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Member of group : 1. Ahmad Nur Arifin (03) 2. Gandhik Eko P. (14) 3. Pramudya Teguh P. ( ) 4. Shandy Gery P.P. (29)

In the Bali : At the Monday, 27 January 2014 we the student of SMPN 2 Kediri come in bali. After we passed the Gilimanuk harbor, we go to the Tanah Lot. The time for Gilimanuk to the Tanah Lot is 3 hour. In the bus, we spending the time with sleeping, because I very tied. After 3 hour, we come in Tanah Lot, in the Tanah Lot we a take bath, prays, and have breakfast. After that we enjoy the scenery of Tanah Lot, Is very good. After that, we go to tht Tanjung Benoa. To go there need timea 2 hour. After in Tanjung Benoa, we see a scenery of Tanjung Benoa, that;s very beatifull. In there, we can see a turtle, bat, and snake but we must pay 45.000 to see this, in this place we also can see a take off and landing of a air plane in Ngurahrai Airport, jestky, and everything. After see a beatifull scnery of Tanjung Benoa, we go fo luch and prays. After that we go to the Puja Mandala. In this place we can found a 5 religion this is a Islam, Protestan, Kristen, Hindu, and this place we also can found a mosque, church, pura, and vihara. After see a that 5 realigion, we go to the most wonderfull place in Bali that;s a Kuta beach. In Kuta we can see a beatifull sea and beach, and also tourist of internasional. And I speak to the tourist in the Kuta beach : Me : Hello, good morning. Excuse me, would you mind speaking with me, please? I am Arifin. I am from SMPN 2 Kediri Arifin Tourist Arifin : Would you mind telling me your name, please? : I am valentine : Are you from America? Where are you from?

Valentina: I am from Itali Arifin : How many times have you visiting Bali?

Valentina: 3 Month Arifin : What do you think abaout people in Bali?

Valentina: I think people in Bali good people Arifin : What make you interested in Bali?

Valentina: Because Bali have beatifull view Arifin : What is your view about Bali culture?

Valentina: Culture in Bali is very beatifull Arifin : how many places have you visiting as long as you are in Bali?

Valentina: I just visit 5 places Arifin : would you tell me wether youre alone or group in visiting Bali?

Valentine: I am just alone Arifin : how lomg have you been in Bali?

Valentine: 3 month Arifin : how do you fell as long as in Bali?

Valentine: I feel happy Arifin : How is the weather hee?

Valentine: weather in Bali is hot Arifin : Have you got souvenirs?

Valentine: yes Arifin :what about handicraft of Balinese according to you?

Valentine: handicraft in Bali very-very beatifull Arfin : how many tourist object hve you visiting?

Valentine: 5 Arifin : what is the most interesting tourist object according to you?

Valentine: kuta baeach Arifin : have you wachet the Balinese dance? What do you think

Valentina: it beatifull dance Thak you very much fot you time in giving information for us. Good bye

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