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swer found but not sure Green Answers are simple and known Q1) The QAI is starting a project to put the CSTE certification online. They will use an automated process for recording candidate information scheduling candidates for e!ams "eeping trac" of results and sending out certificates. #rite a $rief test plan for this new project% Ans1: est plan of the abo!e will consist of: a" &$jecti'e( o automate the #$ % certification online b" Identifier( #$ %&A' (1()ndia c" )eferences( Records of earlier #$ % %*ams held +ames of the people in!ol!ed in earlier e*ams held #B,-. e*am material. application forms. certification d" Test Items( he forms of the site for application. re&scheduling. postponing e*am etc/ ,n line tutorials/ 0elp support pro!ided #$ % main e*am links #onnecti!ity/ 1atabases e" )is"s( Reco!ery #orrectness $ecurity 'nauthori2ed access of the application 1atabases )ntegrity Redundancy. #onfiguration management. portability. 3aintainability %ase of use. ease of operation/ f" Testing Strategy( 4hite bo* testing Black bo* testing $tress testing. Performance testing #onfiguration 3anagement. $ystem testing. $ecurity esting. 5can add some more techni6ues for testing" g" Acceptance Criteria( #riteria for e*it like the re6uirements specified by user are met fully. the site is fault free. and the application for the main e*am is working fine/ he functionality is fully satisfied/ h" Suspension or )eject Criteria( esting cannot progress if any of the test items do not satisfy all the input data is pro!ided/ %nough time is pro!ided/

i" Schedules( $chedules gi!en here for each type of testing and reporting results/ 7" En'ironmental *eeds( ools re6uired for testing/ #onnecti!ity pro!ided/ Reco!ery data pro!ided/ k" Training *eeds( raining of the testers. training of the personnel l" Appro'al( Appro!al of the management. users/ m" +lossary( All the !ocabulary support. data dictionaries etc/

Q,) The fi'e dimensions of the )is"s are% Ans8: a) Technology Integration & 4hat kind of technology are we using a new hardware(software technology/ 4e may not ha!e enough e*pertise on that/ he technology might not be time pro!en yet/ $) Si-e and Comple!ity & he $i2e and the #omple*ity of the application/ e/g Banking applications are huge and more comple* c) System En'ironment and Sta$ility & %n! 5e/g web based might not be stable" d) Criticality./ission Impact & 9ife critical applications like medical e6uipment simulation. flight simulation are highly critical/ :inancial. e&banking are critical as per the financial aspect e) )elia$ility and Integrity & :inally. the application must be reliable and must do what it is intended for/// Q0) E!plain testing life cycle% Ans;: est Analysis&&& est Plan&&& est case 1esign&&& est %*ecution&&& est 9og&&&&&&&& est Report/ < = < < racking 1efect

Q1) 2ow would u prepare the Test plan for the 3roject% Ans>: Assumptions:& he re6uirements are gi!en clearly to u. stating that u ha!e to prepare Plan for #$ % certification ,nline by 1/ Recording candidate information 8/ $cheduling candidates for e*ams ;/ -eeping track of results and >/ $ending out certificates

est Plan co!ering the details 1/ 4ho is going to prepare the plan? 8/ 4hich is your reference document for preparing the Plan? ;/ 4hat $19# the pro7ect is going to attain in that when testing comes/ >/ 4hen esting starts for each module of the application/ @/ 4hat type of testing 53anual or Automation?" A/ 4ho is going to test it? B/ 4hen he is going to test it C/ 4hich tools youDre going to use? E/ Plan or gi!e date if training is need for ools 1F/ 4hat are the 1eli!erables? 11/ 4hat is the knowledge of the application by the ester. check if raining is needed/ 18/ 4hat le!el of testing is going to be done? 1;/ 4hen est #ases is going to prepared 1>/ 4ho is going to re!iew it? 1@/ 4ho the 1efect Report is reported? Q4) what acti'ity is done in Acceptance Testing which is not done in System testing to ensure the Customer re5uirements% Ans@: 3ain ob7ecti!e of both system and acceptance testing is ensure all the functionalities and re6uirement are implemented correctly or not/ )n Acceptance testing/ real time test data is used. usually acceptance testing is done by client or clients representati!e/ 0ere client will check the all functionalities/ But in $ystem testing/ & pro7ect team and testing team should do testing/ 0ere we ha!e to do all system testing like load. stress. performance etc/ & )ts not mandatory that we ha!e to use real time data again its depends on the type of application/ a" Acceptance test is e*ecuted by users where as system test is e*ecuted by the testers/ b" Acceptance test is the responsibility of the client and is a final check point to accept or re7ect the software/ c"Acceptance testing in!ol!es the actual production en!ironment where as system testing simulates the production en!ironment d" Acceptance testing in!ol!es testing the acceptance test criteria mentioned in the Acceptance test plan and !erifying that the product meets those criteria where as system test in!ol!es testing the entire system and !erifying the performance as a whole/ e" $ystem test is carried out when the entire system is ready where as acceptance tests can be carried out at pre & defined inter!als/ Q6) 7The top management was feeling that when there are any changes in the technology $eing used de'elopment schedules etc it is a waste of time to update the Test 3lan also from time to time. Instead they are emphasi-ing that you should put your time into testing than wor"ing on the test plan. 8our 3roject /anager as"ed for your opinion. 8ou ha'e argued that Test 3lan is 'ery important and you need to update your test plan from time to time. It is not at all a waste of time and testing acti'ities would $e more effecti'e when you ha'e your plan clear. E!plain with some metrics9 how you would support your argument to ha'e the test plan in place all the time.7%

AnsA: esting is a process and needs planningG too/ he test plan ser!es as a contract between HA and the pro7ect team/ )t ser!es as the foundation for the HA team/ )f you donIt plan. plan to fail/ HA will not be able to !erify the test co!erage of the new technology if it is not addressed in the test plan/ :urther. the test plan will address how the technology will be tested in regards to test factors and if the technology will negati!ely impact other features/ 4ithout a test plan. we donDt know a" 4hat we are going to do b" 0ow we are going to do it c" 0ow long will it take d" Resources re6uired e" #ost 4ithout a documented test plan a" he test can not be !erified b" #o!erage can not be analy2ed c" he test is not repeatable d" est can not be controlled e" est plan is a tool to !erify or confirm re6uirement f" Re!iew of test plan can identify gaps and missing or !ague re6uirement g" est plan ensures that each re6uirement is testable h" Planning helps in selection of test cases i" est plan is a dynamic document like any other plan 7" est plan defines o!erall testing ob7ecti!es and approach k" est design defines what is selected to test and describes e*pected results ,r )f we keep the est Plan up&to&date. it will enable: a" -eep a track of all deli!erables as defined in test plan with any slippages in their schedules/ )f any slippages are occurring. take pre!enti!e actions/ Also enable to estimate h(w and manpower resources(efforts. based on technological changes/ b" est progress $ cur!e 5plan. attempted. actual test cases" shall gi!e a fair indication of the status of testing acti!ity/ c" echnological changes might lead to changes in test strategies/ An updated test plan would enable effecti!e testing co2 strategy would be well defined and updated d" Ascertain when the testing acti!ity should stop e" %stimate correct !alue of #ode co!erage 5Percentage of lines of code e*ecuted per total lines of code" and take necessary action to test components that co!er less code f" $er!e as a basis for testing a similar kind of application in future Q:) Short form for 11 Quality ;actors( < /ICE =) ;lI)T >not e!am related) AnsB: 3: 3aintainability ): )ntegrity #: #orrectness %: %fficiency

