo.t the br*in 'ells+ don1t yo. think8; ;B.t he1s not the only one- "hings h*)e been 'h*nging- When yo. *nd 9 st*rted working together+ m.tts r*n from .s the min.te they o.t who 9 w*s- "hen they st*rted sti'king *ro.nd * little longer+ m*ybe throwing * /.n'h or two+ testing my re/.t*tion- "hese d*ys+ o)er h*lf the m.tts in the 'o.ntry *re yo.nger th*n those /hotos- 91m their d*d1s bogeym*n+ not theirsKids like $*in don1t see *ny re*son to r.n .ntil 9 gi)e them one- And th*t w*s fine4 .ntil this-; %e lifted his *rm;!o8 )en with yo.r *rm+ yo. '*n t*ke on g.ys like th*t6h*lf yo.r *ge+ twi'e yo.r si7e6*nd the o.t'ome1s ne)er in 3.estion-; ;B.t ten ye*rs *go+ 9 wo.ldn1t h*)e h*d to t*ke them on- 9 wo.ldn1t h*)e h*d to worry *bo.t $*in st*lking yo.- "he se'ond he re*li7ed 9 w*s with yo. he1d h*)e been on the ne2t b.s o.t of town- 5ow+ with yo. be'oming Al/h*+ the kids getting older4 9 don1t w*nt to kee/ /ro)ing 9 still deser)e my re/.t*tion- "h*t w*s the /oint of4 ; %e tr*iled off- "he /oint of wh*t8 9 w*s *bo.t to *sk+ when 9 .nderstood- "h*t w*s the /oint of wh*t $l*y h*d done *t se)enteen+ disse'ting * while he w*s still *li)e+ then t*king /i't.res9 knew it w*sn1t *s horrible *s it so.nded6the h*d been *nestheti7ed *nd o.t 'old the whole time+ dying before he knew wh*t h*d h*//ened- "he /oint h*dn1t been tort.ring this /*rti'.l*r b.t 'on)in'ing other m.tts th*t $l*y h*d him *nd th*t if they tres/*ssed on <eremy1s /ro/erty+ he1d do the s*me to themAnd when 9 .nderstood wh*t $l*y me*nt+ 9 re*lly .nderstood wh*t he me*nt;:o.1re thinking4 yo.1re thinking of doing it *g*in-; 9 sho.ld h*)e ke/t my sh.t .ntil 9 'o.ld /ro/erly mod.l*te my tone- 91d finished s.lking be'*.se $l*y h*d im/lied this w*sn1t something 9 'o.ld h*ndle+ *nd now 9 s*id those words in whis/ered horror+ 'onfirming it- 9 w*nted to try *g*in+ stronger+ m*tter(of(f*'t+ /ro)ing him wrong- Only he w*sn1t wrongR*tion*lly+ 9 knew th*t in killing one horribly+ $l*y h*d /rote'ted <eremy for o)er thirty ye*rs *nd s*)ed the li)es of e)ery who otherwise wo.ld h*)e 'ome to!toneh*)en to 'h*llenge himmotion*lly+ 9 re*'ted like * little kid+ s'rewing ./ her f*'e *nd sti'king her fingers in her e*rs- 9 didn1t w*nt to see it+ didn1t w*nt to he*r *bo.t it+ didn1t w*nt to think *bo.t it- And 9 *s hell didn1t w*nt to think *bo.t $l*y doing it *g*in;9t1s not im/ort*nt+; he s*id *fter * min.te- ;5ot now- 9 sho.ldn1t h*)e bro.ght it ./-;

;B.t it1s bothering yo.-; ;B.gging me+ not dri)ing me 'r*7y- We1)e got lots to do tomorrow- We need to get some slee/-; %e l*y b*'k down- When 9 didn1t+ he t.gged me down beside him+ then settled in+ one h*nd resting on my w*ist+ the other t.'ked ./ between .s+ th.mb r.bbing my 'oll*rbone;When yo.4 did it+; 9 s*id- ;<eremy didn1t know in *d)*n'e+ did he8; ;5*h- 5o re*son to tell him+ *nd better if 9 didn1t-; Better8 Or e*sier8 We l*y in silen'e for * moment+ eyes still o/en;96; 9 w*s *bo.t to s*y ;9 w*nt to know+; b.t did 98 Re*lly+ did 98 Wh*t wo.ld 9 be s*ying8 "h*t 9 w*nted *ll the det*ils in *d)*n'e8 "h*t 9 w*nted to hel/ him /l*n it8 %el/ him '*rry it o.t8 #y stom*'h twisted$l*y wo.ldn1t w*nt th*t either&id it m*ke me * 'ow*rd if 9 *greed 9 w*s better off not knowing8 Worse+ did it m*ke me * hy/o'rite8 9 'o.ld *'knowledge th*t $l*y w*s '*/*ble of doing horrible things to /rote't the P*'k+ *nd 9 didn1t dis*gree with the fin*l res.lt4 b.t 9 didn1t w*nt to think *bo.t it too m.'h8 ;Go to slee/+; he ;9 h*)en1t de'ided *nything- 9 don1t /l*n to for * while-; ;B.t4when yo. do- &on1t6; 9 lifted my he*d+ his h*nd f*lling from my 'hest- ;&on1t do *nything behind my b*'k+ ok*y8; %is li/s tightened;"h*t '*me o.t wrong- 9 me*nt4 9 w*nt to know- 9 don1t w*nt to find o.t *fter the f*'t- 91m not <eremy-; %e nodded+ kissed my sho.lder+ then /.lled me down *g*in- After *nother wide(eyed min.te of lying there+ neither of .s bothering to f*ke slee/+ he s*id+ ;Are yo. ok*y8 With e*rlier tod*y8; %e me*nt"esler + the *ttem/ted r*/e;91m4 ok*y for now-; %e knew th*t me*nt th*t 9 w*sn1t re*lly ok*y+ tem/or*rily so+ h*)ing sl*//ed * b*nd*ge on the wo.nd to st*.n'h the bleeding while 9 tended to other thingsWhen 91d smelled tonight+ 91d h*d * moment of /*ni'+ thinking it w*s"esler - An Al/h*

'o.ld not r.n from * thre*t- An Al/h* 'o.ld not h*)e we*k s/ots * 'o.ld e2/loit- 9 tho.ght 9 didn1t- 5ow 9 re*li7ed 91d been wrong- At * serio.s thre*t of r*/e+ there1d been * moment when my fight res/onse sh.t down+ flight instin't t*king o)er- 9 'o.ldn1t let th*t h*//en *g*inWhen 9 s*id 9 w*s ok*y for now+ $l*y didn1t *sk if 9 w*nted to t*lk *bo.t it- %e looked for the *nswer in my f*'e+ then s*id+ ;L*ter+ then8; 9 nodded+ '.rled ./ *g*inst him *nd 'losed my eyes$O5"ROL "% ALAR# !OU5& & *t se)en- O.r first '*ll went to <eremy+ ./d*ting him on the sit.*tion+ getting his o/inion of my de'isions+ then t*lking to the kids- We h*d * few m.ffins to tide .s o)er+ then de*lt with o.r *n2ieties in the w*y we knew best- We he*ded downst*irs to the gym"% B !" "%95G *bo.t hotel gyms8 "hey1re *lmost *lw*ys em/ty- 91m /lenty of b.siness tr*)elers insist on booking * /l*'e with * gym+ so they '*n s/end twenty min.tes in there+ then 'ongr*t.l*te themsel)es for sti'king to their ro.tine between 'o'kt*il /*rties *nd room(ser)i'e bingesWhen we *rri)ed+ there w*s one g.y 'oming o.t of the /ool 'h*nge(room *nd he*ding for the weights- By the time 9 w*s dressed in my swe*ts+ he w*s he*ding b*'k in+ not e)en h*)ing broken * swe*tWe st*rted with the /.n'hing b*g- 9 held it while $l*y worked o.t his right *rm- 9t didn1t t*ke long before he got bored of th*t *nd w*nted * more *'ti)e /*rtner- We st*rted slow+ $l*y throwing /.n'hes *nd me blo'king them+ working into it+ not w*nting to get too in)ol)ed in '*se someone '*me inAfter *bo.t twenty min.tes with no one e)en w*lking /*st the door+ we into f.ll s/*rring mode- 9 worked on $l*y1s refle2es now+ feinting *nd l.nging+ trying to tri'k him into le*ding with his left- After fo.r ye*rs of this+ it1s to '*t'h him off(g.*rd in * str.' en)ironment- Fin*lly+ he gr*bbed my wrist *nd fli//ed me onto the m*t+ sign*ling reh*b time w*s o)erWhen 9 rolled ./+ he d*n'ed *w*y+ grinning;Uh(.h+; 9 s*id- ;!omeone 'omes in *nd we1re wrestling+ howe)er inno'ently+ it1s going to dr*w *ttention to .s+ *nd we '*n ne)er *fford to dr*w6; 9 wheeled+ trying to ki'k his legs o.t from .nder him+ b.t he s/.n o.t of my w*y- We f*'ed off9 l.nged+ then feinted+ m*n*ged to get hold of his *rm *nd threw him o)er my sho.lder%e hit the m*t with *whoom/h + *nd l*y there+ winded+ sh*king his he*d- ;And th*t wo.ldn1t h*)e '*lled *ttention to .s+ d*rling8;

;:o. st*rted it-; %e do)e for my legs- 9 /r*n'ed b*'k o.t of the w*y *nd ki'ked- %e '*.ght my leg *nd down 9 went;!till tired from yesterd*y8; he s*id- ;9 'o.ld go e*sier on yo.-; 9 s/r*ng ./ *nd we went * few ro.nds+ throwing /.n'hes *nd ki'ks- Only * few 'onne'ted+ b.t not for l*'k of trying- We didn1t ;go e*sy; on e*'h other+ *)oided blows th*t wo.ld do serio.s d*m*ge- Br.ises+ we1d h*)e- 9 didn1t '*re- 9t1s not like 91d be w*lking *ro.nd An'hor*ge in shorts *nd * t*nk to/Fin*lly 9 h*d him /inned with his *rms o)er his he*d+ my knee on one thigh+ kee/ing him down;Gi)e ./8; 9 *sked%e grinned- ;&e/ends on the forfeit-; ;5othing-; ;5othing8; 9 bent to the b*se of his thro*t *nd t*sted it+ hot *nd sli'k with swe*t- %e shi)ered- 9 gr*7ed my teeth o)er his skin;:o. *dmit 9 be*t yo.+; 9 between nibbles- ;And we1ll *d0o.rn to the showers-; ;Be*t me is * little strong- :o. briefly got the .//er h*nd- 91ll *dmit to th*t-; ;5.h(.h- Be*t yo.-; ;"em/or*rily bested-; %e 0erked his h*nds free9 '*.ght *nd /inned them *g*in- ;Be*t-; 9 ti'kled my tong.e ./ to his e*r+ m*king him shi)er *g*in- ;9f yo. '*re to 'ontest it+ we 'o.ld go * few more ro.nds-; 9 le*ned into him+ r.bbing *g*inst him- ;Post/one the showers- %o/e no one else shows ./ in the me*n time-; %e 'losed his eyes+ hi/s lifting to grind into mine- When 9 /.lled b*'k+ he growled dee/ in his thro*t *nd o/ened one eye;!o to get se2+ 9 need to 'ede defe*t8; he s*id;:e/- 5*sty *nd tot*lly .nf*ir+ 9 know- B.t4 ; 9 slid my h*nd to his belly+ ti'kling .nder his shirt- ;!in'e 9 do seem to h*)e the /osition of 'ontrol4 ;

;"em/or*rily-; #y h*nd slid .nder his w*istb*nd- ;$eding * fight is 9 know-; 9 wr*//ed my fingers *ro.nd him *nd g*)e one firm stroke- %is eyelids fl.ttered *nd he growled *g*in+ then he re*red ./+ throwing me off- 9 tried to s'r*bble o.t of re*'h+ b.t he gr*bbed my leg+ y*nking me f*'edown to the m*t+ then fli//ing me onto my b*'k *nd /inning me;"h*t1s better+; he s*id- ;5o need to 'hoose when 9 '*n h*)e it both w*ys-; 9 str.ggled+ b.t he h*d the *d)*nt*ge of weight *nd strength%e grinned;Like th*t+ do yo.8; 9 s*id- ;Well+ there1s one fl*w in yo.r /l*n- Unless yo. '*n get me into th*t 'h*nge(room by for'e+ the shower is o.t-; ;5o need to go *t *ll+ is there8; %e gl*n'ed *t the door+ then /.shed my shirt ./ o)er my stom*'h *nd twe*ked my w*istb*nd- ;%*)en1t seen *nyone in *lmost *n ho.r- And 91m nothing if not 3.i'k-; ;:o. wo.ldn1t d*re-; A teeth(fl*shing smile- ;9s th*t * 'h*llenge+ d*rling8; ;5o+ it *bsol.tely is not-; 9 s3.irmed+ b.t e)en with one h*nd holding my wrists+ he h*d me /inned better th*n 91d h*d him with two%e /.shed my "(shirt ./ my rib '*ge+ sto//ing below my bre*sts+ then sliding his h*nd .nder+ twe*king my ni//les h*rd to m*ke me g*s/4 *nd moment*rily forget th*t 9 w*s o/ /osed to this ide*When 9 remembered to /rotest+ he '.t me off with * kiss- We broke off f*st when footste/s so.nded in the h*ll- "hey he*ded the other w*y;Going to the b.siness 'enter+; $l*y ;5o one1s 'oming in here+ so there1s no re*son 9 '*n1t 0.st4 ; %e slid my swe*t /*nts down o)er one hi/ *nd hooked * finger my /*nties+ gi)ing * t.g9 tried to s3.irm *w*y- ;&on1t yo. d*re-; ;Wo.ld yo. /refer the 'h*nge(room8 9t1s still *n o/tion-; %e n.dged my knees */*rt- ;<.st s*y the word- :o. forfeit *nd we '*n t*ke this some/l*'e more6; 9 le*/t ./- %e onto my h*nds4 .ntil they ./ *nd 'li//ed him in the 'hin- 9 s'r*mbled o.t from .nder him- %e l.nged for my legs+ b.t 9 b*'ked o.t of his re*'h *nd shot to my feet- As he rose+ 9 ki'ked his legs o.t- %e went down+ l*nding h*rd on the m*t- 9 str*ddled his

'hest%e sighed9 )i'tory /.n'hed the *ir- %e shot ./+ gr*bbing me .nder the *rms *nd ti'kling me- 9 s3.e*led *nd '*.ght his h*nds+ *nd w*s *bo.t to /in him when 9 noti'ed * st*nding in the doorw*y9t w*s <oey+ w*t'hing .s;:o. w*nted to t*lk to me8; he s*id9 s'r*mbled off $l*y+ *nd stood+ t.gging my shirt down- 9t *lre*dy 'o)ered me fine+ b.t 9 t.gged it *nyw*y+ 'heeks he*ting;:e*h+ we did+; $l*y s*id- ;:o. h*d bre*kf*st8; ;:es+ b.t 9 s.//ose yo. h*)en1t-; A smile 'r*'ked <oey1s 'om/ ;And if 9 remember 'orre'tly+ we1d better *ttend to th*t first or 9 '*n1t e2/e't to get * r*tion*l senten'e from yo.-; ;:o. two go on+; 9 s*id- ;91ll shower *nd '*t'h ./-; W% 5 #: BLOO& sto//ed /o.nding+ 9 swit'hed the 'old shower to w*rm+ tilted my f*'e ./ into the w*ter *nd tried not to think of how m.'h more f.n this shower wo.ld h*)e been if <oey h*dn1t shown ./- 9 'o.ld still feel *dren*line sl*mming my )eins+ the lingering e./hori* better th*n *ny 'hemi'*l b.77- And it w*s more th*n *dren*line- 9t w*s 'onfiden'e+ my *n2iety o)er f*'ing "r*)is"esler *g*in f*dingGi)en my b*'kgro.nd+ my domin*n'e /l*y with $l*y might seem odd- &ist.rbing e)en- One d*y 91m red.'ed to gibbering terror by * /inning me to the gro.nd *nd thre*tening r*/eLess th*n twenty(fo.r l*ter+ 91m letting my /*rtner /in me+ thre*tening /.bli' se291m 9 don1t w*nt to he*r wh*t * /sy'hi*trist wo.ld s*y *bo.t th*t- B.t for me+ it works- 9t m*kes sense- With $l*y+ it w*s different- When we1d first met+ he1d t*ken his time- Friends first+ then+ )ery slowly+ shifting to lo)ers- With $l*y+ 9 w*s *lw*ys in 'ontrol- 9 still *m&omin*n'e /l*y is *bo.t 'ontrol- For some+ the thrill is gi)ing it ./- For me+ it1s *bo.t t*king it b*'k- 9 don1t need ;rele*se words; with $l*y- 9f 9 so m.'h *s tense+ he sto/s- 9 'hoose to t*ke the le*d or 9 'hoose to gi)e it to him- #y 'hoi'e- Alw*ys- "h*t h*s he*led me more th*n ye*rs of ther*/y e)er 'o.ld:et+ *s strong *s 9 felt right now+ 9 knew my g.t wo.ld sei7e with terror when 9 s*w"esler *g*inB.t for now 9 felt re*dy to h*ndle it5OA% $LA: A5& <O : were in the hotel rest*.r*nt+ dee/ in 'on)ers*tion when 9 entered- Or+ *t

le*st+ $l*y w*s dee/ in 'on)ers*tion+ e2/l*ining something+ his h*nds w*)ing+ * sli'e of to*st in one+ 'r.mbs flying- 9 he*ded for the b.ffet+ b.t * l*rge t*ble of b.siness/eo/le be*t me to it- $l*y '*.ght my eye *nd w*)ed me o)er- As 9 *//ro*'hed+ he ki'ked o.t * 'h*ir for me+ then mo)ed his /l*te between .s;$l*yton sh*ring his food8; <oey s*id with * str*ined smile- ; be lo)e-; ;5o+ he1s trying to m*ke * good im/ression- 5orm*lly+ he1d be ste*ling mine-; $l*y st*rted sliding the /l*te b*'k his w*y+ b.t 9 '*.ght it *nd held it between .s;$l*y w*s telling me *bo.t 5i'k+; <oey s*id- ;%e s*id he1s doing gr*/hi' design for his d*d1s 'om/*ny- 91m still trying to o.t if he1s 0oking-; ;%e1s not- 5i'k seems to like it- %e1s got * good eye for design-; ;5ow+ th*t 9 '*n see- 9 remember how long it took the g.y to b.y * shirt- 9 bet there *re * lot of ni'e(looking women working in gr*/hi' design+ too-; We l*.ghed- Fi)e ye*rs *go+ 91d h*)e g.essed th*t w*s indeed the re*son for 5i'k1s interest- B.t l*tely he1d been m*king 'h*nges in his life6finding * 0ob he liked+ *'t.*lly showing ./ for it *nd t*king * more *'ti)e role in the f*mily b.sinessAro.nd the time 9 got /regn*nt+ 5i'k h*d st*rted getting restless- %e1d e)en briefly flirted with the ide* of h*)ing * 'hild of his own+ whi'h l*sted .ntil the twins *rri)ed *nd he de'ided b*bies were re*lly * bigger /l.nge into the se* of domesti'ity th*n he '*red to t*ke"hinking of 5i'k reminded me th*t he1d left * mess*ge on my 'ell l*st night- 5othing .rgent<.st to.'hing b*se+ looking for *n ./d*te+ *nd w*nting to t*lk *bo.t Reese$l*y *nd <oey 'h*tted for * while longer+ '*t'hing ./- 9t w*sn1t the most 'omfort*ble 'on)ers*tion+ b.t <oey w*s ob)io.sly m*king *n effort+ so $l*y *nswered *ll his 3.estionsAs the line for the b.ffet )*nished+ 9 went ./ for * /l*te- 9 '*me b*'k to * silent t*ble+ *s if the moment $l*y finished ./d*tes+ they1d hit * bri'k w*ll+ the *mi*ble mood dis/ersing *s they re*li7ed how little they now h*d in 'ommon;!o yo. got my mess*ge+; 9 s*id *s 9 s*t<oey nodded *nd /i'ked *t his omelet+ mo)ing the m.shroom /ie'es *side- 9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y- %e shr.gged *nd e*tingFin*lly <oey s*id+ ;5o*h isn1t my brother- %e1s my son-; 9 tried not to look s.r/rised- 9 sho.ldn1t h*)e been- 9t m*de more sense for 5o*h to be <oey1s yo.thf.l indis'retion th*n &ennis1s middle(*ged one- 9t w*s h*rd+ to im*gine <oey e)er

being yo.thf.l to be indis'reet;&id yo. know *bo.t him8; 9 s*id when he didn1t go on<oey shook his he*d- ;9 w*s with his mother for * few months+ b.t 9 w*s )ery good *bo.t .sing 'ondoms- Or so 9 tho.ght- %is mother4 liked to drink- 91d 0oin her sometimes+ so 9 s.//ose it1s not s.r/rising th*t 9 might h*)e forgotten * time or two- 9 ended the rel*tionshi/ be'*.se she wo.ldn1t *dmit she h*d * /roblem+ so nor *m 9 s.r/rised th*t she ke/t 5o*h from me- &*d w*s the one who fo.nd him+ in * m*ll of *ll /l*'es- 5o*h w*s going to * mo)ie- %e w*s fifteen *nd st*rting to smell like * werewolf 'oming into his first $h*nge- &*d followed him *nd we o.t who he w*s- 5o*h w*sn1t with his mom *nymore- !he1d sobered ./ *nd m*rried * born(*g*in $hristi*n who didn1t think 1lo)e thy neighbor1 e2tended to 1lo)e thy new wife1s son-1 ; ;!o where w*s 5o*h li)ing8; <oey didn1t *nswer for * moment+ then s*id+ ;5o*h h*s /roblems-; ;Fet*l *l'ohol syndrome8; ;#ore like FA 6fet*l *l'ohol effe'ts-; A w*n smile- ;:es+ 91)e done my rese*r'h- With 5o*h+ it1s mild sym/toms- %e1s sm*ll for his *ge- %e h*s some le*rning dis*bilities+ some beh*)ior*l #*ybe it w*s the *l'ohol+ m*ybe his home sit.*tion *nd the whole6; A gl*n'e *ro.nd *t s.rro.nding t*bles- ;"he werewolf instin'ts ki'king in *nd his 'onf.sion o)er th*tWhen we fo.nd him+ he w*s in * 0.)enile detention 'enter- %e1d been li)ing in foster '*re *nd got mi2ed ./ with the wrong 'rowd+ robbing g*s st*tions- "he d*y &*d s*w him *t the m*ll w*s * field tri/- %e still h*d * ye*r left to ser)e+ then *nother ye*r in * h*lfw*y; <oey r.bbed his h*nd o)er his ;"h*t w*s * time- 5o*h w*s 'oming into his /owers+ hormones going n.ts+ with no ide* wh*t w*s h*//ening to him- %e1d *'ted o.t * 'o./le of times in the 'enter- Got into some fights- Gi)en his strength6*nd the f*'t th*t he h*d no history of )iolent beh*)ior6they / *nd he h*d to go testing4 9t w*s hell-; ;Were yo. *ble to s/e*k to him8; ; )ent.*lly- %is mom *dmitted 9 w*s his f*ther69 think by th*t /oint she w*s h*//y to d.m/ him onto someone else- We e*sed him into the whi'h+ *s it t.rned o.t+ w*sn1t ne'ess*ry%e 0.m/ed *t the e2/l*n*tion- %e w*s thrilled+ e)en- 5ot * s/lit se'ond of disbelief-; ;At th*t *ge+ 9 s.//ose he*ring 1yo.1re * werewolf is m.'h 'ooler th*n 1yo.1re h*)ing * ment*l bre*kdown+1 ; 9 s*id<oey nodded- ;"h*t w*s e2*'tly it *nd 94 9 didn1t .nderst*nd+ whi'h is where the /roblem beg*n-; %e /*.sed while the ser)er re filled o.r 'offees- ;As 91)e s*id+ my d*d *nd 9 h*d in're*singly different )iews on the best w*y to h*ndle o.r 'ondition- 9t w*sn1t *lw*ys like th*t:es+ for ye*rs we1d been on o//osite sides of the 'enter+ *nd not by m.'h- As 9 got older+

9 st*rted 'h*fing more *g*inst the restri'tions- 9 le*d * norm*l life6'*reer+ friends+ girlfriends%*)ing to worry *bo.t $h*nging while on b.siness tri/s or hiding my strength from my b.ddies in r*'3.etb*ll or being gentle with my lo)ers so 9 don1t bite4 ; %is g*7e slid my w*y *nd he 'olored+ *s if he1d 0*mmed his foot in his;9f yo.1re trying to li)e *s h.m*n+ there *re * lot more dis*d)*nt*ges th*n *d)*nt*ges to being * werewolf+; 9 s*id- ;91)e tried itmy self -; ;"hen yo. know wh*t 9 me*n- #y f*ther *lw*ys embr*'ed th*t side of himself more- %e1s not *s in)ol)ed with the world *s 9 *m- !elf(em/loyed+ /oker b.ddies r*ther th*n friends+ short(term girlfriends only4 As he got older+ he st*rted getting into the wolf /*rt e)en more- %e bo.ght the '*bin+ took ./ hiking+ 0oined * 'o./le of wilderness *//re'i*tion gro./s+ got interested in o.r origins *nd mythology- #y d*d is4 w*s+ 9 g.ess+ 9 sho.ld s*y4 ; <oey1s eyes .nfo'.sed+ grief et'hing f.rrows *ro.nd his "hen he 'le*red his thro*t *nd str*ightened- ;We were different- B.t it w*sn1t * big iss.e .ntil 5o*h '*me *long-; ;Whi'h to te*'h him+; 9 s*id- ;O)er'oming it )ers.s embr*'ing it-; ;As his f*ther+ 9 tho.ght it seemed n*t.r*l to te*'h him my w*y- &*d w*sn1t h*//y with th*t+ b.t he 'o.ldn1t *rg.e with my logi'- 9f 5o*h w*s going to str*ighten o.t6finish high s'hool+ m*ybe go to 'ollege6then 1norm*l1 w*s ob)io.sly the w*y to go- Only 5o*h4 ; %e tr*iled off+ his g*7e going dist*nt *g*in;%e1d fo.nd o.t he w*s something s/e'i*l *nd he w*sn1t interested in being norm*l-; ;9 '*n tell yo.1re * mother- :o. .nderst*nd kids * lot better th*n 9 do-; ;5o+ b.t 9 .nderst*nd the /oint of )iew-; 9 hooked * th.mb *t $l*y%e *ttem/ted * smile- ;9 g.ess so- And if 91d been $l*y+ 91m 9 wo.ld h*)e .nderstood 5o*h1s /ers/e'ti)e better- 9 only w*nted to m*ke things e*sier for him- 9nste*d 9 dro)e him to my f*ther+ whi'h didn1t hel/ m*tters-; <oey si//ed his 'offee+ g*7e down- ;9 took it /erson*lly- #y son w*s /i'king my f*ther+ *nd my f*ther w*s h*//y to h*)e him *ro.nd- 9 felt left o.t- !illy for * m*n my *ge+ b.t th*t1s how it w*s)eryone w*nts to belong+ *nd th*t goes for 5o*h more th*n most- %e w*nted * /l*'e to belong&*d g*)e him th*t- 9 sho.ld h*)e b*'ked off-9n ste*d + 9 s.lked like * teen*ger- 9n the l*st few months+ 91)e h*rdly seen either of them-; ;W*s 5o*h li)ing with &ennis8; <oey shook his he*d- ;%e w*s going to+ *fter he got his f.ll rele*se- "here w*s no w*y his /*role offi'er w*s t.rning * tro.bled se)enteen(ye*r(old kid o)er to * gr*ndf*ther who1d ste//ed into the /i';

!e)enteen4 9 h*dn1t /i' him so b.t gi)en e)erything th*t <oey h*d s*id+ th*t m*de sense<oey 'ontin.ed- ;For the l*st si2 months+ 5o*h h*s been s/ending weekends with &*d- %e1d h*d his first $h*nge+ *nd &*d w*s trying to hel/ him it-; %e gl*n'ed *t $l*y- ;%e .sed *ll those lessons <eremy did with 5i'k *nd me when we were th*t *ge- "he rest of the time+ 5o*h w*s in * gro./ home- On #ond*y+ 5o*h1s /* role offi'er /honed me *nd s*id he h*dn1t shown ./ !.nd*y night- 9 tried '*lling &*d- %e didn1t *nswer+ whi'h 9 me*nt he w*s still *t the '*bin- When #ond*y night '*me+ 9 tried to dri)e ./ there b.t my '*r wo.ldn1t m*ke it- 9 w*sn1t worried yet- <.st *ngry- 9 &*d h*d t*ken 5o*h into the b*'k'o.ntry *nd h*dn1t bothered 'oming o.t on time-; ;&id he do th*t8; <oey shook his he*d+ frown lines dee/ening- ;&*d w*s ne)er irres/onsible- 9 w*s 0.st4 9n the mindset 9 w*s in+ 9 w*nted him to be irres/onsible6/roof 9 sho.ld be t*king '*re of 5o*h- When ".esd*y '*me+ 9 st*rted worrying- "hen 9 got the '*ll- From"esler - "hey h*d 5o*h *nd st*rted m*king dem*nds-; ;Wh*t did they s*y *bo.t yo.r d*d8; $l*y *sked;"hey s*id they h*d him+ too- "hey only let me t*lk to 5o*h b.t4 9 belie)ed them *bo.t &*d- 9 w*nted to belie)e them- "hen yo. showed ./+ m*de it to the '*bin *nd fo.nd him-; "here w*s more to this story+ b.t <oey w*s 'le*rly e2h*.sted- We 'o.ld w*it for the rest- "here w*s one /ossibility+ th*t h*d to be r*ised- A diffi'.lt one- 9 flo.ndered *ro.nd+ trying to o.t how to word it"hen $l*y 0.m/ed in *nd *sked it for me- ;Any 'h*n'e 5o*h hooked ./ with these m.tts himself8; ;Wh*t8; <oey1s eyes went *s ro.nd *s his lenses9 h.rried to inter0e't- ;5ot th*t he1d h.rt &ennis himself or h*d *ny ide* they were going to+ b.t yo. s*id 5o*h w*s des/er*te to belong+ *nd m.tts like this will /rey on the /*'k instin't-; ;And if he1s *lre*dy *'rim 6; $l*y beg*n9 stom/ed his toes- ;9f he1s *lre*dy been into tro.ble with the l*w+ then the ./he*)*l of the $h*nge 'o.ld lower his defenses *g*inst ret.rning to th*t life+ howe)er m.'h he m*y w*nt to get o.t of it-; <oey1s 0*w worked9 'ontin.ed- ;91m not s*ying th*t1s wh*t h*//ened or th*t it1s e)en likely- B.t if it w*s *nother

teen*ger in his sit.*tion+ th*t1s the first thing we1d bring ./-; ;:o.1re right+; he s*id *fter * moment- ;B.t the *nswer is no- 9f 5o*h w*s still with me+ *nd &*d w*sn1t in the /i' then yes+ 9 'o.ld see it- %e wo.ld h*)e been looking for th*t 'onne'tion+ th*t re*ffirm*tion+ *nd if those m.tts showed ./+ they might h*)e fo.nd * )ery willing re' B.t 5o*h is 'r*7y *bo.t my d*d- #ore im/ort*ntly+ he w*s h*//y with him- As *ngry *s he is+ wh*t he re*lly w*nts is f*mily+ se'.rity-; %e looked down *t his h*nds- ;9t1s so e*sy to see now+ b.t *t the time4 9 s'rewed ./- 9f 91d s.//orted his 'hoi'es+ 9 might h*)e been there l*st weekend-; ;And yo. wo.ld h*)e been killed like yo.r d*d+; $l*y s*id- ;"hese g.ys *re r.thless- "he only w*y to fight them is with someone who1s *s r.thless-; ;:o.-; ;Us+; 9 s*id- ;R.thless might not be the first word *nyone .ses to des'ribe me+ b.t 9 h*)e the e2/erien'e *nd 9 '*n fight- !o '*n we hel/ yo. now8; %e /*.sed- A long /*.se+ g*7e on his folded h*nds- ;91m still not 'on)in'ed this is the right w*y to go *bo.t it+ b.t 9 don1t see th*t 9 h*)e m.'h 'hoi'e- :es+ 9 need yo.r hel/-; FO$U! A5& !O+ O@ R bre*kf*st+ the go*l of o.r mission to Al*sk* shifted yet *g*in- We '*me here to res'.e * werewolf from * /*ir of killer m.tts- We st*yed to in)estig*te *nother killer- And now+ while those de*ths were still *n iss.e+ o.r fo'.s h*d 'ome f.ll 'ir'le to res'.ing *nother werewolf from *nother /*ir of killer m.ttsAnd this one w*s4 9 hesit*te to s*y ;f*mily+; be'*.se it so.nds so hokey- 9 s.//ose it1s h.m*n n* to )*l.e /erson*l ties+ howe)er ten.o.s+ o)er *nonymity- B.t this w*s *bo.t wolf n*"o me+ res'.ing 5o*h w*s more im/ort*nt th*n m*king more h.m*ns didn1t die- 9 s.//ose th*t1s * ne'ess*ry instin't for * Al/h* to h*)e+ b.t it didn1t kee/ me from feeling g.iltyW !P 5" "% rest of the morning in o.r room where we 'o.ld t*lk more o/enly with <oey *nd /ie'e together o.r stories- %e1d *lre*dy t*ken .s ./ to the /oint of getting the '*ll from"esler + who 'l*imed to h*)e both 5o*h *nd &ennis- "h*t w*s the only time <oey h*d s/oken to his son sin'e his '*/ *nd it h*d been * brief e2'h*nge+ one <oey 'o.ld re'ite )erb*tim<oey, Are yo. ok*y8 5o*h, :e*h<oey, &id they h.rt yo.8 Are yo.68 5o*h, 91m ok*y+ *ll right8

<oey, 91m going to get yo. o.t of there5o*h, "hink so8 <oey, 9 will- 9 /romise- %ow1s &ennis8 9s he ok*y8 <oey w*sn1t whether 5o*h tried to s*y something or m*de * noise+ b.t before he 'o.ld *sk *g*in+"esler took the /hone b*'k"hen"esler l*id o.t his dem*nds- %e didn1t w*nt m.' e)erything <oey h*d- %e1d st*rt by *''e/ting fifty tho.s*nd doll*rs *s * of goodwill- "hen <oey wo.ld .se his lo'*l re/.t*tion *nd 'ont*'ts to fi2 some .ns/e'ified ;/roblems-; On'e th*t w*s 'le*red ./+ <oey wo.ld t*ke his f*ther *nd son *nd le*)e Al*sk*4 *fter signing o)er his '*r+ his 'ondo *nd his d*d1s '*bin to the"eslers <oey h*d s'r*/ed together * down /*yment on the fifty gr*nd- "he rest he1d get from*ting his retirement f.nds- %e w*s s.//osed to meet"esler yesterd*y morning- "h*t1s when we1d inter'e/ted him *t work- %is meeting with the"eslers h*dn1t been .ntil l.n'h+ b.t <oey fe*red they were w*t'hing+ so he1d br.shed $l*y off- %is instin't h*d been right *nd the g*ng h*d then followed o.r tr*il b*'k to o.r hotel *nd h*d their f.n there while we were o.tAfter o.r en'o.nter with the"eslers + *nd &*n1s / de*th+ ddie h*d '*lled <oey b*'k with * new dem*nd- Get rid of .s or *ll negoti*tions were offW GO" @ R:"%95G we 'o.ld from <oey- 9t took * while+ *nd by the end of it+ he w*s e2h*.sted by the 'onst*nt 3.estions- %e took * rest while $l*y he*ded o.tside to s'o.t for *ny sign of the m.tts+ *nd 9 went to * 3.iet /l*'e downst*irs *nd m*de /hone '*lls9 st*rted with <eremy+ ./d*ting him *nd getting his o/inion- "hen 9 s/oke to the kids- "heir /*tien'e with their g*lli)*nting /*rents w*s *g*in growing thin- "hey w*nted .s home- And+ t*lking to them+ 9 w*nted to be home- !o 9 ke/t it short with /romises th*t both &*ddy *nd 9 wo.ld '*ll *g*in before bed *nd t*lk to them more5e2t 9 '*lled 5i'k- Ag*in+ 9 beg*n with *n ./d*te;!o.nds like yo. two might need some hel/+; he s*id when 9 finished;We1re 'onsidering it+; 9 s*id- ;<*ime is st*ying longer *t!toneh*)en + in '*se <eremy needs to t*ke off+ *nd <eremy1s told K*rl to be re*dy to fly- For now+ kee/ yo.r s'hed.le 'le*r- We don1t w*nt to s/ook these g.ys by h*)ing the whole P*'k des'end on An'hor*ge-; ;Or they might de'ide to '.t their losses with their host*ge-; ; 2*'tly-; ;!o yo. think he1s still *li)e8 <oey1s boy8;

