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2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan

THEME: Culture, Dignity, and Identity CONCEPT: Lessons from Africa - African and African American Community The role of community related to African and African American Ideals CONTENT TOPIC: Exploring the concept of community and its impact on African and African American identity and culture through fiction and nonfiction texts UNIT TITLE: Communities Across Chicago Unit Topic: An investigation into the positive and different contributions of these various African American neighborhoods in Chicago: Chatham Bronzeville Auburn-Gresham Lawndale Austin Unit Description: Students will view Chicago as a city made up of different communities. Students will investigate communities to discover that each community is unique and diverse. Students will learn that Chicago communities are grouped by location, such as the downtown, Wrigleyville, and the Loop. Students will learn about important landmarks and discover other features that establish various Chicago communities and ethnicities. Key Themes: Culture and cultural heritage are reflected within different communities throughout Chicago. Individuals interact within their communities, and these communities reflect the values, interests, and needs of its residents. Individuals from diverse cultures produce varied perspectives, and present opportunities within society to explore and celebrate these differences. Length: 5 Weeks Enduring Understandings

Community residents and community members depend upon each other for goods and services (locally and globally) and work together within their community to meet/address these needs. Various establishments (churches, synagogues, stores, etc.) within communities generate/foster a sense of community and are important to the residents. Culture is a way of life for a group of people who share common/similar customs, beliefs, and values. Diversity among communities, cultures, and community residents should be celebrated. People share and celebrate their culture and cultural heritage in many ways within their communities.



Essential Questions

2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
How do culture and identity influence who we are? How do time, culture and history influence works of art and/or the advancement of science and technology? What can I do to positively impact my community? In what ways can I ask/answer questions of myself, of the text, and of others while reading to deepen understanding? How can I use the writing process to guide my writing to demonstrate understanding of various communities, landmarks, or culture? Primary: Standards Assessed RI.2.1: Ask and answer questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RI.2.9: Compare & Contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic. W.2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts to develop points, and provide a concluding statement. RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. Secondary: Standards Addressed SL.2.2: Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally through other media. RF.2.3: Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. RF.2.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. SL.2.1; 2.2, 2.5: Listen effectively in formal and informal situations. Reading, Writing, and Citing Textual Evidence Text analysis Questioning (verbal and written) Compare and Contrast (verbal and written) Locating/citing text evidence (verbal and written) Reading (fluency and comprehension) Listening (generate/expand ideas through listening/speaking) Make inferences Speaking (generate and expand your ideas through talk) Writing (write for a specific purposeinclude important information) Building Knowledge through Texts Students will locate text evidence to support thinking and use during conversations.

Common Core State Standards Primary Secondary

Cognitive Skills




2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
Students will locate text evidence to support thinking and will generate written responses using text evidence to demonstrate understanding. Students will ask/answer questions of self/text/others while reading, and will participate in diverse conversations related to reading and discussions. Students will identify authors purpose. Students will recall information (who, what, when, where, why and how). Students will use various text features to gather information and locate key facts and details from texts. Diagnostic (Pre-Assessment) Week #1 Students will respond in writing to the following: How are communities alike? How are they different? Week #2 Students will illustrate and/or write response to the following: What was the Great Chicago Fire? Week #3 Students will illustrate and/or write response to the following: In what way(s) has your community changed over time? Week #4 Students will illustrate and/or write response to the following: In what way(s) do people in your community represent/demonstrate their culture or cultural pride? Formative Assessments Teacher will monitor students conversations, writing and illustrations, and generate anecdotal records. Teacher will work with students in guided reading groups - anecdotal evidence to be collected Teacher will monitor students written responses from guided and independent practice. Teacher will address concerns from guided and/or independent work and provide additional support (mini-lesson) to student(s) in small groups. Classroom discussions (student pairs, whole and small group).

Assessments (D) Diagnostic (F) Formative (S) Summative



2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
Exit Slips/written responses/illustrations Think/read aloud (whole and small group teacher and/or students) Close reading with text dependent questions generated by students and teacher.

Summative Performance Assessment Week #1 Students will compare and contrast information about two or more communities using a Venn Diagram and generate a written response using information from diagram (Ex: In what ways are these communities the same? How are they different? Use information that you collected on the Venn Diagram when answering the question.). Week #2 Students will describe the connection between two or more communities or historical events in a text related to The Great Chicago Fire (How did the fire change the communities, structure of Chicagos buildings, choice of materials for future buildings, landmarks, etc.). Week #3 The students will explain, describe, and/or demonstrate how specific events helped to shape various communities within Chicago. Week #4 Students will describe how diversity and pride are reflected within various communities (art, music, language) and cite specific examples from a text read independently. Texts/Resources Literacy/Social Science Resources Read Aloud Chicago History for Kids: Triumphs and Tragedies of the Windy City, by Owen Hurd Planet Explorers Chicago: A Travel Guide for Kids, by Laura Schaefer Bronzeville Boys and Girls, by Gwendolyn Brooks Me on the Map ,by Joan Sweeney Mimmy and Sophia All Around Town, by Miriam Cohen C is for Chicago, by A. Grambo



