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Communication purpose: Talking about what you do at work. Activity 1: Match the column on the right with the one on the left. Find a sentence on the right column where Paul 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) says what his occupation is. says how long he has worked in the company. describes one of the rules at work. says something he did last night. describes one of his responsibilities at work. describes one of his important possessions. describes one of his hobbies. says why he hasnt changed his old car yet. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) I have yoga lessons twice a week. ) I have to wear formal clothes to work. ) I dont have a lot of money now. ) I had dinner with some clients. ) Ive got a job as a marketing supervisor. ) I have a small family that I really love. ) Ive worked here for 9 years. ) I have to plan marketing campaigns.

Activity 2A: Classify the sentences. Write A for everyday activities, E for experiences, O for obligations at work, and P for possessions.
a) __ Ive a got a tablet to work. b) __ I have to report my results. c) __ I have a shower at 7 oclock. d) __ I have an amazing family. e) __ Ive studied Arts for 8 years. f) __ I have to work 8 hours a day. g) __ I have French lessons. h) __ Ive worked with education. i) __ I have to make calls every day.

Activity 2B: Complete the answers below with 7 sentences from activity 2A. 1. What do you do? Ive got a job as a sales manager. 2. Is your routine busy? Its quite busy. I wake up, ______ and go to work. 3. How many hours do you work? ______, but I sometimes work for more than 10. 4. Are there any special rules? I have autonomy there, but ______ every Friday. 5. Do you have any special training? Weve got clients in France, so ______. 6. Do you have experience in another area? Well, ______. I wanted to be an Arts teacher. 7. What dont you like about this present job? ______. Thats really stressful and boring. 8. Would you say you are a happy person? Sure. I like my job and ______.

Activity 3: Use each word twice to complete both dialogues.

to got ve as what a have for

DIALOGUE 01 A: 1)_____s your job? B: I work 2)_____ a manager in 3)_____ small factory. A: How long have you worked in this factory? B: I 4)_____ worked there 5)_____ more than 12 years. A: Are there any special rules? B: Yes, there are. I have 6)_____ start early every day and I also 7)_____ to present results to my boss. A: Do you have any special training? B: Ive 8)____ interpersonal skills training once a year.

DIALOGUE 02 A: 9)_____ do you do? B: Ive got a job as an Arts teacher. A: How long have you worked 10)_____ a teacher? B: I11)_____ been a teacher 12)_____ 8 years. A: Are there any special rules? B: Definitely. I 13)_____ to be punctual and I have 14)_____ dress well too. A: Have you 15)_____ any special training? B: I have teaching training twice 16)_____ year.

Tip: HAVE and HAVE GOT have the same meaning when we talk about possessions (eg I have a car / Ive got a car). In British English, HAVE GOT is less formal and more common than HAVE.


Communication purpose: Talking about responsibilities at work. Activity 1: Read the sentences and choose the correct explanation. 1. You can wear jeans on Fridays.
a) Wearing jeans on Fridays is possible. b) Wearing jeans on Friday is obligatory. b) Checking personal email messages isnt allowed. b) Wearing a uniform every day is possible. b) Working in the office isnt allowed. b) Starting work on time is obligatory. b) Downloading personal files is prohibited.

2. You cant check personal email messages at work.

a) Checking personal email messages isnt necessary.

3. You have to wear a uniform every day.

a) Wearing a uniform every day is obligatory.

4. You dont have to work in the office.

a) Working in the office is optional.

5. You must start work on time.

a) Starting work on time isnt necessary.

6. You mustnt download personal files at work.

a) Downloading personal files is obligatory.

Activity 2: Use the information in the table to complete the sentences. Its necessary to change the verb form. Look at the example given.
Wearing jeans on Fridays

Smoking in the office

Reading and answering emails every day

Wearing a tie

Turning off the lights when leaving a room

Making personal phone calls

wear a tie a) I normally wear formal clothes here, but we dont have to ________________________. b) I can ________________________, but some people prefer working with a suit every day.
c) We have to ________________________. Its the companys policy to promote sustainable practices. d) People must _______________________. Its the mail tool of communication in this organisation. e) Be careful! We cant ________________________. If you want to, you have to use your own mobile at break. f) We mustnt ________________________. Unfortunately, some people break this law.

Activity 3A: Fill in the texts with the words in the boxes.

Activity 3B: Complete the sentences with to or nothing (-). Try not to look at activity 3A. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) I can ___ - make phone calls. (eg 1) to work early. (eg 2) I dont have ___ I must ___ wear black shoes. I mustnt ___ smoke in the office. I cant ___ drink while working. I have ___ work 8 hours a day. I can ___ have a day off once a week. I must ___ be punctual. I dont have ___ work in the office. I cant ___ send text messages. I have ___ a nice job. I must ___ speak nicely to clients.

Im a secretary in a multinational company. I start work at 8 oclock and I 1)______ to arrive on time. My job is really tiring and we also 2)______ to work on Sundays. Well, I 3)______ have a day off during the week, but I 4)______ communicate my boss in advance. I always wear a suit to work, but we have a dressdown Friday, so we 5)___ to wear formal clothes this day. To be honest, I dont like to work here. There are lots of rules. The company is modern, but we 6)______ wear casual clothes. My boss told me I 7)______ wear black shoes to work. Why black? I dont know. Plus, I 8)______ drink coffee while working, just water. We 9)______ to work on Saturdays, but he asks me to come anyway. I want to find another job as soon as possible.




Communication purpose: Talking about different ways to relax. Activity 1: Read the sentences and complete the words. a) b) c) d)
ay We always p_l _ _ chess when I visit my grandpa. I enjoy to c_ _ _ with friends on the phone. Do you usually r_ _ _ a book in bed before sleep? She c _ _ _ _ dinner for her friends on Saturdays.

e) f) g) h)

When I get home, I normally w_ _ _ _ the news. As I a child I used to c_ _ _ _ _ _ stamps. To keep fit you need to d_ exercise. On Fridays, I love to g_ f_ _ a drink with friends.

Activity 2: Use the verbs from activity 1 to form the phrases below. a) b) c) d) _________ by instant messenger. _________ TV _________ a walk play _________ board games e) f) g) h) _________ coins _________ the newspaper _________ the homework _________ a meal

Activity 3: Add extra words to form sentences. Follow the model. a) Watch TV / evening / relaxing
Watch ing TV in the evening is relaxing. ______________________________________________

e) Collect / coins / interesting


b) Cook / friends / good


f) Go for / a walk / morning / tiring


c) Do exercise / park / healthy


g) Read / romantic books / not enjoyable


d) Play / volleyball / beach / not boring


h) Chat / friends / phone / nice


Activity 4: Look at the table and the examples. Write sentences according to the symbol.

I like studying English. a) I / watch / films / afternoon

I dont like studying English.

I enjoy studying English.

(F) - FIND
I find studying English nice.

e) He / go for a drink / friends / Fridays



b) They / go to parties / Saturday night


f) Theo / read / books


c) I / cook / Japanese food / interesting (F)


g) I / volleyball / exciting (F)


d) We / play volleyball / beach


h) I / chat / friends / phone


Activity 5: Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences below. Follow the model. a) I dont enjoy play alone. playing b) I find basketball very interested. c) I like watching TV on the morning. d) My wife love reading books. e) We cook together twice for week. f) She likes chat on the phone.

g) He goes to bars in Fridays. h) This game is very relaxed. i) I feel exciting when I do exercises. j) How about play football tomorrow? k) That sound good! l) Would you like to going for a walk on Friday?



Communication purpose: Sharing travelling experiences (with colleagues). Activity 1: Some people like travelling with friends or family, but some prefer travelling alone. Complete the sentences with: with friends or alone. See the example given. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) alone I can eat what I want, and I can go anywhere and anytime I wish when I travel ______________ . Last time I went on a trip, I got sick, but I was ______________ and they helped me a lot. I like travelling ______________. Thats why I usually take photos of myself. People say we can meet more people and feel more adventurous when travelling ______________. We tend to feel less relaxed when travelling ______________. Everybody wants to do different things. Last time I travelled ______________, we didnt do many things, but we had fun talking about the old days. Some people say that travellers who travel ______________ are lonely and unsociable people. I disagree.

Activity 2: Fernando, a Brazilian artist, is in a job interview. Match the questions to the answers.
a) b) c) d) e) Have you ever been abroad? Where have you been to recently? Do you enjoy travelling on your own? How many trips have you taken alone? How have these experiences helped you in your personal or professional life? f) What other country would like to go to? g) What place do you strongly recommend? h) Can you tell me a memorable experience? 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 6. ( 7. ( 8. ( ) Definitely. I love travelling alone. ) Ive always liked Africa and I hope to visit Uganda. ) China is fabulous. Everyone should go there. ) Its hard to count. Ive taken lots of trips on my own. ) Yes, I have. ) Visiting the Coliseum has surprised me. I cant forget it. ) Well, Ive been to Parati. I went there 2 weeks ago. ) Being in touch with other cultures has given me a new perspective in life. I believe Im more resilient now.

Activity 3A: Complete the sentences with HAVE or HAS. a) I _____ been to the US recently. But I _____ never been to Canada. It must be beautiful.

b) My sons _____ taken their first trip overseas and everything _____ surprised them.

c) This experience ______ given me the opportunity to practise the language.


d) They _____ always enjoyed playing extreme sports, thats why they _____ gone to New Zealand.

e) Travelling alone _____ been exciting and comfortable to me, but my sisters _____ never liked it.

Activity 3B: Rewrite the sentences in activity 3A using contractions (have = ve / has = s) when possible. Activity 4: Choose the correct option. 1) Travelling alone has ______ me lots of experience. 2) Ive ______ to China and a few other Asian countries. 3) Since I was 18 Ive ______ more than ten overseas trips. 4) Ive always ______ to be close to nature. 5) Travelling with friends has always ______ comfortable. 6) Tokyo has ______ me a lot. Its wonderful.

a) give a) go a) took a) liked a) done a) given

b) got b) been b) taken b) been b) been b) done

c) given c) was c) take c) did c) played c) surprised



Communication purpose: Sharing your work experience with a new boss. Activity 1: You have a new boss (NBO) and he wants to know a little about your experience at work. First, complete the sentences with the words in the box. After that, put the sentences in the correct order to form the conversation. See the example given.
department for did thats learnt from was have than responsible in Ive ago long

a) YOU: Well, _________ worked here for more _________ ten years. b) NBO: Ok. And now youre _________ for sales, arent you? c) YOU: Well, I moved to the marketing department two years _________. d) YOU: Ive lived here _________ thirty years. e) NBO: Wow! Thats a lot of time. How long _________ you worked in this company? f) YOU: Yes, _________ right. g) YOU: Yes. I _______ in the human resources department before. I _______ many things there.

01) h 02) 03) 04) d 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) b 10) 11) 12) c

in h) NBO: Do you live _________ So Paulo?

i) NBO: When _________ you move to the marketing department? j) NBO: Ten? Thats quite a long time, too. And have you ever been in a different _________ here? k) NBO: How _________ have you lived here? l) YOU: Yes, I do. But Im _________ Porto Alegre.

Activity 2A: Read the sentences and match them with the explanations below.
Sentence 1: Ive worked in this company for more than 10 years. Sentence 2: I worked in this company for many years, but I left it in 2001. It was nice to work there. Sentence 3: Ive learned many things in that department, but now Im responsible for sales only. Sentence 4: When I was at that company, ten years ago, I learned a lot of things for the sales department.
a) In sentence ___, the person still works in the company. The main idea of the sentence is to show how long this person has been working in this place until the present moment. b) In sentence ___, the person doesnt work in the company anymore and wants to show some experience that he/she gained. The person mentions a specific time to describe when the event happened. c) In sentence ___, the person still works in the company and wants to show some experience that he/she has gained. But this person doesnt mention exactly when the event has happened. d) In sentence ___, the person doesnt work in the company anymore and mentions a specific time to describe when the event happened (when he/she stopped working there).

