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DATE:_______________ PERIOD:________

Famous Physicists in History (150 Points) Instructions: You will be doing a project on the famous Physicists who have affected our chemistry of today. You will help to educate each other on what each Physicist did and what their experiments were they performed. You will write a presentation and paper on the Physicist you are assigned to write about. The breakdown of the points are as follows: 50 Points for Paper 50 Points for Presentation 50 Points for Successfully filling out summary sheet

The paper guidelines are as follows: 12 Font in Times New Roman Double Space 1 Margins around all sides of paper Minimum of 2 pages Accurately depicts the person in place of residence, time they lived, college, contribution to chemistry, and any other related facts. An example is on the back of this page. If you do the paper well, it will help you with the presentation. The guidelines for the presentation are attached to this sheet. The rubric you will see is worth 50 points. The summary sheet will be handed out with the presentations. Each of these will go in as a different grade in the grade book. Your Paper is DUE the last day of presentations. You will hand in your paper with your summary sheet, you presentation grade will already be done. You will have to check the Grade book on the website to find how you did! Here is a list of some famous physicists: Albert Einstein Erwin Schrdinger Amadeo Avogadro Francis Crick Archimedes Galileo Galilei Aristotle Georg Ohm Arno A. Penzias Heinrich Hertz Benjamin Franklin Henry Cavendish Blaise Pascal James Prescott Joule Charles K. Kao James Watson Christian Doppler James Watt Daniel Bernoulli Lord Kelvin Ernest Walton Ludvig Faddeev

Maurice Wilkins Nikola Tesla Peter Higgs Robert Hooke Robert Millikan Sidney D. Drell Sir Isaac Newton Stephen Hawking Stephen Wolfram Werner Heisenberg Wolfgang Pauli

NAME:______________________________ Example of Paper:

DATE:_______________ PERIOD:________

Your Name Class Name Teacher Name Date Title of Paper You will indent once for each paragraph. Make sure that you double space once you start typing the paper. The name and class name information in the top left should all be single space. Once you get to your title, then you will switch to double space following that. If it says that your paper is a minimum of two pages, then the content in the paper must be two pages. You cannot take a short-cut by adding your sources at the bottom of the second page to make your paper two pages that way. Your sources must be on a separate page, even if you used only one. Make sure to list your sources so you give credit to the right people! Any questions, please ask!

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