': 'sability R: Reliability :l: :le*ibility ): )nteroperability R: Reusability : estability Q?) #hat fields would you include in creating a new defect trac"ing program >used $y QA de'elopers etc)% >,4 points) AnsC: )t should content following fields:& 1efect )d $tatus:& +ew. Acti!e. :i*ed. Resol!e. 1uplicate. By 1esign. #losed. Reopen Assigned to $ource of 1efect 5 est case or other source" $tage of origination Pro7ect $ub7ect $ummary 1escription RJ1 comments Reproducible Kes(+o $e!erity: & 9ow. 3edium. 0igh. Very 0igh. 'rgent Priority: & 9ow. 3edium. 0igh. Very 0igh. 'rgent 1etected By 1etected date 1etected in !ersion #losed in !ersion $creen print J 9ogs etc/ Q@) which 0 tools would you purchase for your company for use in testing and justify why you would want them% >This 5uestion is in $oth essay parts only rephrased. I thin" 1A points each time) AnsE: # Test management tool - >Optional) why because : 0elps in : & $a!ing time in the creation and duplication of test scripts &$taffing decisions accurately & esting process and implementation & 3aintaining documentation and implementation to meet the re6uirements & aking correcti!e steps before the system goes li!e & racking specific information about indi!idual test scripts & Getting updates on daily testing acti!ities & Record test results and produce statistical reports on test results # Unit test tool 4hy because: unit test must be performed by the programmers and each class implemented must ha!e programmer&de!eloped unit tests. for e!erything that Lcould

possibly breakL/ hese tests are to be written during coding of the class. preferably right before implementing a gi!en feature/ ests are run as fre6uently as possible during de!elopment. and all unit tests in the entire system must be running at 1FFM before any de!eloper releases his code/ # functional/regression test tool )f ) adopt this tool then i can reduce risks and make the most of limited resources by implementing automated functional and regression testing of critical applications. whereby de!elopment and HA teams create reusable test assets that pro!ide in& depth defect analysis and e*pedite resolution of defects/ 4hy because: &)t will ensure that the 6uality at e!ery step of deli!ery &)t will fill the gap between the de!elopment and testing teams &it will 6uickly identify and correct problems and cost& effecti!e # Load and stress tool 4hy because )t will help us to interpret the data. and point at the most likely performance problems/ # Bug tracking tool -(Optional) 4hy because: )t is 6uite hard to keep track of what bugs ha!e been raised. and which of them ha!e been fi*ed/ As well as automating this process. bug tracking tools make it e*tremely easy to analy2e pro7ects using metrics and reports Q1A) what are the points to $e emphasi-ed in testing of a system which has multiple wor"stations for inputting >as against a single wor"station system)% Ans1F: a" $educoncurrancy testing :& 4hen one user or console is updating (adding (deleting a record other user should not be allowed to process the same record & ,ther user should be in wait state b" 9oad test ( stress test should be done c" Reco!ery test should be done d" Performance testing: & Response time( ransaction completion time e" 1ata !alidation: & #heck if data is sa!ed in correct order. data retrie!al is correct f" Access control g" 1atabase security h" #oncurrent user test i" 'pdate and Rollback 7" Response time and $er!er connecti!ity

Q11) #rite Test plan considerations for e<$usiness solution Ans11: 'nderstanding the ecommerce could ha!e a huge financial impact on a company if not conducted properly/ Also the fact that the infrastructure is not in place for the company also will re6uire additional testing/ he types of tests ) would conduct include the following: $tructural est a" $tress & for the pro7ect !olumes of transactions and number of users/ )t is key to know where the limits of the application e*ist/ b" %*ecution c" Reco!ery & 4ith financial transactions it is important to know a system can stop mid transaction and when it comes back up is able to return to processing when it comes back up/ d" $ecurity & )nternal and e*ternal security :unctional est a/ Re6uirements b/ %rror 0andling c/ )ntersystem Risk:& a" $ecurity b" Performance c" #orrectness d" #ompatibility e" Reliability f" Authentication g" Pri!acy and Protection of )nformation h" :raud and 3isrepresentation i" Reliability of trading partners 7" echnology Risk Personnel are in!ol!ed: a" )nternal Auditor b" Risk consultant c" 1ata Processor d" $ecurity ,fficer e" #omputer operations manager Q1,) #hen to stop testing% Ans18: 4hen the test manager is confident that the application will perform as e*pected in the production en!ironment/ his confidence is deri!ed by analysis conducted on: a" 1eadlines 5release deadlines. testing deadlines. etc/" are met b" est cases completed with certain percentage passed c" est budget depleted d" #o!erage of code(functionality(re6uirements reaches a specified point e" 3eantime between failures f" Risks associated with continuing to test g" Percentage of co!erage achie!ed h" +umber of open defects and their se!erity i" Risk associated with mo!e to production

Q10) State 1 reasons( #hy to test the software% Ans1;: a" o unco!er the bugs b" )mpro!e the 6uality prior to sales c" o check the performance of application in d" o ensure that application is as per user re6uirement e" o reduce the failure cost f" o reduce the risk g" o build the confidence in to software Q11) Cefine and +i'e e!amples for aD Eoundary Falue Analysis $D E5ui'alence 3artitioning cD Error +uessing% Ans1>: aN Boundary Value Analysis:& )t is a test data selection techni6ue in which input data is selected from the input and output boundaries of a gi!en functions/ )t is a techni6ue that consists of de!eloping test cases and data that focus on the input and output boundaries of a gi!en function/ %*ample: & $alary should be between 1F.FFF and 1@.FFF/ so test data should be between 9ow boundary plus or minus 5E.EEE J 1F.FF1" ,n the boundary 51F.FFF J 1@.FFF" 'pper boundary plus or minus 51>.EEE J 1@.FF1" bN %6ui!alence Partitioning:&An e6ui!alence class is a subset of data which representati!e of larger class/ %6ui!alence partitioning is a techni6ue for testing e6ui!alence classes rather than under taking e*hausti!e testing of each !olume of larger class/ %*ample: & A program which edits credit limits within a gi!en range 5O1F.FFF & O1@.FFF" would ha!e three e6ui!alence classes 9ess than 1F.FFF 5)n!alid" Between 1F.FFF J 1@.FFF 5Valid" Greater than 1@.FFF5)n!alid" cN %rror Guessing %rror guessing is based on the theory that test cases can be de!eloped based upon the intuition and e*perience of test engineer/ %*ample:& 4here one of the inputs is date a test engineer may try :ebruary 8E. 8FF> or E(E(EE Q14) #rite standards for test plan test script test report. mar"s Ans1@: est Plan 53ake this in table format" a) Preface b) %*ecuti!e $ummary c) )ntroduction of the Pro7ect d) ,rgani2ation of 1ocument e) est ,rgani2ation f) est echni6ues g) est ools h) Acceptance #riteria i) Glossary 14

est $cript a) 1ate of est #onducted b) ype of est #onducted c) $erial +umber d) $tatement to %*ecute e) %*pected Result f) Actual Result g) Remark est Report a) +ame of the Pro7ect b) +ame of the 3odule($ubsystem c) ype of the esting d) )n the 0eading Present the total number of 1efects e) Graphical Analysis of est Result !isa 0istogram or soP/ Q16) 8our customer doesnGt "now how to prepare acceptance test plan. #rite contents of the acceptance test plan for his guidance. 14 mar"s Ans1A: Acceptance criteria should include success criteria for: a" :unctional Re6uirements &which relate to the business rules that the system must e*ecute b" Performance Re6uirements which relate to operational re6uirements such as time or resource constraints c" )nterfacing 6uality Re6uirements&which relate to a connection to another component of processing5human(machine&machine(module" d" ,!erall $oftware Huality re6uirements are those that specify limits for factors or attributes such as reliability. testability. correctness and usability & Pro7ect description & $cope & 'ser roles and responsibilities & Acceptance criteria & est cases to be e*ecuted Acceptance #riterion &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +o Acceptance re6 #ritical Kes 1 9ogin time Kes Kes Kes Re7ect Accept ,nly ;F works +o Result Accept Re7ect Remark

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & should not be more than A sec 8/ #oncurrent users 5min >F 'sers"