Activity 2B: Read the sentences in activity 2A again and choose the correct alternative.
Sentences 1 and 3 focus on: Sentences 2 and 4 focus on: a) when the event happened (time) a) when the event happened (time) b) what happened (experience) b) what happened (experience)

Activity 3: Taking the activity 2 into consideration, circle the best option.
a) I worked / ve worked here three years ago. b) I ve studied / studied English for a long time. c) She created / s created many things when she was a teen. d) I was / ve been in this department for three years. e) We ve lived / lived in Floripa since we were kids. f) They did / ve done many things in their career. g) I learned / ve learned how to drive at the age of 19. h) He lived / s lived in Manaus fifteen years ago.

Tip: When we speak, we tend to use contractions. See the examples: I have worked > Ive worked / She has lived > Shes lived. If you practise your speaking using contractions, you may improve your listening skills as well.


Communication purpose: Taking turns in conversations. Activity 1: You are in a meeting and you want to ask questions and participate. Use the words in the boxes to form polite questions. See the example given. MAY









E.g. Can I ask you a question?

Activity 2: Complete the dialogues with the words and phrases in the boxes.
too busy All right for coming I disagree with should we just ask Sorry, but exactly

my opinion Can I add Well, maybe but right we should ahead view a lot of

A: I just want to thank you all 1)________ B: Excuse me. Can I 2)________ you a question? A: 3)________ I dont think theres time. B: Ill be quick. A: 4)________ then! B: When 5)________ start working on this project? A: I dont know 6)________. Why? B: I believe weve been 7)________ this month and it will be quite impossible to handle this. C: Sorry, but 8)________ you. I believe this is a question of time management.
on the dont think who are believe Of course something here of agree depends on

A: I think 9)________ plan a different marketing campaign for this new product. B: 10)________ this project isnt really new. A: Do you think so? In 11)________, it is so different from the old version that I consider it brand new. B: Youre 12)________. However, we have to invest 13)________ money in a new campaign. C: 14)________ one thing? B: Go 15)________! C: In my 16)________, it isnt necessary to change

should start Would that Yes Excuse I add that No problem

think we thanks for


A: I 17)________ its easy for young people to get their first job. B: It 18)________ how much you dedicate yourself to entering the job market. A: I sort 19)________, but some managers 20)________ young people arent responsible. B: Again, it all depends 21)________ person. C: Can I say 22)________? B: 23)________. Go ahead! C: Ive got two kids 24)________ totally different from each other and both have found it difficult

A: Well, I 25)________ should stop now and continue next week. B: 26)________ me. Can 27)________ next week we have to start the meeting earlier? A: 28)________, Mr. Morrison. Thats true. B: As we have the online meeting with the other branches at 11 am, we 29)________ our next session at 9am. 30)________ be OK for you? C: Fine! D: 31)________! A: Mr. Morrison, 32)________ reminding me.

Tip: Turn-taking strategies are very useful in everyday conversations, especially in formal situations. This is a good way of interacting politely with other people. Next time you watch a film, pay attention to how the characters interact when they are talking.


Communication purpose: Writing a CV. Activity 1: Pedro wants to get a job in an English-speaking country. Help him complete his CV by putting the words and numbers in the correct place. CURRICULUM VITAE: Pedro Diaz Email a)_______________: Date of birth: 30-01-b)_______________ Education and c)________________ 1998-2000 Cervantes College, Granada, Spain General Secondary Education Certificate Average score: d)_______________ 2000-2004 Business & Finance University, Madrid, e)_______________ B.Sc. in Human f)_______________ Management GPA Score: 88,5 (Evaluation: Good) Work g)________________ 2003-2005 La Plata Droguerias: office h)_______________ 2005-Present El corte gallego: Human resources analyst Skills English: i)_______________ French: intermediate IT literate (Windows, Word, Excel, Linux) Current Spanish j)_______________ licence Interests Sports, k)_______________ and gastronomy Referees Mr Hijosa, Senior manager, La Plata Droguerias Mrs Soto, l)__________ of human resources department, El corte gallego
*This CV is adapted from Global CB Elementary p.64 - Reading

Activity 2: Choose the correct alternative.

1. Granada and Spain are 2. B.Sc. stands for 3. GPA stands for 4. IT stands for 5. Human resources analyst is 6. Mrs is the abbreviation of a) city and state a) Bachelor of science a) Great point annual a) Instructions a) a department a) mister b) country and state b) Bachelor senior b) Grade point average b) Information test b) a position b) miss c) city and country c) British science c) General participation c) Information technology c) a companys name c) mistress

Tip: On many occasions the CV is the first way of promoting yourself. So, when writing yours, its important to be straightforward, neat and clean. Write what is really necessary and relevant to the position you are applying for; and after writing your curriculum vitae, read it carefully and correct possible mistakes.


Communication purpose: Comparing and contrasting peoples habits / lifestyles. Activity 1A: Complete each pair of sentence with the same adjective. See the example given.
1 2 3 4 Russia is really ______ cold in winter. Id like to change my soup. I believe its ______. cold Lets take the elevator. This building is very ______. Oh my! The Big Ben is very ______ and beautiful. Im so sleepy. This lesson is very ______. Lets see another film. I find horror movies very ______. This exercise is very ______. I did it in 5 minutes. To me, the test was ______. I think I got a good mark. Maria is a ______ girl. Shes only 15 years old. Paulos 36 years old, but he still looks ______. My diet isnt very ______. I love eating crisps. My doctor said I should eat ______ food. Rio de Janeiro is very ______. Its almost forty degrees. I like to go to the beach on ______ days. My tablet is really ______. Its the newest version! Yesterday I saw a ______ art exhibition. 8 7 6 5

Activity 1B: Use the adjectives in activity 1A to make comparisons with more or + er. Look at the model.
1. London / Rio de Janeiro 2. The Empire State / the Eifel Tower 3. History lessons / watching films 4. Speaking Spanish / speaking Russian 5. Paulos mother / my mother 6. Orange juice / soda 7. So Paulo / London 8. Mp3 players / cassette players London is colder than Rio de Janeiro. ________________________________________________________________.
________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________.

Activity 2: Put the words in the correct order to form the sentences.
1) I / slimmer / was / child / when / I / to / a / used / be 2) crowded / Paulista Avenue / more / pm / 6 / around / is / at 3) living / nicer / in / Rio de Janeiro / is / living / in / So Paulo / than 4) friendlier / north / much / people / are / the / in 5) city / better / its / to / certainly / live / in / this 6) is / than / a / richer / lot / me / Eike Batista 7) the / apartments / past / bigger / be / in / much / used / to 8) interesting / ones / films / were / old / than / more / new
________________________________________. ________________________________________. ________________________________________. ________________________________________. ________________________________________. ________________________________________. ________________________________________. ________________________________________.

Activity 3: Rewrite the sentences and correct the mistakes. Theres one mistake in each sentence.
1) To me, Brazil is more good than Portugal.

6) I think this is film is more funny.


2) Houses is more comfortable than flats.


7) Where I was a child my hair used to be longer.


3) My son used to be fatter when he is a child.


8) My sister are much happier now.


4) People are lot friendlier here.


9) This beach is more clean now.


5) This book is interestinger than this one.


10) Living here is much excitinger.




Communication purpose: Comparing and contrasting peoples jobs and workplaces. Activity 1: Use the words below and make comparisons with more or + er. See the example given.
1) Studying Greek / difficult / studying Spanish
Studying Greek is more difficult than studying Spanish. ______________________________________________

5) Films / interesting / books. ______________________________________________ 6) Tablets / modern / laptop computers. ______________________________________________ 7) Being a doctor / stressful / being an engineer. ______________________________________________ 8) Working in groups / easy / working alone. ______________________________________________

2) Paran / much cold/ Bahia. ______________________________________________ 3) My city / beautiful / yours. ______________________________________________ 4) So Paulo / a lot big / Piracicaba. ______________________________________________

Activity 2: Match the sentence halves. Match each part on the left with two parts on the right, forming meaningful sentences. See the example given.
Working in a hospital is as tiring as . Driving a car is much less stressful ..

( e ) I thought when I was younger. Im happy about my job. (a) ( ) when Im in the company. Its easier to focus there. (b) ( ) than flying an airplane. (c) ( ) working in an office. I can concentrate a lot more here. (d) ( ) working in a shopping mall. I still get home exhausted. (e) ( ) working at the patients home. I work long hours anyway. (f) ( ) when the traffic isnt very congested. (g) ( ) many people believe. Its a wonderful career. (h)

Working from home isnt as productive as

Being a teacher isnt as bad as

Activity 3: Read the sentences and choose the alternative that is closest in meaning. 1) Being a teacher isnt as bad as many people believe.
a) Being a teacher is better than people think. b) Being a teacher is worse than people think. b) Flying an airplane is more stressful than driving a car. b) Being an engineer isnt as hard as being a doctor. b) I think I get better results at home. b) Dark chocolate is as unhealthy as some people believe.

2) Driving a car is much less stressful than flying an airplane.

a) Flying an airplane is as stressful as driving a car.

3) Being in a doctor is harder than being an engineer.

a) Being an engineer is as hard as being a doctor. a) I think work in the office is more productive.

4) To me, working from home isnt as productive as working in an office. 5) Dark chocolate is healthier than some people believe.
a) Dark chocolate isnt as unhealthy as some people believe.

Activity 4: Complete the dialogue with the words on the right.

A: How much do you enjoy 1)______ job? B: I love 2)______ an actor. Im usually 3)______ when Im working. A: Do you think it is hard to be 4)______ actor? think opinion being




B: Well, it isnt 5)______ easy as some people 6)______. I work long hours every day. A: In your 7)______, why do people tend to give up on this career? happier B: To me, its a lot more 8)______ to find a good job opportunity in this 9)______.



Tip: In case you find time to do some reading, heres an interesting article:


Communication purpose: Comparing ideas about career development. Activity 1A: Complete each question with an appropriate word.
1) ___ you study anything to develop your career? 2) What ___ your job? 3) ___ you think about your personal development? 4) What ___ your plans for the future? 5) What ___ you do in this department? 6) Would you like ___ live in any place in particular?

Activity 1B: Complete the dialogues with the questions in activity 1A.
A: (a)____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B: Im a graphic designer. I work for the MKT department. A: (b)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B: Well, Im responsible for designing the brochures, banners and all material for advertisements. A: (c)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B: I go on lots of specific designing software courses. I often read specialised magazines, too. A: (d)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B: Yes, I do. A good work/life balance is important for me. I like to play sports and I often study foreign languages. A: (e)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B: Im planning to do an MBA and I also hope to work abroad for six months. A: (f)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B: Well, Id really like to live in New York city.

Activity 2: Complete the sentences by putting the words in the correct place. 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10)
good working conditions a good salary very important for me. I go on lots workshops, conferences and Im planning do an MBA. Im accountant I work a bank in Brazil. you plan your future carefully or do just let it go? what you like in your free time? good working conditions and satisfaction are the important things for me. do you your personal development? I to become manager soon and Im planning work for the human resources department. my wife is businesswoman and Im a publicist, we plan to start up agency in the city centre. Ive got a job a journalist, but Im a professor university.
are / and of / to an / for/ and you / do doing / do most / job about / think to / hope / a an / a / so as / also / at

Activity 3: Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. Use contractions.

1) I work for a bank.

5) Shes a nurse in an important hospital


2) Ive got a job as a nurse.


6) Ive lived here for a long time.


3) Im planning to travel to the US next year.


7) I can speak foreign languages.


4) I have a small company.