;<oey h*sn1t he*rd from him in two d*ys- 9 '*n only ho/e they w*nt the r*nsom too b*dly to risk killing him-; ;91m still finding it h*rd to belie)e <oey h*s * teen*ge son- %e1s old eno.gh6it1s h*rd to /i' <oey *s * middle(*ged g.y- 9 /i' the kid who left o.r /l*'e twenty(fi)e ye*rs *go- 9t so.nds like he1s 'h*nged+ tho.gh6*nd not his *ge-; ;$l*y s*ys so-; A moment of silen'e;!/e*king of werewol)es+; 9 s*id- ;%ow1s Reese settling in8; ;Good so f*r- :o. were right *bo.t gi)ing him 'hores- 9 didn1t w*nt to6with his h*nd *nd *ll6 b.t Antonio yo. h*d * /oint+ *nd g*)e him some work to do on the gro.nds+ e*rly s/ring 'le*n./- "h*t re*lly hel/ed- Reese h*s sto//ed eyeing the door+ re*dy to m*ke * bre*k for it-; ;P*ying his %e1ll be h*//ier with th*t- !o how is it going otherwise8 :o. seemed ner)o.s *bo.t h*)ing him there-; ;We1re being '*ref.l- We1re not *bo.t to gi)e * str*nger f.ll r.n of the not when he 'o.ld ob)io.sly .se * few b.'ks- 91)e been working from home+ so someone1s *lw*ys with him+ b.t he h*sn1t gi)en .s *ny re*son to worry- 9 e)en tho.ght 91d t*ke him o.t tonight- Got * /*rty- %e might like th*t- Get his mind off things-; ;5e2t thing yo. know+ yo.1ll be lining ./ do.ble d*tes-; ;91)e *lre*dy got one for !*t.rd*y- Oh+ did yo. me*n gi)e him one of my d*tes8 9 don1t like the kid th*t m.'h- B.t 91m ho/ing the /*rty will 'heer him ./-; ;9s he de/ressed *bo.t his h*nd8; ;%e1s not thrilled *bo.t it+ b.t there1s more- %*)e yo. got * dossier on him8; ;A )ery thin one- %e only hit o.r r*d*r *fter the /roblems with Li*m *nd R*mon- All 9 know is th*t he1s from A.str*li*- Or 5ew Ee*l*nd- 9 ne)er did 3.ite /in it down- Why8; ;91m trying to the kid o.t- %e1s been *sking me *nd Antonio *bo.t the r.les for m.tts6 where they '*n li)e+ whether they '*n get * 0ob+ how long they '*n st*y in one 'ity- 9f we mention the /ossibility of him going home+ he sh.ts down-; ;!omething h*//ened- 9 know th*t+ b.t 9 h*)e no ide* wh*t- 9t 'o.ld be th*t he killed someone or '*me 'lose- 9t seems more /erson*l+; ;5o+ 9 *gree- %e does mention his f*mily+ /*rents-;

;%is f*ther+ yo. me*n8; ;5o+ 91m /retty both /*rents *re in the /i'; Reese w*sn1t * bitten werewolf+ so to he*r th*t he m*y h*)e grown ./ with both /*rents w*s * s.r/rise- "h*t1s r*re th*t 91d only he*rd of one '*se in the United !t*tes6* with * wife *nd kids6b.t he st*yed so f*r .nder o.r r*d*r th*t 91d ne)er been *ble to 'onfirm the story;:o. think it h*s something to do with his f*mily+ then8; 9 *sked;9 h*)e * h.n'h it does- 91ll kee/ fishing-; ;Be '*ref.l- %e1s skittish *nd6; ;%e1ll bolt- 9 know- 91ll t*ke it slow+ b.t 9 think it1s im/ort*nt- "he kid w*nts to o/en ./- 91ll work on it+ *t le*st .ntil yo. need me there-; AF" R <O : WOK ./+ we s/ent the *fternoon with m*/s s/re*d o)er o.r hotel bed+ m*rking the lo'*tions of &ennis1s '*bin *nd the kill sites+ trying to n*rrow down where we might find the"eslers "h*t w*s o.r best ho/e, 'orner them in their l*ir- We 'o.ld let them 'ome to .s+ *nd 91m they wo.ld+ b.t for now they seemed to h*)e gone to gro.nd+ m*ybe w*iting to see whether <oey wo.ld get rid of .s- 9f he didn1t+ they1d h.rt 5o*h+ to /ro)e they wo.ld- We h*d to find them first<O : ! # & A#B9@AL 5" *bo.t 0oining .s+ b.t when we g*)e him the o/tion of st*ying behind+ he s*id he needed to 'ome+ he might not be m.'h hel/ in * fight;An e2tr* /*ir of eyes *nd e*rs+; $l*y s*id- ;!till .sef.l-; <oey /i'ked ./ dinner- 91d s.ggested we go o.t+ h*)ing been 'oo/ed ./ inside *ll d*y- B.t <oey knew $l*y wo.ld be h*//ier e*ting in his room- %e1d bro.ght b*'k #*l*ysi*n- 9t w*s one ethni' food 9 w*sn1t f*mili*r with+ *nd it w*sn1t 3.ite to my t*ste- 9 like s/i'y+ b.t this w*s too s/i'y to en0oy- For $l*y+ food is f.el+ *nd he m*de his t*nk w*s f.ll for the night *he*d;!o K*rl#*rsten is * P*'k member now8; <oey s*id- ;%ow h*rd ./ *re yo. g.ys for new blood8; $l*y rolled his eyes+ *nd st.ffed * '.rry(s*.'e(dren'hed boiled egg into his;5ot th*t 9 know the g.y+; <oey s*id- ;B.t e)en when we left the P*'k+ he h*d * re/.t*tion+ *nd he w*sn1t more th*n * 'o./le of ye*rs older th*n me- A thief+ w*sn1t he8 And * r.thless !OB+ if 9 remember right- Killed m.tts who '*me on his territory+ ignoring the f*'t th*t non(P*'k werewol)es '*n1t hold territory-;

;Whi'h+ .ltim*tely+ be'*me *n iss.e+; 9 s*id- ;%e w*nted territory *nd h*d to 0oin the P*'k to get it-; ;And yo. let him in8; 9 shr.gged- ;R.thless is good if it1s on yo.r side- %e1s not the most 'ommitted P*'k member+ b.t he1ll be here if <eremy '*lls- And if he doesn1t 0.m/ f*st his girlfriend will gi)e him * sho)e- !he thinks the P*'k is good for him+ *nd he gi)es .s * h.ndred /er'ent to /le*se her-; ;%is girlfriend knows he1s * werewolf8; ;!he1s * h*lf(demon-; ;%*lf4 !hit-; %e shook his he*d- ;&*d s*id the P*'k h*d gotten in)ol)ed with others./ern*t.r*ls b.t4 ; Another sh*ke of his he*d- ;&*d w*nted to know *ll *bo.t itF*s'in*ted- 91d r*ther le*)e my world *t werewol)es- "h*t w*s *nother iss.e we didn1t *gree on-; %e went 3.iet for * min.te+ then shook it off- ;!o K*rl#*rsten + h.h8 &idn1t #*l'olm kill his f*ther8; 9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y;Wo.ldn1t s.r/rise me+; he s*id- ;B.t 9 ne)er he*rd th*t-; ;9 did+ b*'k when we were with the P*'k- :o. *nd 5i'k h*d gone some/l*'e+ *nd 9 h*d to h*ng o.t with the !*ntos boys- #*l'olm w*s there with their d*d *nd .n'le+ *nd they were t*lking *bo.t it+ how #*l'olm h*d killed <osef#*rsten - R*ymond w*s r*77ing #*l'olm be'*.se the boy got *w*y on him-; ;K*rl8; ;9 / so-; 91d ne)er he*rd th*t+ 'ert*inly not from K*rl- 9t might e2/l*in some of his rel.'t*n'e to 'ommit himself to the P*'k+ t*king orders from * m*n whose f*ther h*d killed his own- 91d h*)e to t*lk to him *bo.t it;!o yo.1)e got two kids+ right8; <oey s*id- ;"wins8; 9 nodded- ;A boy *nd * girl- "hree *nd * h*lf-; ;Pl*nning to h*)e more8; ;Right now+ two is; $l*y nodded *s he tore * bite off * gi*nt /r*wn- ;Got too m.'h else going on- "wo is good- We '*n gi)e them *ll the *t(*tt(ensh.n4 ; $l*y st.mbled o)er the word+ sl.rring it-

9 looked o)er sh*r/ly- %e blinked h*rd+ *s if str.ggling to kee/ his eyes o/en;9 g.ess 91m not the only one who sho.ld h*)e h*d * n*/ this *fternoon+; <oey s*id$l*y ke/t blinking+ *s if he h*dn1t he*rd <oey- %e frowned+ *nnoyed+ *nd r.bbed his h*nd o)er his f*'e9 to.'hed his *rm- ;Are yo. ok*y8; ;%e looks re*dy to 'r*sh+; <oey s*id with * l*.gh- ;"oo little slee/ *nd too m.'h food- G.ess 9 sho.ld h*)e gr*bbed es/resso inste*d of $okes- Why don1t yo. go lie68; ;:o.+ yo. b*s6; "he word fell *w*y in * sl.rred 0.mble- $l*y gri//ed the t*ble+ /.shing himself ./;$l*y8; 9 s*id- ;Wh*t68; %e fell forw*rd- 9 l.nged for him+ b.t he '*.ght himself *t the l*st se'ond+ holding the t*ble+ sw*ying+ still trying to fo'.s- <oey h*d st.mbled b*'k+ o.t of his w*y;:o. son4 ; $l*y sl.rred the rest- %is he*d wobbled+ eyes trying to find <oey- ;9f yo. h.rt her+ 9 swe*r+ 91ll h.nt yo. down *nd6; %e 'oll*/sed into my *rms- 9 lowered him to the floor+ fr*nti'*lly 'he'king his /.lse+ finding it strong+ then s/inning on <oey;Wh*t did yo.68; <oey w*sn1t in his 'h*ir- As 9 t.rned+ 9 felt * /ri'k on the b*'k of my *rm9 wheeled+ fists flying ./+ hitting <oey1s o.tstret'hed h*nd- A syringe fell to the floor- 9 st*red *t it+ my br*in swimming+ knees b.'k ling;91m sorry+; <oey s*id9 'r*shed to the floorBAR" R 9 WOK "O the sl*/ of i'e('old *ir on my f*'e- 9 tried to nestle .nder the 'o)ers+ b.t 'o.ldn1t find them- $l*y mo)ed behind me- 9 b*'ked tow*rd him+ to sn.ggle ./+ kee/ w*rm+ e2/e'ting his *rm to go *ro.nd me+ s/oon me *g*inst him+ w*rm bre*th on my ne'k+ f*mili*r s'ent w*shing o)er me- B.t he mo)ed *w*y *nd shook my sho.lder; len*+ w*ke ./+; his )oi'e w*s dist*nt+ distorted-

%e ke/t sh*king me9 /.shed his h*nd off my sho.lder- ;"ired- 1! 'old+; 9 m.mbled- ;Window1s o/en- $lose4 ; 9 sto//ed- 9 w*sn1t in bed- 9 w*sn1t e)en lying down- 9 o/ened my eyes+ the lids g.mmy- A bl*st of bitter wind m*de me g*s/+ frigid *ir filling my l.ngs+ kno'king slee/ from me9 w*s looking *t * '*r window+ /*rty rolled down- Forest beyond- &ee/+ d*rk forest+ the trees so 'lose 9 'o.ld re*'h o.t *nd4 #y h*nds were bo.nd behind my b*'k9 twisted+ looking for $l*y- <oey s*t in the dri)er1s se*t- 9 w*s in the /*ssenger side- "he b*'kse*t w*s em/ty;Where is he8; 9 sn*rled+ str.ggling to get free+ re*li7ing 9 w*s bo.nd h*nd *nd foot- ;Where is he8; ;B*'k *t the hotel- "hey didn1t w*nt him-; 9t took * moment for me to .nderst*nd+ b.t when 9 did+ 9 thr*shed wildly<oey shr*nk b*'k *g*inst the door *nd w*ited .ntil 91d o.t 9 w*sn1t getting free+ *nd when 9 did+ 9 s*id+ slowly t.rning tow*rd him+ ;:o.1re e2'h*nging me for 5o*h-; ;9 h*)e to- "h*t1s wh*t they dem*nded yesterd*y- 9 h*d .ntil tonight to bring yo. or they1d kill him- "h*t1s why 9 tried to get yo. to le*)e- 9f yo.1d t*ken off+ they 'o.ldn1t e2/e't me to do it-; A whine 're/t into his )oi'e+ *s if this w*s *ll my f*.lt- ;9 tried to w*rn yo. off-; ;5o+ yo. didn1t- :o. m*de * h*lfhe*rted s.ggestion th*t we le*)e town+ b.t yo. didn1t re*lly w*nt .s to go- :o. w*nted to be *ble to tell yo.rself yo. tried *nd6; 9 sto//ed *nd s'*nned the forest- At *ny moment+"esler w*s going to ste/ from the d*rkness+ *nd 9 w*s w*sting *ny 'h*n'e 9 h*d of es'*/e by bi'kering;&id yo. he*r the l*st thing $l*y s*id to yo.8; 9 *sked<oey didn1t *nswer;&o yo. think th*t w*s *n idle thre*t8 Knowing $l*y+ do yo. re*lly think it w*s *n idle thre*t8; 5o *nswer+ b.t 9 swore he went * few sh*des /*ler+ g*7e d*rting *w*y+ li/s tightening;:o. remember wh*t $l*y did to th*t thirty ye*rs *go8 :o. were there-;

;9 w*sn1t6; ;5ot *t the s'ene+ b.t *ro.nd *t the time- %is friend *t the time-; When 9 em/h*si7ed the word friend+ his li/s tightened more- ;:o. know wh*t he did *nd why he did it- B.t * whole gener*tion of m.tts h*s grown ./ sin'e then+ * gener*tion th*t 'onsiders th*t *n'ient history+ *nd isn1t *fr*id *nymore- :o. know $l*y won1t *''e/t th*t- %e '*n1t- 9f they1)e forgotten+ then he needs to remind them- %e needs to /ro)e he still deser)es his re/.t*tion- Wh*t better w*y th*n to re/e*t it+ only not .sing * this time4 b.t *n old friend who betr*yed him-; <oey went white- "hen green- "hen red+ his 0*w setting *s he swi)eled to f*'e me- ;:o. don1t need to thre*ten me+ len*-; ;5o8; %is eyes met mine+ h*rd now- ;5o- Why do yo. think we1re sitting here8; ;Be'*.se yo.1re w*iting for "r*)is"esler to6; ;"he meeting /l*'e is h*lf * mile *w*y+ the meeting time * h*lf(ho.r from now- 9 sto//ed here be'*.se 91)e 'h*nged my mind- 9 '*n1t go with it-; #y g*7e went *s h*rd *s his- ;B.llshit-; ;B.llshit8 &o yo. see"esler 8 Why wo.ld68; ;:o. sto//ed * h*lf mile from the meeting /l*'e- "hen yo. woke me ./- 9f yo.1d 'h*nged yo.r mind+ yo.1d h*)e /.t the '*r in re)erse *nd gotten the hell o.t of here+ le*)ing me *slee/ *s long *s /ossible- 9nste*d4 ; 9 tr*iled off *s 9 .nderstood;9 w*nt my son b*'k+; <oey s*id- ;9 need him b*'k- :o.1re * mother- :o. sho.ld .nderst*nd-; 9f my h*nds were free+ 9 wo.ld h*)e s'r*t'hed his eyes o.t for th*t- %is son8 A kid he1d re0e'ted by d.m/ing him on his f*ther8 A kid who ob)io.sly needed something <oey ref.sed to /ro)ide be'*.se it 'l*shed with his own world)iew8 %e e2/e'ted me to .nderst*nd the de/th of his feelings be'*.se 9 h*d 'hildren8 %e h*d no ide* wh*t it me*nt to be * /*rent- 5o f.'king ide*;:o. w*nt me to b*rter myself )ol.nt*rily for yo.r son+; 9 s*id when 9 fo.nd my )oi'e;:o.1re strong- A fighter- $l*y1s 'hosen m*te-; %e s*id this *s if it w*s *n honor 91d won in the gl*di*tori*l ring- ;9 s*w yo. *nd him this morning+ /l*y fighting- %e w*sn1t letting yo. win:o.1re * better fighter th*n 91)e e)er been or 'o.ld e)er ho/e to be-;

;!o yo.1re s*ying 9 sho.ld w*lk into '*/ti)ity *nd fight my w*y o.t-; ;:o.1re sm*rt-; &es/er*tion edged his )oi'e now- ;$l*y listens to yo. *nd he ne)er .sed to listen to *nyone b.t <eremy- #y d*d s*id <eremy w*s *lw*ys t*lking *bo.t yo.+ th*t he thinks yo.1ll be <eremy1s 'hoi'e for s.''essor- A fem*le werewolf *s Al/h*8 For <eremy to e)en 'onsider th*t+ yo. be6; ;Fre*king *m*7ing- A werewolf Wonder Wom*n- 9s th*t how yo.1re going to /l*y this8 :es+ 91m sm*rt4 sm*rt to know yo. don1t gi)e * r*t1s *ss whether or not 9 '*n es'*/e"esler - :o. w*nt me to )ol.nteer so yo.1ll feel ok*y *bo.t this- 9f yo. t.rn me o)er+ he1ll kill me before 9 get * 'h*n'e to fight-; <oey shook his he*d- ;%e doesn1t w*nt yo. de*d- "his isn1t *bo.t st*t.s or re/.t*tion- 9f it w*s+ he1d h*)e *sked for $l*y+ not yo.-; ;!o wh*t does th*t tell yo.8; %e looked *t me *s if he didn1t .nderst*nd the 3.estion;"eslerw*nts me- "he fem*le- &o yo. think he /l*ns to woo me with roses *nd '*ndlelight8; ;Well+ no- 9 g.ess he4 ; ;:o. g.ess wh*t8; %is g*7e sl.nk to the side *g*in+ ;9t1s my son1s life+ len*- And if"esler w*nts yo.+ th*t me*ns he won1t kill yo.- :o.1ll get * 'h*n'e to es'*/e- "here will be time for $l*y to get here-; 9 'o.ld only st*re+ blood /o.nding in my e*rs- ;:o.1re s*ying 9 sho.ld let him r*/e me+ for *s long *s /ossible+ be'*.se it will kill time .ntil my white knight '*n *rri)e8; ;9t wo.ldn1t h*)e to be r*/e+; he m.mbled"he /o.nding blood filled my he*d- ;Are yo.4 *re yo. *sking me to sed.'e4 8; ;Willing or not willing+ $l*y wo.ld .nderst*nd- :o. did wh*t yo. h*d to *nd he1d forgi)e yo.-; ;For6forgi)e me8 %e1d forgi)e me if 9 got r*/ed8; ;5o+ 9 me*nt it wo.ld be ok*y- %e1d still6; ;W*nt me8 "o.'h me8; #y )oi'e h*d t*ken on * note between r*ge *nd*ge- ;9s th*t wh*t yo. think 91m worried *bo.t8 Whether he1d still w*nt me if 91)e been r*/ed8; 9 y*nked *t my bonds so h*rd 9 felt blood tri'kle down my *rms+ b.t 9 ke/t /.lling+ str.ggling to get to him+ to gr*b him by the h*ir *nd sm*sh th*t self(*bsorbed6

A fli'ker of mo)ement in the woods sto//ed me 'old+ my r*ge 'onge*ling into terror- 9 w*s still bo.nd *nd hel/less+ h*)ing s/ent my time thre*tening *nd fighting the only /erson who 'o.ld s*)e me- 5ow <oey wo.ld sho)e me o.t the door *nd s/eed *w*y witho.t * b*'kw*rd gl*n'e *nd 91d6 A /or'./ine /oked its he*d from the trees *nd looked 3.i77i'*lly *t the '*r- Aro.nd it+ the forest st*yed motionless9 still h*d time- 5ow sto/ s'rewing *ro.nd *nd .se itB When 9 t.rned b*'k to <oey+ the fe*r *nd r*ge h*d fro7en o)er+ 'old *nd h*rd now+ my br*in *nd my /*th now 'le*r;&o yo. re*lly think"esler is going to gi)e 5o*h to yo.8 )er8 Why sho.ld he8 :o.1)e /ro)en yo.1ll do *nything he *sks in the f*int ho/e of getting him b*'k-; ;Whi'h will kee/ him *li)e-; %is g*7e lifted to mine- ;#*ybe they won1t let him go tod*y or tomorrow+ b.t *s long *s it1s to their *d)*nt*ge+ he1ll li)e-; ;!o yo.1re willing to do wh*te)er it t*kes to kee/ him *li)e8 9n'l.ding tossing them the wife of yo.r old b.ddy+ to be r*/ed+ *nd /ossibly killed8 <.st so yo.r son '*n li)e *nother d*y8; "o /rote't my own 'hildren+ 91d go f*rther th*n 9 '*re to 'ontem/l*te- B.t 9 wo.ld ne)er do this 6throw their '*/tors *nother )i'tim to b.y time 9 h*d no intention of .sing<oey w*s like * f.giti)e+ holed ./ *nd s.rro.nded by /oli'e+ shooting r*ndom /*ssersby sim/ly to b.y more time+ to kee/ the 'o/s *t b*y while /r*ying the h*nd of the Almighty wo.ld re*'h down from the he*)ens *nd s*)e him+ be'*.se he *s hell didn1t /l*n on doing it himself;And then wh*t8; 9 *sked%e looked *t me bl*nkly;And then wh*t8; 9 re/e*ted- ;9 m*ke this s*'rifi'e *nd 9 distr*'t them+ *nd yo. will .se th*t time to4 ; ;9(91ll something o.t-; ;Of 'o.rse yo. will- :o. m*y not be stronger th*n them+ b.t yo.1re definitely sm*rter- :o.1ll o.twit them-; %e nodded+ relie)ed th*t 9 .nderstood;B.llshit- 9f yo. were sm*rter th*n them+ we wo.ldn1t be sitting here- We1d be ./ *t th*t meeting /oint+ *nd 91d be sl.m/ed in this se*t+ /retending 9 w*s do/ed ./ *nd o.t 'old- $l*y wo.ld be

l.rking downwind in the forest- "r*)is"esler wo.ld *rri)e- :o.1d m*ke the e2'h*nge- :o.1d t*ke 5o*h-"esler wo.ld gr*b me *nd 91d kill him while $l*y killed his brother- "he end-; <oey st*red *t me- %e blinked- %e sw*llowed- %is li/s formed *n ;oh+; b.t *ll th*t emerged w*s * f*int so.nd of /*in- And with th*t+ my h*te e)*/or*ted+ le*)ing only * thin film of e)en th*t bringing * st*b of g.ilt9t1d been twenty(fi)e ye*rs sin'e <oey h*d been * P*'k wolf+ *nd e)en then+ he1d ne)er been in the thi'k of it- 2/e'ting him to know how to de*l with his son1s *bd.'tion w*s like /l.'king * r*ndom h.m*n off the street+ kidn*//ing his kid *nd e2/e'ting him to m*ke the right 'hoi'es- 9 'o.ldn1t h*te him for wh*t he1d done+ b.t still th*t )eneer of ref.sed to dis*//e*r+ t.rning my words brittle;:o. won1t o.t how to free yo.r son- "hey1ll wring e)erything they '*n o.t of yo.+ *nd then they1ll kill yo.- "he only w*y to res'.e him is to .s- !t*rting with .ntying me+ so if they show ./+ 91m not 'om/letely hel/less-; %e hesit*ted only * s/lit(se'ond before gi)ing * defe*ted nod+ *nd doing it;9t wo.ld h*)e been e*sier if we1d ski//ed the whole 1dr.gging *nd kidn*//ing1 s'en*rio+ b.t it1s too l*te for th*t+ so the first thing yo. need to do is get .s o.t of here before they find .s-; %e*dlights off+ he rest*rted the '*r *s 9 ke/t t*lking;On'e we re*'h the highw*y+ yo.1ll '*ll"esler - :o.1ll s*y yo.r /l*n f*iled- :o. bo.ght #*l*ysi*n food+ ho/ing to hide the in something s/i'y *nd .nf*mili*r+ b.t $l*y w*nted /l*in Ameri'*n f*re- :o.1re going to try *g*in when we go o.t for drinks l*ter- :o.1ll '*ll him when it1s done-; As 9 t*lked+ <oey nodded 'onst*ntly+ first *n2io.sly *greeing with *nything 9 s*id+ /r*ying 9 h*d * 'l.e wh*t 9 w*s t*lking *bo.t+ then nodding f*ster *s he re*li7ed 9 did;P.t the '*r in re)erse4 *nd let1s get o.t of here-; %e did- And we didn1t"he tires s/.n+ the sm*ll '*r b.rrowing dee/er into the snow('o)ered l*ne- 9 s'*nned the d*rk forest *n2io.sly *s the whine of the engine b.77(s*wed the silen'e- %e /.t the '*r in dri)e+ then re)erse+ b.t it only ro'ked b*'k *nd forth+ getting more entren'hed;Kee/ it in re)erse+; 9 s*id *s 9 o/en the door9 ste//ed o.t- 9t w*s like /.tting my foot into * b.'ket of i'e w*ter- A//*rently+ dressing me for the we*ther h*dn1t been one of <oey1s 'on'erns- 9 still wore 0e*ns+ * long(slee)ed 0ersey *nd sne*kers-

;%ere+; he s*id- ;!wit'h- 91ll get o.t *nd6; ;5o-; "here w*s no time for th*t+ not with the so.nd of o.r es'*/e *ttem/t e'hoing the forest9 tr*m/ed to the front of the '*r+ '.rsing <oey .nder my bre*th+ this time for his rotten 'hoi'e of tr*ns/ort*tion- !elling * f*n'y little '*r like this in Al*sk* sho.ld be illeg*l- &id it e)en h*)e snow tires8 9 /l*nted myself in front of the '*r+ /.shed4 *nd felt it /.sh b*'k;Re)6B; 9 st*rted to yell o)er the whine of the engine+ before '*t'hing myself *nd mo.thing *nd /*ntomiming ;re)erse-; <oey nodded fr*nti'*lly+ re*'hed for the ge*r shift *nd6 9 smelled "r*)is before 9 s*w him+ *nd my body re'ogni7ed the s'ent before my br*in 'o.ld /ro'ess it- 9 whi//ed my he*d *ro.nd to see him m*king his w*y the trees;5eed * h*nd+ honey8; he '*lledAnother s'ent flitted /*st on * 'rosswind+ *nd 9 wheeled *s ddie '*me ./ behind me- "o my left w*s * dist*nt third 'losing in+ the three s.rro.nding me *nd '.tting off my es'*/e ro.tes9 t.rned to the '*r- <oey h*dn1t noti'ed the m.tts yet- %is h*nds still gri//ed the wheel+ his he*d bobbing to tell me he h*d it in re)erse now+ so go *he*d *nd /.sh9 looked *t"esler - "he b.bble of /*ni' rose+ then /o//ed+ e)*/or*ting *s my m.s'les tensed+ the fight(or(flight res/onse ki'king in+ my br*in )eering wildly between the twoFight or flight- Fight wo.ldn1t be e*sy+ with my only *lly *s .seless *s * Pomer*ni*n *t * /it(b.ll m*t'h5o+ fighting w*sn1t *n o/tion- Flight w*s6le*/ onto the '*r+ r*'e o)er the to/ *nd t*ke the only .ng.*rded ro.te into the forest- R.n *nd le*)e <oey to his f*te+ ho/e th*t distr*'ted them- And why sho.ldn1t 98 9t w*s no less th*n he1d /l*nned for me9 /.t my h*nds on the hood+ br*'ed myself4 *nd g*)e * tremendo.s he*)e- "he '*r 0.m/ed ./ *nd o.t of the r.t+ *''eler*ting b*'k w*rd * do7en feet before <oey hit the br*kes"h*t1s when he s*w ddie 'oming ./ behind me+ *nd"esler + beyond his dri)er1s side door<oey w*)ed fr*nti'*lly for me to get into the '*r+ b.t 9 knew 9 'o.ldn1t m*ke it+ h*d known it when 9 g*)e th*t sho)e!o 9 w*)ed *s fr*nti'*lly *s <oey+ mo.thing ;Get $l*yB; then s/.n *nd r*'ed tow*rd the one who h*dn1t yet emerged from the sh*dows- 9 he*rd the brothers 'oming *fter me4 then the ro*r of <oey1s '*r *s he s/ed off$APR9$9OU! A! 9 BARR L & the trees+ 9 s*w the third werewolf *he*d- "he w*s *s slight *s * wom*n *nd no more th*n fi)e foot si2- "he g*it+ w*s m*s'.line- %is he*d st*yed down *s he tr*m/ed the snow+ in no h.rry to get to the 'le*ring *nd see wh*t w*ited thereWhen he he*rd .s+ he lifted his he*d- 9 knew who he w*s6h*d known it from the moment 91d s/otted his in the dist*n'e%is f*'e w*s *nd smooth+ with light brown h*ir h*nging into d*rk eyes- %e re*'hed ./ *nd im/*tiently swi/ed his h*ir b*'k *s he s3.inted *t me+ his night )ision still /oor+ his first $h*nge b*rely behind him5o*h !tillwell- <oey1s '*/ti)e son6not bo.nd *nd for'ed forw*rd *t g.n/oint+ b.t on his own+ re*dy to hel/ his /*'k m*tes t*ke down their /reyWhen he re*li7ed who w*s r.nning str*ight *t him+ his h*nds flew ./ *wkw*rdly+ *s if he h*dn1t yet de'ided whether to sto/ me+ *tt*'k me or fend me offWith s'*r'ely * f*lter in my stride+ 9 gr*bbed the front of his 0*'ket+ y*nked him off his feet *nd him to the side- 9 'o.ldn1t im*gine either brother sto//ing to hel/ the f*llen boy+ *nd they didn1t+ b.t the /*th w*s n*rrow *nd *s 5o*h s'r*mbled ./+ he got in their w*y+ * 'hor.s of gr.nts *nd '.rses e'hoing behind me- 9 h.n'hed o)er+ /i'king * /*th where the snow l*y thinnest o)er the gro.nd *nd r.nning f.ll o.tR.nning h*s *lw*ys been my strong /oint- 91m /*rti'.l*rly skilled *t r.nning *w*y from things 691)e been doing it my whole life+ *nd not met*/hori'*lly91)e s/ent the l*st de'*de le*rning to st*nd firm *nd f*'e my /roblems4 or *t le*st b*tter them .ntil they1re .nre'ogni7*ble- !o now+ when 9 r*n from the"eslers + it h.rt6* ment*l /*in so *'.te it w*s like r.nning *'ross * bed of n*ils+ the s/ikes dri)ing into my soles with e)ery stride9 told myself 9 w*sn1t r.nning *w*y+ th*t this w*s /*rt of * /l*n th*t wo.ld e)ent.*lly end in * st*ndoff+ * 'h*llenge *nd+ of 'o.rse+ )i'tory- "he only /*rt missing8 "he *'t.*l /l*n9 d*rted the trees+ steering for the thi'kest /*rt to hide my /*le shirt *nd h*ir- Gr*d.*lly+ the so.nds of / f*ded+ then sto//ed *ltogether9 didn1t kid myself- 9 h*dn1t lost them6they 'o.ld e*sily follow my s'ent tr*il- "hey1d sto//ed 'h*sing me- 9 w*s miles from *ny /o/.l*ted /l*'e+ r.nning the fro7en Al*sk* wilderness dressed in * shirt *nd sne*kers- "hey wo.ld regro./ *nd 'ome ./ with * /l*n to tr*'k *nd '*/ me- And 91d .se this time to 'h*nge into something * little w*rmer-

9 needed to get * little f*rther from them+ so 9 'o.ld rel*2 for the $h*nge- 91d gone *bo.t twenty more feet when bobbing lights *he*d h*d me /l.nging into the .ndergrowth- On'e 9 w*s hidden+ 9 /eered o.t9 'o.ld see * 'l.ster of three dist*nt lights+ bobbing *t w*ist le)el- Fl*shlights8 A fo.rth 0oined the gro./+ then * fifth *nd *s 9 s3.inted+ 9 he*rd the f*int r.mble of engines- !nowmobiles9 remembered wh*t &*n h*d s*id6th*t the"eslers h*d two other m.tts in their gro./+ '.rrently in the Lower GH setting ./ tr*de ro.tes- $o.ld the"eslers h*)e re'*lled them when we killed &*n8 Possible+ b.t if he h*d+ they wo.ld h*)e *''om/*nied 5o*h *nd the brothers to the e2'h*ngeF*r more likely+ this w*s * gro./ of h.m*ns- And if it w*s+ then 91d r.n to them for hel/- #y /ride 'o.ld withst*nd th*t indignity better th*n wh*t w*s in store for me if the"eslers '*.ght ./!till+ the sm*ll 'h*n'e it w*s the m.tts me*nt 9 slid '*.tio.sly from the b.shes- "he he*dlights bo.n'ed *long like gi*nt fireflies+ the engines * low *nd ste*dy r.mbleAs 9 w*lked+ the lights mo)ed f*rther *w*y- &id snowmobiles h*)e re*r lights8 9 h*d no ide*+ b.t they were 'le*rly he*ding in the o//osite dire'tion- 9 broke into * slow 0og"he lights ke/t mo)ing+ no f*ster th*n me- :et the engine r.mble seemed to get lo.der+ *s if 9 w*s '*t'hing ./9 sto//ed- "he h*irs on my ne'k /ri'kled *s 9 looked *ro.nd- "he forest shimmered .nder the moon+ * d.sting of new snow glimmering on e)ery br*n'h- ?.iet h*d f*llen6not the .nn*t.r*l silen'e th*t /re'eded the *//e*r*n'e of the be*st+ *n odd *s if e)en the night *nim*ls were '*ref.l not to m*ke too m.'h noise"he lights st*yed e2*'tly where they were when 9 sto//ed- As if they were w*iting for me4 Whoe)er w*s o.t there 'o.ldn1t see me from here- !.rely they1d sto//ed 'oin'ident*lly9 ste//ed forw*rd- "he lights didn1t mo)e- 9 took *nother ste/- !till they only bobbed in /l*'e- 9 'o.ld he*r the engine+ *lso seeming neither 'loser nor f*rther+ b.t the r.mble oddly m.ffled9 didn1t he*r *ny so.nd of / *nd th*t w*s the im/ort*nt thing- 9 '*ref.lly mo)ed tow*rd wh*t seemed to be * bre*k in the forest- 9 'o.ld see the lights fli'kering the l*st '.rt*in of trees9 ste//ed to the edge- A l*.gh '*me from the other dire'tion- 9 wheeled- 5o one w*s there- "he 'le*ring stret'hed *s f*r *s 9 'o.ld see6* ribbon of white bordered by trees- 5ot * 'le*ring+ b.t * ro*d- Perfe't- 9 grinned- "he skin o)er my 'heeks /.lled sh*r/ly with the s.dden mo)ement+ *s if my f*'e h*d been mere se'onds from free7ing solid9 t.rned b*'k tow*rd the he*dlights4 *nd fo.nd myself st*ring down *n e3.*lly long e2/*nse

of winding em/ty ro*d+ with no sign of the lights"he r.mbling of engines 'ontin.ed- 9 st*rted following the ro*d+ looking for * /l*'e the snowmobiles 'o.ld h*)e t.rned off- "hen 9 s/otted the lights *g*in+ mo)ing dee/er into the woods on the other side9 gl*n'ed e*'h w*y+ *ss.ring myself no one w*s *ro.nd+ then 9 st*rted *'ross- A 'r*'k ri//ed the night+ lo.d *s g.nfire+ *nd 9 s/.n+ re*li7ing 9 w*s in the middle of the ro*d+ too f*r to di)e for 'o)er on either sideA long+ b.bbling l*.gh so.nded off to my right+ b*rely *.dible o)er the d.ll ro*r of the engines9 /eered into the nightAnother 'r*'k '*me- 5ot from my left or my right4 9 looked down- "he l*.gh so.nded *g*in+ the b.bbling b.rble of w*ter flowing o)er ro'ks- With * third 'r*'k+ * s/ider web of fiss.res shot the ;snow; *t my feet"his w*sn1t * ro*d- 9t w*s * ri)er- And 9 stood in the middle of it9 looked *ro.nd+ kee/ing the rest of me /erfe'tly still- "he ;engines; 'ontin.ed to r.mble+ w*ter+ r.nning f*st *nd freesome where in front of me- 9 'o.ld see those lights d*n'ing in the forest+ *nd the b*bble of w*ter still so.nded like l*.ghter6t*.nting l*.ghter now9 told myself it w*s"esler *nd his b.ddies with fl*shlights+ b.t th*t 'ree/ing feeling down my b*'k s*id otherwise+ re'*lled the lights le*ding .s the forest two nights *go- "here were no h.m*ns here- 5o werewol)es- 5o mysterio.s be*sts- <.st something4 else- !omething /rimiti)e+ '*/ri'io.s *nd 'r.el- !ome m*gi'+ dee/ in the forest th*t '*red little for my s.r)i)*l"he lights d*n'ed for * moment+ then winked o.t"he i'e bene*th my feet gro*ned- 9 took * '*ref.l ste/- "hen slid my other foot forw*rd *s slowly *nd '*ref.lly *s 9 'o.ld+ shifting my weight6 With * tremendo.s 'r*'k+ the i'e .nder me g*)e w*y *nd my legs /l.nged into the w*ter+ the 'old so .nbelie)*ble th*t my br*in shorted o.t+ my g*s/ ringing in my e*rs- "hen 9 felt i'e .nder my fingers *nd .nder my 'heek *nd 9 sn*//ed to- 9 l*y h*lf on the i'e+ blessedly solid6 Witho.t e)en * w*rning 'r*'k+ the /ie'e broke *w*y *nd dro//ed into the ri)er+ me still 'linging to it- 9 felt the w*ter s.rge o)er me+ so 'old it w*s *n i'e /i'k to my br*in- And then+ nothing9 '*me to h.rtling downstre*m .nderw*ter+ '*.ght in the '.rrent- 9 fo.ght+ twisting *nd writhing+ b.t it w*s like t.mbling s/*'e- 9 h*d no ide* whi'h w*y w*s ./- "he *gony of the 'old w*s indes'rib*ble *nd my b*rely f.n'tion*l br*in 'o.ld only st.tter h*lf( remembered st*tisti's-