Q1:) E!plain any 4 Test /etrics >1A /ar"s) Ans1B: Test Co'erage Q +umber of units 5-9,#(:P" tested ( total si2e of the system Test cost >in H) Q #ost of testing ( total cost R1FF Cost to locate defect Q #ost of testing ( the number of defects located Cefects detected in testing >in H) Q 1efects detected in testing ( total system defectsR1FF Acceptance criteria tested Q Acceptance criteria tested ( total acceptance criteria Q1?) #rite a Test transaction for a scenario where 6.,H of ta! deduction for the first I6, AAA of income has to $e done% Ans1C: :or test transaction need to be consider 9ower boundary. ,n the boundary and 'pper boundary while creating scenario/ a" #heck if A/8M ta* deduction is calculated for income less than OA8.FFF/ b" #heck if A/8M ta* deduction is calculated for income e6ual to OA8.FFF c" #heck if A/8M ta* deduction is not calculated for income more than OA8.FFF/ 5Because in the 6uestion he mentioned clearly that itDs for the first OA8.FFF" Q1@) you ha'e deli'ery of product in ne!t ,.0 days. 2a'e people already o'erwor"ed. 8our $udget does not allow including new team mem$er. 8ou are finding that each test cycle is finding new defects. As a 3/ how u will ensure that schedule is met and product 5uality is high% Ans1E: a) Arrange team meeting/ ell importance and urgency/ b) 9isten to concerns and opinions of team members c) 0a!e 6uick awareness session on type of defects/ 'se pareto analysis to find out critical defects d) #oncentrate on root cause of defects e) $tate se!erity and priority f) Assign ( change task and schedule g) Gi!e 3oti!ation to team members h) Aware customer about current status Q,A) what is management $y fact% Ans8F: 3anagement by fact is using 6uantitati!e measures and metrics to manage the Planning. e*ecution. and reporting of software testing/ Q,1) what are the three types of interfaces% Ans81: a" 3erson./achine & )nterfaces that include the operating system and the de!elopment languages that are a!ailable. as well as the input(output facilities/

b" Communications Interfaces & )nterfaces that include transmission of

information between computers and remote e6uipment 5e/g/. transmission of computer data o!er networks/"

c" 3rogram Interfaces & )nterfaces for the e*change of information. whether on
the same computer. or distributed across multiple tiers of the application architecture. Q,,) what three rules should $e followed for all re'iews% Ans88: a" Re!iew the Product not the author b" :ocus on 1efect c" ,!erall responsibility as a team Q,0) what Jstage containmentG is as referred to re'iews% Ans8;: )dentifying defects in the stage in which they were created. rather than in later testing stages/ Q,1) what is meant $y error seeding and fault injection? Ans8>: Error Seeding: %rror $eeding is a statistical method used to assess the number and characteristics of the faults remaining in the program/ :irst faults are seeded into the program/ hen the program is tested and the number of faults disco!ered is used to estimate the number of faults yet undisco!ered/ A difficulty with this techni6ue is this that the seeded errors should represent the yet undisco!ered errors/ ;ault Injection: An incorrect step. process or data definition in a program 5code"/ he outgrowths of a mistake produce by a human action that produces the incorrect result 5a failure e/g/ a fault causing an ,$ to lock&up/" :ault in7ection has been e*tensi!ely used in the last decade to e!aluate fault tolerance mechanisms and to assess the impact of faults in the systems/ A measure issue is to assure that the in7ected faults are representati!e of actual faults. as this is the necessary condition to obtain meaningful results/ :irst faults are seeded into the program/ hen the program is tested and the number of faults disco!ered is used to estimate the number of faults yet undisco!ered/ Q,4) If you happen to $e the customer.user of the software what are >your) the responsi$ilities for software acceptance% Ans8@: a" #reation 5or 'pdate(re!iew" of Acceptance est Plan b" Resource and $chedule for Acceptance esting c" $pecial 1ata collection for Acceptance esting d" raining 9ogistics for Acceptance esting e" :ollowing $tandard Practices while carrying out any tasks/

Q,6) Kist the concerns that testers face in assuring that the test plan will $e complete/ Ans8A: a" +ot %nough raining b" 's !ersus hem mentality c" 9ack of est ools d" 9ack of 3anagement 'nderstanding($upport of testing e" 9ack of #ustomer and 'ser )n!ol!ement f" +ot %nough ime for testing g" ,!er Reliance ,n )ndependent esters h" Rapid #hanges i" esters Are in a 9ose&9ose $ituations 7" 0a!ing to $ay S+oD Q,:) Kist the input>s) used in de'eloping the test plan. Ans8B: a" $oftware #ontract b" $oftware Pro7ect Plan 54hich contains Pro7ect $chedule" c" Re6uirements 1ocument d" 1esign 1ocument Q,?) Kist the considerations in Ce'eloping Testing /ethodologies% Ans8C: a" Ac6uire and study the test strategy b" 1etermine the type of de!eloping pro7ect c" 1etermine the type of software system d" 1etermine the pro7ect scope/ e" )dentify the tactical risks f" 1etermine when testing should occur g" Build the system test plan/ h" Build the unit test plan/ Q,@) what 5ualities must an indi'idual possess to test effecti'ely a software application% Ans8E: a" Good #ommunication $kill b" Good %rror Guessing c" Good Analytical $kill d" -nowledge of Programming #oncepts Q0A) what is the role of an independent test group >IT+)% Ans;F: he main role is to ensure that 6uality is measured accurately/ $ince they are independent they gi!e unbiased opinion about the product 6uality/ hey are independent as they report to different person(group whom de!elopment team reports/ Q01) what are the acceptance re5uirements that a system must meet in acceptance testing% Ans;1: Acceptance re6uirements that a system must meet can be di!ided in > categories: a) ;unctionality re5uirements. which relate to the business rules that the system must e*ecute/

b) 3erformance re5uirements. which relate to operational re6uirements such as

time or resource constraints/


Interface 5uality re5uirements. which relate to a connection to another component of processing/

d) &'erall software 5uality re5uirements are those that specify limits for
factors or attributes such as reliability, testability, correctness, and usability. Q0,) what is a System Eoundary Ciagram% +i'e an e!ample. Ans;8: A System Boundary Diagram depicts the interfaces between the software being tested and the indi!iduals. systems. and other interfaces/ he purpose of the system boundary diagram is to establish the scope of the system and to identify the interfaces that need to be de!eloped/ %*ample: $ystem Boundary 1iagram for an automated teller machine 5A 3"/

Bank Customer

ATM Control System

Security Alarm System

Best Bank ATM

ATM Service Technician ATM System Administrator

Q00) what are the contents of a Software.Test /atri!% Ans;;: est 3atri* is a able 5or an arrangement". which contains different 3odules to be tested as Rows and ypes of esting techni6ues to be conducted as #olumns/ ,ne or more kind of testing techni6ues can be conducted for one module/ Q01) *ame the causes from which most of the testing pro$lems occur% Ans;>: a" :ailure to define est ,b7ecti!es/ b" 9ack of support from 1e!elopment eam/ c" 9ack of raining/ d" 9ack of use of effecti!e techni6ues/

Q04) Cefine cost<effecti'e perspecti'e in testing% Ans;@: #ost %ffecti!e way of esting is a way to achie!e ma*imum ad!antage out of testing which means that #ost of #onduction esting is less than the loss due to undetected defects/ Q06) Craw the Testing Cost Cur'e and the &ptimum Test >where it occurs). Ans;A:

Test Cost Curve

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Testing Cost Loss Due to Untected Defects

Loss Due to Untected Defect Testing Cost

Q0:) /ention the stages of a traditional software de'elopment life cycle% Ans;B: a/ #onception b/ )nitiation c/ Re6uirement d/ 1esign e/ esting f/ )mplementation g/ Retirement Q0?) 3repare a chec" list for the de'elopers on unit testing $efore the application comes to testing department Ans;C: +eneral a" All Programs are #ompiled successfully b" All Programs are commented properly/ c" All Programs do not ha!e spelling mistakes and grammar errors in comments/ d" All program names in Build are same as in Release +otes/ e" ,nline 0elp e*ists for each program unit/5for each page if applicable" f" 'ser 3anual does contain all program names and associated te*t/ +=I Interface a" Background and :oreground color combination suits the eyes b" Program works in all screen resolution modes c" Program does not contain orphan(broken web links d" Application does not raise any critical error message 5 )t should be returned to de!eloper if continuously se!ere errors encountered"