2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
Chicago by N. Furstinger Feathers and Fools by N. Wilson

Learning Activities

Online Resources (this is intended for 7th grade, but could be modified) go_Maps/Community_Areas/MapBook_Community_Areas.pdf, (City of Chicago-Community Area Map) go_Maps/Citywide_Maps/City_Neighborhoods_poster.pdf (City of ChicagoCommunity Map),3 (WTTW) (Chicago History Museum: Great Chicago Stories) (can be modified) (Rights and Resistance: A Bronzeville Story) Week #1 Differentiated Strategies for RI 2.9: Compare & Contrast the most important points Varied Learning presented by two texts on the same topic. Profiles Students will compare and contrast information about two or more communities within Chicago. Students will use maps to locate different communities within Chicago; use vocabulary such as location, direction, near, etc. when discussing location and proximity to students own community. Use a map key, scale and or grid to discuss and determine location. After reading texts on the same subject, topic, theme, or community (pairs, small groups, or independently) student will share similarities and differences. Students will use a Venn diagram to show ways in which their community is the same/different from another community (generated from reading texts, Work with students in small groups Provide audio of text when available Paired or small group reading Provided leveled reading materials Provide concrete models for students to follow Reread material with student(s) to U5


2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
on line resources, videos, etc.). Students generate questions and ask/answer questions (who, what, when, where, why, how) to demonstrate understanding of texts read about various communities. Describe ways in which Chicago communities and neighborhoods show and celebrate cultural diversity. Week #2 RI 2.1: Ask and answer questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. W 2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts to develop points, and provide a concluding statement. Students will read material and use ask/answer strategy to demonstrate knowledge of different communities and events that relate to the Great Chicago Fire. Students will make connections between events during the Great Chicago Fire and demonstrate understanding (verbal/written) of how the city ensure understanding Chunking material (i.e. mini-lessons, smaller quantity of work, etc.) Instruction provided using multiple modalities Differentiate assessments (oral response vs. written) Provide student assistance with writing o or dictation Allow for extra time on assessments and/or class activities Modified grading scale

changed and provide theory/need/explanation for changes. Generate writing that depicts important events in Chicago and Chicago communities. Generate writing (informative) using information from multiple sources to explain and present historical connection between changes in



2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
communities (i.e. jobs, impact of fire, diversity, etc.) Explain/describe changes in Chicago (neighborhoods, cultural diversity, etc.) pastpresent. Create a map or diorama depicting path of Chicago fire. Use Venn to compare/contrast Chicago pre/post fire. Week #3 RI.2.1: Ask and answer questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RI.2.9: Compare & Contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic. W.2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts to develop points, and provide a concluding statement. Read various resources texts and /or on line resources to ask/answer questions about a specific community to demonstrate understanding. Conduct research by reading various resources to write about a specific community (i.e. including details related to culture, events within community, ways in which community/members show pride, geographic location, etc.) Conduct research about a specific community (i.e.



2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
including details related to culture, events within community, ways in which community/members show pride, geographic location, etc.) and use Venn diagram to compare/contrast. Conduct research and use ask/answer strategy to explain, describe, and/or demonstrate how specific events helped to shape various communities within Chicago (verbal and written). Week # 4 RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. W.2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts to develop points, and provide a concluding statement. RI.2.1: Ask and answer questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Read a text about a specific community in Chicago. Determine the authors purpose for writing text by using ask/answer questions strategy (SW cite text evidence). Read various texts and conduct research on a specific community in Chicago and provide text evidence to explain how different cultures within each community show cultural pride and diversity (art, music, language). Generate informative writing to show one example of how cultural diversity is celebrated within



2nd Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Unit Plan
communities and/or throughout Chicago. Compare/contrast using Venn diagram to show similarities/difference in ways cultural pride and heritage are celebrated within 2 different communities. Week #5 RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. W.2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts to develop points, and provide a concluding statement. RI.2.1: Ask and answer questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Create a timeline that depicts how specific events effected the change and/or development of Chicago. Create timeline showing a specific person (or people) and/or events from various time period in Chicago. Read various texts and conduct research about a specific person from Chicago that was important to its development and transformation. Create a visual representation of a specific person and/or event from a specific historical period. Describe how culture and diversity are important to citizens of Chicago and research ways in which families keep their culture alive and relevant within Chicago.


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