The Cask of Amontillado Annotated Bibliography

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Moisan 1 Meghan Moisan Professor Jacobs ENC 1102 17 April 2014 The Cask of Amontillado Annotated Bibliography "Demeter.

" Myths and Legends of the World. 2001. 5 April 2014 This article provides an overview into the rape of Persephone. It describes the story from Demeters point of view. The reader journeys through the discovery of Persephones kidnapping, Demeters journey to find her daughter, and the reveal of Persephones permanent tie to the Underworld with the ingestion of the pomegranate seed. Upon this discovery, Demeter vows to punish the world by refusing to allow crops to grow until her daughter is returned. The story finally concludes when Zeus, out of concern for his people, strikes a compromise between Hades and Demeter by requiring Persephone to split her presence between the two gods, creating the seasons. I am utilizing this article as the base for my analysis. Jungian theory describes archetypes shared throughout societies regardless of time. By having this complete work of myth, and using it in comparison to The Cask of Amontillado, it draws the reader to understand the idea that regardless of time, subjects of revenge, the journey to death, and obsession with items are universal constants among societies.

Moisan 2 Jones, Raya A. Jung's "Psychology with the Psyche" and the Behavioral Sciences. Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X) Vol 3 (2013): 408-417. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 April 2014. This article provides several items of information on Carl Jung. The course of the article starts with a basic description of Jungian psychology as pertaining to behavioral sciences. It then discusses the origin of Carl Jungs theories on the collective archetype principal. The remainder of the article discusses in depth detail of how the properties of his theory can pertain to studies of cultures today. Upon finding this article, I was excited to finally have a solid definition of Jungian psychology. While not directed at literature, this article provides substantial information in the mindset of collective archetypes. I find the descriptive pertaining to modern culture very relatable to my subject. This is a credible source that gives me the definitive properties to complete this project. Orpheus and Eurydice. 2014. Web. 5 April 2014. This source tells the story of Orpheus, a famed tragic hero in Greek mythology, and his wife Eurydice. The tale begins with Orpheus, a man rumored to be the son of Apollo and famed for his success of the arts and adventure, coming across a young wood nymph named Eurydice. It was love at first sight. However, their happiness was soon interrupted by a jealous shepherd named Aristaeus. Aristaeus followed the pair relentlessly, until finally, after running for days, Eurydice was bitten by a snake, and died instantly. The rest of the tale follows a distraught Orpheus, inconsolable by the gods, as he weeps for his bride. Unable to withstand his loneliness any longer, Orpheus decides to try and appeal to Hades, and retrieve his wife from the

Moisan 3 Underworld. Upon weeping over the tragedy, Hades allows Eurydice to walk free, but only if Orpheus returns the surface without looking upon his bride until she is fully in the light. Taking his task at hand, Orpheus returns to the land of men, but after growing impatient and desiring Eurydice, he turns to look upon her too early, and she is forever lost back in the Underworld. I am using this source as a comparison to the journey of death of Fortunato. I find that this story best describes that ultimately, death cannot be escaped, nor can it be avoided. Even though the two pieces vary in reasoning behind journeying to the underworld, their obsession can easily be compared. For Fortunato, it is his pride, vanity, and obsession for the Amontillado, that lead him to his death. For Orpheus, it is his obsession with bringing back his bride that ultimately seals her fate to be forever left in the Underworld. Both tales have tragic endings, and both could have been prevented if warnings were headed. Poe, Edgar Allen. The Cask of Amontillado. 1846. The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Spencer Richardson-Jones. 11th ed. New York: Norton. 2013. 164-170. Print This story follows the story of Montressor and his revenge plot on a man named Fortunato. The opening of the story begins with Montressor being wronged by Fortunato for reasons unknown to the reader. After coincidentally meeting Fortunato at an Italian festival, Montressor then proceeds to enact his plot of revenge. He persuades Fortunato to leave the festivities, and follow Montressor into a crypt with the promise of Amontillado, a very rare wine. Upon arrival at the location of the wine, Fortunato finds himself at the mercy of Montressor, who proceeds to seal Fortunato into a wall, killing him. Montressor, amidst his work, is startled when Fortunato accepts and laguhs at his plan, ultimately ruining the ultimate revenge Montressor desired.

Moisan 4 I am using this source because it is the story I chose to analyze from a Jungian theoretical standpoint. It is essential for me to know the story that I am writing about. The Cask of Amontillado. Short Stories for Students. Ed. Ira Mark Milne. Vol 7. Detroit: Gale Group, 2000. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. This source is an allover break down of the story of The Cask of Amontillado. It provides a brief synopsis of the story and a brief autobiography. As well, this article also goes into further description of characters, themes, styles, and historical context. In the latter part of the article, the various authors provide their own criticisms, including an approach in regards to the language of the text itself, symbolism, character analyses, and theme comparisons. As the entire article concludes, it provides a further readings section, listing various sources that the reader can utilize to enhance their critical approach. This article is extremely helpful in two basic ways. The first is providing the basic information on and around The Cask of Amontillado. Its provision of the authors background allows for a quick psycho-analytical synopsis which aids in the style chosen for this critical approach. As well, its entire theme section mentions revenge and the symbolized version of obsession through the Amontillado itself, two key development of the thesis in this analysis. The second aspect of this article most useful is the criticisms displayed. While not comparable to the critical stance in this project, it provides substantial ideas and organization styling which can be used as a guideline for the organization for this project.

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