Q0@) #rite any attri$utes which will impact the testing process Ans;E: a) 3aintainability b) Reliability c) #orrectness d) :le*ibility Q1A) Cifference $etween Static Testing and Cynamic Testing Ans>F: $tatic testing could be termed as the Verification process where in the work products or the plans or any documents made by or for testers are tested 5more so. !erified"/1ynamic testing could be termed as the Validation process. where the actual testing of the application happens/ All the testing phases 5unit. integration and system" come under dynamic testing/ Q11) E!plain any 0 section of =nit Test 3lan Ans>1: a" planning for the software that would be re6uired for performing the testing/ his is one of the most important aspects of test planning/ 0ere we decide upon the tools that would be necessary to perform the testing at !arious phases/ b" #riteria for accepting applications for testing/ Before accepting an application for testing. certain criteria needs to be fulfilled by the de!elopment team to accept it for testing/ hey could be: #lean and descripti!e codes 5following the coding standards of the organi2ation". unit test should ha!e been performed on the code. re!iews and walkthroughs should ha!e happened on the code etc/ c" )dentifying the appropriate personnel and allocating the same/ Q1,) Cifference $etween Koad testing and Stress testing% Ans>8: A/ $tress testing is sub7ecting a system to an unreasonable load while denying it the resources 5e/g/. RA3. disc. mips. interrupts.etc/" needed to process that load/ he idea is to stress a system to the breaking point in order to find bugs that will make that break potentially harmful/ he system is not e*pected to process the o!erload without ade6uate resources. but to beha!e 5e/g/. fail" in a decent manner 5e/g/. not corrupting or losing data"/ Bugs and failure modes disco!ered under stress testing may or may not be repaired depending on the application. the failure mode. conse6uences. etc/ he load 5incoming transaction stream" in stress testing is often deliberately distorted so as to force the system into resource depletion/ B/ 9oad testing is sub7ecting a system to a statistically representati!e 5usually" load/ he two main reasons for using such loads is in support of software reliability testing and in performance testing/ he term Lload testingL by itself is too !ague and imprecise to warrant use/ :or e*ample. do you mean representati!e load.L Lo!erload.L Lhigh load.L etc/ )n performance testing. load is !aried from a minimum 52ero" to the ma*imum le!el the system can sustain without running out of resources or ha!ing. transactions suffer 5application&specific" e*cessi!e delay/ #/ Performance testing: & Performance testing is basically the process of understanding how the application and its operating en!ironment respond at !arious user load le!els/ )n general. we want to measure the latency. throughput. and utili2ation of resources/

Q10) what can $e done if re5uirements are changing continuously% Ans>;: 1/ 4ork with the pro7ectIs stakeholders early on to understand how re6uirements might change so that alternate test plans and strategies can be worked out in ad!ance. if possible/ 8/ )tIs helpful if the applicationIs initial design allows for some adaptability so that later changes do not re6uire redoing the application from scratch/ ;/ )f the code is well&commented and well&documented this makes changes easier for the de!elopers/ >/ 'se rapid prototyping whene!er possible to help customers feel sure of their re6uirements and minimi2e changes/ @/ he pro7ectIs initial schedule should allow for some e*tra time commensurate with the possibility of changes/ A/ ry to mo!e new re6uirements to a IPhase 8I !ersion of an application. while using the original re6uirements for the IPhase 1I !ersion/ B/ +egotiate to allow only easily&implemented new re6uirements into the pro7ect. while mo!ing more difficult new re6uirements into future !ersions of the application/ C/ Be sure that customers and management understand the scheduling impacts. inherent risks. and costs of significant re6uirements changes/ hen let management or the customers 5not the de!elopers or testers" decide if the changes are warranted & after all. thatIs their 7ob/ E/ Balance the effort put into setting up automated testing with the e*pected effort re6uired to re&do them to deal with changes/ 1F/ ry to design some fle*ibility into automated test scripts/ 11/ :ocus initial automated testing on application aspects that are most likely to remain unchanged/ 18/ 1e!ote appropriate effort to risk analysis of changes to minimi2e regression testing needs/ 1;/ 1esign some fle*ibility into test cases 5this is not easily doneG the best bet might be to minimi2e the detail in the test cases. or set up only higher&le!el generic& type test plans" 1>/ :ocus less on detailed test plans and test cases and more on ad hoc testing 5with an understanding of the added risk that this entails"/ Q11) #rite a sample test policy% Ans>>: est Policy is managementDs definition of testing for a department/ $ample est Policy

%$ P,9)#K #$ % GR,'P 9 1 esting 1efinition: 1etermination of the !alidity of the computer solution to a business Problem/ esting $ystem: 1e!elopment and e*ecution of a test plan in accordance with 1epartmental procedures and user re6uirements/ 3easurement of esting #ost of undetected defects/ esting $tandards ,ne defects per 8@F e*ecutable program statements/

Q14) Characteristics of +ood Test Cases >TC) are% Ans>@: a" A good test case has a high probability of finding errors/ b" )t is traceable to the re6uirements/ c" )t has all the characteristics of a good re6uirement/ i/e/. it is clear. correct and unambiguous/ d" )t should be repetable Q16) Craw a pictorial diagram of a report you would create for de'elopers to determine project status% a/ 1raw a pictorial diagram of a report you would create for de!elopers to determine pro7ect status b/ 1raw a pictorial diagram of a report you would create for users and management to show pro7ect status Ans>A: a)

Indi'idual project status report 1ate:&F>(18(8FF> $ponsor:&AB# 3anager:&TKU K8k Huick $tatus

,AA1 ,AA4 ,AA6 3roject Acti'ity / A / L L A S & * C L ; / A / L L A S & * C L ; / A / L L A S & * 3lanning )e5uirement Ce'elopment Implementation



/ajor 8,M 3roject Status )eport Cate(< 4.01.1@@? 3eriod Cat /A/LLAS&*CL;/A/LLAS&*CL;/A/ T S E Tgt

1. Customer $illing

1. Customer $illing



1. Customer $illing




Category Codes TN Technical status SN Scheduled Status EN Eudget Status

Code (

+ood >+reen)

Caution >8ellow)

Alert >)ed)

Q1:) it is $eing o$ser'ed that in a project cost of testing is 'ery high. After going in detail it was found that the testers are testing the software which is not left with many defects. 2ow will you ma"e sure that this is correct% three ways% #hat are the disad'antages of &'er Testing% Ans>B: a" 1isad!antages of ,!er& esting: b" 4astage of precious est ime c" 4astage of scarce est Resources. and est %n!ironment d" 9ess R,) e" 1istraction 5to o!er&test" could cause some important applications components to get under&tested 2ow to ma"e sure it is corrected( < a" 0a!e clear policies when to $top esting/ 5Read other Answers for details on this" b" 0a!e $tandards(Procedures to make sure this Policy is followed/ Reward and punish the people who follow and who donIt follow this. respecti!ely. o!er a period of time/ c" 0a!e historical data on e*pected defect rates. and police the est effort when the rate goes much lower d" Re!iew the est Results Report and the end of e!ery week. and appro!e further testing only if desirable Q1?) you find that the senior testers are ma"ing more mista"es then junior testers9 you need to communicate this aspect to the senior tester. Also you donOt want to loose this tester. 2ow should one go a$out the constructi'e criticism% Ans>C: a" 1o it pri!ately b" 0a!e the facts c" Be prepared to help the worker to impro!e his(her performance d" Be specific on e*pectations e" :ollow the specific process in gi!ing the criticsm 1" state the positi!e first 8" )ndicate the deficiencies with product or ser!ices produced by indi!idual