8) I often read specialised magazines.





Communication purpose: Deciding on the best gadgets to buy. Activity 1A: Complete the sentences with the words and phrases on the right.
1) When I go running, I always put on comfortable __________ to listen to music. 2) I cant believe I lost my 32 GB __________. It had a lot of documents and photos. 3) Its a lot more comfortable to type things in this __________. 4) Wow! This computer __________ is so big. I can also see films in my PC now. 5) I prefer __________ computers to desktop ones. Everywhere I go I can carry them with me. 6) I usually send __________. Making mobile phone calls in my country is so expensive. laptop keyboard headphones text messages memory stick screen

Activity 1B: Choose the correct alternative.

1) Oh my! This is the most big / biggest laptop computer Ive ever seen in the market. The design is fantastic! 2) This is the most comfortable / comfortablest keyboard Ive ever used. 3) These are the most good / best headphones Ive ever bought. They dont hurt my ears. 4) Sending text messages is the most practical / practicalest way of inviting friends to go out. 5) Look at that memory stick! Its the most small / smallest in this shop. I think Ill buy it. 6) This tablet has the most modern / modernest screen, but I think its too small.

Activity 2: Complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. After that, match the questions with the answers on the right.
1) Do you think this is __________ (beautiful) smart phone? 2) Whats __________ (high) price you would pay for a mobile? 3) Which tablet has ___________ (fast) processor? 4) In your opinion, which mobile phone here is the __________ (ugly)? 5) Whats __________ (good) MP3 player youve ever had? 6) Which of these memory sticks has __________ (large) memory capacity? 7) Are these headphones __________ (comfortable) ones? a) Oh, I think this one looks awful. b) Well, this one can hold up to 16 GB. c) Yes, it is. Definitely! d) Yes, they are. I love them. e) This one. It works really quickly. f) Well, Ive never heard about that.

g) Not more than 150 dollars. 8) Is it true that __________ (expensive) PC in the market costs over $15,000? h) Ive never had one.

Activity 3: Circle the correct alternative.

DIALOGUE 01 A: Can you help me buy a tablet? B: Of course. Lets have a look at this website. I think this is the 1) better / best place to go online shopping. A: Yeah, thats true. My brother said that it has the 2) lower / lowest prices as well. B: Not always Oh, Look at this tablet! A: Wow! Its awesome. I love it, but its very expensive. I want to buy a 3) cheaper / cheapest one. B: All right, then Look! This one is not the 4) better / best tablet in the market, but it has a 5) better / best price than the other, and I think its good anyway. A: I dont know, I want a 6) bigger / biggest one. B: Well, lets look for others

DIALOGUE 02 A: Can I help you, sir? B: Yes, please. Im looking for a new mobile. A: Let me show you this brand new model. B: It looks good, but I want a 7) smaller / smallest one. A: OK. Just a sec Look at this one. Its small and its one of the 8) better / best mobile phones in the market. A: I guess it has one of the 9) higher / highest prices B: Not really, there are 10) more expensive / most expensive ones in the store. But this is on sale. A: How much it it? B: Its much 11) cheaper / cheapest now. Its 170 dollars. A: That sounds nice. B: Youll find 12) higher / highest prices in other shops.



Communication purpose: Writing the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. Activity 1: Match the synonyms. 1) Plus 2) But 3) First of all 4) Finally 5) So 6) After that a) Lastly b) Firstly c) Thus d) However e) And then f) In addition
Words such as lastly and so are called LINKERS. We use linkers to join two or more sentences. When using linkers, your text becomes more organised and the readers may understand better the message.

Activity 2: Circle the correct alternative.

1) I enjoy going to the cinema. However, / Finally, I usually see films at home. 2) Firstly, I believe that working from home isnt as so productive as working in the office. Secondly, / Second, I prefer to talk to my colleagues in person. 3) I fancy almost all types of music. But when I was young I didnt use to listen to some genres of music, such as / as classical music, tango and Gregorian chant. 4) A: How do you prepare caipirinha? B: First of all, / Firstly of all, you should cut the lime in four pieces. After that, you need to mash the lime and the sugar in a glass. Pour some cachaa and ice. However, / Finally, its important to shake it for some seconds. Its really easy to make it. 5) We all love Spanish cuisine. They eat lots of sea food such as / as well as cheese there. 6) Travelling alone gives you more opportunities to meet people. In addition, / Secondly, you can visit any place you want anytime you prefer when travelling on your own. 7) This mobile has the fastest processor and the camera is really good. Plus / Another good aspect is the price, which its much lower this week. 8) London has lots of interesting places to visit. Plus, / Another, the temperature is good at this time of the year.

Activity 3: Read a text about the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Complete it with the words in the box.
finally firstly addition however such as first conclusion another well as

The internet has revolutionized peoples lives all over the world. People use the internet every day for their studies, to contact friends and family, and for pleasure. It has turned the world into a global village. Using the internet has many advantages. 1)_________ of all, you can send instant messages and contact people all over the world by email and in chat rooms. In 2)_________, you can access huge amounts of useful information for your studies or for research. 3)_________ important advantage is that you can download games, music, videos, films and other software, often for free.

there are also certain disadvantages in using the internet. 5)_________, it can be dangerous to put

personal information, 6)_________credit cards details, online. Secondly, the internet is a good environment for hackers, who spread viruses as 7)_________ spy ware. 8)_________, there are some websites that are unsuitable for children. In

despite the disadvantages, the internet brings huge benefits to our lives. It is hard nowadays to

imagine a world without the internet.



Communication purpose: Finding out similarities and differences with people you know. Activity 1: Circle the correct alternative.
1) Im from Britain / British. 2) I dont have / havent any children. 3) My mother can / can to drive very well. 4) They met / meet their friends two weeks ago. 5) I have been / been to Spain. Its a lovely place. 6) My sister is going / go to a conference tomorrow. 7) Mikes an engineer and his / your wife is a teacher. 8) Paul doesnt like seeing / see horror films.

Activity 2: Match the sentences on the left with the responses on the right.
1) Im from Minas Gerais. 2) I can speak Italian. 3) Im so excited about the party. 4) I play tennis twice a week. 5) I cant ride a motorbike. 6) I love reading books in English to practise. 7) I went to a bar with friends last Friday. 8) Ive never been to the US. 9) I often travel to Bahia on holidays. a) I didnt. I stayed in all night long. ( ) b) Neither have I. I hope to go there next year. ( ) c) So do I. Its one the most beautiful states in Brazil. ( ) d) Im not. I was born in Paran. ( ) e) Me neither. I cant even ride a bike. ( ) f) Me too. Films can also help you study the language. ( ) g) I dont. Im not a big fan of sports, actually. ( ) h) So can I. Its a beautiful language. ( ) i) So am I. Its going to be a great celebration. ( )

Activity 3: Choose the correct response.

1) I can read emails and talk on phone at the same time. 2) I worked all day last Sunday. 3) Im so sleepy and tired today! 4) I dont enjoy staying in on Saturday night. 5) Ive been is this career for quite a long time. 6) Im not satisfied with this job. 7) I cant say anything in German. 8) Ive done lots of business trips this year. 9) I usually go running in the evening. a) Me too a) Im not a) So am I a) So do I a) So have I a) Me neither a) So do I a) I havent a) So did I b) I dont b) I didnt b) Neither did I b) Neither do I b) I didnt b) Me too b) Well, I can b) I dont b) Me neither c) Me neither c) So am I c) Me neither c) I am c) Me neither c) So am I c) I cant c) Im not c) So do I

Activity 4: Complete the dialogues with the words and phrases from the box.
not no see me too so have I so am but I can me neither so do I I didnt been

DIALOGUE 01 A: Fred! Long time 1)________ you, mate! B: Yeah, Phil! How are you doing? A: Im pretty good, and you? B: 2)________! Hows Margie? A: Well, Im divorced now. What about you? B: Im 3)_________. I got married again. Im happy now. A: 4)________ I. Life wasnt good for both of us. B: I see. Well, are you still friends? A: Yes. Shes been kind to me and 5)________ to her. A: Its been hard today. I need to relax.

DIALOGUE 02 B: 6)_______. Ive worked all day. I cant do anything else. A: Oh, 7)________. I can call a pizzeria and watch a film. B: That sounds good! Youre right A: Lifes 8)_______ very stressful. Last week, for example, I didnt have time to go to the bank or the supermarket. B: 9)________! Besides, I worked overtime, because we had meetings every day. A: 10)________. I cant stand working overtime anymore.

Tip: Its no crime (by Babyface) is a song which you can find examples of structures seen in this lesson.


Communication purpose: Helping out with technical problems. Activity 1: Match the sentences halves.
1) Log on 2) Were late! Shut down 3) Pick up 4) Can you print 5) After reading the text, lets look up the words 6) Its important to back 7) Type in your a) the phone, please. Its ringing! b) these documents out, please? c) up all your documents. d) username and password, please. e) to the system again, please. f) in the dictionary. g) the computer and lets go.

Activity 2: Read the sentences and choose the correct alternative that is closest in meaning.
a) Claudia, were going to see the doctor in 25 minutes. Please, shut down the computer and call the taxi. 1. The doctor has recommended that Claudia needs to turn off the computer more often. 2. Claudias pc is on and she needs to turn it off, because she has an appointment. b) To do the exercises in this website, you need to type in your username and password. 1. You need to be registered to log on to the website. 2. Anyone can have access to the website and do the exercises. c) If you dont want to lose your documents, its important to make copies in different hard drives. 1. Its recommended to back up your documents in different hard drives. 2. After losing you documents, you should back them up in a different hard drive. d) The caller ID system was a brilliant invention. I always check whos calling me before I answer the phone. 1. I pick up the phone and ask whos calling. 2. I check whos calling me on the phone and then I pick it up. e) People are more concerned about the environment and they avoid printing documents out. 1. More people consider the environment before printing. 2. Some people believe its important to use recycled paper when printing out documents. f) My teacher told me not to stop reading all the time to look up the words in a dictionary when I have doubts. 1. My teacher said that listening is more important than reading. 2. My teacher said that I shouldnt frequently interrupt my reading when I have questions about vocabulary.

Activity 3: Match the situation (1 - 6) with the more suitable recommendation (a - f).
1) I need to send this paper to my teacher but the internet is down. 2) My eyes hurt. Ive been working for more than 12 hours. 3) Ive been writing this book for more than 11 months. Its been a wonderful experience. 4) The webpage has expired and I cant access the university files. 5) I dont know the meaning of however. 6) How can I have access to the university files? a) Shut down your computer and try to relax now. b) Me neither. Lets look it up in the dictionary. c) Print out the document and give it to her in class. d) No worries! Just Log on to the system again. e) Remember to back up all your work. f) Type in your username and create a password.

Tip: Shut down and back up are examples of phrasal verbs. According to the Macmillan Dictionary Online, a phrasal verb is a combination of words that is used like a verb and consists of a verb and an adverb or preposition.


Communication purpose: Deciding on the best times to do things. Activity 1: Complete the sentences with IN, ON and AT.
01) I usually go to the northeast ___ summer. 02) I also work ___ the weekends. 03) She was born ___ June 6th. 04) Fin wakes up ___ 7 oclock every single day. 05) They dont work ___ the morning. 06) I often watch a TV series ___ night. 07) My dad doesnt work ___ Saturdays. 08) Im normally on holidays ___ April. 09) The company was founded ___ 1956. 10) We generally have lunch ___ midday.

11) We use ___ with specific times (e.g.: 8 oclock) and certain time expressions (e.g.: the weekend, night). 12) We use ___ with days (e.g.: Monday) and dates (e.g.: January 30th). 13) We use ___ with months (e.g.: May), periods of the day (e.g.: evening), seasons (e.g.: spring) and years (e.g: 1985). 14) We can use ___ or ___ with the weekend.

