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DATE: TIME: CLASS (Grade or Cycle): Cycle 3

DURATION: 60 min. -



Students will know that an image can convey a message Students will know that objects can be used for more than one purpose Students will understand the greater impact that their actions have on the world Students will understand the relationship between audience and content Students will be able to create a plan/sketch for a sculpture made of found objects Students will be able to develop an effective slogan with regard for the specific audience


Visual Arts Competencies: - creates media images - Appreciates works of art and cultural objects from the worlds artistic heritage, personal images and media images Cross- Curricular Competencies : - Uses information - Solves problems - Exercises critical judgement - Adopts effective work methods - Uses information and communications technologies - Cooperates with others


objects brought in by students found object bank already in the classroom basket for each table students sketchbooks Pencils, markers, etc. Computer, projector, and screen Whole class Groups of 4


TIME 15 min

LESSON Introduction - When students arrive, 2 advertisements will be displayed on the screen.

Ask students to vote on which of the products they would most likely buy, based solely on the ads displayed. Once one is chosen my by majority, ask students to explain why they chose the ad they chose. Ask students if they think their moms would choose the same ad for themselves. Discuss the differences between to 2 ads, emphasizing that one was specifically designed for children. o How do the images, words, colors, etc. make the ad more convincing to its particular audience? o What do the images tell you? Emphasize the relationship/cohesiveness between the images and the slogans Explain to students that today they will be taking the first steps (planning) to creating their own recycling ads comprised of a slogan and a 3D sculpture to be displayed in the school. o Explain that these simple ads were enough to make them want to buy the yogurt. Their recycling ads should make people want to recycle.

35 min

Development - Students will work in their groups to brainstorm possible slogans for their own recycling campaigns, keeping in mind their specific audience. o Teachers? o Students? o Parents? - Students will work in their groups to brainstorm possible sculptures by putting together various found objects o What can we make with what we have? What slogan would both match the image and be effective in conveying our message to our audience?


LESSON What should our message/slogan be? What kind of image would go with that message/slogan? What materials do we need to create that image? Students will compile a list of potential slogans Students will draw a preliminary sketch of their found object sculpture o Come up with a list of missing/required materials Explain to students who finish early that they will be manipulating the pictures they took of art in nature (from an earlier lesson in this unit) to use as their backgrounds for their slogans. Students who finish early can begin to brainstorm what the background/slogan will look like o How will we alter our natural image? o What kinds of letters will we be looking to cut out for the slogan? o Will we glue them straight across, on an angle, vertically down the page?

10 min

Closure/Transition - Ask students to share some of the ideas they came up with for slogans - Have students write an exit ticket answering the question: How did you like working with found objects to create something new? - Clean up

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