;" >" @" A"

Get agreement that there is a problem Ask the subordinate for ad!ice how to impro!e his(her performance )f the is unable to sol!e suggest the cource 3ake a specific VcontractW regarding what will happened after the session B" A!oid the threat Q1@) how will you ensure the effecti'eness efficiency and total co'erage of a model with lots of fields data and interdependent paths $etween them% Ans>E: :irst consider risk associated when fields are added a" est :actors you ha!e to consider and draw a matri* b" esting go for Reliability c" %ffecti!eness and efficiency test co!erage is calculated d" Regression. $tress. Black bo* testing is performed 4hite bo* testing can be useful to do these: A" 'nit testing & co!ers a" statement co!erage b" path co!erage c" loop testing d" code co!erage e" condition co!erage f" branch co!erage B" )ntegration testing & data na!igation from one module to another module since the model consists of different fields Q4A) 3ut the following testing types in order and gi'e a $rief description of each System testing acceptance testing unit testing integration testing and $enefits reali-ation testing. >1A points) Ans@F: 1" 'nit testing: & esting )ndi!idual Programs. modules. or components to demonstrate that the work package e*ecutes per specification. and !alidate the design and technical 6uality of the application/ he focus is on ensuring that he detailed logic within the component is accurate and reliable according to pre&determined specifications/ esting stubs or dri!ers may be used to simulate beha!ior of interfacing models/ 8" )ntegration testing: & his test begins after two or more programs or application components ha!e been successfully unit tested/ he de!elopment team to !alidate the technical 6uality or design of the application conducts it/ )t is the first le!el of testing which formally integrates a set of programs that communicate among themsel!es !ia messages or files 5a client and its ser!er5s". a string of batch programs. or a set of on&line modules within a dialog or con!ersation/" ;" $ystem testing: & 1uring this e!ent. the entire system is tested to !erify that all functional. information. structural and 6uality re6uirements ha!e been met/ A Predetermined combination of tests is designed that. when e*ecuted successfully. satisfy management that the system meets specifications/ $ystem testing !erifies the functional 6uality of the system in addition to all e*ternal interfaces. manual procedures. restart and reco!ery. and human&computer interfaces/ )t also !erifies that interfaces between the application and the open en!ironment work correctly. that X#9 functions correctly. and that the application functions appropriately with the 1atabase 3anagement $ystem. ,perations %n!ironment. and any communications system/

>" Acceptance testing 3ain ob7ecti!e acceptance testing is ensure all the functionalities and re6uirement are implemented correctly or not/ )n Acceptance testing real time test data is used. usually acceptance testing is done by client or clientDs representati!e/ 0ere client will check the all the functionalities/ Q41) Cescri$e automated$ac" tools and list the $enefits of using them. >1A points) Ans@1: #apture(playback tools capture or record the actions performed during a test session into software&like scripts that can be replayed against the same or an updated !ersion of the software. allowing a comparison of identical test results/ A difference in test results may indicate the presence of a regression defect Eenefits(< a" Automating testing reduces testing errors b" 3aintainable. e*tendible and reusable est Automation solutions c) Automation enables repeatable testing process d" :ree up testers to focus on higher risk e*ploratory testing e" Reduce testing costs for regression. acceptance and other repetiti!e tests f" 1isco!er the benefits of using Automated Regression ests in your rapid release schedule g" Be able to make Automated esting decisions that yield positi!e return&on& testing in!estment h" #omplete testing co!erage is a more readily achie!able goal with an automated suite of test tools Q4,) Kist what you thin" are the 1 primary goals of testing. >4 or 1A points) Ans@8: Primary 1etermine if system meets specs 1etermine if system meets business ( user needs $econdary Raising issues ( instilling confidence in system( insight into s(w deli!ery process (impro!e test process/ ,ther primary goal 'ser $atisfaction J #ost Reduction Q40) #rite test plan considerations for testing of a system with highly interdependent and comple! data model in nature. >It has lot of 'aria$les fields constraints mathematical processing and so on) and the customer has modified the scope of the project without any additional time allotted. #hat approach should $e ta"en to test the system% Ans@;: a" $ince the scope of the pro7ect has been modified by the customer without any additional time allotted. test plan is to be designed in such a way that it co!ers all the ma7or fundamentals functionality. modules and the software stress will be gi!en on testing those modules/ b" $ince the product has comple* data in mature constraint !iolation test maintainability and reliability tests should also be carried out/ 1" est based on table relations 8" Boundary !alue analysis ( %6ui!alence partitioning

;" Performance of system 5time taken to comple* data" >" $ince comple* database is used load(stress test. reco!ery test should be performed Q41) +i'e /EAS=)E/E*TS for aD Test Effecti'eness and $D Test Efficiency Ans@>: Effecti'eness & 0ow well the user achie!es the goals they set out to achie!e using the system 5process"/ Efficiency & he resources consumed in order to achie!e their goals/ )n $oftware field. these terms are primarily used to indicate the effort put in to de!elop the $oftware and 0ow much is customer satisfied with the product/ %ffecti!eness signifies how well the customer re6uirements ha!e been met i/e/ does the final product pro!ides the solution to the #ustomer problem effecti!ely/ %fficiency is something. which is internal to the ,rgani2ation that produced the $oftware product/ )t is basically& how efficiently the a!ailable resources 5time. hardware. personnel. e*pertise etc/" were utili2ed to create the $oftware product/ hus. %ffecti!eness of $oftware is a measure of #ustomer response on meeting productIs re6uirements and %fficiency is a measure of optimum utili2ation of resources to create the $oftware product/ Effecti'e & producing a powerful effect Efficient & producing results with little wasted effort E!ample Xames efficiently made the calls he had wanted to make/ Robert didnIt make the calls he had planned to make. but effecti!ely met his sales 6uota by profiting from a chance encounter with a business ac6uaintance/ Mey 3oint 4hen youIre effecti!e. you are able to accomplish the worthwhile goal youI!e chosen/ 4hen youIre efficient. you 6uickly carry out actions/ Kou wonIt be effecti!e. howe!er. unless those actions result in your achie!ing a meaningful goal/ Test Effecti'eness Q 551efects remo!ed in a phase" ( 51efect in7ected Y 1efect escaped"" R 1FF Test Efficiency Q 5 est 1efects ( 5 est 1efects Y Acceptance 1efects"" R 1FF he est defects Q 'nit Y )ntegration Y $ystem defects Acceptance 1efects Q Bugs found by the customer Q44) what are the indicators of P&'er<TestingQ% Ans@@: a" 4hen functions ( attributes which are not included in re6uirement are tested/ b" 4hen you are running out of scheduled c" esting cost e*ceeds the cost of defect unco!ered d" 'nnecessary use of test resources are used

Q46) Testing is e!pensi'e. 2ow would you ensure that your applications are not Jo'er testedG% 14 mar"s Ans@A: a" 1efine ob7ecti!es of testing b" 1efine test techni6ues for testing c" 1efine testing standards to use while doing testing d" 3easure the effecti!eness of testing e" 1efine the optimum point for testing f" 1efine resources re6uired for testing g" 1efine the accepted number of defects and acceptance se!erity of defects h" 0a!e clear policies when to $top esting Q4:) Cifferentiate $etween 'erification and 'alidation. Ans@B: 4 mar"s

S NO. VERIFICATION 1. Verification is a static testing rocedure. 2. $t in%o!%es %erif"ing t&e re'uire#ents( detai!ed design docu#ents( test !ans( )a!*t&roug&s and ins ections of %arious docu#ents roduced during t&e de%e!o #ent and testing rocess. $t is a re%enti%e rocedure. -re )e .ui!ding t&e roduct /$01T2 $t in%o!%es #ore t&en t)o to t&ree ersons and is a grou acti%it". $t is a!so ca!!ed 1u#an testing( since it in%o!%es finding t&e errors ." ersons artici ating in a re%ie) or )a!* t&roug&. Verification occurs on /e'uire#ents( Design and code. Verification is #ade .ot& in t&e 43ecuta.!e and 5on 43ecuta.!e for#s of a )or* roduct Verification finds errors ear!" in t&e re'uire#ent 6 design &ase and &ence reduces t&e cost of errors. -n effecti%e too! for %erification too! is a C&ec*!ist.