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. See the example given.
01) working / work
work with my mother. a. You _____ working here, dont you? b. You love _____

07) hates / hate a. Lots of people _____ to work shifts. b. Everybody _____ to work on hot days. 08) saw / seen a. Shes _____ a good film with her boyfriend. b. He _____ a good film on Friday. 09) have / having a. Do you like _____ soup in winter? b. Do you usually ____ soup in winter? 10) drive / driving a. The worst time to _____ is 6 pm. b. _____ at 6 pm is terrible. 11) was / were a. They _____ born in 1996. b. Alice _____ born on March 23rd. 12) travel / travelling a. Were going to _____ next year. b. Were _____ on Friday at 6 am.

02) works / work a. He doesnt _____ at night. b. She _____ at night every two days. 03) going / go a. I like ____ to the park in the morning. b. I usually _____ to the park in spring. 04) studying / study a. My children _____ in the morning. b. Im _____ in the evening this term. 05) swimming / swim a. I only like to _____ in summer. b. I go _____ twice a day. 06) worked / work a. I didnt _____ for that company for so long. b. Ive _____ for this company since 2008.

Activity 3: Jack lives in Australia and wants to spend some time with his friend, Carlos, in Rio de Janeiro. Complete the gaps with an appropriate preposition.
A: Hey, Carlos! Its me, Jack. How are you? B: Great, thanks. Listen! You told me you want 1)___ visit me here. Im looking forward 2)___ seeing you 3)___ Brazil. A: Thats true. Im calling you because 4)___ this. I plan 5)___ travel 6)___ Brazil 7)___ July, but I dont know B: Its winter 8)___ July. I think you could come 9)___ summer. Is January OK 10)___ you? A: Well, I work 11)___ January, but I can go 12)___ February. What do you think? B: Perfect! We celebrate carnival this time. Besides, my birthday is 13)___ February 12 . Well party a lot, mate. A: Sounds great! I need 14)___ relax. I cant stand waking up 15)___ 6. I want 16)___ get up at around 11 17)___ Brazil. B: No way! Were going 18)___ the beach 19)___ the morning, every single sunny day! And 20)___ the afternoon, we can go 21)___ a drink or meal. 22)___ night, were going 23)___ meet up friends, go clubbing, play cards and so on. A: Going clubbing? You must be joking! The last time I went clubbing was 24)___ 199 Well, forget 25)___ it.


Communication purpose: Talking about time. Activity 1: Complete the sentences with MONEY or TIME.
01) Lets pay the bills via internet baking, its much faster. It's a waste of ________ to go to the bank by car. 02) Are you going to the mall again? Oh God! You spend a lot of ________ on clothes. 03) Ive been in a rush this week and I havent done any homework. I need some extra ________ to study. 04) Im not a fan of frozen food, but using the microwave saves you ________ in the kitchen. 05) Jack is so worried, because he needs some extra ________ to pay his bills this month. 06) I'm saving ________ to travel abroad. Airline tickets are more expensive at this ________ of the year. 07) Buying small boxes of cereal is a waste of ________. 08) Katy works a lot and she spends very little ________ with her family. 09) We generally go for a walk in our spare ________. 10) It's good to have some spare ________ in your pocket.

money spend time


Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

bills save waste spare a lot saved

01) I often ______ lots of money on chocolate. 02) ______ needs extra time to do exercises. 03) Stop buying so many shoes! Its a ______ of money. 04) They often go clubbing in their ______ time. 05) Kim ______ money for months and bought a car.

06) If you send me this via email, you can ______ time. 07) I had some spare ______ and I bought this for you. 08) Mum spent ______ of time at home on Sunday. 09) We needed some extra money to pay the ______. 10) It was a waste of ______! The shop was closed.

Activity 3: Match the two columns to form traditional English proverbs.

1. Time is... 2. Birds of a feather... 3. A bird in the hand is worth 4. No use crying... 5. Don't wash your... 6. He who lives by the sword,... 7. The early bird... 8. When the cat's away,... a. ... over spilt milk. b. ... catches the worm. c. ... shall die by the sword. d. e. ... flock together. f. ... the mice will play. g. ... two in the bush. h. ... dirty linen in public.

Tip: According to the Macmillan Dictionary, a proverb is a short well-known statement that gives practical advice about life. We will not always find equivalents to all proverbs in Portuguese (and vice versa) due to cultural factors.


Communication purpose: Talking about how long you have done things. Activity 1A: Match the two columns.
1. Two thousand and nine 2. Quarter to six 3. Nineteen eighty-seven 4. Half past two in the afternoon 5. Nineteen seventy-eight 6. from Monday to Friday a. 1987 (year) b. 1978 (year) c. 2:30 p.m. (time) d. 2009 (year) e. 5 days f. 5:45 (time)

Activity 1B: Complete the sentences with FOR or SINCE.

1) Shes worked here ___ 3 years. 2) Ive studied here ___ last year. 3) Theyve played football together ___ 1998. 4) Weve been friends ___ high school. 5) The Beatles have influenced many bands ___ decades. 6) Ive known that guy ___ when we were young. 7) Weve had this house ___ several years. 8) Hes studied at this school ___ more than 2 years.

Activity 2: Put the words in the correct order to form the questions. It is necessary to write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. See the example given.
(play) rugby ever you have
Have you ever played rugby ____________________________________________? played (play) rugby since I was a kid. Yes, I have. Ive ______

long you how (be) in have company this ____________________________________________? Ive ______ (be) in this company for 5 years. friend you have (know) best long how your ____________________________________________? Well, Ive ______ (know) Carla since the 90s . (work) department long you in have how this ____________________________________________? Ive ______ (work) here for 2 years.

you (live) long in city this how have ____________________________________________? Ive ______ (live) here for more than 8 years. ever Harry Potter the you have last film (see) ____________________________________________? No. In fact, I havent ______ (see) any Harry Potter films.

Activity 3: Complete the sentences below with the verbs in the table.
1) I normally ______ my friends on Fridays. 2) At primary school I _____ very good at geography. Im not anymore. 3) I ______ in Petrpolis when I was a kid, but I live in Braslia now. 4) I ______ responsible for the marketing department. 5) They work and study in So Paulo, but they ______ in Osasco. 6) Ive ______ lots of films, but I liked only a few. 7) She loves this city. Shes ______ here for more than 20 years. 8) Ive ______ a doctor since 1995. I must confess its not an easy job. 9) Last Friday I went to the cinema with friends and we ______ a terrible film.





Communication purpose: Reporting on the activities you have already done. Activity 1: Circle the correct verb form.
1) Ive learned / learn lot of things. 2) Shes was / been very kind to me. 3) Weve seen / saw this film. Its awesome! 4) Have you ever went / been to Amazonas? 5) Ive known / knew Michelle for 20 years. 6) Claudios drove / driven a lot. Hes so tired! 7) How long have you live / lived here? 8) Mr. Jay has forgotten / forgot our names.

Activity 2: Match the sentences halves.

1) I havent finished reading 2) Ive already paid 3) She hasnt sent that 4) They havent seen this 5) Weve already watched 6) Ive already had a) email message yet. Ill call her tomorrow. ( ) b) this documentary. Its fantastic. ( ) c) this novel yet. ( ) d) two meetings today. Its been really tiring. ( ) e) film yet. Lets invite them to go to the cinema. ( ) f) the water bill. Dont worry! ( )

Activity 3: Rewrite the sentences and add ALREADY or YET. See the example given.
1) I havent had my English lesson. 2) She hasnt had her yoga lesson. 3) Weve seen this presentation. 4) Theyve had two meetings today. 5) Mom hasnt bought my birthday present. 6) Oh my! Its 8 pm and I havent done the shopping.
I havent had my English lesson yet. . . . . . .

7) Hey, Carl! Tell everybody Ive gone to work, please. . 8) Weve done the homework. .

Activity 4: Look at Saras to do list and make sentences with already or yet.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Sara has already paid the electricity bill. . ... ....... ......... ........ ............

Activity 5: Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences below.

1) I havent already done the homework.

5) Weve been friends since 5 years.


2) Susan has paid all the bills yet.


6) Theyve already seen this film yet.


3) Louis has worked here for 2001.


7) Ive saw this film recently.


4) How time have you lived here?


8) Have you ever work in a different company?





Communication purpose: Talking about your accomplishments. Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
owe spend take pay earn 1) Im so worried. I have to ______ my bills within 9 nine days and the company hasnt paid me yet. 2) Im travelling with a tight budget and I cant ______ a lot of money on presents. 3) In Brazil, women usually ______ less money than men. 4) Jim and Peggy still ______ me money. I hope they can pay me soon. 5) I had to ______ out a loan from the bank to buy my new house.

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with HAVE, HAS, HAVE NEVER and HAS NEVER.
1) I ______ been to Paris. My friends went there in January and they told me its amazing. 2) Sophie ______ started her new job recently. I think shes happy now. 3) They travel a lot. They ______ done lots of trip overseas, but they ______ been to any Asian country. 4) Leo ______ passed an exam with distinction. Hes never been a hard-working student and he doesnt care about it. 5) My father ______ written some successful books about finance. I admire him a lot. 6) I ______ made a cake or cooked anything special. I dont know how to cook at all. 7) We ______ been to Disney with a couple of friends. It was fantastic. 8) My sister sings beautifully, but she ______ sung in public. I believe shes very shy.

Activity 3: Match the questions with the answers.

1) Have you ever been to London? 2) What languages have you already studied? 3) What project have you done recently? 4) Have you ever seen this film? 5) Have you ever been bungee jumping? 6) Where have you been recently? 7) Have you ever won a competition? 8) Who have you met recently? a) Ive met some friends from school times. b) Ive been to London. c) Weve designed the new product. d) Yes, I have. The acting is fantastic. e) No. Ive never been to the UK, actually. f) Yeah. When I was a teen I won a prize for dancing. g) No. Im not really into extreme sports. h) Greek and French.

Activity 4: Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

1) Ive bass in a band. But now I work with logistics. 2) They the Eiffel Tower. 3) ever been to China? 4) a speech for more than five hundred people. 5) We have started up a new business . 6) Hes worked with electronic gadgets 2002. a) play b) played c) playing a) ve never see b) ve never saw c) ve never seen a) Do you a) I have made a) recently a) for b) Have you b) I has made b) in 2002 b) in c) Have you ever c) I have make c) last year c) since

Activity 5: Greg is talking about his achievements. Complete his text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I see myself as a winner. I 1)__________(do) lots of things in my life and Im very proud of that. I 2)__________ (be) born in the northeast of Brazil, but I 3) __________ (live) in So Paulo for more than fifty years. I 4)__________ (start)

my career many years ago on a tight budget. I 5)__________ (manage) my own business for 45 years. My family and I (visit) many different beautiful places. I 7)__________ (also study) two foreign languages. My wife and I

8)__________ (buy) a new house in the countryside recently. We want to have some rest. My daughter 9)__________ (give) us our most important present our first grandson. I hope to spend a lot of time with him. Janeiro/2012 MATERIAL DE USO EXCLUSIVO DA ASSOCIAO CULTURA INGLESA SP. VETADA A REPRODUO


Communication purpose: Getting by when shopping abroad. Activity 1: Complete the conversations with the products in the box. After that, match the conversations with the countries on the right.
A: How much are these ____________? a. FRANCE b. THE USA c. BRAZIL d. SCOTLAND


B: Theyre two hundred reais. A: How much does this ____________ cost? B: Itll be forty pounds and fifty pence. A: How much is the ____________? B: Six dollars and thirty cents a box. A: How much are those ____________? B: Theyre Blu-ray discs, actually. Theyre ten Euros each.