9t took twenty min.tes to die in i'y w*ter- Or w*s th*t two min.tes8 5o+ it h*d to be ten- At le*st ten- Ple*se let it be ten9 fin*lly got my eyes o/en to see the w*y ./6f*intly lighter th*n the other dire'tions- 9 /ro/elled myself tow*rd it- U/+ ./6 #y fists b*shed *g*inst solid i'e9 ke/t b*shing+ so 'lose to freedom+ those st*tisti's 'ir'ling my he*d like ).lt.res- B.t it w*s like trying to bre*k * window with * fe*ther- #ys./erstrength didn1t m*tter- "he w*ter ke/t me from getting ./ moment.m to bre*k the i'e9 w*s tr*//ed *nd there w*sn1t * d*mn thing 9 'o.ld do *bo.t it- All my strength+ *ll my /owers+ *ll my instin't to s.r)i)e6*ll .selessWhen we die+ we1re s.//osed to see the f*'es of o.r lo)ed ones fl*shing before o.r eyes- 9 w*nted th*t- 9 so des/er*tely w*nted th*t- )eryone 9 '*red *bo.t6$l*y+ my 'hildren+ <eremy+ my P*'k+ my friendsB.t my br*in wo.ldn1t let me /i' them- 9t ke/t s're*ming th*t 9 w*s going to die *nd 9 h*d to do something9 o/ened my eyes * slit *g*in *nd s*w one /*t'h of i'e o)erhe*d th*t w*s lighter th*n the rest+ *s if 9 'o.ld see the snow it- 9 sw*m tow*rd it+ fighting the '.rrent+ b*rely mo)ing b.t kee/ing *t it+ in'h by in'h- 9 knew th*t /*t'h w*s /rob*bly *n ill.sion6the refle'tion of * st*r the thi'k i'e- 9 knew 9 /rob*bly w*sn1t e)en going to m*ke it th*t f*rAnd then 9 s*w my f*mily1s f*'es+ not * serene+ smiling fin*l /ortr*it of my lo)ed ones+ b.t K*te1s bl.e eyes wide with /*ni'+ Log*n1s d*rk with worry+ $l*y1s bl*7ing+ *s he sn*rled *t me to sto/ thinking 9 wo.ldn1t m*ke it+ sto/ thinking it wo.ldn1t be * hole+ swim+ godd*mn it+ swimB 9 re*'hed ./- #y h*nds broke the w*ter1s s.rf*'e+ then '*me down on *n edge *s sh*r/ *s * steel bl*de- 9 gri//ed it+ b.t the i'e sh*ttered .nder my fingers9 /.shed my he*d ./+ o.t of the w*ter+ g*s/ing- "he *ir felt like red(hot /okers sho)ed down my thro*t+ the /*in ne*rly m*king me bl*'k o.t- B.t 9 lifted my he*d *bo)e the w*ter .ntil 9 '*.ght my bre*th+ then felt *long the edge of the i'y hole- 9 fo.nd the thi'kest s/ot *nd m*n*ged to get my 'hest ./ onto the i'e+ b.t when 9 tried to /.sh o.t f*rther+ the i'e gro*ned *nd 'r*'ked;%old stillB; * )oi'e sho.ted9 t.rned my he*d to see * r.nning *long the ri)er1s edge- 9t w*s 5o*h+ stri//ing off his 0*'ket *s he r*n- 9 tried to wriggle f*rther onto the i'e;%old stillB; he yelled- ;9f it bre*ks+ yo.1re going .nder *nd yo. *ren1t 'oming b*'k ./-;

%e sto//ed /*r*llel to me+ then shimmied o.t on the i'e .ntil he got *s f*r *s he deemed s*fe%e tested it+ ro'king b*'k *nd forth+ then 'ro.'hed- %olding one '.ff of his 0*'ket+ he tossed it tow*rd me- "he other slee)e s*iled o.t like * life(ro/e4 *nd fell si2 in'hes short of my h*nd9 wiggled+ trying to re*'h it+ b.t he y*nked the 0*'ket b*'k with *n *ngry ;!t*y still-; #o)ing on his stom*'h+ he in'hed f*rther o.t+ then threw it *g*in- "his time+ it br.shed my fingers- 9 '*.ght the edge of the '.ff+ something 9 'o.ld tell by sight *lone+ my fingers too n.mb to feel the f*bri' between them9 m*n*ged to get of * gri/ to t.g myself ne*rer+ then wr*/ it *ro.nd my wrist- 5o*h /.lled- 9 ki'ked+ wriggling onto the i'e+ he*ring it 'r*'k behind me- 5o*h ke/t /.lling+ '*ref.lly+ then he he*)ed- "he i'e 'r*'ked *nd fell *w*y *s 9 shot tow*rd him5o*h b*'ked ./+ still /.lling+ still telling me not to mo)e+ his f*'e t*.t with 'on'entr*tion+ tendons b.lging *s he dr*gged me to the ri)erb*nk;Ok*y+; he s*id *s 9 '*me to rest+ h.ddled *t the edge- ;We need to6; ;Wh*t1d yo. /.ll o.t of the ri)er+ boy8; * )oi'e e'hoed from the forest- ;9s th*t my girl8; "eslerste//ed from the woods+ his brother *t his heels- 5o*h str*ightened- %e t.rned from me+ *nd there w*s my 'h*n'e to es'*/e- Le*/ ./+ kno'k 5o*h down *nd r.n4 *nd 9 w*s no more '*/*ble of doing th*t th*n if 91d been bo.nd h*nd *nd foot9 h.ddled there+ sh*king )iolently- 9 tried to 'on'entr*te+ b.t it w*s like st*nding on the /re'i/i'e to obli)ion6it took e)erything 9 h*d to st*y 'ons'io.s *nd bre*the;!he fell in+; 5o*h '*lled b*'k- %is )oi'e h*d 'h*nged+ 'on'ern f*lling *w*y+ the timbre dee/ening+ like * teen boy with his b.ddies- ;!t./id 'ity bit'h- !he r*n o.t onto the ri)er *nd fell 9f yo. w*nt her *li)e+ yo.1re going to need to get her b*'k to the '*bin+ /ronto- !he needs to get o.t of those wet 'lothes-; "eslerbent o)er me+ teeth *nd eyes glittering- ;Well+ then+ th*t1s wh*t we1ll h*)e to do- 9 w*sn1t /l*nning to kee/ her in them for long *nyw*y-; PR9E 9 W9!% 9 'o.ld s*y 9 fo.ght e)ery ste/ of the w*y- B.t e)en *s th*t /rimiti)e /*rt of me went wild with fe*r *nd /*ni'+ the r*tion*l /*rt le*/t in- 9 'o.ld feel my body sh.tting down+ hy/othermi* like * sed*ti)e 'ree/ing my )eins+ whis/ering for me to go to slee/+ go to slee/- "he only fighting 9 'o.ld do now w*s to str.ggle to st*y *li)e- And st*ying *li)e *t this moment me*nt letting"esler sling me o)er his sho.lder *nd '*rry me to their '*bin"% 9R ;$AB95; WA! * big )*'*tion "he thi'k l*yer of o)er the kni'kkn*'ks told

me it didn1t get m.'h .se+ so 9 / they were s3.*tting here+ knowing there w*s little d*nger of the owner showing ./- "he se'.rity system h*d been ri//ed from the w*ll- Pi77* bo2es were /iled by the door- !t*ins 'o)ered the '*r/ets- "he /l*'e reeked like * fr*t ho.se6of s/illed beer *nd swe*ty bodies;:o. need to get her .ndressed+; 5o*h s*id+ dogging"esler1s heels *s he entered the li)ing room;Oh+ belie)e me+ 91m getting to it-; ;5ow+ "r*)is- 91m not kidding-; 9 tried to look *t 5o*h+ b.t he1d t.rned *w*y-"esler d.m/ed me on the be*rskin r.g in front of * smoldering fire/l*'e;!tri/-; ;91ll gr*b her some6; 5o*h beg*n"eslerwheeled on him- ;:o.1ll get her nothing+ boy-; "o me+ he s*id+ ;!tri/- Unless yo.1d /refer 9 did it for yo.-; 9 /.lled off my shirt- 9t took * few tries6my fingers ref.sed to 'l*m/ on the f*bri'- 9 fin*lly /.shed my h*nds .nder *nd sho)ed it ./ o)er my he*d"he '*bin w*s *lre*dy w*rm+ with the fire/l*'e still going *nd * woodsto)e bl*sting *'ross the room-"esler threw *nother log on the fire+ then *dded tinder6/*ges ri//ed from books st*'ked by the fire/l*'e- %e looked o)er sh*r/ly *s 5o*h re*//e*red in the li)ing room+ * towel in h*nd;&idn1t 9 tell yo.68; ;9t1s one towel- !he needs to dry off-; %e w*lked o)er to me+ *nd lowered his )oi'e- ;&on1t r.b too h*rd- <.st /*t yo.r skin- :o. need to w*rm ./ slowly- &on1t get 'lose to the fire-; ;:o.1re * reg.l*r Boy !'o.t+ *ren1t yo.8;"esler s*id5o*h shot * glower"esler1s w*y- ;&o yo. w*nt her with her fingers *nd toes or witho.t8; 9 w*s f.mbling with the b.tton on my 0e*ns *s 5o*h *//ro*'hed- %e the towel o)er his sho.lder *nd gr.nted ;%ere-; %e .ndid the b.tton for me+ *s 'ir'.ms/e'tly *s he 'o.ld- %is kn.'kles br.shed my belly+ b.t 9 'o.ldn1t feel it- %e /.lled the 7i//er down+ then hesit*ted;Got it+; 9 s*id *s 9 wedged my h*nds .nder my w*istb*nd9 /.shed my 0e*ns down o)er my hi/s- %e didn1t mo)e+ st*ying so 'lose 9 'o.ld he*r his bre*th /i'king ./ s/eed-

;Oh+ he1s * Boy !'o.t *ll right+; ddie s*id- ;5e)er seen * n*ked wom*n before+ 5o*h8; ;Only on his 'om/.ter s'reen+;"esler s*id"hey l*.ghed *s 5o*h m.ttered+ ;F.'k off+; h*nded me the towel *nd st*rted b*'king ./+ g*7e still on me;Better get th*t br*+ too+ boy+;"esler s*id- ;9 don1t w*nt those free7ing *nd f*lling off-; ;9 '*n m*n*ge-; 9 sli//ed my h*nds .nder the str*/s- 9 got them down o)er my *rms+ b.t no f*rther+ the 'hest b*nd still tightly f*stened+ './s h*nging+ fingers too n.mb to work the front 'l*s/;$ome on+ 5o*h+; ddie s*id- ;Be * gentlem*n- %el/ the l*dy-; 5o*h slid forw*rd *nd sto//ed in front of me+ eyeing the 'l*s/- %e .nhooked it+ h*nds trembling+ fingers gr*7ing the bottom of my bre*sts *s the"esler l*.ghed *t him9 it w*s the first time the se)enteen(ye*r(old h*d .nf*stened * br*+ b.t it w*s more th*n th*t m*king his bre*th s/eed ./- %is nostrils fl*red *s he dr*nk in my s'ent%e took the br* off+ wr*//ed it *ro.nd his h*nds *nd stood there+ looking down *t me in my /*nties+ his own /*nts tenting;"h*nks+; 9 g*7e *)erted *s 9 took my br* from him%e b*'ked *w*y slowly+ still st*ring- 9 tried to wr*/ the towel *ro.nd me+ b.t it w*s only * h*nd towel691m"esler wo.ld h*)e t*ken it *w*y if it 'o)ered more- 9 'o.ld feel *ll three of them st*ring now- 9 resisted the .rge to 'o)er myself or t.rn *w*y- 9f "r*)is w*nted me to 'ower in sh*me+ 9 w*sn1t gi)ing him th*t s*tisf*'tion;:o. forgot something-; %e /ointed *t my /*nties- ;5o*h+ gi)e the l*dy * h*nd-; 9 /.shed them down to my *nkles *nd ki'ked them *side;:o. owe me twenty b.'ks+ bro+; ddie s*id- ;9 told yo. she w*s * n*t.r*l blond-; 9 mo)ed * little 'loser to the fire- 5ot too 'lose+ heeding 5o*h1s w*rning *bo.t w*rming ./ too f*st *nd knowing it w*s tr.e691d h*d frostbite beforeA few feet from the fire+ 9 bent *nd s*t 'ross(legged+ then st*rted drying my h*ir- "hey 'ontin.ed to st*re *s if none of them h*d e)er seen * n*ked wom*n before;:o. know+ yo. look e)en better witho.t yo.r 'lothes+;"esler s*id- ;And yo. looked d*mned fine in them-;

9 ignored him *nd s3.ee7ed w*ter o.t of my h*ir%e 'ontin.ed- ;9 he*rd yo. h*)e * 'o./le of kids- $*n1t tell- :o. didn1t lose yo.r th*t1s for; A't.*lly+ *ny ;; 9 h*d these d*ys '*me 'o.rtesy of my kids- 91d *lw*ys been thin6*thleti' *nd boyish- B.t now there w*s some swell to my hi/s *nd 91d gr*d.*ted to * B './- 5ot th*t $l*y '*red6if he e)en noti'ed- "hings like th*t weren1t im/ort*nt to himAt th*t moment+ 9 wo.ld h*)e /referred my old body- #*ybe it wo.ld m*ke"esler 'h*nge his mind- Wishf.l thinking+ 9 know- %e didn1t '*re wh*t 9 looked like- %is interest h*d nothing to do with se2 *nd *ttr*'tion- 9t w*s *ll *bo.t domin*n'e *nd 'ontrol;9 w*nt her+; 5o*h s*id+ m*king my he*d whi/ *ro.nd- %e t.rned so 9 'o.ldn1t see his f*'e+ then s*id *g*in+ ;9 w*nt her-; ;91m yo. do+;"esler 'h.'kled- ;And if yo.1re * )ery good boy+ 91ll let yo. t*ke * ride+ *s soon *s 91)e h*d my fill-; ;9 w*nt to go first-; "eslers/.ttered- ; 2'.se me8; 5o*h t.rned tow*rd him+ f*'e still *)erted from me- ;Witho.t me+ yo.1d be h.m/ing * fro7en 'or/se- 9 s*)ed her- 9 risked my own life to do it- 9 deser)e the first go-; ;And 91m s.//osed to t*ke se'onds8; An edge 're/t into "ester1s )oi'e;<.st on'e- After th*t+ she1s *ll; ;9s she8;"esler *d)*n'ed on the boy- ;%ow genero.s of yo.-; ddie ste//ed between them- ;$ome on- Let the kid lose his 'herry with * fem*le werewolf%ow m*ny g.ys get th*t 'h*n'e8; ;91m not *6; 5o*h sto//ed+ re*li7ing it wo.ldn1t hel/ his '*.se to s*y he w*sn1t * )irgin%e still wo.ldn1t look my w*y- %e 'o.ldn1t- As 9 st*red *t him+ the *nger rose- %e1d been ni'e to me- )en when he1d been g*wking+ he1d seemed emb*rr*ssed- F*'ed with three *nt*gonists+ 91d looked for * friendly f*'e *nd been too e*ger to see it+ .n'ons'io.sly shifting 5o*h into the role of /otenti*l *lly9 forgotten wh*t he re*lly w*s6* /.nk who1d let his gr*ndf*ther be m.rdered by his new /*lsP*rt of me h*d ho/ed th*t there w*s *n e2/l*n*tion- 5ow 9 re*li7ed there w*sn1t- &ennis h*d t*ken 5o*h in *nd gi)en him * 'h*n'e to st*rt o)er- %e1d re/*id him by hooking ./ with these

m.rdering b*st*rds- "h*t blood of 5o*h1s 91d fo.nd in the '*bin8 9t 'o.ld h*)e 'ome from * fight with &ennis+ not defending him5o*h w*s st.dio.sly *)oiding my g*7eA he might not h*)e * r*/ist1s he*rt+ b.t he still s*w me *s *n ob0e't- %e w*nted me+ *nd wh*t 9 tho.ght of th*t didn1t m*tter- "he only /erson whose o/inion 'o.nted w*s"esler ;Fine+;"esler s*id- ;%e1ll get * werewolf for his first time4 *s soon *s 91m finished-; ;:o.1re * little with the l*dies+ bro+; ddie s*id- ;Let the kid go first- %e1s been good- %e deser)es * rew*rd-; "eslergl*n'ed o)er *nd fi2ed his brother with * look th*t m*de 5o*h flin'h- ddie didn1t e)en blink;9t1s * girl+ "r*)is+; he s*id+ his )oi'e low- ;5o big de*l-; ;!he1s not 0.st6; ;<.st * girl-; ddie met his brother1s g*7e- ;5o big de*l+ right8; 9 remembered wh*t &*n h*d s*id+ how"esler h*d /romised his brother he1d sto/ r*/ing girls"he two st*red e*'h other down for * min.te+ then"esler t.rned th*t st*re on 5o*h+ *s if ho/ing he1d get the kid to b*'k down- 5o*h blinked+ b.t nothing more;All right+;"esler s*id *fter * min.te- ;%ere1s the de*l- Blondie here is indeed * /ro/er /ri7e+ so let1s do this /ro/erly- 9f yo. w*nt her+ yo. h*)e to win her4 by 'h*llenging me-; ;Oh+ for f.'k1s s*ke+ "r*)is- "he kid '*n1t6; ;5o+ th*t1s fine-; 5o*h1s 'hin lifted- ;9 *''e/t-; ;Gre*t-;"esler he*ded for the kit'hen+ th.m/ing 5o*h on the b*'k *s he /*ssed- ;Gi)e me * min.te to gr*b * beer+ then we1ll get st*rted-; ;9n the me*ntime+; ddie s*id to 5o*h- ;"*ke * look o.t front+ m*ke we *ren1t *bo.t to entert*in *ny .nw*nted g.ests-; 9 ho/ed th*t me*nt 91d be left *lone while 5o*h *nd ddie went o.tside+ b.t 9 knew better- 5o*h got on his ge*r *nd left- ddie w*lked to the window to look o.t- 9 'o.ld /rob*bly t*ke him+ b.t not witho.t *lerting his brother5o*h h*d no ho/e of be*ting"esler - 9 don1t know why he1d e)en *greed to try6teen*ge ego+ 9 s.//ose- B.t the more 9 tho.ght *bo.t it+ the more 9 w*nted 5o*h to win th*t m*t'h- 5ot th*t 91d /refer 5o*h- When it 'omes to r*/e+ there is no ;/refer-;

B.t if 5o*h won+ he1d get time *lone with me+ time in whi'h"esler 'o.ld e2/e't to he*r noises+ e)en so.nds of str.ggle- And th*t wo.ld gi)e me the /erfe't o//ort.nity to es'*/e-"esler w*sn1t the only one who 'o.ld e*sily t*ke on * boy like 5o*hB.t there w*s the r.b6"esler'o.ld t*ke the kid+ no 3.estion+ me*ning there w*s no 'h*n'e 5o*h wo.ld win the 'h*llenge- Unless4 "eslers*.ntered b*'k into the li)ing room+ 'h.gging his beer;!o wh*t1s the h*ndi'*/8; 9 *sked%e r*ised his brows+ not lowering the '*n;9t1s going to t*ke * lot of those to m*ke it * f*ir fight+; 9 s*id%e s/.ttered beer *s he lowered the bottle- ;F*ir fight8; ;Foreign 'on'e/t8; ddie 'h.'kled-"esler only snorted *nd 'ontin.ed drinking9 w*lked o)er to him- ;Why tell the kid he '*n fight for me when he doesn1t h*)e * ho/e of winning8 ither tell him no or m*ke it * f*ir fight by h*ndi'*//ing yo.rself-; ;%ow8 "ie both h*nds behind my b*'k8; ;Wh*t *re yo. worried *bo.t8; %is smirk fro7e+ eyes i'ing o)er- ;Worried8; 5o*h '*me inside+ 'old *ir bl*sting down the h*ll;9 g.ess there1s no w*y yo. w*nt him winning+; 9 s*id- ;9f he gets first dibs+ he might show yo. ./-; %e hit me so f*st 9 didn1t see it 'omingAs 9 l*y on the floor+ ddie shook his he*d+ *s if to s*y+ Wh*t did yo. e2/e't8 5o*h h*d his 'o*t off+ boots still on+ h*ir s*lted with snow- ;Wh*t1s going on8; 5o one *nswered- 9 got ./+ swi/ed *w*y blood tri'kling from * s'r*/e on my elbow+ gr*bbed my dis'*rded towel *nd 'le*ned my fingers- "hen 9 w*lked ./ to"esler ;!tr.'k * sore s/ot+ did 98; 9 s*id-

When he r*ised his h*nd to hit me *g*in+ 9 didn1t flin'h- &ism*y fl*shed in his eyes before he tossed the em/ty '*n *side *nd st*lked b*'k to the kit'hen9 st*rted to follow5o*h '*.ght my elbow- ;&on1t b*it6; 9 shook him off *nd w*lked into the kit'hen-"esler w*s rooting the fridge;9 '*n see why yo.1d be worried+; 9 s*id- ;%e1s se)enteen- Wh*t he l*'ks in finesse+ he1ll m*ke ./ for in )igor- %e1s in his se2.*l /rime4 And how old *re yo.8; %e /o//ed o/en * beer;Abo.t forty(fi)e+ 91d g.ess- Getting * little h*rder to+ well+ get h*rder+ 9 bet-; %e ke/t his g*7e fi2ed on the f*s'in*ting 'ontents of the refriger*tor- "o get *ngry wo.ld be to 'onfirm it;"h*t1s *bo.t the s*me *ge *s yo.r h.bby+ isn1t it8; he s*id- ;Got some e2/erien'e with little bl.e /ills8; 9 l*.ghed- ;&efinitely not- $l*y doesn1t need /ills6or r*/e6to get it ./-; "he look he t.rned on me w*s /.re h*tred- And 9 knew th*t 91d se*led my f*te- Blow this+ *nd 9 wo.ldn1t be r*/ed+ 91d be r*/ed+ be*ten *nd killed6*nd no swift /*inless de*th eitherA 'old b*ll of /*ni' 'onge*led in my stom*'h+ the little girl )oi'e s're*ming *t me+ dem*nding to know wh*t the hell 9 w*s doing- 9 stifled it"he key to not getting killed w*s not to blow this 'h*n'e- /.sh *nd /.sh .ntil 9 got wh*t 9 w*nted+ 'onse3.en'es be d*mned;5o offense+; 9 s*id+ ;b.t 91d /refer the kid-; %e smiled+ teeth b*red- ;91m yo. wo.ld-; %e g.77led the beer- 9 w*lked 'loser+ m*king no *ttem/t to 'o)er my n*kedness+ *nd sto//ed * foot from him;%ow *bo.t yo. fight me inste*d8; 9 s*id%e sto//ed with the '*n *t his li/s+ then lowered it- ;Wh*t8; ;Let me fight in the kid1s /l*'e- "h*t will m*ke it f*ir- !*me de*l *//lies- 9 win+ he gets me- :o. win4 ; 9 looked him in the eye- ;91m *ll;

%e looked b*'k *t me *nd for the first time sin'e we1d met+ 9 w*sn1t *fr*id- $l*y h*d been right 6st*nd my gro.nd *nd"esler wo.ldn1t st*nd his- %is f*'e d*rkened with f.ry+ *nd 9 knew there w*s only one thing he 'o.ld think *bo.t+ only one thing he w*nted, to reg*in 'ontrol"here w*s no logi'*l re*son to gr*nt my re3.est- Better to let 5o*h 'h*llenge him+ be*t the 'r*/ o.t of the kid *nd te*'h him * lesson- "*ke on me+ *nd he 'o.ld lose+ o/ening himself ./ to the .nbe*r*ble h.mili*tion of losing to * wom*nB.t if he won+ he wo.ld win+ *nd the s/*rk of defi*n'e in my eyes wo.ld be do.sed fore)er- %e 'o.ld reg*in 'ontrol+ be*t the 'r*/ o.t of me *nd e)en ddie 'o.ldn1t 'om/l*in *bo.t it- "*ke me in * f*ir fight+ then t*ke his /ri7e when it wo.ld t*ste the sweetestWhen"esler o/ened his li/s+ 9 knew wh*t w*s going to 'ome o.t- "wo words;:o.1re on-; $O#BA" O5$ "% 959"9AL thrill of s.''ess /*ssed+ 9 re*li7ed 9 w*s in dee/ shit- 9 might not h*)e *ny e2tern*l in0.ries from my /l.nge into i'y w*ter+ b.t 9 felt like 91d sw.m *'ross the nglish $h*nnel- )ery m.s'le *'hed *nd 9 w*s de*d tired9f 9 didn1t fight+ 9 'o.ld ski/ the ;tired; /*rt of th*t'li'he - 91d be /l*in old de*d- And th*t1s wh*t 9 h*d to remember- Physi'*l in0.ries were one thing+ b.t 9 wo.ld not lose * fight for l*'k of will /ower- 9 h*d to work /*st it- 9 'o.ld rest *ll 9 w*nted l*ter#y odds of be*ting"esler were *bo.t fifty(fifty- 9 'o.ld swing them * little more my w*y be'*.se 9 h*d seen him fight before+ b.t 9 didn1t w*nt to get 'o'ky9f 9 lost+ 91d be r*/ed+ be*ten *nd killed4 not ne'ess*rily in th*t order- "here w*s still * 'h*n'e <oey *nd $l*y wo.ld find me in time+ b.t my o/timism on th*t front h*d f*ded the moment 9 sent <oey on his w*y- 91d led him to belie)e $l*y wo.ld kill him horribly for his betr*y*l- And now 9 e2/e'ted him to r.n b*'k *nd tell $l*y 9 w*s in the enemy1s h*nds4 *nd th*t he1d /.t me there8 9 wo.ldn1t be s.r/rised if he1d hit the highw*y *nd ke/t going- 9n f*'t+ 91d be sho'ked if he h*dn1t!o 9 'o.ld only /r*y th*t fighting for my life wo.ld gi)e me *ll the e2tr* *dren*line 9 needed" !L R ! # & P RF $"L: h*//y to m*ke me fight n*ked6go 9t w*s ddie *nd 5o*h who *rg.ed65o*h /rotesting *nd ddie *'ting *s if his brother w*s ob)io.sly 0oking+ whi'h e)ent.*lly for'ed"esler to /l*y *long *nd s*y+ he w*s kidding *nd of 'o.rse 9 'o.ld get dressed4 *s long *s 9 wore my own 'lothes- Wh*t he didn1t re*li7e is th*t 91d dr*/ed them by the fire/l*'e+ so they were w*rm *nd /*rti*lly dry5o*h *nd ddie 'le*red the li)ing room+ sho)ing the *g*inst the w*lls- "hen"esler *nd

9 mo)ed into the 'enter of the room *nd f*'ed off like bo2ers- %e e)en bo.n'ed on his toes for good effe't;L*st 'h*n'e to 'h*nge yo.r mind+; he s*id- ;&on1t e2/e't me to hold *nything b*'k be'*.se yo.1re * wom*n-; ;9 don1t-; ;:o.1re going to 'ome o.t of this feeling *hell.)* lot worse th*n yo. do right now-; ;9 e2/e't to- And 9 *//re'i*te yo. gi)ing me the o/tion+ b.t 91m fine- 91ll e2tend yo. the s*me 'o.rtesy+ if yo. w*nt to b*'k o.t-; %is e2/ression sent * 'hill me+ *nd dee/ inside+ th*t 'hild1s )oi'e st*rted s're*ming *t me not to fight+ ne)er fight+ 9 'o.ldn1t win+ 91d only get h.rtB.t 9 w*sn1t twel)e ye*rs old *nymore- 9 'o.ld be*t this son of * bit'h;:o. think yo.1re don1t yo.8;"esler s*id;5o+ not/*rti'.l 6; %e s/r*ng+ /*lms sm*'king into my sho.lders- "he floor dis*//e*red .nder my feet *nd my he*d str.'k the floor with * 'r*'k th*t sent 'ons'io.sness on * s/lit(se'ond holid*y- 9 '*me to with"esler towering o)er me+ his h*nd wr*//ed in the front of my shirt- Before 9 'o.ld register wh*t w*s h*//ening+ 9 w*s s*iling the *ir *g*in- "his time 9 sl*mmed into the w*llAs 9 wobbled to my feet+ the little girl )oi'e in me s're*med *nd sobbedWhy did yo. h*)e to fight him8 :o. know how th*t goes- 5e)er+ e)er fight- :o.1ll only get h.rt *nd it *ll ends ./ the s*me+ no m*tter wh*t yo. do- :o. '*n1t fight them- :o. '*n1t"eslerstrode o)er- ;W*nt to 'h*nge yo.r mind8 #y offer1s still o/en-; :es+ oh+ God yesB 9t1s not too l*te- "ell him yo.1ll be good- "hen let him do wh*t he w*nts- <.st go to the /l*'e where he '*n1t h.rt yo. *nd e)erything will be ok*yOnly it wo.ldn1t be ok*y- #y 'hildhood self h*d f*'ed m*ny monsters+ b.t none like thisFor"esler + reg*ining 'ontrol wo.ldn1t be $om/lete destr.'tion of the thre*t w*s re3.ired- "here w*s no se'ret /l*'e th*t wo.ld s*)e me from th*t9 rose h*lfw*y+ then /retended to 'oll*/se+ win'ing%e bent o)er me- ;Gi)ing ./8 Good+ be'*.se6; #y feet sm*'ked him s3.*re in the 'hest *nd sent him reeling- 9 0.m/ed ./ *nd hit him twi'e+

then ki'ked *nd he went down- 91d *imed for the stone fire/l*'e+ *nd his he*d str.'k with * )ery s*tisfying 'r.n'h9 w*lked o)er *s he l*y on the gro.nd+ sh*king his he*d;9f yo. w*nt to s*y so+; 9 s*id%e le*/t ./ with * growl- 9 feinted o.t of his w*y- We d*n'ed for * while before 9 l*nded * blow+ then he blo'ked the se'ond *nd got in * h*rd 0*b4 *nd so it went9t didn1t t*ke me long to ree)*l.*te those odds *nd sl*nt them in"esler1s f*)or- We h*d e3.*l e2/erien'e- B.t he w*s so m.'h stronger th*t e*'h blow sent me flying- %e w*s *lso m*d *s hell *nddeter mined to /.t this bit'h in her /l*'e- 9 w*s e3.*lly determined not to let him do th*t- B.t while his r*ge f.eled his fists+ mine fogged my br*in6my best fighting tool)ery time he l*nded * blow+ my old fe*rs s.rf*'ed+ o''./ying the /*rt of my mind th*t sho.ld be *n*ly7ing his mo)es *nd str*tegi7ing mine- 9 ke/t trying to /.ll myself b*'k on tr*'k+ fo'.sing on his style *nd le*rning from it- 9t didn1t work- 9 w*s losing *nd"esler knew it- 9 s*w it in his eyes *s his fist 'onne'ted *nd 9 went down- 9 felt it+ too+ *s he /inned me+ his ere'tion grinding into my thighWhen 9 felt th*t+ the little girl in me went wild+ gibbering with fe*r- 9 s3.ee7ed my eyes sh.t+ str.ggling to 3.iet her- And then4 *nd then 9 o/ened them *nd rele*sed her- 9 let th*t b*se terror shineAnd+ oh+ how he lo)ed th*t+ 'lo.ding his eyes- %e /inned me h*rder+ his 'rot'h mo)ing on mine+ grinding .ntil it h.rt- Blood dri//ed from his li/s onto mine- !we*t /linked into my eyes"he h*ted smell of him filled my nostrils9 shr*nk b*'k- ;9(if 9 s.rrender4 ; 9 sw*llowed;:es8; 9 li'ked my li/+ t*sting his blood- ;9f 9 do wh*t yo. w*nt4 ; ;:es8; ;Will yo. let me go *fterw*rd8; ;:o.1ll do wh*t 9 w*nt8 )erything 9 w*nt8; 9 nodded;And yo.1ll beh*)e8 Be * good girl8; 9 nodded-

%e lowered his li/s to my e*r *nd whis/ered- ;"hen yo. *ren1t going to w*nt me to let yo. goB.t yes+ when we1)e both h*d o.r fill+ yo.1re wel'ome to le*)e-; %e mo)ed his li/s o)er mine *g*in *nd ho)ered there- 9 lifted my he*d from the gro.nd+ *nd 9 kissed him6*nd it w*s *s n*.se*ting *s 91d im*gined- 9 'on'entr*ted on the t*ste of his blood+ ni//ing his li/+ dr*wing more- %e mistook my biting for /*ssion *nd kissed me h*rder9 'losed my eyes so he wo.ldn1t see my re).lsion+ b.t 9 don1t think he wo.ld h*)e noti'ed *nyw*y- When he broke the kiss+ his eyes were .nfo'.sed+ d*rk with his body rel*2ing *g*inst mine%is li/s mo)ed b*'k to my e*r- ;!ee+ it isn1t so b*d+ is68; 9 sm*shed my elbow into his thro*t so h*rd he fell b*'k+ g*rgling9 rolled *nd sl*mmed my /*lm into his nose- Blood s/.rted- %e g*)e * str*ngled 'ry+ b.t re'o)ered f*st- 9 w*s *lre*dy on my feet *nd he didn1t m*ke it /*st * 'ro.'h before my foot 'onne'ted with his 0*w+ to//ling him b*'kw*rd- A se'ond ki'k *nd he s/.n+ his forehe*d sm*'king the fire/l*'e *s he fellAs 9 w*t'hed him lying there+ on his stom*'h+ blood /ooling+ 9 re*li7ed 9 didn1t need *n el*bor*te es'*/e /l*n- <.st kill the b*st*rd- Kill him *nd6 A h*nd gr*bbed my /onyt*il *nd wren'hed me b*'k- 9 s*iled off my feet+ b.t twisted+ finding my footing *nd 'oming ./ swinging- B.t ddie still h*d my /onyt*il wr*//ed *ro.nd his h*nd *nd y*nked me like * dog on * le*sh+ kee/ing me from hitting him;; he s*id- ;%e1s down- :o. win-; ;"he hell she does-; O.t of the 'orner of my eye+ 9 s*w"esler wobble to his feet;!he wins+; ddie s*id"he brothers f*'ed off in silen'e- 9 e2/e'ted"esler to *rg.e- 9 /r*yed he1d *rg.e- Blood stre*med into his eyes *nd he 'o.ld b*rely st*nd ./right- <.st gi)e me * few min.tes more+ *nd 91d ne)er h*)e to worry *bo.t "r*)is"esler *g*in- %e h*d no 'h*n'e of winning+ not now+ *fter 91d t*sted )i'tory6'o.ld still t*ste it+ his blood on my li/sB.t *//*rently his 'onfiden'e h*d t*ken * br.ising+ too+ to sink .nder the weight of his s.r)i)*l instin't- ;Fine+; he s*id- "hen he t.rned to 5o*h *nd sn*//ed+ ;Get her o.t of my sight:o. h*)e twenty min.tes- "hen she1s mine-; !$AP 5OA% %U!"L & # to wh*t w*s ob)io.sly ;his; room+ 0.dging by the 'lothing on the floor

*nd on e)ery /ie'e of %e got me inside+ then 'losed the door- At this /oint+ the ide*l str*tegy wo.ld be sed.'tion- Lower his defenses+ *s 9 h*d with"esler + then t*ke him o.t *nd es'*/eB.t *s re/.gn*nt *s the tho.ght of kissing"esler h*d been+ f*king *ttr*'tion to * teen*ge boy w*s o.t of the 3.estion9 m*n*ged to sit woodenly on the edge of the bed+ then steeled myself to /.ll off my shirt+ /r*ying th*t wo.ld be *ll the distr*'tion needed to get in * good+ in'*/*'it*ting blow- B.t 9 w*sn1t the only one who w*s ner)o.s- 5o*h lo'ked *nd do.ble('he'ked the door+ then mo)ed to the window- %e /eered o.t+ not /.lling the blind+ s3.inting into the d*rkness *s if e2/e'ting"esler or ddie to /o/ ./ like dr.nken g.ests on his wedding nightAnd while he w*s engrossed in the )iew+ with his b*'k to me+ 9 're/t ./ behind him- "oo l*te+ 9 noti'ed my refle'tion in the window gl*ss- %e wheeled+ his h*nds going ./ *s they h*d in the woods+ whether to fight b*'k or w*rd me offAt the l*st se'ond+ he went for o/tion three6get the hell o.t of the w*y- 9 m*n*ged to '*t'h his shirt 'oll*r *s he do)e /*st me- 9 whi//ed him off his feet *g*in- Unlike in the woods+ 9 'o.ldn1t throw him *side6the"esler brothers wo.ld he*r the 'r*sh *nd know it w*sn1t se24 *t le*st+ not *fter only two min.tes in the bedroom!o 9 threw 5o*hf*'edown on the bed- As 9 /ressed his f*'e into the /illow+ he ki'ked *nd fl*iled- 9 gritted my teeth *g*inst the blows+ gr*bbed * dis'*rded shirt *nd m*de * g*g of it+ tying the slee)esbe hind his he*d%e rel*2ed then+ re*li7ing 91d been trying to silen'e him4 b.t not /erm*nently- When 9 gr*bbed * belt+ *nd y*nked his h*nds behind his b*'k+ he wren'hed h*rd+ *nd the s.dden mo)ement freed one of his h*nds- A well(/l*'ed 0*b to my thro*t freed the other9 do)e *fter him+ b.t he d*n'ed b*'k+ mo)ing not tow*rd the door+ b.t to the window- !till g*gged+ he *t it em/h*ti'*llyW*s someone o.t there8 W*s th*t wh*t h*d '*.ght his *ttention e*rlier8"esler s/ying on .s8 Or 6my he*rt le*/t6$l*y8 9 still gr*bbed 5o*h by the 'oll*r+ b.t only to kee/ * hold on him *s 9 /eered o.t+ trying to see wh*t he1d seen- %e y*nked down the g*g b.t s*id nothing+ shook his he*d+ eyes rolling *t the dense wom*n who 'o.ldn1t .nderst*nd his wild gest.res%e /ointed *t the window+ then *t me- "he window- #e"elling me4 to es'*/e8 9 'o.ldn1t risk t*lking6the"eslers might o)erhe*r+ so 9 /*ntomimed o/ening the window *nd 'limbing o.t+ *nd he nodded- "hen he /ointed *t himself *nd the window+ gest.ring th*t this w*s

