IAAAS LiteracySocialScience Grade5 Q2 Unit

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5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

T$E%E& Culture, Dignity, and Identity CONCE#T& Africa, Us, and the World African Explorers in the Americas Africans as constant travelers, to Africans in the Americas, to Africans and African Americans in the development of the Atlantic world CONTENT TO#IC& Examining African peoples roles in the exploration and development of early orth and !outh Americas through fiction and nonfiction texts "NIT TITLE& Development of the Americas " orth, !outh, and Central#
"nit T'pic& Africa, U! and the World "nit (escripti'n& !tudents $ill examine a variety of informational texts to investigate the %uestion &Could Africans have discovered America'( selections $ill highlight oral histories, scientific evidence, artistic evidence the relationship )et$een ocean currents, prevailing $inds and the pro)a)ility of pre*Colum)ian contact $ith the e$ World )y seafarers )oth intentional and unintentional from the +ld World, !tudents $ill read and respond to several shorter informational texts on the same topic, -y the end of the unit, students $ill have read a variety of literature and informational texts, and they $ill reference those texts to prepare an opinion as to $ho first contacted the e$ World through the creation of an opinion piece, .hey $ill also communicate their understanding of ho$ the currents and $inds affected early seafaring )et$een Africa and the Americas, )ey Themes& Africans as constant travelers, to Africans in the Americas, to Africans and African Americans in the development of the Atlantic $orld Len*th& / $ee0s

Endurin* "nderstandin *s

Essential uesti'ns

1eople use maps to navigate the $orld in its past and present states, ature has a direct impact on the development of culture and on historical events, 2eaders use textual evidence $hen as0ing and ans$ering %uestions, 2eaders integrate 0no$ledge and ideas )y descri)ing logical connections $ithin and )et$een texts, Writers support their point of vie$ and opinion on topics or texts )y providing strong reasons through evidence, 3o$ can $e ans$er historical %uestions if the information is incomplete' 3o$ do events in the past affect the present' 3o$ do culture and identity influence $ho $e are' 3o$ do time, culture and history influence $or0s of art and4or the advancement of science and technology' What can I do to positively impact my community'



C'mm'n C're State Standards Primary Secondary

5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan
Primary: Standards Assessed CC!!,E6A*6iteracy,2I,/,5 2efer to details and examples in a text $hen explaining $hat the text says explicitly and $hen dra$ing inferences from the text, CC!!,E6A*6iteracy,2I,/,7 Determine the main idea of a text and explain ho$ it is supported )y 0ey details8 summari9e the text, CC!!,E6A*6iteracy,W,/,5 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of vie$ $ith reasons and information, Secondary: Standards Addressed 2I,/,:, 2I,/,;, 2I,/,/, 2I,/,<, 2I,/,5=, W,/,7, W,/,;, W,/,<, W,/,5=, !6,/,5, !6,/,7, !6,/,;

C'*niti+e S,ills


Reading, Writing, and Citing Textual Evidence 6iteral and inferential comprehension !ynthesi9e inferential information !ummari9ing and se%uencing Comparing and contrasting Close reading and analysis Applying %ualities of persuasive $riting "e,g,, structure, ela)oration, point of vie$, stance, significance# Building Knowledge through Texts African )in*d'ms and >eographical pro)a)ility of early transatlantic contact 3o$ to interpret oral histories and myths Evidence for and against African pre*Colum)ian contact .he extent of po$er and $ealth of the early African ?ingdoms

Assessments -(. (ia*n'stic -/. /'rmati+e -S. Summati+e

Diagnostic Pre!"ssessment# @!ame as summative assessment $ith the use of varying informational texts on the related topic, $ormative "ssessments Colla)orative conversations !tudent summaries !tudent annotations and notes !tudent small and $hole group discussion !tudent $ritten responses to texts Summative Per%ormance "ssessment Tas, 0& As they read across texts, students should gather 0ey details through annotation and provided graphic organi9ers, -ased on the text evidence collected through their reading, students $ill form an opinion a)out different impossi)ilities, possi)ilities, pro)a)ilities and facts relating to African transatlantic travel )efore Colum)us, Tas, !& After tas0 5 is completed, the teacher $ill tell the students that they $ill $or0 in groups to create a presentation that $ill illustrate an opinion supporting or refuting the idea that Africans made contact