US$ R$

Activity 2: Circle the correct option to form the question. After that, write the amount money. If necessary, look at the conversations in activity 1 to help you. See the example given.
1) How much is / are it? > Its US$ 5,

Five dollars and thirty cents. ...

20 60 15 50

2) How much is / are the glasses? > Theyre R$ 150,

...... ..... ...... . ...


3) How much do / does these CDs cost? > Theyre 35,

4) How much does that book cost / costs? > Itll be 20,

5) How much is these / this mobile phone? > Its US$ 200, 6) How much are those / that jackets? > Theyre 62,
40 80

7) How much does / do the chocolate box cost? > Its 9, 8) How much is it / it is? > Itll be US$ 14,



Activity 3: Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. After that, put six of these sentences in the correct place in the conversations below.
take it looking much Ill leave for got can I thats

a) How ___________ is it? b) ___________ help you? c) Im just ___________. d) Have you ___________ Michael Jacksons CDs? A: Excuse. Can I help you? B: No, thanks. 1)_________________________________ A: Just in case, my names Melanie. B: Thank you, Melanie. A: Excuse. Can I help you? B: Yes, please. 4)_________________________________ A: Yes, weve got all of his albums. B: Thats good!

e) You can have it ___________ US$ 130,00. f) Ill ___________. g) ___________ very expensive. h) No thanks. ___________ it.

A: Excuse, sir. 2)_____________________________ B: Yes, please. 3)_____________________________ A: Its 25 dollars. B: Ill have it.
A: Thats 150 euros. B: Oh, 5)_____________________________________ A: Well, 6)____________________________________ B: Thats a good discount, thanks. Ill take it.



Communication purpose: Writing an argumentative text. Activity 1A: Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.
say opinion to me personally think in my my mind true

1) I ____________ believe that studying English for ten minutes every day is better than studying for long hours in only one day. 2) It is certainly ____________ that watching films and TV series can help us learn English. 3) ____________, we dont need to worry too much about grammar rules. 4) It is my ____________ that its necessary to make a study plan to manage better our study time. 5) To ____________, speaking is the most difficult skill. I think Im better at reading and writing. 6) ____________ view, we should find the time we work best and study then. I particularly like to study late at night. 7) I ____________ we shouldnt interrupt the reading when we dont know the words to look them up in a dictionary. 8) Id ____________ that learning English is easier than learning Portuguese.

Activity 1B: Moment of reflection! Read the sentences in activity 1A again and think whether you agree or disagree with them. Activity 2A: Read the text below and circle the correct option.
*This text is adapted from Global Course Book page 88 Reading. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

It is certainly true that for 1) many / very people, especially in big cities, life today is too fast. People 2) has / have too many things to do and spend all their time rushing from one place to another. We travel 3) on / by car and plane, communicate by email and mobile phone, and get information 4) immediately / immediate on the internet. Even our food nowadays is often fast food. As a result of this, we save time but end up filling it with 5) other / others things. We worry 6) about / of work and our obligations, and consequently become stressed and ill. We spend our time earning more money and buying more and more things, and so we lack time for what is important. We rarely 7) spends / spend time with friends and family, or stop to relax and have some fun. I believe 8) is / it is important to realise that there 9) are / is other things in life as well, apart from work and money. We 10) should to / should spend more time seeing our friends and family. We also 11) need to / need think about relaxing and enjoying ourselves for a few hours a day. We 12) need to / need find time to listen to music, read books for enjoyment, and enjoy our hobbies. We cant let life pass us by.

Activity 2B: Read the text again and choose the best title.
a) ( b) ( c) ( ) People who live in big cities dont spend time with their family. ) Life today is too fast and people dont have enough time for what is important. ) Its necessary to enjoy our hobbies at the weekends.

Activity 2C: Find in the text synonyms for the words below. Use a dictionary if necessary.
fast (example given) 1) (line 1) quick =

5) (line 6) receiving = 6) (line 9) notice = .. 7) (line 10) too = .. 8) (line 12) pleasure = .

2) (line 2) running = .. 3) (line 5) consequence = 4) (line 6) sick = .




Communication purpose: Talking about buildings and places. Activity 1A: Match the places with the cities/countries.
1. Muse du Louvre Buenos Aires, Argentina 2. Fontana di Trevi Braslia, Brazil 3. British Museum Rome, Italy 4. Palcio do Planalto New York, the US 5. Casa Rosada Paris, France 6. Broadway London, England

Activity 1B: Match the places in activity 1A with their explanations below.
a) Specialists consider this place one of the worlds greatest museums of human history and culture. It has a huge collection which originates from different parts of the world. b) Oscar Niemeyer designed this building in the 1950s. Its the official workplace of a president. Jucelino Kubitschek was the first president to live here. c) Its a popular and large avenue. Its also famous as the heart of the American theatre industry. Lots of people visit this place to watch plays and musicals, such as Mary Poppins and The Phantom of the Opera. d) It is the official executive mansion of a president and a museum. This pink building is also a national historic monument. People completed its construction in 1898. e) It was a palace in the past and now its one of the largest and most visited museums in the world. Around 15,000 people visit this place a day. Mona Lisa is one of the most popular pieces of art of this museum. f) This picture-postcard place is one of the most famous fountains in the world. Giovanni Panini, a painter and architect, finished its construction in 1762.

Activity 1C: Complete the sentences with the famous places in activity 1A.
1) The _______________ was designed by Oscar Niemeyer in the 1950s. 2) The construction of the _______________ was completed in 1898. 3) The _______________ is considered one of the worlds greatest museums of human history and culture. 4) The construction of the _______________ was finished in 1762. 5) The _______________ is visited by around fifteen thousand people a day. 6) _______________ is known as the heart of the American theatre industry.

Activity 2: Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

01) constructed / century / The Casa Rosada / nineteenth / was / in the 02) was / 1950s / constructed / in the / The Palcio do Planalto 03) 1762 / The Fontana di Trevi / was / in / finished


04) is / industry / considered / American / the heart / of the / Broadway / theatre 05) founded / in / So Paulo / was / 1554

... ..

06) Guaruj / by / summer / visited / lots of / is / people / in 07) is / seen / every day / lots of / visitors / by / Mona Lisa

08) painted / the living room and / were / yesterday / the bedroom / 09) inaugurated / stadium / was / 1916 / in / The Vila Belmiro 10) months / Braslia / in / forty-one / built / was

.. ..

11) designed / The Sagrada Familia / was / Antonio Gaudi / by 12) the Tube / called / London / is also / The Underground in



Communication purpose: Describing and comparing homes. Activity 1A: Complete the sentences with the words given. Two words will not be used.
balcony living room utility room porch fitted kitchen games room study room garage kitchen yard swimming pool bedroom bathroom

01) I sleep in the __________. 02) I cook in the __________. 03) I watch TV in the __________ __________. 04) I play cards in the __________ __________. 05) I swim in the __________ __________. 06) I wash the clothes in the __________ __________.

07) I have a shower in the __________. 08) We always make barbecue in the ________. 09) Theres one big __________ in the living room and two small ones in each bedroom. 10) I park the car in the __________. 11) I want to have a hammock in my front __________.

Activity 2A: Complete each sentence with one appropriate word.

01) I live _____ a flat. 02) My house _____ two bedrooms. 03) The kitchen _____ very small. 04) There _____ two bathrooms in my apartment. 05) _____ there a toilet in your house? 06) I _____ a house in the countryside. 07) The flat is small, _____ its very comfortable. 08) The house has _____ a modern kitchen. 09) _____ you live in a flat or in a house? 10) _____ do you live with? I live alone.

Activity 2B: Write sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 in the negative form.

1 .. 2 . 3 . 4 . 6 . 8 .

Activity 3: Use each word in the box twice to complete both dialogues.
with have quite like there in me has a

DIALOGUE 01 A: Whats your house 1)______? B: I live 2)______ a small flat near the city centre. A: How many bedrooms are there? B: 3)______ are two bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet. Its got a living room combined 4)______ the kitchen too. Its 5)______ small, but comfortable. Its ideal for 6)______. A: How long 7)______ you lived there? B: For 2 years. I moved to this town to study. A: Are you planning to live here after university? B: I dont know. Ill stay here if I get 8)______ good job. This city 9)______ good job opportunities, so A: Do you live in a flat or a house?

DIALOGUE 02 B: I live in a big house 10)______ the suburbs. A: Whats it 11)______? B: Well, its nice and 12)______ comfortable. Its got three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a swimming pool.

is also a fitted kitchen,


large living

room and a garage. A: Is there a garden? B: Yeah. The house


a backyard where we

normally 16)______ barbecues or friend reunions. A: Thats good! Who do you live 17)______? B: Theres 18)______ and my parents. Ah, and our dog!

Tip: Have a look at page 99 Extend your vocabulary (Global Course Book, Macmillan) and check the difference between the words house and home.


Communication purpose: Describing what places to visit on a trip Part 1 Activity 1A: Read the sentences to see the difference between WILL, MIGHT and CAN.
If I go to Paris, I will visit the Louvre Museum. If I go to Paris, Id really like to visit the Louvre Museum. Theres a strong chance of visiting this place. If I go to Paris, I might visit the Louvre Museum. If I go to Paris, I want to visit the Louvre Museum, but Im not sure if Ill go to this place. If I go to Paris, I can visit the Louvre Museum. If I go to Paris, theres a possibility of visiting the museum, I but I dont know if it will happen or not.

Activity 1B: Based on the explanations above, circle the correct option.
1. If I travel to NY, I want to see a musical, but Im not sure if it will happen. If I travel to NY, I will / might / can see a musical. 2. If I travel to NY, Id really like to see a musical and it will probably happen. If I travel to NY, I will / might / can see a musical. 3. If I travel to NY, theres a possibility of seeing a musical. I dont know If Ill see it or not. If I travel to NY, I will / might / can see a musical.

Activity 2A: Read the first sentence and complete the second one with WILL, MIGHT or CAN.
1. Theres a strong chance to see a tango presentation. I really want to do it. If I go to Argentina, I ______ see a tango presentation. 2. Theres a possibility of seeing a tango presentation, but I dont know if Ill do it or not. If I go to Argentina, I ______ see a tango presentation. 3. I want to see a tango presentation, but Im not sure if Ill do it. If I go to Argentina, I ______ see a tango presentation.

Activity 2B: Read the first sentence and then write another complete sentence using WILL, MIGHT or CAN.
1. Its possible to go to the beaches. I dont know If Ill have time to do it or not. If I go to Miami, ___________________________________________________. 2. I love to go clubbing and there are lots of nightclubs in Miami. If I go to Miami, ___________________________________________________. 3. I want to visit the Seaquarium in Miami, but Im not sure if Ill have time to do it. If I go to Miami, ___________________________________________________.

Activity 3: Complete the dialogues with WILL, MIGHT or CAN in the most suitable gap.
A: Are you going to travel on holidays? B: Yeah. Sue and I intent to visit Paris. A: Its a wonderful city. How long would like to stay? B: We dont know, maybe one week only. A: If youll stay there for one week, you 1)______ visit the main attractions at least. I think itll be fun, anyway. B: Sue loves the Eifel Tower. If we go there, we 2)______ certainly visit it. We 3)______ go to Disneyland Paris too, but we dont know yet. We need to plan it better.

C: Everybody says New York is amazing. D: I wish to travel to this city one day. Im really crazy about musicals. If I go to NY, I 4)______ see lots of them. C: Itd be nice. What about the Central Park? D: Well, I dont know. I 5)______ go for a walk in the park. I like parks, but it depends on the weather. I dont think its a good idea to walk if its too cold. C: Thats true. If you travel to New York in winter, I 6)______ lend you my coats. Theyre really good.