*n es'*/e /l*n for two!o he h*dn1t been *fter se2 *t *ll- Wh*t 5o*h w*nted+ it seemed+ w*s the s*me thing 9 h*d6* 'h*n'e to r.n *w*y- B.t th*t begged one 3.estion- Why8 %e 'o.ld h*)e m*de * r.n for it b*'k in the forest9t w*s * tr*/- 9t h*d to beB.t to wh*t end8 "hw*rt my es'*/e to im/ress"esler 8 %e1d only mo'k *nd /.nish 5o*h for letting me *lmost get *w*y in the first /l*'e- "here h*d to be * moti)e+ b.t 9 w*sn1t getting it6 *nd the longer 9 /ondered+ the f*ster my 'h*n'e sli//ed *w*y- Get o.t *nd de*l with him l*ter9 e*sed o/en the window- "he s'reen w*s *lre*dy off- 9 'r*wled o.t+ s.'king in * g*s/ *s mysto'kinged feet hit the snow- 9gnoring the 'old+ 9 d*shed behind the ne*rest b.shes- "hen 9 w*t'hed *s 5o*h '*me o.t- As he r*n tow*rd me+ 9 tensed+ re*dy to the throw the first /.n'h;$o*t *nd boots *re *ro.nd the side+; he whis/ered- ;9 sn.'k them o.t when ddie sent me on /*trol-; %e /ointed- When 9 took * ste/ in th*t dire'tion+ he '*.ght my *rm *nd 9 s/.n+ fists going ./%e fell b*'k+ rele*sing me;5o+ 9 0.st6:o.1re going to t*ke me with yo.+ right8 9 s*)ed yo.+ so now yo.1ll t*ke me *long-; 9 looked into his eye for some sign of * tri'k+ b.t s*w only /*ni';Ple*se+; he s*id- ;9 h*d nothing to do with6; %is )oi'e '*.ght- ;With &ennis- 9 didn1t e)en know they1d69 tho.ght6; %e sw*llowed- ;9 tho.ght 9 w*s /rote'ting him+ b.t6; %e sw*llowed- ;After they killed him+ they told me <ose/h w*s ne2t if 9 didn1t6Only they were telling <ose/h the s*me thing-; ;"hey s*id they1d kill yo.r d*d if yo. r*n off+ while telling him they1d kill yo.-; *sier th*n *'t.*lly holding him host*ge+ es/e'i*lly when they were shorth*nded- A kid with 5o*h1s /roblems wo.ldn1t be 3.i'k to o.t the s'*m4 or * good sol.tion%e nodded- ;When 9 fo.nd yo. in the ri)er+ 9 tho.ght we 'o.ld t*ke off together- Only6; ;Only they showed ./+ so this w*s the b*'k./ /l*n- All right- We1ll get o.t of here *nd 91ll t*ke yo. to yo.r d*d-; %e shook his he*d- ;5o- 9 w*nt yo. to t*ke me b*'k to the P*'k- "h*t1s wh*t he6; Grief filled his eyes- %e blinked it b*'k- ;"h*t1s wh*t &ennis w*nted- %e ke/t trying to t*lk me into it+ b.t 9 wo.ldn1t listen+ wo.ldn1t e)en let him *sk yo. g.ys- 9f 9 h*d6if 91d m*de him 'ome with me4 ; ;91ll t*ke yo. b*'k to the P*'k- 5ow+ let1s get6;

;Looking for these8; "eslerste//ed into the moonlight+ holding two 'o*ts *nd /*irs of boots- %e tossed them into the snow;9(9 w*nted to do it o.tside+; 5o*h s*id;9n sto'king feet8; ;9(9 tho.ght we1d $h*nge *nd+ yo. know+ do it *s wol)es-; ;?.it while yo.1re *he*d+ kid- !o wh*t h*//ened8 Let me g.ess+ yo. fell in lo)e *t first /oke *nd de'ided to r.n off together8 5o+ for th*t yo.1d need to be *ll grown ./- :o. don1t w*nt * girlfriend- :o. w*nt * mommy+ someone who will res'.e yo. from the big+ n*sty wol)es *nd t*ke yo. b*'k to the P*'k- Am 9 'lose8; ;Only be'*.se yo. o)erhe*rd .s+; 9 s*id%e ignored me+ g*7e still on 5o*h- ;:o. think they1re going to t*ke yo.+ boy8 !.re+blondie here might feel sorry for yo.- B.t the min.te her h.bby l*ys eyes on yo. will be the l*st min.te yo. l*y eyes on *nything4 if yo.1re l.'ky- &o yo. know wh*t $l*yton &*n)ers does to m.tts8; %e /*ntomimed * 'h*ins*w /.ll- ;Bye(bye body /*rts-; As he t*lked+ 9 took sto'k of my s.rro.ndings- 5o 'on)enient stones to whi/ *t his he*d- 5o 'on)enient 'liff to throw him off- 5o 'on)enient 0*gged tree st.m/ to im/*le him on- &*mn- 9 w*s going to h*)e to do this the h*rd w*yWhile he y*//ed+ 9 sidled 'loser- %e didn1t seem to noti'e6b.llying 5o*h w*s so m.'h more f.n9 w*s *bo.t to t*ke *nother ste/ when ddie '*me *ro.nd the side of the "h*t"esler noti'ed;91)e got it+;"esler s*id- ;Go b*'k inside-; ;Let me gr*b the kid+; ddie s*id- ;:o. '*n de*l with6; ;9 s*id+ 91)e got it-;"esler1s )oi'e lowered to * growl%is ego h*d t*ken * be*ting e*rlier- 5ow he w*s going to redeem it by /ro)ing he 'o.ld h*ndle * wom*n *nd * kid witho.t his brother1s hel/- And if th*t1s wh*t he w*nted+ 9 w*sn1t *bo.t to *rg.e- ddie hesit*ted+ then retre*ted- 9 listened for the door+ b.t didn1t he*r it- %e h*dn1t gone b*'k inside- &*mn;!o wh*t sob story did the kid tell yo.8;"esler *sked with only * fli'kering gl*n'e my w*y;%ow we killed his gr*ndd*ddy *nd he h*d nothing to do with it8;

;9 didn1t+; 5o*h s*id+ li/ '.rling in * sn*rl;!.re yo. did- :o. led .s right to the '*bin-; ;:o. followed meB; ;5o+ 9 do belie)e yo. followed .s first-; Ag*in+"esler gl*n'ed my w*y+ b.t fleetingly+ *s if he 'o.ldn1t 3.ite m*ke f.ll eye 'ont*'t yet- ;&id he tell yo. th*t8 %e fo.nd .s in An'hor*ge-Gott* h*nd it to the kid6he1s got b*lls- "oo b*d he l*'ks br*ins- "*kes *fter his gr*nd(d*ddy-; 5o*h r.shed *t"esler - 9 gr*bbed his shirt *nd h*.led him b*'k+ m.rm.ring+ ;"h*t1s wh*t he w*nts-; ;Oh+ 'ome on- %e w*nts to sh.t me ./ before 9 tell yo. why he '*me to .s- Why he g*)e .s *ll kinds ofintel on the lo'*l wildlife6dr.g de*lers+ g.n(r.nners+ sm.gglers- A 'hoirboy he*in1t + no m*tter how sweet he might look-; 9 e*sed *w*y from 5o*h+ 'ir'ling"esler + who ke/t his g*7e on his t*rget5o*h1s 'hin lifted- ;9 w*nted money+ so 9 sold them inform*tion+ b.t only *bo.t th*t st.ff- 9 wo.ld ne)er h*)e led them to &ennis- "hey followed me *nd 9 tried to fight6; ;:o.1re * little th.g+;"esler s*id- ;%i'k town white tr*sh who thinks he1s 'ool be'*.se he1s grown f*ngs *nd 'l*ws- B.t when things get .gly+ he w*nts his mommy4 or the ne*rest s.bstit.te-; 9 'h*rged"esler - %e br*'ed for * blow+ b.t inste*d 9 l*.n'hed myself *t him+ hitting him h*rd+ kno'king him off his feet- 9 fli//ed him onto his stom*'h before he l*nded+ then 'r.shed his f*'e into the snowy gro.nd+ stifling *ny 'ries th*t wo.ld bring his brother r.nningAs"esler str.ggled+ 9 w*)ed for 5o*h to go- When he didn1t+ 9 sn*rled * silent ;R.nB; !till he hesit*ted- 9 sm*'ked"esler into the gro.nd+ then s.rre/titio.sly /inned him with my knee+ *nd rele*sed him+ m*king it look *s if 91d kno'ked him .n'ons'io.s- 9 for 5o*h to go+ th*t 9 w*s right behind him- %e took off+ motioning for me to gr*b the e2tr* 'o*t *nd boots *s he took his5o*h w*s b*rely o.t of sight before"esler threw me off- We fo.ght- 9 might h*)e h*d * 'h*n'e+ if ddie h*dn1t he*rd *nd 'ome ri//ing *ro.nd the 'orner- !ome of the fight went o.t of me thenAs h*rd *s 9 tried to ignore ddie+ 9 knew th*t the min.te his brother w*s in serio.s d*nger+ he1d le*/ in+ *nd 9 'o.ldn1t t*ke them both- Re*li7ing th*t w*s like /in'hing off the *dren*line /.m/ th*t h*d ke/t me going- )ery br.ise from o.r e*rlier fight fl*red+ e)ery 0oint s're*med+ my he*d throbbed *nd the e2h*.stion of fighting my w*y b*'k from hy/othermi* see/ed into e)ery m.s'le of my body-

Fin*lly+"esler h*d me /inned by the thro*t- 9 fo.nd my strength *g*in+ wildly fighting *s his h*nd 'r.shed my wind/i/e- 9 g*s/ed *nd g.rgled+ then bl*'ked o.t- When 9 re'o)ered+ he1d e*sed off+ b.t w*s looming o)er me+ his e2/ression w*rning 9 h*d only to twit'h *nd he1d 'hoke me *g*in9 l*shed o.t+ trying to 0*b his eye+ .n*ble to re*'h+ his h*nds tightening *ro.nd my thro*t *g*in+ smiling+ el*ted for the e2'.se- As 9 fo.ght+ th*t little(girl )oi'e s're*med for me to sto/- 9 'o.ldn1t- 9 bl*'ked o.t *g*in- When 9 '*me to+ 9 s*w fl*shes of my f*mily6no serene l*st /ortr*it+ b.t their *nger+ their 'onf.sionW*s 9 going to die to *)oid being r*/ed8 &id 9 think th*t w*s somehow noble+ defi*nt8 5o+ it wo.ld me*n letting"esler win in * f*r worse w*y6/ro)ing th*t he1d fo.nd the thing th*t s'*red me more th*n *ny other9 sto//ed str.ggling- B.t *s h*rd *s th*t )oi'e s're*med+ 9 wo.ldn1t retre*t into my s*fe /l*'e- 9 wo.ldn1t look *w*y- "r*)is"esler might h*)e won the b*ttle for /hysi'*l domin*tion+ b.t th*t w*s *ll he w*s getting- 9 /romised myself th*t *ny s*tisf*'tion he g*ined from the ne2t few min.tes wo.ld be short li)ed- %e wo.ld die for this- And 9 wo.ld be the one to kill him%e gr*bbed my bre*sts- Gr*bbed+ r.bbed+ s3.ee7ed .ntil it h.rt- 9 wo.ldn1t look *w*y- When he gro.nd his hi/s *g*inst mine4 there w*s nothing to grind- %e w*s lim/- %e for'ed my h*nd down *nd m*de me r.b him- 5othing h*//ened;9t1s too 'old+; ddie s*id- ;Get her inside-; "eslerignored him- %e gro.nd *g*inst me+ /*wed me+ h.rt me- 9 ke/t st*ring *t him+ *nd th*t w*s *ll it took%e sm*'ked my f*'e- On'e+ twi'e- #y nose bled into the snow+ b.t still 9 t.rned b*'k to him *nd met his g*7e;$ome on+ "r*)is+; ddie s*id- ;9t1s f.'king free7ing o.t here- Get her inside *nd yo. '*n6; ;!h.t ./-; %e hit me *g*in- $ons'io.sness thre*tened *nother holid*y+ b.t 9 blinked it b*'k *nd ke/t st*ringddie ste//ed tow*rd .s+ h*nds o.t *s if to /.ll his brother off me-"esler *t him+ '*t'hing him in the thigh+ m*king his leg b.'kle;9 s*id b*'k off+;"esler sn*rled;Or wh*t8 :o.1ll 'hoke me+ too8 $hrist+ "r*)is- 9t1s * girl- <.st * f.'king girl- !he1s not worth this-;

"esler/*.sed+ then slowly nodded- ;:o.1re right- !he1s not-; %e t.rned to me+ li/ '.rled+ teeth b*red- ;:o. think yo.1re too good for me+ bit'h8 :o. think 91m the worst thing th*t '*n h*//en to yo.8 #y brother1s right- :o.1)e t*ken ./ too m.'h of my time *lre*dy- ddie8 Gr*b me some ro/e-; !"AK & 9 FOUG%" AGA95+ b.t it w*s too l*te- )en with the s/e'ter of * lyn'hing d*ngling before me+ 9 didn1t h*)e wh*t it took to es'*/e- 9 '.rsed my we*kness- 9 h*ted myself for not finding some hidden well of strength- B.t 9 didn1t h*)e *nything leftAs 9 3.i'kly dis'o)ered+ lyn'hing w*sn1t wh*t he h*d in mind- %e bo.nd my *nkles+ then tied my wrists behind my b*'k+ *s ddie held me still- On'e 9 w*s se'.red+"esler ordered ddie b*'k inside- ddie went69 w*s no d*nger to his brother now+ *nd th*t w*s *ll th*t m*ttered"eslerst*rted /.lling me by the long end of the ro/e- %e dr*gged me o)er e)ery b.ried limb *nd ro'k+ e)ery @ery s*tisfying+ 91m b.t he w*sn1t in the best of sh*/e himself+ *nd *//*rently my stifled yel/s weren1t worth the effort of dr*gging me o)er *nd obst*'les- !o he threw me o)er his sho.lder+ *nd settled for )erb*l b.llying;&o yo. know wh*t1s o.t here8; he s*id- ;!omething * lot worse th*n me- :o.1)e been r.nning *ro.nd these woods+ yo. *nd yo.r h.bby- %*)e yo. seen o.r be*st8 9 bet yo. h*)e- 9t1s '.rio.s+ *lw*ys sniffing *ro.nd- 9t doesn1t gi)e .s *ny tro.ble Know why8 Be'*.se 9 o.t wh*t it likes- "he s*me thing 9 do-; ;"he missing girls+; 9 whis/ered before 9 'o.ld sto/ myself;:o. s*w the /osters8 Bet yo. 9 w*s res/onsible+ didn1t yo.8; ;:o. were-; ;<.st for t*king them ./ on their offer- 5o one m*de them h*)e * drink with me- 5o one for'ed them into my tr.'k- "hey '*me *long willingly- B.t *s yo. m*y h*)e g.essed+ 9 don1t m.'h like willing women-; ;Where *re they8; ;%ere *nd there- Bits of them *nyw*y- When 9 w*s done+ 9 left then for o.rbe*st friend- :o. know how some werewol)es h*)e * re/.t*tion for e*ting *fter f.'king8 Well+ they1)e got nothing on this b*st*rd- 9 swe*r he w*s'howing down before he finished- !ho.ld h*)e he*rd those girls s're*m-; 9 gritted my teeth *nd tried to blo'k his words+ to )is.*li7e something else- 9 m*n*ged to miss wh*te)er he s*id ne2t+ then he d.m/ed me onto the gro.nd+ 0*rring me b*'k to the /resent9 tried to st*nd ./+ b.t 9 'o.ld only twist *nd writhe- %e gr*bbed the ro/e d*ngling from my

h*nds *nd dr*gged me to * tree- 9 fo.ght h*rder then+ b.t it w*s no good- )en if 9 m*n*ged to get * limb free+ he1d only me ./ *g*in- !o 9 w*ited *s he tied the ro/e to the tree"hen he ste//ed b*'k *nd smiled- ;!'*red now8; 9 s*id nothing- &id nothing- <.st stood there *nd st*red *t him- %e lifted * h*nd to '.ff me+ then /.lled b*'k+ /*sting on th*t smile *g*in;Oh+ yo.1re s'*red- And yo.1ll be *hell.)* lot more s'*red when yo. see wh*t1s 'oming for yo.-; %e s.r)eyed me- ;:o. know wh*t we re*lly need8 A )ideo '*mer*- 5ow th*t wo.ld be * home mo)ie to /*ss *long+ m*ke e)ery on the 'ontinent forget those f*ded /hotos of yo.r h.bby1s work- #*ybe 91ll send them *s * /*'k*ge de*l- !ee wh*t h*//ens when yo. /iss off $l*yton &*n)ers8 Well+ here1s wh*t h*//ens when yo. /iss off "r*)is"esler -; %e strolled o)er *nd lowered his f*'e to mine6*s 'lose *s he 'o.ld get *nd st*y o.t of biting r*nge- ;#ine wo.ld be m.'h more /o/.l*r )iewing+ don1t yo. think8 "he P*'k Bet*1s m*te r*/ed *nde*ten by * wild be*st- Werewolf sn.ff *t its finest- %ell+ forget 'ementing my re/.t*tion- 91ll sell 'o/ies *nd m*ke *; When 9 didn1t re*'t+ he /.lled his g*7e *w*y *nd b*'ked off+ then 'o'ked his he*d+ *s if thinking- ;:o. know+ 91m 9 s*w * )ideo '*mer* in the '*bin- 91ll go gr*b th*t- &on1t st*rt witho.t me+ ok*y8; 9 w*t'hed him s*.nter *w*y- And 9 w*s left *lone4 in the Al*sk*n wilderness+ dressed only in * shirt+ 0e*ns *nd so'ks+ tied to * tree *nd reeking of blood- "h*t1s when the /*ni' beg*n to see/ in9 /.shed it b*'k *nd 'on'entr*ted on getting free- 9 didn1t h*)e * ho/e in hell of bre*king the ro/e or the tree6both were too st.rdy e)en for werewolf strength- As for .ndoing the knot+ * sm*rt '*/ tor6one with some e2/erien'e *t this6knows how to tie his )i'tim1s h*nds so she '*n1t .ndo them-"esler h*d bo.nd my wrists with the b*'ks of my h*nds together+ me*ning 9 'o.ldn1t get to the knots- )en if 9 'o.ld+ my fingers were too n.mb to work /ro/erly9 /eered into the night- 9t w*s *s d*rk *nd still *s e)er- When the /*ni' fl*red *g*in+ 9 ber*ted myself for it- Wh*te)er"esler h*d done with the girls+ it h*dn1t been this- "h*t m.'h 9 knewAnim*ls h*)e different se2.*l wiring th*n .s+ *nd while some h.m*ns m*y h*)e *n .nhe*lthy interest in them+ they don1t ret.rn it:es+ if 9 died o.t here+ there were /lenty of things th*t wo.ld e*t my 'or/se *nd s'*tter the /*rts+ *nd 9 s.s/e'ted th*t w*s e2*'tly wh*t h*d h*//ened to those girls-"esler killed them+ then let something6m*ybe e)en o.r mystery be*st6do the rest9f he1d re*lly st*ked me o.t to be r*/ed *nd e*ten *li)e+ he1d h*)e st*yed to w*t'h- 5o+ he e2/e'ted to s*.nter b*'k in * h*lf(ho.r *nd find of me h.ddled *g*inst the tree+ gibbering with terror+ begging him to res'.e me- 9nste*d+ he1d 'ome b*'k *nd find em/ty ro/es9 tried r.bbing the ro/e *g*inst the tree+ b.t the b*rk w*s too smooth- !o 9 whistled *s lo.dly *s 9 'o.ld+ ho/ing 5o*h w*s 'lose by- Of 'o.rse+ he w*sn1t- Long gone+ 9 w*s

For the se'ond time in one night+ 91d s*'rifi'ed myself to let * !tillwell es'*/e+ *nd 9 felt better *bo.t doing it for 5o*h+ 9 w*s still ki'king myself- :et *s foolish *s it seemed right now+ this w*s wh*t it me*nt to be Al/h*6the kind <eremy w*s *nd the kind 9 e2/e'ted myself to be- 9t me*nt being willing to s*'rifi'e yo.rself for P*'k brothers who1d 0.m/ in to do the s*me for yo. first- Unfort.n*tely+ th*t l*st /*rt didn1t *//ly with <oey *nd 5o*h- !o 9 w*s on my own9 still h*d one tri'k ./ my slee)e6my biggest *nd best9 took one long look *ro.nd the forest+ *ss.ring myself 9 w*s indeed *lone- "hen 9 /ressed 'loser to the tree+ sl*'kening the ro/e- 9 'losed my eyes *nd 'on'entr*ted on $h*nging- "o do th*t+ 9 h*d to shift my fo'.s to my body- "h*t1s when 9 re*li7ed how 'old 9 w*s- 9 'o.ldn1t feel my h*nds+ 'o.ldn1t feel my feet+ my e*rs+ my nose+ my 'hin- "he wind whistled my thin shirt *nd /*nts *nd 9 shi)ered .ntil 9 'o.ldn1t do *nything e2'e/t shi)er+ my teeth 'h*ttering+ their 'li'king filling the silen'eA low whim/er b.bbled ./ from my g.t- 9t w*s so 'old+ so d*mned 'old- Frostbite w*s setting in+ *nd if 9 didn1t get w*rm soon+ if 9 'o.ldn1t *t le*st th*w my fingers .nder my *rm/its4 "hen $h*nge+ d*mn it- !to/ whining *nd $h*nge9 st.mbled on my bo.nd+sto'kinged feet+ trying to in'h behind the tree o.t of the wind+ b.t the ro/e didn1t h*)e sl*'k+ *nd *n eight(in'h(wide tr.nk w*s * /iss(/oor windbre*k9 fo'.sed on $h*nging+ b.t it wo.ldn1t 'ome- 9 'o.ldn1t e)en rel*2- 9t w*s too 'old+ too godd*mn 'oldAnd wh*t if 9 $h*nged *nd 'o.ldn1t get free8 Were my wrists bigger th*n my forelegs8 Wh*t if 9 '.t off my 'ir'.l*tion+ the ro/es digging f.r *nd skin8 !to/ thinking *nd $h*nge- 9f the ro/e is too tight+ yo. '*n gn*w it9 'on'entr*ted+ b.t no m*tter how h*rd 9 tried+ 9 'o.ldn1t get st*rted- 9 w*s b*ttered+ br.ised *nd e2h*.sted- 9 des/er*tely needed to $h*nge+ *nd th*t )ery / m*de it im/ossible to rel*2 to l*.n'h the /ro'ess9 tried retre*ting into * ment*l s*n't.*ry *nd tho.ght 91d m*n*ged it when the dist*nt 'r*'k of * br*n'h sent me fl*iling+ too *w*re th*t there were things o.t there+ winter(h.ngry things+ *nd 9 w*sdefense less *nd reeking of bloodB.t *s h*rd *s 9 str*ined to look *nd listen+ 9 'o.ld dete't nothing- 9 settled into my inner /l*'e *g*in- "hen the tree )ibr*ted *g*inst my b*'k *nd my eyes flew o/en"he tree sh.ddered *g*in- 91m the gro.nd did+ too69 'o.ldn1t feel it my n.mb feet-

!omething w*s w*lking the forest- !omething bigAs 9 g.l/ed *ir+ 9 remembered"esler1s words, it1s '.rio.s+ *lw*ys sniffing *ro.nd- 9 *lre*dy knew th*t6wh*te)er w*s in these woods+ it w*s '.rio.s *nd it w*s d*ngero.s+ *nd if it fo.nd *nother /red*tor6one th*t h*d *tt*'ked it before6st*ked to * tree *nd hel/less4 When 9 inh*led+ 9 '*.ght the f*intest stink of wild *nim*l- "hen * form re*red ./ in the dist*n'e- 9ts m*ssi)e he*d sw*yed- A wet sn.ffling '.t the silen'e *s it s*m/led the *ir before dro//ing to *ll with * sh.dder e)en my fro7en feet 'o.ld feel"he be*st dis*//e*red behind * b*rrier of b.shes- "he )ibr*tions beg*n *g*in *s it 'ontin.ed forw*rd+ slow *nd ste*dy$h*nge+ d*mn itB $h*ngeB B.t there w*sn1t time for th*t- 9f the be*st '*me ./on me mid($h*nge+ 91d be e)en more defenseless th*n 9 w*s nowWell+ do something then- <.st6 "he 're* re*red+ so 'lose now 9 'o.ld see the brown f.r+ the ro.nded e*rs+ the tiny eyes *nd the sn.b sno.t9 w*s st*ring into the f*'e of * be*r- An ordin*ry+ hibern*tion(groggy be*r"he first whoosh of relief didn1t e)en m*ke it /*st my li/s before my br*in s'ree'hed into re)erse<.st * be*r8 <.st *n eight(foot(t*ll+ tho.s*nd(/o.nd be*r8 "he be*r sn.ffled+ its /iggy eyes str*ining to see me better- 9t dro//ed b*'k to *ll with *nother e*rth(sh.dderingwhoom/h - "hen it l.mbered tow*rd me+ its m*ssi)e sw*ying;GoB; 9 yelled- ;!hooB !'*tB; !'*t8 9 whistled+ *nd th*t got its *ttention- 9t re*red ./ *nd gr.nted+ bre*th stre*ming into the 'old night *ir- )en from twenty feet *w*y+ the stink w*s to m*ke my stom*'h fli/(flo/;GoB !'r*mB !hooB; 9 yelled *nd whistled+ b.t it only /eered *t me h*lf(lidded eyes+ /*rt drowsy '.riosity+ /*rt disd*in+ *s if *m.sed by this /.ny thing m*king so m.'h r*'ket- 91d *lw*ys he*rd th*t if 'onfronted by * be*r+ yo. sho.ld m*ke *s m.'h noise *s /ossible- 9t worked fine on the little bl*'k be*rs 91d en'o.ntered in northern Ont*rio- B.t 9 w*s this g.y w*s l*.ghing *t me- %e *s hell w*sn1t t.rning t*il *nd r.nning"he be*r l.mbered forw*rd+ ro'king like * bo*t on w*ter+ its nose working few ste/s it wo.ld /*.se+ he*d tilted+ *s if trying to o.t the mystery of my s'entWhen 9 growled+ it gr.nted in s.r/rise- 9 sn*rled *nd b*red my teeth- "h*t g*)e it /*.se+ b.t only for * moment+ before it ke/t 'oming .ntil it w*s 'lose to w*rm my f*'e with its r*nk bre*th- "hen it re*red ./+ *ll eight feet of it+ towering o)er me+ *nd if my knees weren1t fro7en solid+ 91m they wo.ld h*)e gi)en w*y"he be*r st*red ne*rsightedly *t me+ its he*d sw*ying *s if * better *ngle wo.ld tell it wh*t 9 w*s- 9ts f*'e lowered to mine+ the smell of its bre*th m*king me bre*the my mo.th9 w*s trying to meet its g*7e when * sledgeh*mmer blow to my sho.lder sent me s*iling off my feet- 9 hit the end of the ro/e+ *rms 0erking h*rd+ feet t*ngling+ trying to find /.r'h*se- Another blow kno'ked me off them *g*in- 9 fell to my knees+ bo.nd *rms r*ised+ 0oints s're*ming"he be*r re*red ./+ its ro*r th.ndering my he*d- 9t r*ised * /*w to hit me *g*in *nd 9 tried to s'r*mble o.t of the w*y+ b.t there w*s no /l*'e to go+ *nd it hit me in the side+ 'l*ws r*king my shirtAs 9 fell+ *rms 0erking o)er my he*d *g*in+ my s'*l/ st*rted to /ri'kle- A /*t'h of skin between my sho.lders it'hed- 9 looked ./ *t my bo.nd h*nds to see h*ir s/ro.tingOh+ no- Oh+ God+ no- 5ot nowB.t there w*s nothing 9 'o.ld do to sto/ it- 9 w*s in mort*l d*nger *nd my body w*s determined to meet the thre*t with its best defense"he be*r ke/t b*tting me+ testing my re*'tion+ re*li7ing 9 w*s we*k+ *nd it w*s )ery+ )ery h.ngry#y blood s/*ttered the tree *nd s/e'kled the snow *nd *ll 9 'o.ld do w*s whim/er *nd twist+ trying to get o.t of its w*y+ to get myself into * better /osition for the tr*nsform*tion+ e)ery twit'h of the $h*nge *goni7ing- 9 w*s on my knees+ h*nds bo.nd b*'ks together+ *nd if th*t w*s .n'omfort*ble *s * h.m*n+ it w*s im/ossible *s * wolf+ b.t th*t didn1t sto/ the $h*nge- 9t ke/t ri//ing me+ 'lothing twisting+ binding me#y whim/ers t.rned to s're*ms+ then .ne*rthly yel/ing howls th*t only inf.ri*ted the be*r- "he se'ond the $h*nge w*s f*r *long+ 9 h*d to /.ll o.t of the ro/es *nd r.n- B.t the tho.ght of m*king th*t h*//en6of h*)ing th*t degree of 'ontrol o)er my body+ *s the $h*nge *nd the be*r b.ffeted it6w*s l*.gh*ble- 9 might *s well be in * str*it0*'ket+ d*ngling from * 'r*ne"hen+ *s my $h*nge '*me 'lose to * finish+ the be*r /.lled b*'k *nd deli)ered * blow th*t sent me flying ./4 *nd kno'ked one of my hind legs free from the ro/e- "h*t w*s *ll the in'enti)e 9 needed- 9 l*nded on my b*'k+ forelegs in the *ir+ *nd st*rted twisting+ wren'hing *nd writhing-

#y sho.lders s're*med with the *gony of h*)ing my /*ws bo.nd b*'k to b*'k+ b.t 9 ke/t str.ggling .ntil one '*me o.t- 9 /.lled the other+ b.t the ro/e sn*gged *bo)e my dew'l*w *nd wo.ldn1t b.dge9 fo.nd * /re'*rio.s foothold+ two /*ws firmly on the gro.nd+ the third skimming it+ the fo.rth d*ngling in the *ir- 9 l.nged+ sn*//ing *t the be*r+ teeth sinking into its fl*nk- 9t hit me *nd 9 flew b*'kw*rd with * 'h.nk of be*r me*t in my 0*ws"he be*r ro*red *nd dro//ed to *ll 9t 'h*rged- Being still h*lf tied to * tree didn1t le*)e m.'h room for getting o.t of its w*y+ b.t 9 did the best 9 'o.ld *nd it str.'k me only * gl*n'ing blow before '*reening off b*l*n'e *nd sliding the snow"he be*r re'o)ered *nd t.rned on me- 9 sn*rled *nd le*/t *t it+ d*n'ing in *n *wkw*rd sidew*ys ho/ th*t /rob*bly w*sn1t ne*rly *s men*'ing *s 9 ho/ed- 9t did gi)e the be*r /*.se+ "oo m.'h /*.se- 9ts he*d went ./+ body tensing- As it rose on its re*r legs+ 9 w*sn1t s.r/rised to see it /eering to see something in the dist*n'e6something more d*ngero.s th*n me"he be*r sn.ffled+ dro//ed *nd gr.nted- 9t shifted .ne*sily *s it looked from me to the seemingly em/ty forestW*s it"esler 8 %o/ing to find me sobbing *nd begging for my freedom8 9f so+ he wo.ld r.n *w*y the moment he s*w the be*r+ 'ow*rd th*t he w*s- With *ny l.'k+ the be*r wo.ld gi)e 'h*se4 * )ision so deli'io.s 9 h*d to re)el in it for * momentB.t the be*r w*s looking *w*y from the '*bin+ me*ning wh*te)er it smelled *lmost 'ert*inly w*sn1t"esler - 5o*h8 God+ 9 ho/ed not- 9 tensed+ str*ining to '*t'h * glim/se or s'ent of the *//ro*'hing re*dy to distr*'t the be*r *nd growl for 5o*h to get ./ * tree"he gro.nd )ibr*ted .nder my /*ws- #y m.77le shot ./+ sniffing m*dly- 9 knew then wh*t 91d smell+ *nd it took only * moment more to '*t'h * 'onfirming whiff- "he be*stBe*r forgotten+ 9 y*nked *t the ro/e- #y foreleg st*yed '*.ght *t the dew'l*w- "he re*r one w*s twisted *wkw*rdly+ m*king it im/ossible to y*nk h*rd 9 fell on the ro/e+ biting *nd /.lling *t itWhen the be*r sw*tted my fl*nk6* light+ *lmost tent*ti)e t*/69 wheeled+ sn*//ing *s 9 hit the end of the ro/e- "he be*r st.mbled b*'k- 9t looked from me6* der)ish of flying f.r *nd fl*shing f*ngs6to the forest beyond+ the )ibr*ting ste/s now *''om/*nied by the 'r*'kle of .ndergrowth- With * snort *nd * gr.mble+ the be*r *mbled *w*y+ *s if it w*sn1t fleeing+ b.t h*d sim/ly de'ided 9 w*sn1t worth its time9 ke/t working *t the ro/e+ gn*wing fr*nti'*lly- When 9 he*rd * snort right behind me+ 9 t.rned+ sn*rling- "hen 9 sto//ed de*d *nd st*red9<9RAA"

W%A" !"OO& B FOR me w*s neither wolf nor be*r+ b.t * fre*kish of the two- A foot shorter th*n the be*r+ it h*d the s*me wide sk.ll+ brown f.r *nd m*ssi)e body- B.t its /ointed e*rs *nd long sno.t were *ll wolf+ *nd its longer *nd sh*ggier th*n mine6 w*s wolf f.r with * thi'k 'o*rse o)er'o*t9t looked like %ollywood1s )ersion of werewol)es+ /ost(Wolf #*n er*6* m*ssi)e be*stlike thing- B.t th*t w*sn1t wh*t h*d sto//ed my *tt*'k de*d- 9t w*s the eyes- Bl.e eyes *s h.m*n *s when we 'h*nged- When 9 looked into them+ 9 knew Lynn5yg*rd1s t*les of90ir**t were rightOnly this w*sn1t * m*n th*t shifted into either wolf or be*r6it w*s * blend of *ll three *t on'e"he be*st sto//ed * few ste/s short of me *nd '.rled his li/ b*'k in *n e2/eriment*l growl- Like the be*r+ he w*s '.rio.s yet w*ry- 9 met his g*7e+ neither b*'king down nor ret.rning the growl+ b.t doing the s*me *s 9 h*d with"esler 6st*nding my gro.nd *nd kee/ing eye 'ont*'t"he be*st /*'ed one w*y+ then the other+ his g*7e still lo'ked with mine- %e l.mbered like * be*r+ b.t his mo)ements were 3.i'ker- %is sh*ggy f.r m*de him look he*)ier th*n he w*s- %e still h*d * good h.ndred /o.nds on me+ *nd little of it w*s winter(stored f*t- " 9 'o.ld tell by s'ent it w*s the be*st $l*y *tt*'ked+ the only signs of in0.ry were * few /*t'hes of missing f.r *nd *lre*dy(he*ling wo.nds%e sto//ed to get * better look *t me- O.r /*ths h*d 'rossed often th*t he w*sn1t 'onf.sed by the sight of *n o)ersi7ed wolf dr*/ed with shredded 'lothing *nd reeking of h.m*n s'ents%e le*ned forw*rd *nd sniffed me- When 9 didn1t *tt*'k+ he le*ned forw*rd some more- 9 mo)ed *nd he fell b*'k+ b.t 9 only t.rned sidew*ys *nd let him sniff me+ the s*me w*y 9 wo.ld with * fellow werewolf- Be'*.se th*t1s how 9 h*d to tre*t this- 5o m*tter how h*rd my he*rt /o.nded+ 9 'o.ldn1t let the fe*r showAs he sniffed+ 9 gn*wed6*s '*s.*lly *s /ossible6on the ro/e holding my foreleg *loft%e sniffed my fl*nk- "hen he sniffed my hind 3.*rters- When he s/ent * little too long b*'k there6*nd when his nose br.shed where 9 didn1t w*nt to be br.shed69 w*s so intent on the ro/e th*t 9 re*'ted the s*me w*y 9 did when * werewolf got * little too interested in th*t end of me- 9 s/.n+ sn*rling *nd sn*//ing"he be*st 0erked b*'k+ gr.nting *s if to s*y ;Wh*t1d 9 do8; 9 gr.nted b*'k4 then s*t- %e /rodded my hind3.*rters- 9 st*yed sitting- When he /rodded h*rder+ 9 growled%e 'h.ffed+ his eyes n*rrowing+ he*d tilting one w*y+ then the other+ 'onsidering- Another 'h.ff *nd he t.rned his b*'k on me *nd st*rted w*lking *w*y+ gr.mbling *s if thoro.ghly offended by my l*'k of interest9 ret.rned to my ro/e(gn*wing+ *nd the moment 9 did+ 9 he*rd the th.nder of r.nning /*wsBefore 9 'o.ld t.rn+ the be*st le*/t onto my b*'k+ hind /*ws still on the gro.nd+ fore/*ws 'in'hed *ro.nd me- #*le mo.nting /osition-

