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BULLETIN OUTLINE Easter in Black & White 1 Corinthians 15 04.19-20.

14 Tom Oyler, Lead Pastor Christianity is either totally fake or absolutely true. Life is either superficially futile or deeply meaningful. We are either disturbingly alone or profoundly indwelt. LOOKING BACK Easter in Black & White

1 Corinthians 15

There is nothing like the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is absolutely unique in history, and it defines reality in terms of black and white. This can be offensive or freeing. Christianly is, by definition, a divisive faith. Its claims are so radical that one must come down on one side or the other. If you are a believer, rejoice in the reality that you are on the solid ground of truth, that you have a real reason to live, and that you are wonderfully indwelt by the living Christ. If you are not sure where you are in relationship to Christ, please use this time of year to find out. Check out our 5 Things group beginning next Sunday or email Larry at

Thinking It Through

The simplest meaning of Easter is that we are living in a world in which God has the last word. ~Unknown The resurrection never becomes a fact of experience until the risen Christ lives in the heart of the believer. ~Peter Marshall The resurrection could not have been maintained in Jerusalem of a single day, for a single hour, if the emptiness of the tomb had not been an established fact for all concerned. ~Paul Althaus
Working it Out 1. What struck you with the Easter experience at GFC- and why? 2. What is your story/history regarding the resurrection of Jesus? 3. Which part of what you have learned can you see yourself sharing with someone else?

LOOKING AHEAD I Have a Friend WhoThinks All Religions Are the Same

Acts 17:16-34

Recently I overheard this snippet from a conversation at a social gathering: How could anyone be so arrogant as to think there is just one right way to God? That is narrow-minded, dangerous thinking. How would you respond in a conversation like that? Given current cultural trends, theres a good chance you have been in that kind of conversation. Did you feel threatened or insecure? Did you become defensive or insulted? Or were you able to respond in a graceful way that invited conversation and pointed to Christ? Looking It Up Why do you think so many people today are uncomfortable with the idea of exclusive truth? If you were to summarize what you think is unique about the Christian faith, what would you say? Read Acts 17:16-34. What was the spiritual context in Athens that Paul observed? How is this similar or different from the context that you live in? How would you summarize Pauls primary strategy in engaging the philosophers of Athens? How did he relate to their context? Which parts of the truth of the Biblical story did he focus on? The responses of the thought-leaders in Athens to Pauls message could be divided into three categories. What were they? How have you seen people in our context respond in similar ways? Who do you know that needs prayer to believe in the truth of the Gospel message? Take a few minutes to pray for them right now.

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