Communication purpose: Describing what places to visit on a trip Part 2 + What to take on a trip Activity 1: Read the sentences and choose the correct option.
1) If I visit / will visit London, I will take / take photos of Big Ben. 2) We will buy / buy lots of electronic gadgets if we go / will go to Miami. 3) If I will go / go to Buenos Aires, I see / will see a tango presentation. 4) If my mother travels / will travel to Salvador, she will eat / eats lots of acaraj. 5) My children will have / have fun if they go will / go to Disney. 6) If you will travel / travel by car, it is / will be faster.

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with WILL, MIGHT or CAN.

1A) If I go to Rio de Janeiro, I ______ visit Ipanema beach. (I like beaches, but Im not sure if Ill do it) 1B) If I go to Rio de Janeiro, I ______ visit Ipanema beach. (I love beaches and Im sure Ill visit Ipanema) 1C) If I go to Rio de Janeiro, I ______ visit Ipanema beach. (RJ has many beaches and theres a possibility of going to Ipanema) 2A) If I go to Madrid, I ______ eat paella and churros. (I want to try them, but I dont know if I will) 2B) If I go to Madrid, I ______ eat paella and churros. (In Madrid you can easily find a place to buy churros) 2C) If I go to Madrid, I ______ eat paella and churros. (Its my dream to eat paella and churros in Spain)

Activity 3: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

laptop computer sunglasses taxi money scarf formal clothes

1) Its really sunny these days, so you should bring your _________ and some sun cream. 2) Things are very expensive at this time of the year, so youll probably need some extra _________. 3) Theres Wi-Fi connection in the hotel, so you can bring your _________. 4) Were not going to any special event, so you wont need to bring _________. 5) If I go to London in winter, Ill pack a coat, a pair of boots and a _________. 6) You should take a _________ as soon as you arrive, because the airport is far from the hotel.

Activity 4: Complete the sentences in the dialogues by putting the words in the correct place.
A: Ive never to Porto Alegre before. It is cold these days? (1) been youll what pack a pair of bring weather need too should any were

B: well, its really cold at this time of the year. So need heavy clothes. (2) A: should I pack then? (3) B: you should pack a jacket and a sweater. Ah, dont forget to a pair of jeans too. (4) A: thanks a lot. I think Ill pack boots as well. (5) B: thats good! You can also some comfortable clothes to stay at home. (6) A: whats the like in Manaus? (7) B: oh, its boiling. Youll to pack lots of light clothes. (8) A: good. Ill pack my sunglasses and some swimwear. (9) B: thats fine. Ah, you bring some sun cream as well. Its really sunny. (10) A: should I pack formal clothes too? (11) B: I dont think going to any special event. (12)

Tip: If you want to learn new words related to clothing, type the expression vocabulary of clothes into a search website (such as and and do your research.


Communication purpose: Choosing a holiday destination. Activity 1A: Complete the sentences with the places in the box.
a. Athens e. Madrid b. Paris f. New York c. London g. Rome d. Fernando de Noronha h. Rio de Janeiro

1) If I went to ___, I would visit the Corcovado. 2) If I went to ___, I would see the Big Ben. 3) If I went to ___, I would eat lots of pasta every day. 4) If I went to ___, I would buy lots of French books.

5) If I went to ___, I would swim with the dolphins. 6) If I went to ___, I would taste churros and paella. 7) If I went to ___, I would see a Greek film. 8) If I went to ___, I would visit the Empire State Building.

Activity 1B: Read the sentences and choose the most appropriate option.
1) Maria doesnt like swimming and shes afraid of sea animals. If Maria went to Fernando de Noronha, she would / wouldnt swim with the sea animals. 2) Fred likes studying different languages. If Fred went to Athens, he would / wouldnt see a Greek film at the cinema. 3) Kim studies French and he wants to practise his listening skills. If Kim went to Paris, he would buy lots of French books / CDs. 4) Amanda is on a diet. If Amanda went to Rome, she would eat lots of pasta every day / on special occasions. 5) Henry is an architect and he enjoys travelling to get some ideas. Henry would / wouldnt visit the Empire State Building if he went to New York. 6) Cristina is a photographer and shes interested in British culture. Cristina would take some / lots of photos of Big Ben and other attractions if she went to London. 7) Manuel is a bit afraid of heights, so he doesnt like mountains very much. If Manuel went to Rio de Janeiro, he wouldnt / would visit Corcovado. 8) Im a chef and now I want to learn more about Spanish cuisine. I would taste paella and tortilla / pizza and lasagna in different restaurants if I went to Madrid.

Activity 2: Choose the correct sentence.

1) ( 1) ( 2) ( 1) ( 3) ( 1) ( 4) ( 1) ( 5) ( 1) ( ) a) If I visited the northeast of Brazil, I would go to Bahia and Macei. ) b) If I visit the northeast of Brazil, I would go to Bahia and Macei. ) a) If I travelled to Africa, I would went on a safari. ) b) If I travelled to Africa, I would go on a safari. ) a) She wouldnt visit the disaster area if she was in Japan. ) b) She wouldnt visit the disaster area if she is in Japan. ) a) If they were in London, they would eat fish n chips every day. ) b) If they were in London, they would to eat fish n chips every day. ) a) If Gabriel and Marcos was in Buenos Aires, they would see a tango presentation. ) b) If Gabriel and Marcos were in Buenos Aires, they would see a tango presentation.

Activity 3: Complete the sentences below with the appropriate for of the verb in brackets.
1) If I ______ (go) to Mexico, I would drink tequila with my friends. 2) If I travelled to Peru, I __________ (visit) Machu Picchu. 3) If you ______ (be) in Fernando de Noronha, I think you wouldnt swim with the sea animals. 4) I would buy lots of electronic gadgets if I ______ (go) to Miami. 5) _______ you _____ (see) a film in Greek if you were in Athens? 6) If I went to New York, I ________ (practice) my English.


Communication purpose: Suggesting a place for someone to visit (Communicative Writing 4) Activity 1: Match the sentence halves.
1) Its a ... 2) This town is 3) Bahia is on ... 4) Fortaleza is in 5) There are 6) Theres a) lots of attractions to visit here, such as the historical churches and the museums. b) the coast of Brazil. Its one of the most visited states in Brazil. c) small city in the south of Belgium. d) a restaurant near my house where we can eat seafood and other typical dishes. e) modern and touristy, but its a bit quiet in the low season. f) the northeast of Brazil. Lots of people visit this state in the high season.

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

stay well where there is thing has can

1) Theres a famous restaurant in the city centre _________ we can have lunch for a good price. 2) The city _________ lots of attractions, such as the historical buildings and the beaches. 3) People under the age of twelve _________ visit the museum for free. 4) In the city centre _________a famous nightclub. We can go there! 5) Im so glad you are coming to _________ with me. Well have a good time. 6) The best _________ about So Paulo is that its got lots of good restaurants anytime you want. 7) There are historical buildings as _________ as museums.

Activity 3A: Read the text and circle the correct option.
*This text is adapted from Global Course Book page 100 Reading.

Hi Mariko, How are you? Im so glad you are coming to stay with me next month. 1) It / there will be great to see you again. Let me tell you a bit about my town. Mala Fatra mountains.
4) 2)

It / there is called Rajec and


it / there is in the north of Slovakia, near the

It / there is not a large town (5) It is / there are about 7,000 inhabitants), but 6) it / there is

very old and beautiful. The main attraction of the town is the 16th-century Town Hall. 7) It / There is also a medieval square in the town centre, as well as lots of historical building. Outside the town 8) it is / there are also thermal baths, and a golf course and tennis courts. The worst thing about Rajec is that 9) it / there is a bit quiet and 10) it / there isnt much to do at night. 11) It / There are no cinemas, and 12) it isnt / there arent many bars and restaurants. But what I like best is the countryside around the town. 13) It / there is wonderful to go walking there in the summer. 14) It is / There are mountains nearby, as well as a lake, where you can go fishing. Anyway, thats all for now. Im looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Aneta

Activity 3B: Read the text again and write T (true) or F (false).
1) [ 2) [ 3) [ 4) [ 5) [ 6) [ ] Rajec is big and busy. ] Mariko is happy, because Aneta is going to visit him. ] The city is modern and quiet lively. ] Mariko doesnt enjoy the countryside nearby the town. ] The city has a medieval square, a golf course and historical buildings. ] In the city centre, there are thermal baths.



Communication purpose: Speaking on the Telephone. Activity 1: Complete the mini-dialogues with most suitable sentence from the box.
Can I leave a message? Yes, just a moment. This is George Hathaway Ill put you through. Im calling you about the Spanish course. Can I speak to Mrs. Morrison? Can I take a message? Ill call back. A: 1)__________________________________________________ A: Hello! Thats me! B: Oh, darling. This is not a good moment. B: She isnt here now. Can I take a message? A: Oh sorry. 5)_________________________________________ A: Yes, please. A: Can I speak to George, please? A: Im sorry but Pedro isnt here.

B: Yes, hold on. 2)______________________________________ B: 6)__________________________________________________ A: Thanks a lot. A: Of course. Let me just get a pen, please. A: Hi, is Derek there? A: Good morning, Free Speech Language Centre!

B: No, hes out. 3)______________________________________ B: Hi, 7)_______________________________________________ A: No, thanks. Ill call back. A: How can I help you? A: Hello, is Johnny there? B: 4)_______________________________ Ill put you through. A: Thanks. A: 8)__________________________________________________ B: Hello, George. Its Josh, from the Spanish department. A: Hey, Josh. How are you doing?

Activity 2: Put the conversation in the correct according to the instructions on the left.
B says Hello. A answers and makes a question. 1 ___ B asks person A to wait. 2___ A thanks person B. 3___ B returns and says that C cant answer the phone. 4___ A asks if its possible to leave a message. 5___ B agrees. 6___ A leaves the message. 7___ B asks from clarification. 8___ A clarifies the message. 9___ B thanks person A. 10___ A also thanks person B and says goodbye. 11___ B replies. 12___ Hello. a) Of course. b) Her son. He finished school earlier today. c) Oh, her son. Thanks. d) Sorry? Who does she need to pick up? e) Hi, can speak to Hillary? f) Bye-bye! g) Hold on, please. h) Thanks. i) Can I leave a message? j) Tell her she needs to pick up her son at school. k) Im sorry, but shes in a meeting now. l) Thank you. Bye!

Activity 3: Complete each sentence with one appropriate word.

Can I speak __________ Paul? Of course. Its me, Alfredo. Im calling __________ the new project. Hi, is Carla there? Yes, hold __________, please.

This __________ Martha speaking. Hi Martha. Its Elisabeth. Can I speak to Susan? __________ a minute. Can I __________ a message? Yes, of couse.


Activity 1: Circle the correct option.
Interviewer: You live in Brasilia, dont you? Candidate: Yes. 1) Ive lived / I lived here for five years. I: Are you married? C: Yeah. I 2) got married / Ive been married last year. I: What about your hobbies and interests? C: Well, I 3) like / find chess really interesting. My wife, Ana, is also interested 4) in / on this type of game. I: Do you enjoy 5) travel / travelling? C: 6) Travel / Travelling is one of my favourite activities. I: Do you like to 7) travel / traveling on your own? C: Well, I usually 8) travel / travelling with Ana. But 9) I did / Ive done lots of business trips alone. So, Im used to that. I: Thats good! 10) Have / Did you already studied abroad? C: No yet. But if I 11) have / had the opportunity, I 12) would do / would to do an MBA in Spain or in France.

Activity 2: Complete the dialogue with words in the box.

bigger do cheaper which had biggest can ll the than good choose

Shop assistant: Excuse me. Can I help you? Customer: Yes, please. 1)______ I see those tablets? S: Sure. I 2)______ get them. Here they are. C: 3)______ one is the best, do you think? S: Well, it depends. This one is very 4)______, but its the most expensive too. But this one is also nice and its a bit 5)______. C: I dont know. Im looking for a 6)______ tablet. S: Let me see Look! This is the 7)______ tablet in the market, but I dont particularly like its processor. C: Which tablet has 8)______ best processor? S: This one. But its screen is smaller 9)______ these. C: What 10)______ you recommend then? S: If I 11)______ to decide I would 12)______ this one.