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan
$ith America )efore Colum)us, >roups $ill create a presentation to include a $ritten argument as $ell as a visual representation and an oral presentation to the class on $hether or not there is enough evidence to prove that Africans traveled to the Americas, either accidently or on purpose )efore Colum)us, .heir $riting should include all the components of an opinion piece as outlined in Writing !tandard /,5 and include the research they gathered in .as0 5,



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Te1ts2Res'urces Early !ail -oats had one large s%uare sail !%uare sails $ere the common type of sail for Egyptian, >ree0, 2oman and orse ships, .hey $ere )ordered )y a rope $ith an eyelet in each corner, called a cringle, .he top of the sail often had a rod pulled through it $hile the )ottom $as held )y the corner to pull it taught, since a sail is more effective $hen taught and not )illo$ing, .he s%uare sail $as good for sailing if the $ind $as )lo$ing )ehind or to the side of the sail, )ut not good for sailing into the $ind, .he result $as that most early sailing )oats could only go in the direction that the $ind $as )lo$ing, !ome )oats that had no sails $ere still %uite large, .hese )oats $ent long distances out into the ocean for fishing and to carry goods from one place to another to trade and sell, All of the early )oats and ships had to rely on the $inds and currents to ma0e the )oats move, -ut they could only really move easily $hichever $ays the $inds and the currents $ould ta0e them,

.o the right is a replica of an ancient Carthaginian trading )oat, the 0ind they $ould use most often,


hill,com4sites4dl4free4==<B<<B=7C45C;5//4===/=</C,html +cean Currents explained )y .im and Do)y at Brain Pop. .he follo$ing are screen shots to )e used as possi)le evidence in determining $hether or not it is &Impossi)le, 1ossi)le, 1ro)a)le, or Eactual( that Africans &discovered America )efore Colum)us



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

.he Atlantic World

+cean Currents in the Atlantic World



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Wind 1atterns in the Atlantic World



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

.he position of Dali $ith respect to using or )eing caught in currents ta0ing Dalians to the Americas

An Ancient map of Dali sho$ing African )oats $ith sails* Is this evidence students can use'



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Is it possi)le or pro)a)le that sailors or fishermen could get caught in these currents'



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Along $ith currents, the $inds )lo$ from east to $est too8 can this )e used as evidence'



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Carthage is another African empire in orth Africa $ho had a long history of sailing too,



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Carthage had a long history of seafaring and they $ere 0no$n as )eing among the )est sailors in the $orld,

We 0no$ Carthaginian and Dalian )oats sometimes sailed far out into the Atlantic, What a)out Egypt'



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

We have no evidence that any African )oats crossed the Atlantic, )ut is there other evidence that may lead us to )elieve they might have'

Egyptians certainly had )oats )ig enough and strong enough, )ut there is no evidence that they $ere 0no$n as great sailors,