9 didn1t /*ni'- "his w*sn1t the s*me *s"esler1s r*/e *ttem/ts- "o * wolf+ this w*s sim/ly * se2.*l o) *nd h*d to be *nswered m.'h the s*me *s *ny .nwel'ome *ttention6with * )ery 3.i'k *nd firm ;not interested-; 9 /it'hed forw*rd+ o.t from .nder him+ *nd twisted *ro.nd *s f*r *s the ro/e wo.ld *llow+ then threw in * few serio.s growls for good me* %is eyes lit ./ like * /.//y th*t1s been sw*tted *nd thinks it1s *n in)it*tion to /l*ytime%e do)e *t me *nd ni//ed my front leg+ then /r*n'ed b*'k+ 0*ws o/en in * )ery '*nine grinWhen 9 didn1t re*'t+ he 'h.ffed in dis*//ointment4 *nd tried mo.nting me *g*in9 w*rned him off- %e tho.ght it w*s fore/l*y- 9 ignored him- %e tried to mo.nt me- 9 w*rned him off4 *nd so the 'y'le went- 9 s.//ose 9 sho.ld h*)e been * lot more 'on'erned *bo.t this s'en*rio+ b.t he g*)e no sign of tiring of the g*me or for'ing himself on me- !o 9 ke/t /l*ying4 while sne*king ni/s *t the ro/e on my foreleg+ fr*ying it str*nd by str*ndFin*lly+ with * y*nk+ 9 w*s free- "he be*st b*'ked off+ b.t only to get * better look- "hen he 'h.ffed+ *s if /le*sed with this new de)elo/ment- When 9 /.lled on the leg ro/e+ he le*/t in *nd+ with one 'hom/+ sn*//ed it- And+ .ngr*tef.l bit'h th*t 9 *m+ 9 took off"h*t didn1t bother him in the le*st- %e sim/ly inter/reted this *s ste/ two of the '*nine sed.'tion g*me- First+ she reb.ffs yo.- 5e2t+ she r.ns *w*y- Fin*lly+ yo. '*t'h her- And then8 Well+ th*t1s when the re*l f.n st*rts!o he 'h*sed me- 9 w*sn1t 'on'erned- %e m*y h*)e h*d the m.s'le+ b.t 9 h*d the s/eed- Only 9 didn1t 'o.nt on one thing- Ok*y+ m*ke th*t two thingsOne+ he w*s * little more in)ested in winning this 'h*se th*n he1d been the night before- "wo+ 9 w*s b*ttered *nd e2h*.sted- 9 didn1t m*ke it f*r before he '*.ght ./ *nd le*/t onto my b*'k- 9 let my legs gi)e w*y+ dro//ed *nd rolled+ sn*rling *nd sl*shing- %e yel/ed *s my teeth s.nk into * he*ling wo.nd on his ne'k- "hen * ro*r e'hoed the night *nd 9 t.rned my he*d to see *nother be*st6* bigger one6'h*rging str*ight for me9 s'r*mbled ./+ st.mbling o.t of the w*y+ my legs skidding like * d*y(old f*wn1s- B.t the new be*st w*sn1t r.nning *t me- %e hit the sm*ller one in the side *nd kno'ked him flying#y first instin't+ n*t.r*lly+ w*s to get the hell o.t of the w*y while these two b*ttled it o.tWhen 91d l.nged to the side+ 91d twisted my *lre*dy(tender+ formerly bo.nd foreleg- !o when 9 tried to lo/e gr*'ef.lly into the s.nset+ it g*)e w*y *nd 9 s/r*wled into the snowAs 9 /.shed ./+ 9 he*rd * yel/ *nd looked b*'k+ not to see * roiling be*st b*ttle+ b.t the sm*ller one 'owering *s the l*rger one '.ffed him *'ross the he*d+ growling *s if to s*y ;Wh*t the hell did yo. think yo. were doing8; Like * f*ther sw*tting his misbeh*)ing kid4 9 g*wked for *nother moment- "hen the older one looked my w*y *nd 9 re*li7ed 9 w*s st*ring

when 9 sho.ld h*)e been r.nning like hell- !o 9 took offAg*in+ 9 only m*de it * few ste/s before the 'r.n'h of /*ws in the snow so.nded behind me+ now in stereo *s they both g*)e 'h*se- "his time+ two things let me /.ll into the le*dOne+ <.nior knew he w*sn1t going to get *ny ;rew*rd; with his f*ther *ro.nd+ so his he*rt w*s no longer in it- "wo+ with do.ble the m.s'le / me+ 9 seemed to find * fin*l reser)e of strengthWhen we1d gone h*lf * mile *nd neither s/ed ./ nor slowed down+ the h.ff of their ste*dy bre*thing told me they weren1t gi)ing it their *ll+ *nd 9 re*li7ed they were letting me /.ll *he*d"hey were we*ring me o.t+ the s*me w*y we did with deer+ letting th*t first /*ni'ked b.rst of energy dr*in them- Behind me+ the bigger be*st gr.nted *nd 9 looked b*'k to see him st.mble * little+ *s if his /*w h*d '*.ght * root- 9t didn1t tri/ or slow him down+ b.t it w*s * reminder of his /osition6*t my left fl*nk- And the one w*s *t my right- "hey weren1t .sing the old r.n( yo.r(/rey(to(the(gro.nd tri'k- "hey were .sing the old dri)e(yo.r(/rey6 Oh+ shit9 hit the br*kes *nd m*de * h*rd right- 9 '*.ght the yo.nger one off g.*rd *nd 7oomed /*st him *s he w*s still e2e'.ting his own skid *nd twist m*ne.)er- B.t the older one w*s better /re/*red *nd st*yed right on my heels- From the 'r*shing of b.shes behind .s 9 knew 91d n*rrowly *)oided e2*'tly the tr*/ 91d *nti'i/*ted6* third be*st lying in w*it *he*d%ow m*ny were there8 W*s it * /*'k8 An e2tended f*mily8 Where did they li)e8 O.t here+ d*ngero.sly 'lose to 'i)ili7*tion8 %ow did68 9 sh.t off my br*in *nd / th*t energy into my legs- As 9 r*n+ 9 '*.ght * whiff of * fo.rth be*st+ its s'ent blowing str*ight into my f*'e+ *nd 9 re*li7ed they1d bo2ed me in with * re*r g.*rd+ too9 tried to )eer+ this time /l.nging into the forest+ ho/ing to es'*/e th*t w*y+ b.t the older one w*s too 'lose behind *nd *s soon *s 9 slowed to t.rn+ he gr*bbed my re*r leg *nd wren'hed9 fo.ght+ *ll three legs s'r*bbling in the snow+ s'r*/ing it *w*y to dirt+ des/er*tely trying to find tr*'tion- B.t he h*d me tight+ *nd from the / of his f*ngs+ 9 knew 9 w*sn1t getting *w*y4 not with the bottom h*lf of my leg int*'tWhen 9 sto//ed str.ggling+ he g*)e * y*nk *nd my forelegs s/l*yed o.t- 9 th.m/ed belly(first to the gro.nd- %e dr*gged me b*'k into the 'le*ring- "hen he let go9 got ./ to find * be*st *t e)ery 'om/*ss /oint blo'king my es'*/e- "hey stood there w*t'hing me+ no e2/ression in their m*t'hing bl.e eyes- Only the yo.ngest mo)ed+ sh.ffling with yo.thf.l im/*tien'e+ looking from one elder to the ne2t+ w*iting for them to get on with itAfter * moment+ two of the older ones st*rted '*sting the s*me looks *t the third- %e w*s the biggest+ *nd *lso the oldest+ 0.dging by the gr*y s/i'ing his d*rk f.r- "he Al/h*-

After st.dying me+ the Al/h* gr.nted- "hen he stret'hed his forelegs o.t+ his b*'k legs following+ his he*d dro//ing between his sho.lder bl*des- 9t w*s * /osition 9 knew well *nd when 9 s*w it+ my he*rt st*rted h*mmering"he be*st beg*n his $h*nge- 9 sho.ld h*)e e2/e'ted th*t- B.t 9 didn1t- "he bigger sho'k '*me when 9 s*w wh*t he $h*nged into9 remembered my first(ye*r *nthro/ology 'o.rse+ when we1d been dis'.ssing 5e*nderth*l m*n"he /rofessor h*d t*ken * sket'h of one *nd /.t him in * to /ro)e th*t+ des/ite the /o/.l*r /er'e/tion of them *s inh.m*nly /rimiti)e+ he 'o.ld h*)e w*lked down W*ll !treet witho.t t.rning *ny he*ds- !.re+ he might h*)e gotten * few '*)em*n 0okes in his lifetime+ b.t no one seeing him wo.ld s're*m ;Oh+ my God+ it1s * 5e*nderth*l; *ny more th*n /eo/le seeing .s in wolf form s're*m ;Oh my God+ it1s * werewolf-; We looked 'lose to the norm to /*ss for itWhen this g.y 'om/leted his $h*nge+ he reminded me of th*t sket'h- Well+ min.s the %e w*s n*ked+ of 'o.rse+ b.t in his '*se4 let1s s*y th*t he h*d * lot of h*ir where men norm*lly h*)e h*ir+ so n*kedness w*sn1t re*lly *n iss.e%e seemed slightly shorter th*n he h*d been in be*st form+ * few in'hes shy of se)en feet- %e h*d * thi'k be*rd *nd sh*ggy h*ir+ * /o/.l*r look *mong b*'kwoodsmen e)erywhere- 9f someone b.m/ed into him in the forest6/res.ming he didn1t norm*lly r.n *ro.nd n*ked6he1d look like the kind of g.y who s/ent most of his life in these woods *nd ) to town only for ne'essities%e h*d the 'l*ssi' 5e*nderth*l fe*t.res6* he*)y brow+ slo/ing forehe*d+ l*rge nose *nd /res.m*bly * re'eding 'hin+ th*t l*st w*s hidden .nder his be*rd- "he h*ir in gener*l did * good 0ob of m*sking the lessgr*'ile f*'i*l fe*t.res- &es/ite his height he h*d *n *lmost s3.*t *//e*r*n'e+ /owerf.lly b.ilt with short legs *nd fore*rms- !omething *bo.t 5e*nderth*l *d*/t*tions to 'old flitted my br*in6one of those str*y bits of *'*demi* yo. st.dy so h*rd th*t it ne)er 3.ite le*)es;:o. 'ome with .s+; he s*id%is )oi'e w*s gr.ff+ *lmost * growl+ *nd he s/oke with the slightly h*lting infle'tion of someone whose first l*ng.*ge w*sn1t nglish- When he s/oke *g*in+ 9 tho.ght it w*s * word in his n*ti)e l*ng.*ge6* b*rked 'omm*nd to the others- "hen 9 re*li7ed it re*lly w*s * b*rk+ two 3.i'k*l so.nds with *n infle'tion like s/ee'h"he other two elders 'le*rly .nderstood+ gr.nting *nd nodding"he yo.nger one /*id no *ttention- "he Al/h* t.rned his g*7e on him *nd s*id wh*t so.nded like ; li-; "he yo.ngster gr.nted gr.dging *greement"he Al/h* 'ro.'hed+ then $h*nged b*'k to be*st with * s/eed *nd e*se th*t left me sighing with

en)y- 9 g.ess * long *nd tr*nsform*tion is the /ri'e we /*y for $h*nging more 'om/letely between h.m*n *nd wolf formWhen the Al/h* finished+ 9 looked *t him with fresh eyes *nd re*li7ed th*t wh*t 91d mist*ken for be*rlike fe*t.res were re*lly h.m*n6his the longer f.r+ the ro.nded he*d+ the e*se with whi'h he stood *nd w*lked on two legs- "hey didn1t 'h*nge into * wolf(be*r hybrid+ b.t * wolf( h.m*n oneOne of the elders n.dged my fl*nk h*rd+ telling me to get mo)ing- 9 set o.t behind the Al/h*R !P $" A! 9 L9#P & *long+ s.rro.nded on *ll sides+ 9 w*s str.'k by the stillness of the forest- When 9 r*n *s * wolf+ 9 w*s *''.stomed to sm*ller 're*t.res gi)ing w*y+ /*rti'.l*rly if 9 w*s m*king no *ttem/t to r.n 3.ietly- Beyond th*t /o'ket of em/ty s/*'e+ 9 'o.ld *lw*ys he*r+ smell *nd sometimes see life dee/ in the forest- With the be*sts+ the de*d 7one seemed to e2tend *s f*r *s smell or so.nd 'o.ld /enetr*te- 9t w*s *s if e)ery 're* he*rd those th.ndering /*ws+ s're*med+ ;Oh+ shitB; *nd s'r*mbled for higher gro.ndAs * wolf+ 9 w*s like the 0*'k*ls in the Afri'*n s*)*nn*h6/rey *)oided me *nd /red*tors /*id me heed- "hese be*sts were the lions6e)erything gre*t *nd sm*ll 'le*red o.t when they '*me r.nning"he Al/h* led .s tow*rd one of the sm*ll mo.nt*ins dotting the wilderness- At first he '.t * tr*il .nbroken snow+ b.t dee/er into the forest+ we t.rned onto * well(tr*)eled /*th th*t led trees so dense we h*d to d.'k .nder br*n'hes- We re*'hed snow(b*rren ro'k *nd beg*n to 'limb- Fin*lly+ the Al/h* dis*//e*red behind wh*t seemed like * solid stone w*ll- 9 followed *nd fo.nd the 'on'e*led entr*n'e of * '*)eAlmost no light /enetr*ted the interior- )en my good night )ision w*s .seless- When 9 /*.sed+ the be*st behind me g*)e me * n.dge *nd gr.nted+ *s if e2*s/er*ted by my ine/tit.de9 followed the w*ll for * few feet+ then s*t on my h*.n'hes- #y eyes h*d beg.n to * when thethwi'k of * str.'k m*t'h m*de me 0.m/- A kerosene l*m/ hissed- Light fl*red- 9 blinked *nd s*w the of the Al/h* holding the l*ntern- %e w*s dressed now+ in 0e*ns *nd * fl*nnel shirt- %is thi'kly h*ired feet were b*re+ the '*)e floor 'o)ered in driedstr*wlike reedsBehind the Al/h* w*s one of the elders+ *lso $h*nged *nd dressed+ lighting * fire- 9 'o.ldn1t see the third+ b.t the yo.ngest w*s off to my left+ b.ttoning his shirt- %e w*sn1t *ny older th*n 5o*h+ whi'h 9 s.//osed e2/l*ined his hormone(f.eled re*'tion e*rlier- %e w*s more slender th*n the others+ with medi.m brown h*ir to his sho.lders+ his 'heeks still smoothLooking o)er+ the one gr.nted *nd w*)ed tow*rd me- "he Al/h* gr.nted b*'k- "here w*s nothing o)ertly /rimiti)e *bo.t their ''*tion6it so.nded like * 'o./le of g.ys who weren1t m.'h gi)en to 'on)ers*tion+ m*king do with gest.res *nd noises inste*d+ the yo.nger one 'le*rly /ointing o.t th*t 9 w*s still in wolf form *nd the older s*ying+ ;:es+ 9 know-;

"he Al/h* lit * se'ond l*ntern+ then t.rned to me- ;!hift to h.m*n-; While th*t wo.ld 'ert*inly *id ''*tion+ right now+ 9 w*s h*//y to kee/ my w*rm f.r *nd sh*r/ teethWhen 9 m*de no mo)e to st*rt my $h*nge+ he s*id+ ;We wo.ld like yo. to shift to h.m*n-; %e en.n'i*ted '*ref.lly+ *s one .n*''.stomed to s.'h 'om/lete *nd form*l ''*tion+ b.t w*nting to *''ommod*te * g.est from * ' th*t )*l.ed s.'h things- And th*t w*s how 9 think they were trying to tre*t me6*s * g.est- A '*/ti)e g.est to be b.t they h*dn1t m*de *ny thre*tening mo)es- "hey weren1t e)en blo'king the e2it+ 9 s.s/e'ted if 9 bolted o.tside+ 91d soon dis'o)er where the third elder h*d gone- :et they seemed *n2io.s to m*int*in the *//e*r*n'e of 'i)ility+ *nd it seemed wise to go *long with it for now;O)er there-; "he Al/h* /ointed to the 'orner- ;9t is d*rk; "he one6 li6tried to follow me- A growl from the Al/h* sto//ed him;91m going o)er here+; he s*id+ his s/ee'h s.r/risingly norm*l+ like th*t of * se'ond( gener*tion immigr*nt- ;"o w*t'h her-; "he elder tending the fire 'h.'kled *nd li bl.shed;"o g.*rd her+ 9 me*n+; he s*id;!it+; the Al/h* growled;$lothing8; the other elder s*id"he Al/h* gr.nted *nd nodded+ then w*)ed li tow*rd * 'hest- 9 w*ited while li dro//ed 'lothes ne*r me- When he1d retre*ted+ 9 beg*n my $h*nge- On'e finished+ 9 /.lled on the shirt *nd b.ttoned it+ re*'hed for /*nts4 *nd fo.nd none- "he shirt fell to my knees+ *nd the reed('o)ered floor ke/t the 'old from my feetWhen 9 ste//ed forw*rd+ the Al/h* took one look *t me *nd growled- ; li4 ; "he boy only looked o)er+ his f*'e * st.dy in wide(eyed inno'en'e;P*nts+; the Al/h* s*id;"hey1re too big for her-; ; liB; %e fo.nd me * /*ir of 0e*ns- As he w*s bringing them o)er+ he sn.'k * look *t me-

; li4 ; "he Al/h*1s )oi'e w*s * low growl now- ;Res/e't-; 9 tho.ght he me*nt for li to res/e't him+ b.t when li ke/t st*ring+ the elder6the one 9 s.s/e'ted w*s his f*ther6'.ffed him *s he h*d in the woods *nd growled+ ;Res/e't+ li- !he is werewolf-; "he look the boy g*)e me s*id this w*sn1t+ to him+ '*.se for res/e't- B.t 9 *lre*dy knew th*t%e1d been the one $l*y *nd 9 h*d en'o.ntered in the forest+ *nd 0.dging by the w*y th*t who(r.ns(with(the(wol)es h*d *'ted+ we weren1t the only werewol)es li h*d been terrori7ing"he Al/h* /.lled o.t * 'h*ir m*de from bo.nd br*n'hes *nd dr*/ed with *n *nim*l skin6be*r by the smell6*nd he motioned for me to sit- As 9 did+ 9 looked *ro.nd- "he '*)e w*s * 0*rring mi2 of /rimiti)e *nd *nd twig mingling with /*rk*s+ winter boots *nd+ beside the fire /it+ * steel /*il of w*ter- 5ot /rimiti)e+ 9 s.//ose+ old(f*shioned where)er modern w*sn1t ne'ess*ry+ no different from h.m*ns who1d de'ided to li)e off the l*ndWhen the Al/h* followed my g*7e+ he s*id 3.i'kly+ ;"his is only * h.nting '*m/- We li)e * dist*n'e *w*y- 9n; he *dded em/h*ti'*lly+ lest 9 mist*ke them for '*)e(dwelling s*)*ges;9s th*t where the women *re8; 9 h*d no ide* whether there were women+ b.t 9 h*d * sne*king s.s/i'ion these g.ys weren1t strolling into An'hor*ge+ /i'king ./ 'hi'ks in the lo'*l b*rs%e nodded- ;"hey 'ome sometimes- 5ot this time-; ;And they1re4 like yo.8 "hey '*n4 shift into4 wh*t yo. do8; %e looked 'onf.sed- 9 don1t bl*me him6my 3.estion w*sn1t e2*'tly 'le*r+ b.t 9 h*d no ide* wh*t they '*lled themsel)es;"he women+; 9 s*id- ;"hey1re like yo.- "hey4 shift form8; ;Of 'o.rse-; %e frowned+ then nodded- ;:es+ there *re not women *mong the werewol)es- Or th*t is wh*t 9 h*)e he*rd+ b.t 'le*rly yo. *re4 ; %e tho.ght this * min.te+ then s*id+ ;:o. *re * bitten one+ then-; 9 nodded- ;9s th*t wh*t yo.r women *re8 Bitten8; ;5o+ it is not the s*me- We '*nnot4 do th*t- We *re born !hifters- O.r women *re+ too- B.t they *re r*re-; Behind him+ li gr.mbled- 5ot * sit.*tion to his liking+ 9 s.//osed9 t.rned b*'k to the Al/h*- "hey h*dn1t in)ited me here to e2'h*nge notes on o.r s/e'ies+ so *nything 9 w*nted to know+ 91d better *sk f*st-

;And yo. li)e dee/er in the woods8 9n * 'omm.nity8 Are there m*ny of yo.8; "y/i'*l 3.estions+ /*rti'.l*rly for someone with *n *nthro/ologist*nd who1d drill her for det*ils- B.t from the look on the Al/h*1s f*'e+ he didn1t '*re to gi)e those det*ils- %e hid his .ne*se by 3.i'kly gl*n'ing *side *nd m.ttering+ ;5ot im/ort*nt-; ;!orry- 9 didn1t me*n to /ry- 9 0.st691)e ne)er met4 !hifters before-; ;"here *re m*ny of .s+; li s*id- ;#ore th*n yo. werewol)es+ *nd *ll bigger *nd stronger th*n yo.r best- 9f yo. 'ome+ we1ll fight-; %e met my g*7e- ;And we1ll win-; ;Res/e'tB; the Al/h* sn*rled+ wheeling on him;Why8 Look *t her- !he1s no bigger th*n * h.m*n- And she shifts into * norm*l wolf- Why sho.ld we be *fr*id of68; %is f*ther '.ffed him- ;Res/e'tB; ;9t1s ok*y-; 9 tried for * wry smile- ;9 '*n see how my 3.estions 'o.ld h*)e been misinter/reted+ b.t it w*s only '.riosity- :o.r territory is We h*)e o.r own+ *nd we1re h*//y with it-; ;"he werewol)es like 'ities+; the Al/h* s*id+ in * tone th*t im/lied he /itied o.r /referen'e+ b.t w*s trying to rem*in /olitely*l on the s.b0e't- ;"hey h*)e ne)er gi)en .s * /roblem- Until now- "hese werewol)es in the )*lley- "he ones in the '*bin4 ; ;9f yo. me*n the two brothers *nd their friends+ they *ren1t /*rt of my P*'k- 9n f*'t+ 9 es'*/ed from them-; ;We know this- We h*)e been w*t'hing them- "hey *re4 tro.ble-; "h*t w*s /.tting it mildly;&id the others in yo.r P*'k 'ome with yo.8; the Al/h* *sked- ;:o. *re not *lone+ *re yo.8; li h*d seen me with $l*y+ b.t from the ner)o.s looks he w*s tossing my w*y+ the others knew nothing of those en'o.nters- Gi)en their '*ref.lly /olite beh*)ior now+ 9 s.s/e'ted they wo.ldn1t be h*//y to he*r th*t he1d tried to r.n .s off ;his; territory;91m with my m*te-; ;Good- :o. will bring him- "hen yo. will get rid of these werewol)es-; ;:o. me*n kill them8; "he Al/h* met my g*7e with *n ins'r.t*ble look+ like the one 91d seen so often from <eremy- 9

wondered if it '*me *.tom*ti'*lly withAl/h*hood - 9 ho/ed so+ be'*.se otherwise+ 9 do.bted 91d e)er de)elo/ it;9f th*t is wh*t yo. think best+; he s*id+ *s if le*)ing the fin*l '*ll ./ to me- 5ot th*t 9 h*d *ny /roblem killing"esler - %ell+ 9 didn1t /l*n to get on * /l*ne o.t of Al*sk* .ntil 9 h*d- B.t being 'omm*nded to do so w*sn1t something 9 took lightly9 dem*nded6well+ *sked for+ rel*ti)ely ni'ely6*n e2/l*n*tion- Getting one w*sn1t e*sy- "he 'on)ers*tion /ro'eeded slowly *s the Al/h* se*r'hed for the right words- li ke/t sighing *nd fidgeting+ 'le*rly w*nting to t*ke o)er- B.t in this+ the !hifters were like * were wolf P*'kWhile they m*de some *llow*n'es for his he 'o.ldn1t s/e*k for the Al/h*- When the Al/h* is /resent+ he s/e*k for his /*'kAs he1d s*id+ this w*s one of the m*in h.nting '*m/s for his 'omm.nity+ *s well *s * w*y st*tion between it *nd the 'ity+ where they went for s.//lies- While &ennis1s '*bin h*d been here for ye*rs+ he1d ne)er '*.sed *ny tro.ble+ so the !hifters tre*ted him *s * fellow /red*tor6le*)ing him *lone-"esler *nd his boys were *nother m*tter9f &ennis w*s the res/e'ted fellow h.nter+ the"eslers were like the redne'ks who rent * '*bin for the week to get dr.nk *nd shoot st.ff- "hey1d been r.nning in wolf form not '*ring whether they were seen or he*rd+ s'*ring the g*me for miles *nd /reying on h.m*ns+ then6 worse yet6le*)ing their kills in the o/en5ow+ 91d *lre*dy s.s/e'ted the m.tts of the killings+ des/ite &*n1s deni*ls- When 9 e2/ressed e)en the slightest ske/ti'ism+ * gentle ;Are yo. it w*s them8; the Al/h* got his b*'k ./;:es+ we *re #iles;6he to li1s f*ther6;w*s *t the '*bin *fter the first m*n died- %e he*rd them fighting- One h*d been seen by * h.m*n *s he !hifted+ so he killed him *nd the le*ders were *ngry with him for not hiding the body before it w*s fo.nd- "hey sent him *w*y-; "h*t m*t'hed &*n1s story- B.t if the"esler brothers g*)e their l*'key shit for le*)ing the 'or/se+ *nd ki'ked his *ss o.t be'*.se of it+ why were two more bodies fo.nd l*ter8 And here 9 dis'o)ered th*t the !hifters l*'ked * 'ert*in so/histi'*tion when it '*me to s'heming *nd "h*t1s not to s*y they were st./id- "hey weren1t *''.stomed to the kind of /oliti'*l m*'hin*tions the P*'k de*lt with e)ery d*y- When 9 /ointed o.t the f*ll*'y of the Al/h*1s logi'+ he grew *git*ted;"hey did kill th*t m*n- And th*t is not the worst- "hey killed girls- "wo of them- #*ybe moreWe fo.nd only two- "hey b.ried them+ b.t not with res/e't- "hey threw them *w*y- Like4 ; %e w*)ed his h*nd+ se*r'hing for words- ;Like g*rb*ge- "hey *re monsters-; Agreed- And *t 'onfirm*tion of the girls1 f*te+ my determin*tion to kill"esler only grew- B.t 9 noti'ed he1d shifted my *ttention from the 3.estion of the other two ;wolf(killed; men-

"he"esler g*ng h*dn1t killed them *nd the Al/h* knew it- Another+ less 'omfort*ble e2/l*n*tion sl.nk into the b*'k of my mind;:o. s*y these /*'k le*ders were ./set with the body being left o.t *nd fo.nd+; 9 s*id slowly;@ery ./set- #*ybe+ if it 'ontin.ed+ they1d get ./set6*nd ner) to le*)e-; ;:es+ b.t they did not-; ;Be'*.se they knew they weren1t res/onsible *nd+ being 'l.eless *bo.t norm*l wolf beh*)ior+ they / it w*s wol)es *nd ignored it- !o yo.r /l*n f*iled-; "he Al/h* nodded4 then sto//ed+ *s he re*li7ed wh*t he w*s *dmitting to- %e bl.stered then+ not denying it+ b.t /ointing o.t th*t the two men they1d killed were /o*'hers *nd tr*//ers+ ste*ling *nim*ls me*nt for s.sten*n'e *nd t*king only the skins;And *nim*ls *ren1t the only thing they kill+; li m.ttered%is f*ther tried to him+ b.t h*lfhe*rtedly+ his g*7e *)erted+ eyes filled with grief;Po*'hers killed one of yo.+; 9 s*id- ;9n !hifted form- "heymis took yo.6; ;"hey mistook him for nothing+; li sn*rled+ s/ittle flying- ;%e w*sn1t !hifted- "he g.y shot him *nd tried to hide his body+ like he1d killed * deer o.t of se*son-; ;#y other son+; #iles s*id- ; li1s litter m*te-; li1s twin brother+ *''ident*lly shot in h.m*n form- "h*t wo.ld e2/l*in the *nimosity tow*rd .s 6/rob*bly tow*rd werewol)es+ wol)es *nd h.m*ns *like+ r.nning them off his territory with *ll the single(minded r*ge of * grief(stri'ken teen*ge boy- !.re+ he1d been trying something else in the gro)e * little while *go+ b.t th*t w*s /.re instin't- #y s'ent *t work on his teen hormones)en now+ when he slid gl*n'es my w*y+ 'he'king me o.t+ 'ontem/t w*rred with *ttr*'tion;B.t wh*t we did+ it w*s not re)enge+; the Al/h* s*id5ot 'ons'io.sly+ 91m B.t s.b'ons'io.sly+ it wo.ld /l*y * role- While li *'ted o.t his grief by 'h*sing e)ery /red*tor off his t.rf+ his elders fo.nd *n e2'.se to do the s*me with /o*'hers *nd tr*//ers+ men they wo.ld now 'onsider * thre*t- "o them+ the killing of those two h.m*ns+ while regrett*ble+ 'o.ld be 0.stified by their *'tions *nd the ne'essity of sto//ing the gre*ter thre*t,"esler1s m.tts- And while 9 'o.ld stren.o.sly *rg.e the logi' of this+ it m*de /erfe't sense to them+ *nd th*t 9 'o.ldn1t dis/.teB.t *ll th*t still didn1t *nswer one 3.estion- "here w*s *nother w*y to h*ndle their /roblem- One th*t w*s f*r more reli*ble6*nd ethi'*lly 0.stifi*ble6th*n fr*ming them for m.rder;:o. w*nt"esler *nd his g*ng de*d+; 9 s*id- ;!o why not do it yo.rsel)es8;

;9t is forbidden-; ;#*ybe+ b.t6; ;5o- Killing werewol)es is forbidden-; %is tone s*id this w*s *n .nbre*k*ble *nd .n3.estion*ble l*w- !o they 'o.ld kill h.m*ns+ b.t not werewol)es8 "h*t m*de no senseOr m*ybe+ to them+ it did- "hey1d 'h*stised li for disres/e'ting me- %e1d hinted they fe*red .sFe*r *nd res/e't- Feelings one might h*)e tow*rd+ not * fellow s./ern*t.r*l+ b.t * s./erior being- )en li+ while he1d been 3.i'k to terrori7e .s+ h*dn1t done more th*n sm*'k .s *ro.nd+ trying to s'*re .s off witho.t bre*king th*t 'omm*ndment;:o. will do this for .s+; the Al/h* s*id- ;:o. will kill them-; Before 9 'o.ld *nswer+ he whistled- "r*m/ing footste/s *nd m.ffled o*ths so.nded *t the '*)e entr*n'e- 9n w*lked the missing fo.rth !hifter+ /.shing before him * slight in *n o)ersi7ed /*rk*+ *rms bo.nd behind his b*'k- "he str.ggled *nd the hood fell b*'k- 9t w*s 5o*h+ g*gged with * stri/ of le*ther+ eyes bl*7ing with f.ry *nd h.mili*tion;%e is yo.rs8; the Al/h* s*id;:es+; 9 s*id- ;%e1s; ;"hen do this for .s *nd he is *g*in-; $O5"A$" "%9R": #95U" ! LA" R+ 9 w*s tr*m/ing the snow+ re*dy to sell my so.l for * snowmobile- Wh*t kind of Al*sk*n b*'kwoodsmen6e)en sh*/e(shifting wolf(be*sts6didn1t h*)e snowmobiles8 9 knew 9 sho.ldn1t 'om/l*in- At le*st they h*dn1t sho)ed me o.t right *w*y+ 'old+ e2h*.sted *nd b*ttered+ to find my w*y b*'k to 'i)ili7*tion- "hey1d insisted 9 rest *nd e*t+ e)en when 91d *rg.ed 9 w*s fine- "hey1d ser)ed me * s.r/risingly good stew of )enison *nd root )eget*bles+ *nd * thi'k bri'k(like bre*d th*t h*dn1t been ne*rly *s t*sty+ b.t 91d e*ten it *nyw*y9 dr*nk the te* they brewed+ too+ some herb*l blend to e*se my *'hes *nd /*ins- "hey1d s*id it w*s willow b*rk+ b.t 9 s.s/e'ted it 'ont*ined something * lot stronger- 9t reminded me of the "ylenol L <eremy m*de me t*ke *fter b*d fights- 9 w*s feeling no /*in *nd * little light(he*dedOne thing w*s for s.re6this w*s * night 9 wo.ldn1t forget- Life *s * werewolf me*ns * lot of fights *nd 'h*ses+ *nd in the l*st few 91d done more th*n my sh*re of both+ b.t with new twists- F*lling the i'e- Fending off *n eight(foot brown be*r- Being t*ken '*/ti)e by * werewolf /re'.rsor r*'e- !omed*y+ 91d be sitting in my ro'king 'h*ir+ telling my gr*ndkids *bo.t

this night- Right now+ 9 w*nted to get it"he !hifters h*d gi)en me *ll the 'lothing 9 needed+ from * /*rk* to boots to do.bled(./ work so'ks- B.t with si7e nine feet in si7e g*7illion boots+ 9 might *s well h*)e been we*ring snowshoes- 9n f*'t+ 91d h*)e been better off we*ring snowshoes- Worse+ 9 'o.ld h*)e been"hey1d offered me * /*ir+ b.t *fter * few *wkw*rd ste/s *nd * f*'e(/l*nt+ 91d s*id boots were fine"hey1d es'orted me to * ro*d- At le*st+ they s*id it w*s * ro*d- B.t *fter twenty min.tes hiking boot(dee/ snow+ seeing only * thin sw*t'h of white *he*d+ winding the trees+ 9 w*s .n'omfort*bly reminded of the l*st .ntr*)eled ;ro*d; 91d t*ken4 the one th*t t.rned o.t to be * ri)er"he !hifters swore the highw*y w*s only three miles *w*y- "hey1d e)en offered to h*)e li es'ort me+ h*dn1t seemed s.r/rised when 9 s*id no- 91d h*d of teen*ge to l*st me *while9 s.//ose 9 sho.ld be fl*ttered6*ll th*t *ttention from g.ys h*lf my *ge6*nd 9 wo.ld be4 if 9 didn1t know th*t witho.t my .ni3.e s'ent+ 9 wo.ldn1t get * se'ond gl*n'e- And+ re*lly+ th*t wo.ld m*ke me m.'h h*//ier- 9 knew now how $l*y felt+ getting 'he'ked o.t by twenty(ye*r(old girls- ww )en *s 9 bit'hed *bo.t the sit.*tion+ 9 knew 9 sho.ld be o)er0oyed to be w*rm *nd rested *nd free- %ow m*ny times tonight h*d 9 tho.ght 91d ne)er see morning8 And there it w*s6the f*intest stre*ks of red 'resting the )*lley between two mo.nt*ins behind me- 9 h*dn1t been killed+ h*dn1t been r*/ed+ h*dn1t e)en been serio.sly 9 sho.ld be d*n'ing down the moonlit ro*d+ singing to the st*rs- B.t if 9 w*s+ 91d know wh*te)er w*s in th*t te* w*s more th*n * /*inkiller!o 9 tr.dged- And 9 bit'hed- And 9 dre*med of * 'o7y bed+ hot food *nd "r*)is"esler1s he*d on * /ike4 not ne'ess*rily in th*t order9 w*s following th*t seemingly endless ro*d when 9 he*rd the f*int s3.e*k of snow .nder * boot9 sto//ed- )erything *ro.nd me w*s still- "hen * ste//ed onto the ro*d- 9 tensed+ b.t he only lifted * h*nd in greeting *nd st*rted tow*rd me- %e w*s t*ll *nd slender+ dressed in one of those /*rk*s with the long+t.belike hoods+ his f*'e lost within its sh*dows- As he *//ro*'hed+ his smell hit me- And 9 didn1t belie)e it- 9 inh*led more i'y *ir so f*st my br*in reeled from the sho'k- "he s'ent st*yed the s*me- B.t it 'o.ldn1t be- $o.ldn1t /ossibly be"he m*n /.lled down his hood *nd 9 s*w his w*)y d*rk h*ir+ big brown eyes+ oli)e(skinned f*'e+ swoon(worthy grin4 *nd still 9 'o.ldn1t belie)e it;!ee+; he s*id- ;$l*y w*s worried we1d ne)er find yo. o.t here+ b.t *ll 9 h*d to do w*s follow the bit'hing *nd mo*ning+ *nd here yo. *re-; ;5i'k4 ; 9 s*id-

;:o. '*n1t be too 'old+ then+ if yo. remember my n*me- 9 swe*r+ *nother ho.r o.t here *nd :d h*)e forgotten it- Lo)e the 'lothes- !eems we sho/ *t the s*me designer-; %e looked down *t his /*rk* with s.'h th*t+ *t *ny other time+ 9 wo.ld h*)e l*.ghed;Wh(wh*t *re yo. doing here8; 9 st*mmered;Good to see yo.+ too-; When he ste//ed tow*rd me+ 9 fell b*'k%e /*.sed+ frowning+ then nodded- ;Bl*ming snow blindness8 !ome f.nkymo0o from these weird woods8 &on1t worry+ 91m re*l- And to /ro)e it4 ; %e le*/t forw*rd before 9 'o.ld b*'k *w*y+ sn*t'hed me ./ *nd kissed me- As .s.*l+ it w*sn1t the kind of kiss yo. sho.ld gi)e yo.r best friend1s wife- As 9 g*s/ed for *ir+ 9 s*id+ ;5i'k+; *nd he grinned;9 knew th*t1d work-; #y eyes /ri'kled+ thro*t tightening- 91d been holding ./ so well+ b.t now+ seeing 5i'k+ knowing 9 w*s s*fe+ it w*s like /o//ing the '.shioning b.bble th*t h*d ke/t me going%e /.t his *rms *ro.nd me *nd /.lled me *g*inst him+ gri/ only strengthening when 9 th*t 9 w*s ok*y *nd to /.t me down- After * moment+ 9 g*)e ./ *nd let him h.g me- A te*r or two might h*)e st*ined his /*rk*+ b.t we both /retended not to see it- When his *rms loosened+ 9 ste//ed *w*y;%ow did yo. get here8; 9 *sked;%old on+ let me try $l*y *g*in while 9 e2/l*in-; %e f.mbled in his /o'ket- ;L*st night+ when <oey dr.gged $l*y69 '*n1t belie)e he6; %e shook his he*d- ;Anyw*y+ <eremy knew something w*s wrong- :o. know <eremy-; %e sto//ed f.mbling+ y*nked off * glo)e *nd /.lled his 'ell /hone from his /o'ket+ 'he'king it *s he t*lked- ;<eremy '*lled- 5o one *nswered in yo.r room or on yo.r /hones- !o he t*lked the hotel st*ff into o/ening the door *nd 'he'king- %*)ing * str*nger w*lk into his room woke $l*y ./ better th*n *ny /hone '*ll-; %e shook his /hone+ '.rsing- ;!till no re'e/tion- 9 bet the r*dio isn1t working either-; %e e2'h*nged the 'ell /hone for * w*lkie(t*lkie+ still t*lking- ;We knew yo. g.ys might need emergen'y hel/+ so by the time $l*y woke ./+ Antonio *lre*dy h*d * b.ddy1s 'om/*ny 0et on st*ndby- We were on the /l*ne with Reese-; %e tried the r*dio- !wore- !ho)ed it b*'k into his /o'ket *nd ke/t t*lking- ;<eremy is on his w*y+ b.t he didn1t w*nt .s to w*it for him- %e1s t*king * reg.l*r flight *nd le*)ing the kids with <*ime- K*rl1s s.//osed to be 'oming+ b.t 91ll belie)e it when 9 see him- "hey1ll be *while+