VALIDATION Va!idation is d"na#ic testing rocedure. Va!idation in%o!%es actua! testing of t&e roduct as er t&e test !an +unit test( integration test( s"ste# test and acce tance test etc,.

3. 4. 5. 6.

$t is a correcti%e rocedure. -re )e .ui!ding t&e /$01T roduct2 $t in%o!%es t&e testers and so#eti#es user. $t is a!so ca!!ed Co# uter testing( since errors are found out ." testing t&e soft)are on a co# uter. Va!idation occurs on!" on code and t&e e3ecuta.!e a !ication. Va!idation is done on!" on 43ecuta.!e for#s of a )or* roduct. Va!idation finds errors on!" during t&e testing stage and &ence cost of errors reduced is !ess t&an Verification. Various #anua! and auto#ated test too!s are a%ai!a.!e for Va!idation.

7. 8. 9.


S NO. VERIFICATION 11. $t re'uires coo eration and sc&edu!ing of #eetings and discussions. 12. Verification tas*s inc!ude7 1, 8!anning 2, 43ecution

VALIDATION $t is to c&ec* t&at t&e roduct satisfies t&e re'uire#ents and is acce ted ." t&e user. Va!idation tas*s inc!ude7 1, 8!anning 2, Test )are De%e!o #ent 3, Test 43ecution 4, Test )are 9aintenance Va!idation acti%ities inc!ude7 1, Unit testing 2, Usa.i!it" testing 3, :unction testing 4, ;"ste# testing 5, -cce tance testing Va!idation de!i%era.!es are7 1, Test !an 2, Test Design ; ecification 3, Test Case ; ecification 4, Test 8rocedure ; ecification 5, Test !og 6, Test incident re ort


Verification acti%ities inc!ude7 1, /e'uire#ents Verification 2, :unctiona! design %erification 3, $nterna! Design Verification 4, Code Verification Verification de!i%era.!es +)or* roducts, are7 1, Verification test !an 2, $ns ection re ort 3, Verification test re ort


Q4?) Ce'elopers want to conduct =nit Testing. Specify R aD Considerations for =nit testing o$jecti'es $D Suggest appropriate =nit testing co'erage techni5ues cD #hat are the indicators . measures for the same% CD 2ow will you ensure that policy is $eing achie'ed% Ans@C: 'nit esting is the earliest stage of testing and is most cost effecti!e testing stage in remo!ing defects/ )n later stages of testing. detecting and fi*ing defects is more difficult in!ol!ing increased effort and time/ 'nit testing takes significant time and effort/ 'nit testing must employ :unctional. $tructural and 0euristic testing techni6ues to be effecti!e against the different types of defects/ hough effecti!e tools ha!e not supported testing so far. promising test automation tools are beginning to be a!ailable/ 'nit testing can be !ery effecti!e and affordable/ )t will result in reduction of total efforts while simultaneously increasing the 6uality of the product significantly also reducing in the long&term maintenance cost and the total life cycle cost/ #A$ ools are becoming the key to sol!e the ma7or problems faced by 'nit testers/ ;unctional testing Techni5ues >Some e!amples) Eoundary Falue Analysis: esting the edge conditions of boundaries E5ui'alence 3artitioning: Grouping test cases into classes in which e*ecuting one test cases is e6ui!alent to e*ecuting any other test cases in the same group Cause Effect +raphing: 4hen the beha!ior of the unit under test is specified as cause and effect/ 1esign test cases that !alidate this relationship/

Structural test Cases Techni5ues

Statement Co'erage: )dentify est cases such that e!ery line of code is e*ecuted in one test case or other/ Eranch Co'erage: )dentify est cases such that e!ery branch of code is e*ecuted in one test case or other/ 1FFM Branch #o!erage automatically assures 1FFM $tatement #o!erage/ Condition Co'erage: )dentify est cases such that condition in each predicate e*pression is e!aluated in all possible ways/ /odified Condition<Cecision Co'erage: )dentify est cases such that each Boolean operand can independently affect the outcome of a decision/ :or more info http:((www/deccanetworld/com(sublinks(whitepapers(unitZtesting/htm Q4@) 8ou are testing software for aeroplane ta"eoff and landing. Cesign a test strategy to test it. R 14 mar"s Ans@E: he Aeroplane takeoffs and landing is a !ery critical program as human li!es are affected. correctness. reliability. continuity of process. reco!ery and security are the factors to be addressed while creating test strategy/ %*hausti!e est should be done since itDs a life&threatening software product/ he test case co!erage should be 1FFM with respect to total program/ he program should be 1efect free/ a" $et up test en!ironment that simulates production en!ironment/ est $ystem on li!e data/ b" Reco!ery est for failure c" $tress est d" $ecurity est e" Performance est f" Ad&hoc est g" :ault seeding Q6A) Cifference Eetween QA S QC% AnsAF:

Quality Control

Quality Assurance


QC is abo ! chec"i#g a! !he e#d of some de$e%o&me#! &rocess Q, is abo ! ha$i#g a# o$era%% 'eg.( a desig# ac!i$i!)) !ha! *e de$e%o&me#! a#d ma#ageme#! &rocess ha$e b i%! + a%i!) i# i.e. !ha! *e !ha! &ro$ides righ! e#$iro#me#! for ha$e achie$ed !he re+ ired + a%i!) e#s ri#g + a%i!) of fi#a% &rod c!. *i!h o r me!hods. QC is %i"e !es!i#g a mod %e Q, gi$es s added ass ra#ce !ha! !he agai#s! re+ ireme#! s&ecifica!io# *ho%e &rod ci#g or chec"i#g &rocess is or desig# doc me#!- meas ri#g &ro&er%) &%a##ed a#d !ed a#d !h s res&o#se !ime- !hro gh& ! e!c. mai#!ai#i#g high + a%i!).


/o chec" !ha! !he moder# me!hods of sof!*are de$e%o&me#! are 0! gi$es s added ass ra#ce !ha! !he %arge%) desig#ed !o e#s re righ! *hi%e &rod ci#g 1 chec"i#g &rocess is W at i! !oes + a%i!) is achie$ed. QC chec"s bei#g &ro&er%) &%a##ed a#d !ed a#d !ha! !hese me!hods are i# &%ace he#ce is "ee&i#g high o r cha#ces of a#d !o disco$er *here !he) are #o! &rod ci#g sof!*are of re+ ired + a%i!). !he# correc!io#s are !o be made. 2efi#e fea! res a#d %e$e%s 2efi#e 1. 2e!ermi#a!io# of + a%i!) &o%ic) fea! re chec" &roced re Carr)i#g !hro gh Q a%i!) 4a#ageme#! 5)s!em o ! !he chec" &roced re 3ecord 2. Chec"i#g !ha! &rede!ermi#ed Q a%i!) !he res %! !a"e a#d record a#) co#!ro% ac!i$i!ies are bei#g &ro&er%) correc!i$e ac!io# !a"e#. !a"e# care off.


#est carrie! out QC is bes! carried o ! o# &rod c!s on Q, sho %d be do#e a! e#d of e$er) 526C i.e. *he# &rod c! b i%di#g is com&%e!e.

Q, is bes! carried o ! o# &rocess.

$ ase of i%ple%entation

QC sho %d !a"e &%ace a! e$er) s!age of 526C.

Tec ni&ue

Q a%i!) &o%ic) defi#ed a#d ge#era%%) 5!r c! red *a%"!hro gh- Faga# im&%eme#!ed i# !he form of Q a%i!) /ech#i+ es are some of QC 4a#ageme#! 5)s!em is sed !o carr) o ! !ech#i+ es. Q,.