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan
Anch'r Te1ts The Wealth of Africa the Kingdom of ali !tudent and .eacher versions httpA44$$$,)ritishmuseum,org4pdf40ingdomofmaliGstudents$or0sheets,pdf httpA44$$$,)ritishmuseum,org4pdf40ingdomofmaliGteachersnotes,pdf The Wealth of Africa: !arthage httpA44$$$,)ritishmuseum,org4pdf4CarthageG.eachers otes,pdf httpA44$$$,)ritishmuseum,org4pdf4CarthageG!tudentsWor0sheets,pdf The Wealth of Africa: "gypt httpA44$$$,)ritishmuseum,org41DE4AncientEgyptG.eachers otes,pdf httpA44$$$,)ritishmuseum,org4pdf4ancientegyptGstudents$or0sheets,pdf 3e4sites f'r in+esti*ati'n& Evidence of 1re*Colum)ian .ransatlantic .ravel' American Indian !ailed to Europe With Hi0ings' httpA44ne$s,nationalgeographic,com4ne$s47=5=45545=557:*native*american*indian*vi0ings* iceland*genetic*dna*science*europe4 American Indians in >al$ay, Ireland' httpA44$$$,strangehistory,net47=5745545<4american* indians*in*gal$ay*ireland4 3um)oldt DuseumA ative American .ale of &2ed*3aired >iants( !lain )y .ri)e httpA44disinfo,com47=574554hum)oldt*museum*native*american*tale*of*red*haired*giants* slain*)y*tri)e4 !trange 3istoryA Did ative Americans 6and in Ireland' httpA44disinfo,com47=574554strange* history*did*native*americans*land*in*ireland4 -efore Colum)usA -lac0 Explorers of the httpA44rense,com4general;:4)efore,htm e$ World

+Ii)$e and the J7a mtD A Enigma httpA44$$$,articles)ase,com4history*articles4the* mtdna*x7a*enigima*;//CC=;,html Africa s greatest explorerK httpA44ne$s,))c,co,u0474hi4africa45=CBF/=,stm -lac0 Civili9ations of Ancient America "Duu*6an#, Dexico "Ji# httpA44$$$,raceandhistory,com4historicalvie$s4ancientamerica,htm -oat missing since K=B found off !pain httpA44$$$,regulatormarine,com4tales* sdouglas,html Excerpts from #ace and $dentity Ancient relations %etween Africans and e&icans http:''academia.ed(')*)+,)-'#ace.and.$dentity.Ancient.relations.%etween.Africa ns.and. e&icans !ailing Information Contri)ution of Egyptians in !cience and .echnology httpA44enterthe$orldofscience,)logspot,com47=5=4=<4contri)ution*of*egyptians*in* science,html Excerpts from .he African, and Duslim, Discovery of America -efore Colum)us httpA44historyofislam,com4contents4the*classical*period4the*african*and*muslim*



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan
discovery*of*america*)efore*colum)us4 5ide's f'r analysis& .hey Came -efore Colum)us 1art 5 "video# httpA44$$$,youtu)e,com4$atch' vLIy$M5D>uecN o 1art 7 httpA44$$$,youtu)e,com4$atch'vLr5G;%1IADe; o 1art : httpA44$$$,youtu)e,com4$atch'vLONeCJ?rCmvg o 1art ; httpA44$$$,youtu)e,com4$atch'vL!/I/Ie?Dx<B o 1art /)httpA44$$$,youtu)e,com4$atch'vLDitDM?-11*U o 1art C httpA44$$$,youtu)e,com4$atch'vLI/W<%A?gCc$ o 1art < httpA44$$$,youtu)e,com4$atch'vLdME3CWaDgfB o Africans %efore America "Dali# httpA44smithaI,faculty,mIc,edu4ne$GpageG5:,htm

Learnin* #erf'rmance Outc'mes2 Acti+ities 3ee, 0

Wee0 5A What are the elements that go into transatlantic seafaring' i,e, Does the culture have the technology' Does the culture have the reasons to explore' Do they live in an area $here the ocean currents and the $inds support transatlantic travel' Introduce the science of sailing, Investigate the technology of the eras )eing investigated and loo0 at the role $ind patterns and ocean currents played in early transatlantic travel, Create a graphic organi9er including the follo$ing sectionsA 5# Who are $e investigating, and 7# Are they situated in a geographic area that offers a reasona)le opportunity to travel )et$een Africa and America, Is there any factual evidence that people accidently traveled across the Atlantic in the past' Te1t& PExamine every text loo0ing for evidence that addresses $hether or not the geographic circumstances supported the possi)ility of Africans, either accidently or on purpose could have crossed an entire ocean to the Americas,P 3ritten Resp'nse t' Te1tA Use details and inferences from the texts, to $rite an opinion a)out the possi)ility of Africans a)ility to travel to the Americas )efore the time of Colum)us,