We got here o.rsel)es- We m*n*ged to get in to.'h with $l*y+ who w*s *lre*dy ./ here se*r'hing- We fo.nd him *nd s/lit ./6me with $l*y+ Antonio with Reese-; ;!o where1s $l*y8; ;"ook off- 9 w*sn1t kee/ing ./- 5e2t thing 9 know+ he1s gone *nd 91m tr.dging snow ./ to my knees+ se*r'hing for * /*th+ * ro*d+ *nything- "hen 9 he*rd yo.-; ;9n other words+ yo. got lost in the woods- Ag*in-; %e shot me * mo'k s'owl- ;5o+ $l*y lost me in the woods- Ag*in- And he1s /rob*bly lost himself by now+ the w*y he w*s going- &o yo. w*nt to h.nt for him8 Or kee/ going *nd ho/e for 'ell ser)i'e8; 9 w*nted to find $l*y- )en the tho.ght th*t he w*s o.t here w*s to m*ke my eyes /ri'kle *g*in- 5i'k w*s * de'ent s.bstit.te+ b.t 9 needed $l*y6to see him+ know he w*s s*fe+ show him 9 w*s s*fe+ tell him e)erything+ then get to workAnd 9 w*nted * h.g- A long one+ inh*ling his s'ent+ /ro)ing to myself th*t e)erything re*lly w*s ok*y- "here w*s * time 9 wo.ldn1t h*)e *dmitted th*t+ m.'h less /l*nned to *'t on the im/.lse"od*y 9 wo.ldWh*t 9 h*d to do+ w*s o/tion two, th*t $l*y w*s ok*y *nd kee/ going .ntil we 'o.ld m*ke r*dio 'ont*'t- 9f both $l*y *nd Antonio were o.t of r*nge+ then 91d 'ont*'t <eremy or K*rl6m*ybe e)en %o/e6*nd h*)e someone kee/ trying Antonio *nd $l*y for me while we he*ded b*'k into the forest to se*r'h for them- "h*t w*s the sensible /l*n+ so th*t1s the one 9 told 5i'k- %e didn1t *rg.eA he ne)er did!o we w*lked- 9 took the r*dio *nd he ke/t the 'ell /hone+ *nd we 'ontin.ed 'he'king for ser)i'e *s 9 e2/l*ined e)erything th*t h*d h*//ened in the l*st twenty(fo.r ho.rs5i'k *''e/ted the e2isten'e of !hifters with little 'omment- 9t interested him no more th*n *ny min.ti*e of the gre*ter s./ern*t.r*l world- Wh*t did get his *ttention w*s the tremor in my )oi'e e*'h time 9 mentioned "r*)is"esler ;Wh*t did this"esler g.y68; 5i'k sto//ed himself- ;5o+ 9 think 9 know wh*t he did- Or tried to do+ be'*.se if he1d s.''eeded4 ; ;91d be *n emotion*l wre'k8; ;5o+ 9 w*s thinking more 1'o)ered in blood *nd bits of the b*st*rd-1 B.t+ ye*h+ *fter th*t settled+ yo.1d be in sh*/e- :o.1d get it+ b.t 91m gl*d yo. don1t h*)e to-; %e t.'ked his glo)e into his /o'ket+ *nd slid his b*re h*nd into the m*ssi)e mitt o)er mine+ t*king my h*nd inside it+ th*t l*st bit of 'hill )*nishing *s my fingers entwined with his w*rm ones- We w*lked in silen'e+ h*nd(in(h*nd- 91)e *lw*ys liked this *bo.t 5i'k+ * /hysi'*l 'loseness

9 don1t *llow myself with *nyone e2'e/t $l*y- 9t1s * s*fe intim*'y th*t some /*rt of me 'r*)es9t1s not *se2.*l6nothing is *se2.*l with 5i'k6b.t it1s 'om/letely nonthre*tening- 91m his friend *nd his best friend1s wife+ *nd while th*t doesn1t sto/ him from kissing me or sli//ing into o.r bed *nd getting friendlier th*n * friend sho.ld+ he me*ns nothing by it+ wo.ld ne)er /.sh the bo.nd*ries- 9f $l*y isn1t thre*tened+ then 9 know 9 don1t need to be+ be'*.se it1s nothing more th*n it *//e*rs to be6*nother le)el of the /hysi'*l /l*y *nd intim*'y th*t 'ements P*'k bonds;&o yo. w*nt to t*lk *bo.t it8; he s*id *fter * few min.tes- ;9 know yo.1ll t*lk to $l*y b.t4 m*ybe there *re things yo.1d r*ther dis'.ss with me8; 9 nodded- ;9 might- And 9 /rob*bly will- L*ter- For now+ 91m holding ./- 9t 0.st4 9t m*de me so4 ; ;Angry-; ;!.re- 9t /issed me off- "h*t1s /*rt of being * wom*n+ 9 g.ess- 9f some son of * bit'h w*nts to h.rt .s+ he knows how to do it+ *nd there1s re*lly nothing we '*n do in ret.rn+ nothing on th*t s'*le-; ;9 don1t me*n yo.1re m*d *t him- Of 'o.rse yo. *re+ b.t yo.1re more *ngry with yo.rself for letting it get to yo.- For not being /erfe't-; 9 didn1t *nswer- 9 didn1t need to- "he P*'k might te*se 5i'k for not being the 3.i'kest on his ment*l feet+ b.t there1s more th*n one kind of intelligen'e+ *nd when it 'omes to seeing /eo/le+ no one w*s better th*n 5i'k- 9t w*sn1t *n *bility 9 liked him /r*'ti'ing on me4 ;91ll be fine+; 9 s*id;9 know yo. will-; We 'he'ked o.r de)i'es+ then ke/t w*lking+ the d*rk sky *he*d now stre*ked with gr*y; )eryone h*s * b.tton+ len*- "his g.y fo.nd; ;And+ *//*rently+ he1s not the only one who sees it+ me*ning 91m doing * shitty 0ob of hiding it-; %e g*)e me * look- ;91)e known yo. for twenty ye*rs- 9f 9 h*dn1t it o.t+ there1d be something wrong with me+ es/e'i*lly 'onsidering 91)e br.shed th*t b.tton * few times myself-; ;9t1s not the s*me-; %is h*nd tightened *ro.nd mine- ;9 know-; We w*lked some more- $he'ked *g*in- !till nothing-

;:o.1re *llowed to h*)e * soft s/ot+ len*-; ;91d r*ther not-; ;9 know-; #ore 3.iet w*lking- #ore f.tile 'he'king;%ow f*r did yo. get before yo. lost the sign*l8; 9 *sked;5o ide*- $l*y h*d dri)en in *s f*r *s his rent*l tr.'k wo.ld go+ *nd we met him there- At th*t /oint+ we h*d r*dio b.t no 'ell- After we s/lit ./+ there w*sn1t *ny re*son to '*ll e*'h other+ so we didn1t think to 'he'k-; ;Any ide* whether we1re he*ding in the right dire'tion8; 9 '*.ght his look- ;Ok*y+ d.mb 3.estion- B.t 9 know the highw*y is west+ *nd the s.n is 'oming ./ behind .s+ so we1re *t le*st he*ding into * 'ell /hone *re*- 9 ho/e- 5ow let1s ho/e they6; "he howl of * wolf bro.ght me ./ short- 9 followed the so.nd+ then shook my he*d- 9t w*sn1t $l*y or Antonio;$o.ld be Reese+; 5i'k s*id- ;#*ybe 91m not the only werewolf who gets lost in the woods-; A 'hor.s of howls *nswered the 3.estion;Wild wol)es8; he s*id9 nodded- ;B.t 91m e)en they get lost now *nd then4 when they1)e t*ken * h*rd blow to the he*d-; %e 0ostled me+ thre*tening to send one of those h*rd blows my w*y- We goofed for * few ste/s+ tr*ding sho)es *nd trying to tri/ e*'h other+ then we slowed to listen *s the wol)es broke o.t in f.ll song;!omething1s got them going+; 9 s*id;"hose !hifter things8; ;$o.ld be- 96; "he r*dio in my h*nd 'hir/ed+ the so.nd so lo.d *nd .ne2/e'ted 9 *lmost dro//ed it;Godd*mn it+ 5i'k+; $l*y1s )oi'e hissed- ;Where the hell *re yo.8 9 don1t h*)e time to be 'h*sing yo. *ll o)er the f.'king Al*sk*n wilderness- 9f yo. free7e to de*th6; 9 /ressed the b.tton- ;5i'k1s with me- We1re ok*y-;

!ilen'e+ then- ;Who68 9s someone there8; ;9t1s * two(w*y r*dio+; 5i'k s*id- ;9f yo. interr./t him+ he '*n1t he*r yo.-; ;5i'k1s with me+; 9 re/e*ted- ;And we1re fine-; #ore silen'e *nd 9 tho.ght 91d s'rewed ./ the tr*nsmission *g*in+ then+ f*intly+ ; len*8; ;:es+ .nless 5i'k fo.nd * wom*n in the forest+ whi'h 9 s.//ose wo.ldn1t be too s.r/rising-; ;Where *re yo.8 !t*y right there- :o. s*id yo.1re fine8 %ow fine8 Are yo. h.rt8 Wh*t1re yo. we*ring8 "ell 5i'k to gi)e yo. his6; ;91m b*ttered+ b.t fine+; 9 s*id- ;And if 9 needed * 'o*t+ 5i'k wo.ld h*)e *lre*dy gi)en me his-; ;Wh*t8; ;:o. '*n1t interr./t him+; 5i'k ;As tem/ting *s it might be- "ell him we1re *t4 ; 9 gl*n'ed o)er to see him o/er*ting *nother h*ndheld de)i'e;At le*st this h*s * sign*l+; he s*id- ;"oo b*d the s'reen isn1t m*de for * h.ndred below- Gi)e me * se' to 'le*r the 'ondens*tion *nd 91ll h*)e o.r 'oordin*tes-; ;:o. got lost4 with * GP!8; ; len*8; $l*y1s )oi'e 'r*'kled the r*dio- ;Are yo. there8 Wh*t1s going on8 "*lk to6; 9 hit the '*ll b.tton+ ho/ing th*t wo.ld '.t him off+ then s*id+ ;91m still here- 5i'k1s getting yo. o.r 'oordin*tes- %e1s h*)ing tro.ble re*ding6Oh+ w*it-; 5i'k /*ssed o)er the .nit- 9 s3.inted *t the foggy dis/l*y+ then re*d off the n.mbers;%ow 'lose is th*t to yo.8; 9 *sked!ilen'e9 *sked *g*in- !till nothing- We tried the '*ll b.tton+ b.t there w*s no *nswer;Lost him+; 9 m.ttered- ;And the 3.estion is, did it h*//en before or *fter he got the 'oordin*tes8; "he wol)es howled *g*in- "hey were 'loser now+ on the mo)e- A dist*nt one *nswered;5ow th*t1s fool/roof ''*tion+; 5i'k s*id- ;#*ybe if we $h*nge *nd howl4 ;

;Possible- " b.t we might *lso *lert the"eslers - B.t th*t does gi)e me *n ide*-; 9 whistled- "hen whistled *g*in;91m not $l*y will be 'lose to he*r th*t+; 5i'k s*id;5o+ b.t 91m ho/ing the wol)es will- 9 w*nt to t*lk to one-; ;Um+ ok*y-; 5i'k st.died my f*'e for signs of hy/othermi' dementi*- ;9 don1t think wol)es 'ome when yo. whistle-; ;"his one might-; We ste//ed off the /*th to w*it+ getting behind * windbre*k *nd h.nkering down- !.re the d*rk red showed ./- %e didn1t e2*'tly 'ome bo.nding o)er the snow- %e drew 'lose+ then 'ir'led+ *s if m*king it w*s me before he *nswered4 or m*ybe trying to de'ide whether he w*nted to botherWhen 9 '*.ght * whiff of him on the bree7e+ 9 sli//ed into his /*th;9 need yo.r hel/+; 9 s*id%e sighed+ *s if this w*s wh*t he1d fe*red+ *nd his g*7e slid to the side+ g*.ging the es'*/e ro.tes;:es+ 9 know+ hel/ing .s /rob*bly isn1t *t the to/ of yo.r /riority list+ b.t if yo. *nswered my whistle+ yo.1re *t le*st '.rio.s to he*r wh*t 9 w*nt- And don1t worry+ there1s something in it for yo.4 in'l.ding getting .s o.t of these woods *nd off yo.r territory-; "h*t m*de him look my w*y- 5i'k edged 'loser+ si7ing him ./- "he werewolf did the s*me;We1re not the only tres/*ssers yo. *nd yo.r /*'k wo.ld like gone+; 9 s*id- ;9n f*'t+ 9 s.s/e't we1re the le*st of yo.r worries right now- %e*ding the list is * gro./ of who think this 1.n'l*imed wilderness1 is the /erfe't s/ot to set ./ illeg*l o/er*tions+ while killing lo'*ls-; %is green eyes shifted to the side *g*in+ to tell me something;Ah+ so yo. do know they *ren1t the ones who killed those men-; A growling gr.nt; 2'e/t the first+ yes- 9 g.ess yo. know th*t- And yo. know who w*s res/onsible for the rest6 the !hifters+ who 91m going to * h*)en1t gi)en yo. or the wol)es m.'h tro.ble .ntil re'ently- "h*t1s *nother /roblem 9 '*n fi2 for yo.-;

Another gr.nt+ this one s*ying ;yes+ yes+ now get on with it-; 9 did- 9 told him th*t we /l*nned to kill the"eslers + *nd th*t wo.ld 3.iet down the !hifters *nd end the killings- 91d *lso let the !hifter Al/h* know th*t li h*d been /l*ying ; the wol)es; with him *nd the /*'k;"h*t1ll /.t *n end to his *nti's+; 9 s*id- ;B.t before 9 go *fter the"eslers + 91ll need b*'k./- And don1t worry+ 9 don1t me*n yo.- #y m*te is o.t here+ *long with two other werewol)es from my P*'k looking for me- B.t 9 s.s/e't yo. *lre*dy know th*t+ whi'h is wh*t h*s yo.r /*'k ner)o.s *nd wh*t m*de yo. 'ome r.nning when 9 whistled-; A soft 'h.ff of *greement;Find them *nd le*d them to .s- We1ll be here for * bit+ b.t then we1re mo)ing on- 9f yo. get them *s f*r *s o.r tr*il+ they '*n t*ke it from there- &e*l8; Another 'h.ff *nd he lo/ed off;"h*t w*s interesting+; 5i'k s*id;O.t here+ th*t1s only the st*rt of 1interesting-1 ; W 1& B 5 WA9"95G fi)e min.tes when the b.77 of *n engine m*de my he*d 0erk ./-

;!nowmobiles+; 9 s*id;"hink $l*y liber*ted one from * 'ott*ge8; 9 shook my he*d- ;Between the noise *nd the smell+ it wo.ld be .seless for tr*'king-; "he whine w*s getting lo.der- ;And if it1s not them4 ; ;We1d better get f*rther from the ro*d-; We d.'ked behind * thi'k st*nd of b.shes- As the first snowmobile *//ro*'hed+ 9 /eeked o.t- 9 s*w only * *nd * sh*dowy f*'e+ b.t it w*s to st*rt my he*rt /o.nding;"h*t1s him+ isn1t it8; 5i'k whis/ered- ;"esler!enior-; 9 nodded *nd /.lled b*'k *s it /*ssed- "hen * se'ond he*dlight 'rested * di/ in the ro*d;And"esler <.nior+ 9 /; 9 nodded;!ho.ld we w*it .ntil th*t finds $l*y *nd my d*d8; 9 shook my he*d-

;"h*t1s wh*t 9 tho.ght-; R 95FOR$ # 5"! : !+ W !%OUL& w*it- B.t we 'o.ldn1t+ be'*.se if we did+ we1d be 'ombing these woods for d*ys trying to find the"eslers 1 '*bin *g*in- And it wo.ld only be * few .ntil they re*li7ed 9 h*)e m*de it to s*fety+ *nd took off before 9 '*me b*'k for )enge*n'e4 with my P*'k in tow9 needed to find th*t '*bin+ hide some/l*'e s*fe+ then ho/e the bro.ght $l*y to me- "he !hifters h*d told me where to find the '*bin- 91d t*ken ment*l notes+ b.t e)en *t the time+ 91d known it wo.ldn1t hel/- "heir ide* of dire'tions went something like this, t*ke the ro*d th*t 'rosses the ri)er+ then t.rn onto the one th*t he*ds tow*rd s.nrise+ follow it /*st the f*llen o*k+ t.rn tow*rd the 'ity+ '.t o)er the hill with the *b*ndoned sh*'k4 91d 91d be *ble to find the /l*'e on my own+ b.t it w*s like when someone offers dire'tions to * yo.1)e )isited before- :o. think yo.1ll remember yo.r w*y there- B.t now 9 re*li7ed th*t ho/ing to find * s/e'ifi' '*bin in *ll these miles of wilderness w*s like ho/ing to find * single in * neighborhood of h.ndreds"he best 'h*n'e to f.lfill my /romise *nd get 5o*h b*'k w*s to follow the"eslers now- We1d b*rely set o.t when they t.rned off the ro*d *nd h*d to slow down- A brisk 0og ke/t .s 'lose to tr*'k themWe followed the sleds b*'k to the 'ott*ge+ whi'h w*sn1t *s f*r *w*y *s 91d tho.ght+ /ro)ing how s'rewed we wo.ld h*)e beenOn'e we ne*red the '*bin+ 9 remembered the territory down to the l*st tree- "he snowmobile shed w*s on the other side of the 'ott*ge- We '.t the forest+ st*ying downwind *nd 'oming o.t there+ hidden in the b.shes+ too f*r for them to /i'k ./ o.r s'entAs soon *s the engines died+ the brothers st*rted t*lking- We 'o.ld only /i'k ./ sn*t'hes of the 'on)ers*tion+ to know they1d been looking for me+ whi'h 9 'o.ld h*)e g.essed-"esler h*d gone b*'k to the st*keo.t /oint to find broken ro/es+ /*w /rints *nd bloodied snow;Oh+ 'ome on+; ddie s*id *s they '*me o.t of the shed- ;:o.1)e got to *dmit+ it is kind of f.nny-*ke her o.t+ trying to s'*re her with stories of th*t be*st thing4 *nd it re*lly does '*rry her off- Wh*t do yo. think it1s doing with her8; "eslersn*rled something;%ey+ don1t gi)e me th*t look+; ddie s*id- ;9f yo.1d ke/t yo.r 'ool+ yo. wo.ldn1t h*)e lost her9 told yo. to bring her b*'k inside- B.t yo. h*d to /.sh it- "ime to fo'.s on the 'onsol*tion /ri7e+ whi'h yo.gott* *dmit is *hell.)* s'ore- !i2 months from now+ yo. won1t remember wh*t len* #i'h*els looked like- All th*t1ll m*tter is th*t yo. get the 'redit for killing her4 *nd for

killing $l*yton &*n)ers-; 9 didn1t he*r wh*t"esler s*id ne2t- "he ne2t thing 9 knew 9 w*sf*'edown in the snow+ r*ge *nd /*ni' /.m/ing me+ 5i'k1s knee digging in my b*'k+ his )oi'e *t my e*r telling me it w*s ok*y+ $l*y w*s ok*y+ they h*dn1t fo.nd him+ lie still *nd listen;4 wo.ld h*)e been e*sier if /l*n A worked o.t+; ddie w*s s*ying *s their boots 'r.n'hed *'ross the snow- ;!tillwell deli)ers len* *nd tells .s where her h.bby1s st*shed- 5ow we h*)e to w*it for &*n)ers to show ./- B.t he will- 5o *bo.t th*t+ not *fter the w*y he went *fter yo. the other d*y- %e1ll 'ome for her+ *nd we1ll be w*iting-; "heir boots 'lom/ed ./ the '*bin ste/s- ddie ke/t t*lking+ trying to lift his brother1s mood;9f we kill those two+ we won1t h*)e to hide o.t in this godfors*ken wilderness *nymore- We '*n/ly o.r tr*de *nywhere in the 'o.ntry+ be'*.se there1s not going to be *ny P*'k to worry *bo.t-; ;!till got fo.r more where they '*me from+;"esler gr.mbled;Who8 "wo old men *nd * 0ewel thief8; A frown 're*sed 5i'k1s h*ndsome f*'e;Oh+ w*it+; ddie s*id- ;We '*n1t forget 5i'k!orrentino -; 5i'k nodded;5o+ *'t.*lly+ 9 think we '*n+; ddie 'ontin.ed- ;Unless we1re 'om/eting for best(dressed /*nsy(*ss- ./ his h*ir *nd he1ll r.n s're*ming for his stylist-; "h*t got * 'h.'kle from"esler 4 *nd then it w*s my t.rn to hold 5i'k down;We h*)e to o.t wh*t we1re going to do with &*n)ers when he shows ./+; ddie s*id *s the door whooshed o/en- ;9t h*s to be good- And we need to t*ke /hotos- "h*t1ll 'ement o.r re/sWe1ll h*)e e)ery in the 'o.ntry begging .s for 0obs-; ;!/e*king of whi'h+;"esler s*id+ *s they went inside- ;We h*)e to '*ll the others- "ell them to get their *sses b*'k here4 ; 9 w*ited .ntil the door 'losed *nd lights t.rned on inside+ tr*'king their /*ss*ge the 'ott*ge- "hen 9 let 5i'k ./;P*nsy(*ss+; he m.ttered *s he s'oo/ed snow from his 'oll*r;9t1s * front- Whi'h he1s *bo.t to find o.t-;

;&*mn right-; 5i'k1s li/s twit'hed in the f*intest s*rdoni' smile- %e knew he w*sn1t the P*'k1s best fighter- %is f*ther *nd $l*y ne)er let him be6they1d *lw*ys been 3.i'k to 0.m/ in *nd fend off *ny thre*ts+ *s they did with <eremy- B.t like <eremy+ 5i'k 'o.ld hold his own+ *nd .nlike <eremy+ he en0oyed the 'h*n'e to /ro)e it;<.nior is mine+; he s*id *s we rose *nd stret'hed;Good+ be'*.se 9 own !enior- And no one better get in my w*y-; We br.shed o.rsel)es off+ then 9 looked *ro.nd for *ny sign th*t o.r lo'*l werewolf h*d fo.nd $l*y or Antonio- 5othing;&o we w*it8; 5i'k *sked- ;"here1s only two of them+ *nd it so.nds like there will be more soon-; ;5ot too soon- "hey1re t*lking *bo.t their 'omr*des+ who *re in the Lower GH on b.siness-; 9 looked from the to the gr*y woods- ;As long *s the"eslers st*y /.t+ we sho.ld w*it-; AGA95 9 "R9 & to do the right thing *nd w*it for b*'k./- Ag*in+ *n interr./tion m*de me rethink the wisdom of th*t- "his time it w*sn1t * so.nd+ b.t * s'entWhen 9 lifted my f*'e to '*t'h it *g*in+ 5i'k inh*led+ too;; he s*id- ;9s th*t <oey1s boy8 #*ybe he es'*/ed-; For * moment+ 9 hesit*ted- 9 don1t know why6the s'ent 'le*rly w*sn1t 5o*h1s6yet something in it m*de me /*.se before sh*king my he*d;"hose !hifter things8; ;5o+ they smell different- And )ery distin't- "heir '*)e w*s well *//ointed+ b.t 9 don1t think it in'l.ded hot showers-; 5i'k m*de * f*'e+ then sniffed *g*in- ;!o it1s not the !hifters- 9t1s not <oey or his boy- 9t1s not Reese+ not the"eslers + not the wolf(g.y4 2*'tly how m*ny werewol)es *ndwerewolflike 'ritters *re r.nning *ro.nd o.t here8; ;"oo m*ny-; 9 /.shed to my feet *nd looked *t the '*bin- "he lights were still on *nd 9 'o.ld he*r the f*int 'l*tter of dishes+ *s if they were m*king bre*kf*st- ;Let1s go see who1s sniffing *ro.nd-; #9!!9O5 W%A" W FOU5& were two werewol)es dressed in f.ll winter w*lking g*rb+ from boots to

glo)es to /*rk*s th*t 'o)ered their f*'es- One whiff told me 91d ne)er met these m.tts before- 9 h*d+ howe)er+ smelled them6or tr*'es of them+ e*rlier tonight+ in the 'ott*geWhen"esler told ddie they needed to '*ll their men in+ he didn1t me*n bring them b*'k to Al*sk*- "hey were *lre*dy here9t1s * test*ment to my e2h*.stion th*t e)en *s we tr*'ked the two m.tts downwind+ 9 held o.t ho/e th*t these weren1t *'t.*lly the rest of"esler1s g*ng- )en when we got 'lose to he*r them s/e*king nglish with thi'k *stern .ro/e*n *''ents+ 9 tho.ght m*ybe Rom*n h*dn1t heeded my *ss.r*n'es th*t we didn1t need hel/ *nd sent some of his ;R.ssi*n wol)es; to hel/+ *nd they1d been nosing *ro.nd the '*bin e*rlier- B.t why wo.ld they be s/e*king nglish8 "h*t only m*de sense if their le*ders were nglish(s/e*king+ *nd insisted on th*t *s their 'ommon l*ng.*ge- "heir ne2t words 'onfirmed th*t s.s/i'ion;F.'king ddie thinks he is s.'h * f.'king hotshot- "hinks he f.'king r.ns this o.tfit-; ;"h*t is where yo. *lw*ys get into tro.ble+ #*rko- :o. still think it is "r*)is in 'h*rge- 9t is ddie4 letting his brother think he is le*ding-; ;"r*)is wo.ld h*)e let .s ste*l * snowmobile-; ;And th*t is why he is not in 'h*rge- ddie is '*ref.l- "wo stolen snowmobiles *re; ;Be'*.se it is for the two of them- We h*)e to w*lk the f.'king snow+ looking for some f.'king werewolf girl they let es'*/e-; ;:o. '*n be it w*s not ddie who let her get *w*y- :o. *re *ngry be'*.se we did not find her+ whi'h is good+ or yo. wo.ld be in more tro.ble th*n yo. were when yo. killed th*t hiker-; ;9 w*nted * /oke-; ;:o. think "r*)is wo.ld not noti'e8 Wo.ld not smell yo. on her8; ;9 h*)e 'ondoms-; "he other m*n+ whose *''ent so.nded Ukr*ini*n+ snorted- ;:o. think th*t wo.ld 'o)er *ll the smell8; We were 'ro.'hed behind b.shes+ kee/ing o.r dist*n'e;9f they get to the '*bin4 ; 5i'k whis/ered;9t do.bles the odds in their f*)or- We sho.ld them o.t-; 9 w*sn1t in to/(not'h sh*/e+ b.t still feeling no /*in+ *nd 5i'k w*s fresh *nd r*ring to go- With

the element of s.r/rise- We 'o.ld t*ke them- 5i'k sli//ed b*'k to '.t *'ross behind them *nd 'ome ./ on their left#*rko w*s still 'om/l*ining;9 don1t know why we h*d to 'ome b*'k from the 'ity- We1d h*)e fo.nd the hotel+ '*.ght this &*n)ers+ bro.ght him b*'k4 ; ;9f ddie is right+ whi'h he .s.*lly is+ &*n)ers is *lre*dy here- :o. w*nted to st*y in the 'ity- :o. *lw*ys w*nt to st*y in the 'ity-; ;Why not8 9t1s w*rm- "he beds *re w*rm- "he girls *re w*rm- "his6; %e *t the s.rro.nding forest *nd swore in R.ssi*n; 'om/l*ining- 9f yo. do not like it6; ;"he money 9 like- ddie+ 9 don1t- Alw*ys ordering .s *ro.nd- $ome to Al*sk*- 5o+ go b*'k5o+ 'ome *g*in- B*'k *nd forth+ b*'k *nd forth-; "he Ukr*ini*n told #*rko to sh.t ./ before someone he*rd;"h*t1s why 91m t*lking so m.'h+; #*rko s*id- ;9f this girl is o.t here+ she is *lone+ *fr*id- 9f she he*rs * )oi'e+ she1ll 'ome r.nning-; 9 sign*led 5i'k+ who o.t into their /*th- "he Ukr*ini*n le*/t o.t of the w*y+ whistling *s he did+ b.t #*rko+ '*.ght inmidr*nt + stood there+ o/en .ntil 5i'k sh.t it for him with * line(dri)e .//er '.t9 '*.ght #*rko *nd sl*mmed him to the gro.nd+ gl*n'ing b*'k only long to 'he'k on 5i'k- %e didn1t h*)e the Ukr*ini*n yet+ b.t he1d b*'ked him into the thi'k b.shes- "he Ukr*ini*n whistled *g*in;"h*t1s not going to bring *nyone r.nning+; 9 s*id- ;:o.r b.ddies s*t down to bre*kf*st-; Bene*th me+ #*rko tried to twist *nd bite- !o 9 broke his *rm- 9 w*sn1t in the mood for thre*ts- 9 wo.ld h*)e killed him *lre*dy+ b.t if 9 needed inform*tion+ he w*s more likely to gi)e it th*n his friend- 9 'o.ld do witho.t the shrieks of /*in+ so 9 sho)ed his f*'e into the snow to stifle themWhen he sh.t ./+ 9 wren'hed his he*d b*'k *nd hissed in his e*r+ ;9 he*r yo. like killing h.m*ns+ #*rko- :o.1re on Ameri'*n P*'k territory+ *nd do yo. know how we tre*t m*n(e*ters here8; %e swore *t me in R.ssi*n- 9 sm*shed his f*'e into the snow *g*in5i'k w*s si7ing ./ the Ukr*ini*n+ knowing the 'o.ldn1t r.n+ b.t th*t he1d fight *s soon *s

5i'k mo)ed- And * 'ornered wolf fights h*rd;"ester s.mmoned yo. boys b*'k the min.te he got * whiff of tro.ble+ didn1t he8 he *nd his brother weren1t to t*ke on two P*'k werewol)es8 Poor e2'.se for g.ys+ if yo. *sk me- &id yo. do *ny m*n(e*ting while yo. were in the Lower GH8; ;9s th*t where we were8; #*rko t.rned his he*d *nd smiled ./ *t me the blood stre*ming from his nose;9 don1t re*lly '*re where yo. were- 91m m*king 'on)ers*tion-; ;Oh+ yo.1ll '*re- :o.1ll '*re )ery m.'h soon-; 5i'k feinted left+ /re/*ring for eng*gement *nd t*kedown- "hen he sto//ed short+ g*7e shooting behind me+ li/s /*rting; len*B; %e twisted *nd l.nged *t me- "he Ukr*ini*n gr*bbed him- As 9 shot ./ off #*rko+ * sh*dow /*ssed o)er me *nd 9 '*.ght * whiff of werewolf s'ent- 9 wheeled to see * str*nge with two more behind him;5ow do yo. w*nt to know wh*t we were doing8; #*rko s*id- ;Bringing f*ke /*ss/orts to the rest of o.r /*'k+ *nd es'orting them here-; 9t w*s * short fight&RA#A #ARKO K9$K & OP 5 the '*bin door *nd sho)ed me with his good h*nd;Anybody home8; he '*lled- ;We bro.ght yo. * /resent+ "r*)is-; ;"wo /resents+; s*id the Ukr*ini*n+ /.shing 5i'k in- "wo other m.tts followed- ;9 don1t know if yo. w*nted this one *li)e+ b.t 9 g.essed yo. did-; ;And if yo. don1t+ 91ll t*ke him+; s*id one of the new'omers+ * /*.n'hy+ gr*ying br.te with only tr*'es of *n *''ent- %is grin w*s * /i'ket fen'e of missing teeth- ;%e1s /retty-; 5i'k ignored him+ t*king e)erything in+ .n/ert.rbed- 9 'o.ld s*y he w*s /.tting on * br*)e show+ b.t he w*sn1t *ll th*t worried- 9 w*s with him+ so *ll he h*d to do w*s /*y *ttention *nd *w*it orders- !ometimes it re*lly s.'ks to be in 'h*rgeAdmittedly+ 9 w*sn1t *s worried *s 9 sho.ld be either- "he others were on their w*y *nd 9 didn1t think the"eslers wo.ld kill .s- "heir endg*me w*s killing $l*y- Wh*t better b*it th*n both his

m*te /l.s his best friend8 As for wh*t"esler wo.ld do with me while /*ssing the time+ 9 w*s s.r/risingly .n'on'erned *bo.t th*t+ too- 9 bl*med the 91m when they wore off- 91d h*)e bl*med them for this whole ;'*/ *g*in; mess- An Al/h*(tr*ining lesson for me6ne)er m*ke field de'isions while .nder the infl.en'e of /*inkillers)en when"esler w*lked in from *nother room+ s*w me *nd grinned+ my /.lse b*rely 0.m/ed%e strode o)er+ took both my h*nds *nd held me *t *rm1s length for * on'e(o)er+ like * groom 'he'king o.t his *rr*nged bride;All th*t *nd she still looks good- :o. hold ./ well+ honey- "oo b*d yo.1re not going to look so good when 91m done with yo.-; %e /.lled me 'loser *nd slid his h*nd .nder the /*rk*+ s3.ee7ing my *ss- 9 he*rd * s'.ffle behind me+ *nd 9 gl*n'ed b*'k to see 5i'k str.ggling *g*inst his '*/tor+ glowering *t"esler When 9 shot him * look+ he sto//ed- 9 *//re'i*ted the sentiment+ b.t if he didn1t /l*y good host*ge+ they might de'ide they didn1t need two of .s *fter *ll;"hey killed Andre0+; the Ukr*ini*n s*idWhen"esler frowned+ ddie le*ned o)er *nd whis/ered to him+ ;"he big Rom*ni*n- <oined ./ before we left-; "esler1se2/ression didn1t 'h*nge- %e might remember the g.y- %e might not- ither w*y+ he didn1t re*lly gi)e * shit"he Ukr*ini*n w*s right- ddie /retended his brother w*s in 'h*rge+ b.t it w*s wh*t $l*y *nd 9 /l*nned to do when 9 w*s Al/h*6if m.tts w*nted to think the big s'*ry g.y w*s in 'h*rge+ let them- :et * /*'k is re*lly no different th*n * h.m*n org*ni7*tion- While the strongest might m*ke the best le*der short(term+ it took more th*n th*t for long(term s.''ess- 9n this '*se+ e)en the /*'k members themsel)es 'o.ldn1t *gree who w*s their Al/h*+ me*ning they wo.ldn1t *gree on who to /rote't- 9 'o.ld .se th*t- 9 w*sn1t how;P*.l8 !tef*n8 "ie him ./+; ddie s*id- ;#*rko+ let1s get th*t *rm set- G*)ril6; ;$*n 9 e*t+ /le*se8; G*)ril6the 'h.bby g.y with the b*d teeth6whined- ;9 h*)en1t h*d *nything sin'e the /l*ne-; ddie w*)ed him to the kit'hen- ;Get something *nd 'ome b*'k- &*n)ers 'o.ld show ./ *ny min.te *nd 9 w*nt to be re*dy- "his is o.r big moment+ g.ys-; ;We1regonn* wi/e o.t the 5orth Ameri'*n P*'k+;"esler s*id;5o+ we1re going to re/l*'e them- And yo. g.ys *re getting in *t the st*rt-; "he others lit ./ like gro.nd(floor in)estors *bo.t to w*t'h their 'om/*ny go /.bli'- ;:o.1)e worked h*rd *nd it1s *ll

going to /*y off now- By s.mmer+ we1ll be o.t of this godfors*ken w*stel*nd+ li)ing in $*liforni*+ "e2*s+ Florid*4 We1ll h*)e * whole d*mn 'o.ntry to 'hoose from-; "hey nodded+ tr.e belie)ers *t the re)i)*l+ the Promised L*nd shimmering before them;Anyone who o//oses .s goes down- Anyone who w*nts to 0oin ./ will be wel'ome+ *s long *s he1s willing to /.ll his weight *nd .nderst*nds th*t yo. g.ys *re *t the to/ of the he*/- :o. were here first- :o.1ll get the best territory+ the best girls *nd+ most of *ll+ the best(/*ying 0obs in the o/er*tion-; As he /re*'hed+ 9 /lotted /ossible es'*/e ro.tes- 9 liked the big /i' window * few feet from .s- Of 'o.rse+ 91d like it e)en better if 9 'o.ld see some f*mili*r werewol)es sli//ing the forest to s.rro.nd the ho.se4 ;And remember who got yo. here+;"esler s*id- ;#e *nd ddie+ we did *ll this for yo. g.ys-; ;We h*)e to gi)e #*rko 'redit+; ddie s*id- ;As m*d *s 9 w*s *bo.t him killing th*t g.y o.t here+ he g*)e me *n ide*- Kill * few h.m*ns on P*'k territory *nd look who 'omes r.nning-; %e w*)ed *t me- !o he w*s t*king 'redit for bringing .s here8 "he g.y h*d b*llsA 9 h*d to gi)e him th*t- And br*ins+ .nfort.n*tely- Whi'h w*s more th*n 9 'o.ld s*y for his fl.nkies+ who *ll nodded+ 'on)in'ed their brilli*nt le*der6or their le*der1s little brother6h*d deli)ered the P*'k right into their h*nds5ow+ if only the rest of th*t P*'k wo.ld *'t.*lly show ./4 As long *s ddie w*s b*sking in the so.nd of his own )oi'e+ it w*s gi)ing the others time to get here- <.st kee/ y*//ing4 ; of th*t+; ddie s*id- ;"ime to get re*dy for o.r g.est-; &*mn;P*.l+ get #r-!orrentino tied ./ while #*rko holds him still- Be '*ref.l+ 91m those m*ni'.red n*ils *re sh*r/- G*)ril- %ow long does it t*ke to gr*b food8 Bring some for the rest of .s- And+ "r*)is+ how *bo.t yo. t*ke yo.r /ri7e into the bedroom *nd finish ./ with her8 &o wh*t yo. w*nt- <.st kee/ her *li)e-; ddie tensed+ re*dy for me to fight- 9 didn1t- 9 h*d * better 'h*n'e of be*ting"esler *lone- "he 'h*llenge wo.ld be defe*ting"esler *nd getting 5i'k free- As 9 /ondered th*t+"esler took * good look *t me+ noting my l*'k of mort*l terror;91ll w*it+; he s*id;For wh*t8; ddie s*id- ;5o- &on1t e)en s.ggest6;