Q61) In your organi-ation testers are deli'ering code for system testing without performing unit testing. +i'e an e!ample of test policy in this matter. AnsA1: est Policy is managementDs definition of testing for a department/ $ample est Policy

%$ P,9)#K #$ % GR,'P 9 1 esting 1efinition: 1etermination that the code is unit tested before deli!ering it for system testing/ esting $ystem: 1e!elopment and e*ecution of a unit test plan in accordance with 1epartmental procedures and user re6uirements/ 3easurement of esting #osts of correcting defects found because of process error and logical errors in code/ or +o of defects found in unit testing Vs number of defects e*pected/ 1efects found in 'nit test/ 1efects originated in 'nit test but found in $ubse6uent phases/ #ost of 'nit testing Q #ost of 'nit testing !ersus +umber of defects in 'nit test/ esting $tandards here should not be more than fi!e percent of defects which ha!e been undetected in 'nit test phase and caught in subse6uent phases/

Q6,) #hat if the application has functionality that was not mentioned in the re5uirements% AnsA8: Get all the stakeholders in!ol!ed i/e/ customers. users. etc Re!iew the functionality with them/ )f they are in consensus that it is a !alue added allow the functionality to remain and update the help and release notes/ )f they are not in consensus log that functionality as a defect and ask the de!elopers to resol!e it V:irstW that a defect should be opened and 0%+ go through the other steps of contacting the stakeholders through the P3. etcP/ $hould the functionality need to stay. a change re6uest is accomplished/ )f not. the defect is addressed by remo!ing the functionality/ 0owe!er. either way the defect would be opened first. would it not. in order to track the progress of addressing the issue/ Q60) 8our Company is a$out to roll out an E<Commerce application. It is not possi$le to test the application on all types of $rowsers on all platforms and operating systems. #hat steps would you ta"e in the testing en'ironment to reduce the $usiness ris"s and commercial ris"s% AnsA;: a" $coring of browsers and ,$. 0igh ranked Browsers and ,$ do Browers compatibility test for them b" $tate that it does not support to other ,$ and browsers. if risk is in!ol!ed/ c" #ommercial Risk: %nsure competiti!e look and feel. %asy +a!igation d" Business Risk: %nsure ransaction #orrectness. $ecurity 5data". transactions. roll back procedure etc e" Proper Authori2ation in Place

f" Response time 5performance" he test engineers should first make down the list of all browsers like )% +etscape 3o2illa etc with their different !ersions in the market/ hen they should see which all !ersions are being used by the prospecti!e customers/ )n this way they can chop out some of the browser !ersion from the list/ hen they should check out which browser has which changes o!er its pre!ious !ersion if the changes are small then these can also be chopped off/ But the test manager should let the management know that this list is not e*hausti!e and let them know the risk factor/ Anyway by this way we can only reduce the risk but cannot eliminate the risk completely/ Also we can rank the browsers and as per the ranking assign resources for testing of each browser/ Q61) it has $een o$ser'ed that testers in your organi-ation are performing tests on the deli'era$les e'en after significant defects ha'e $een found. This has resulted in unnecessary testing of little 'alue $ecause re<testing needs to $e done after defects ha'e $een rectified. 8ou as the test manager are going to update the test plan with recommendations on when to stop testing. Kist what recommendations you are going to ma"e% AnsA>: a) 4hen cost of testing e*ceeds the !alue obtained from the defects unco!ered. stop testing/ b) All high priority bugs fi*ed and regressed/ c) esting ob7ecti!es are met/ d) Budget constraints/ e) 1eadline f) #omplete co!erage of all the re6uirements. functionalities/ g) )f any medium or low priority errors are outstanding. it must be documented and signed off/ 4hen the test engineers ha!e found the good number of critical bugs then the they should not test the same build ( software !ersion till the bugs are fi*ed/ $o in the time between the test report is submitted and the time testing team gets the fi* of those bugs the test manager should ask team members to focus on others things such as a" 3aking test cases 5as the newer software !ersion will get immune to the earlier test cases" b" $hould focus on automation/ c" 3aking test strategy to break the software/ Q64) the de'elopers in your company do not $elie'e in testing their code or doing unit testing. E!plain the need of unit testing% To change this trend your company has implemented a process. #hat steps will you as a Test /anager ta"e to ensure compliance of the process% AnsA@: +eed of unit testing: a" 'nit testing gi!es programmers measurable confidence in the source code they produce/ b" 'nit testing unco!ers defects in source code shortly after it is written. which sa!es !aluable time and resources. sometimes by orders of magnitude/ c" 'nit testing significantly reduces the amount of debugging necessary by a!oiding defects in the first place and by catching those that do occur while they are relati!ely easy to detect and fi*/

d" 'nit testing a!oids the practice of testing e!erything at once when it is significantly more e*pensi!e in terms of cost. de!elopment team morale. and customer satisfaction/ e" 'nit testing helps you focus on e*actly what is important for a module so that when all of your tests run successfully. you can be reasonably sure that your module has no ma7or defects/ :ollowing steps should be taken to ensure compliance of the process: a" #onduct re!iews to ensure compliance with the process/ b" 3ake sure e!eryone understands the process and ad!antages of unit testing and follow the process/ c" Appreciate the employees who are following the process to encourage those employees as well as others to follow the process/ Q66) what steps are needed to de'elop and run software test% AnsAA: 1/ 1etermine the current status of your capabilities/ his in!ol!es understanding the capabilities of your testing process as well as the capabilities of your indi!idual testers/ 8/ %stablish impro!ement goals/ 1etermine and define the type of testing organi2ation you would like to ha!e in your organi2ation. as well as skill sets needed by your testers/ ;/ 1e!elop a plan to achie!e your testing goals/ he plan should be a 4ell defined series of tests that will take you from where you are to where you want to be// Q6:) E!plain points in fa'or of testing $y Ce'eloping Team tem sel'es S testing Independent team% AnsAB: 1e!elopment eams: Ad!antages: a" 3inimi2e the cost of esting/ b" Gain knowledge of other parts of pro7ect/ c" rains de!elopers in good test methods/ 1isad!antages: a" )mproper use of de!elopment process may not be detected/ b" )ndi!idual may be B9)+1%1 into accepting erroneous system specification J coding/ c" hey are optimistic in their ability to do defect free work J thus underestimate the need for e*tensi!e testing/ d" 4ithout a formal di!ision between 1e!elopment J est. an indi!idual may be tempted to impro!ed the system structure J documentation rather than allocate the time an effort to test/ )ndependent eam Ad!antages: a" 'nbiased assessment of 6uality of the application/ b" Bring an independent perspecti!e to the test process/ c" Group comprised of professionals who ha!e speciali2ed in area of testing. ha!e e*tensi!e testing e*perience in multiple pro7ects/ hus are better able to construct and e*ecute tests/ 1isad!antages: a" Additional cost re6uired to establish and administer a testing function/