Strate*ies f'r 5aried Learner #r'files

Wor0 in small groups to practice listening and spea0ing s0ills needed to develop academic language in the context of learning critical concepts, Use graphic organi9ers to chun0 pieces of content 0no$ledge and information to 1rovide daily opportunities for discourse and use visual aids to )oost academic language and engage students in learning activities $hich )uild content and language 0no$ledge in a natural context, Eacilitate deeper understanding of the selection of a text )y as0ing the student to connect something in the text to their lives, If students see themselves in the theme or character of the text they $ill )e more inclined to engage in discussions a)out the text they read,



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan
Access visual representations of texts to support explicit connect to the elements of culture, 1rovide text in an alternate print format,

Learnin* #erf'rmance Outc'mes2 Acti+ities 3ee, !

Who is Dali' Using resources from the -ritish Duseum as $ell as other resources provided, students $ill read and investigate the ?ingdom of Dali and its po$er and $ealth and assess 5# Whether or not they had the technology to travel across the ocean, 7# Whether or not they had the $ealth to )e a)le to )uild the ships and support an expedition, :# Whether or not they lived in a geographic area that $ould )e conducive to travel across the ocean, ;# Whether or not they had a reason to travel across the ocean, /# Whether or not there is any evidence that they traveled across the ocean, C# Evaluate together ho$ good the evidence is, And finally, <# Is there any possi)ility that people could have accidently crossed the ocean and ho$ they $ould do that, Africas greatest explorer httpA44ne$s,))c,co,u0474hi4africa45=CBF/=,stm

Te1t Resp'nse& Using details and inferences from the text, descri)e the Dali ?ingdom and the possi)ility of Dalis a)ility to cross the ocean,

Learnin* #erf'rmance Outc'mes2 Acti+ities 3ee, 6

Who is Carthage' Using resources from the -ritish Duseum as $ell as other resources provided, students $ill read and investigate the ?ingdom of Carthage and its po$er and $ealth and assess 5# Whether or not they had the technology to travel across the ocean, 7# Whether or not they had the $ealth to )e a)le to )uild the ships and support an expedition, :# Whether or not they lived in a geographic area that $ould )e conducive to travel across the ocean, ;# Whether or not they had a reason to travel across the ocean, /# Whether or not there is any evidence that they traveled across the ocean, C# Evaluate together ho$ good the evidence is, And finally, <# Is there any possi)ility that people could have accidently crossed the ocean and ho$ they $ould do that,

Te1t Resp'nse& Using details and inferences from the text, descri)e the Carthage ?ingdom and the possi)ility of Cathages a)ility to cross the ocean,



Learnin* #erf'rmance Outc'mes2 Acti+ities 3ee, 7

5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan
Who is Egypt' Using resources from the -ritish Duseum as $ell as other resources provided, students $ill read and investigate the ?ingdom of Egypt and its po$er and $ealth and assess 5# Whether or not they had the technology to travel across the ocean, 7# Whether or not they had the $ealth to )e a)le to )uild the ships and support an expedition, :# Whether or not they lived in a geographic area that $ould )e conducive to travel across the ocean, ;# Whether or not they had a reason to travel across the ocean, /# Whether or not there is any evidence that they traveled across the ocean, C# Evaluate together ho$ good the evidence is, And finally, <# Is there any possi)ility that people could have accidently crossed the ocean and ho$ they $ould do that,

Te1t Resp'nse& Using details and inferences from the text, descri)e the Egyptian ?ingdom and the possi)ility of Egypts a)ility to cross the ocean, Learnin* #erf'rmance Outc'mes2 Acti+ities 3ee, 5 !tudents $ill loo0 at evidence and videos pertaining to the &African discovery of America(, and evaluate the merits of all of the claims, !tudents $ill $rite an opinion essay explaining their conclusions for each of the 0ingdoms,

.his is a modern map of the empire of Carthage, .he Dar0 -lue Areas are the lands of the Carthaginians and the red sho$s their seafaring trade routes,

