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Church Opening Sunday: Tim Pauli Church Opening Next Week: Tim Pauli Ushers Easter Sunday: Dale

& Lynn Bast, Diane Parker & Karen Savelle Ushers next Sunday: Dale & Lynn Bast, Diane Parker & Karen Savelle Greeters Easter Sunday: Peter & Bev Dougall Greeters next Sunday: Charles & Margaret Lupton Scripture Readers: Peter Dougall, Laura Mac ames & Ste!art "o#ertson Coffee this Sunday: Dale & Lynn Bast NURSERY HE !ERS NEE"E"# $ $e are starting to have more little ones coming to church an% it is time to start a rotation sche%ule again &or the nursery' $e nee% ( persons per Sun%ay, an% i& enough come &or!ar% to help, !ill mean your name !oul% #e %o!n only once a month' Come out an% meet the ne!est mem#ers o& Kno)' *or more in&ormation an% to a%% your name the the list, contact Bev' +i%er at ,-./(0-/1.2. or 3im#evstrat&or%4sympatico'ca S%& '()ES* +(R,E%Y S( E *irst Choice ight 5 Thurs%ay, 6pril (1 5 0/. p'm' Super Sale 5 *ri%ay, 6pril (, 5 -- a'm' 5 ( p'm' Toonie Tote +our 5 *ri%ay, 6pril (, 5 0/7 p'm' -NO. SEN,OR )ENS* GROU! $ Please 3oin this &un group &or lunch at the 6r%en Park +otel' They meet at -(:22 noon the &irst $e%nes%ay o& each month' This is a very in&ormal gathering o& &rien%s' *or &urther in&ormation, contact 8or% Span%ler at ,-./(09/-0:,' YOU%H GROU! $ ;outh 8roup !ill meet again on Sun%ay, 6pril (0th &rom : to 7 p'm' in the Ban<uet +all' =& you are a#le to #ring a %essert &or the gang, please let a youth group lea%er kno!' S%R(%/OR" SEN,ORS* ",N,NG !ROGR() / >6re you looking &or: a hearty nutritious meal an% some social time !ith your &rien%s? to meet ne! people? The seniors@ %ining program may #e &or youAB C D C6"D hosts Dining Programs at the &ollo!ing locations: Kno) Church, "iver 8ar%ens, 8reen!oo% Court an% $in%mill 8ar%ens // *ull meal !ith sala%, main course an% %essert !ith co&&ee an% tea all &or E7',2/E.'22' Call Marlene to make a reservation at ,-./(0,/((-0 F(((, Golunteers ee%e%AA =& you !oul% like to volunteer &or one o& the %ining programs or !oul% like to kno! more in&ormation a#out volunteering at one o& these events, please call Sarah Milten#urg at ,-./(0-/((0F(((,

-nox !res0yterian Church

March -7, (2-1
=n our service, the scripture an% hymns !ill #e share% an% sung !ithout a pream#le' C( %O WORSH,!: Lea%er: =n this !orship you an% = #ring our !orries an% our concerns' !eop1e: We are afraid of the anger and 0etraya1 that is part of the !assion Story of 'esus& Lea%er: Let us !atch out &or hope in the mi%st o& trial an% grie&' !eop1e: We 2i11 1ook for the signs of Easter in the 3idst of a Good /riday 2or1d& HY)N: F(9. C sacre% hea%, sore !oun%e%

!R(YER O/ CON/ESS,ON (N" %HE OR"*S !R(YER: Cur *ather !ho art in heaven, hallo!e% #e thy name, thy king%om come, thy !ill #e %one on earth as it is in heaven' 8ive us this %ay our %aily #rea%' *orgive us our trespasses as !e &orgive those !ho trespass against us' Lea% us not into temptation #ut %eliver us &rom evil' *or thine is the king%om, the po!er an% the glory &orever an% ever' 6men EN%EN RE(",NG (N%HE): Lam# o& 8o% 5 T!ila Paris

SCR,!%URE: Hohn -.:-:#/(,a HY)N: F(-2 Man o& sorro!s, !on%rous name

SCR,!%URE: Hohn -.:(,#/92 RE/ EC%,ON: HY)N: F(9- $hen = survey the !on%rous cross

SCR,!%URE: Hohn -.:9-/90

O//ER,NG O//ER,NG HY)N: F::- $e give thee #ut thine o!n Iv - & 1J O//ER,NG !R(YER: ItogetherJ 8racious Creator, !e o&&er these gi&ts an% ourselves to you on this %ay o& sa%ness an% grie&' $e pray that !e may #e &aith&ul an% supportive, &ollo!ing the e)ample o& our Saviour Hesus Christ' 6men !R(YERS O/ %HE !EO! E SCR,!%URE: Hohn -.:97/1( "R()(: Symbols of the Passion
ILive the Story, Short Plays &or Churches, The $hole People o& 8o% Li#rary, Best Book Manu&acturersJ

Narrator 5 Ste!art "o#ertson Basin Narrator 5 ick Bachner Moneybag Narrator 5 Dale Bast The Chalice Narrator 5 Megan Speiran HY)N: F(99 Iv -J Lantern Narrator 5 Shirley $eitKel Rooster Narrator 5 Tim Barton HY)N: F(99 Iv (J Crown of Thorns Narrator 5 Kay Diehl HY)N: F(99 Iv 9J The Cross Narrator 5 Dlmer Dre%ge HY)N: F(99 Iv 1J The Lily Narrator 5 Lori Speiran HY)N: F(99 Iv ,J I6t the en% o& the %rama presentation, please leave the service in silence' $e look &or!ar% to coming together again on Daster Sun%ay'J 'oin us for our E(S%ER SUN"(Y SER+,CE at 44:55 a&3& "ev' Mark@s Sermon: Daster Hoy

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