b" 1e!elopment team may place too much reliance on the test team and thus fail to perform ade6uate testing themsel!es. resulting in o!erburdening testers/ c" #ompetition between testers and de!elopers results in breakdown of cooperation making it difficult for testers to function properly/ Q6?) if you company is going to conduct a re'iew meeting what position would u select in the re'iew committee and why% AnsAC: ) am going to play the role of 3oderator/ Because the moderator leads the team and is responsible for ensuring that a good inspection is achie!ed/ Because this role is critical to the formal inspection process. training for moderators is more important and e*tensi!e than that of other inspectors/ he moderator is directly acti!e in all stages of the inspection process e*cept rework/ $ince acting as a moderator is time consuming and re6uires specific skills. moderators often are selected and trained by the de!elopment organi2ation and then assigned to a specific de!elopment pro7ect/ Primary duties of the moderator include coordinating the selection of the inspection team. assigning team roles. and leading the team throughout the process/ A ma7or function of the moderator is to ensure that the team keeps its emotions in check and that the inspection meeting is not used to find faults with the author/ he moderator is also responsible for assuring inspection data are collected on the inspection report forms/ Q6@( 2ow is testing affected $y o$ject<oriented designs% AnsAE: he main area of testing that ,, impacts on is 'nit esting. where the programmer will design est #ases based on knowledge of the structure and function of the code. and to a lesser e*tent. on )ntegration esting/ [4ell&engineered ob7ect&oriented design can make it easier to trace from code to internal design to functional design to re6uirements/ 4hile there will be little affect on black bo* testing 5where an understanding of the internal design of the application is unnecessary". white&bo* testing can be oriented to the applicationIs ob7ects/ )f the application was well&designed this can simplify test design/ Q:A) E!plain what testing tool you will $uy for Client Ser'er testing S #28% AnsBF: 4eDll buy following testing tools for client ser!er testing: 1" 9oad($tress esting ools: %*ample Astra $ite est by 3ercury )nteracti!e. $ilk Performer by $eague $oftware to e!aluate web based systems when sub7ected to large !olumes of data of transactions/ 8" Performance esting: %*ample 9oad Runner to see the performance of the client ser!er system/ ;" ') testing: %*ample 4in Runner by 3ercury )nteracti!e to perform ') testing/ Q:1) E!plain what testing tool you will $uy for #EE testing S #28% AnsB1: 4eDll buy following testing tools for web testing: 1" 0 39 est ools: %*ample 1octor 0 39 by )magineware to perform a !erification of 0 39 if we donDt ha!e an 0 39 checker with web de!elopment packages/ 8" $ite Validation: %*ample $HA $ite check by Rational $oftware to identify inconsistencies and errors such as 3o!ed pages. ,rphaned pages. Broken 9inks/ ;" 9oad($tress esting ools: %*ample Astra $ite est by 3ercury )nteracti!e. $ilk Performer by $eague $oftware to e!aluate web based systems when sub7ected to large !olumes of data of transactions/


est #ase Generators: %*ample Astra Huick est by 3ercury )nteracti!e to create transactions for use in testing/ his tool tells what to test. as well as create test cases that can be used in other test tools/

Q:,) Suppose you ha'e written a project status report for e!pected defects 's. Actual defects using testing metrics. If you 3/ as" you to e!plain how to read this report what recommendations would you gi'e her.his% AnsB8: )f e*pected rate is higher than the actual rate that means the testing acti!ity has been not performed thoroughly/ )f actual rate is higher than the e*pected rate then a !ery ine*perienced team is de!eloping the software/ $o accordingly take the appropriate correcti!e measures/ Q:0) what is e!treme programming and what does it ha'e to do with testing% AnsB;: %*treme Programming 5TP" is a software de!elopment approach for small teams on risk&prone pro7ects with unstable re6uirements/ esting 5Ie*treme testingI" is a core aspect of %*treme Programming/ Programmers are e*pected to write unit and functional test code first & before the application is de!eloped/ est code is under source control along with the rest of the code/ #ustomers are e*pected to be an integral part of the pro7ect team and to help de!elop scenarios for acceptance(black bo* testing/ Acceptance tests are preferably automated. and are modified and rerun for each of the fre6uent de!elopment iterations/ HA and test personnel are also re6uired to be an integral part of the pro7ect team/ 1etailed re6uirements documentation is not used. and fre6uent re&scheduling. re&estimating. and re& prioriti2ing is e*pected/ Q:1) how will you ensure re5uirements document is complete% AnsB>: a" By re!iewing initiation document and ensuring that they are all mapped into a Re6uirement matri*/ Re6uirement matri* should ha!e following subsections A" :unctional re6uirements B" 'sability re6uirements c" Performance re6uirements 1" $ecurity re6uirements %" )nterpretability re6uirements Q:4) *ame the 4 errors tester ma"es% AnsB@: a) wrong selection of testing techni6ues b) 9ooking but not seeing c) 4rongly e*ecuting test cases without knowing d) Reporting wrong status of testing e) #reation of wrong test en!ironment f) 'nable to clearly report a defect

Q:6) Cifference $etween structural '.s functional testing% AnsBA: a) $tructural analysis based test sets tend to unco!er errors that occur during VcodingW of the program/ 4hile functional analysis based test set tend to unco!er error that occur in implementing re6uirement or design specification b) :unctional testing ensures that the re6uirements are properly satisfied by the application system/ he functions are those tasks that the system is design to accomplish/ c) :unctional testing is not concerned with how processing occurs. but rather with the results of processing d) $tructural analysis used primarily during the coding phase/ Q::) what is software 5uality% #hat are the characteristics of software 5uality% AnsBB: Huality is fre6uently defined as meeting the customerDs re6uirement the first and e!ery time/ #haracteristics:& a) ranscendent ) know when ) see it b) Product based possess desired feature c) 'ser based fitness for use d) 1e!elopment and manufacturing based conforms to re6uirement e) Value based at an acceptable cost Q:?) what is test strategy% Kist the four components of a good test strategy% AnsBC: A test strategy is a statement of the o!erall approach to testing. identifying what le!els of testing are to be applied and the method. techni6ues and tool to be used/ a" #ritical success factor b" Risk analysis c" Assumptions d" 3ethodology to be followed Q:@) what is decision. $ranch co'erage for all strategy% AndBE: he kind of testing seeks to ensure that e!ery branch has been e*ecuted/ Branch co!erage can be tested by probes inserted at points in the program that represent arcs from branch points in the flow graph/ Q?A) Kist the three types of re'iew% AnsCF: a) Peer re!iew b) $HA re!iew c) Pro7ect re!iew Q?1) what are the three most common phase end re'iew% AnsC1: a) Re6uirement re!iew b) 1esign re!iew c) #ode re!iew

Q?,) what are the three reasons why people donGt listen well% AnsC8: a) the speaker may not be taking about a topic of interest to them b) they are impatient and ha!e a lot of other stimuli going through their minds c) they are too busy rehashing what they will say ne*t Q?0) 8ou as the 5uality assurance manager at the A3ET company9 one of your assurance analysts is engaged in a dispute with a de'eloper o'er the cause of a defect reported $y the analyst. #hat can . should you do% AnsC;: Kou should discuss the defect report with HA analyst to ensure that the information is correct and root&cause analysis was conducted/ )f it is clearly a case of de!eloper error then ha!e both people discuss and come to an effecti!e resolution/ Record the defect J status/ Q?1) $riefly descri$e the difference $etween automated and manual testing tools. +i'e two e!amples each% AnsC>: 3anual tools do not e*ecute program code and do not re6uire e*ecuting software. automated tool do/ 3anual Re!iew and #heck sheet Automated #ode co!erage analy2er and :ile comparison Q?4) what is software configuration management% Kist the configuration items% AnsC@: #onfiguration management ( control are a systematic way of controlling the changes to the software items/ )tems:& a) All types of plans 5pro7ect. test etc/" b) $(w code c) est scripts J test cases documents d) 1efect log e) est reports f) 'ser documentation Q?6) #hat if project isnGt $ig enough to justify e!tensi'e testing% AnsCA: #onsider the impact of pro7ect errors. not the si2e of the pro7ect/ 0owe!er. if e*tensi!e testing is till not 7ustified. risk analysis is again needed and the same considerations as described pre!iously in apply/ he tester might then do ad&hoc testing. or write up a limited test plan based on the risk anlaysis/ Q?:) what if the software is so $uggy it canGt really $e tested at all% AnsCB: the best bet in this situation is for the tester to go through the process of reporting whate!er bugs or blocking&type problems initially show up. with the focus being on critical bugs/ $ince this type of problem can se!erely affect scheduled and indicates deeper problems in the software de!elopment process 5such as insufficient unit testing or insufficient integration testing or poor design. improper build or release procedures etc/" mangers should be notified and pro!ided with some documentation as e!idence of the problem/

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