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School year: 2013/2014 Date: Subject: English language Lesson plan: 25 Class: III (the third year of primary

school and the second year of learning English language) Class time: 45 minutes Teacher: Edita Rizvanovi Teaching unit: Fun facts: People
Extending and consolidating vocabulary parts of the body

Type of lesson: Revision of learnt and presentation of new material Sources: English Adventure 1 students book and activity book, English Adventure 1 teacher's book Aims and goals:
-to revise vocabulary: School objects, parts of the face, colours, numbers and learnt language structures by acting out a dialogue; playing a class game -to introduce and practice new words related to vocabulary parts of the body by listening and reading a story -to consolidate learnt words and language structures by reading and matching and describing a friend

Teaching methods:
- conversation - writing/colouring - questions-answers -game -dramatization -audio-lingual

Class management:
Frontal work Individual work Pair work/group work

Correlation with other school subjects: Correlation with material from Maths (1st year)-Numbers 1-20;
Social studies (1st year) - My Body; Bosnian language: extending basic vocabulary; Fine Arts-drawing and colouring of objects flashcards and a poster related to the topic, blackboard, chalk, notebooks, a bag, a mask

Teaching aids, materials and equipment: English Adventure 1 students books and activity books, Procedure: Introductory part, main part and final part

Additional plan: Students may play the class game How many fingers? in order to practise vocabulary
numbers, as well as asking and answering questions related to quantity.

SCHEME OF THE LESSON DEVELOPMENT Introductory part: (app. 5 minutes)

Teacher greets students and writes the lesson into the class book. Teacher explains to students that they are going to play a class game in order to revise vocabulary learnt so far. Teacher gives detailed explanation for playing the game and plays it with students. Teacher invites six students to present themselves to the rest of the class, using learnt language structures.

Main part: (app. 30 minutes)

Teacher invites two students to describe themselves to the rest of the class, as well as to describe each other, using learnt structures and verb have got. Teacher draws a funny person on the board, with no hair, big ears, long arms, short legs, and wheels instead of feet. Teacher encourages students to tell whats wrong with the picture. Teacher reminds the class about the title of the unit and encourages them to tell what it means. Teacher asks students to open their books on p 25 and look at the pictures given there. Teacher informs students that he/she is going to mention details from the photos and that they should point to one of the photos which the details belong to. Teacher invites students to tell what other details from the photos could be mentioned. Teacher provides the translation for words like curly hear etc. Teacher asks different students to read sentences that are given in exercise 10 and invites the rest of the class to point to correct picture. Teacher explains to students that she/he is going to describe one of his/her friends and that its another teacher in the school and that their task is to guess who it is. Teacher invites two students to come in front and describe their friends. Teacher divides the class into pairs and asks students to do exercise 11, e.g. to describe a friend. While students do their task teacher moves round the class and monitors their work, giving help if needed.

Final part: (app. 10 minutes)

Teacher puts the pupils in groups of six and gives each child a number from 1 to 6. Teacher informs students that they are going to draw a person together in a manner that he/she is going to call certain number, for example 4 that has to draw two long arms etc.

Teacher asks the groups to show their drawing to each other and to try to describe it in three sentences. Teacher asks students how well they feel theyve worked in this unit and to colour the adequ ate mark in their activity books that are given on p 25. Teacher plays the recording 30 and encourages students to join in miming the actions and pointing to adequate body part.

Homework: Students should do exercises 11 and 12 given in their activity books in order to practise the use of learnt words.

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