Activity 3: Put the words in the correct place.

A: do like job? (you/ your) B: yes. I my job interesting. 1 - (quite / find)

Activity 4: Correct the underlined mistakes.

A1: Ill be at holidays in December and I want travel. B1: Thats great. Where would you like to going? A: how long you worked in area? 2 - (this / have) A2: I havent decided already. Do you have any suggestion? B: I worked with IT I finished university. 3 - (since / have) B2: Well, if I were you I go to London. A: did you go university? 4 - (where / to) A3: London is very cold this time. B: I to university in a small near the capital. 5 - (town / went) B3: What about Rome? Italy is hot than England. A: you a good student at that? 6 - (time / were) A4: Good. I guess Italy might be a lot more excited. B: not really. I was dedicated work. 7 - (at / more) A: how companies have you for so far? 8 - (many / worked) B4: If you go there, you love it. Im sure! A5: How much do the airline ticket cost, do you think? B: Ive in different companies. 9 - (three / worked) B5: I dont know, but its a lot expensiver in the high season. A: have you been in a department? 10 - (ever / different) A6: Thats true. Well, when would you buy the ticket? B: no. But Ive developed a project together the marketing department. It was great. 11 - (with/ already) B6: If I were you, Id bought it in that travel agency near here. A: oh, think you had a nice experience. 12 - (have / I) A7: Oh, Ive yet been there and I didnt like it

Activity 5: Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.

Paulo: Could I speak 1)_____ Carlos, please? Bruno: Yes, sure. Ill 2)_____ you through. Carlos: Hello, 3)_____s calling? Paulo: Its me, Paulo. Im calling you 4)_____ the trip. Carlos: Ah, yes. 5)_____ you already decided the hotel? Paulo: I think the Hotel Grand Plaza is the 6)_____ option. Carlos: 7)_____ do you think so? Paulo: Because it has 8)_____ facilities than the others. Carlos: What about the price? Is 9)_____ good? Paulo: Well, this hotel is one of the 10)_____ expensive ones. Carlos: Really? What 11)_____ the Hotel Salles? Paulo: Its ok, but its older 12)_____ Grand Plaza. Carlos: Is that a problem 13)_____ you? Paulo: No, but Carla 14)_____ been there she didnt like it. Carlos: So, If we stay at Grand Plaza, it 15)_____ be better.

Activity 6: Fill in the gaps with a suitable words.

A: Excuse me. Do you know 1)_____ this supermarket is open? B: From five to midnight. But today its closed. A: Really? B: No worries! If you walk 15 minutes,
2)_____ another one, which is much better 3)_____ opinion. A: Good. Do they sell beer there? B: Yes, 4)_____. Beer is one of the 5)_____ drinks in the UK. A: Thats true. B: But if you want to buy beer, 6)_____ walk fast. A: Why? B: In England 7)_____ buy any alcoholic drink after 11 pm. Its prohibited. A: OK. Im going then. Thanks! B: 8)_____. Take care!



Activity 1 Activity 2

1) Ive lived 2) got married 3) find 4) in 5) travelling 6) 1) Can 2) ll 3) Which 4) good 5) cheaper 6) bigger 7) Travelling 7) travel 8) travel 9) Ive done 10) Have 11) had biggest 8) the 9) than 10) do 11) had 12) choose 12) would do

Activity 3
1) I find my job quite interesting 2) How long have your worked in this area?

Activity 4

3) I have worked / IT since I ... 4) Where did you go to university? 5) I A1: on / want to travel B1: go A2: yet B2: would go B3: went to / small town near 6) Were you /at that time? 7) was more dedicated at work. 8) How many .../have you worked for so far? 9) Ive worked in three 10) ... you ever been in a different department? 11) ...Ive already developed/together with the 12) I think you have had a

hotter A4: exciting B4: youll love A5: does B5: more expensive A6: where B6: buy A7: already

Activity 5
S Suggested answers

Activity 6
Suggested answers

1) to 2) put 3) who 4) about 5) Have 6) best 7) Why 1) what time 2) youll see / youll find 3) in my 4) of course / 8) more 9) it / that 10) most 11) about 12) than 13) for sure 5) most popular / most traditional / most typical 6) you 14) has 15) will / ll should / you need to 7) you mustnt / you cant / people mustnt 8) Youre welcome / Sure

Tip: A segunda e ltima avaliao est chegando! Acreditamos que o seu desempenho depender muito mais
da sua dedicao ao longo do semestre, aula aps aula, do que o quanto voc vai estudar dias antes do teste. De qualquer maneira, revisar e consolidar o contedo antes de qualquer avaliao sempre vlido e nos deixa mais seguros. Assim, seguem algumas dicas que podem ser usadas nos prximos dias: Neste mdulo h diversos objetivos comunicativos. Use o seu STUDENTS GUIDE para mapear o contedo e planejar os seus estudos. Ou seja, reflita sobre eles e veja quais objetivos voc tem mais ou menos preparo para atingir. No estude por muito tempo um nico objetivo, pois s vezes no sobra tempo para outros; Lembre-se que h sugestes de atividades no seu STUDENTS GUIDE que podem ser feitas no livro ou no CD-ROM do seu curso e ainda no e-Campus; J que estamos falando em e-campus, vale ressaltar que nesta ferramenta online, h um campo chamado e-tutor, para onde voc pode enviar uma mensagem com suas dvidas; Combine com os seus colegas para estudar junto com voc. Aproveite as contribuies que cada um pode oferecer e ainda pratique os dilogos em voz alta; Se voc estiver estudando sozinho, grave a sua voz ao ler os dilogos. Alm de perceber aspectos de pronncia a serem melhorados, voc ainda ter a oportunidade de se escutar e estudar enquanto estiver dirigindo, no metr etc. O segredo para aprender um idioma estar em contato com o mesmo o maior nmero de vezes possvel. Alm de usar os materiais didticos do curso, estudar tambm pode ser divertido! Escute e cante suas canes favoritas e assista a filmes e sries sempre que houver um tempo livre. As anotaes que voc fez no caderno podem ser preciosas. Alm disso, caso tenha alguma dvida sobre como conduzir os estudos, converse com a pessoa que mais pode lhe ajudar: o seu professor! Have a nice test!


Activity 1 a) 7 b) 3 c) 8 d) 4 e) 1 f) 6 g) 2 h) 5 Activity 2A a) P b) O c) A d) P e) E f) O g) A h) E i) O Activity 2B 2) c (I have a shower at 7 oclock) 3) f 4) b 5) g 6) h 7) i 8) d Activity 3 1) What 2) as 3) a 4) ve 5) for 6) to 7) have 8) got 9) What 10) as 11) ve 12) for 13) have 14) to 15) got 16) a

Activity 1 2) with friends 3) alone 4) alone 5) with friends 6) with friends 7) alone Activity 2 a) 5 b) 7 c) 1 d) 4 e) 8 f) 2 g) 3 h) 6 Activity 3A a) have / have b) have / has c) has d) have / have e) has / have Activity 3B a) Ive been to the US recently. But Ive never been to Canada. It must be beautiful. - b) My sons have* taken their first trip overseas and everything has* surprised them. - c) This experience has* given me the opportunity to practise the language. d) Theyve always enjoyed playing extreme sports, thats why theyve gone to New Zealand. e) Travelling alone has* been exciting and comfortable to me, but my sisters have* never liked it. *In these occasions, you only use contractions in very informal style. E.g. Everythings surprised them. Activity 4 1) given 2) been 3) taken 4) liked 5) been 6) surprised

Activity 1 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) b 6) b Activity 2 b) wear jeans on Friday c) turn off the lights when leaving a room d) read and answer emails every day e) make personal phone calls f) smoke in the office Activity 3A 1) have 2) have 3) can 4) must 5) dont have 6) cant or mustnt 7) must 8) cant or mustnt 9) dont have Activity 3B c) nothing d) nothing e) nothing f) to g) nothing h) nothing i) to j) nothing k) nothing l) nothing

Activity 1 part I a) Ive / than b) responsible c) ago d) for e) have f) thats g) was / learned i) did j) department k) long l) from Activity 1 part II 2) l 3) k 4) d 5) e 6) a 7) j 8) g 9) b 10) f 11) i 12) c Activity 2A a) 1 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2 Activity 2B Sentences 1 and 3: b (experience) Sentences 2 and 4: a (time) Activity 3 a) worked b) ve studied c) created d) ve been e) ve lived f) ve done g) learned h) lived

Activity 1 b) chat c) read d) cooks e) watch f) collect g) do h) go for Activity 2 a) chat b) watch c) go for d) play e) collect f) read g) do h) cook Activity 3 b) Cooking (for/with) friends is good. c) Doing exercise in the park is healthy. d) Playing volleyball (at/on) the beach isnt boring. e) Collecting coins is interesting. f) Going for a walk in the morning is tiring. g) Reading romantic books isnt enjoyable. h) Chatting (with/to) friends on the phone is nice. Activity 4 a) I like watching films in the afternoon. b) They enjoy going to parties on Saturday night. c) I find cooking Japanese food interesting. d) We dont like playing volleyball (at/on) the beach. e) He enjoys going for a drink with friends on Friday. f) Theo doesnt like reading books. g) I find (playing) volleyball exciting. h) I like chatting (with/to) friends on the phone. Activity 5 b) interesting c) in d) loves e) a f) chatting g) on h) relaxing i) excited j) playing k) sounds l) go

Activity 1 suggested answers* May I ask you about the project? / Can I ask you something? / Can I add one thing? / Could I mention something here? May I say something, please? *Its possible to form different answers. In this case, you can check them with your teacher. Activity 2 1) for coming 2) just ask 3) Sorry, but 4) All right 5) should we 6) exactly 7) too busy 8) I disagree with - 9) we should 10) Well, maybe but 11) my opinion 12) right 13) a lot of 14) Can I add 15) ahead 16) view - 17) dont think 18) depends on 19) of agree 20) believe 21) on the 22) something here 23) Of course 24) who are 25) think we 26) Excuse 27) I add that 28) Yes 29) should start 30) Would that 31) No problem 32) Thanks for




Activity 1 a) address b) 1982 c) qualifications d) 85,5% - e) Spain f) Resources g) experience h) assistant i) fluent j) driving k) cinema l) Head Activity 2 1) c 2) a 3) b 4) c 5) b 6) c

Activity 1A 1) Do 2) is 3) Do 4) are 5) do 6) to Activity 1B a) 2 b) 5 c) 1 d) 3 e) 4 f) 6 Activity 2 2) I go on lots of workshops, conferences and Im planning to do an MBA. 3) Im an accountant and I work for a bank in Brazil. -4) Do you plan your future carefully or do you just let it go? 5) What do you like doing in your free time? 6) Good working conditions and job satisfaction are the most important things for me. - 7) Do you think about your personal development? - 8) I hope to become a manager soon and Im planning to work for the human resources department. 9) My wife is a businesswoman and Im a publicist and, so we plan to start up an agency in the city centre. 10) Ive got a job as a journalist, but Im also a professor at university. Activity 3 1) I dont work - 2) I havent got a job - 3) Im not planning 4) I dont have a - 5) She isnt a nurse - 6) I havent lived here 7) I cant speak - 8) I dont often read

