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Siegfred Kendall L.

Belleza ENC-1102 Professor Jacobs April 2, 2014 The Thing in the Forest Annotated Bibliography Byatt, A. S. The thing in the forest The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Spencer Richardson-Jones. New York. W.W. Norton & Company Inc. 2013. 302-317. Print Byatt tells the story about Penny and Primrose and their journey in the forest where they see the thing. The author talks about how the symbols in the story affects the characters in the story. The author also talks about what happened to the characters in the end. This source helped me write the research paper because I used this for the quotes and to read the story. This source is useful to me when I wrote this research paper. This source is an informative source. The goal of this source is to inform the readers about the story. Lethbridge, Lucy. "A Way with Words." America 191.9 (4 Oct. 2004): 17-18. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 91. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 5 Apr. 2014. Lucy Lethbridge discusses about what the Little Black Book of Stories are about. She tells the reason behind all the dark fairy tales that A.S. Byatt wrote in the Little Black Book of Stories. She also discusses how A.S. Byatt is very fascinated with how words sound and how

they can be played with. Lethbridge also talked a little about A.S. Byatts Little Black Book of Stories and the way she made it for the readers to appreciate it more. The objective of this source is to inform the readers about A.S. Byatt and the Little Black Book of Stories. This source gives the readers a better understanding of who the author is and what the book is about. This source is very helpful and it is credible that other students can use it for their research. Margaronis, Maria. Where the Wild Things Are. The Nation 278.23 (14 June 2004) : 24-28. Rpt. In Short Story Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Jelena O. Krstovic.

Vol. 91. Detroit: Gale,2006. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 2 Apr. 2014. In this source, the author talks more about the Thing in the Forest. She gives a more detailed explanation about the story. The author also talks about A.S. Byatt and the things that inspired her to write these kinds of stories. The author talked about how the stories relate to A.S. Byatts life. In this source, the author also talks about The Black Book of Stories. The author talks a little bit more about each story that makes up the black book and give more detailed explanation of the story. This source gave the same idea when it came to the book, the only difference is that this source gives a little bit more detailed explanation of the stories that makes up the black book. I got this from the database of Valencia College. This article is objective and the goal of is to inform the readers about A.S. Byatt and the Black Book of Stories. This source will definitely help me in my research paper because it has what I need to know about my topic and it gives in depth explanation and this source is very useful.

Matthews, Samantha. Monsters, Trolls, and Creative Writers. Times Literary Supplement 5248 (31 Oct. 2003): 21-22. Rpt. In Short Story Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 91. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. Web.

2 Apr. 2014. In my source, the author mostly talked about the book The Little Black Book of Stories. She wrote what the book is about and the different books that compose the whole Black Book of Stories. She also talks about how these fairy tale stories relate to everyday things we really see and the things that our mind only makes up. In this source, the author talks about what kind of writer A.S. Byatt is and the kind of stories she writes. The author talks about The Thing in the Forest and gives a brief summary about it. This source talked more about the Black Book of Stories and the stories that compose the black book. The author gave a brief summary but it is very general no specific details. This source is credible because I got this source from the database. This article is objective because it gives out information that does not take sides. The goal of this source is to inform the readers more about the Black Book of Stories. For my research, this helps me because it gives me a brief summary of what is really behind the meaning the thing and so I say this source is helpful. Mays, Kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Spencer Richardson-Jones. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc. 2013. Print. This source talked about the different criticism that can be used to analyze the story of A.S. Byatt. This source is where I got the Jungian and Myth Criticism which I used to analyze the story the Thing in the Forest.

This source is a very reliable source because it provides good information about the different criticisms. This article is informative. This source helped me write this research paper because it gave me more information about the criticism that I used.

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