;:o. w*nt to rile ./ &*n)ers8 Wh*t better w*y th*n for him to w*t'h while6; ;5o-; ;Why not8; ddie le*ned in+ lowering his )oi'e- ;Be'*.se 9 don1t w*nt to rile him ./- 91m holding host*ges to kee/ him '*lm- 5ow t*ke her in the bedroom or yo.1re going to lose yo.r 'h*n'e *g*in6; ;"oo l*te+; s*id * )oi'e behind .sWe t.rned to see Antonio in the kit'hen doorw*y;:o. g.ys re*lly need to be more '*ref.l with se'.rity+; he s*id- ;"he b*'k door w*s .nlo'ked+ *nd 9 fo.nd * g.y r*iding yo.r fridge- &on1t worry+ 9 took '*re of him for yo.-; %e gl*n'ed o)er his sho.lder *t the floor+ /res.m*bly where G*)ril l*y- "hen his g*7e tr*)eled o)er their f*'es- ;Oh+ w*s he one of yo.rs8 &*mn- 91m re*lly sorry *bo.t th*t-; While he s/oke+ the only /erson who mo)ed w*s ddie+ b*'king ./ tow*rd me+ g.*rding the /ri7e- )eryone else st*red+ *s if trying to o.t wh*t w*s going on- Fin*lly the Ukr*ini*n r*n *t Antonio- Antonio b*rreled forw*rd+ meeting his 'h*rgeA slid from the o//osite h*ll entr*n'e+ behind 5i'k+ still held by #*rko;#*rkoB; ddie sho.ted#*rko only frowned *t ddie+ *s if wondering why ddie w*nted him to go hel/ fight Antonio when he only h*d one good *rm- "he other it o.t+ sho.ting * w*rning *nd gest.ring *t Reese+ who1d sli//ed in+ *rmed with * fire/l*'e /oker- %e *nd hit #*rko in the side of his he*d"esler/.lled me *g*inst him+ *rms /inned behind me with one h*nd+ the other fore*rm *t my thro*t- Any notion of fighting sto//ed6not with the 'hoke hold+ b.t with ddie+ b*'king ./ to .s+ /rote'ting the booty *s his soldiers did b*ttle- 9 'o.ldn1t t*ke them both on+ *nd with ddie st*ying o.t of the fight+ the odds were in o.r f*)or *nyw*yAntonio killed the other new'omer691d *lre*dy forgotten wh*t ddie '*lled him- "h*t left the Ukr*ini*n+ /inned to the floor now by 5i'k+ *nd #*rko+ e*sily held by Reese+ who h*d only to twist his broken *rm to kee/ him on his knees- 9 motioned for them to hold f*st- Kill these two *nd we lost o.r negoti*ting /owerWhen Antonio ste//ed tow*rd me+ ddie 0erked one of my *rms from"esler1s gr*s/- ;"*ke *nother ste/ *nd 9 bre*k this- And th*t1s for st*rters-; Antonio sto//ed-

;9 do belie)e this is wh*t we '*ll * st*nd(off+; ddie s*id;5ot m.'h of one+; 9 s*id- ;91m the only /ri7e worth holding- 5oti'e 91m not e)en *sking for * tr*de8 :o.1d ne)er go for it6they1re '*nnon fodder-; #*rko *nd the Ukr*ini*n tensed+ #*rko looking to"esler + the Ukr*ini*n to ddie;91d like my men b*'k+; ddie s*id 3.ietly;B.t yo. won1t t.rn me o)er to get them+ will yo.8 "wo for one- "h*t1s 3.ite * de*l- 9 won1t e)en *sk yo. to w*lk *w*y- :o. let me go- "hey let them go-; 9 twisted to look *t ddie- ;G*me on-; 5either m*n mo)ed;G.ess not+; 9 s*id- ;!orry+ g.ys- :o. *ren1t worth it+ *//*rently-; ;5o+ 91m not t*king the offer serio.sly+ 'onsidering where it1s 'oming from-; ddie t.rned to Antonio- ;:o. don1t let * wom*n t*lk for yo.+ do yo.8; ;Us.*lly- "hey1re better *t it-; ;!/e*k for yo.rself+; 5i'k s*idReese 'h.'kled;91d s.ggest yo. st*rt t*king this * little more serio.sly+; ddie s*id- ;And tell me who 91m negoti*ting with- 9 know yo. don1t let the Bet*1s m*te s/e*k for the P*'k-; ;5o+ we let the Al/h*(ele't s/e*k for .s+; 5i'k s*id- ;!he did-; 9 gl*n'ed *t him- %*d e)eryone in the P*'k known before me8 ;:o. think this is f.nny8; ddie lifted one of my fingers- ;#*ybe yo.1ll find this e)en f.nnier-; %e sn*//ed my finger- 5i'k win'ed- 9 didn1t- 9 won1t s*y 9 didn1t feel it+ only th*t 9 s*w it 'oming *nd bit my 'heek *g*inst the /*in;!.re+ yo. '*n do th*t+; 9 s*id- ;B.t * word of *d)i'e8 "he worse sh*/e 91m in+ the h*rder it1ll be to get $l*y to 'ome to my res'.e- %e m*y be my m*te+ b.t he '*n *lw*ys m*ke himself *notherAnd if 91m gone+ he1d be ne2t in line for Al/h*-; ;5ot gi)ing yo.rself m.'h 'redit+ *re yo.8; ddie s*id9 shr.gged- ;91m /r*'ti'*l *nd so is he- %e1ll 'ome for me *s long *s 91m re*son*bly he*lthy+ b.t .ltim*tely+ 91m re/l*'e*ble-;

A sh*dow /*ssed o)er the /i' window behind .s- "hen it e2/loded+ gl*ss flying+ *s $l*y le*/t %e l*nded on his feet with * th.d *nd * grin;5*h+ d*rling+ yo.1re definitely one of * kind-; 9 elbowed ddie *s $l*y gr*bbed"esler by the shirt *nd ri//ed him off me- A'ross the room+ 5i'k *nd Reese str.ggled to hold their host*ges+ w*iting for * sign from me before finishing themddie bo.n'ed b*'k- 9 dislodging * sh*rd of gl*ss from my shirt+ whi'h ne*rly '*.ght me in the eye- Beside me+ $l*y w*s *d)*n'ing on"esler while wi/ing blood from * '.t on his ne'k;"h*t1s wh*t yo. get for insisting on * dr*m*ti' entr*n'e+; 9 '*lled- ;5e2t time+ do .s *ll * f*)or *nd .se the front door-; ;"h*t w*sn1t dr*m*+ d*rling- "h*t w*s the element of s.r/rise-; 9 snorted *nd ki'ked ddie- O.t of the 'orner of my eye+ 9 'o.ld see"esler + *nd 9 h*d to str.ggle to st*y on t*rget- ddie w*s the bigger thre*t+ *nd less of * fighter+ me*ning 9 h*d to le*)e"esler for $l*y$l*y gr*bbed"esler *nd /it'hed him into the w*ll beside the broken window- As $l*y bore down on him+"esler s'r*mbled ./4 *nd le*/t right o.t the windowWhen $l*y gr*bbed the sill to )*.lt it+ he /.t *ll his weight on his b*d *rm- 9t didn1t gi)e w*y+ b.t it g*)e to m*ke him f.mble the h.rdle+ l*nding h*rd in the snow *nd st*ggering * few ste/s- By then+"esler w*s r*'ing into the forest$l*y gl*n'ed b*'k *t me;Go on+; 9 s*id- ;"*ke him-; #y g*7e only fli'kered from ddie for * se'ond+ b.t it w*s %e followed his brother1s le*d *nd r*n the other w*y- Antonio tried to '.t him off+ b.t he w*s too f*r *w*yAs 9 r*n *fter ddie+ 9 w*)ed Antonio b*'k- ;Finish them first-; "he b*'k door sl*mmed- 9 gr*bbed my sne*kers+ then r*'ed *fter him+ ki'king off the o)ersi7ed boots *s 9 went%9"$%%9K R A! 9 $%A! & ddie+ 9 he*rd * dist*nt yel/ from"esler + followed by * growl of fr.str*tion from $l*y+ me*ning he1d '*.ght *nd lost his /rey- 9 instin'ti)ely st*rted swer)ing th*t w*y+ then

sto//ed myself:es+ 9 w*nted to be the one to kill"esler - P*rt of me des/er*tely needed to be- B.t to do so+ 9 h*d to *b*ndon the gre*ter thre*t- "he good of the P*'k '*me first+ *nd killing ddie w*s in the P*'k1s best interests"h*t didn1t sto/ me from ho/ing ddie wo.ld r.n tow*rd his brother+ b.t he w*s too sm*rt for th*t- %e w*s he*ding in the o//osite dire'tion+ di)iding $l*y *nd meAnd *s h*rd *s 9 str*ined to he*r signs th*t Antonio w*s on his w*y *nd 'o.ld t*ke o)er the 'h*se+ 9 knew th*t wo.ldn1t h*//en either- 9t didn1t m*tter how m.'h killing e2/erien'e Reese h*d+ Antonio wo.ldn1t le*)e him to do the 0ob *lone- And 5i'k1s only e2/erien'e w*s *s /*rt of * gro./+ following someone else1s le*d- !o his f*ther wo.ld st*y+ tr.sting th*t $l*y *nd 9 'o.ld h*ndle o.r t*rgets *loneWhen 9 he*rd the so.nd of * motor+ 9 smiled- We were 'oming to * ro*d- On'e ddie re*li7ed th*t+ he1d 'h*nge dire'tion9nste*d+ he /i'ked ./ s/eed- Ahe*d+ 9 s*w * tr.'k b*rreling down * ro*d+ snow sl.i'ing ./ 'hest high on both sides- 9t /*ssed before ddie re*'hed the edge+ so he didn1t need to 'he'k his s/eed to 'rossBy the time 9 re*'hed one edge+ he w*s /*st the other *nd 7i//ing b*'k into the endless forest"he ro*d w*s em/ty+ b.t /itted with tr*'ks to s.ggest it w*s wh*t /*ssed for * m*0or *rtery o.t here+ /rob*bly the ro*d th*t linked to the highw*y9 'rossed *nd followed ddie into the forest- Before long+ 9 '*.ght the f*int whiff of e2h*.st!.re we1d 'ir'led *ro.nd *nd were he*ding b*'k to the s*me ro*d%*d he de'ided to ret.rn to the 'ott*ge8 Or try to find his brother8 God+ 9 ho/ed so+ be'*.se *t this r*te+ 9 w*sn1t '*t'hing him .nless he tri//edddie r*n less th*n twenty /*'es /*st the ro*d+ then 'ir'led the woods *nd he*ded b*'k tow*rd itWh*t the hell w*s he doing8 "he *nswer hit with the b.77 of *nother motor- ddie w*s tr*//ed- ddie w*s sm*rt- ddie h*d no intention of risking his life to fight me6he w*s interested in s.r)i)*l+ not belt not'hes- !o wh*t wo.ld he do8 "he s*me thing Reese h*d done in Pittsb.rgh, t*ke with h.m*nsB.t *g*in he d*shed onto the ro*d in front of the '*r+ then m*de no effort to sto/ it+ dis*//e*red into the forest- W*s he trying to .se the tr*ffi' to slow me down8 9f so+ it w*sn1t working- "he '*r w*s * 'om/*'t+ grinding *long+ s/itting ./ snow+ mo)ing *t the /*'e of * f*st w*lk- 9 e*sily 'rossed in front of it+ *nd the dri)er didn1t e)en seem to see me+ too intent on st*ring *t the ro*d right in front of him+ str.ggling to get the snow-

ddie 'ontin.ed r.nning into the woods- And *s 'o.ld be /redi'ted by this /oint+ he didn1t st*y there+ inste*d 'ir'ling wide *nd he*ding b*'k for th*t ro*d- 9 w*s sorely tem/ted to st*nd in the middle of it *nd w*it for him9t w*s then th*t 9 fin*lly o.t wh*t he w*s doing- 9 h*d only * s/lit se'ond to re*li7e it before we he*rd *nother )ehi'le6* /i'k./ tr.'k this time6*nd+ *s 9 e2/e'ted+ ddie loo/ed *ro.nd+ 'oming o.t right behind the /*ssing tr.'k%e1d been 'riss'rossing the ro*d w*iting for the right )ehi'le+ /.lling * )ersion of his brother1s ;ho/ on the tr*in; tri'k- 5ow+ *dmittedly+ o)er the l*st few d*ys my br*in h*dn1t been r.nning on *ll 'ylinders+ 'o.rtesy of ddie1s r*/ist th.g brother+ b.t 9 w*sn1t 'om/letely br*in de*d yet- 91d re*li7ed his in time+ *nd when he tore o.t behind th*t /*ssing tr.'k+ he didn1t find *n o/en /i'k./ bed in his /*th- %e fo.nd * werewolf who w*s * little tired of letting her /rey es'*/e%e tried to r*'e *ro.nd me- 9 gr*bbed him *nd h*.led him into the forest- We fo.ght- !/.rred on by the boost of *'t.*lly '*t'hing him6*nd the /otenti*l h.mili*tion of losing him69 won- 9 sn*//ed his ne'k- A short fight *nd * 3.i'k de*th+ neither worth m.'h 'omment- 9 dr*gged his body * little dee/er+ into the woods 'o)ered him in m*de * note of the s/ot to b.ry him l*ter+ then r*n b*'k to find $l*y *nd"esler O5$ 9 WA! b*'k in the forest+ lo'*ting $l*y w*s e* follow the so.nds of b*ttle- As 9 drew 'loser+ 9 re*li7ed it w*s more * str.ggle th*n * b*ttle6one str.ggling to st*rt * fight *nd the other str.ggling to *)oid it- First '*me the th.m/ of * blow- "hen * gr.nt- "hen * s'.ffle *nd * '.rse- "hen the /o.nding of r.nning footste/s- Another th.m/+ gr.nt+ s'.ffle+ '.rse!.re 9 fo.nd $l*y hot on"esler1s heels- %e1d '*t'h ./ to /.n'h him+ m*ybe gr*b * fold of his shirt+ b.t"esler *lw*ys s'r*mbled free *nd st*rted r.nning *g*in- Or he did+ .ntil he fo.nd me st*nding in his /*th$l*y /.lled ./ short behind him *nd grinned * greeting;Looking for * little more *'tion+ d*rling8; ;&oesn1t seem like yo.1re getting *ny- Wh*t1s the m*tter+ "r*)is8 9 tho.ght yo. were it'hing for this- ddie1s /l*n worked- $l*y1s right there- Go *he*d- %*)e some f.n- Or did yo. forget yo.r '*mer*8; ;W*s th*t the /l*n8; $l*y s*id- ;Let me g.ess- me in- $*r)e me ./- "*ke /hotos- P*ss them *ro.nd to /ro)e wh*t b*d*ss motherf.'kers yo. *re-; %e shook his he*d- ;#.tts- 5ot *n origin*l ide* in their thi'k sk.lls- B.t we '*n do th*t+ "r*)is- 91ll e)en send len* b*'k to get yo.r '*mer*- <.st ste/ on o)er here *nd we1ll get st*rted-; "ester1s g*7e shot to the side+ 'he'king *nd re0e'ting es'*/e ro.tes- "hen he looked o)er my he*d-

;:o.r brother isn1t 'oming+; 9 s*id;Well+ yo. *s hell didn1t kill him+; "r*)is s*id- ;%e1d h*)e left * m*rk+ *nd 9 don1t see *ny+ e2'e/t th*t broken finger from e*rlier-; ;"hey broke yo.r finger8; $l*y s*id;:es+ while yo. were o.tside /re/*ring yo.r dr*m*ti' entr*n'e-; ;!hit- !orry+ d*rling- :o. w*nt to t*ke one of his8; ;:o.r brother is de*d+; 9 s*id- ;"he only m*rks he left were br.ises+ *nd 91)e got of those th*t * few more don1t m*tter-; %e eyed me+ *s if he didn1t 3.ite belie)e this- "oo b*d- 9f he tho.ght ddie w*s 'oming to his res'.e+ *ll the better for .s when he fo.nd o.t otherwise;!o yo.1re going to te*m ./ *g*inst me8; he s*id fin*lly- ;"h*t1s not f*ir-; ;5o8 All right+ then- $hoose yo.r o//onent-; %e looked from $l*y to me+ *nd sneered- ;:o. think 91m f*lling for th*t8 9f 9 e)en 'ome 'lose to t*king o.t one of yo.+ the other will 0.m/ in-; ;And th*t1s not f*ir- Be'*.se yo.1re *ll *bo.t f*ir+ *ren1t yo.+ "r*)is8 P.m/ yo.rself f.ll of steroids to get th*t e2tr* *d)*nt*ge- <.st *s 'ow*rdly *s .sing * g.n+ whi'h 91m yo.1d do+ too+ if yo.1d tho.ght to gr*b one-; ;91)e ne)er .sed * g.n6; ;And yo.1)e ne)er h*d b*'k./ either+ h*)e yo.8 When yo. fo.ght me+ yo.r little brother didn1t 0.m/ in *nd s*)e yo.r *ss- 9 w*s h*ll.'in*ting-; %e glowered- ;"h*t w*s different- :o. were o.r '*/ti)e- We h*d * /l*n-; ;And right now+ yo.1re o.r '*/ti)e-; 9 smiled- ;And g.ess wh*t8 We h*)e * /l*n+ too- 9t1s *lmost * '*rbon 'o/y of Only in yo.1re the one who dies *nd gets his /i' t*ken+ shoring ./ o.r re/.t*tions- 5ow /i'k yo.r /oison-; %e looked from me to $l*y *nd b*'k *g*in- 9 w*s the ob)io.s 'hoi'e6sm*ller+ less e2/erien'ed *nd *lre*dy b*ttered from e*rlier- B.t he ke/t looking+ ke/t thinking;9 'hoose4 ; Another slow look from me to $l*y+ then he wheeled+ sn*//ing off the ne*rest br*n'h *nd

l.nging *t $l*y- 9 le*/t forw*rd- $l*y le*/t b*'k- 5either of .s w*s f*st"esler /l.nged the 0*gged sti'k into $l*y1s 'hest- "hen he r*n9 r*'ed o)er to $l*y *s he st*ggered b*'k;Go *fter him+; he s*id+ *s 9 dro//ed in front of him;5o-; ; len*-; ;5oB; 9 sn*rled the word- "h*t sh.t him ./- "he br*n'h still /rotr.ded from his 'hest- 9t w*sn1t *s big *s 9 tho.ght+ less th*n *n in'h di*meter- 9f *nything+ th*t m*de it worse6thinner *nd sh*r/er+ like *n *rrow- As 9 f.mbled with his 0*'ket+ he re*'hed ./ to /.ll the br*n'h o.t;&on1t+; 9 s*id;&*rling+ it1s not6; ;&on1tB; ;91m fine- Go *fter him- "his is wh*t he w*nted-; ;"hen 9 g.ess it1s wh*t he1s going to get-; #y )oi'e 3.*)ered *s b*dly *s my h*nds now- 91d been so *fr*id of being r*/ed by"esler - &id 9 think th*t w*s the worst he 'o.ld do to me8 5o- "here w*s something f*r worse+ *nd 91d been s.'h * fool+ working myself ./ o)er th*t+ letting him s'*re me+ letting fe*r slow me down+ when 9 'o.ld h*)e killed him+ *nd 9 wo.ldn1t be here now+ sh*king so b*d 9 'o.ldn1t get $l*y1s 0*'ket .ndone; len*+ 91m ok*y-; %e tried gr*bbing my h*nds- 9 kno'ked his *w*y with * m.mbled */ology+ telling him to st*y still+ don1t mo)e+ don1t do *nything"he br*n'h h*d gone the 0*'ket+ me*ning 9 'o.ldn1t e*sily get it off witho.t dislodging the sti'k- R.le one of de*ling with im/*lements6don1t /.ll o.t the ob0e't be'*.se it might be the only thing kee/ing yo. from bleeding to de*th9 worked his 0*'ket *nd bloodied shirt off to see the wo.nd- "hen 9 let o.t * long+ sh.ddering sigh- #y eyes filled *nd 9 swi/ed *t them- "he se'ond time in one night 91d 'ome 'lose to 'rying- A re'ord for me- B.t e)en *s 9 blinked *ngrily+ * te*r rolled down my 'heek$l*y t.gged off his glo)e *nd wi/ed it *w*y;&id 9 s*y 9 w*s ok*y8; he

9 nodded;!till don1t me+ h.h8; 9 'hoked * l*.gh- %e w*s right6*t le*st the /*rt *bo.t being ok*y- "he down(filled 0*'ket sto//ed most of "ester1s kno'king $l*y o)er+ b.t otherwise doing little d*m*ge- "he sti'k h*d only /enetr*ted *bo.t * h*lf in'h+ *nd in the fleshy /*rt of his sho.lder;$*n 9 /.ll it o.t now8; he *sked9 did it for him+ '*ref.lly+ so 9 wo.ldn1t le*)e *ny s/linters- Blood g.shed- 9 /ressed his glo)e to it *nd the flow slowed to * tri'kle- $l*y /eeled my fingers from the glo)e+ t*king o)er;5ow will yo. go *fter th*t b*st*rd8 Before he gets *w*y8 91m right behind yo.-; 9 nodded+ /.shed to my feet+ g*)e him one l*st look+ then took off9 $AUG%" UP with"esler - 9t w*sn1t h*rd- %e 9 w*s s*)ing $l*y1s life+ so he r*n str*ight for the ne*rest snowmobile shed- 9 fo.nd him trying to hot(wire his get*w*y )ehi'le- We fo.ght- Ag*in+ it w*sn1t h*rd- 9f 9 w*s in sh*/e+ he w*s *s b*d+ *nd 9 h*d fe*r on my side6his fe*r- %is g*ng w*s de*d+ his brother w*s de*d *nd he w*s on his own- "r*)is"esler w*sn1t *''.stomed to being *loneAs for my own fe*r+ the l*st tr*'es of it h*d e)*/or*ted when $l*y h*d been st*bbed- R*/e 9 'o.ld s.r)i)e- 91d do *lmost *nything in my /ower to *)oid it- Almost *nything- "he one thing 9 wo.ldn1t do w*s /.t my f*mily *t risk5i'k h*d s*id 9 w*s *llowed to h*)e * soft s/ot- 91d been 'ert*in 9 h*d only one+ *nd"esler h*d fo.nd it- B.t there were more w*ys to h.rt me- $ome *fter $l*y- $ome *fter my 'hildren- $ome *fter my P*'k"hose were we*knesses 9 'o.ldn1t o)er'ome- 9 sho.ldn1t- 91d tho.ght *n Al/h* sho.ld be in).lner*ble+ b.t th*t w*s ridi'.lo.s- Wh*t kind of Al/h* wo.ld <eremy be if he didn1t '*re wh*t h*//ened to his P*'k8 9 h*d soft s/ots- #.tts wo.ld *lw*ys t*rget them- All 9 'o.ld do w*s shore ./ my defensesProte't my P*'k- Prote't my 'hildren- Prote't my m*te- And+ yes+ /rote't myself5ow 9 h*d in my sights * m*n who1d thre*tened *ll of th*t- "his time+ he w*s *fr*id *nd 9 w*sn1t+ *nd th*t m*de *ll the differen'e- %*)ing * broken finger didn1t hel/6he w*sn1t the only one who felt /*in when my /.n'hes 'onne'ted6b.t fin*lly 9 h*.led him o.t of the snowmobile shed- %e broke free *s $l*y '*.ght ./"esler'h*rged me+ *nd 'h*rged me *g*in+ not e)en bothering to 'h*nge *ngle+ let *lone t*'ti'- 9 sideste//ed *nd wi/ed blood from my nose+ the dro/lets s/r*ying the snow- As"esler re'o)ered

*nd wheeled+ 9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y- %e h*d his *rms 'rossed+ f*'e immobile+ only his eyes betr*ying his 'on'ern;91)e got him+; 9 s*id;9 know-; "esler'h*rged *g*in- 9 sideste//ed- "his time+ my left foot sli//ed *nd+ h*d"esler been 3.i'ker+ he wo.ld h*)e s/.n *nd t*ken me down- As it w*s+ he tried+ b.t 9 m*n*ged to d*n'e o.t of the w*y#y he*rt th.m/ed- 5ot fe*r- 2hil*r*tion-"esler w*s still st*nding+ b.t 9 h*d him+ *nd he knew it- 9 'o.ld tell by the set of his 0*w- "he wild look in his eyes- "he des/er*tion in e*'h 'h*rge- %e w*s * wo.nded b.ll m*king his l*st st*nd$l*y 'rossed *nd .n'rossed his *rms+ holding himself in 'he'k- 9 knew wh*t it be like for him+ w*t'hing me+ knowing how tired 9 w*s+ how e)ery m.s'le *'hed- %e w*s still fresh *nd s/oiling for * fight+ *nd he longed to t*ke o)er this one for me:es+ this felt good- 9t felt so d*mned good- B.t $l*y w*s right- 9 w*s t*king 'h*n'es+ *nd it w*s time to end thisWhen"esler 'h*rged *g*in+ 9 st*rted to d*n'e o.t of the w*y+ then shot o.t my foot *nd tri//ed him- 9 0.m/ed onto his b*'k+ gr*bbed his h*ir *nd gro.nd his f*'e into the dirt *nd blood( stre*ked snow"hen 9 tho.ght of *ll the w*ys 9 'o.ld kill him$l*y h*d killed th*t thirty ye*rs *go to 'ement his re/.t*tion- 9f 9 w*s worried *bo.t being *''e/ted *s Al/h*+ here w*s * w*y to sol)e the /roblem- Pro)e 9 w*s *s 'r*7y+ *s s*disti' *nd *s d*ngero.s *s $l*y9f th*t w*s my entire /.r/ose in m*king"esler s.ffer+ then 9 'o.ld h*)e done it- B.t $l*y h*dn1t m*de th*t s.ffer- %e1d kno'ked him o.t with *nestheti' before he e)en knew wh*t w*s h*//ening- %e w*sn1t 'r*7y- %e w*sn1t s*disti'- &*ngero.s+ yes+ b.t not in the w*y they tho.ght$l*y w*sn1t * monster- B.t if 9"esler be'*.se 9 w*nted him to die horribly+ th*t wo.ld m*ke me one9 gl*n'ed o)er *t $l*y- ;&o yo. w*nt him8 :o. did w*nt to m*ke *n e2*m/le of * *g*in-; "h*t got"esler1s *ttention- Until now+ he1d been still- 5ot s.rrendering+ 9 w*s <.st resting *s 9 'ontem/l*ted my ne2t mo)e- 5ow he b.'ked- B.t 9 s*w th*t one 'oming+ *nd e*sily ke/t him /inned+ grinding his f*'e into the gro.nd *g*in for good me*s.reWhen 9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y+ he s*id+ ;5*h+ too m.'h bother- 9 w*nt to go home-;

;!o do 9-; 9 gr*bbed"esler1s h*ir+ re*dy to sn*/ his ne'k;W*itB; he s*id9 le*ned o)er him- ;Got * few l*st words+ "r*)is8 Unless they1re 191m sorry+1 9 don1t re*lly w*nt to he*r them-; ;!orry8; %e sneered- ;9s th*t wh*t yo. w*nt from me8 An */ology for h.rting yo.8; ;5o+ not /*rti'.l*rly- 91)e h*d those- "hey don1t do m.'h good-; 9 tho.ght of the letter *nd+ for the first time sin'e it *rri)ed+ the memory didn1t m*ke my stom*'h 'len'h- 9 didn1t *''e/t th*t */ology *nd 9 d*mned well w*sn1t going to feel g.ilty *bo.t it- B.t 9 wo.ldn1t send * n*sty letter b*'k- <.st silen'e+ *nd in th*t+ he1d know he w*sn1t forgi)en- And if he s.ffered more g.ilt for wh*t he1d done8 "h*t w*s fine by me;Wh*t 91d like *n */ology for is the others+; 9 s*id- ;For &ennis+ who ne)er did * d*mned thing to yo.- For those girls+ whose only mist*ke w*s looking for * little f.n- And for *ll the other girls yo. r*/ed *nd m.rdered before yo. '*me here- 91d like to he*r *n */ology for them+ b.t 9 know yo. won1t gi)e it *nd 9 know they wo.ldn1t w*nt it- !o we1re going to ski/ those fin*l words6; ;91ll 0oin the P*'k-; ;Wh*t8; ;:o. need re'r.its- 9 he*rd th*t- 91ll 0oin-; 9 'o.ldn1t hel/ l*.ghing- ;And wh*t m*kes yo. think we1d let6; ;91m * d*mned fine fighter- 91ll fight for the P*'k *nd yo.1ll own my *ss- "h*t1s the /ri'e 91ll /*y for my life-; ;%ow4 noble- Re*lly- Only one /roblem- "h*t d*mned fine fighter /*rt- :o.1re good+ 91ll gi)e yo. th*t- B.t 9 still be*t yo.-; ;:o. h*d hel/- 9 'o.ld h*)e t*ken yo.- B*'k in the '*bin+ 9 h*d yo. be*t .ntil he showed ./-; ;5o+ yo. *nd ddie h*d me- Witho.t ddie+ yo.1d h*)e been s'rewed- !o we both h*d hel/- B.t in the end8 :o. were o.tsm*rted+*sted *nd o.tfo.ght- As m.'h 'r*/ *s yo. /.m/ed into yo.r body+ it didn1t 'h*nge the f*'t th*t *t he*rt yo.1re * 'ow*rd who likes to be*t ./ hel/less h.m*ns-; %e b.'ked *nd sn*rled- ;"h*t1s not *bo.t fighting- 9t1s6;

;Abo.t se28 %ell+ no- 9t1s not *bo.t se2+ "r*)is- 9t1s *bo.t domin*n'e- And+ *//*rently+ the only women yo. '*n domin*te *re hel/less ones- P.t yo. ./ *g*inst * fem*le of yo.r own s/e'ies *nd look wh*t h*//ened-*t'hed-; 9 le*ned down+ *nd lowered my )oi'e- ;And o.t'l*ssed-; 9 sn*//ed his ne'k!UR@9@OR 59$K %A& "AK 5 'ell /hone shots of the m.tts from the then some of"esler before we b.ried him- %e the !hifters might dem*nd /roof before ret.rning 5o*h- 9 w*s /i't.res from * 'ell /hone weren1t wh*t they1d h*)e in mind+ b.t 9 didn1t sto/ 5i'k"he R.ssi*n P*'k might e2/e't /roof+ too+ *nd this wo.ld be wh*t they w*nted- Pl.s+ h*)ing /i't.res showing *n entire ./st*rt /*'k wi/ed o.t by .s in * few might be something to h*)e on h*nd if there were *ny 3.estions *bo.t the P*'k1s /ower *fter my *s'ension w*s *nno.n'ed- !o 9 let 5i'k t*ke /hotos+ *nd w*rned him to ./lo*d them *nd get them wi/ed off his '*mer* before we went *ir/ort se'.rityAfter 9 * them 9 w*s tone *nd $l*y set my finger with * m*keshift s/lint+ $l*y *nd 5i'k b.ried"esler - While they were doing th*t+ 9 took his 'lothing *nd 9& b*'k to the 'ott*ge+ where Antonio w*s b.rning e)erything in the fire/l*'e- 9 got *bo.t h*lfw*y there when * f*mili*r s'ent w*fted /*st- 9 t.rned to see * sh*/e hidden in * thi'k /*t'h of trees+ silently w*t'hing me- O.r wolf friend;$ome by to m*ke we ke/t ./ o.r end of the de*l8; 9 '*lled *s 9 w*lked o)er- ;We did"hey1re *ll de*d e2'e/t one+ *nd he won1t be 'oming b*'k- "h*nks for hel/ing find the others- 9 *//re'i*te th*t-; ;:o.1re wel'ome-; "he )oi'e st*rtled me- 91d he w*s still in wolf form- As the rose+ 9 h*d to sniff *g*in+ m*king it w*s the s*me werewolf- 9f 91d been *sked to /i' him+ 91d h*)e g.essed he1d be older+ li)ing o.t * midlife 'risis by e2/loring th*t other side of himself+ *s &ennis h*d been- %e w*s yo.nger th*n me+ L*te twenties- &*rk reddish(brown h*ir to his sho.lders+ le*n with * n*rrow f*'e+ high 'heekbones *nd /ier'ing green eyes- 5*ti)e blood+ 9 g.essed- And he w*s dressed- "o be honest+ th*t s.r/rised me+ too- 9 didn1t e2/e't him n*ked+ b.t m*ybe we*ring * f.r thrown *ro.nd him or 'lothing stolen from * ne*rby '*bin- "he 'lothes were 'le*rly his+ tho.gh6* le*ther 0*'ket+ 0e*ns "(shirt+ &o' #*rten boots4 ;5ot wh*t yo. e2/e'ted8; he s*id;5o+; 9 lied- ;91m trying to /l*'e the *''ent-; A't.*lly+ 9 didn1t need to /l*'e it *t *ll6th*t singsong mishm*sh of British+ 9rish *nd $*n*di*n w*s .nmist*k*ble- ;5ewfo.ndl*nd or L*br*dor8;

"h*t m*de him smile+ if briefly- ;Both+ now *nd *g*in+; he s*id- ;"hey both h*)e their 'h*rms-; ;91ll bet- 91)e only been o.t there on'e+ b.t6; A low growl '.t me short- 9 gl*n'ed o)er to see * gr*y wolf /eering *ro.nd * tree- 9t w*s the one 91d seen e*rlier with him- !he growled *g*in+ li/s fl.ttering o)er sh*r/ white teeth;91m ok*y+; he s*id+ dr*wing it o.t+ more re*ss.ring growl th*n words- ;Go on now-; !he b*'ked ./+ b.t only to sit down+ de*th st*re fi2ed on me;!he thinks yo.1re 'he'king o.t * new m*te+; 9 s*id;5ew4 8; %e st*red+ then s/.ttered * l*.gh- ; 2*'tly how n*ti)e do yo. think 91)e gone8 Or m*ybe yo. *nswered my 3.estion-; ;9 tho.ght6Well+ 9 me*n+ if yo. /refer wolf form4Anyw*y+ 9 think she 'onsiders yo. her m*te-; ;"h*t she does+ b.t 91)e not been en'o.r*ging her- !he1s * )ery ni'e girl+ b.t it wo.ldn1t work o.t-; ;"h*t1s * relief-; 9 e2tended * h*nd- ; len* #i'h*els-; ;Oh+ 9 know who yo. *re- We *ren1t *s isol*ted on the Ro'k *s yo. might think-; ;Are there more of yo. o.t there8 #ore werewol)es8; %e shook my h*nd- ;#org*n W*lsh-; ;9n other words+ if yo. do h*)e f*mily there+ yo. *ren1t telling me- 9f they1)e been li)ing there *while *nd the P*'k doesn1t know it+ then they1re flying f*r below the r*d*r th*t we1ll kee/ /retending we don1t know- !o to 'h*nge the s.b0e't+ how long h*)e yo. been4 8; 9 gl*n'ed *t the gr*y wolf;R.nning with the wol)es8 Well+ it w*s the str*ngest thing- One d*y 9 '*me o.t to Al*sk* on * tri/+ 9 went for * r.n *nd tot*lly forgot 9 'o.ld $h*nge b*'k- L.'kily this wolf /*'k took /ity on the /oor d.mb5ewfie *nd took him in-; ;Uh(h.h-; %e smiled- ;All right+ then- Wh*t do yo. think 91m doing o.t here8 5o+ w*it+ let me g.essWo.nded *nd s'*rred by life+ 91)e de'ided to t.rn my b*'k on the world *nd retre*t into the forest+ embr*'ing my /.rer+ sim/ler h*lf-; ;:o. don1t look /*rti'.l*rly s'*rred to me-;

;Oh+ 9 h*)e my sh*re- 91d show yo.+ b.t 9 know th*t m*te of '*n1t be f*r behind+ *nd 91d better not be t*king off my 'lothes when he 'omes by-; ;A't.*lly+ 91m more worried *bo.t her t*king offense-; 9 nodded to the wolf+ who growled *s o.r eyes met- ;!o *re yo. going to tell me why yo.1re r.nning with the wol)es8 Or w*s th*t *nother /olite; %e le*ned b*'k *g*inst * tree+ h*nds going into his /o'kets+ looking o.t *t the forest before *nswering- ;%*)e yo. e)er wondered wh*t it wo.ld be like to swit'h8 Li)e *s wolf+ $h*nge to h.m*n only when yo. need to8; ;!.re-; ;9 finished 'ollege * few ye*rs *go- Got * 0ob- %*ted it- ?.it- 91m 5o ties- Other g.ys+ they1d b*'k/*'k Asi*+ b.m *ro.nd for * while .ntil they got their shit together-; ;9nste*d+ yo. did this- %ow long h*)e yo. been o.t here8; ;!in'e s.mmer- 9 91ll gi)e it * ye*r-; ;And how did yo. get the wol)es to t*ke yo. in8; ;Food+; s*id * )oi'e behind meAs $l*y ste//ed into )iew+ #org*n 0.m/ed- %e 3.i'kly re'o)ered+ retre*ting behind *n im/*ssi)e e2/ression+ b.t his eyes st*yed w*ry+ w*t'hing $l*y1s *//ro*'h;Food+ w*sn1t it8; $l*y re/e*ted#org*n fo.nd * smile for him+ if only * sm*ll one- ;9t w*s- 91m * good h.nter- 9t took some time+ b.t if yo. le*)e offerings+ they1ll o)er'ome their /re0.di'es- And there weren1t m*ny /re0.di'es to be o)er'ome before those kn.'kle(dr*ggers set ./ '*m/- And 9 don1t me*n the be*st(shifters- :e*h+ th*t one h*s been throwing his weight *ro.nd this winter+ b.t we st*y o.t of his w*y- "hings got * lot worse when they showed ./-; %e /ointed *t the 'lothing in my h*nds- ;Before them+ the only werewol)es the wol)es knew were the old g.y *nd his gr*ndson+ *nd neither of them e)er '*.sed *ny /roblems-; %e gl*n'ed *t $l*y- ;"he old m*n w*s * friend of yo.rs8; ;A P*'k m*te+ on'e ./on * time-; ;!orry for yo.r loss+ then- 9 didn1t know him myself+ b.t he seemed * de'ent g.y- And+ before yo. *sk+ no+ 9 didn1t know they1d gone to kill him- 9 w*s off h.nting *t the time- When 9 '*me b*'k+ the rest of the /*'k h*d fo.nd him6yo. /rob*bly s*w their tr*'ks *t the '*bin-; ;We did-;