.his is an old map sho$ing the same area8 they loo0 a little different dont they'



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

.his detail of a gold coin sho$s $hat DcDenamin )elieves is a map of the Dediterranean area, surrounded )y Europe, -ritain, Africa, and "at left# the Americas, .he image appears on coins minted in Carthage )et$een :/= and :7= -C,



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Do these giant heads of the +lmec people loo0 African' Is it proof that Africans discovered America'



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Does this stone carving called a &!tele( from Dexico sho$ 1yramids from Africa'

Is the $ater under the &)oat( telling us that these people traveled over the ocean from a place $ith pyramids'

Are the people seated in the carving )elo$ in a )oat and holding an um)rella li0e the pictures from Africa a)ove'



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Dali Evidence Document 5 During the latter part of the -ron9e Age, particularly )et$een 5/== -,C, to 5=== -,C,, $hen the +lmec civili9ation )egan to )loom and flourish, ne$ conditions in the Dediterranean made it more difficult for West Africans to trade )y sea $ith the region, although their land trade across the !ahara $as flourishing, -y then, >ree0s, Carthaginians, Assyrians, -a)ylonians and others $ere trying to gain control of the sea routes and the trading ports of the region, Conflicts in the region may have pushed the West Africans to strengthen their trans*Atlantic trade $ith the Americas and to explore and settle there,

Ancient sea*going vessel used )y the Egyptians and u)ians in ancient times,
Egyptian Document 5 u)ian*?ushite ?ing and Queen "circa 5=== -,C,# It is )elieved that there $as a u)ian presence in Dexico and that the West African civili9ations $ere related to that of the u)ians, despite the distance )et$een the t$o centers of -lac0 civili9ation in Africa, .here is no dou)t that in ancient times there $ere commercial ties )et$een West Africa and Egypt, In fact, a)out C== -,C,, i0au, a 1haraoh of Egypt sent ships to circumnavigate Africa and later on, a)out ;/= -,C,, Carthaginians did the same, landing in West Africa in the nation no$ called Cameroon, .here they $itnessed $hat may have )een the cele)ration of a ?$an9a*li0e harvest festival, $here &cym)als, horns,( and other instruments as $ell as smo0e and fire from )urning fields could )e seen from their ships, West African4African Document 5 At that period in history, the West African cultures and civili9ations, $hich $ere offshoots of much earlier southern !aharan cultures, $ere very old compared to civili9ations such as >reece or -a)ylon, In fact, iron $as )eing used )y the ancient West Africans as early as 7C== years -,C, and $as so common that there $as no &)ron9e age( in West Africa, although )ron9e $as used for ornaments and instruments or tools,

A combination of Nubians and West Africans engaged in mutual trade and commerce along the coasts of West Africa could have planned many trips to and from the Americas and could have conducted a crossing about 1500 B.C. and afterwards. assive sculptures of the heads of typical



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

Negritic Africans were carved in the region of !outh e"ico where the #lmec civili$ation flourished. !ome of these massive heads of basalt contain the cornrow hairstyle common among West African Blac%s& as well as the %in%y coiled hair common among at least '0 percent of all Negritic people& (the other proportion being the )ravidian Blac% race of *ndia and the Blac% Australoids of Australia and !outh Asia+.

Colossal Afro*+lmec head of )asalt $earing E*yptian ('cument ! c'ca and t'4acc'

u)ian type $ar helmet, circa 55== -,C,

.he Dummy of 2amesses II .races of coca and nicotine found in some Egyptian mummies have led some to speculate that Ancient Egyptians may have traveled to the e$ World, .he initial discovery $as made )y a >erman toxicologist, !vetlana -ala)anova, after examining the mummy of a female priestess called 3enut .aui, Eollo$*up



5th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies uarter ! "nit #lan

tests of the hair shaft, performed to rule out contamination, gave the same results, .he significance of these finds lies in the fact that )oth coca and to)acco plants are indigenous to the Americas and thought not to have existed in Africa until sometime after the voyages of Colum)us,


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