Activity 1A suggested answers* 2) high 3) boring 4) easy 5) young 6) healthy 7) hot 8) modern *Its possible to get different answers. In this case, you can check them with your teacher. Activity 1B suggested answers* 2) The Empire State is higher than the Eifel Tower. 3) History lessons are more boring than watching films. 4) Speaking Spanish is easier than speaking Russian. 5) Paulos mother is younger than my mother. 6) Orange juice is healthier than soda - 7) So Paulo is hotter than London. 8) Mp3 players are more modern than cassette players. *Its possible to form different sentences. In this case, you can check them with your teacher. Activity 2 1) (When I was a child) I used to be slimmer (when I was a child). 2) Paulista Avenue is more crowded at around 6 pm or At around 6 pm Paulista - 3) Living in Rio de Janeiro (So Paulo) is nicer than living in So Paulo (Rio de Janeiro). 4) (In the north) People are much friendlier (in the north). 5) Its certainly better to live is this city. 6) Eike Batista is a lot richer than me. 7) (In the past) Apartments used to be much bigger (in the past). 8) Old films were more interesting than new ones. Activity 3 1) more good > better 2) is > are 3) is > was 4) lot > a lot 5) interestinger > more interesting 6) more funny > funnier 7) where > when 8) are > is 9) more clean > cleaner 10) excitinger > more exciting

Activity 1A 1) headphones 2) memory stick 3) keyboard 4) screen 5) laptop 6) text messages Activity 1B 1) biggest 2) most comfortable 3) best 4) most practical 5) smallest 6) most modern Activity 2 part I 1) the most beautiful 2) the highest 3) the fastest 4) the ugliest 5) the best 6) the largest 7) the most comfortable 8) the most expensive Activity 2 part II 1) c 2) g 3) e 4) a 5) h 6) b 7) d 8) f Activity 3 1) best 2) lowest 3) cheaper 4) best 5) better 6) bigger 7) smaller 8) best 9) highest 10) more expensive 11) cheaper 12) higher

Activity 1 2) Paran is much colder than Bahia. 3) My city is more beautiful than yours. 4) So Paulo is a lot bigger than Piracicaba. 5) Films are more interesting than books. 6) Tablets are more modern than laptop computers. 7) Being a doctor is more stressful than being an engineer. 8) Working in groups is easier than working alone. Activity 2 1) e / f 2) c / g 3) b / d 4) a / h Activity 3 1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a Activity 4 1) your 2) being 3) happier 4) an 5) as 6) think 7) opinion 8) difficult 9) area

Activity 1 1) f 2) d 3) b 4) a 5) c 6) e Activity 2 1) However, 2) Secondly, 3) such as 4) First of all,/Finally, 5) as well as 6) In addition, 7) Another 8) Plus, Activity 3 1) First 2) addition 3) Another 4) However 5) Firstly 6) such as 7) well as 8) Finally 9) conclusion




LESSON 13 Activity 1 1) Britain 2) dont have 3) can 4) met 5) have been 6) is going 7) his 8) seeing Activity 2 1) d 2) h 3) i 4) g 5) e 6) f 7) a 8) b 9) c Activity 3 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) a 7) b 8) a 9) c Activity 4 1) no see 2) me too 3) not 4) So am 5) so have I 6) So do I 7) but I can 8) been 9) Me neither 10) I didnt LESSON 14 Activity 1 1) e 2) g 3) a 4) b 5) f 6) c 7) d Activity 2 a) 2 b) 1 c) 1 d) 2 e) 1 f) 2 Activity 3 1) c 2) a 3) e 4) d 5) b 6) f LESSON 15 Activity 1 1) in 2) at/on 3) on 4) at 5) in 6) at 7) on 8) in 9) in 10) at 11) at 12) on 13) in 14) at/on Activity 2 2) a. work / b. works 3) a. going / b. go 4) a. study / b. studying 5) a. swim / swimming 6) a. work / worked 7) a. hate / b. hates 8) a. seen / b. saw 9) a. having / b. have 10) a. drive / b. driving 11) a. were / b. was 12) a. travel / b. travelling Activity 3 1) to 2) to 3) in 4) of 5) to 6) to 7) in 8) in 9) in 10) for/to 11) in 12) in 13) on 14) to 15) at 16) to 17) in 18) to 19) in 20) in 21) for 22) At 23) to 24) in 25) about LESSON 17 Activity 1 1) time 2) money 3) time 4) time 5) money 6) money / time 7) money 8) time 9) time 10)money Activity 2 1) spend 2) She 3) waste 4) spare 5) saved 6) save 7) money 8) a lot 9) bills 10) time Activity 3 1) d 2) e 3) g 4) a 5) h 6) c 7) b 8) f LESSON 18 Activity 1A 1) d 2) f 3) a 4) c 5) b 6) e Activity 1B 1) for 2) since 3) since 4) since 5) for 6) since 7) for 8) for Activity 2 2) How long have you lived in this city? Ive lived here... 3) Have you ever seen the last Harry Potter film? No. In fact, I havent seen any 4) How long have you been in this company? Ive been in this company - 5) How long have you known your best friend? Well, Ive known Carla since - 6) How long have your worked in this department? Ive worked here for 2 years. Activity 3 1) see 2) was 3) lived 4) am 5) live 6) seen 7) lived 8) been 9) saw LESSON 19 Activity 1 1) learned 2) been 3) seen 4) been 5) known 6) driven 7) lived 8) forgotten Activity 2 1) c 2) f 3) a 4) e 5) b 6) d Activity 3 2) She hasnt had her yoga lesson yet. 3) Weve already seen this presentation. 4) Theyve already had two meetings. 5) Mom hasnt bought my birthday present yet. 6) Oh my! Its 8 pm and I havent done the shopping yet. 7) Hey, Carl! Tell everyone Ive already gone to work, please. 8) Weve already done the homework. Activity 4 2) Sara hasnt done the washing up yet. 3) Sara has already picked up the kids at school. 4) Sara hasnt bought Graces present yet. 5) Sara has already chosen clothes to the party. 4) Sara hasnt made dinner yet. Activity 5 1) I havent done the homework yet. 2) Susan has already paid ... 3) here since 2001. 4) How long have you ? 5) Weve been friends for 5 years. 6) Theyve already seen that film. 7) Ive seen this ... 8) Have you ever worked in a ? LESSON 20 Activity 1 1) pay 2) spend 3) earn 4) owe 5) take Activity 2 1) have never 2) has 3) have / have never 4) has never 5) has 6) have never 7) have 8) has never Activity 3 1) e 2) h 3) c 4) d 5) g 6) b 7) f 8) a Activity 4 1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) c Activity 5 1) have done 2) was 3) have lived 4) started 5) have managed 6) have visited 7) have also studied 8) have bought 9) has given


LESSON 21 Activity 1 1) shoes/c 2) t-shirt/d 3) chocolate/b 4) DVDs/a Activity 2 2) are (one hundred fifty Reais and twenty cents) 3) do (thirty five pounds and sixty pence) 4) cost (twenty euros and fifteen cents) 5) this (two hundred dollars and fifty cents) 6) those (sixty two pounds and eighty pence) 7) does (nine euros and ninety nice cents) 8) is it (fourteen dollars and forty cents) Activity 2 a) much b) Can I c) looking d) got e) for f) take it Thats h) Ill leave LESSON 24 Activity 1A 1) bedroom 2) kitchen 3) living room 4) games room 5) swimming pool 6) utility room 7) bathroom 8) yard 9) balcony 10) garage 11) porch. Activity 2A suggested answers 1) in 2) has 3) is 4) are 5) Is 6) have 7) but 8) got 9) Do 10) Who Activity 2B 1) I dont live in a flat. 2) My house doesnt have two bedrooms. 3) The kitchen isnt very small. 4) There arent two bathrooms in my apartment. 6) I dont have a house in the countryside. 8) The house hasnt got a modern kitchen. Activity 3 1) like 2) in 3) There 4) with 5) quite 6) me 7) have 8) a 9) has 10) in 11) like 12) quite 13) There 14) a 15) has 16) have 17) with 18) me LESSON 25 Activity 1B 1) might 2) will 3) can Activity 2A 1) will 2) can 3) might Activity 2B 1) I can go to the beaches. 2) Ill go clubbing. 3) I might visit the Seaquarium. Activity 3 1) can 2) will 3) might 4) will 5) might 6) can LESSON 26 Activity 1 1) visit / will take 2) will buy / go 3) go / will see 4) travels / will eat 5) will have / go 6) travel / will be Activity 2 1a) might 1b) will 1c) can 2a) might 2b) can 2c) will Activity 3 1) sunglasses 2) money 3) laptop computer 4) formal clothes 5) scarf 6) taxi Activity 4 2) So youll need - 3) What should I pack - 4) dont forget to pack a pair of - 5) Ill pack a pair of boots - 6) can also bring some comfortable - 7) whats the weather like - 8) Youll need to pack - 9) .. and some swimwear too. 10) you should bring some sun cream - 11) I pack any formal - 12) think were going


1) Im just looking 2) Can I help you? 3) How much is it? 4) Have you got Michael Jacksons CDs? 5) thats very expensive. 6) You can have it for US$ 130,00. LESSON 22 Activity 1A 1) personally 2) true 3) To me 4) opinion 5) my mind 6) In my 7) think 8) say Activity 1B (personal answers) Activity 2A 1) many 2) have 3) by 4) immediately 5) other 6) about 7) spend 8) it is 9) are 10) should 11) need to 12) need to Activity 2B The best title = B Activity 2c 2) rushing 3) result 4) ill 5) earning 6) realise 7) also 8) enjoyment LESSON 23 Activity 1A 1) Paris, France 2) Rome, Italy 3) London, England 4) Braslia, Brazil 5) Buenos Aires, Argentina 6) New York, the US Activity 1B a) 3 b) 4 c) 6 d) 5 e) 1 f) 2 Activity 1C 1) Palcio do Planalto 2) Casa Rosada 3) British Museum 4) Fontana di Trevi 5) Muse du Louvre 6) Broadway Activity 2 1) The Casa Rosada was constructed in the nineteenth century. 2) The Palcio do Planalto was constructed in the 1950s. 3) The Fontana di Trevi was finished in 1762. 4) Broadway is considered the heart of the American theatre industry. 5) So Paulo was founded in 1554. 6) Guaruj is visited by lots of people in summer. 7) Mona Lisa is seen by lots of visitors every day. 8) (Yesterday) the living room and the bedroom were painted (yesterday). 9) The Vila Belmiro stadium was inaugurated in 1916. 10) Braslia was built in forty-one months. 11) The Sagrada Familia was designed by Antonio Gaudi. 12) The Underground in London is also called the Tube.




LESSON 27 Activity 1A 1) h 2) c 3) g 4) b 5) d 6) e 7) a 8) f Activity 1B 1) wouldnt 2) would 3) CDs 4) on special occasions 5) would 6) lots of 7) wouldnt - 8) paella and tortilla Activity 2 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) b Activity 3 suggested answers 1) went 2) would visit 3) were 4) went 5) Would you see 6) would practice.

LESSON 28 Activity 1B 1) c 2) e 3) b 4) f 5) a 6) d Activity 2 1) where 2) has 3) can 4) there is 5) stay 6) thing 7) well Activity 3A 1) It 2) It 3) it 4) It 5) there are 6) it 7) There 8) there are 9) it 10) there 11) There 12) there arent 13) It 14) There are Activity 3B 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F LESSON 29 Activity 1 1) Can I speak to Mrs. Morrison? 2) Ill put you through. 3) Can I take a message? 4) Yes, just a moment. 5) Ill call back. 6) Can I leave a message? 7) Im calling you about the Spanish course. 8) This is George Hathaway. Activity 2 1) e 2) g 3) h 4) k 5) i 6) a 7) j 8) d 9) b 10) c 11) l 12) f Activity 3 suggested answers 1) to 2) about 3) on 4) is 5) Just 6) leave/take



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