;"hey4 ; %e r.bbed his 'hin- ;9t ./set them- $onf.sed them- 9t w*s *s if they1d known yo.r friend+ e)en if they ne)er m*de 'ont*'t- "hey mo.rned for him- Anyw*y+ 9 w*sn1t *ro.nd *t the time or6Well+ *s yo. '*n tell+ 9 don1t like getting in)ol)ed- 91)e le*rned not to- B.t 91d h*)e done something- And /rob*bly gotten myself killed- 91m * whi7 *t '*t'hing dinner+ b.t 9 don1t do so well with the /red*tors-; %e gl*n'ed *t me- ;9 mentioned the s'*rs8; ;:o. did+ *nd 9 *//re'i*te wh*t yo. did do+ bringing the others to .s-; ;"r*'king *nd h.nting+ those *re my s/e'i*lties- "h*t me*ns+ th*t 9 .s.*lly *rri)e *fter the d*m*ge is done+ like with yo.r friend- B.t there1s * re*son 9 $h*nged b*'k+ *nd it1s not to s*y hello- 9 fo.nd something the other d*y yo.1ll w*nt to t*ke '*re of before yo. le*)e- "he be*st(shifters b.ried the two girls th*t big son(of(*(bit'h killed- Only 9 ke/t finding tr*'es of * third-; #y he*d 0erked ./- ;"here w*s * third missing girl- :o. fo.nd her body8; ;5o+ 9 fo.nd her-; ;Wh*t8 !he1s *li)e8; 9 wheeled on $l*y- ;"r*)is h*)e been kee/ing her lo'ked ./- We need to6; ;Who*+ slow down+; #org*n s*id- ;%e w*sn1t the one kee/ing her- "he w*y 9 it+ he left her for de*d- !omeone else fo.nd her- !he1s re'o)ering- B.t4 Well+ 9 think yo.1d better 'ome *long *nd h*)e * look- 9t1s4 * bit of * sit.*tion-; 9 gl*n'ed *t $l*y- %e took"esler1s 'lothing from me- ;:o. go on- 91ll '*t'h ./-; "% F9R!" %ALF of the w*lk w*s ne*rly silent- 9 'o.ld s*y th*t #org*n h*d been .n'h*r*'teristi'*lly 'h*tty e*rlier+ *fter months t*lking to no one+ b.t 9 got the im/ression he w*s+ by n* the kind of g.y who t*lks * lot to 'o)er the f*'t th*t he doesn1t s*y )ery m.'h9t w*s * tr*it 9 re'ogni7ed well- 5ot so m.'h the 'h*tty /*rt691)e ne)er been the ty/e6b.t 91)e *lw*ys been 3.i'k to 0oin * 'on)ers*tion *nd hold ./ my end+ whi'h .s.*lly hides the f*'t th*t 91m not gi)ing *w*y *nything of myself- A't friendly *nd so'i*ble+ *nd /eo/le won1t re*li7e th*t yo.1re kee/ing them firmly on the other side of yo.r 'omfort 7one9 think wh*t 3.ieted #org*n down w*s $l*y sending me off with him *lone- #org*n w*s not only * str*nger+ b.t * yo.nger+ good(looking For $l*y to '*s.*lly *llow me to go off with him h*)e seemed s.s/i'io.s- #*ybe he took offense *t the s.ggestion th*t he didn1t /ose * thre*t- B.t if 9 h*d to h*7*rd * g.ess+ 91d s*y he s.s/e'ted he w*s being tested4 or set ./After we1d w*lked for * while+ with no sign of $l*y or the others l.rking in the trees+ he rel*2ed *nd m*ybe .nderstood the sim/le tr.th6$l*y tr.sted me+ tr.sted 9 'o.ld t*ke '*re of myself+ *nd tr.sted 9 w*sn1t the le*st bit s.s'e/tible to '.te yo.nger werewol)es+ whi'h on this tri/ w*s /ro)ing to be * good thing-

!o he fin*lly st*rted to t*lk *g*in- %e1d he*rd 9 w*s $*n*di*n *nd *sked where 9 w*s from+ tossing in * few b*rbs *bo.t "oronto+ whi'h is o.r )ersion of 5ew :ork6e)eryone who doesn1t li)e there h*s nothing b.t 'ontem/t for e)eryone who does- When he fo.nd o.t 9 re/orted on $*n*di*n *ff*irs+ he *sked for news of his home /ro)in'e6the+ ongoing s*d st*te of the fisheries+ the new offshore oil /ro0e'tsWhere)er we were going+ it w*s * long tr.dge diffi'.lt l*nds'*/e- B.t #org*n didn1t h*)e * /roblem tr*)ersing it+ * f*'t he liked to /oint o.t e)ery time he h*d to slow for me;&o yo. he*r th*t8; 9 *sked when * low mo*n set the h*irs on my ne'k rising;Wind-; ;5o+ 91)e he*rd wind+ *nd th*t1s not6; ;" me+ ./ here+ the wind does things yo.1)e ne)er he*rd before- !ometimes 9 swe*r 9 he*r )oi'es- ntire 'on)ers*tions- 9 go to 'he'k it o.t+ *nd there1s no one there- 9 tell myself it1s the wind+ b.t4 ; %e shr.gged;"here1s something o.t here+ isn1t there8; %e ho//ed * f*llen log b.ried .nder the snow- ;"here *re * lot ofsomethings o.t here- "hose be*st(shifters *re the beginning- @oi'es+ lights4 ; ;91)e seen the lights- "hey led me onto * fro7en ri)er l*st night6th*t w*sn1t fro7en ne*rly well; ;9 don1t it- 91)e h*d them le*d me ne*rly o)er * 'liff+ *nd 91)e h*d them light my w*y b*'k to the wolf /*'k- $*/ri'io.s little b.ggers- 9 find tr*'ks 9 don1t re'ogni7e+ s'ents 9 '*n1t /l*'e+ '*t'h glim/ses of sh*dows- Al*sk*1s the l*st frontier6for m*n+ be*st *nd s/irit *like- 5ow we1d better /i/e down- "he '*bin1s *he*d-; ;Are yo. going to tell me who1s res/onsible8; A fl*shed grin- ;5o+ 91ll le*)e th*t ./ to yo.r nose- !ee how long it t*kes yo. to it o.t-; As tr.stworthy *s #org*n seemed+ 9 'o.ldn1t hel/ feeling those niggling /ri'ks of /*r*noi*- B.t now it took only one strong sniff to know he w*s /l*ying me f*ir; li+; 9 s*id;9s th*t his n*me8 "he be*st(shifter8; 9 nodded- 9 gl*n'ed 3.i'kly *t #org*n- ;"he girl- %e didn1t6;

;R*/e her8 5o- 5othing like th*t+ or 9 wo.ld h*)e interfered- %e fo.nd her *nd took '*re of her!he1s not his /risoner+ she1s /rob*bly not in *ny sh*/e yet to think *bo.t le*)ing- B.t 9 s.s/e't teen*ge inf*t.*tion6*nd teen*ge hormones6*re *t the root of this /*rti'.l*r *'t of *ltr.ism-; ;&*mn-; 9 sighed- ;:o. were right then- "his is * sit.*tion- 9 g.ess the first thing to do is get * look *t the girl-; 9 'he'ked the wind- ;5o sign th*t li1s still here-; ;91)e got yo.r b*'k-; ;"h*nks-; 9 mo)ed forw*rd+ str*ining to see * b.ilding in the dist*n'e+ *nd s.ddenly there it w*s right in front of me6* tiny wood log '*bin+ nestled *mong the trees9 /.lled b*'k *nd took * good sniff- !till no sign of li- "he s'ent of wood smoke lingered in the *ir+ b.t none '*me from the 'himney- All the windows were d*rk- 9 're/t forw*rd+ #org*n *t my heels- As 3.ietly *s 9 mo)ed+ he w*s 3.ieter- 9 hesit*ted+ then motioned him forw*rd- 9 h*ted gi)ing ./ the front s/ot+ b.t the 3.ietest tr*'ker sho.ld le*d#org*n took no more th*n * h*lf(do7en ste/s before he sto//ed+ swore *nd strode forw*rd;W*itB; 9 '*lled- ;9f yo. s/ook her6; ;$*n1t s/ook her when she1s not here-; %e wren'hed o/en the '*bin door- 9 /eered *ro.nd him into the d*rk+ d*nk de/ths of the 'ott*ge"he em/ty de/ths#org*n swore *g*in- 9 0oined him- ;9f she es'*/ed *nd she1s o.t here *lone4 ; #org*n w*s *lre*dy 'ro.'hed+ 'he'king o.t the tr*il- %e br.shed /*st me *nd h.nkered down o.tside+ mo)ing *bo.t .ntil he1d 'o)ered the *re*;!he1s not *lone+; he s*id- ; li relo'*ted her- 9n the l*st ho.r+ too- 9 tried not to get too 'lose+ b.t 9 w*nted to get * look *t her+ m*ke she h*dn1t been bitten-; #y stom*'h twisted- ;%*d she8; ;5*h- "h*t g.y .sed his fists+ not his teeth+ th*nkf.lly- B.t li h*)e fo.nd my tr*il+ *nd knew 9 w*s 'oming *ro.nd+ 'he'king ./ on her-; !now 'r.n'hed in the dist*n'e- #org*n wheeled+ str*ightening *nd stiffening *s he lifted his he*d to '*t'h the bree7e;&id o.r sit.*tion t.rn into * /roblem8; $l*y '*lled *s he ste//ed from the thi'k trees with

Antonio+ 5i'k *nd Reese 'lose behind;A sm*ll one+ 9 ho/e+; 9 s*idAs 9 e2/l*ined+ #org*n followed the tr*il+ then '*me b*'k to s*y it led into the ne*rest 'reek4 *nd dis*//e*red;%e w*ded it- !o wh*t 91d s.ggest4 ; #org*n beg*n+ then looked *t the f*'es of the others+ *ll t.rned tow*rd me- ;Or m*ybe not4 ; ;We s/lit into /*irs+; 9 s*id- ;9f *nyone other th*n me finds him+ '*ll for b*'k./- 91)e t*lked to him+ so 9 know how to h*ndle it- 9f yo. b.m/ into the other !hifters+ tell them yo.1re with me *nd we1)e done *s they *sked- 5ow+ for /*irings4 ; 9 t.rned to Reese- ;%ow1s yo.r tr*'king8; %e o/ened his 'hin lifting * fr*'tion+ 'le*rly re*dy to s*y his tr*'king skills were to/( not'h- "hen he gl*n'ed *t 5i'k+ *nd s*id+ ;5ot b*d-; ;All right then+ yo. 'ome with me- 5i'k goes with Antonio- $l*y8 :o. *nd #org*n8; $l*y nodded- #org*n sl*nted * w*ry look his w*y;Um+ 91d re*lly r*ther /*ir ./ with4 ; #org*n beg*n+ then gl*n'ed *ro.nd *t e)eryone else getting re*dy to go- ;Or+ 9 s.//ose it doesn1t re*lly m*tter wh*t 9 w*nt+ does it8; ;!orry+; 9 s*id- ;"his works best- :o. 'on'entr*te on tr*'kingA he1ll h*)e yo.r b*'k-; And we s/lit ./$%O9$ ! 91& B L:95G if 9 didn1t s*y 9 /i'ked Reese more for his 'om/*ny th*n for his skills- %e h*dn1t s*id m.'h sin'e *rri)ing- Under the 'ir'.mst*n'es+ th*t w*sn1t s.r/rising- B.t 9 w*nted to m*ke he w*s ok*y- 9 felt4 9 don1t know+ res/onsible+ 9 g.ess+ h*)ing been the one to send him to the!orrentinos ;%ow *re yo.r fingers8; 9 *sked *s we w*lked *long the 'reek(b*nk+ trying to /i'k ./ li1s tr*il;!till gone+; he s*id- ;<eremy stit'hed me ./ good *nd g*)e me /*inkillers+ so it1s * m*tter of getting .sed to not h*)ing them- 9 kee/ f.mbling st.ff- 9t1d be worse if 91d lost the whole fingers+ And if 9 h*)e to lose /*rt of two+ better those ones th*n the th.mb *nd inde2And better fingers th*n my h*nd- Better /*rt of my h*nd th*n my life4 ; A wry smile- ;91m trying to look on the bright side-; ;91m sorry it h*//ened- 9f we1d known there were other m.tts in An'hor*ge6; ;And if 9 h*d sto//ed long to he*r yo. o.t4 Or if 91d tried to 'ont*'t the P*'k *nd

e2/l*in inste*d of r.nning4 Or if 9 h*dn1t hooked ./ with those losers in the first /l*'e4 91m /retty the bl*me f*lls s3.*rely *t my feet on this one- :o. g.ys h*)e been gre*t to me-; %e looked o)er+ meeting my g*7e- ;Re*lly-; 9 bent to sniff * s'ent+ b.t it w*s only * be*r- ;5i'k tells me yo. still don1t w*nt to go b*'k to A.str*li*-; Reese stiffened+ *nd 9 knew 9 w*sn1t getting *nything more o.t of him on th*t 'o.nt- 5ot for * while+ 9 s.s/e'ted;5o+; he s*id- ;91m st*ying-; ;Any tho.ghts on the f.t.re8; ;Antonio offered me * 0ob-; %e bent to sniff something+ then wrinkled his nose *nd shook his he*d- ;9t1s st.dent work6the kind of thing he hires 'ollege kids for d.ring the s.mmer- 91m thinking of t*king it-; A gl*n'e *t me+ g*.ging my re*'tion;!o.nds good-; ;9t1s tem/or*ry+; he *dded+ *s if st*rting to ho/e m*ybe it wo.ldn1t be- ;Antonio s*id 9 '*n st*y with them+ t*ke o)er some y*rd work+ m*ybe mo)e into the g.est "hey1)e been gre*tAntonio1s f*ir+ *nd 5i'k1s6; %e smiled- ;5i'k1s 'ool- 9t1s not wh*t 9 e2/e'ted- "he P*'k-; ;"h*t1s good+; 9 s*idAnd it w*s- 91d *lre*dy st*rted thinking Reese fit in well6obeyed orders+ /.lled his weight+ w*s still to *ssimil*te- "he kind of re' the P*'k 'o.ld .se- 9 didn1t s.ggest th*t+ 9t w*s too soon+ *nd he w*sn1t going *nywhere- Let him settle in *nd+ m*ybe+ st*y settledWhen 9 fo.nd the tr*il+ 9 whistled for the other- !.re+ 91d s*id 9 'o.ld h*ndle this *lone+ b.t th*t only me*nt 9 wo.ldn1t w*ste time h.nting for them- A whistle or two+ 9 'o.ld do- When no one *nswered+ Reese *nd 9 set o.t on the tr*ilWe h*dn1t gone f*r when * bl*st of i'y *ir whi//ed /*st+ l*den with th*t thi'k s'ent;Wh*t the hell is th*t8; Reese *sked+ r.bbing his noseBefore 9 'o.ld *nswer+ * m*ssi)e form l.mbered from the woods+ sto//ing twenty feet *w*y *nd t.rning to look *t .s;Wh*t the hell68; Reese s*id"he be*st re*red ./+ '*sting * sh*dow th*t re*'hed to o.r boots-

;%oly shitB; "he be*st dro//ed *nd 'h*rged- Reese gr*bbed my slee)e *nd tried to y*nk me to s*fety- When 9 wo.ldn1t b.dge+ he g*)e me * sho)e off the tr*il *nd r*'ed /*st me into the forest- 9 '*lmly w*lked b*'k to the /*th"he be*st ro*red4 *nd r*n *ro.nd me- "hen he t.rned+ /*wing the /*th+ bre*th stre*ming from his nostrils; li+; 9 s*id- ;$.t it o.t-; ;"h*t1s6; Reese s*id from his s/ot in the woods- ;"h*t1s li8 "he !hifter g.y8; ;!hifter kid- %e1s * teen*ger-; ;9 don1t '*re how he is- %e1s f.'king And f.'king /issed off-; ;5o+ he1s /.tting on * show+ trying to w*rn .s off- &o yo. w*nt .s to le*)e+ li8; %e snorted+ still /*wing the gro.nd like * b.ll+ he*d down+ eyes bl*7ing;Ok*y+ we1ll do th*t+; 9 s*id- ;We1ll go /i'k ./ 5o*h+ *nd let yo.r Al/h* *nd yo.r f*ther h*ndle this-; li growled- %e l.nged- When 9 stood my gro.nd+ he sto//ed short+ snow flying from his m*ssi)e /*ws;Go $h*nge b*'k so we '*n t*lk *bo.t this-; ;!%9"+ "%A" WA! f*st+; Reese s*id *s li l.mbered o.t of the thi'ket where he1d $h*nged;"h*t1s one *d)*nt*ge they get+; 9;5i'e+ b.t 9 don1t think 91d tr*de+; Reese s*id *s he took * better look *t liReese 3.i'kly hid his re*'tion to the !hifter+ b.t li 'o.ldn1t disg.ise his own res/onse to the werewolf+ sho.lders *nd 0*w lifting *s he drew ne*rer+ eyeing Reese with the b*rely disg.ised en)y of *n *wkw*rd so/homore in the /resen'e of the high s'hool 3.*rterb*'k- 9 felt sorry for li+ then- %e w*sn1t *n .gly kid+ b.t *t th*t *ge+ no one6s./ern*t.r*l or h.m*n6needs to be reminded of his short'omings%e t.rned his b*'k on Reese *nd t*lked to me- ;!he doesn1t w*nt to go b*'k-; ;Good- "hen she '*n tell me th*t-; %e hesit*ted+ big 0*w working- "hen he /.shed b*'k his h*ir *nd s'*nned the forest+ *nd 9

tho.ght he w*s working on *n e2'.se+ b.t inste*d he s*id+ ;Fine- !he won1t like it+; %e led me *long the /*th;!he does w*nt to st*y+; he s*id *s we w*lked- ;!he *sked me to mo)e her-; ;All right-; ;:o. don1t belie)e me-; 9 gl*n'ed o)er *t him- ;&o yo. re*lly e2/e't me to t*ke yo.r word for it8; %e didn1t *nswer+ *nd we w*lked the rest of the w*y in silen'eW R A$% & "% '*bin+ *nother sm*ll b*'kwoods+ off(the(grid one /rob*bly .sed by *nyone needing shelterWhen we *rri)ed+ li insisted Reese st*y o.tside6*//*rently+ he didn1t w*nt the '.te+ blond A.ssie getting too 'lose to his girl- "h*t w*s fine+ b.t 9 m*de li w*it+ too- 9f this girl w*s *s set on st*ying *s he s*id+ then she needed to tell me th*t herself9 o/ened the door- 9nside+ it w*s d*rk+ the light h*)ing fli'ked off the moment we drew within sight of the 'ott*ge;9 won1t go+; s*id * )oi'e from dee/ in the sh*dows- ;:o. '*n t.rn *ro.nd right now- 91m eighteen+ so 9 '*n m*ke my own de'isions-; Of the three missing girls+ two h*d been twenty+ whi'h g*)e me * good ide* who 9 w*s t*lking to- "he one who1d been li)ing on the streets+ trying to es'*/es life of * *nd negle't;:o.1re se)enteen+Adine -; ; ighteen ne2t month- Better off s*)ing yo.rself the /*/erwork *nd /retending yo. ne)er fo.nd me-; ;91m not from so'i*l ser)i'es- 91m someone who w*nts to m*ke yo.1re ok*y-; 9 t.rned on the ne*rest l*ntern- A w*)ering light filled the '*bin-Adine s*t on * 'ot in the 'orner+ her f*'e set+ her e2/ression s*ying if 9 w*s going to t*ke her o.t of here+ 91d d*mned well better h*)e bro.ght *n *rmy to do it;9 know wh*t h*//ened to yo.+; 9 s*id;:e*h8 !*me shit+ different d*y-; 9 met her g*7e *nd re'ogni7ed th*t h*.nted+ h.nted *nim*l look- 91d ne)er been this *s m.'h *s 91d w*nted to be;Wh*t h*//ened to yo. is6; 9 beg*n;Gonn*le*)e s'*rs- !'*rs no one '*n see- :e*h+ 91)e done the sessions- 9f yo.1re e2/e'ting me to s*y 91m fine+ yo.1re wrong- B.t 91m *s hell going to get b*'k to fine- And li1s going to hel/ me-; ;%e6; ;%e1s * kid+ 9 know- And something4 something1s not 3.ite right *bo.t him- 9 know th*t+ too- B.t 9 don1t '*re- %e res'.ed me *nd he took '*re of me+ *nd he doesn1t w*nt *nything in ret.rn+ to be with me+ t*lk to me-; !he met my g*7e- ;:o. know wh*t th*t1s like8; A't.*lly+ 9 did+ b.t 9 knew she wo.ldn1t belie)e me- And *s 9 looked in her f*'e+ 9 knew she w*sn1t kidding herself- li w*sn1t her knight in shining *rmor- !he didn1t e2/e't h*//ily e)er *fter- B.t wh*te)er it w*s+ it1s wh*t she w*nted- Wh*t she needed;9f she w*nts to 0oin .s+ she m*y+; r.mbled * )oi'e behind me9 t.rned to see the !hifter Al/h* in the doorw*y- Behind him+ li1s f*ther h*d his son by the s'r.ff of the ne'k- "he Al/h* ste//ed in *nd sh.t the door;"his is not o.r w*y+; he s*id- ;B.t if the girl w*nts to 'ome4 ; %e looked *t me- ;We sho.ld not *rg.e-; 9n other words+ sending this girl b*'k to 'i)ili7*tion+ *ngry *nd .nh*//y+ re*lly w*sn1t the best ide*- !he w*s likely to st*rt t*lking *bo.t the !hifters- "h*t might only l*nd her * bed in the /sy'h w*rd+ b.t they 'o.ldn1t t*ke the 'h*n'e%e t.rned toAdine - ;We li)e f*r *w*y- :o. will not be *ble to )isit yo.r /eo/le-; ;Fine by me+; she s*id+ 'hin lifted+ defi*nt;We h*)e * )ill*ge+ b.t we *re h.nters- We do not 'ome to the 'ity-; ;9 '*n h.nt *nd 9 '*n fish+ *nd 91m * d*mned fine ' 9 like the h.nting *nd fishing /*rt better- 91)e h*d of the 'ity- 9t w*sn1t4 ; A look /*ssed o)er her f*'e+ dis*//ointment *nd regret- ;9t w*sn1t wh*t 9 tho.ght it wo.ld be- 91m re*dy to go b*'k inl*nd-; !he str*ightened *nd met his g*7e- ;91ll do my sh*re- :o. won1t regret it-; "he Al/h*1s e2/ression s*id he w*s /retty he wo.ld+ b.t he only nodded9 t.rned to him- ;!he might w*nt to go now+ b.t *fter * while4 ; ;!he m*y 'h*nge her mind+; he ;9f she does+ we will bring her b*'k- :o. h*)e o.r

word-; As 9 looked *tAdine + 9 re*li7ed 9 h*d no right to m*ke this 'hoi'e for her- 5o one h*d th*t right+ be'*.se no one w*s her+ no one else li)ed her life *nd knew wh*t w*s bestWh*t wo.ld 9 h*)e done if someone told me to sto/ seeing $l*y when we were d*ting8 "hey 'o.ldn1t h*)e told me *nything 9 didn1t *lre*dy know- 91d s/ent ye*rs telling myself th*t $l*y tri'ked me+ de'ei)ed me+ b.t he h*dn1t- 91d seen the w*rning signs *nd 91d worried *bo.t them *nd+ in the end+ 91d de'ided to do wh*t w*s best for me6st*y with him91d s/ent ye*rs de*ling with my 'hoi'e+ *nd the 'onse3.en'es+ *nd went right b*'k to where 91d been- &id th*t m*ke me we*k8 5o- 91d re*li7ed th*t wh*t 9 needed w*sn1t ne'ess*rily wh*t the world tho.ght w*s rightFor me+ this worked+ *nd no one h*d the right to interfere- 5o more th*n 9 h*d the right to interfere withAdine now!o 9 g*)e them my blessing- 9f this w*s the life she 'hose+ if it m*de her h*//y+ th*t w*s wh*t m*ttered959"9A"9O5 "% !%9F" R ALP%A *nd 9 ste//ed from the '*bin+ le*)ing li *nd his f*ther inside withAdine - Reese stood beside the window+ where he h*)e been /eering in- As 9 '*me o.t+ he he*)ed * sigh of relief; )erything ok*y8; he *sked- ;9 w*nted to go inside+ b.t they6; ;91m fine-; ;9 whistled for the others+; he s*id+ *s m.'h to the Al/h* *s to me+ *s if w*rning him- ;!omeone whistled b*'k+ so they1re 'oming-; ;Good+ th*nks-; 9 t.rned to the Al/h* *nd told him th*t 91d t*ken '*re of "ester1s /*'k+ *s /er o.r de*l- 91m he *lre*dy knew+ b.t he listened /olitely- Reese ho)ered *t my elbow+ /l*ying bodyg.*rd+ whi'h wo.ld h*)e been fine e2'e/t for the *wkw*rd gl*n'es he ke/t shooting *t the Al/h*- %e w*s trying so h*rd not to st*re it wo.ld h*)e been better if he1d t*ken * good+ h*rd look *nd gotten it o.t of his system;Reese8 9 think 9 he*r the g.ys 'oming- $*n yo. r.n *nd w*rn them+ so they don1t 'ome b*rreling in+ re*dy for tro.ble8; %e hesit*ted+ g*7e sh.nting *g*in to the Al/h*- ;91m fine+; 9 s*id- ;Go-; And he did+ b.t slowly+ sh.ffling off with /lenty of 'he'ks o)er his sho.lder+ m*king 9 w*sn1t in imminent d*nger of

being de) A week *go+ the g.y r*n e)ery time 9 '*me ne*r- 5ow 9 'o.ldn1t get rid of himAt * noise+ Reese whirled+ fists r*ised- 9t w*s 5o*h+ ro.nding * 'orner in the /*th+ w*lking * few ste/s *he*d of his '*/tor;%e is now+; the Al/h* s*id;%ey there+; 9 s*id5o*h smiled we*kly- Reese /.lled off his glo)e+ e2tended his h*nd *nd introd.'ed himself+ 9 'o.ld see the wheels t.rning in 5o*h1s br*in+ r.nning the n*mes he1d /rob*bly he*rd from &ennis6P*'k n*mes6*nd not re'ogni7ing this one- 9 w*s *bo.t to e2/l*in when he took Reese1s h*nd in *n *wkw*rd sh*ke+ *nd felt the b*nd*ges;Oh+ yo.1re the g.y4 ; 5o*h s*id- ;"r*)is told .s- !*disti' b*st*rd-; Reese g*)e * wry smile- ;:e*h- B.t he1s worse off now th*n 9 *m+ so th*t1s some 'onsol*tion-; %e th.m/ed 5o*h on the b*'k- ; len*1s got some b.siness here+ *nd 9 '*n smell 5i'k 'omingLet1s go see if we '*n sne*k ./ on him-; "error fli'ked *'ross 5o*h1s f*'e- Ob)io.sly he didn1t 'onsider s'*ring the 'r*/ o.t of * senior P*'k member * good w*y to m*ke * first im/ression- 9 sent Reese on his w*y *nd motioned 5o*h o)er+ ste//ing from the Al/h* *nd lowering my )oi'e- "he Al/h* nodded *nd went b*'k into the '*bin;Are yo. ok*y8; 9 *sked%e nodded- ;9 went b*'k for yo.+ b.t they gr*bbed me- 9 tried to fight+ b.t4 ; %is f*'e reddened *nd 9 'o.ld see * br.ise *long his 0*w+ /rob*bly only one of m*ny hidden by the o)ersi7ed /*rk* they1d gi)en him;:o. weren1t the only one who got '*/ And 9 didn1t fight- "ook one look *t them *nd didn1t d*re-; A sho.t to o.r left- 9 gl*n'ed ./ *s $l*y lo/ed the trees+ Reese on his heels- 9 don1t know who looked more worried6$l*y ho/ing 9 w*s ok*y or Reese thinking of how $l*y wo.ld re*'t if 9 w*sn1t; )erything1s good+; 9 '*lled *s 5i'k+ Antonio *nd #org*n 0ogged ./ behind Reese- ;G.ys+ this is 5o*h-; When 5o*h didn1t b.dge+ 9 took his *rm with my h*nd *nd /.lled him forw*rd- 9 'o.ld feel him trembling the/*rk* + *nd the mother in me w*nted to let him h*ng b*'k+ not /.sh too h*rd- B.t the Al/h*(to(be knew how im/ort*nt this w*s- !o 9 only held him ste*dy when it seemed his knees might gi)e w*y-

;"his is 5o*h+; 9 s*id *g*in- ;<oey1s son-; $l*y ste//ed within in'hes of 5o*h+ towering o)er him- 9 'o.ld only im*gine wh*t stories the"eslers h*d told him *bo.t $l*y+ wh*t stories e)en &ennis might h*)e told- 9 '*n only im*gine wh*t f*te 5o*h tho.ght might lie in store for him now+ *fter 0oining the enemy in his misg.ided *ttem/ts to /rote't his f*ther- !o 9 '*n only gi)e him f.ll 'redit for not t.rning t*il+ b.t st*nding firm+ e)en if he w*s sh*king so h*rd his teeth 'h*ttered$l*y1s nostrils fl*red+ t*king in 5o*h1s s'ent *s he s.r)eyed him he*d to foot- When he re*'hed forw*rd+ 5o*h flin'hed+ b.t didn1t f*ll b*'k- $l*y took his *rm *nd drew him o)er to the others;5o*h+ this is Antonio!orrentino 4 ; PA$K "W 5":(FOUR %OUR! LA" R+ 9 w*s still in Al*sk*+ b*'k in those woods+ in * 'le*ring+ w*t'hing the rest of the P*'k /l*y to.'h footb*ll in the snow with the twins- #y br.ised *nd b*ttered body6*nd broken finger6ke/t me sidelined+ b.t 9 w*s en0oying the rest *nd /e*'e"here1d been little rest *nd /e*'e in the l*st d*y- Less th*n $l*y *nd <eremy w*nted for me+ *nyw*y<oey w*s gone- %e h*d ret.rned to the hotelA 9 g*)e him 'redit for th*t- %e1d left * mess*ge with * hotel 'lerk+ s*ying it w*s .rgent *nd $l*y h*d to get it right *w*y- "h*t w*s *bo.t the s*me time th*t <eremy 'on)in'ed someone to w*ke $l*y- "hey g*)e him the note+ whi'h e2/l*ined wh*t h*d h*//ened+ *nd /ro)ided * m*/ to the l*st /l*'e <oey h*d seen me- "hen he *sked for forgi)eness *nd /romised he wo.ldn1t tro.ble .s *g*in- When 5o*h took .s to <oey1s 'ondo+ we fo.nd it em/tyWhile * h*//y ending+ f.ll of forgi)eness *nd mer'y+ wo.ld be wonderf.l+ 9 think this w*s the best sol.tion for *ll- At le*st for now- 9f *nyone rem*ined of the"esler /*'k6some l*'key who h*dn1t 'ome to Al*sk* b.t knew the story6*nd s/re*d the word th*t <oey betr*yed .s *nd $l*y h*d done nothing4 $l*y wo.ld h*)e h*d to m*ke *n e2*m/le of his old friend- #*ybe <oey knew th*t- #*ybe th*t1s why he r*n9 looked o.t *t the field- Log*n w*s *t <eremy1s side *s they tried to get Antonio to /*ss them the b*ll<eremy w*s 'on'erned *bo.t *ny"esler /*'k members still *t l*rge+ so he1d h*d <*ime *nd the twins t*ke the ne2t /l*ne o.t- 91m * long /l*ne ride with toddlers w*sn1t her ide* of he*)en+ b.t she didn1t 'om/l*in- Arri)ing to find th*t <eremy h*d booked her * d*y *t the s/* hel/ed"h*t1s where she w*s now+ <eremy h*)ing s.ggested it+ knowing th*t *n *fternoon in the Al*sk*n wilderness re*lly w*sn1t her ide* of * good timeK*rl w*s here+ too+ with %o/e- "hey were off on the sidelines+ %o/e sitting on * tree st.m/+ le*ning b*'k *g*inst K*rl *s she tried to /ers.*de him to 0oin the g*me- %e1d insisted %o/e 'ome

to Al*sk*+ in '*se we needed her tro.ble(sensing skills- !he w*sn1t entirely 'omfort*ble with th*t+ no m*tter how m*ny times 9 told her she w*s wel'ome%o/e *nd 9 were going to )isit Lynn5yg*rd l*ter- "h*t w*s * 'ont*'t 9 w*nted to kee/+ in '*seAdine de'ided !hifter life w*sn1t for her- After her e2/erien'e+ h*nding her o)er to * /*r*norm*l*st might not seem wise+ b.t *t le*st she1d find s.//ort *nd * sym/*theti' e*r5o one else wo.ld listen to those stories+ *nd Lynn wo.ld be the first to tell her soK*rl fin*lly g*)e in *nd 0oined the g*me+ dr*gging * /rotesting %o/e behind him- %e stole the b*ll- When he /*ssed it to %o/e+ she st*red down *t it+ * tiny sw*llowed by *n o)ersi7ed /*rk*- "hen she noti'ed the h*lf do7en big g.ys be*ring down on her *nd took off r.nning+ b*ll in h*nd5i'k+ Reese *nd 5o*h /.lled * f*st s.rro.nd m*ne.)er- 5i'k got the b*ll+ *nd the three of them r*'ed down the field+ /*ssing it b*'k *nd forth- :es+ it seemed 5o*h w*s st*ying with .sWhisking him o.t of the st*te while on /*role w*s f*r from ide*l+ b.t he 'o.ldn1t e2*'tly go to the *.thorities *nd e2/l*in why he1d broken /*role4 *nd why his newfo.nd f*ther *nd gr*ndf*ther h*d dis*//e*red- !o he1d dis*//e*r+ too+ *nd the *.thorities wo.ld / *ll three h*d gone into the forest *nd met some mysterio.s f*te- O.t here+ there were * lot of mysterio.s f*tes to be met5o*h w*s going home with the!orrentinos - "h*t w*s 5i'k1s ide*- %e 0oked th*t they were o/ening * home for w*yw*rd werewol)es- 9 w*t'hed him+ now h.ddled with two men+ fig.ring o.t * w*y to get the b*ll b*'k- 5i'k h*d re*li7ed th*t h*)ing kids of his own w*sn1t in the /i' b.t he1d still needed something+ still seemed to be looking for * w*y to fill th*t )oid- #*ybe this wo.ld do it!o the P*'k h*d * new member- #*ybe two+ if Reese st*yed- "here w*s e)en the 'h*n'e of * third- #org*n h*d *ro.nd yesterd*y+ hel/ing o.t+ meeting <eremy *nd *sking 3.estions *bo.t the P*'k- %e1d e2/ressed nothing 9 'o.ld inter/ret *s ob)io.s interest+ b.t s*id th*t when he w*s done with his e2/eriment+ he1d 'ome by !yr*'.se for * few beersAt * shriek+ 9 looked o.t to see K*te with the b*ll+ te*ring tow*rd the go*l+ little legs /.m/ing$l*y r*n b*'k./+ sho.ldering 5i'k *nd Reese *side when they tried to get 'lose- 5o*h r*'ed o)er+ gl*n'ed *t $l*y+ then b*'ked off- As Antonio sn.'k ./+ 9 le*ned forw*rd to sho.t * w*rning to K*te- #y ribs /rotested *nd 9 grim*'ed;Are yo. *ll right8; 9 looked down to see Log*n beside me;91m fine+; 9 s*id- ;<.st * little sore-; %e st.died my f*'e+ then nodded- %e st*rted to settle in *t my feet+ re*dy to t*ke ./ the t*sk of kee/ing his in)*lid mother 'om/*ny-

;Go on+; 9 s*id- ;91m fine-; %e 'he'ked my f*'e *g*in+ .n'ert*in;A 0elly do.ghn.t s*ys yo. '*n1t get th*t b*ll from yo.r sister-; Like his f*ther+ Log*n '*n ne)er resist * 'h*llenge- With * grin+ he r*'ed off- K*te w*s *lmost *t the go*l line+ b.t Antonio h*d le*/t into her w*y;K*teB; Log*n sho.ted+ r*'ing tow*rd her%e held his h*nds o.t for the b*ll- !he threw it+ * /it'h(/erfe't toss- %e '*.ght it4 *nd st*rted r.nning tow*rd the other go*l- K*te howled *nd tore *fter him- !o did $l*y+ kee/ing right on his heels *s Log*n1s giggles r*ng o.t+ 'heeks rosy+snow/*nts swishing+ snow flying ./ *ro.nd himAt the l*st se'ond+ he )eered+ r*n b*'k *nd threw the b*ll to his sister- "hey took off+ tossing it b*'k *nd forth *s the *d.lts /retended to try getting it b*'k;!o+; s*id * )oi'e beside me- ;Wh*t do yo. think of yo.r P*'k8; 9 t.rned to <eremy *s he ste//ed ./ beside me;5ot mine yet+; 9 s*id;B.t it will be-; %is d*rk eyes d*n'ed- ;"hink yo.1re ./ to it8; !omeone sho.ted *nd 9 t.rned to look *t them *ll+ /l*ying in the field9 smiled- ;5ot yet- B.t 91m working on it-;

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